path: root/Doc/using
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [3.7] bpo-37216: Fix version and filename in Mac using document (GH-13963)Makdon2019-06-111-2/+2
* Docs: FIX broken links. (GH-13491)Miss Islington (bot)2019-05-282-4/+5
* bpo-33922: Adding documentation for new "-64" suffix of Python launcher (GH-7...Miss Islington (bot)2019-04-121-13/+23
* Include the --prompt flag in venv's help output (GH-10711)Miss Islington (bot)2019-02-221-1/+3
* bpo-35854: Fix EnvBuilder and --symlinks in venv on Windows (GH-11700)Miss Islington (bot)2019-01-301-0/+5
* bpo-35450: reflect in docs that venv module is not always creating a copy of ...Miss Islington (bot)2018-12-141-3/+4
* bpo-34977: Add Windows App Store package (GH-11027)Steve Dower2018-12-101-121/+226
* Correct a couple of unbalanced parenthesis. (GH-10779)Miss Islington (bot)2018-12-051-2/+2
* bpo-35221: Additional hint that the placeholder is to be replaced. (GH-10604)...Miss Islington (bot)2018-11-211-1/+2
* Linkify PEP 8 in unix.rst (GH-10482)Miss Islington (bot)2018-11-121-1/+1
* [3.7] bpo-11233: Create availability directive for documentation (GH-9692) (G...Cheryl Sabella2018-10-151-4/+4
* [3.7]Documentation minor update related to 3.6 - 3.7 migration (GH-9501)Christophe Nanteuil2018-09-242-8/+8
* Revert "[3.7] bpo-34589: Add -X coerce_c_locale option; C locale coercion off...Victor Stinner2018-09-191-15/+1
* [3.7] bpo-34589: Add -X coerce_c_locale option; C locale coercion off by defa...Victor Stinner2018-09-171-1/+15
* bpo-34317: Fix a dead url to Windows documentation (GH-8622)Miss Islington (bot)2018-08-021-1/+1
* Fix typos & formatting in Using Python on Windows doc (GH-8559)Miss Islington (bot)2018-07-301-4/+4
* bpo-24356: Specify which Python binary will be used with venv (GH-6589)Steve Dower2018-07-281-5/+0
* bpo-33859: Fix spelling mistakes in docs. (GH-7691)Miss Islington (bot)2018-06-151-1/+1
* bpo-33409: Clarify PEP 538/540 relationship (GH-7534)Miss Islington (bot)2018-06-091-18/+79
* bpo-33503: Fix the broken pypi link in the source and the documentation (GH-6...Miss Islington (bot)2018-05-161-1/+1
* Improve highlighting of some code blocks. (GH-6401)Miss Islington (bot)2018-04-093-12/+24
* bpo-17232: Clarify docs for -O and -OO command line options (GH-5839)Miss Islington (bot)2018-02-241-2/+13
* bpo-32540: Update venv documentation (GH-5736)Miss Islington (bot)2018-02-201-4/+3
* Fix installation instructions for *nix (GH-5605)Miss Islington (bot)2018-02-131-2/+4
* bpo-32699: Improves doc for .pth files in presense of a ._pth file (#5399)Steve Dower2018-01-291-4/+4
* bpo-25910: Link redirections in docs (#1933)Sanyam Khurana2018-01-203-7/+7
* bpo-31975 (PEP 565): Show DeprecationWarning in __main__ (GH-4458)Nick Coghlan2018-01-081-39/+33
* bpo-29240, bpo-32030: Py_Main() re-reads config if encoding changes (#4899)Victor Stinner2017-12-161-3/+1
* bpo-32329: Add versionchanged to -R option doc (#4884)Victor Stinner2017-12-151-0/+3
* bpo-32329: Fix -R option for hash randomization (#4873)Victor Stinner2017-12-151-2/+3
* bpo-29240: PEP 540: Add a new UTF-8 Mode (#855)Victor Stinner2017-12-131-1/+12
* bpo-32230: Set sys.warnoptions with -X dev (#4820)Victor Stinner2017-12-121-5/+1
* closes bpo-31650: PEP 552 (Deterministic pycs) implementation (#4575)Benjamin Peterson2017-12-091-0/+14
* bpo-25910: Fixes redirection from http to https (#4674)Sanyam Khurana2017-12-062-4/+4
* bpo-32101: Add PYTHONDEVMODE environment variable (#4624)Victor Stinner2017-11-301-1/+11
* bpo-32030: Rework memory allocators (#4625)Victor Stinner2017-11-291-10/+9
* bpo-32124: Document C functions safe before init (#4540)Victor Stinner2017-11-241-1/+1
* bpo-32043: Rephrase -X dev documentation (#4478)Victor Stinner2017-11-201-4/+5
* bpo-32089: Fix warnings filters in dev mode (#4482)Victor Stinner2017-11-201-6/+6
* bpo-32050: Fix -x option documentation (#4475)Victor Stinner2017-11-201-2/+0
* bpo-32047: -X dev enables asyncio debug mode (#4418)Victor Stinner2017-11-201-4/+6
* bpo-32043: New "developer mode": "-X dev" option (#4413)Victor Stinner2017-11-161-1/+13
* Fix a minor typo and hyphenate "multi-threading" (#4237)Barry Warsaw2017-11-061-5/+5
* bpo-31415: Support PYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME envvar equivalent to -X importtime...Barry Warsaw2017-11-021-2/+12
* bpo-31053: Remove redundant 'venv' argument in venv example (GH-2907)cocoatomo2017-10-271-1/+1
* bpo-28647: Update -u documentation after bpo-30404 (GH-3961)Berker Peksag2017-10-131-1/+2
* PEP 553 built-in breakpoint() function (bpo-31353) (#3355)Barry Warsaw2017-10-051-0/+12
* bpo-30404: The -u option now makes the stdout and stderr streams totally unbu...Serhiy Storchaka2017-10-041-4/+4
* bpo-31415: Add `-X importtime` option (GH-3490)INADA Naoki2017-10-031-0/+7
* bpo-30737: Update DevGuide links to new URL (GH-3228)Lisa Hewus Fresh2017-08-302-3/+3