Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Prefer resources namespace for context.bpo-46124/zoneinfo-resourcesJason R. Coombs2022-01-212-4/+4
* Update Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-12-18-18-41-30.bpo-46124.ESPrb7.rstJason R. Coombs2022-01-211-1/+1
* bpo-46124: Update zoneinfo to rely on importlib.resources traversable API.Jason R. Coombs2022-01-213-4/+5
* bpo-46417: Py_Finalize() clears static types (GH-30743)Victor Stinner2022-01-214-85/+144
* bpo-46417: Call _PyDebug_PrintTotalRefs() later (GH-30744)Victor Stinner2022-01-212-6/+9
* bpo-46426: Improve tests for the dir_fd argument (GH-30668)Serhiy Storchaka2022-01-213-230/+208
* bpo-30512: Add CAN Socket support for NetBSD (GH-30066)Thomas Klausner2022-01-218-6/+26
* bpo-21987: Fix TarFile.getmember getting a dir with a trailing slash (GH-30283)andrei kulakov2022-01-213-1/+22
* bpo-46425: Fix direct invocation of `test_contextlib` (GH-30681)Nikita Sobolev2022-01-211-4/+10
* bpo-46417: signal uses PyStructSequence_NewType() (GH-30735)Victor Stinner2022-01-211-7/+9
* bpo-46417: _curses uses PyStructSequence_NewType() (GH-30736)Victor Stinner2022-01-2110-19/+40
* bpo-46417: time module uses PyStructSequence_NewType() (GH-30734)Victor Stinner2022-01-211-37/+81
* bpo-46417: _thread uses PyStructSequence_NewType() (GH-30733)Victor Stinner2022-01-211-12/+14
* bpo-46417: _testembed.c avoids Py_SetProgramName() (GH-30732)Victor Stinner2022-01-212-31/+33
* bpo-46417: Finalize structseq types at exit (GH-30645)Victor Stinner2022-01-2117-2/+230
* bpo-41857: mention timeout argument units in select.poll() and select.depoll(...Zane Bitter2022-01-212-3/+15
* bpo-46080: fix argparse help generation exception in edge case (GH-30111)Felix Fontein2022-01-213-3/+9
* bpo-46441: Add a boilerplate to test syntax errors in interactive mode (GH-30...Batuhan Taskaya2022-01-201-0/+33
* bpo-46316: optimize `pathlib.Path.iterdir()` (GH-30501)Barney Gale2022-01-202-3/+1
* bpo-40280: Misc fixes for wasm32-emscripten (GH-30722)Christian Heimes2022-01-209-6/+34
* bpo-46429: Merge all deepfrozen files into one (GH-30572)Kumar Aditya2022-01-206-243/+120
* Fix the caret position in some syntax errors in interactive mode (GH-30718)Pablo Galindo Salgado2022-01-201-2/+3
* bpo-46409: Make generators in bytecode (GH-30633)Mark Shannon2022-01-2018-204/+235
* no-issue: Fix documentation typos. (GH-30576)Piotr Fusik2022-01-202-2/+2
* bpo-46443: deepfreeze: use small ints and singleton zero bytes (GH-30715)Kumar Aditya2022-01-192-0/+6
* bpo-46437: remove useless `hasattr` from `test_typing` (#30704)Nikita Sobolev2022-01-191-9/+7
* doc: Clarify os.urandom return type (#30282)Florian Bruhin2022-01-191-1/+1
* docs: correct outdated MappingProxyType docstrings (#30281)Joshua Bronson2022-01-191-3/+3
* Update documentation in datetime module strftime-and-strptime-behavior fix ty...Evan2022-01-191-5/+5
* Mark all clinic headers as generated (GH-30679)Erlend Egeberg Aasland2022-01-191-5/+2
* bpo-45680: Minor formatting fix in stdtypes.rst (GH-30690)Ken Jin2022-01-191-1/+1
* bpo-46413: properly test `__{r}or__` code paths in `_SpecialGenericAlias` (GH...Nikita Sobolev2022-01-191-0/+8
* bpo-45680: Clarify documentation on ``GenericAlias`` objects (GH-29335)Alex Waygood2022-01-191-33/+84
* bpo-46416: Allow direct invocation of `Lib/test/` (GH-30641)Nikita Sobolev2022-01-191-3/+3
* bpo-22039: [doc] clarify that there are no plans to disable deleting an attri...Irit Katriel2022-01-191-2/+3
* bpo-43869: Time Epoch is the same on all platforms (GH-30664)Victor Stinner2022-01-193-17/+20
* bpo-45535: [Enum] include special dunders in dir() (GH-30677)Ethan Furman2022-01-182-44/+42
* bpo-45554: Document multiprocessing.Process.exitcode values (GH-30142)John Marshall2022-01-182-2/+10
* bpo-44024: Improve the TypeError message in getattr and hasattr (GH-25863)Géry Ogam2022-01-183-14/+16
* bpo-46045: Do not use POSIX semaphores on NetBSD (GH-30047)Thomas Klausner2022-01-183-0/+8
* bpo-20823: Clarify copyreg.pickle() documentation (GH-30230)Kumar Aditya2022-01-181-2/+2
* bpo-46425: Fix direct invocation of multiple test modules (GH-30666)Nikita Sobolev2022-01-186-9/+8
* bpo-43869: Improve epoch docs (GH-25777)Miguel Brito2022-01-181-1/+1
* bpo-46028: Calculate base_executable by resolving symlinks in a venv (GH-30144)Steve Dower2022-01-183-1/+47
* bpo-46424: [typing] cover `Annotation[arg]` invalid usage in tests (GH-30663)Nikita Sobolev2022-01-181-0/+4
* bpo-46402: Promote SQLite URI tricks in `sqlite3` docs (GH-30660)Erlend Egeberg Aasland2022-01-181-8/+22
* bpo-46339: Include clarification on assert in 'get_error_line_from_tokenizer_...Pablo Galindo Salgado2022-01-181-0/+3
* bpo-42161: Hoist the _PyLong_GetOne() call out of the inner loop. (GH-30656)Raymond Hettinger2022-01-182-3/+5
* bpo-46411: Remove unnecessary calls to sys.exc_info() in tests (GH-30638)Irit Katriel2022-01-186-16/+14
* bpo-44934: Add optional feature AppendPath to Windows MSI installer (GH-27889)bneuburg2022-01-1811-6/+107