path: root/virt-install
diff options
authorCole Robinson <>2020-01-26 17:12:09 -0500
committerCole Robinson <>2020-01-26 18:27:20 -0500
commit8fe0a208dbfa074e56a29397f7b461104baaba41 (patch)
tree8694501ecef37d6bd7d422014c41d480f404a573 /virt-install
parent3538a8df793c6b3652162d5202b49104236444fd (diff)
Move virt-* code into their modules
This layout is closer to what most python modules have nowadays. It also simplifies testing and static analysis setup. Keep virt-* wrappers locally, for ease of running these commands from a git checkout. Adjust the wrapper binaries we install on via packaging to be pure python, which makes things like running gdb easier. Signed-off-by: Cole Robinson <>
Diffstat (limited to 'virt-install')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 1043 deletions
diff --git a/virt-install b/virt-install
index 09f01441..17702dc3 100755
--- a/virt-install
+++ b/virt-install
@@ -1,1046 +1,9 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
-# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+# Convenience wrapper for easily running virt-install from the git tree
-import argparse
-import atexit
+import os
import sys
-import time
-import select
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
-import libvirt
-import virtinst
-from virtinst import cli
-from virtinst import log
-from virtinst.cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr
-# Validation utility helpers #
-INSTALL_METHODS = "--location URL, --cdrom CD/ISO, --pxe, --import, --boot hd|cdrom|..."
-def supports_pxe(guest):
- """
- Return False if we are pretty sure the config doesn't support PXE
- """
- for nic in guest.devices.interface:
- if nic.type == nic.TYPE_USER:
- continue
- if nic.type != nic.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
- return True
- try:
- netobj = nic.conn.networkLookupByName(nic.source)
- xmlobj = virtinst.Network(nic.conn, parsexml=netobj.XMLDesc(0))
- return xmlobj.can_pxe()
- except Exception: # pragma: no cover
- log.debug("Error checking if PXE supported", exc_info=True)
- return True
- return False
-def check_cdrom_option_error(options):
- if options.cdrom_short and options.cdrom:
- fail("Cannot specify both -c and --cdrom")
- if options.cdrom_short:
- if "://" in options.cdrom_short:
- fail("-c specified with what looks like a libvirt URI. "
- "Did you mean to use --connect? If not, use --cdrom instead")
- options.cdrom = options.cdrom_short
-# Back compat option conversion #
-def convert_old_printxml(options):
- if options.xmlstep:
- options.xmlonly = options.xmlstep
- del(options.xmlstep)
-def convert_old_sound(options):
- if not options.sound:
- return
- for idx in range(len(options.sound)):
- if options.sound[idx] is None:
- options.sound[idx] = "default"
-def convert_old_init(options):
- if not options.init:
- return
- if not options.boot:
- options.boot = [""]
- options.boot[-1] += ",init=%s" % options.init
- log.debug("Converted old --init to --boot %s", options.boot[-1])
-def _do_convert_old_disks(options):
- paths = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(options.file_paths)
- sizes = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(options.disksize)
- def padlist(l, padsize):
- l = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(l)
- l.extend((padsize - len(l)) * [None])
- return l
- disklist = padlist(paths, max(0, len(sizes)))
- sizelist = padlist(sizes, len(disklist))
- opts = []
- for idx, path in enumerate(disklist):
- optstr = ""
- if path:
- optstr += "path=%s" % path
- if sizelist[idx]:
- if optstr:
- optstr += ","
- optstr += "size=%s" % sizelist[idx]
- if options.sparse is False:
- if optstr:
- optstr += ","
- optstr += "sparse=no"
- log.debug("Converted to new style: --disk %s", optstr)
- opts.append(optstr)
- options.disk = opts
-def convert_old_disks(options):
- if options.nodisks and (options.file_paths or
- options.disk or
- options.disksize):
- fail(_("Cannot specify storage and use --nodisks"))
- if ((options.file_paths or options.disksize or not options.sparse) and
- options.disk):
- fail(_("Cannot mix --file, --nonsparse, or --file-size with --disk "
- "options. Use --disk PATH[,size=SIZE][,sparse=yes|no]"))
- if not options.disk:
- if options.nodisks:
- options.disk = ["none"]
- else:
- _do_convert_old_disks(options)
- del(options.file_paths)
- del(options.disksize)
- del(options.sparse)
- del(options.nodisks)
- log.debug("Distilled --disk options: %s", options.disk)
-def convert_old_os_options(options):
- if not options.os_variant and options.old_os_type:
- options.os_variant = options.old_os_type
- del(options.old_os_type)
-def convert_old_memory(options):
- if options.memory:
- return
