path: root/vms/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vms/')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vms/ b/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bbe13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+$! Build procedure for VMS versions of Zip.
+$! last revised: 2007-03-15 SMS.
+$! Command arguments:
+$! - suppress help file processing: "NOHELP"
+$! - suppress message file processing: "NOMSG"
+$! - select link-only: "LINK"
+$! - select compiler environment: "VAXC", "DECC", "GNUC"
+$! - select large-file support: "LARGE"
+$! - select compiler listings: "LIST" Note that the whole argument
+$! is added to the compiler command, so more elaborate options
+$! like "LIST/SHOW=ALL" (quoted or space-free) may be specified.
+$! - supply additional compiler options: "CCOPTS=xxx" Allows the
+$! user to add compiler command options like /ARCHITECTURE or
+$! or CCOPTS=/DEBUG/NOOPTI. These options must be quoted or
+$! space-free.
+$! - supply additional linker options: "LINKOPTS=xxx" Allows the
+$! user to add linker command options like /DEBUG or /MAP. For
+$! example: LINKOPTS=/DEBUG or LINKOPTS=/MAP/CROSS. These options
+$! must be quoted or space-free. Default is
+$! LINKOPTS=/NOTRACEBACK, but if the user specifies a LINKOPTS
+$! string, /NOTRACEBACK will not be included unless specified by
+$! the user.
+$! - select installation of CLI interface version of zip:
+$! "VMSCLI" or "CLI"
+$! - force installation of UNIX interface version of zip
+$! (override LOCAL_ZIP environment): "NOVMSCLI" or "NOCLI"
+$! - select BZIP2 support: "IZ_BZIP2=dev:[dir]", where "dev:[dir]"
+$! (or a suitable logical name) tells where to find "bzlib.h".
+$! The BZIP2 object library (LIBBZ2_NS.OLB) is expected to be in
+$! a "[.dest]" directory under that one ("dev:[dir.ALPHAL]", for
+$! example), or in that directory itself.
+$! To specify additional options, define the global symbol
+$! LOCAL_ZIP as a comma-separated list of the C macros to be
+$! defined, and then run BUILD_ZIP.COM. For example:
+$! Valid VMS-specific options include VMS_PK_EXTRA and VMS_IM_EXTRA.
+$! See the INSTALL file for other options. (VMS_PK_EXTRA is the
+$! default.)
+$! If editing this procedure to set LOCAL_ZIP, be sure to use only
+$! one "=", to avoid affecting other procedures. For example:
+$! Note: This command procedure always generates both the "default"
+$! Zip having the UNIX style command interface and the "VMSCLI" Zip
+$! having the CLI compatible command interface. There is no need to
+$! add "VMSCLI" to the LOCAL_ZIP symbol. (The only effect of
+$! "VMSCLI" now is the selection of the CLI style Zip executable in
+$! the foreign command definition.)
+$ on error then goto error
+$ on control_y then goto error
+$ OLD_VERIFY = f$verify( 0)
+$ edit := edit ! override customized edit commands
+$ say := write sys$output
+$!##################### Read settings from environment ########################
+$ if (f$type( LOCAL_ZIP) .eqs. "")
+$ then
+$ LOCAL_ZIP = ""
+$ else ! Trim blanks and append comma if missing
+$ LOCAL_ZIP = f$edit( LOCAL_ZIP, "TRIM")
+$ if (f$extract( f$length( LOCAL_ZIP)- 1, 1, LOCAL_ZIP) .nes. ",")
+$ then
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$! Check for the presence of "VMSCLI" in LOCAL_ZIP. If yes, we will
+$! define the foreign command for "zip" to use the executable
+$! containing the CLI interface.
+$ len_local_zip = f$length( LOCAL_ZIP)
+$ pos_cli = f$locate( "VMSCLI", LOCAL_ZIP)
+$ if (pos_cli .ne. len_local_zip)
+$ then
+$ ! Remove "VMSCLI" macro from LOCAL_ZIP. The Zip executable
+$ ! including the CLI interface is now created unconditionally.
+$ LOCAL_ZIP = f$extract( 0, pos_cli, LOCAL_ZIP)+ -
+ f$extract( pos_cli+7, len_local_zip- (pos_cli+ 7), LOCAL_ZIP)
+$ else
+$ endif
+$ delete /symbol /local pos_cli
+$! Check for the presence of "VMS_IM_EXTRA" in LOCAL_ZIP. If yes, we
+$! will (later) add "I" to the destination directory name.
