path: root/doc/src/overview/creator-only/creator-deployment-overview.qdoc
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1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/overview/creator-only/creator-deployment-overview.qdoc b/doc/src/overview/creator-only/creator-deployment-overview.qdoc
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index 0000000000..7335591580
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+++ b/doc/src/overview/creator-only/creator-deployment-overview.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage creator-running-targets.html
+ \page creator-deployment.html
+ \nextpage creator-deploying-android.html
+ \title Deploying to Devices
+ Deploy configurations in the \uicontrol Project mode
+ \uicontrol {Run Settings} handle the packaging of the application as an
+ executable and copying it to a location you want to run the executable at.
+ The files can be copied to a location in the file system of the development
+ PC or a \l{glossary-device}{device}.
+ \list
+ \li \l{Deploying Applications to Android Devices}
+ When you deploy the application to an Android device, \QC copies
+ the application files to the device. In addition, you can determine
+ the Qt libraries to use.
+ \li \l{Deploying Applications to Embedded Linux Devices}
+ When you deploy the application to a generic Linux-based device, \QC
+ copies the application files to the connected device. You can test
+ and debug the application on the device.
+ \if defined(qtcreator)
+ \li \l{Deploying Applications to QNX Neutrino Devices}
+ When you deploy the application to a QNX Neutrino device, \QC copies
+ the application files to the connected device. You can test and
+ debug the application on the device.
+ \endif
+ \endlist