- if not options.oldmemory:
- return
- options.memory = str(options.oldmemory)
-def convert_old_cpuset(options):
- if not options.cpuset:
- return
- newvcpus = options.vcpus or []
- newvcpus.append(",cpuset=%s" % options.cpuset)
- options.vcpus = newvcpus
- log.debug("Generated compat cpuset: --vcpus %s", options.vcpus[-1])
-def convert_old_networks(options):
- if options.nonetworks:
- = ["none"]
- macs = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(options.mac)
- networks = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(
- bridges = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(options.bridge)
- if bridges and networks:
- fail(_("Cannot mix both --bridge and --network arguments"))
- if bridges:
- # Convert old --bridges to --networks
- networks = ["bridge:" + b for b in bridges]
- def padlist(l, padsize):
- l = virtinst.xmlutil.listify(l)
- l.extend((padsize - len(l)) * [None])
- return l
- # If a plain mac is specified, have it imply a default network
- networks = padlist(networks, max(len(macs), 1))
- macs = padlist(macs, len(networks))
- for idx, ignore in enumerate(networks):
- if networks[idx] is None:
- networks[idx] = "default"
- if macs[idx]:
- networks[idx] += ",mac=%s" % macs[idx]
- # Handle old format of bridge:foo instead of bridge=foo
- for prefix in ["network", "bridge"]:
- if networks[idx].startswith(prefix + ":"):
- networks[idx] = networks[idx].replace(prefix + ":",
- prefix + "=")
- del(options.mac)
- del(options.bridge)
- del(options.nonetworks)
- = networks
- log.debug("Distilled --network options: %s",
-def convert_old_graphics(options):
- vnc = options.vnc
- vncport = options.vncport
- vnclisten = options.vnclisten
- nographics = options.nographics
- sdl = options.sdl
- keymap = options.keymap
- graphics =
- if graphics and (vnc or sdl or keymap or vncport or vnclisten):
- fail(_("Cannot mix --graphics and old style graphical options"))
- optnum = sum([bool(g) for g in [vnc, nographics, sdl, graphics]])
- if optnum > 1:
- raise ValueError(_("Can't specify more than one of VNC, SDL, "
- "--graphics or --nographics"))
- if
- return
- if optnum == 0:
- return
- # Build a --graphics command line from old style opts
- optstr = ((vnc and "vnc") or
- (sdl and "sdl") or
- (nographics and ("none")))
- if vnclisten:
- optstr += ",listen=%s" % vnclisten
- if vncport:
- optstr += ",port=%s" % vncport
- if keymap:
- optstr += ",keymap=%s" % keymap
- log.debug("--graphics compat generated: %s", optstr)
- = [optstr]
-def convert_old_features(options):
- if options.features:
- return
- opts = []
- if options.noacpi:
- opts.append("acpi=off")
- if options.noapic:
- opts.append("apic=off")
- if opts:
- options.features = [",".join(opts)]
-def convert_wait_zero(options):
- # Historical back compat, --wait 0 is identical to --noautoconsole
- if options.wait == 0:
- log.warning("Treating --wait 0 as --noautoconsole")
- options.autoconsole = "none"
- options.wait = None
-# Install media setup/validation #
-def do_test_media_detection(conn, options):
- url = options.test_media_detection
- guest = virtinst.Guest(conn)
- if options.arch:
- guest.os.arch = options.arch
- if options.os_type:
- guest.os.os_type = options.os_type
- guest.set_capabilities_defaults()
- installer = virtinst.Installer(conn, location=url)
- print_stdout(installer.detect_distro(guest), do_force=True)
-# General option validation #
-def storage_specified(options, guest):
- if guest.os.is_container():
- return True
- return options.disk or options.filesystem
-def memory_specified(guest):
- return guest.memory or guest.currentMemory or guest.cpu.cells
-def validate_required_options(options, guest, installer):
- # Required config. Don't error right away if nothing is specified,
- # aggregate the errors to help first time users get it right
- msg = ""
- if not memory_specified(guest):
- msg += "\n" + _("--memory amount in MiB is required")
- if not storage_specified(options, guest):
- msg += "\n" + (
- _("--disk storage must be specified (override with --disk none)"))
- if not guest.os.is_container() and not installer.options_specified():
- msg += "\n" + (
- _("An install method must be specified\n(%(methods)s)") %
- {"methods": INSTALL_METHODS})
- if msg:
- fail(msg)
-def show_console_warnings(installer, autoconsole):
- if not installer.cdrom:
- return
- if not autoconsole.is_text():
- return
- log.warning(_("CDROM media does not print to the text console "
- "by default, so you likely will not see text install output. "
- "You might want to use --location.") + " " +
- _("See the man page for examples of "
- "using --location with CDROM media"))
-def _show_memory_warnings(guest):
- if not guest.currentMemory:
- return
