path: root/src/amd/compiler/aco_spill.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/amd/compiler/aco_spill.cpp')
1 files changed, 1630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/amd/compiler/aco_spill.cpp b/src/amd/compiler/aco_spill.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92a23bb355c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/amd/compiler/aco_spill.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1630 @@
+ * Copyright © 2018 Valve Corporation
+ * Copyright © 2018 Google
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ * Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "aco_ir.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <stack>
+#include "vulkan/radv_shader.h"
+ * Implements the spilling algorithm on SSA-form from
+ * "Register Spilling and Live-Range Splitting for SSA-Form Programs"
+ * by Matthias Braun and Sebastian Hack.
+ */
+namespace aco {
+namespace {
+struct remat_info {
+ Instruction *instr;
+struct spill_ctx {
+ RegisterDemand target_pressure;
+ Program* program;
+ std::vector<std::vector<RegisterDemand>> register_demand;
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, Temp>> renames;
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, uint32_t>> spills_entry;
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, uint32_t>> spills_exit;
+ std::vector<bool> processed;
+ std::stack<Block*> loop_header;
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>> next_use_distances_start;
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>> next_use_distances_end;
+ std::vector<std::pair<RegClass, std::set<uint32_t>>> interferences;
+ std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> affinities;
+ std::vector<bool> is_reloaded;
+ std::map<Temp, remat_info> remat;
+ std::map<Instruction *, bool> remat_used;
+ spill_ctx(const RegisterDemand target_pressure, Program* program,
+ std::vector<std::vector<RegisterDemand>> register_demand)
+ : target_pressure(target_pressure), program(program),
+ register_demand(register_demand), renames(program->blocks.size()),
+ spills_entry(program->blocks.size()), spills_exit(program->blocks.size()),
+ processed(program->blocks.size(), false) {}
+ uint32_t allocate_spill_id(RegClass rc)
+ {
+ interferences.emplace_back(rc, std::set<uint32_t>());
+ is_reloaded.push_back(false);
+ return next_spill_id++;
+ }
+ uint32_t next_spill_id = 0;
+int32_t get_dominator(int idx_a, int idx_b, Program* program, bool is_linear)
+ if (idx_a == -1)
+ return idx_b;
+ if (idx_b == -1)
+ return idx_a;
+ if (is_linear) {
+ while (idx_a != idx_b) {
+ if (idx_a > idx_b)
+ idx_a = program->blocks[idx_a].linear_idom;
+ else
+ idx_b = program->blocks[idx_b].linear_idom;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (idx_a != idx_b) {
+ if (idx_a > idx_b)
+ idx_a = program->blocks[idx_a].logical_idom;
+ else
+ idx_b = program->blocks[idx_b].logical_idom;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(idx_a != -1);
+ return idx_a;
+void next_uses_per_block(spill_ctx& ctx, unsigned block_idx, std::set<uint32_t>& worklist)
+ Block* block = &ctx.program->blocks[block_idx];
+ std::map<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> next_uses = ctx.next_use_distances_end[block_idx];
+ /* to compute the next use distance at the beginning of the block, we have to add the block's size */
+ for (std::map<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>::iterator it = next_uses.begin(); it != next_uses.end();) {
+ it->second.second = it->second.second + block->instructions.size();
+ /* remove the live out exec mask as we really don't want to spill it */
+ if (it->first == block->live_out_exec)
+ it = next_uses.erase(it);
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ int idx = block->instructions.size() - 1;
+ while (idx >= 0) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = block->instructions[idx];
+ if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi ||
+ instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi)
+ break;
+ for (const Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
+ if (def.isTemp())
+ next_uses.erase(def.getTemp());
+ }
+ for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ /* omit exec mask */
+ if (op.isFixed() && op.physReg() == exec)
+ continue;
+ if (op.isTemp())
+ next_uses[op.getTemp()] = {block_idx, idx};
+ }
+ idx--;
+ }
+ assert(block_idx != 0 || next_uses.empty());
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx] = next_uses;
+ while (idx >= 0) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = block->instructions[idx];
+ assert(instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi || instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
+ unsigned pred_idx = instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ?
+ block->logical_preds[i] :
+ block->linear_preds[i];
+ if (instr->operands[i].isTemp()) {
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].find(instr->operands[i].getTemp()) == ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].end() ||
+ ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][instr->operands[i].getTemp()] != std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{block_idx, 0})
+ worklist.insert(pred_idx);
+ ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][instr->operands[i].getTemp()] = {block_idx, 0};
+ }
+ }
+ next_uses.erase(instr->definitions[0].getTemp());
+ idx--;
+ }
+ /* all remaining live vars must be live-out at the predecessors */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : next_uses) {
+ Temp temp = pair.first;
+ uint32_t distance = pair.second.second;
+ uint32_t dom = pair.second.first;
+ std::vector<unsigned>& preds = temp.is_linear() ? block->linear_preds : block->logical_preds;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ if (ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx].loop_nest_depth > block->loop_nest_depth)
+ distance += 0xFFFF;
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].find(temp) != ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].end()) {
+ dom = get_dominator(dom, ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][temp].first, ctx.program, temp.is_linear());
+ distance = std::min(ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][temp].second, distance);
+ }
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][temp] != std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{dom, distance})
+ worklist.insert(pred_idx);
+ ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][temp] = {dom, distance};
+ }
+ }
+void compute_global_next_uses(spill_ctx& ctx, std::vector<std::set<Temp>>& live_out)
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start.resize(ctx.program->blocks.size());
+ ctx.next_use_distances_end.resize(ctx.program->blocks.size());
+ std::set<uint32_t> worklist;
+ for (Block& block : ctx.program->blocks)
+ worklist.insert(block.index);
+ while (!worklist.empty()) {
+ std::set<unsigned>::reverse_iterator b_it = worklist.rbegin();
+ unsigned block_idx = *b_it;
+ worklist.erase(block_idx);
+ next_uses_per_block(ctx, block_idx, worklist);
+ }
+bool should_rematerialize(aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr)
+ /* TODO: rematerialization is only supported for VOP1, SOP1 and PSEUDO */
+ if (instr->format != Format::VOP1 && instr->format != Format::SOP1 && instr->format != Format::PSEUDO)
+ return false;
+ /* TODO: pseudo-instruction rematerialization is only supported for p_create_vector */
+ if (instr->format == Format::PSEUDO && instr->opcode != aco_opcode::p_create_vector)
+ return false;
+ for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ /* TODO: rematerialization using temporaries isn't yet supported */
+ if (op.isTemp())
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* TODO: rematerialization with multiple definitions isn't yet supported */
+ if (instr->definitions.size() > 1)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+aco_ptr<Instruction> do_reload(spill_ctx& ctx, Temp tmp, Temp new_name, uint32_t spill_id)
+ std::map<Temp, remat_info>::iterator remat = ctx.remat.find(tmp);
+ if (remat != ctx.remat.end()) {
+ Instruction *instr = remat->second.instr;
+ assert((instr->format == Format::VOP1 || instr->format == Format::SOP1 || instr->format == Format::PSEUDO) && "unsupported");
+ assert((instr->format != Format::PSEUDO || instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_create_vector) && "unsupported");
+ assert(instr->definitions.size() == 1 && "unsupported");
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> res;
+ if (instr->format == Format::VOP1) {
+ res.reset(create_instruction<VOP1_instruction>(instr->opcode, instr->format, instr->operands.size(), instr->definitions.size()));
+ } else if (instr->format == Format::SOP1) {
+ res.reset(create_instruction<SOP1_instruction>(instr->opcode, instr->format, instr->operands.size(), instr->definitions.size()));
+ } else if (instr->format == Format::PSEUDO) {
+ res.reset(create_instruction<Instruction>(instr->opcode, instr->format, instr->operands.size(), instr->definitions.size()));
