path: root/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-02-08 09:20:24 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-02-08 09:20:24 +0000
commit8b6144bdfe9efccab5045ebef9f3d5dcf5ee9d00 (patch)
tree51d8d6df519d53d4124f3155bb2c3bcbca450226 /runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
parent9f2c6e1deb931db29f9d3d6e1113cd1ccc835d21 (diff)
updated for version 7.0194v7.0194
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
index 2853fbade..0163fd9b7 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
@@ -1,33 +1,47 @@
" Vim completion script
" Language: Java Script
" Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl )
-" Last Change: 2006 Jan 30
+" Last Change: 2006 Feb 6
function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
- " locate the start of the word
- let line = getline('.')
- let start = col('.') - 1
+ " locate the start of the word
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
let curline = line('.')
let compl_begin = col('.') - 2
" Bit risky but JS is rather limited language and local chars shouldn't
" fint way into names
- while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
+ while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
let start -= 1
- endwhile
+ endwhile
let b:compl_context = getline('.')[0:compl_begin]
- return start
+ return start
" Initialize base return lists
- let res = []
- let res2 = []
+ let res = []
+ let res2 = []
" a:base is very short - we need context
- let context = b:compl_context
" Shortcontext is context without a:base, useful for checking if we are
- " looking for objects
+ " looking for objects and for what objects we are looking for
+ let context = b:compl_context
let shortcontext = substitute(context, a:base.'$', '', '')
unlet! b:compl_context
+ if exists("b:jsrange")
+ let file = getline(b:jsrange[0],b:jsrange[1])
+ unlet! b:jsrange
+ if len(b:js_extfiles) > 0
+ let file = b:js_extfiles + file
+ endif
+ else
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ endif
+ " Completion of properties, methods, etc. {{{
if shortcontext =~ '\.$'
" Complete methods and properties for objects
" DOM separate
@@ -91,7 +105,7 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
" RegExp
let regeprop = ['constructor', 'global', 'ignoreCase', 'lastIndex', 'multiline', 'source', 'prototype']
- let regemeth = ['exec', 'toSource', 'toString', 'test', 'watch', 'unwatch']
+ let regemeth = ['exec', 'test', 'toSource', 'toString', 'watch', 'unwatch']
call map(regemeth, 'v:val."("')
let reges = regeprop + regemeth
@@ -106,19 +120,17 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let stris = striprop + strimeth
" User created properties
- if exists("b:jsrange")
- let file = getline(b:jsrange[0],b:jsrange[1])
- unlet! b:jsrange
- else
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- endif
let user_props1 = filter(copy(file), 'v:val =~ "this\\.\\w"')
let juser_props1 = join(user_props1, ' ')
let user_props1 = split(juser_props1, '\zethis\.')
unlet! juser_props1
call map(user_props1, 'matchstr(v:val, "this\\.\\zs\\w\\+\\ze")')
let user_props2 = filter(copy(file), 'v:val =~ "\\.prototype\\.\\w"')
- call map(user_props2, 'matchstr(v:val, "\\.prototype\\.\\zs\\w\\+\\ze")')
+ let juser_props2 = join(user_props2, ' ')
+ let user_props2 = split(juser_props2, '\zeprototype\.')
+ unlet! juser_props2
+ call map(user_props2, 'matchstr(v:val, "prototype\\.\\zs\\w\\+\\ze")')
let user_props = user_props1 + user_props2
" HTML DOM properties
@@ -149,7 +161,15 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
\ 'onClick', 'onDblClick', 'onFocus', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyPress', 'onKeyUp',
\ 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseOut', 'onMouseOver', 'onMouseUp', 'onResize']
call map(documeth, 'v:val."("')
- let docus = docuprop + documeth
+ let docuxprop = ['attributes', 'childNodes', 'doctype', 'documentElement', 'firstChild',
+ \ 'implementation', 'namespaceURI', 'nextSibling', 'nodeName', 'nodeType',
+ \ 'nodeValue', 'ownerDocument', 'parentNode', 'previousSibling']
+ let docuxmeth = ['createAttribute', 'createCDATASection',
+ \ 'createComment', 'createDocument', 'createDocumentFragment',
+ \ 'createElement', 'createEntityReference', 'createProcessingInstruction',
+ \ 'createTextNode']
+ call map(docuxmeth, 'v:val."("')
+ let docus = docuprop + docuxprop + documeth + docuxmeth
" Form - form.