+$ desti = ""
+$ pos_im = f$locate( "VMS_IM_EXTRA", LOCAL_ZIP)
+$ if (pos_im .ne. len_local_zip)
+$ then
+$ desti = "I"
+$ endif
+$ delete /symbol /local len_local_zip
+$!##################### Customizing section #############################
+$ zipx_unx = "ZIP"
+$ zipx_cli = "ZIP_CLI"
+$ CCOPTS = ""
+$ IZ_BZIP2 = ""
+$ LINKOPTS = "/notraceback"
+$ LINK_ONLY = 0
+$ LISTING = " /nolist"
+$ MAKE_HELP = 1
+$ MAKE_MSG = 1
+$! Process command line parameters requesting optional features.
+$ arg_cnt = 1
+$ argloop:
+$ current_arg_name = "P''arg_cnt'"
+$ curr_arg = f$edit( 'current_arg_name', "UPCASE")
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "") then goto argloop_out
+$ if (f$extract( 0, 5, curr_arg) .eqs. "CCOPT")
+$ then
+$ opts = f$edit( curr_arg, "COLLAPSE")
+$ eq = f$locate( "=", opts)
+$ CCOPTS = f$extract( (eq+ 1), 1000, opts)
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if f$extract( 0, 7, curr_arg) .eqs. "IZ_BZIP"
+$ then
+$ opts = f$edit( curr_arg, "COLLAPSE")
+$ eq = f$locate( "=", opts)
+$ IZ_BZIP2 = f$extract( (eq+ 1), 1000, opts)
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (f$extract( 0, 5, curr_arg) .eqs. "LARGE")
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (f$extract( 0, 7, curr_arg) .eqs. "LINKOPT")
+$ then
+$ opts = f$edit( curr_arg, "COLLAPSE")
+$ eq = f$locate( "=", opts)
+$ LINKOPTS = f$extract( (eq+ 1), 1000, opts)
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$! Note: LINK test must follow LINKOPTS test.
+$ if (f$extract( 0, 4, curr_arg) .eqs. "LINK")
+$ then
+$ LINK_ONLY = 1
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (f$extract( 0, 4, curr_arg) .eqs. "LIST")
+$ then
+$ LISTING = "/''curr_arg'" ! But see below for mods.
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "NOHELP")
+$ then
+$ MAKE_HELP = 0
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "NOMSG")
+$ then
+$ MAKE_MSG = 0
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "VAXC")
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "DECC")
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if (curr_arg .eqs. "GNUC")
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if ((curr_arg .eqs. "VMSCLI") .or. (curr_arg .eqs. "CLI"))
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ if ((curr_arg .eqs. "NOVMSCLI") .or. (curr_arg .eqs. "NOCLI"))
+$ then
+$ goto argloop_end
+$ endif
+$ say "Unrecognized command-line option: ''curr_arg'"
+$ goto error
+$ argloop_end:
+$ arg_cnt = arg_cnt + 1
+$ goto argloop
+$ argloop_out:
+$ then
+$ ZIPEXEC = zipx_cli
+$ else
+$ ZIPEXEC = zipx_unx
+$ endif
+$! Find out current disk, directory, compiler and options
+$ workdir = f$environment( "default")
+$ here = f$parse( workdir, , , "device")+ f$parse( workdir, , , "directory")
+$! Sense the host architecture (Alpha, Itanium, or VAX).
+$ if (f$getsyi( "HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024)
+$ then
+$ arch = "VAX"
+$ else
+$ if (f$getsyi( "ARCH_TYPE") .eq. 2)
+$ then
+$ arch = "ALPHA"
+$ else
+$ if (f$getsyi( "ARCH_TYPE") .eq. 3)
+$ then
+$ arch = "IA64"
+$ else
+$ arch = "unknown_arch"
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ dest = arch
+$ cmpl = "DEC/Compaq/HP C"
+$ opts = ""
+$ if (arch .nes. "VAX")
+$ then
+$ if (MAY_USE_GNUC)
+$ then
+$ say "GNU C is not supported for ''arch'."
+$ say "You must use DEC/Compaq/HP C to build Zip."
+$ goto error
+$ endif
+$ if (.not. MAY_USE_DECC)
+$ then
+$ say "VAX C is not supported for ''arch'."