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
+ res->operands[i] = instr->operands[i];
+ if (instr->operands[i].isTemp()) {
+ assert(false && "unsupported");
+ if (ctx.remat.count(instr->operands[i].getTemp()))
+ ctx.remat_used[ctx.remat[instr->operands[i].getTemp()].instr] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ res->definitions[0] = Definition(new_name);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> reload{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_reload, Format::PSEUDO, 1, 1)};
+ reload->operands[0] = Operand(spill_id);
+ reload->definitions[0] = Definition(new_name);
+ ctx.is_reloaded[spill_id] = true;
+ return reload;
+ }
+void get_rematerialize_info(spill_ctx& ctx)
+ for (Block& block : ctx.program->blocks) {
+ bool logical = false;
+ for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : block.instructions) {
+ if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_logical_start)
+ logical = true;
+ else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_logical_end)
+ logical = false;
+ if (logical && should_rematerialize(instr)) {
+ for (const Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
+ if (def.isTemp()) {
+ ctx.remat[def.getTemp()] = (remat_info){instr.get()};
+ ctx.remat_used[instr.get()] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+std::vector<std::map<Temp, uint32_t>> local_next_uses(spill_ctx& ctx, Block* block)
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, uint32_t>> local_next_uses(block->instructions.size());
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t> next_uses;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_end[block->index]) {
+ /* omit live out exec mask */
+ if (pair.first == block->live_out_exec)
+ continue;
+ next_uses[pair.first] = pair.second.second + block->instructions.size();
+ }
+ for (int idx = block->instructions.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = block->instructions[idx];
+ if (!instr)
+ break;
+ if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi || instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi)
+ break;
+ for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ if (op.isFixed() && op.physReg() == exec)
+ continue;
+ if (op.isTemp())
+ next_uses[op.getTemp()] = idx;
+ }
+ for (const Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
+ if (def.isTemp())
+ next_uses.erase(def.getTemp());
+ }
+ local_next_uses[idx] = next_uses;
+ }
+ return local_next_uses;
+RegisterDemand init_live_in_vars(spill_ctx& ctx, Block* block, unsigned block_idx)
+ RegisterDemand spilled_registers;
+ /* first block, nothing was spilled before */
+ if (block_idx == 0)
+ return {0, 0};
+ /* loop header block */
+ if (block->loop_nest_depth > ctx.program->blocks[block_idx - 1].loop_nest_depth) {
+ assert(block->linear_preds[0] == block_idx - 1);
+ assert(block->logical_preds[0] == block_idx - 1);
+ /* create new loop_info */
+ ctx.loop_header.emplace(block);
+ /* check how many live-through variables should be spilled */
+ RegisterDemand new_demand;
+ unsigned i = block_idx;
+ while (ctx.program->blocks[i].loop_nest_depth >= block->loop_nest_depth) {
+ assert(ctx.program->blocks.size() > i);
+ new_demand.update(ctx.program->blocks[i].register_demand);
+ i++;
+ }
+ unsigned loop_end = i;
+ /* select live-through vgpr variables */
+ while (new_demand.vgpr - spilled_registers.vgpr > ctx.target_pressure.vgpr) {
+ unsigned distance = 0;
+ Temp to_spill;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_end[block_idx - 1]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr &&
+ pair.second.first >= loop_end &&
+ pair.second.second > distance &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second.second;
+ }
+ }
+ if (distance == 0)
+ break;
+ uint32_t spill_id;
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1].find(to_spill) == ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1].end()) {
+ spill_id = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ } else {
+ spill_id = ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1][to_spill];
+ }
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = spill_id;
+ spilled_registers.vgpr += to_spill.size();
+ }
+ /* select live-through sgpr variables */
+ while (new_demand.sgpr - spilled_registers.sgpr > ctx.target_pressure.sgpr) {
+ unsigned distance = 0;
+ Temp to_spill;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_end[block_idx - 1]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::sgpr &&
+ pair.second.first >= loop_end &&
+ pair.second.second > distance &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second.second;
+ }
+ }
+ if (distance == 0)
+ break;
+ uint32_t spill_id;
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1].find(to_spill) == ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1].end()) {
+ spill_id = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ } else {
+ spill_id = ctx.spills_exit[block_idx - 1][to_spill];
+ }
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = spill_id;
+ spilled_registers.sgpr += to_spill.size();
+ }
+ /* shortcut */
+ if (!RegisterDemand(new_demand - spilled_registers).exceeds(ctx.target_pressure))
+ return spilled_registers;
+ /* if reg pressure is too high at beginning of loop, add variables with furthest use */
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ while (block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi || block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi)
+ idx++;
+ assert(idx != 0 && "loop without phis: TODO");
+ idx--;
+ RegisterDemand reg_pressure = ctx.register_demand[block_idx][idx] - spilled_registers;
+ while (reg_pressure.sgpr > ctx.target_pressure.sgpr) {
+ unsigned distance = 0;
+ Temp to_spill;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::sgpr &&
+ pair.second.second > distance &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second.second;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(distance != 0);
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ spilled_registers.sgpr += to_spill.size();
+ reg_pressure.sgpr -= to_spill.size();
+ }
+ while (reg_pressure.vgpr > ctx.target_pressure.vgpr) {
+ unsigned distance = 0;
+ Temp to_spill;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr &&
+ pair.second.second > distance &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second.second;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(distance != 0);
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ spilled_registers.vgpr += to_spill.size();
+ reg_pressure.vgpr -= to_spill.size();
+ }
+ return spilled_registers;
+ }
+ /* branch block */
+ if (block->linear_preds.size() == 1) {
+ /* keep variables spilled if they are alive and not used in the current block */
+ unsigned pred_idx = block->linear_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::sgpr &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].find(pair.first) != ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].end() &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][pair.first].second > block_idx) {
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].insert(pair);
+ spilled_registers.sgpr += pair.first.size();
+ }
+ }
+ if (block->logical_preds.size() == 1) {
+ pred_idx = block->logical_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].find(pair.first) != ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].end() &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx][pair.first].second > block_idx) {
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].insert(pair);
+ spilled_registers.vgpr += pair.first.size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if register demand is still too high, we just keep all spilled live vars and process the block */
+ if (block->register_demand.sgpr - spilled_registers.sgpr > ctx.target_pressure.sgpr) {
+ pred_idx = block->linear_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::sgpr &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].find(pair.first) != ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].end() &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].insert(pair).second) {
+ spilled_registers.sgpr += pair.first.size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (block->register_demand.vgpr - spilled_registers.vgpr > ctx.target_pressure.vgpr && block->logical_preds.size() == 1) {
+ pred_idx = block->logical_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr &&
+ ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].find(pair.first) != ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx].end() &&
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].insert(pair).second) {
+ spilled_registers.vgpr += pair.first.size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return spilled_registers;
+ }
+ /* else: merge block */
+ std::set<Temp> partial_spills;
+ /* keep variables spilled on all incoming paths */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ std::vector<unsigned>& preds = pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ /* If it can be rematerialized, keep the variable spilled if all predecessors do not reload it.