- res = guest.osinfo.get_recommended_resources()
- rammb = guest.currentMemory // 1024
- minram = (res.get_minimum_ram(guest.os.arch) or 0)
- if minram:
- if (minram // 1024) > guest.currentMemory:
- log.warning(_("Requested memory %s MiB is less than the "
- "recommended %s MiB for OS %s"), rammb,
- minram // (1024 * 1024),
- elif rammb < 17:
- log.warning(_("Requested memory %s MiB is abnormally low. "
- "Were you trying to specify GiB?"), rammb)
-def show_guest_warnings(options, guest, osdata):
- if options.pxe and not supports_pxe(guest):
- log.warning(
- _("The guest's network configuration may not support PXE"))
- # Limit it to hvm x86 guests which presently our defaults
- # only really matter for
- if ( == "generic" and
- not osdata.is_none and
- not == "generic" and
- guest.os.is_x86() and guest.os.is_hvm()):
- log.warning(_("No operating system detected, VM performance may "
- "suffer. Specify an OS with --os-variant for optimal results."))
- _show_memory_warnings(guest)
-# Guest building helpers #
-def get_location_for_os(guest, osname, profile=None):
- osinfo = virtinst.OSDB.lookup_os(osname, raise_error=True)
- location = osinfo.get_location(guest.os.arch, profile)
- print_stdout(_("Using {osname} --location {url}").format(
- osname=osname, url=location))
- return location
-def build_installer(options, guest, installdata):
- cdrom = None
- location = None
- location_kernel = None
- location_initrd = None
- unattended_data = None
- extra_args = options.extra_args
- install_bootdev = installdata.bootdev
- install_kernel = installdata.kernel
- install_initrd = installdata.initrd
- install_kernel_args = installdata.kernel_args
- install_os = installdata.os
- no_install = installdata.no_install
- if installdata.kernel_args:
- if installdata.kernel_args_overwrite:
- install_kernel_args = installdata.kernel_args
- else:
- extra_args = [installdata.kernel_args]
- if options.unattended:
- unattended_data = cli.parse_unattended(options.unattended)
- if install_os:
- profile = unattended_data.profile if unattended_data else None
- location = get_location_for_os(guest, install_os, profile)
- elif options.location:
- (location,
- location_kernel,
- location_initrd) = cli.parse_location(options.location)
- elif options.cdrom:
- cdrom = options.cdrom
- if options.livecd:
- no_install = True
- elif options.pxe:
- install_bootdev = "network"
- elif installdata.is_set:
- pass
- elif (options.import_install or
- options.xmlonly or
- options.boot):
- no_install = True
- installer = virtinst.Installer(guest.conn,
- cdrom=cdrom,
- location=location,
- location_kernel=location_kernel,
- location_initrd=location_initrd,
- install_bootdev=install_bootdev,
- install_kernel=install_kernel,
- install_initrd=install_initrd,
- install_kernel_args=install_kernel_args,
- no_install=no_install)
- if unattended_data:
- installer.set_unattended_data(unattended_data)
- if extra_args:
- installer.set_extra_args(extra_args)
- if options.initrd_inject:
- installer.set_initrd_injections(options.initrd_inject)
- if options.autostart:
- installer.autostart = True
- if options.cloud_init:
- cloudinit_data = cli.parse_cloud_init(options.cloud_init)
- installer.set_cloudinit_data(cloudinit_data)
- return installer
-def set_cli_defaults(options, guest):
- if not
- default_name = virtinst.Guest.generate_name(guest)
- cli.print_stdout(_("Using default --name {vm_name}").format(
- vm_name=default_name))
- = default_name
- if guest.os.is_container():
- if not memory_specified(guest):
- mbram = 1024
- # LXC doesn't even do anything with memory settings, but libvirt
- # XML requires it anyways. Fill in 64 MiB
- cli.print_stdout(
- _("Using container default --memory {megabytes}").format(
- megabytes=mbram))
- guest.currentMemory = mbram * 1024
- return
- if (options.unattended and
- guest.osinfo.is_windows() and
- guest.osinfo.supports_unattended_drivers(guest.os.arch)):
- guest.add_extra_drivers(
- guest.osinfo.get_pre_installable_devices(guest.os.arch))
- res = guest.osinfo.get_recommended_resources()
- storage = res.get_recommended_storage(guest.os.arch)
- ram = res.get_recommended_ram(guest.os.arch)
- ncpus = res.get_recommended_ncpus(guest.os.arch)
- if ram and not memory_specified(guest):
- mbram = str(ram / (1024 * 1024)).rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
- cli.print_stdout(
- _("Using {os_name} default --memory {megabytes}").format(
-, megabytes=mbram))
- guest.currentMemory = ram // 1024
- if ncpus:
- # We need to do this upfront, so we don't incorrectly set guest.vcpus
- guest.sync_vcpus_topology()
- if not guest.vcpus:
- # I don't think we need to print anything here as this was never
- # a required value.