+$ say "You must use DEC/Compaq/HP C to build Zip."
+$ goto error
+$ endif
+$ cc = "cc /standard = relax /prefix = all /ansi"
+$ defs = "''LOCAL_ZIP' VMS"
+$ if (LARGE_FILE .ne. 0)
+$ then
+$ defs = "LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT, ''defs'"
+$ endif
+$ else
+$ if (LARGE_FILE .ne. 0)
+$ then
+$ say "LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is not available on VAX."
+$ endif
+$ HAVE_DECC_VAX = (f$search( "SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE") .nes. "")
+$ HAVE_VAXC_VAX = (f$search( "SYS$SYSTEM:VAXC.EXE") .nes. "")
+$ MAY_HAVE_GNUC = (f$trnlnm( "GNU_CC") .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ ! We use DECC:
+$ cc = "cc /decc /prefix = all"
+$ defs = "''LOCAL_ZIP' VMS"
+$ else
+$ ! We use VAXC (or GNU C):
+$ defs = "''LOCAL_ZIP' VMS"
+$ if ((.not. HAVE_VAXC_VAX .and. MAY_HAVE_GNUC) .or. MAY_USE_GNUC)
+$ then
+$ cc = "gcc"
+$ opts = "GNU_CC:[000000]GCCLIB.OLB /LIBRARY,"
+$ dest = "''dest'G"
+$ cmpl = "GNU C"
+$ else
+$ then
+$ cc = "cc /vaxc"
+$ else
+$ cc = "cc"
+$ endif
+$ dest = "''dest'V"
+$ cmpl = "VAC C"
+$ endif
+$ opts = "''opts' SYS$DISK:[.''dest']VAXCSHR.OPT /OPTIONS,"
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$! Change the destination directory, according to the VMS_IM_EXTRA and
+$! large-file options. Set the bzip2 directory.
+$ dest = dest+ desti
+$ seek_bz = arch
+$ if (LARGE_FILE .ne. 0)
+$ then
+$ dest = dest+ "L"
+$ seek_bz = seek_bz+ "L"
+$ endif
+$! If BZIP2 support was selected, find the object library.
+$! Complain if things fail.
+$ cc_incl = "[]"
+$ incl_bzip2_m = ""
+$ lib_bzip2_opts = ""
+$ if (IZ_BZIP2 .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ bz2_olb = "LIBBZ2_NS.OLB"
+$ define incl_bzip2 'IZ_BZIP2'
+$ defs = "''defs', BZIP2_SUPPORT"
+$ @ [.VMS]FIND_BZIP2_LIB.COM 'IZ_BZIP2' 'seek_bz' 'bz2_olb' lib_bzip2
+$ if (f$trnlnm( "lib_bzip2") .eqs. "")
+$ then
+$ say "Can't find BZIP2 object library. Can't link."
+$ goto error
+$ else
+$ say "BZIP2 dir = ''f$trnlnm( "lib_bzip2")'"
+$ incl_bzip2_m = ", ZBZ2ERR"
+$ lib_bzip2_opts = "lib_bzip2:''bz2_olb' /library, "
+$ cc_incl = cc_incl+ ", [.VMS]"
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$! Reveal the plan. If compiling, set some compiler options.
+$ if (LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$ say "Linking on ''arch' for ''cmpl'."
+$ else
+$ say "Compiling on ''arch' using ''cmpl'."
+$ DEF_UNX = "/define = (''defs')"
+$ DEF_CLI = "/define = (''defs', VMSCLI)"
+$ DEF_UTIL = "/define = (''defs', UTIL)"
+$ endif
+$! If [.'dest'] does not exist, either complain (link-only) or make it.
+$ if (f$search( "''dest'.DIR;1") .eqs. "")
+$ then
+$ if (LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$ say "Can't find directory ""[.''dest']"". Can't link."
+$ goto error
+$ else
+$ create /directory [.'dest']
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if (.not. LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$! Arrange to get arch-specific list file placement, if LISTING, and if
+$! the user didn't specify a particular "/LIST =" destination.
+$ L = f$edit( LISTING, "COLLAPSE")
+$ if ((f$extract( 0, 5, L) .eqs. "/LIST") .and. -
+ (f$extract( 4, 1, L) .nes. "="))
+$ then
+$ LISTING = " /LIST = [.''dest']"+ f$extract( 5, 1000, LISTING)
+$ endif
+$! Define compiler command.
