path: root/tumbler/tumbler-provider-factory.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Debug: Add some config-file-related messagesGaƫl Bonithon2021-12-261-2/+6
| | | | Closes #23.
* Add config file system to control thumbnailing plugin.Nick Schermer2012-12-271-2/+26
| | | | | | Settings that allow to change the plugin priority, max file size to act on, white-listed locations or completely disable them.
* Avoid compiler warning due to global name shadowing.Jannis Pohlmann2010-02-251-4/+4
* Cleanup, remove private structs and use G_DEFINE_TYPE where possible.Jannis Pohlmann2009-06-171-54/+23
| | | | This commit also contains a few fixes though.
* Fix bug in deallocation of provider infos in TumblerProviderFactory.Jannis Pohlmann2009-06-091-4/+8
* Add plugin interface for cache and thumbnailer implementations.Jannis Pohlmann2009-06-081-0/+314
This is a major refactoring of the source code. Amongst others, the classes TumblerProviderFactory, TumblerThumbnailer, TumblerAbstractThumbnailer, TumblerThumbnailerProvider, TumblerCache, TumblerCacheProvider and TumblerFileInfo have been added. From now on tumbler supports different storage backends and thumbnailers as plugins. Storage backends have to implement TumblerCache, thumbnailers have to implement TumblerThumbnailer. Plugins have to implement three methods: tumbler_plugin_initialize(), tumbler_plugin_shutdown() and tumbler_plugin_get_types(). The latter is expected to return a list of provider types for cache or thumbnailer implementations. Two example plugins have been added, one for the XDG thumbnail cache and one for a GdkPixbuf based thumbnailer. The code of tumblerd was updated to reflect these changes in libtumbler.