path: root/src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp
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authorcon <>2008-12-02 12:01:29 +0100
committercon <>2008-12-02 12:01:29 +0100
commit05c35356abc31549c5db6eba31fb608c0365c2a0 (patch)
treebe044530104267afaff13f8943889cb97f8c8bad /src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp b/src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c06c786fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/coreplugin/dialogs/saveitemsdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** Non-Open Source Usage
+** Licensees may use this file in accordance with the Qt Beta Version
+** License Agreement, Agreement version 2.2 provided with the Software or,
+** alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written
+** agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging
+** of this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** and
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version
+** 1.2, included in the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+#include "saveitemsdialog.h"
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "vcsmanager.h"
+#include <coreplugin/ifile.h>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
+#include <QtGui/QTreeWidget>
+#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
+#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
+#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
+using namespace Core;
+using namespace Core::Internal;
+FileItem::FileItem(QTreeWidget *tree, bool supportOpen, bool open, const QString &text)
+ : QTreeWidgetItem(tree)
+ m_saveCheckBox = createCheckBox(tree, 0);
+ m_saveCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+ QFileInfo fi(text);
+ QString name = fi.fileName();
+ if (open)
+ name.append(tr(" [ReadOnly]"));
+ if (supportOpen) {
+ m_sccCheckBox = createCheckBox(tree, 1);
+ m_sccCheckBox->setEnabled(open);
+ m_sccCheckBox->setChecked(open);
+ connect(m_saveCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(updateSCCCheckBox()));
+ setText(2, name);
+ setToolTip(2, text);
+ } else {
+ m_sccCheckBox = 0;
+ setText(2, name);
+ setToolTip(2, text);
+ }
+QCheckBox *FileItem::createCheckBox(QTreeWidget *tree, int column)
+ QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+ QHBoxLayout *l = new QHBoxLayout(w);
+ l->setMargin(0);
+ l->setSpacing(0);
+ QCheckBox *box = new QCheckBox(w);
+ l->addWidget(box);
+ l->setAlignment(box, Qt::AlignCenter);
+ w->setLayout(l);
+ tree->setItemWidget(this, column, w);
+ return box;
+void FileItem::updateSCCCheckBox()
+ if (!m_saveCheckBox->isChecked()) {
+ m_sccCheckBox->setEnabled(false);
+ m_sccCheckBox->setChecked(false);
+ } else {
+ m_sccCheckBox->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+bool FileItem::shouldBeSaved() const
+ return m_saveCheckBox->isChecked();
+void FileItem::setShouldBeSaved(bool s)
+ m_saveCheckBox->setChecked(s);
+bool FileItem::shouldBeOpened() const
+ if (m_sccCheckBox)
+ return m_sccCheckBox->isChecked();
+ return false;
+SaveItemsDialog::SaveItemsDialog(MainWindow *mainWindow,
+ QMap<IFile*, QString> items)
+ : QDialog(mainWindow)
+ m_ui.setupUi(this);
+ QPushButton *uncheckButton = m_ui.buttonBox->addButton(tr("Uncheck All"),
+ QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
+ QPushButton *discardButton = m_ui.buttonBox->addButton(tr("Discard All"),
+ QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole);
+ m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(true);
+ m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason);
+ m_ui.treeWidget->header()->setMovable(false);
+ m_ui.treeWidget->setRootIsDecorated(false);
+ m_ui.treeWidget->setColumnCount(2);
+ QStringList headers;
+ headers << tr("Save") << tr("File Name");
+ const bool hasVersionControl = true;
+ if (hasVersionControl) {
+ m_ui.treeWidget->setColumnCount(3);
+ headers.insert(1, tr("Open with SCC"));
+ }
+ m_ui.treeWidget->setHeaderLabels(headers);
+ FileItem *itm;
+ QMap<IFile*, QString>::const_iterator it = items.constBegin();
+ while (it != items.constEnd()) {
+ QString directory = QFileInfo(it.key()->fileName()).absolutePath();
+ bool fileHasVersionControl = mainWindow->vcsManager()->findVersionControlForDirectory(directory) != 0;
+ itm = new FileItem(m_ui.treeWidget, fileHasVersionControl,
+ it.key()->isReadOnly(), it.value());
+ m_itemMap.insert(itm, it.key());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ m_ui.treeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(0);
+ if (hasVersionControl)
+ m_ui.treeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(1);
+ connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(collectItemsToSave()));
+ connect(uncheckButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(uncheckAll()));
+ connect(discardButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(discardAll()));
+void SaveItemsDialog::setMessage(const QString &msg)
+ m_ui.msgLabel->setText(msg);
+void SaveItemsDialog::collectItemsToSave()
+ m_itemsToSave.clear();
+ m_itemsToOpen.clear();
+ QMap<FileItem*, IFile*>::const_iterator it = m_itemMap.constBegin();
+ while (it != m_itemMap.constEnd()) {
+ if (it.key()->shouldBeSaved())
+ m_itemsToSave << it.value();
+ if (it.key()->shouldBeOpened())
+ m_itemsToOpen.insert(it.value());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ accept();
+void SaveItemsDialog::discardAll()
+ uncheckAll();
+ collectItemsToSave();
+QList<IFile*> SaveItemsDialog::itemsToSave() const
+ return m_itemsToSave;
+QSet<IFile*> SaveItemsDialog::itemsToOpen() const
+ return m_itemsToOpen;
+void SaveItemsDialog::uncheckAll()
+ for (int i=0; i<m_ui.treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) {
+ FileItem *item = static_cast<FileItem*>(m_ui.treeWidget->topLevelItem(i));
+ item->setShouldBeSaved(false);
+ }