path: root/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/assetsLibraryQmlSources/AssetDelegate.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/assetsLibraryQmlSources/AssetDelegate.qml')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/assetsLibraryQmlSources/AssetDelegate.qml b/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/assetsLibraryQmlSources/AssetDelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c017476cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/assetsLibraryQmlSources/AssetDelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import StudioTheme as StudioTheme
+import AssetsLibraryBackend
+TreeViewDelegate {
+ id: root
+ required property Item assetsView
+ required property Item assetsRoot
+ property var assetsModel: AssetsLibraryBackend.assetsModel
+ property var rootView: AssetsLibraryBackend.rootView
+ property bool hasChildWithDropHover: false
+ property bool isHighlighted: false
+ readonly property string suffix: model.fileName.substr(-4)
+ readonly property bool isFont: root.suffix === ".ttf" || root.suffix === ".otf"
+ readonly property bool isEffect: root.suffix === ".qep"
+ property bool currFileSelected: false
+ property int initialDepth: -1
+ property bool __isDirectory: assetsModel.isDirectory(model.filePath)
+ property int __currentRow: model.index
+ property string __itemPath: model.filePath
+ readonly property int __fileItemHeight: thumbnailImage.height + 2 * StudioTheme.Values.border
+ readonly property int __dirItemHeight: 21
+ implicitHeight: root.__isDirectory ? root.__dirItemHeight : root.__fileItemHeight
+ implicitWidth: {
+ if (root.assetsView.verticalScrollBar.scrollBarVisible)
+ return root.assetsView.width - root.indentation - root.assetsView.verticalScrollBar.width
+ else
+ return root.assetsView.width - root.indentation
+ }
+ leftMargin: root.__isDirectory ? 0 : thumbnailImage.width
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ // the depth of the root path will become available before we get to the actual
+ // items we display, so it's safe to set assetsView.rootPathDepth here. All other
+ // tree items (below the root) will have the indentation (basically, depth) adjusted.
+ if (model.filePath === assetsModel.rootPath()) {
+ root.assetsView.rootPathDepth = root.depth
+ root.assetsView.rootPathRow = root.__currentRow
+ } else if (model.filePath.includes(assetsModel.rootPath())) {
+ root.depth -= root.assetsView.rootPathDepth
+ root.initialDepth = root.depth
+ }
+ }
+ // workaround for a bug -- might be fixed by
+ onYChanged: {
+ if (root.__currentRow === root.assetsView.firstRow) {
+ if (root.y > root.assetsView.contentY) {
+ let item = root.assetsView.itemAtCell(0, root.assetsView.rootPathRow)
+ if (!item)
+ root.assetsView.contentY = root.y
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onDepthChanged: {
+ if (root.depth > root.initialDepth && root.initialDepth >= 0)
+ root.depth = root.initialDepth
+ }
+ background: Rectangle {
+ id: bg
+ x: root.indentation * root.depth
+ width: root.implicitWidth - bg.x
+ color: {
+ if (root.__isDirectory && (root.isHighlighted || root.hasChildWithDropHover))
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeInteraction
+ if (!root.__isDirectory && root.assetsView.selectedAssets[root.__itemPath])
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeSectionHeadBackground
+ if (mouseArea.containsMouse)
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeSectionHeadBackground
+ return root.__isDirectory
+ ? StudioTheme.Values.themeSectionHeadBackground
+ : "transparent"
+ }
+ border.width: StudioTheme.Values.border
+ border.color: {
+ if (root.__isDirectory && (root.isHighlighted || root.hasChildWithDropHover))
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeInteraction
+ if (!root.__isDirectory && root.assetsView.selectedAssets[root.__itemPath])
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeInteraction
+ if (mouseArea.containsMouse)
+ return StudioTheme.Values.themeSectionHeadBackground
+ return root.__isDirectory
+ ? StudioTheme.Values.themeSectionHeadBackground
+ : "transparent"
+ }
+ }
+ contentItem: Text {
+ id: assetLabel
+ text: assetLabel.__computeText()
+ color: StudioTheme.Values.themeTextColor
+ font.pixelSize: StudioTheme.Values.mediumFont
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ function __computeText() {
+ return root.__isDirectory
+ ? (root.hasChildren
+ ? model.display.toUpperCase()
+ : model.display.toUpperCase() + qsTr(" (empty)"))
+ : model.display
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea
+ property bool allowTooltip: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
+ onExited: AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.hideTooltip()
+ onEntered: mouseArea.allowTooltip = true
+ onCanceled: {
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.hideTooltip()
+ mouseArea.allowTooltip = true
+ }
+ onPositionChanged: tooltipBackend.reposition()
+ onPressed: (mouse) => {
+ mouseArea.forceActiveFocus()
+ mouseArea.allowTooltip = false
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.hideTooltip()
