diff options
authorNick Coghlan <>2012-06-23 19:39:55 +1000
committerNick Coghlan <>2012-06-23 19:39:55 +1000
commit2f92e54507cd4a76978133c10bf32cbdef90cd37 (patch)
parent970da4549ab78ad6f89dd0cce0d2defc771e1c72 (diff)
Close #13062: Add inspect.getclosurevars to simplify testing stateful closures
5 files changed, 184 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/inspect.rst b/Doc/library/inspect.rst
index 611f780254..04b724b737 100644
--- a/Doc/library/inspect.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/inspect.rst
@@ -497,6 +497,22 @@ Classes and functions
.. versionadded:: 3.2
+.. function:: getclosurevars(func)
+ Get the mapping of external name references in a Python function or
+ method *func* to their current values. A
+ :term:`named tuple` ``ClosureVars(nonlocals, globals, builtins, unbound)``
+ is returned. *nonlocals* maps referenced names to lexical closure
+ variables, *globals* to the function's module globals and *builtins* to
+ the builtins visible from the function body. *unbound* is the set of names
+ referenced in the function that could not be resolved at all given the
+ current module globals and builtins.
+ :exc:`TypeError` is raised if *func* is not a Python function or method.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.3
.. _inspect-stack:
The interpreter stack
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.3.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.3.rst
index 974cc71302..592f9c9925 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.3.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.3.rst
@@ -1027,6 +1027,16 @@ parameter to control parameters of the secure channel.
(Contributed by Sijin Joseph in :issue:`8808`)
+A new :func:`~inspect.getclosurevars` function has been added. This function
+reports the current binding of all names referenced from the function body and
+where those names were resolved, making it easier to verify correct internal
+state when testing code that relies on stateful closures.
+(Contributed by Meador Inge and Nick Coghlan in :issue:`13062`)
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 484c9c358d..dd2de64221 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import tokenize
import types
import warnings
import functools
+import builtins
from operator import attrgetter
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
@@ -1036,6 +1037,59 @@ def getcallargs(func, *positional, **named):
_missing_arguments(f_name, kwonlyargs, False, arg2value)
return arg2value
+ClosureVars = namedtuple('ClosureVars', 'nonlocals globals builtins unbound')
+def getclosurevars(func):
+ """
+ Get the mapping of free variables to their current values.
+ Returns a named tuple of dics mapping the current nonlocal, global
+ and builtin references as seen by the body of the function. A final
+ set of unbound names that could not be resolved is also provided.
+ """
+ if ismethod(func):
+ func = func.__func__
+ if not isfunction(func):
+ raise TypeError("'{!r}' is not a Python function".format(func))
+ code = func.__code__
+ # Nonlocal references are named in co_freevars and resolved
+ # by looking them up in __closure__ by positional index
+ if func.__closure__ is None:
+ nonlocal_vars = {}
+ else:
+ nonlocal_vars = {
+ var : cell.cell_contents
+ for var, cell in zip(code.co_freevars, func.__closure__)
+ }
+ # Global and builtin references are named in co_names and resolved
+ # by looking them up in __globals__ or __builtins__
+ global_ns = func.__globals__
+ builtin_ns = global_ns.get("__builtins__", builtins.__dict__)
+ if ismodule(builtin_ns):
+ builtin_ns = builtin_ns.__dict__
+ global_vars = {}
+ builtin_vars = {}
+ unbound_names = set()
+ for name in code.co_names:
+ if name in ("None", "True", "False"):
+ # Because these used to be builtins instead of keywords, they
+ # may still show up as name references. We ignore them.
+ continue
+ try:
+ global_vars[name] = global_ns[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ builtin_vars[name] = builtin_ns[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ unbound_names.add(name)
+ return ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
+ builtin_vars, unbound_names)
# -------------------------------------------------- stack frame extraction
Traceback = namedtuple('Traceback', 'filename lineno function code_context index')
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 53c947fc9d..83277215a8 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -665,6 +665,105 @@ class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn(('f', b.f), inspect.getmembers(b, inspect.ismethod))
+_global_ref = object()
+class TestGetClosureVars(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_name_resolution(self):
+ # Basic test of the 4 different resolution mechanisms
+ def f(nonlocal_ref):
+ def g(local_ref):
+ print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
+ return g
+ _arg = object()
+ nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
+ global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
+ builtin_vars = {"print": print}
+ unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
+ expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
+ builtin_vars, unbound_names)
+ self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
+ def test_generator_closure(self):
+ def f(nonlocal_ref):
+ def g(local_ref):
+ print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
+ yield
+ return g
+ _arg = object()
+ nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
+ global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
+ builtin_vars = {"print": print}
+ unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
+ expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
+ builtin_vars, unbound_names)
+ self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
+ def test_method_closure(self):
+ class C:
+ def f(self, nonlocal_ref):
+ def g(local_ref):
+ print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
+ return g
+ _arg = object()
+ nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
+ global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
+ builtin_vars = {"print": print}
+ unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
+ expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
+ builtin_vars, unbound_names)
+ self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(C().f(_arg)), expected)
+ def test_nonlocal_vars(self):
+ # More complex tests of nonlocal resolution
+ def _nonlocal_vars(f):
+ return inspect.getclosurevars(f).nonlocals
+ def make_adder(x):
+ def add(y):
+ return x + y
+ return add
+ def curry(func, arg1):
+ return lambda arg2: func(arg1, arg2)
+ def less_than(a, b):
+ return a < b
+ # The infamous Y combinator.
+ def Y(le):
+ def g(f):
+ return le(lambda x: f(f)(x))
+ Y.g_ref = g
+ return g(g)
+ def check_y_combinator(func):
+ self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(func), {'f': Y.g_ref})
+ inc = make_adder(1)
+ add_two = make_adder(2)
+ greater_than_five = curry(less_than, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(inc), {'x': 1})
+ self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(add_two), {'x': 2})
+ self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(greater_than_five),
+ {'arg1': 5, 'func': less_than})
+ self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars((lambda x: lambda y: x + y)(3)),
+ {'x': 3})
+ Y(check_y_combinator)
+ def test_getclosurevars_empty(self):
+ def foo(): pass
+ _empty = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {}, set())
+ self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(lambda: True), _empty)
+ self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(foo), _empty)
+ def test_getclosurevars_error(self):
+ class T: pass
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, 1)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, list)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, {})
class TestGetcallargsFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def assertEqualCallArgs(self, func, call_params_string, locs=None):
@@ -2100,7 +2199,7 @@ def test_main():
TestGetcallargsFunctions, TestGetcallargsMethods,
TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods, TestGetattrStatic, TestGetGeneratorState,
TestNoEOL, TestSignatureObject, TestSignatureBind, TestParameterObject,
- TestBoundArguments
+ TestBoundArguments, TestGetClosureVars
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index b6f735fc7a..0c69f3506e 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ Core and Builtins
-- Issues #11024: Fixes and additional tests for Time2Internaldate.
+- Issue #13062: Added inspect.getclosurevars to simplify testing stateful
+ closures
+- Issue #11024: Fixes and additional tests for Time2Internaldate.
- Issue #14626: Large refactoring of functions / parameters in the os module.
Many functions now support "dir_fd" and "follow_symlinks" parameters;