- guest.vcpus = ncpus
- if storage and not storage_specified(options, guest):
- diskstr = 'size=%d' % (storage // (1024 ** 3))
- cli.print_stdout(
- _("Using {os_name} default --disk {disk_options}".format(
-, disk_options=diskstr)))
- options.disk = [diskstr]
- cli.ParserDisk(diskstr, guest=guest).parse(None)
-def set_explicit_guest_options(options, guest):
- if
- =
- = None
- if options.uuid:
- guest.uuid = options.uuid
- options.uuid = None
- if options.description:
- guest.description = options.description
- options.description = None
- if options.os_type:
- guest.os.os_type = options.os_type
- options.os_type = None
- if options.virt_type:
- guest.type = options.virt_type
- options.virt_type = None
- if options.arch:
- guest.os.arch = options.arch
- options.arch = None
- if options.machine:
- guest.os.machine = options.machine
- options.machine = None
-def installer_detect_distro(guest, installer, osdata):
- try:
- # OS name has to be set firstly whenever --os-variant is passed,
- # otherwise it won't be respected when the installer creates the
- # Distro Store.
- if
- guest.set_os_name(
- # This also validates the install location
- autodistro = installer.detect_distro(guest)
- if osdata.is_auto and autodistro:
- guest.set_os_name(autodistro)
- except ValueError as e:
- fail(_("Error validating install location: %s") % str(e))
-def build_guest_instance(conn, options):
- guest = virtinst.Guest(conn)
- guest.skip_default_osinfo = True
- # Fill in guest from the command line content
- set_explicit_guest_options(options, guest)
- cli.parse_option_strings(options, guest, None)
- # Call set_capabilities_defaults explicitly here rather than depend
- # on set_defaults calling it. Installer setup needs filled in values.
- # However we want to do it after parse_option_strings to ensure
- # we are operating on any arch/os/type values passed in with --boot
- guest.set_capabilities_defaults()
- installdata = cli.parse_install(options.install)
- installer = build_installer(options, guest, installdata)
- # Set guest osname, from commandline or detected from media
- osdata = cli.parse_os_variant(options.os_variant)
- if installdata.os:
- osdata.set_installdata_name(installdata.os)
- guest.set_default_os_name()
- installer_detect_distro(guest, installer, osdata)
- set_cli_defaults(options, guest)
- installer.set_install_defaults(guest)
- for path in installer.get_search_paths(guest):
- cli.check_path_search(guest.conn, path)
- # cli specific disk validation
- for disk in guest.devices.disk:
- cli.validate_disk(disk)
- validate_required_options(options, guest, installer)
- show_guest_warnings(options, guest, osdata)
- return guest, installer
-# Install process helpers #
-def _sleep(secs):
- if not cli.in_testsuite():
- time.sleep(secs) # pragma: no cover
-class WaitHandler:
- """
- Helper class for handling the --wait option sleeping and time tracking
- """
- def __init__(self, wait):
- self.wait_is_requested = False
- self._wait_mins = 0
- self._start_time = 0
- if wait is not None:
- self.wait_is_requested = True
- self._wait_mins = wait
- @property
- def wait_for_console_to_exit(self):
- # If --wait specified, we don't want the default behavior of waiting
- # for virt-viewer to exit, we want to launch it, then manually count
- # down time for ourselves
- return not self.wait_is_requested
- @property
- def _wait_forever(self):
- return self._wait_mins < 0
- @property
- def _wait_secs(self):
- return self._wait_mins * 60
- def start(self):
- self._start_time = time.time()
- def get_time_string(self):
- timestr = _(" %d minutes") % self._wait_mins
- if self._wait_forever:
- timestr = ""
- ret = _("Waiting%(time_string)s for installation to complete.") % {
- "time_string": timestr}
- return ret
- def wait(self):
- """
- sleep 1 second, then teturn True if wait time has expired
- """
