path: root/Demo/threads
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authorGuido van Rossum <>2000-11-08 15:17:49 +0000
committerGuido van Rossum <>2000-11-08 15:17:49 +0000
commitf4e13a45639e906691690afa6281dba2103247a9 (patch)
tree93c328a86fb0babb62f28d35ee09dd62d50a301c /Demo/threads
parent704925c774c5802e5175b77251e49af5530c94fd (diff)
Add 1994 Coroutine module by Tim Peters
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/threads')
4 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/threads/ b/Demo/threads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cf9255362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/threads/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Coroutine implementation using Python threads.
+# Combines ideas from Guido's Generator module, and from the coroutine
+# features of Icon and Simula 67.
+# To run a collection of functions as coroutines, you need to create
+# a Coroutine object to control them:
+# co = Coroutine()
+# and then 'create' a subsidiary object for each function in the
+# collection:
+# cof1 = co.create(f1 [, arg1, arg2, ...]) # [] means optional,
+# cof2 = co.create(f2 [, arg1, arg2, ...]) #... not list
+# cof3 = co.create(f3 [, arg1, arg2, ...])
+# etc. The functions need not be distinct; 'create'ing the same
+# function multiple times gives you independent instances of the
+# function.
+# To start the coroutines running, use co.tran on one of the create'd
+# functions; e.g., co.tran(cof2). The routine that first executes
+# co.tran is called the "main coroutine". It's special in several
+# respects: it existed before you created the Coroutine object; if any of
+# the create'd coroutines exits (does a return, or suffers an unhandled
+# exception), EarlyExit error is raised in the main coroutine; and the
+# co.detach() method transfers control directly to the main coroutine
+# (you can't use co.tran() for this because the main coroutine doesn't
+# have a name ...).
+# Coroutine objects support these methods:
+# handle = .create(func [, arg1, arg2, ...])
+# Creates a coroutine for an invocation of func(arg1, arg2, ...),
+# and returns a handle ("name") for the coroutine so created. The
+# handle can be used as the target in a subsequent .tran().
+# .tran(target, data=None)
+# Transfer control to the create'd coroutine "target", optionally
+# passing it an arbitrary piece of data. To the coroutine A that does
+# the .tran, .tran acts like an ordinary function call: another
+# coroutine B can .tran back to it later, and if it does A's .tran
+# returns the 'data' argument passed to B's tran. E.g.,
+# in coroutine coA in coroutine coC in coroutine coB
+# x = co.tran(coC) co.tran(coB) co.tran(coA,12)
+# print x # 12
+# The data-passing feature is taken from Icon, and greatly cuts
+# the need to use global variables for inter-coroutine communication.
+# .back( data=None )
+# The same as .tran(invoker, data=None), where 'invoker' is the
+# coroutine that most recently .tran'ed control to the coroutine
+# doing the .back. This is akin to Icon's "&source".
+# .detach( data=None )
+# The same as .tran(main, data=None), where 'main' is the
+# (unnameable!) coroutine that started it all. 'main' has all the
+# rights of any other coroutine: upon receiving control, it can
+# .tran to an arbitrary coroutine of its choosing, go .back to
+# the .detach'er, or .kill the whole thing.
+# .kill()
+# Destroy all the coroutines, and return control to the main
+# coroutine. None of the create'ed coroutines can be resumed after a
+# .kill(). An EarlyExit exception does a .kill() automatically. It's
+# a good idea to .kill() coroutines you're done with, since the
+# current implementation consumes a thread for each coroutine that
+# may be resumed.
+import thread
+import sync
+class _CoEvent:
+ def __init__(self, func):
+ self.f = func
+ self.e = sync.event()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.f is None:
+ return 'main coroutine'
+ else:
+ return 'coroutine for func ' + self.f.func_name
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return id(self)
+ def __cmp__(x,y):
+ return cmp(id(x), id(y))
+ def resume(self):
+ def wait(self):
+ self.e.wait()
+ self.e.clear()
+Killed = 'Coroutine.Killed'
+EarlyExit = 'Coroutine.EarlyExit'
+class Coroutine:
+ def __init__(self):
+ = self.main = _CoEvent(None)
+ self.invokedby = {self.main: None}
+ self.killed = 0
+ self.value = None
+ self.terminated_by = None
+ def create(self, func, *args):
+ me = _CoEvent(func)
+ self.invokedby[me] = None
+ thread.start_new_thread(self._start, (me,) + args)
+ return me
+ def _start(self, me, *args):
+ me.wait()
+ if not self.killed:
+ try:
+ try:
+ apply(me.f, args)
+ except Killed:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ if not self.killed:
+ self.terminated_by = me
+ self.kill()
+ def kill(self):
+ if self.killed:
+ raise TypeError, 'kill() called on dead coroutines'
+ self.killed = 1
+ for coroutine in self.invokedby.keys():
+ coroutine.resume()
+ def back(self, data=None):
+ return self.tran( self.invokedby[], data )
+ def detach(self, data=None):
+ return self.tran( self.main, data )
+ def tran(self, target, data=None):
+ if not self.invokedby.has_key(target):
+ raise TypeError, '.tran target ' + `target` + \
+ ' is not an active coroutine'
+ if self.killed:
+ raise TypeError, '.tran target ' + `target` + ' is killed'
+ self.value = data
+ me =
+ self.invokedby[target] = me
+ = target
+ target.resume()
+ me.wait()
+ if self.killed:
+ if self.main is not me:
+ raise Killed
+ if self.terminated_by is not None:
+ raise EarlyExit, `self.terminated_by` + ' terminated early'
+ return self.value
+# end of module
diff --git a/Demo/threads/README b/Demo/threads/README
index c6c4a0ba59..fe27818cc5 100644
--- a/Demo/threads/README
+++ b/Demo/threads/README
@@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ Parallelized "find(1)" (looks for directories). Condition variables primitives by Tim Peters. Version of ../sockets/ using threads. Version of ../scripts/ using threads (needs stdwin).
