path: root/bin/ci/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/ci/')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ci/ b/bin/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..bd58f320b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ArgumentParser, Namespace
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from os import getenv
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Pattern, Union
+import yaml
+from filecache import DAY, filecache
+from gql import Client, gql
+from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
+from graphql import DocumentNode
+Dag = dict[str, list[str]]
+TOKEN_DIR = Path(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") or Path.home() / ".config")
+def get_token_from_default_dir() -> str:
+ try:
+ token_file = TOKEN_DIR / "gitlab-token"
+ return token_file.resolve()
+ except FileNotFoundError as ex:
+ print(
+ f"Could not find {token_file}, please provide a token file as an argument"
+ )
+ raise ex
+def get_project_root_dir():
+ root_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve()
+ gitlab_file = root_path / ".gitlab-ci.yml"
+ assert gitlab_file.exists()
+ return root_path
+class GitlabGQL:
+ _transport: Any = field(init=False)
+ client: Client = field(init=False)
+ url: str = ""
+ token: Optional[str] = None
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ self._setup_gitlab_gql_client()
+ def _setup_gitlab_gql_client(self) -> Client:
+ # Select your transport with a defined url endpoint
+ headers = {}
+ if self.token:
+ headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.token}"
+ self._transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=self.url, headers=headers)
+ # Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
+ self.client = Client(
+ transport=self._transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True
+ )
+ @filecache(DAY)
+ def query(
+ self, gql_file: Union[Path, str], params: dict[str, Any]
+ ) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ # Provide a GraphQL query
+ source_path = Path(__file__).parent
+ pipeline_query_file = source_path / gql_file
+ query: DocumentNode
+ with open(pipeline_query_file, "r") as f:
+ pipeline_query =
+ query = gql(pipeline_query)
+ # Execute the query on the transport
+ return self.client.execute(query, variable_values=params)
+ def invalidate_query_cache(self):
+ self.query._db.clear()
+def create_job_needs_dag(
+ gl_gql: GitlabGQL, params
+) -> tuple[Dag, dict[str, dict[str, Any]]]:
+ result = gl_gql.query("pipeline_details.gql", params)
+ dag = {}
+ jobs = {}
+ pipeline = result["project"]["pipeline"]
+ if not pipeline:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find any pipelines for {params}")
+ for stage in pipeline["stages"]["nodes"]:
+ for stage_job in stage["groups"]["nodes"]:
+ for job in stage_job["jobs"]["nodes"]:
+ needs = job.pop("needs")["nodes"]
+ jobs[job["name"]] = job
+ dag[job["name"]] = {node["name"] for node in needs}
+ for job, needs in dag.items():
+ needs: set
+ partial = True
+ while partial:
+ next_depth = {n for dn in needs for n in dag[dn]}
+ partial = not needs.issuperset(next_depth)
+ needs = needs.union(next_depth)
+ dag[job] = needs
+ return dag, jobs
+def filter_dag(dag: Dag, regex: Pattern) -> Dag:
+ return {job: needs for job, needs in dag.items() if re.match(regex, job)}
+def print_dag(dag: Dag) -> None:
+ for job, needs in dag.items():
+ print(f"{job}:")
+ print(f"\t{' '.join(needs)}")
+ print()
+def fetch_merged_yaml(gl_gql: GitlabGQL, params) -> dict[Any]:
+ gitlab_yml_file = get_project_root_dir() / ".gitlab-ci.yml"
+ content = Path(gitlab_yml_file).read_text().strip()
+ params["content"] = content
+ raw_response = gl_gql.query("job_details.gql", params)
+ if merged_yaml := raw_response["ciConfig"]["mergedYaml"]:
+ return yaml.safe_load(merged_yaml)
+ gl_gql.invalidate_query_cache()
+ raise ValueError(
+ """
+ Could not fetch any content for merged YAML,
+ please verify if the git SHA exists in remote.