+ * Otherwise, if any predecessor reloads it, ensure it's reloaded on all other predecessors.
+ * The idea is that it's better in practice to rematerialize redundantly than to create lots of phis. */
+ /* TODO: test this idea with more than Dawn of War III shaders (the current pipeline-db doesn't seem to exercise this path much) */
+ bool remat = ctx.remat.count(pair.first);
+ bool spill = !remat;
+ uint32_t spill_id = 0;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ /* variable is not even live at the predecessor: probably from a phi */
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].end()) {
+ spill = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ if (!remat)
+ spill = false;
+ } else {
+ partial_spills.insert(pair.first);
+ /* it might be that on one incoming path, the variable has a different spill_id, but add_couple_code() will take care of that. */
+ spill_id = ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx][pair.first];
+ if (remat)
+ spill = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (spill) {
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][pair.first] = spill_id;
+ partial_spills.erase(pair.first);
+ spilled_registers += pair.first;
+ }
+ }
+ /* same for phis */
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ while (block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi ||
+ block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi = block->instructions[idx];
+ std::vector<unsigned>& preds = phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ bool spill = true;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < phi->operands.size(); i++) {
+ if (!phi->operands[i].isTemp())
+ spill = false;
+ else if (ctx.spills_exit[preds[i]].find(phi->operands[i].getTemp()) == ctx.spills_exit[preds[i]].end())
+ spill = false;
+ else
+ partial_spills.insert(phi->definitions[0].getTemp());
+ }
+ if (spill) {
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][phi->definitions[0].getTemp()] = ctx.allocate_spill_id(phi->definitions[0].regClass());
+ partial_spills.erase(phi->definitions[0].getTemp());
+ spilled_registers += phi->definitions[0].getTemp();
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ /* if reg pressure at first instruction is still too high, add partially spilled variables */
+ RegisterDemand reg_pressure;
+ if (idx == 0) {
+ for (const Definition& def : block->instructions[idx]->definitions) {
+ if (def.isTemp()) {
+ reg_pressure -= def.getTemp();
+ }
+ }
+ for (const Operand& op : block->instructions[idx]->operands) {
+ if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKill()) {
+ reg_pressure += op.getTemp();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ idx--;
+ }
+ reg_pressure += ctx.register_demand[block_idx][idx] - spilled_registers;
+ while (reg_pressure.sgpr > ctx.target_pressure.sgpr) {
+ assert(!partial_spills.empty());
+ std::set<Temp>::iterator it = partial_spills.begin();
+ Temp to_spill = *it;
+ unsigned distance = ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second;
+ while (it != partial_spills.end()) {
+ assert(ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(*it) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end());
+ if (it->type() == RegType::sgpr && ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second > distance) {
+ distance = ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second;
+ to_spill = *it;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ assert(distance != 0);
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ partial_spills.erase(to_spill);
+ spilled_registers.sgpr += to_spill.size();
+ reg_pressure.sgpr -= to_spill.size();
+ }
+ while (reg_pressure.vgpr > ctx.target_pressure.vgpr) {
+ assert(!partial_spills.empty());
+ std::set<Temp>::iterator it = partial_spills.begin();
+ Temp to_spill = *it;
+ unsigned distance = ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second;
+ while (it != partial_spills.end()) {
+ assert(ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(*it) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end());
+ if (it->type() == RegType::vgpr && ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second > distance) {
+ distance = ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][*it].second;
+ to_spill = *it;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ assert(distance != 0);
+ ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][to_spill] = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ partial_spills.erase(to_spill);
+ spilled_registers.vgpr += to_spill.size();
+ reg_pressure.vgpr -= to_spill.size();
+ }
+ return spilled_registers;
+void add_coupling_code(spill_ctx& ctx, Block* block, unsigned block_idx)
+ /* no coupling code necessary */
+ if (block->linear_preds.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>> instructions;
+ /* branch block: TODO take other branch into consideration */
+ if (block->linear_preds.size() == 1) {
+ assert(ctx.processed[block->linear_preds[0]]);
+ if (block->logical_preds.size() == 1) {
+ unsigned pred_idx = block->logical_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> live : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ if (live.first.type() == RegType::sgpr)
+ continue;
+ /* still spilled */
+ if (ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(live.first) != ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end())
+ continue;
+ /* in register at end of predecessor */
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(live.first) == ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ std::map<Temp, Temp>::iterator it = ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(live.first);
+ if (it != ctx.renames[pred_idx].end())
+ ctx.renames[block_idx].insert(*it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* variable is spilled at predecessor and live at current block: create reload instruction */
+ Temp new_name = {ctx.program->allocateId(), live.first.regClass()};
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> reload = do_reload(ctx, live.first, new_name, ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx][live.first]);
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(reload));
+ ctx.renames[block_idx][live.first] = new_name;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned pred_idx = block->linear_preds[0];
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> live : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ if (live.first.type() == RegType::vgpr)
+ continue;
+ /* still spilled */
+ if (ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(live.first) != ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end())
+ continue;
+ /* in register at end of predecessor */
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(live.first) == ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ std::map<Temp, Temp>::iterator it = ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(live.first);
+ if (it != ctx.renames[pred_idx].end())
+ ctx.renames[block_idx].insert(*it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* variable is spilled at predecessor and live at current block: create reload instruction */
+ Temp new_name = {ctx.program->allocateId(), live.first.regClass()};
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> reload = do_reload(ctx, live.first, new_name, ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx][live.first]);
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(reload));
+ ctx.renames[block_idx][live.first] = new_name;
+ }
+ /* combine new reload instructions with original block */
+ if (!instructions.empty()) {
+ unsigned insert_idx = 0;
+ while (block->instructions[insert_idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ||
+ block->instructions[insert_idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi) {
+ insert_idx++;
+ }
+ ctx.register_demand[block->index].insert(std::next(ctx.register_demand[block->index].begin(), insert_idx),