+ Coroutines using threads, by Tim Peters (22 May 94) Example of above, by Tim Another example of above, also by Tim
diff --git a/Demo/threads/ b/Demo/threads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37a2087ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/threads/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Coroutine example: controlling multiple instances of a single function
+from Coroutine import *
+# fringe visits a nested list in inorder, and detaches for each non-list
+# element; raises EarlyExit after the list is exhausted
+def fringe( co, list ):
+ for x in list:
+ if type(x) is type([]):
+ fringe(co, x)
+ else:
+ co.detach(x)
+def printinorder( list ):
+ co = Coroutine()
+ f = co.create(fringe, co, list)
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ print co.tran(f),
+ except EarlyExit:
+ pass
+ print
+printinorder([1,2,3]) # 1 2 3
+printinorder([[[[1,[2]]],3]]) # ditto
+x = [0, 1, [2, [3]], [4,5], [[[6]]] ]
+printinorder(x) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+# fcmp lexicographically compares the fringes of two nested lists
+def fcmp( l1, l2 ):
+ co1 = Coroutine(); f1 = co1.create(fringe, co1, l1)
+ co2 = Coroutine(); f2 = co2.create(fringe, co2, l2)
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ v1 = co1.tran(f1)
+ except EarlyExit:
+ try:
+ v2 = co2.tran(f2)
+ except EarlyExit:
+ return 0
+ co2.kill()
+ return -1
+ try:
+ v2 = co2.tran(f2)
+ except EarlyExit:
+ co1.kill()
+ return 1
+ if v1 != v2:
+ co1.kill(); co2.kill()
+ return cmp(v1,v2)
+print fcmp(range(7), x) # 0; fringes are equal
+print fcmp(range(6), x) # -1; 1st list ends early
+print fcmp(x, range(6)) # 1; 2nd list ends early
+print fcmp(range(8), x) # 1; 2nd list ends early
+print fcmp(x, range(8)) # -1; 1st list ends early
+print fcmp([1,[[2],8]],
+ [[[1],2],8]) # 0
+print fcmp([1,[[3],8]],
+ [[[1],2],8]) # 1
+print fcmp([1,[[2],8]],
+ [[[1],2],9]) # -1
+# end of example
diff --git a/Demo/threads/ b/Demo/threads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d5ea0086c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/threads/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Coroutine example: general coroutine transfers
+# The program is a variation of a Simula 67 program due to Dahl & Hoare,
+# who in turn credit the original example to Conway.
+# We have a number of input lines, terminated by a 0 byte. The problem
+# is to squash them together into output lines containing 72 characters
+# each. A semicolon must be added between input lines. Runs of blanks
+# and tabs in input lines must be squashed into single blanks.
+# Occurrences of "**" in input lines must be replaced by "^".
+# Here's a test case:
+test = """\
+ d = sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)
+twoa = 2*a
+ L = -b/twoa
+ R = d/twoa
+ A1 = L + R
+ A2 = L - R\0
+# The program should print:
+# d = sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c);twoa = 2*a; L = -b/twoa; R = d/twoa; A1 = L + R;
+#A2 = L - R
+# getline: delivers the next input line to its invoker
+# disassembler: grabs input lines from getline, and delivers them one
+# character at a time to squasher, also inserting a semicolon into
+# the stream between lines
+# squasher: grabs characters from disassembler and passes them on to
+# assembler, first replacing "**" with "^" and squashing runs of
+# whitespace
+# assembler: grabs characters from squasher and packs them into lines
+# with 72 character each, delivering each such line to putline;
+# when it sees a null byte, passes the last line to putline and
+# then kills all the coroutines
+# putline: grabs lines from assembler, and just prints them
+from Coroutine import *
+def getline(text):
+ for line in string.splitfields(text, '\n'):
+ co.back(line)
+def disassembler():
+ while 1:
+ card = co.tran(cogetline)
+ for i in range(len(card)):
+ co.tran(cosquasher, card[i])
+ co.tran(cosquasher, ';')
+def squasher():
+ while 1:
+ ch = co.tran(codisassembler)
+ if ch == '*':
+ ch2 = co.tran(codisassembler)
+ if ch2 == '*':
+ ch = '^'
+ else:
+ co.tran(coassembler, ch)
+ ch = ch2
+ if ch in ' \t':
+ while 1:
+ ch2 = co.tran(codisassembler)
+ if ch2 not in ' \t':
+ break
+ co.tran(coassembler, ' ')
+ ch = ch2
+ co.tran(coassembler, ch)
+def assembler():
+ line = ''
+ while 1:
+ ch = co.tran(cosquasher)
+ if ch == '\0':
+ break
+ if len(line) == 72:
+ co.tran(coputline, line)
+ line = ''
+ line = line + ch
+ line = line + ' ' * (72 - len(line))
+ co.tran(coputline, line)
+ co.kill()
+def putline():
+ while 1:
+ line = co.tran(coassembler)
+ print line
+import string
+co = Coroutine()
+cogetline = co.create(getline, test)
+coputline = co.create(putline)
+coassembler = co.create(assembler)
+codisassembler = co.create(disassembler)
+cosquasher = co.create(squasher)
+print 'done'
+# end of example