let formprop = ['elements', 'acceptCharset', 'action', 'encoding', 'enctype', 'id', 'length',
\ 'method', 'name', 'tabIndex', 'target']
@@ -178,7 +198,7 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let ifras = ifraprop
" Image - image.
let imagprop = ['align', 'alt', 'border', 'complete', 'height', 'hspace', 'id', 'isMap', 'longDesc',
- \ 'lowsrc', 'name', 'src', 'useMap', 'vspace', 'width']
+ \ 'lowSrc', 'name', 'src', 'useMap', 'vspace', 'width']
let imagmeth = ['onAbort', 'onError', 'onLoad']
call map(imagmeth, 'v:val."("')
let imags = histprop + imagmeth
@@ -282,13 +302,13 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
\ 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderTopColor',
\ 'borderBottomStyle', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderTopStyle',
\ 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderTopWidth',
- \ 'borderColor', 'borderStyle', 'borderWidth', 'margin', 'marginBottom',
- \ 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop', 'outline', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth',
- \ 'outlineColor', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth', 'padding', 'paddingBottom',
- \ 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop',
- \ 'clear', 'clip', 'clipBottom', 'clipLeft', 'clipRight', 'clipTop', 'content',
- \ 'counterIncrement', 'counterReset', 'cssFloat', 'cursor', 'direction',
- \ 'display', 'markerOffset', 'marks', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight',
+ \ 'borderColor', 'borderStyle', 'borderWidth', 'margin', 'marginBottom',
+ \ 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop', 'outline', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth',
+ \ 'outlineColor', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth', 'padding', 'paddingBottom',
+ \ 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop',
+ \ 'clear', 'clip', 'clipBottom', 'clipLeft', 'clipRight', 'clipTop', 'content',
+ \ 'counterIncrement', 'counterReset', 'cssFloat', 'cursor', 'direction',
+ \ 'display', 'markerOffset', 'marks', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight',
\ 'minWidth', 'overflow', 'overflowX', 'overflowY', 'verticalAlign', 'visibility',
\ 'width',
\ 'listStyle', 'listStyleImage', 'listStylePosition', 'listStyleType',
@@ -320,13 +340,14 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
" Textarea - accessible only by other properties
let tareprop = ['accessKey', 'cols', 'defaultValue',
\ 'disabled', 'form', 'id', 'name', 'readOnly', 'rows',
- \ 'tabIndex', 'type', 'value']
+ \ 'tabIndex', 'type', 'value', 'selectionStart', 'selectionEnd']
let taremeth = ['blur', 'focus', 'select', 'onBlur', 'onChange', 'onFocus']
call map(taremeth, 'v:val."("')
let tares = tareprop + taremeth
" Window - window.
- let windprop = ['frames', 'closed', 'defaultStatus', 'length', 'name', 'opener', 'parent',
- \ 'self', 'status', 'top']
+ let windprop = ['frames', 'closed', 'defaultStatus', 'encodeURI', 'event', 'history',
+ \ 'length', 'location', 'name', 'onload', 'opener', 'parent', 'screen', 'self',
+ \ 'status', 'top', 'XMLHttpRequest', 'ActiveXObject']
let windmeth = ['alert', 'blur', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'close', 'confirm', 'focus',
\ 'moveBy', 'moveTo', 'open', 'print', 'prompt', 'scrollBy', 'scrollTo', 'setInterval',
\ 'setTimeout']
@@ -334,15 +355,81 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let winds = windprop + windmeth
" XMLHttpRequest - access by new xxx()
let xmlhprop = ['onreadystatechange', 'readyState', 'responseText', 'responseXML',
- \ 'status', 'statusText']
+ \ 'status', 'statusText', 'parseError']
let xmlhmeth = ['abort', 'getAllResponseHeaders', 'getResponseHeaders', 'open',
\ 'send', 'setRequestHeader']
call map(xmlhmeth, 'v:val."("')
let xmlhs = xmlhprop + xmlhmeth
+ " Attributes - element.attributes[x].
+ let xdomattrprop = ['name', 'specified', 'value']
+ " Element - anyelement.