+ instructions.size(), RegisterDemand());
+ block->instructions.insert(std::next(block->instructions.begin(), insert_idx),
+ std::move_iterator<std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator>(instructions.begin()),
+ std::move_iterator<std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator>(instructions.end()));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* loop header and merge blocks: check if all (linear) predecessors have been processed */
+ for (ASSERTED unsigned pred : block->linear_preds)
+ assert(ctx.processed[pred]);
+ /* iterate the phi nodes for which operands to spill at the predecessor */
+ for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi : block->instructions) {
+ if (phi->opcode != aco_opcode::p_phi &&
+ phi->opcode != aco_opcode::p_linear_phi)
+ break;
+ /* if the phi is not spilled, add to instructions */
+ if (ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(phi->definitions[0].getTemp()) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end()) {
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(phi));
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned>& preds = phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ uint32_t def_spill_id = ctx.spills_entry[block_idx][phi->definitions[0].getTemp()];
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < phi->operands.size(); i++) {
+ unsigned pred_idx = preds[i];
+ /* we have to spill constants to the same memory address */
+ if (phi->operands[i].isConstant()) {
+ uint32_t spill_id = ctx.allocate_spill_id(phi->definitions[0].regClass());
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ ctx.interferences[def_spill_id].second.emplace(pair.second);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.emplace(def_spill_id);
+ }
+ ctx.affinities.emplace_back(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{def_spill_id, spill_id});
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> spill{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_spill, Format::PSEUDO, 2, 0)};
+ spill->operands[0] = phi->operands[i];
+ spill->operands[1] = Operand(spill_id);
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ unsigned idx = pred.instructions.size();
+ do {
+ assert(idx != 0);
+ idx--;
+ } while (phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi && pred.instructions[idx]->opcode != aco_opcode::p_logical_end);
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = std::next(pred.instructions.begin(), idx);
+ pred.instructions.insert(it, std::move(spill));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!phi->operands[i].isTemp())
+ continue;
+ /* build interferences between the phi def and all spilled variables at the predecessor blocks */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (phi->operands[i].getTemp() == pair.first)
+ continue;
+ ctx.interferences[def_spill_id].second.emplace(pair.second);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.emplace(def_spill_id);
+ }
+ /* variable is already spilled at predecessor */
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t>::iterator spilled = ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(phi->operands[i].getTemp());
+ if (spilled != ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ if (spilled->second != def_spill_id)
+ ctx.affinities.emplace_back(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{def_spill_id, spilled->second});
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* rename if necessary */
+ Temp var = phi->operands[i].getTemp();
+ std::map<Temp, Temp>::iterator rename_it = ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(var);
+ if (rename_it != ctx.renames[pred_idx].end()) {
+ var = rename_it->second;
+ ctx.renames[pred_idx].erase(rename_it);
+ }
+ uint32_t spill_id = ctx.allocate_spill_id(phi->definitions[0].regClass());
+ ctx.affinities.emplace_back(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{def_spill_id, spill_id});
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> spill{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_spill, Format::PSEUDO, 2, 0)};
+ spill->operands[0] = Operand(var);
+ spill->operands[1] = Operand(spill_id);
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ unsigned idx = pred.instructions.size();
+ do {
+ assert(idx != 0);
+ idx--;
+ } while (phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi && pred.instructions[idx]->opcode != aco_opcode::p_logical_end);
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = std::next(pred.instructions.begin(), idx);
+ pred.instructions.insert(it, std::move(spill));
+ ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx][phi->operands[i].getTemp()] = spill_id;
+ }
+ /* remove phi from instructions */
+ phi.reset();
+ }
+ /* iterate all (other) spilled variables for which to spill at the predecessor */
+ // TODO: would be better to have them sorted: first vgprs and first with longest distance
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_entry[block_idx]) {
+ std::vector<unsigned> preds = pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ /* add interferences between spilled variable and predecessors exit spills */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> exit_spill : ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx]) {
+ if (exit_spill.first == pair.first)
+ continue;
+ ctx.interferences[exit_spill.second].second.emplace(pair.second);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.emplace(exit_spill.second);
+ }
+ /* variable is already spilled at predecessor */
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t>::iterator spilled = ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(pair.first);
+ if (spilled != ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ if (spilled->second != pair.second)
+ ctx.affinities.emplace_back(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>{pair.second, spilled->second});
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* variable is dead at predecessor, it must be from a phi: this works because of CSSA form */ // FIXME: lower_to_cssa()
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].end())
+ continue;
+ /* variable is in register at predecessor and has to be spilled */
+ /* rename if necessary */
+ Temp var = pair.first;
+ std::map<Temp, Temp>::iterator rename_it = ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(var);
+ if (rename_it != ctx.renames[pred_idx].end()) {
+ var = rename_it->second;
+ ctx.renames[pred_idx].erase(rename_it);
+ }
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> spill{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_spill, Format::PSEUDO, 2, 0)};
+ spill->operands[0] = Operand(var);
+ spill->operands[1] = Operand(pair.second);
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ unsigned idx = pred.instructions.size();
+ do {
+ assert(idx != 0);
+ idx--;
+ } while (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr && pred.instructions[idx]->opcode != aco_opcode::p_logical_end);
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = std::next(pred.instructions.begin(), idx);
+ pred.instructions.insert(it, std::move(spill));
+ ctx.spills_exit[pred.index][pair.first] = pair.second;
+ }
+ }
+ /* iterate phis for which operands to reload */
+ for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi : instructions) {
+ assert(phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi || phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi);
+ assert(ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(phi->definitions[0].getTemp()) == ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end());
+ std::vector<unsigned>& preds = phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < phi->operands.size(); i++) {
+ if (!phi->operands[i].isTemp())
+ continue;
+ unsigned pred_idx = preds[i];
+ /* rename operand */