+ Maybe you forgot to `git push`? """
+ )
+def recursive_fill(job, relationship_field, target_data, acc_data: dict, merged_yaml):
+ if relatives := job.get(relationship_field):
+ if isinstance(relatives, str):
+ relatives = [relatives]
+ for relative in relatives:
+ parent_job = merged_yaml[relative]
+ acc_data = recursive_fill(parent_job, acc_data, merged_yaml)
+ acc_data |= job.get(target_data, {})
+ return acc_data
+def get_variables(job, merged_yaml, project_path, sha) -> dict[str, str]:
+ p = get_project_root_dir() / ".gitlab-ci" / "image-tags.yml"
+ image_tags = yaml.safe_load(p.read_text())
+ variables = image_tags["variables"]
+ variables |= merged_yaml["variables"]
+ variables |= job["variables"]
+ variables["CI_PROJECT_PATH"] = project_path
+ variables["CI_PROJECT_NAME"] = project_path.split("/")[1]
+ variables["CI_COMMIT_SHA"] = sha
+ while recurse_among_variables_space(variables):
+ pass
+ return variables
+# Based on:
+def flatten(xs):
+ for x in xs:
+ if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)):
+ yield from flatten(x)
+ else:
+ yield x
+def get_full_script(job) -> list[str]:
+ script = []
+ for script_part in ("before_script", "script", "after_script"):
+ script.append(f"# {script_part}")
+ lines = flatten(job.get(script_part, []))
+ script.extend(lines)
+ script.append("")
+ return script
+def recurse_among_variables_space(var_graph) -> bool:
+ updated = False
+ for var, value in var_graph.items():
+ value = str(value)
+ dep_vars = []
+ if match := re.findall(r"(\$[{]?[\w\d_]*[}]?)", value):
+ all_dep_vars = [v.lstrip("${").rstrip("}") for v in match]
+ # print(value, match, all_dep_vars)
+ dep_vars = [v for v in all_dep_vars if v in var_graph]
+ for dep_var in dep_vars:
+ dep_value = str(var_graph[dep_var])
+ new_value = var_graph[var]
+ new_value = new_value.replace(f"${{{dep_var}}}", dep_value)
+ new_value = new_value.replace(f"${dep_var}", dep_value)
+ var_graph[var] = new_value
+ updated |= dep_value != new_value
+ return updated
+def get_job_final_definiton(job_name, merged_yaml, project_path, sha):
+ job = merged_yaml[job_name]
+ variables = get_variables(job, merged_yaml, project_path, sha)
+ print("# --------- variables ---------------")
+ for var, value in sorted(variables.items()):
+ print(f"export {var}={value!r}")
+ # TODO: Recurse into needs to get full script
+ # TODO: maybe create a extra yaml file to avoid too much rework
+ script = get_full_script(job)
+ print()
+ print()
+ print("# --------- full script ---------------")
+ print("\n".join(script))
+ if image := variables.get("MESA_IMAGE"):
+ print()
+ print()
+ print("# --------- container image ---------------")
+ print(image)
+def parse_args() -> Namespace:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ description="CLI and library with utility functions to debug jobs via Gitlab GraphQL",
+ epilog=f"""Example:
+ {Path(__file__).name} --rev $(git rev-parse HEAD) --print-job-dag""",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-pp", "--project-path", type=str, default="mesa/mesa")
+ parser.add_argument("--sha", "--rev", type=str, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--regex",
+ type=str,
+ required=False,
+ help="Regex pattern for the job name to be considered",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--print-dag", action="store_true", help="Print job needs DAG")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--print-merged-yaml",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Print the resulting YAML for the specific SHA",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--print-job-manifest", type=str, help="Print the resulting job data"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--gitlab-token-file",
+ type=str,
+ default=get_token_from_default_dir(),
+ help="force GitLab token, otherwise it's read from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gitlab-token",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ args.gitlab_token = Path(args.gitlab_token_file).read_text()
+ return args
+def main():
+ args = parse_args()
+ gl_gql = GitlabGQL(token=args.gitlab_token)
+ if args.print_dag:
+ dag, jobs = create_job_needs_dag(
+ gl_gql, {"projectPath": args.project_path, "sha": args.sha}
+ )
+ if args.regex:
+ dag = filter_dag(dag, re.compile(args.regex))
+ print_dag(dag)
+ if args.print_merged_yaml:
+ print(
+ fetch_merged_yaml(
+ gl_gql, {"projectPath": args.project_path, "sha": args.sha}
+ )
+ )
+ if args.print_job_manifest:
+ merged_yaml = fetch_merged_yaml(
+ gl_gql, {"projectPath": args.project_path, "sha": args.sha}
+ )
+ get_job_final_definiton(
+ args.print_job_manifest, merged_yaml, args.project_path, args.sha
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()