path: root/tests/futility/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/futility/')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/futility/ b/tests/futility/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..54d48479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/futility/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eux
+# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+if [[ -z ${SCRIPT_DIR+x} ]]; then
+ # must be running standalone
+ SCRIPT_DIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/..)"
+ FUTILITY="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../build/futility/futility"
+if [[ ! -e ${FUTILITY} ]]; then
+ echo "The futility app not available, run 'make futil' in the top directory" \
+ >&2
+ exit 1
+KEYS_DIR="$(readlink -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}/devkeys")"
+TMPD="$(mktemp -d /tmp/"$(basename "$0")".XXXXX)"
+trap '/bin/rm -rf "${TMPD}"' EXIT
+# Test FMAP sections were taken from Nivviks image, which is 32M in size.
+FW_IMAGE_SIZE_K=$(( 32 * 1024 ))
+# FMAP offset in the original image
+main() {
+ local bios_blob
+ local command_args
+ local fmap_blob
+ local hwid
+ local pubkhash
+ local section
+ cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}/futility"
+ # Create a blob of the firmware image size.
+ bios_blob="${TMPD}/image.bin"
+ cat /dev/zero | tr '\000' '\377' | \
+ dd of="${bios_blob}" bs=1K count="${FW_IMAGE_SIZE_K}" status=none
+ # Paste the FMAP blob at the known location
+ fmap_blob="data/nivviks.FMAP"
+ dd if="${fmap_blob}" of="${bios_blob}" bs=1K seek="${FMAP_OFFSET_K}" \
+ conv=notrunc status=none
+ # Paste other available FMAP areas into the image.
+ command_args=()
+ for section in data/nivviks.[A-Z]*; do
+ local name
+ if [[ ${section} =~ .*FMAP ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ name="${section##*.}"
+ command_args+=( "${name}:${section}" )
+ done
+ "${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${bios_blob}" "${command_args[@]}"
+ # Make sure gbb flags are nonzero
+ "${FUTILITY}" gbb --set --flags=1 "${bios_blob}"
+ # Sign the blob using ranges already present in the RO_GSCVD section.
+ "${FUTILITY}" gscvd --keyblock "${KEYS_DIR}"/arv_platform.keyblock \
+ --platform_priv "${KEYS_DIR}"/arv_platform.vbprivk \
+ --board_id XYZ1 \
+ --root_pub_key "${KEYS_DIR}"/arv_root.vbpubk "${bios_blob}"
+ # Calculate root pub key hash
+ pubkhash="$( "${FUTILITY}" gscvd --root_pub_key \
+ "${KEYS_DIR}"/arv_root.vbpubk | tail -1)"
+ # Run verification, this one is expected to fail because GBB flags are not
+ # zero.
+ if "${FUTILITY}" gscvd "${bios_blob}" "${pubkhash}" 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Unexpected signature match!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Clear the flags and try verifying again, should succeed this time.
+ "${FUTILITY}" gbb --set --flags=0 "${bios_blob}"
+ if ! "${FUTILITY}" gscvd "${bios_blob}" "${pubkhash}" 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Unexpected signature MISmatch!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Change HWID and see that signature still matches.
+ hwid="$("${FUTILITY}" gbb --hwid "${bios_blob}" | sed 's/.*: //')"
+ "${FUTILITY}" gbb --set --hwid="${hwid}xx" "${bios_blob}"
+ if ! "${FUTILITY}" gscvd "${bios_blob}" "${pubkhash}" 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Unexpected signature MISmatch after modifying HWID!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Modify the recovery key and see that signature verification fails.
+ "${FUTILITY}" gbb --set \
+ --recoverykey="${KEYS_DIR}"/recovery_kernel_data_key.vbpubk \
+ "${bios_blob}"
+ if "${FUTILITY}" gscvd "${bios_blob}" "${pubkhash}" 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Unexpected signature match after updating recovery key!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+main "$@"