- _sleep(1)
- if self._wait_forever:
- if cli.in_testsuite():
- return True
- return False # pragma: no cover
- time_elapsed = (time.time() - self._start_time)
- return (time_elapsed >= self._wait_secs) or cli.in_testsuite()
-def _print_cloudinit_passwd(installer):
- passwd = installer.get_generated_password()
- if not passwd:
- return
- print_stdout(_("Password for first root login is: %s") % passwd,
- do_force=True, do_log=False)
- stdins = [sys.stdin]
- timeout = 10
- if sys.stdin.closed or not sys.stdin.isatty():
- if not cli.in_testsuite(): # pragma: no cover
- return
- stdins = []
- timeout = .0001
- sys.stdout.write(
- _("Installation will continue in 10 seconds "
- "(press Enter to skip)..."))
- sys.stdout.flush()
-, [], [], timeout)
-def start_install(guest, installer, options):
- autoconsole = cli.parse_autoconsole(options, guest, installer)
- show_console_warnings(installer, autoconsole)
- conscb = autoconsole.get_console_cb()
- if autoconsole.is_default() and not conscb and options.wait is None:
- # If there isn't any console to actually connect up,
- # default to --wait -1 to get similarish behavior
- log.warning(_("No console to launch for the guest, "
- "defaulting to --wait -1"))
- options.wait = -1
- waithandler = WaitHandler(options.wait)
- meter = cli.get_meter()
- log.debug("Guest.has_install_phase: %s", installer.has_install_phase())
- # we've got everything -- try to start the install
- print_stdout(_("\nStarting install..."))
- domain = None
- try:
- _print_cloudinit_passwd(installer)
- waithandler.start()
- domain = installer.start_install(guest, meter=meter,
- doboot=not options.noreboot,
- transient=options.transient)
- if options.destroy_on_exit:
- atexit.register(_destroy_on_exit, domain)
- cli.connect_console(guest, domain, conscb,
- waithandler.wait_for_console_to_exit,
- options.destroy_on_exit)
- check_domain(installer, domain, conscb, options.transient, waithandler)
- print_stdout(_("Domain creation completed."))
- if not options.transient and not domain.isActive():
- if options.noreboot or not installer.has_install_phase():
- print_stdout( # pragma: no cover
- _("You can restart your domain by running:\n %s") %
- cli.virsh_start_cmd(guest))
- else:
- print_stdout(_("Restarting guest."))
- domain.create()
- cli.connect_console(guest, domain, conscb, True,
- options.destroy_on_exit)
- except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover
- log.debug("", exc_info=True)
- print_stderr(_("Domain install interrupted."))
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- fail(e, do_exit=False)
- if domain is None:
- installer.cleanup_created_disks(guest, meter)
- cli.install_fail(guest)
- if cli.in_testsuite() and options.destroy_on_exit:
- # Helps with unit testing
- _destroy_on_exit(domain)
-def check_domain(installer, domain, conscb, transient, waithandler):
- """
- Make sure domain ends up in expected state, and wait if for install
- to complete if requested
- """
- def check_domain_inactive():
- try:
- dominfo =
- state = dominfo[0]
- if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED:
- fail(_("Domain has crashed.")) # pragma: no cover
- return not domain.isActive()
- except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
- if transient and e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN:
- log.debug("transient VM shutdown and disappeared.")
- return True
- raise # pragma: no cover
- if check_domain_inactive():
- return
- if bool(conscb):
- # We are trying to detect if the VM shutdown, or the user
- # just closed the console and the VM is still running. In the
- # the former case, libvirt may not have caught up yet with the
- # VM having exited, so wait a bit and check again
- _sleep(2)
- if check_domain_inactive():
- return # pragma: no cover
- # If we reach here, the VM still appears to be running.
- if not waithandler.wait_is_requested:
- # User either:
- # used --noautoconsole
- # killed console and guest is still running
- if not installer.has_install_phase():
- return
- print_stdout(
- _("Domain installation still in progress. You can reconnect"
- " to \nthe console to complete the installation process."))
- sys.exit(0)
- print_stdout(_("Domain installation still in progress."))
- print_stdout(waithandler.get_time_string())
- # Wait loop
- while True:
- if check_domain_inactive(): # pragma: no cover
- print_stdout(_("Domain has shutdown. Continuing."))
- break
- done = waithandler.wait()
- if done:
- print_stdout(
- _("Installation has exceeded specified time limit. "
- "Exiting application."))
- sys.exit(1)
-# XML printing helpers #
-def xml_to_print(guest, installer, xmlonly, dry):
- start_xml, final_xml = installer.start_install(
- guest, dry=dry, return_xml=True)
- if not start_xml:
- start_xml = final_xml
- final_xml = None
- if dry and not xmlonly:
- print_stdout(_("Dry run completed successfully"))
- return
- if xmlonly not in [False, "1", "2", "all"]:
- fail(_("Unknown XML step request '%s', must be 1, 2, or all") %
- xmlonly)
- if xmlonly == "1":
- return start_xml
- if xmlonly == "2":
- if not final_xml:
- fail(_("Requested installation does not have XML step 2"))
- return final_xml
- # "all" case
- xml = start_xml
- if final_xml:
- xml += final_xml
- return xml
-# CLI option handling #
-def parse_args():
- parser = cli.setupParser(
- "%(prog)s --name NAME --memory MB STORAGE INSTALL [options]",
- _("Create a new virtual machine from specified install media."),
- introspection_epilog=True)
- cli.add_connect_option(parser)
- geng = parser.add_argument_group(_("General Options"))
- geng.add_argument("-n", "--name",
- help=_("Name of the guest instance"))
- cli.add_memory_option(geng, backcompat=True)
- cli.vcpu_cli_options(geng)
- cli.add_metadata_option(geng)
- geng.add_argument("-u", "--uuid", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- geng.add_argument("--description", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- insg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Installation Method Options"))
- insg.add_argument("-c", dest="cdrom_short", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- insg.add_argument("--cdrom", help=_("CD-ROM installation media"))
- insg.add_argument("-l", "--location",
- help=_("Distro install URL, eg. https://host/path. See man "
- "page for specific distro examples."))
- insg.add_argument("--pxe", action="store_true",
- help=_("Boot from the network using the PXE protocol"))
- insg.add_argument("--import", action="store_true", dest="import_install",
- help=_("Build guest around an existing disk image"))
- insg.add_argument("--livecd", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- insg.add_argument("-x", "--extra-args", action="append",
- help=_("Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel "
- "booted from --location"))
- insg.add_argument("--initrd-inject", action="append",
- help=_("Add given file to root of initrd from --location"))
- insg.add_argument("--unattended", nargs="?", const=1,
- help=_("Perform an unattended installation"))
- insg.add_argument("--install",
- help=_("Specify fine grained install options"))
- insg.add_argument("--cloud-init", nargs="?", const=1,
- help=_("Perform a cloud image installation, configuring cloud-init"))
- # Takes a URL and just prints to stdout the detected distro name
- insg.add_argument("--test-media-detection", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- # Helper for cli testing, fills in standard stub options
- insg.add_argument("--test-stub-command", action="store_true",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- cli.add_boot_options(insg)
- insg.add_argument("--init", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- osg = cli.add_os_variant_option(parser, virtinstall=True)
- osg.add_argument("--os-type", dest="old_os_type", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Device Options"))
- cli.add_disk_option(devg)
- cli.add_net_option(devg)
- cli.add_gfx_option(devg)
- cli.add_device_options(devg, sound_back_compat=True)
- # Deprecated device options
- devg.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="file_paths", action="append",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("-s", "--file-size", type=float,
- action="append", dest="disksize",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--nonsparse", action="store_false",
- default=True, dest="sparse",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--nodisks", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--nonetworks", action="store_true",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("-b", "--bridge", action="append",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("-m", "--mac", action="append", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--vnc", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--vncport", type=int, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--vnclisten", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("-k", "--keymap", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--sdl", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- devg.add_argument("--nographics", action="store_true",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- gxmlg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Guest Configuration Options"))
- cli.add_guest_xml_options(gxmlg)
- virg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Virtualization Platform Options"))
- ostypeg = virg.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- ostypeg.add_argument("-v", "--hvm",
- action="store_const", const="hvm", dest="os_type",
- help=_("This guest should be a fully virtualized guest"))
- ostypeg.add_argument("-p", "--paravirt",
- action="store_const", const="xen", dest="os_type",
- help=_("This guest should be a paravirtualized guest"))
- ostypeg.add_argument("--container",
- action="store_const", const="exe", dest="os_type",
- help=_("This guest should be a container guest"))
- virg.add_argument("--virt-type",
- help=_("Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, ...)"))
- virg.add_argument("--arch", help=_("The CPU architecture to simulate"))
- virg.add_argument("--machine", help=_("The machine type to emulate"))
- virg.add_argument("--accelerate", action="store_true",
- help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- virg.add_argument("--noapic", action="store_true",
- default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- virg.add_argument("--noacpi", action="store_true",
- default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- misc = parser.add_argument_group(_("Miscellaneous Options"))
- misc.add_argument("--autostart", action="store_true", default=False,
- help=_("Have domain autostart on host boot up."))
- misc.add_argument("--transient", action="store_true", default=False,
- help=_("Create a transient domain."))
- misc.add_argument("--destroy-on-exit", action="store_true", default=False,
- help=_("Force power off the domain when the console "
- "viewer is closed."))
- misc.add_argument("--wait", type=int, const=-1, nargs="?",
- help=_("Minutes to wait for install to complete."))
- cli.add_misc_options(misc, prompt=True, printxml=True, printstep=True,
- noreboot=True, dryrun=True, noautoconsole=True)
- cli.autocomplete(parser)
- return parser.parse_args()
-# main() handling #
-# Catchall for destroying the VM on ex. ctrl-c
-def _destroy_on_exit(domain):
- try:
- isactive = bool(domain and domain.isActive())
- if isactive:
- domain.destroy() # pragma: no cover
- except libvirt.libvirtError as e: # pragma: no cover
- if e.get_error_code() != libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN:
- log.debug("Error invoking atexit destroy_on_exit",
- exc_info=True)
-def set_test_stub_options(options): # pragma: no cover
- # Set some basic options that will let virt-install succeed. Helps
- # save boiler plate typing when testing new command line additions
- if not options.test_stub_command:
- return
- options.import_install = True
- if not options.connect:
- options.connect = "test:///default"
- if not
- = "test-stub-command"
- if not options.memory:
- options.memory = "256"
- if not options.disk:
- options.disk = "none"
- if not
- = "none"
- if not options.os_variant:
- options.os_variant = "fedora27"
-def main(conn=None):
- cli.earlyLogging()
- options = parse_args()
- # Default setup options
- convert_old_printxml(options)
- options.quiet = (options.xmlonly or
- options.test_media_detection or options.quiet)
- cli.setupLogging("virt-install", options.debug, options.quiet)
- if cli.check_option_introspection(options):
- return 0
- check_cdrom_option_error(options)
- cli.convert_old_force(options)
- cli.parse_check(options.check)
- cli.set_prompt(options.prompt)
- convert_old_memory(options)
- convert_old_sound(options)
- convert_old_networks(options)
- convert_old_graphics(options)
- convert_old_disks(options)
- convert_old_features(options)
- convert_old_cpuset(options)
- convert_old_init(options)
- convert_wait_zero(options)
- set_test_stub_options(options)
- convert_old_os_options(options)
- conn = cli.getConnection(options.connect, conn=conn)
- if options.test_media_detection:
- do_test_media_detection(conn, options)
- return 0
- guest, installer = build_guest_instance(conn, options)
- if options.xmlonly or options.dry:
- xml = xml_to_print(guest, installer, options.xmlonly, options.dry)
- if xml:
- print_stdout(xml, do_force=True)
- else:
- start_install(guest, installer, options)
- return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
- try:
- sys.exit(main())
- except SystemExit as sys_e:
- sys.exit(sys_e.code)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- log.debug("", exc_info=True)
- print_stderr(_("Installation aborted at user request"))
- except Exception as main_e:
- fail(main_e)
+from virtinst import virtinstall