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(phi->operands[i].getTemp()) == ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end()) {
+ std::map<Temp, Temp>::iterator it = ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(phi->operands[i].getTemp());
+ if (it != ctx.renames[pred_idx].end())
+ phi->operands[i].setTemp(it->second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ Temp tmp = phi->operands[i].getTemp();
+ /* reload phi operand at end of predecessor block */
+ Temp new_name = {ctx.program->allocateId(), tmp.regClass()};
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ unsigned idx = pred.instructions.size();
+ do {
+ assert(idx != 0);
+ idx--;
+ } while (phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi && pred.instructions[idx]->opcode != aco_opcode::p_logical_end);
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = std::next(pred.instructions.begin(), idx);
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> reload = do_reload(ctx, tmp, new_name, ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx][tmp]);
+ pred.instructions.insert(it, std::move(reload));
+ ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].erase(tmp);
+ ctx.renames[pred_idx][tmp] = new_name;
+ phi->operands[i].setTemp(new_name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* iterate live variables for which to reload */
+ // TODO: reload at current block if variable is spilled on all predecessors
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> pair : ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx]) {
+ /* skip spilled variables */
+ if (ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].find(pair.first) != ctx.spills_entry[block_idx].end())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<unsigned> preds = pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr ? block->logical_preds : block->linear_preds;
+ /* variable is dead at predecessor, it must be from a phi */
+ bool is_dead = false;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.next_use_distances_end[pred_idx].end())
+ is_dead = true;
+ }
+ if (is_dead)
+ continue;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ /* the variable is not spilled at the predecessor */
+ if (ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_exit[pred_idx].end())
+ continue;
+ /* variable is spilled at predecessor and has to be reloaded */
+ Temp new_name = {ctx.program->allocateId(), pair.first.regClass()};
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ unsigned idx = pred.instructions.size();
+ do {
+ assert(idx != 0);
+ idx--;
+ } while (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr && pred.instructions[idx]->opcode != aco_opcode::p_logical_end);
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = std::next(pred.instructions.begin(), idx);
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> reload = do_reload(ctx, pair.first, new_name, ctx.spills_exit[pred.index][pair.first]);
+ pred.instructions.insert(it, std::move(reload));
+ ctx.spills_exit[pred.index].erase(pair.first);
+ ctx.renames[pred.index][pair.first] = new_name;
+ }
+ /* check if we have to create a new phi for this variable */
+ Temp rename = Temp();
+ bool is_same = true;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : preds) {
+ if (ctx.renames[pred_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.renames[pred_idx].end()) {
+ if (rename == Temp())
+ rename = pair.first;
+ else
+ is_same = rename == pair.first;
+ } else {
+ if (rename == Temp())
+ rename = ctx.renames[pred_idx][pair.first];
+ else
+ is_same = rename == ctx.renames[pred_idx][pair.first];
+ }
+ if (!is_same)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!is_same) {
+ /* the variable was renamed differently in the predecessors: we have to create a phi */
+ aco_opcode opcode = pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr ? aco_opcode::p_phi : aco_opcode::p_linear_phi;
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> phi{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(opcode, Format::PSEUDO, preds.size(), 1)};
+ rename = {ctx.program->allocateId(), pair.first.regClass()};
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < phi->operands.size(); i++) {
+ Temp tmp;
+ if (ctx.renames[preds[i]].find(pair.first) != ctx.renames[preds[i]].end())
+ tmp = ctx.renames[preds[i]][pair.first];
+ else if (preds[i] >= block_idx)
+ tmp = rename;
+ else
+ tmp = pair.first;
+ phi->operands[i] = Operand(tmp);
+ }
+ phi->definitions[0] = Definition(rename);
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(phi));
+ }
+ /* the variable was renamed: add new name to renames */
+ if (!(rename == Temp() || rename == pair.first))
+ ctx.renames[block_idx][pair.first] = rename;
+ }
+ /* combine phis with instructions */
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ while (!block->instructions[idx]) {
+ idx++;
+ }
+ ctx.register_demand[block->index].erase(ctx.register_demand[block->index].begin(), ctx.register_demand[block->index].begin() + idx);
+ ctx.register_demand[block->index].insert(ctx.register_demand[block->index].begin(), instructions.size(), RegisterDemand());
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator start = std::next(block->instructions.begin(), idx);
+ instructions.insert(instructions.end(), std::move_iterator<std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator>(start),
+ std::move_iterator<std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator>(block->instructions.end()));
+ block->instructions = std::move(instructions);
+void process_block(spill_ctx& ctx, unsigned block_idx, Block* block,
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t> &current_spills, RegisterDemand spilled_registers)
+ std::vector<std::map<Temp, uint32_t>> local_next_use_distance;
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>> instructions;
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ /* phis are handled separetely */
+ while (block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ||
+ block->instructions[idx]->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = block->instructions[idx];
+ for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ /* prevent it's definining instruction from being DCE'd if it could be rematerialized */
+ if (op.isTemp() && ctx.remat.count(op.getTemp()))
+ ctx.remat_used[ctx.remat[op.getTemp()].instr] = true;
+ }
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(instr));
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (block->register_demand.exceeds(ctx.target_pressure))
+ local_next_use_distance = local_next_uses(ctx, block);
+ while (idx < block->instructions.size()) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = block->instructions[idx];
+ std::map<Temp, std::pair<Temp, uint32_t>> reloads;
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t> spills;
+ /* rename and reload operands */
+ for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ if (!op.isTemp())
+ continue;
+ if (current_spills.find(op.getTemp()) == current_spills.end()) {
+ /* the Operand is in register: check if it was renamed */
+ if (ctx.renames[block_idx].find(op.getTemp()) != ctx.renames[block_idx].end())
+ op.setTemp(ctx.renames[block_idx][op.getTemp()]);
+ /* prevent it's definining instruction from being DCE'd if it could be rematerialized */
+ if (ctx.remat.count(op.getTemp()))
+ ctx.remat_used[ctx.remat[op.getTemp()].instr] = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* the Operand is spilled: add it to reloads */
+ Temp new_tmp = {ctx.program->allocateId(), op.regClass()};
+ ctx.renames[block_idx][op.getTemp()] = new_tmp;
+ reloads[new_tmp] = std::make_pair(op.getTemp(), current_spills[op.getTemp()]);
+ current_spills.erase(op.getTemp());
+ op.setTemp(new_tmp);
+ spilled_registers -= new_tmp;
+ }
+ /* check if register demand is low enough before and after the current instruction */
+ if (block->register_demand.exceeds(ctx.target_pressure)) {
