path: root/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
diff options
authorhjk <>2011-07-06 13:18:18 +0200
committerhjk <>2011-07-08 09:04:10 +0200
commitaaf4224f8685f9e67bb5706c60e26cd0a7d20ea1 (patch)
treefa86f29da82bf3549c6f799c6c183f92b5ca1f6c /doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
parent22395a1ca7493cfe8947c58fb297bdf9eb5bc2a6 (diff)
doc: specify d-pointer rules
Change-Id: I33d9d990ad9da06a76690de4d8aa16ca0692dc65 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Qt Sanity Bot <> Reviewed-by: Eike Ziller <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/api/coding-style.qdoc')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc b/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
index 40a2bdec3a..ea617d3fc9 100644
--- a/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
+++ b/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
@@ -865,6 +865,153 @@
+ \section1 Class Member Names
+ We use the "m_" prefix convention, except for public struct members
+ (typically in *Private classes and the very rare cases of really
+ public structures). The \c{d} and \c{q} pointers are exempt from
+ the "m_" rule.
+ The \c{d} pointers ("Pimpls") are named "d", not "m_d". The type of the
+ \c{d} pointer in \c{class Foo} is \c{FooPrivate *}, where \c{FooPrivate}
+ is declared in the same namespace as \c{Foo}, or if \c{Foo} is
+ exported, in the corresponding \{Internal} namespace.
+ If needed (for example when the private object needs to emit signals of
+ the proper class), \c{FooPrivate} can be a friend of \c{Foo}.
+ If the private class needs a backreference to the real class,
+ the pointer is named \c{q}, and its type is \c{Foo *}. (Same convention
+ as in Qt: "q" looks like an inverted "d".)
+ Do not use smart pointers to guard the \c{d} pointer as it imposes
+ a compile and link time overhead and creates fatter object
+ code with more symbols, leading, for instance to slowed down
+ debugger startup:
+ \code
+ ############### bar.h
+ #include <QScopedPointer>
+ //#include <memory>
+ struct BarPrivate;
+ struct Bar
+ {
+ Bar();
+ ~Bar();
+ int value() const;
+ QScopedPointer<BarPrivate> d;
+ //std::auto_ptr<BarPrivate> d;
+ };
+ ############### bar.cpp
+ #include "bar.h"
+ struct BarPrivate { BarPrivate() : i(23) {} int i; };
+ Bar::Bar() : d(new BarPrivate) {}
+ Bar::~Bar() {}
+ int Bar::value() const { return d->i; }
+ ############### baruser.cpp
+ #include "bar.h"
+ int barUser() { Bar b; return b.value(); }
+ ############### baz.h
+ struct BazPrivate;
+ struct Baz
+ {
+ Baz();
+ ~Baz();
+ int value() const;
+ BazPrivate *d;
+ };
+ ############### baz.cpp
+ #include "baz.h"
+ struct BazPrivate { BazPrivate() : i(23) {} int i; };
+ Baz::Baz() : d(new BazPrivate) {}
+ Baz::~Baz() { delete d; }
+ int Baz::value() const { return d->i; }
+ ############### bazuser.cpp
+ #include "baz.h"
+ int bazUser() { Baz b; return b.value(); }
+ ############### main.cpp
+ int barUser();
+ int bazUser();
+ int main() { return barUser() + bazUser(); }
+ \endcode
+ Results:
+ \code
+ Object file size:
+ 14428 bar.o
+ 4744 baz.o
+ 8508 baruser.o
+ 2952 bazuser.o
+ Symbols in bar.o:
+ 00000000 W _ZN3Foo10BarPrivateC1Ev
+ 00000036 T _ZN3Foo3BarC1Ev
+ 00000000 T _ZN3Foo3BarC2Ev
+ 00000080 T _ZN3Foo3BarD1Ev
+ 0000006c T _ZN3Foo3BarD2Ev
+ 00000000 W _ZN14QScopedPointerIN3Foo10BarPrivateENS_21QScopedPointerDeleterIS2_EEEC1EPS2_
+ 00000000 W _ZN14QScopedPointerIN3Foo10BarPrivateENS_21QScopedPointerDeleterIS2_EEED1Ev
+ 00000000 W _ZN21QScopedPointerDeleterIN3Foo10BarPrivateEE7cleanupEPS2_
+ 00000000 W _ZN7qt_noopEv
+ U _ZN9qt_assertEPKcS1_i
+ 00000094 T _ZNK3Foo3Bar5valueEv
+ 00000000 W _ZNK14QScopedPointerIN3Foo10BarPrivateENS_21QScopedPointerDeleterIS2_EEEptEv
+ U _ZdlPv
+ U _Znwj
+ U __gxx_personality_v0
+ Symbols in baz.o:
+ 00000000 W _ZN3Foo10BazPrivateC1Ev
+ 0000002c T _ZN3Foo3BazC1Ev
+ 00000000 T _ZN3Foo3BazC2Ev
+ 0000006e T _ZN3Foo3BazD1Ev
+ 00000058 T _ZN3Foo3BazD2Ev
+ 00000084 T _ZNK3Foo3Baz5valueEv
+ U _ZdlPv
+ U _Znwj
+ U __gxx_personality_v0
+ \endcode
\section1 Documentation
The documentation is generated from source and header files. You document