+$ cc = cc+ " /include = (''cc_incl')"+ LISTING+ CCOPTS
+$ endif
+$! Define linker command.
+$ link = "link ''LINKOPTS'"
+$! Make a VAXCRTL options file for GNU C or VAC C, if needed.
+$ if ((opts .nes. "") .and. -
+ (f$locate( "VAXCSHR", f$edit( opts, "UPCASE")) .lt. f$length( opts)) .and. -
+ (f$search( "[.''dest']VAXCSHR.OPT") .eqs. ""))
+$ then
+$ open /write opt_file_ln [.'dest']VAXCSHR.OPT
+$ write opt_file_ln "SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL.EXE /SHARE"
+$ close opt_file_ln
+$ endif
+$! Show interesting facts.
+$ say " architecture = ''arch' (destination = [.''dest'])"
+$ if (.not. LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$ say " cc = ''cc'"
+$ endif
+$ say " link = ''link'"
+$ if (.not. MAKE_HELP)
+$ then
+$ say " Not making new help files."
+$ endif
+$ say ""
+$ if (.not. MAKE_MSG)
+$ then
+$ say " Not making new message files."
+$ endif
+$ say ""
+$ tmp = f$verify( 1) ! Turn echo on to see what's happening.
+$!-------------------------------- Zip section -------------------------------
+$ if (.not. LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$! Process the help file, if desired.
+$ if (MAKE_HELP)
+$ then
+$ runoff /out = ZIP.HLP [.VMS]VMS_ZIP.RNH
+$ endif
+$! Process the message file, if desired.
+$ if (MAKE_MSG)
+$ then
+$! Create the message source file first, if it's not found.
+$ if (f$search( "[.VMS]ZIP_MSG.MSG") .eqs. "")
+$ then
+$ cc /include = [] /object = [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.OBJ -
+$ link /executable = [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.EXE -
+ [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.OBJ
+$ create /fdl = [.VMS]STREAM_LF.FDL [.VMS]ZIP_MSG.MSG
+$ define /user_mode sys$output [.VMS]ZIP_MSG.MSG
+$ run [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.EXE
+$ purge [.VMS]ZIP_MSG.MSG
+$ delete [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.EXE;*, -
+ [.'dest']VMS_MSG_GEN.OBJ;*
+$ endif
+$ message /object = [.'dest']ZIP_MSG.OBJ /nosymbols -
+$ link /shareable = [.'dest']ZIP_MSG.EXE [.'dest']ZIP_MSG.OBJ
+$ endif
+$! Compile the sources.
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']ZIP.OBJ ZIP.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']CRC32.OBJ CRC32.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']CRYPT.OBJ CRYPT.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']DEFLATE.OBJ DEFLATE.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']FILEIO.OBJ FILEIO.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']GLOBALS.OBJ GLOBALS.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']TREES.OBJ TREES.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']TTYIO.OBJ TTYIO.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']UTIL.OBJ UTIL.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']ZBZ2ERR.OBJ ZBZ2ERR.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']ZIPFILE.OBJ ZIPFILE.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']ZIPUP.OBJ ZIPUP.C
+$ cc /include = [] 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']VMS.OBJ -
+$ cc /include = [] 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']VMSMUNCH.OBJ -
+$ cc /include = [] 'DEF_UNX' /object = [.'dest']VMSZIP.OBJ -
+$! Create the object library.
+$ if (f$search( "[.''dest']ZIP.OLB") .eqs. "") then -
+ libr /object /create [.'dest']ZIP.OLB
+$ libr /object /replace [.'dest']ZIP.OLB -
+ [.'dest']CRC32.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']CRYPT.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']DEFLATE.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']FILEIO.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']GLOBALS.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']TREES.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']TTYIO.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']UTIL.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZBZ2ERR.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPFILE.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPUP.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']VMS.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']VMSMUNCH.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']VMSZIP.OBJ
+$ endif
+$! Link the executable.
+$ link /executable = [.'dest']'ZIPX_UNX'.EXE -
+ [.'dest']ZIP.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIP.OLB /include = (GLOBALS 'incl_bzip2_m') /library, -
+ 'lib_bzip2_opts' -
+ 'opts' -
+ SYS$DISK:[.VMS]ZIP.OPT /options
+$!------------------------ Zip (CLI interface) section -----------------------
+$ if (.not. LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$! Process the CLI help file, if desired.