+ RegisterDemand new_demand = ctx.register_demand[block_idx][idx];
+ if (idx == 0) {
+ for (const Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
+ if (!def.isTemp())
+ continue;
+ new_demand += def.getTemp();
+ }
+ } else {
+ new_demand.update(ctx.register_demand[block_idx][idx - 1]);
+ }
+ assert(!local_next_use_distance.empty());
+ /* if reg pressure is too high, spill variable with furthest next use */
+ while (RegisterDemand(new_demand - spilled_registers).exceeds(ctx.target_pressure)) {
+ unsigned distance = 0;
+ Temp to_spill;
+ bool do_rematerialize = false;
+ if (new_demand.vgpr - spilled_registers.vgpr > ctx.target_pressure.vgpr) {
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : local_next_use_distance[idx]) {
+ bool can_rematerialize = ctx.remat.count(pair.first);
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::vgpr &&
+ ((pair.second > distance && can_rematerialize == do_rematerialize) ||
+ (can_rematerialize && !do_rematerialize && pair.second > idx)) &&
+ current_spills.find(pair.first) == current_spills.end() &&
+ ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second;
+ do_rematerialize = can_rematerialize;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : local_next_use_distance[idx]) {
+ bool can_rematerialize = ctx.remat.count(pair.first);
+ if (pair.first.type() == RegType::sgpr &&
+ ((pair.second > distance && can_rematerialize == do_rematerialize) ||
+ (can_rematerialize && !do_rematerialize && pair.second > idx)) &&
+ current_spills.find(pair.first) == current_spills.end() &&
+ ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].find(pair.first) == ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = pair.first;
+ distance = pair.second;
+ do_rematerialize = can_rematerialize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(distance != 0 && distance > idx);
+ uint32_t spill_id = ctx.allocate_spill_id(to_spill.regClass());
+ /* add interferences with currently spilled variables */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : current_spills) {
+ ctx.interferences[spill_id].second.emplace(pair.second);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.emplace(spill_id);
+ }
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<Temp, uint32_t>> pair : reloads) {
+ ctx.interferences[spill_id].second.emplace(pair.second.second);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second.second].second.emplace(spill_id);
+ }
+ current_spills[to_spill] = spill_id;
+ spilled_registers += to_spill;
+ /* rename if necessary */
+ if (ctx.renames[block_idx].find(to_spill) != ctx.renames[block_idx].end()) {
+ to_spill = ctx.renames[block_idx][to_spill];
+ }
+ /* add spill to new instructions */
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> spill{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_spill, Format::PSEUDO, 2, 0)};
+ spill->operands[0] = Operand(to_spill);
+ spill->operands[1] = Operand(spill_id);
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(spill));
+ }
+ }
+ /* add reloads and instruction to new instructions */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, std::pair<Temp, uint32_t>> pair : reloads) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> reload = do_reload(ctx, pair.second.first, pair.first, pair.second.second);
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(reload));
+ }
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(instr));
+ idx++;
+ }
+ block->instructions = std::move(instructions);
+ ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].insert(current_spills.begin(), current_spills.end());
+void spill_block(spill_ctx& ctx, unsigned block_idx)
+ Block* block = &ctx.program->blocks[block_idx];
+ ctx.processed[block_idx] = true;
+ /* determine set of variables which are spilled at the beginning of the block */
+ RegisterDemand spilled_registers = init_live_in_vars(ctx, block, block_idx);
+ /* add interferences for spilled variables */
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> x : ctx.spills_entry[block_idx]) {
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> y : ctx.spills_entry[block_idx])
+ if (x.second != y.second)
+ ctx.interferences[x.second].second.emplace(y.second);
+ }
+ bool is_loop_header = block->loop_nest_depth &&>index == block_idx;
+ if (!is_loop_header) {
+ /* add spill/reload code on incoming control flow edges */
+ add_coupling_code(ctx, block, block_idx);
+ }
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t> current_spills = ctx.spills_entry[block_idx];
+ /* check conditions to process this block */
+ bool process = RegisterDemand(block->register_demand - spilled_registers).exceeds(ctx.target_pressure) ||
+ !ctx.renames[block_idx].empty() ||
+ ctx.remat_used.size();
+ std::map<Temp, uint32_t>::iterator it = current_spills.begin();
+ while (!process && it != current_spills.end()) {
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_start[block_idx][it->first].first == block_idx)
+ process = true;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (process)
+ process_block(ctx, block_idx, block, current_spills, spilled_registers);
+ else
+ ctx.spills_exit[block_idx].insert(current_spills.begin(), current_spills.end());
+ /* check if the next block leaves the current loop */
+ if (block->loop_nest_depth == 0 || ctx.program->blocks[block_idx + 1].loop_nest_depth >= block->loop_nest_depth)
+ return;
+ Block* loop_header =;
+ /* preserve original renames at end of loop header block */
+ std::map<Temp, Temp> renames = std::move(ctx.renames[loop_header->index]);
+ /* add coupling code to all loop header predecessors */
+ add_coupling_code(ctx, loop_header, loop_header->index);
+ /* update remat_used for phis added in add_coupling_code() */
+ for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : loop_header->instructions) {
+ if (!is_phi(instr))
+ break;
+ for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ if (op.isTemp() && ctx.remat.count(op.getTemp()))
+ ctx.remat_used[ctx.remat[op.getTemp()].instr] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* propagate new renames through loop: i.e. repair the SSA */
+ renames.swap(ctx.renames[loop_header->index]);
+ for (std::pair<Temp, Temp> rename : renames) {
+ for (unsigned idx = loop_header->index; idx <= block_idx; idx++) {
+ Block& current = ctx.program->blocks[idx];
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator instr_it = current.instructions.begin();
+ /* first rename phis */
+ while (instr_it != current.instructions.end()) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi = *instr_it;
+ if (phi->opcode != aco_opcode::p_phi && phi->opcode != aco_opcode::p_linear_phi)
+ break;
+ /* no need to rename the loop header phis once again. this happened in add_coupling_code() */
+ if (idx == loop_header->index) {
+ instr_it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (Operand& op : phi->operands) {
+ if (!op.isTemp())
+ continue;
+ if (op.getTemp() == rename.first)
+ op.setTemp(rename.second);
+ }
+ instr_it++;
+ }
+ std::map<Temp, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>::iterator it = ctx.next_use_distances_start[idx].find(rename.first);
+ /* variable is not live at beginning of this block */
+ if (it == ctx.next_use_distances_start[idx].end())
+ continue;
+ /* if the variable is live at the block's exit, add rename */
+ if (ctx.next_use_distances_end[idx].find(rename.first) != ctx.next_use_distances_end[idx].end())
+ ctx.renames[idx].insert(rename);
+ /* rename all uses in this block */
+ bool renamed = false;
+ while (!renamed && instr_it != current.instructions.end()) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = *instr_it;
+ for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
+ if (!op.isTemp())
+ continue;
+ if (op.getTemp() == rename.first) {
+ op.setTemp(rename.second);
+ /* we can stop with this block as soon as the variable is spilled */
+ if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_spill)
