path: root/doc/qtcreatordev/src/actionmanager.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+ \page actionmanager.html
+ \title The Action Manager and Commands
+ \QC provides a central options page for managing shortcuts for actions in
+ \uicontrol Tools > \uicontrol Options > \uicontrol Environment >
+ \uicontrol Keyboard. Plugins must tell \QC about the actions they provide,
+ so they can appear in the options. Also some actions, like \uicontrol Edit >
+ \uicontrol Undo, need to be dispatched to different plugins depending on the
+ context which the user is currently in, for example a text editor, or
+ a UI design component. The Core::ActionManager and Core::Command classes
+ are used to manage this.
+ The action manager contains a list of Core::Command instances. Each command
+ represents an entry in the keyboard shortcut settings.
+ A command also manages which actual QAction is currently represented by the
+ command, depending on context. For this, a command has its own QAction which
+ is accessible via Core::Command::action(), and should be used when adding
+ the command to the UI like the menu and tool buttons. This QAction delegates
+ its \c triggered() and \c toggled() signals to the currently active QAction.
+ \image actionmanager.png
+ \section1 Command
+ The class Core::Command represents an action with a shortcut that can be
+ set by the user in the settings, and can be delegated to an actual
+ QAction in a plugin, depending on context.
+ A command is referred to by its unique ID. Plugins use the ID when
+ registering an action for the command in a specified context with
+ Core::ActionManager::registerAction(). That method returns a Core::Command
+ instance that is then used to further configure the action.
+ If multiple QActions are registered for the same command (the same ID),
+ they must be registered for different contexts.
+ The ID is also used for grouping in the options page: everything up to the
+ first dot in the ID is used as the category, under which to show the
+ command.
+ By default, the options page shows the text of the currently active QAction
+ in addition to the ID. If that does not fit the purpose well, you can set a
+ different display text with Core::Command::setDescription().
+ Use the command's Core::Command::setDefaultKeySequence() method to set the
+ default key sequence that is used if the user doesn't customize it.
+ The shortcut on the QAction that you register with
+ Core::ActionManager::registerAction() is never used, so do not set that.
+ Core::Command::action() returns the action that should be used for UI and
+ user interaction. Add this to menus and tool buttons. You should never
+ set properties like the enabled or visibility state on this QAction
+ directly. It is managed by the action manager and reflects the state of the
+ currently active QAction in some plugin.
+ The QAction that you registered in the action manager is for your internal
+ purposes. Use that to connect your logic to the QAction::triggered()
+ signal, and to set the enabled and visibility state.
+ Core::Command::action() will reflect these changes, if your QAction is
+ active, determined by the active context. For performance reasons the
+ action text, tool tip and icon are not updated by default. They are only
+ copied from the first QAction registered for the command. Set the
+ corresponding Core::Command::CommandAttribute if you need dynamic updates
+ of these properties.
+ \section1 Contexts
+ When plugins register a QAction for a command, they need to provide a
+ Core::Context. Which of the registered QActions for a command is currently
+ active is decided via an ordered list of current contexts.
+ Contexts are collected from multiple sources:
+ \list
+ \li Global context. This is a context that is always active, with lowest
+ priority order.
+ \li Application focus. Instances of QWidget can be associated to a
+ context via Core::IContext. All contexts from the current focus
+ widget up the widget hierarchy are added to the current context.
+ \li Manually managed contexts. Contexts can be added and removed
+ manually via ICore::updateAdditionalContexts().
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Using IContext
+ Core::IContext is a separate object that associates the QWidget from
+ Core::IContext::widget() with the context Core::IContext::context().
+ To associate a widget with a context, create a Core::IContext instance,
+ set the widget and context on it, and register it with
+ Core::ICore::addContextObject(). Whenever your widget is in the parent
+ chain of the application focus widget, the context that you specified
+ will be active as well.
+ \code
+ auto contextObj = new Core::IContext(this);
+ contextObj->setWidget(myWidget);
+ contextObj->setContext(myContext);
+ Core::ICore::addContextObject(contextObj);
+ \endcode
+ You also have to unregister the IContext object with
+ Core::ICore::removeContextObject() when you do not need it anymore.
+ Some constructs in \QC automatically have an associated context, like
+ Core::IEditor and Core::IMode.
+ \section2 Manually Managing Contexts
+ If you want a context to be active or inactive independently of the
+ application focus, you can add and remove contexts manually with
+ Core::ICore::updateAdditionalContexts(), Core::ICore::addAdditionalContext()
+ and Core::ICore::removeAdditionalContext().
+ Prefer Core::ICore::updateAdditionalContexts() if you need to remove and add
+ contexts, to avoid overhead introduced by removing and adding contexts
+ in separate calls.
+ \section1 Registering Actions
+ Prefer registering actions in your plugin's
+ ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::initialize() method. This way any plugin depending
+ on your plugin has access to these actions.
+ \code
+ namespace Constants {
+ const char ACTION_ID[] = "Example.Action";
+ } // Constants
+ bool ExamplePlugin::initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString)
+ {
+ // some other setup ...
+ QAction *action = new QAction(tr("Example Action"), this);
+ Core::Command *cmd = Core::ActionManager::registerAction(action, Constants::ACTION_ID,
+ Core::Context(Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL));
+ cmd->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+Alt+Meta+A")));
+ connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this] {
+ // do something
+ });
+ // more setup ...
+ return true;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ This snippet sets up a sample action with the ID \c ACTION_ID that is always
+ active (specified by the context \c {Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL}), and gives
+ it the keyboard shortcut \c {Ctrl+Alt+Meta+A}. The \c {QAction *action}
+ that is registered for the global context for the action is owned by the
+ plugin. Connect to this QAction's triggered signal, and manage the action's
+ state by calling the corresponding methods on this QAction instance.
+ \section1 Summary
+ \list
+ \li Use Core::ActionManager::registerAction() to register your own
+ QAction for a command with the specified ID.
+ \li If multiple QActions are registered for the same command, they need
+ to be registered for different contexts.
+ \li Use Core::Command::setDefaultKeySequence(), do \e not use
+ QAction::setShortcut().
+ \li Use Core::Command::action() for user-facing purposes, such as
+ menus and tool buttons.
+ \li Use your own QAction to set properties like text and icon, and to
+ connect your application logic.
+ \endlist