+$ if (MAKE_HELP)
+$ then
+$ set default [.VMS]
+$ edit /tpu /nosection /nodisplay /command = cvthelp.tpu -
+$ set default [-]
+$ runoff /output = ZIP_CLI.HLP [.VMS]ZIP_CLI.RNH
+$ endif
+$! Compile the CLI sources.
+$ cc 'DEF_CLI' /object = [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OBJ ZIP.C
+$ cc /include = [] 'DEF_CLI' /object = [.'dest']CMDLINE.OBJ -
+$! Create the command definition object file.
+$ set command /object = [.'dest']ZIP_CLI.OBJ [.VMS]ZIP_CLI.CLD
+$! Create the CLI object library.
+$ if (f$search( "[.''dest']ZIPCLI.OLB") .eqs. "") then -
+ libr /object /create [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OLB
+$ libr /object /replace [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OLB -
+ [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']CMDLINE.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIP_CLI.OBJ
+$ endif
+$! Link the CLI executable.
+$ link /executable = [.'dest']'ZIPX_CLI'.EXE -
+ [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPCLI.OLB /library, -
+ [.'dest']ZIP.OLB /include = (GLOBALS 'incl_bzip2_m') /library, -
+ 'lib_bzip2_opts' -
+ 'opts' -
+ SYS$DISK:[.VMS]ZIP.OPT /options
+$!--------------------------- Zip utilities section --------------------------
+$ if (.not. LINK_ONLY)
+$ then
+$! Compile the variant Zip utilities library sources.
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']CRC32_.OBJ CRC32.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']CRYPT_.OBJ CRYPT.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']FILEIO_.OBJ FILEIO.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']UTIL_.OBJ UTIL.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']ZIPFILE_.OBJ ZIPFILE.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /include = [] /object = [.'dest']VMS_.OBJ [.VMS]VMS.C
+$! Create the Zip utilities object library.
+$ if f$search( "[.''dest']ZIPUTILS.OLB") .eqs. "" then -
+ libr /object /create [.'dest']ZIPUTILS.OLB
+$ libr /object /replace [.'dest']ZIPUTILS.OLB -
+ [.'dest']CRC32_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']CRYPT_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']FILEIO_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']GLOBALS.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']TTYIO.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']UTIL_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPFILE_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']VMS_.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']VMSMUNCH.OBJ
+$! Compile the Zip utilities main program sources.
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']ZIPCLOAK.OBJ ZIPCLOAK.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']ZIPNOTE.OBJ ZIPNOTE.C
+$ cc 'DEF_UTIL' /object = [.'dest']ZIPSPLIT.OBJ ZIPSPLIT.C
+$ endif
+$! Link the Zip utilities executables.
+$ link /executable = [.'dest']ZIPCLOAK.EXE -
+ [.'dest']ZIPCLOAK.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPUTILS.OLB /include = (GLOBALS) /library, -
+ 'opts' -
+ SYS$DISK:[.VMS]ZIP.OPT /options
+$ link /executable = [.'dest']ZIPNOTE.EXE -
+ [.'dest']ZIPNOTE.OBJ, -
+ [.'dest']ZIPUTILS.OLB /include = (GLOBALS) /library, -
+ 'opts' -
+ 'opts' -
+ SYS$DISK:[.VMS]ZIP.OPT /options
+$!----------------------- Logical name removal section -----------------------
+$ if (IZ_BZIP2 .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ if (f$trnlnm( "incl_bzip2", "LNM$PROCESS_TABLE") .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ deassign incl_bzip2
+$ endif
+$ if (f$trnlnm( "lib_bzip2", "LNM$PROCESS_TABLE") .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ deassign lib_bzip2
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$!------------------------------ Symbols section -----------------------------
+$ there = here- "]"+ ".''dest']"
+$! Define the foreign command symbols. Similar commands may be useful
+$ zip == "$''there'''ZIPEXEC'.exe"
+$ zipcloak == "$''there'zipcloak.exe"
+$ zipnote == "$''there'zipnote.exe"
+$ zipsplit == "$''there'zipsplit.exe"
+$! Restore the original default directory and DCL verify status.
+$ error:
+$ if (f$type( here) .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ if (here .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ set default 'here'
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if (f$type( OLD_VERIFY) .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ tmp = f$verify( OLD_VERIFY)
+$ endif
+$ exit