+ renamed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ instr_it++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* remove loop header info from stack */
+ ctx.loop_header.pop();
+void assign_spill_slots(spill_ctx& ctx, unsigned spills_to_vgpr) {
+ std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> sgpr_slot;
+ std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> vgpr_slot;
+ std::vector<bool> is_assigned(ctx.interferences.size());
+ /* first, handle affinities: just merge all interferences into both spill ids */
+ for (std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pair : ctx.affinities) {
+ assert(pair.first != pair.second);
+ for (uint32_t id : ctx.interferences[pair.first].second)
+ ctx.interferences[id].second.insert(pair.second);
+ for (uint32_t id : ctx.interferences[pair.second].second)
+ ctx.interferences[id].second.insert(pair.first);
+ ctx.interferences[pair.first].second.insert(ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.begin(), ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.end());
+ ctx.interferences[pair.second].second.insert(ctx.interferences[pair.first].second.begin(), ctx.interferences[pair.first].second.end());
+ bool reloaded = ctx.is_reloaded[pair.first] || ctx.is_reloaded[pair.second];
+ ctx.is_reloaded[pair.first] = ctx.is_reloaded[pair.second] = reloaded;
+ }
+ for (ASSERTED uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx.interferences.size(); i++)
+ for (ASSERTED uint32_t id : ctx.interferences[i].second)
+ assert(i != id);
+ /* for each spill slot, assign as many spill ids as possible */
+ std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>> spill_slot_interferences;
+ unsigned slot_idx = 0;
+ bool done = false;
+ /* assign sgpr spill slots */
+ while (!done) {
+ done = true;
+ for (unsigned id = 0; id < ctx.interferences.size(); id++) {
+ if (is_assigned[id] || !ctx.is_reloaded[id])
+ continue;
+ if (ctx.interferences[id].first.type() != RegType::sgpr)
+ continue;
+ /* check interferences */
+ bool interferes = false;
+ for (unsigned i = slot_idx; i < slot_idx + ctx.interferences[id].first.size(); i++) {
+ if (i == spill_slot_interferences.size())
+ spill_slot_interferences.emplace_back(std::set<uint32_t>());
+ if (spill_slot_interferences[i].find(id) != spill_slot_interferences[i].end() || i / 64 != slot_idx / 64) {
+ interferes = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (interferes) {
+ done = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* we found a spill id which can be assigned to current spill slot */
+ sgpr_slot[id] = slot_idx;
+ is_assigned[id] = true;
+ for (unsigned i = slot_idx; i < slot_idx + ctx.interferences[id].first.size(); i++)
+ spill_slot_interferences[i].insert(ctx.interferences[id].second.begin(), ctx.interferences[id].second.end());
+ }
+ slot_idx++;
+ }
+ slot_idx = 0;
+ done = false;
+ /* assign vgpr spill slots */
+ while (!done) {
+ done = true;
+ for (unsigned id = 0; id < ctx.interferences.size(); id++) {
+ if (is_assigned[id] || !ctx.is_reloaded[id])
+ continue;
+ if (ctx.interferences[id].first.type() != RegType::vgpr)
+ continue;
+ /* check interferences */
+ bool interferes = false;
+ for (unsigned i = slot_idx; i < slot_idx + ctx.interferences[id].first.size(); i++) {
+ if (i == spill_slot_interferences.size())
+ spill_slot_interferences.emplace_back(std::set<uint32_t>());
+ /* check for interference and ensure that vector regs are stored next to each other */
+ if (spill_slot_interferences[i].find(id) != spill_slot_interferences[i].end() || i / 64 != slot_idx / 64) {
+ interferes = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (interferes) {
+ done = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* we found a spill id which can be assigned to current spill slot */
+ vgpr_slot[id] = slot_idx;
+ is_assigned[id] = true;
+ for (unsigned i = slot_idx; i < slot_idx + ctx.interferences[id].first.size(); i++)
+ spill_slot_interferences[i].insert(ctx.interferences[id].second.begin(), ctx.interferences[id].second.end());
+ }
+ slot_idx++;
+ }
+ for (unsigned id = 0; id < is_assigned.size(); id++)
+ assert(is_assigned[id] || !ctx.is_reloaded[id]);
+ for (std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pair : ctx.affinities) {
+ assert(is_assigned[pair.first] == is_assigned[pair.second]);
+ if (!is_assigned[pair.first])
+ continue;
+ assert(ctx.is_reloaded[pair.first] == ctx.is_reloaded[pair.second]);
+ assert(ctx.interferences[pair.first].first.type() == ctx.interferences[pair.second].first.type());
+ if (ctx.interferences[pair.first].first.type() == RegType::sgpr)
+ assert(sgpr_slot[pair.first] == sgpr_slot[pair.second]);
+ else
+ assert(vgpr_slot[pair.first] == vgpr_slot[pair.second]);
+ }
+ /* hope, we didn't mess up */
+ std::vector<Temp> vgpr_spill_temps((spill_slot_interferences.size() + 63) / 64);
+ assert(vgpr_spill_temps.size() <= spills_to_vgpr);
+ /* replace pseudo instructions with actual hardware instructions */
+ unsigned last_top_level_block_idx = 0;
+ std::vector<bool> reload_in_loop(vgpr_spill_temps.size());
+ for (Block& block : ctx.program->blocks) {
+ /* after loops, we insert a user if there was a reload inside the loop */
+ if (block.loop_nest_depth == 0) {
+ int end_vgprs = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < vgpr_spill_temps.size(); i++) {
+ if (reload_in_loop[i])
+ end_vgprs++;
+ }
+ if (end_vgprs > 0) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> destr{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_end_linear_vgpr, Format::PSEUDO, end_vgprs, 0)};
+ int k = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < vgpr_spill_temps.size(); i++) {
+ if (reload_in_loop[i])
+ destr->operands[k++] = Operand(vgpr_spill_temps[i]);
+ reload_in_loop[i] = false;
+ }
+ /* find insertion point */
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = block.instructions.begin();
+ while ((*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi || (*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi)
+ ++it;
+ block.instructions.insert(it, std::move(destr));
+ }
+ }
+ if (block.kind & block_kind_top_level && !block.linear_preds.empty()) {
+ last_top_level_block_idx = block.index;
+ /* check if any spilled variables use a created linear vgpr, otherwise destroy them */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < vgpr_spill_temps.size(); i++) {
+ if (vgpr_spill_temps[i] == Temp())
+ continue;
+ bool can_destroy = true;
+ for (std::pair<Temp, uint32_t> pair : ctx.spills_exit[block.linear_preds[0]]) {
+ if (sgpr_slot.find(pair.second) != sgpr_slot.end() &&
+ sgpr_slot[pair.second] / 64 == i) {
+ can_destroy = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (can_destroy)
+ vgpr_spill_temps[i] = Temp();
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it;
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>> instructions;
+ instructions.reserve(block.instructions.size());
+ for (it = block.instructions.begin(); it != block.instructions.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_spill) {
+ uint32_t spill_id = (*it)->operands[1].constantValue();
+ if (!ctx.is_reloaded[spill_id]) {
+ /* never reloaded, so don't spill */
+ } else if (vgpr_slot.find(spill_id) != vgpr_slot.end()) {
+ /* spill vgpr */
+ ctx.program->config->spilled_vgprs += (*it)->operands[0].size();
+ assert(false && "vgpr spilling not yet implemented.");
+ } else if (sgpr_slot.find(spill_id) != sgpr_slot.end()) {
+ ctx.program->config->spilled_sgprs += (*it)->operands[0].size();
+ uint32_t spill_slot = sgpr_slot[spill_id];
+ /* check if the linear vgpr already exists */
+ if (vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64] == Temp()) {
+ Temp linear_vgpr = {ctx.program->allocateId(), v1.as_linear()};
+ vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64] = linear_vgpr;
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> create{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_start_linear_vgpr, Format::PSEUDO, 0, 1)};
+ create->definitions[0] = Definition(linear_vgpr);
+ /* find the right place to insert this definition */
+ if (last_top_level_block_idx == block.index) {
+ /* insert right before the current instruction */
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(create));
+ } else {
+ assert(last_top_level_block_idx < block.index);
+ /* insert before the branch at last top level block */
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>& instructions = ctx.program->blocks[last_top_level_block_idx].instructions;
+ instructions.insert(std::next(instructions.begin(), instructions.size() - 1), std::move(create));
+ }
+ }
+ /* spill sgpr: just add the vgpr temp to operands */
+ Pseudo_instruction* spill = create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_spill, Format::PSEUDO, 3, 0);
+ spill->operands[0] = Operand(vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64]);
+ spill->operands[1] = Operand(spill_slot % 64);
+ spill->operands[2] = (*it)->operands[0];
+ instructions.emplace_back(aco_ptr<Instruction>(spill));
+ } else {
+ unreachable("No spill slot assigned for spill id");
+ }
+ } else if ((*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_reload) {
+ uint32_t spill_id = (*it)->operands[0].constantValue();
+ assert(ctx.is_reloaded[spill_id]);
+ if (vgpr_slot.find(spill_id) != vgpr_slot.end()) {
+ /* reload vgpr */
+ assert(false && "vgpr spilling not yet implemented.");
+ } else if (sgpr_slot.find(spill_id) != sgpr_slot.end()) {
+ uint32_t spill_slot = sgpr_slot[spill_id];
+ reload_in_loop[spill_slot / 64] = block.loop_nest_depth > 0;
+ /* check if the linear vgpr already exists */
+ if (vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64] == Temp()) {
+ Temp linear_vgpr = {ctx.program->allocateId(), v1.as_linear()};
+ vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64] = linear_vgpr;
+ aco_ptr<Pseudo_instruction> create{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_start_linear_vgpr, Format::PSEUDO, 0, 1)};
+ create->definitions[0] = Definition(linear_vgpr);
+ /* find the right place to insert this definition */
+ if (last_top_level_block_idx == block.index) {
+ /* insert right before the current instruction */
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(create));
+ } else {
+ assert(last_top_level_block_idx < block.index);
+ /* insert before the branch at last top level block */
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>& instructions = ctx.program->blocks[last_top_level_block_idx].instructions;
+ instructions.insert(std::next(instructions.begin(), instructions.size() - 1), std::move(create));
+ }
+ }
+ /* reload sgpr: just add the vgpr temp to operands */
+ Pseudo_instruction* reload = create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_reload, Format::PSEUDO, 2, 1);
+ reload->operands[0] = Operand(vgpr_spill_temps[spill_slot / 64]);
+ reload->operands[1] = Operand(spill_slot % 64);
+ reload->definitions[0] = (*it)->definitions[0];
+ instructions.emplace_back(aco_ptr<Instruction>(reload));
+ } else {
+ unreachable("No spill slot assigned for spill id");
+ }
+ } else if (!ctx.remat_used.count(it->get()) || ctx.remat_used[it->get()]) {
+ instructions.emplace_back(std::move(*it));
+ }
+ }
+ block.instructions = std::move(instructions);
+ }
+ /* SSA elimination inserts copies for logical phis right before p_logical_end
+ * So if a linear vgpr is used between that p_logical_end and the branch,
+ * we need to ensure logical phis don't choose a definition which aliases
+ * the linear vgpr.
+ * TODO: Moving the spills and reloads to before p_logical_end might produce
+ * slightly better code. */
+ for (Block& block : ctx.program->blocks) {
+ /* loops exits are already handled */
+ if (block.logical_preds.size() <= 1)
+ continue;
+ bool has_logical_phis = false;
+ for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : block.instructions) {
+ if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi) {
+ has_logical_phis = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (instr->opcode != aco_opcode::p_linear_phi) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!has_logical_phis)
+ continue;
+ std::set<Temp> vgprs;
+ for (unsigned pred_idx : block.logical_preds) {
+ Block& pred = ctx.program->blocks[pred_idx];
+ for (int i = pred.instructions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ aco_ptr<Instruction>& pred_instr = pred.instructions[i];
+ if (pred_instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_logical_end) {
+ break;
+ } else if (pred_instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_spill ||
+ pred_instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_reload) {
+ vgprs.insert(pred_instr->operands[0].getTemp());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!vgprs.size())
+ continue;
+ aco_ptr<Instruction> destr{create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(aco_opcode::p_end_linear_vgpr, Format::PSEUDO, vgprs.size(), 0)};
+ int k = 0;
+ for (Temp tmp : vgprs) {
+ destr->operands[k++] = Operand(tmp);
+ }
+ /* find insertion point */
+ std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator it = block.instructions.begin();
+ while ((*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_linear_phi || (*it)->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi)
+ ++it;
+ block.instructions.insert(it, std::move(destr));
+ }
+} /* end namespace */
+void spill(Program* program, live& live_vars, const struct radv_nir_compiler_options *options)
+ program->config->spilled_vgprs = 0;
+ program->config->spilled_sgprs = 0;
+ /* no spilling when wave count is already high */
+ if (program->num_waves >= 6)
+ return;
+ /* else, we check if we can improve things a bit */
+ uint16_t total_sgpr_regs = options->chip_class >= GFX8 ? 800 : 512;
+ uint16_t max_addressible_sgpr = program->sgpr_limit;
+ /* calculate target register demand */
+ RegisterDemand max_reg_demand;
+ for (Block& block : program->blocks) {
+ max_reg_demand.update(block.register_demand);
+ }
+ RegisterDemand target_pressure = {256, int16_t(max_addressible_sgpr)};
+ unsigned num_waves = 1;
+ int spills_to_vgpr = (max_reg_demand.sgpr - max_addressible_sgpr + 63) / 64;
+ /* test if it possible to increase occupancy with little spilling */
+ for (unsigned num_waves_next = 2; num_waves_next <= 8; num_waves_next++) {
+ RegisterDemand target_pressure_next = {int16_t((256 / num_waves_next) & ~3),
+ int16_t(std::min<uint16_t>(((total_sgpr_regs / num_waves_next) & ~7) - 2, max_addressible_sgpr))};
+ /* Currently no vgpr spilling supported.
+ * Spill as many sgprs as necessary to not hinder occupancy */
+ if (max_reg_demand.vgpr > target_pressure_next.vgpr)
+ break;
+ /* check that we have enough free vgprs to spill sgprs to */
+ if (max_reg_demand.sgpr > target_pressure_next.sgpr) {
+ /* add some buffer in case graph coloring is not perfect ... */
+ const int spills_to_vgpr_next = (max_reg_demand.sgpr - target_pressure_next.sgpr + 63 + 32) / 64;
+ if (spills_to_vgpr_next + max_reg_demand.vgpr > target_pressure_next.vgpr)
+ break;
+ spills_to_vgpr = spills_to_vgpr_next;
+ }
+ target_pressure = target_pressure_next;
+ num_waves = num_waves_next;
+ }
+ assert(max_reg_demand.vgpr <= target_pressure.vgpr && "VGPR spilling not yet supported.");
+ /* nothing to do */
+ if (num_waves == program->num_waves)
+ return;
+ /* initialize ctx */
+ spill_ctx ctx(target_pressure, program, live_vars.register_demand);
+ compute_global_next_uses(ctx, live_vars.live_out);
+ get_rematerialize_info(ctx);
+ /* create spills and reloads */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < program->blocks.size(); i++)
+ spill_block(ctx, i);
+ /* assign spill slots and DCE rematerialized code */
+ assign_spill_slots(ctx, spills_to_vgpr);
+ /* update live variable information */
+ live_vars = live_var_analysis(program, options);
+ assert(program->num_waves >= num_waves);