+ let xdomelemprop = ['attributes', 'childNodes', 'firstChild', 'lastChild',
+ \ 'namespaceURI', 'nextSibling', 'nodeName', 'nodeType', 'nodeValue',
+ \ 'ownerDocument', 'parentNode', 'prefix', 'previousSibling', 'tagName']
+ let xdomelemmeth = ['appendChild', 'cloneNode', 'getAttribute', 'getAttributeNode',
+ \ 'getElementsByTagName', 'hasChildNodes', 'insertBefore', 'normalize',
+ \ 'removeAttribute', 'removeAttributeNode', 'removeChild', 'replaceChild',
+ \ 'setAttribute', 'setAttributeNode']
+ call map(xdomelemmeth, 'v:val."("')
+ let xdomelems = xdomelemprop + xdomelemmeth
+ " Node - anynode.
+ let xdomnodeprop = ['attributes', 'childNodes', 'firstChild', 'lastChild',
+ \ 'namespaceURI', 'nextSibling', 'nodeName', 'nodeType', 'nodeValue',
+ \ 'ownerDocument', 'parentNode', 'prefix', 'previousSibling']
+ let xdomnodemeth = ['appendChild', 'cloneNode',
+ \ 'hasChildNodes', 'insertBefore', 'removeChild', 'replaceChild']
+ call map(xdomnodemeth, 'v:val."("')
+ let xdomnodes = xdomnodeprop + xdomnodemeth
+ " NodeList
+ let xdomnliss = ['length', 'item(']
+ " Error - parseError.
+ let xdomerror = ['errorCode', 'reason', 'line', 'linepos', 'srcText', 'url', 'filepos']
+ " Find object type declaration to reduce number of suggestions. {{{
+ " 1. Get object name
+ " 2. Find object declaration line
+ " 3. General declaration follows "= new Type" syntax, additional else
+ " for regexp "= /re/"
+ " 4. Make correction for Microsoft.XMLHTTP ActiveXObject
+ " 5. Repeat for external files
let object = matchstr(shortcontext, '\zs\w\+\ze\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?\.$')
- let decl_line = search(object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*', 'bn')
- let object_type = matchstr(getline(decl_line), object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*\zs\w\+\ze')
+ if len(object) > 0
+ let decl_line = search(object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*', 'bn')
+ if decl_line > 0
+ let object_type = matchstr(getline(decl_line), object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*\zs\w\+\ze')
+ if object_type == 'ActiveXObject' && matchstr(getline(decl_line), object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*ActiveXObject\s*(.Microsoft\.XMLHTTP.)') != ''
+ let object_type = 'XMLHttpRequest'
+ endif
+ else
+ let decl_line = search('var\s*'.object.'\s*=\s*\/', 'bn')
+ if decl_line > 0
+ let object_type = 'RegExp'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " We didn't find var declaration in current file but we may have
+ " something in external files.
+ if decl_line == 0 && exists("b:js_extfiles")
+ let dext_line = filter(copy(b:js_extfiles), 'v:val =~ "'.object.'.\\{-}=\\s*new\\s*"')
+ if len(dext_line) > 0
+ let object_type = matchstr(dext_line[-1], object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*\zs\w\+\ze')
+ if object_type == 'ActiveXObject' && matchstr(dext_line[-1], object.'.\{-}=\s*new\s*ActiveXObject\s*(.Microsoft\.XMLHTTP.)') != ''
+ let object_type = 'XMLHttpRequest'
+ endif
+ else
+ let dext_line = filter(copy(b:js_extfiles), 'v:val =~ "var\s*'.object.'\\s*=\\s*\\/"')
+ if len(dext_line) > 0
+ let object_type = 'RegExp'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ if !exists('object_type')
+ let object_type = ''
+ endif
if object_type == 'Date'
let values = dates
@@ -357,13 +444,17 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let values = xmlhs
elseif object_type == 'String'
let values = stris
+ elseif object_type == 'RegExp'
+ let values = reges
+ elseif object_type == 'Math'
+ let values = maths
if !exists('values')
" List of properties
if shortcontext =~ 'Math\.$'
let values = maths
- elseif shortcontext =~ 'anchor\.$'
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'anchors\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?\.$'
let values = anths
elseif shortcontext =~ 'area\.$'
let values = areas
@@ -373,7 +464,7 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let values = bodys
elseif shortcontext =~ 'document\.$'
let values = docus
- elseif shortcontext =~ 'form\.$'
