path: root/shared/platform.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* platform: explicitly cast the return value of weston_platform_get_egl_proc_ad...Matthias Treydte2016-03-081-4/+6
* shared: work around EGL header idiosyncrasyAhmet Acar2015-11-131-0/+1
* shared: Update boilerplate from MIT X11 license to MIT Expat licenseBryce Harrington2015-06-151-16/+19
* toytoolkit: fix EGL surface creation for lazy driversManuel Bachmann2015-03-301-2/+3
* toytoolkit: fix new EGL extensions fallback typedefsManuel Bachmann2015-03-301-2/+7
* platform: rename create_egl_window to create_egl_surfaceJonny Lamb2015-03-261-6/+6
* platform: remove global variablesJonny Lamb2015-03-261-26/+29
* platform: provide platform_base fallbacks and remove ifdefsJonny Lamb2015-03-261-14/+33
* clients & tests: use eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT when supportedJonny Lamb2015-03-201-0/+23
* clients & tests: use eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT when supportedJonny Lamb2015-03-201-0/+79