+ if (root.__isDirectory)
+ return
+ var ctrlDown = mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {
+ if (!root.assetsView.isAssetSelected(root.__itemPath) && !ctrlDown)
+ root.assetsView.clearSelectedAssets()
+ root.currFileSelected = ctrlDown ? !root.assetsView.isAssetSelected(root.__itemPath) : true
+ root.assetsView.setAssetSelected(root.__itemPath, root.currFileSelected)
+ if (root.currFileSelected) {
+ let selectedPaths = root.assetsView.selectedPathsAsList()
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.rootView.startDragAsset(selectedPaths, mapToGlobal(mouse.x, mouse.y))
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!root.assetsView.isAssetSelected(root.__itemPath) && !ctrlDown)
+ root.assetsView.clearSelectedAssets()
+ root.currFileSelected = root.assetsView.isAssetSelected(root.__itemPath) || !ctrlDown
+ root.assetsView.setAssetSelected(root.__itemPath, root.currFileSelected)
+ }
+ }
+ onReleased: (mouse) => {
+ mouseArea.allowTooltip = true
+ if (root.__isDirectory)
+ return
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {
+ if (!(mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier))
+ root.assetsView.selectedAssets = {}
+ root.assetsView.selectedAssets[root.__itemPath] = root.currFileSelected
+ root.assetsView.selectedAssetsChanged()
+ root.assetsView.currentFilePath = root.__itemPath
+ }
+ }
+ onDoubleClicked: (mouse) => {
+ mouseArea.forceActiveFocus()
+ mouseArea.allowTooltip = false
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.hideTooltip()
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton && root.isEffect)
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.rootView.openEffectMaker(filePath)
+ }
+ ToolTip {
+ id: assetTooltip
+ visible: !root.isFont && mouseArea.containsMouse && !root.assetsView.contextMenu.visible
+ text: assetTooltip.__computeText()
+ delay: 1000
+ function __computeText() {
+ let filePath = model.filePath.replace(assetsModel.contentDirPath(), "")
+ let fileSize = rootView.assetFileSize(model.filePath)
+ let fileExtMatches = model.filePath.match(/\.(.*)$/)
+ let fileExt = fileExtMatches ? "(" + fileExtMatches[1] + ")" : ""
+ if (root.__isDirectory)
+ return filePath
+ if (rootView.assetIsImageOrTexture(model.filePath)) {
+ let size = rootView.imageSize(model.filePath)
+ return filePath + "\n"
+ + size.width + " x " + size.height
+ + "\n" + fileSize
+ + " " + fileExt
+ } else {
+ return filePath + "\n"
+ + fileSize
+ + " " + fileExt
+ }
+ }
+ function refresh() {
+ assetTooltip.text = assetTooltip.__computeText()
+ }
+ }
+ Timer {
+ interval: 1000
+ running: mouseArea.containsMouse && mouseArea.allowTooltip
+ onTriggered: {
+ if (root.isFont) {
+ = model.fileName
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.path = model.filePath
+ AssetsLibraryBackend.tooltipBackend.showTooltip()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onClicked: (mouse) => {
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton)
+ root.__toggleExpandCurrentRow()
+ else
+ root.__openContextMenuForCurrentRow()
+ }
+ }
+ function getDirPath() {
+ if (root.__isDirectory)
+ return model.filePath
+ else
+ return assetsModel.parentDirPath(model.filePath)
+ }
+ function __openContextMenuForCurrentRow() {
+ let modelIndex = assetsModel.indexForPath(model.filePath)
+ function onFolderCreated(path) {
+ if (path)
+ root.assetsView.addCreatedFolder(path)
+ }
+ if (root.__isDirectory) {
+ var allExpandedState = root.assetsView.computeAllExpandedState()
+ root.assetsView.contextMenu.openContextMenuForDir(modelIndex, model.filePath,
+ model.fileName, allExpandedState, onFolderCreated)
+ } else {
+ let parentDirIndex = assetsModel.parentDirIndex(model.filePath)
+ let selectedPaths = root.assetsView.selectedPathsAsList()
+ root.assetsView.contextMenu.openContextMenuForFile(modelIndex, parentDirIndex,
+ selectedPaths, onFolderCreated)
+ }
+ }
+ function __toggleExpandCurrentRow() {
+ if (!root.__isDirectory)
+ return
+ let index = root.assetsView.__modelIndex(root.__currentRow)
+ // if the user manually clicked on a directory, then this is definitely not a
+ // an automatic request to expand all.
+ root.assetsView.requestedExpandAll = false
+ if (root.assetsView.isExpanded(root.__currentRow)) {
+ root.assetsView.requestedExpandAll = false
+ root.assetsView.collapse(root.__currentRow)
+ } else {
+ root.assetsView.expand(root.__currentRow)
+ }
+ }
+ function reloadImage() {
+ if (root.__isDirectory)
+ return
+ thumbnailImage.source = ""
+ thumbnailImage.source = thumbnailImage.__computeSource()
+ }
+ Image {
+ id: thumbnailImage
+ visible: !root.__isDirectory
+ y: StudioTheme.Values.border
+ x: root.depth * root.indentation + StudioTheme.Values.border
+ width: 48
+ height: 48
+ cache: false
+ sourceSize.width: 48
+ sourceSize.height: 48
+ asynchronous: true
+ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+ source: thumbnailImage.__computeSource()
+ function __computeSource() {
+ return root.__isDirectory
+ ? ""
+ : "image://qmldesigner_assets/" + model.filePath
+ }
+ onStatusChanged: {
+ if (thumbnailImage.status === Image.Ready)
+ assetTooltip.refresh()
+ }
+ }