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'forms\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?\.$'
let values = forms
elseif shortcontext =~ 'frameset\.$'
let values = fsets
@@ -381,9 +472,9 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let values = hists
elseif shortcontext =~ 'iframe\.$'
let values = ifras
- elseif shortcontext =~ 'image\.$'
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'images\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?\.$'
let values = imags
- elseif shortcontext =~ 'link\.$'
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'links\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?\.$'
let values = links
elseif shortcontext =~ 'location\.$'
let values = locas
@@ -405,11 +496,16 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let values = trows
elseif shortcontext =~ 'window\.$'
let values = winds
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'parseError\.$'
+ let values = xdomerror
+ elseif shortcontext =~ 'attributes\[\d\+\]\.$'
+ let values = xdomattrprop
let values = user_props + arrays + dates + funcs + maths + numbs + objes + reges + stris
let values += doms + anths + areas + bases + bodys + docus + forms + frams + fsets + hists
- let values += ifras + imags + links + locas + metas + navis + objes + scres + styls
- let values += tabls + trows + winds
+ let values += ifras + imags + links + locas + metas + navis + objes + scres
+ let values += tabls + trows + tares + winds
+ let values += xdomnodes + xdomnliss + xdomelems
@@ -425,21 +521,15 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
return res + res2
- if exists("b:jsrange")
- let file = getline(b:jsrange[0],b:jsrange[1])
- unlet! b:jsrange
- else
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- endif
+ " }}}
" Get variables data.
let variables = filter(copy(file), 'v:val =~ "var\\s"')
call map(variables, 'matchstr(v:val, ".\\{-}var\\s\\+\\zs.*\\ze")')
call map(variables, 'substitute(v:val, ";\\|$", ",", "g")')
let vars = []
- " This loop is necessary to get variable names from constructs like:
- " var var1, var2, var3 = "something";
+ " This loop (and next one) is necessary to get variable names from
+ " constructs like: var var1, var2, var3 = "something";
for i in range(len(variables))
let comma_separated = split(variables[i], ',\s*')
call map(comma_separated, 'matchstr(v:val, "\\w\\+")')
@@ -447,27 +537,36 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
let variables = sort(vars)
+ unlet! vars
- " Add undeclared variables.
+ " Add "no var" variables.
let undeclared_variables = filter(copy(file), 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\w\\+\\s*="')
- call map(undeclared_variables, 'matchstr(v:val, "^\\s*\\zs\\w\\+\\ze")')
+ let u_vars = []
+ for i in range(len(undeclared_variables))
+ let split_equal = split(undeclared_variables[i], '\s*=')
+ call map(split_equal, 'matchstr(v:val, "\\w\\+$")')
+ let u_vars += split_equal
+ endfor
- let variables += sort(undeclared_variables)
+ let variables += sort(u_vars)
+ unlet! u_vars
" Get functions
let functions = filter(copy(file), 'v:val =~ "^\\s*function\\s"')
let arguments = copy(functions)
call map(functions, 'matchstr(v:val, "^\\s*function\\s\\+\\zs\\w\\+")')
call map(functions, 'v:val."("')
+ let functions = sort(functions)
" Get functions arguments
call map(arguments, 'matchstr(v:val, "function.\\{-}(\\zs.\\{-}\\ze)")')
let jargs = join(arguments, ',')
let jargs = substitute(jargs, '\s', '', 'g')
let arguments = split(jargs, ',')
+ let arguments = sort(arguments)
" Built-in functions
- let builtin = []
+ let builtin = ['alert(', 'confirm(']
" Top-level HTML DOM objects
let htmldom = ['document', 'anchor', 'area', 'base', 'body', 'document', 'event', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'history', 'iframe', 'image', 'input', 'link', 'location', 'meta', 'navigator', 'object', 'option', 'screen', 'select', 'table', 'tableData', 'tableHeader', 'tableRow', 'textarea', 'window']
@@ -493,3 +592,5 @@ function! javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(findstart, base)
return res + res2
+" vim:set foldmethod=marker: