path: root/valadate/testreport.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'valadate/testreport.vala')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/valadate/testreport.vala b/valadate/testreport.vala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e4dc734b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valadate/testreport.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ * Valadate - Unit testing library for GObject-based libraries.
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Chris Daley <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Chris Daley <>
+ */
+public class Valadate.TestReport {
+ private const string XML_DECL ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
+ private const string TESTSUITE_XML =
+ """<testsuite disabled="" errors="" failures="" hostname="" id="" """ +
+ """name="" package="" skipped="" tests="" time="" timestamp="" >"""+
+ """<properties/></testsuite>""";
+ private const string TESTCASE_XML =
+ """<testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="" />""";
+ private const string MESSAGE_XML = "<%s message=\"%s\" type=\"%s\">%s</%s>";
+ private const string TESTCASE_START =
+ "<testcase assertions=\"\" classname=\"%s\" name=\"%s\" status=\"\" time=\"\">";
+ private const string VDX_NS = "xmlns:vdx=\"\"";
+ private const string TESTCASE_TAG = "testcase";
+ private const string ROOT_TAG = "root";
+ private const string SKIP_TAG = "skipped";
+ private const string ERROR_TAG = "error";
+ private const string FAILURE_TAG = "failure";
+ private const string INFO_TAG = "info";
+ private const string TIMER_TAG = "timer";
+ private const string SYSTEM_OUT_TAG = "system-out";
+ private const string SYSTEM_ERR_TAG = "system-err";
+ public Test test {get;set;}
+ public bool subprocess {get;set;}
+ public XmlFile xml {get;set;}
+ private static int64 start_time;
+ private static int64 end_time;
+ private static Regex regex_err;
+ private const string regex_err_string =
+ """(\*{2}\n([A-Z]*):([\S]*) ([\S ]*)\n)""";
+ public TestReport(Test test, bool subprocess) throws Error {
+ this.test = test;
+ this.subprocess = subprocess;
+ if(test.status == TestStatus.NOT_RUN)
+ test.status = TestStatus.RUNNING;
+ if(subprocess) {
+ Log.set_default_handler (log_func);
+ GLib.set_printerr_handler (printerr_func);
+ regex_err = new Regex(regex_err_string);
+ }
+ if(test is TestSuite || test is TestCase)
+ new_testsuite();
+ else if (test is TestAdapter)
+ new_testcase();
+ }
+ private void new_testsuite() throws Error {
+ if(subprocess)
+ return;
+ var decl = "%s<%s>%s</%s>".printf(XML_DECL, ROOT_TAG, TESTSUITE_XML, ROOT_TAG);
+ var doc = Xml.Parser.read_memory(decl, decl.length);
+ var root = doc->get_root_element()->children;
+ root->set_prop("tests", test.count.to_string());
+ root->set_prop("name",test.label);
+ xml = new XmlFile.from_doc(doc);
+ if(test.parent != null && != "/")
+ return;
+ var props = root->children;
+ foreach(var key in Environment.list_variables()) {
+ Xml.Node* node = new Xml.Node(null, "property");
+ node->set_prop("name", key);
+ node->set_prop("value", Markup.escape_text(Environment.get_variable(key)));
+ props->add_child(node);
+ }
+ }
+ private void new_testcase() throws Error {
+ if(subprocess) {
+ stderr.printf("%s<%s>",XML_DECL,ROOT_TAG);
+ stderr.printf(TESTCASE_START,test.parent.get_type().name(), test.label);
+ start_time = get_monotonic_time();
+ } else {
+ var decl = "%s<%s>%s</%s>".printf(XML_DECL, ROOT_TAG, TESTCASE_XML, ROOT_TAG);
+ var doc = Xml.Parser.read_memory(decl, decl.length);
+ var root = doc->get_root_element()->children;
+ root->set_prop("classname",((TestAdapter)test);
+ root->set_prop("status",test.status.to_string().substring(21));
+ root->set_prop("name",test.label);
+ xml = new XmlFile.from_doc(doc);
+ }
+ }
+ public void add_error(string message) {
+ if (test.status != TestStatus.SKIPPED &&
+ test.status != TestStatus.TODO)
+ test.status = TestStatus.ERROR;
+ add_message(ERROR_TAG, message);
+ if(subprocess) {
+ emit_timer();
+ stderr.printf("</%s></%s>",TESTCASE_TAG, ROOT_TAG);
+ stderr.putc(0);
+ }
+ update_status();
+ }
+ public void add_failure(string message) {
+ if (test.status != TestStatus.SKIPPED &&
+ test.status != TestStatus.TODO)
+ test.status = TestStatus.FAILED;
+ add_message(FAILURE_TAG, message);
+ if(subprocess) {
+ emit_timer();
+ stderr.printf("</%s></%s>",TESTCASE_TAG, ROOT_TAG);
+ stderr.putc(0);
+ }
+ update_status();
+ }
+ public void add_skip(string message) {
+ test.status = TestStatus.SKIPPED;
+ add_message(SKIP_TAG, message);
+ update_status();
+ }
+ public void add_success() {
+ if (test.status != TestStatus.SKIPPED &&
+ test.status != TestStatus.TODO)
+ test.status = TestStatus.PASSED;
+ if(subprocess) {
+ emit_timer();
+ stderr.printf("</%s></%s>",TESTCASE_TAG, ROOT_TAG);
+ stderr.putc(0);
+ }
+ update_status();
+ }
+ private void add_message(string tag, string message) {
+ var escaped = Markup.escape_text(message);
+ if(subprocess) {
+ stderr.printf(MESSAGE_XML, tag, escaped, tag.up(), message, tag);
+ } else {
+ Xml.Node* child = new Xml.Node(null, tag);
+ child->set_content(escaped);
+ string[] tags = {ERROR_TAG, FAILURE_TAG, INFO_TAG};
+ if(tag in tags) {
+ child->new_prop("message", escaped);
+ child->new_prop("type", tag.up());
+ }
+ Xml.Node* root = xml.eval("//testcase | //testsuite")[0];
+ root->add_child(child);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds arbitrary text to the TestReport. In the xml output this
+ * text will be encapsulated in <system-out/> or <system-err/> tag
+ *
+ * @param text The text to be added to the {@link TestReport}.
+ * the text will be escaped before being added.
+ * @param tag The tag to use for adding the text
+ */
+ public void add_text(string text, string tag) {
+ var markup = Markup.escape_text(text);
+ Xml.Node* child = new Xml.Node(null, tag);
+ child->set_content(markup);
+ string[] tags = {ERROR_TAG, FAILURE_TAG, INFO_TAG};
+ if(tag in tags) {
+ child->new_prop("message", markup);
+ child->new_prop("type", tag.up());
+ }
+ Xml.Node* root = xml.eval("//testcase | //testsuite")[0];
+ root->add_child(child);
+ }
+ public void update_status() {
+ if(test is TestAdapter && !subprocess) {
+ Xml.Node* root = xml.eval("//testcase")[0];
+ root->set_prop("status",test.status.to_string().substring(21));
+ root->set_prop("time",test.time.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ private static void emit_timer() {
+ end_time = get_monotonic_time();
+ var ms = "%f".printf(((double)(end_time-start_time))/1000);
+ stderr.printf(MESSAGE_XML, TIMER_TAG, ms, TIMER_TAG, ms, TIMER_TAG);
+ }
+ private static void printerr_func (string? text) {
+ if(text == null)
+ return;
+ MatchInfo info;
+ if(regex_err.match(text, 0, out info)) {
+ var escaped = Markup.escape_text(info.fetch(4));
+ stderr.printf(MESSAGE_XML, ERROR_TAG, escaped, ERROR_TAG, text, ERROR_TAG);
+ emit_timer();
+ stderr.printf("</%s></%s>",TESTCASE_TAG, ROOT_TAG);
+ stderr.putc(0);
+ }
+ }
+ private void log_func (
+ string? log_domain,
+ LogLevelFlags log_levels,
+ string? message) {
+ if (((log_levels & LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO) != 0) ||
+ ((log_levels & LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MESSAGE) != 0) ||
+ ((log_levels & LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG) != 0)) {
+ add_message(INFO_TAG, message);
+ } else {
+ add_error(message);
+ }
+ }
+ public void process_buffer(string buffer) throws Error {
+ xml = new XmlFile.from_string(buffer);
+ var bits = xml.eval("//testcase/text()");
+ if(bits.size != 0) {
+ Xml.Node* textnode = bits[0];
+ add_message(SYSTEM_ERR_TAG, textnode->get_content());
+ textnode->unlink();
+ }
+ var errs = xml.eval("//failure | //error");
+ if (errs.size > 0 &&
+ test.status != TestStatus.SKIPPED &&
+ test.status != TestStatus.TODO)
+ test.status = TestStatus.FAILED;
+ bits = xml.eval("//timer");
+ Xml.Node* timer = bits[0];
+ test.time = double.parse(timer->get_content());
+ timer->unlink();
+ update_status();
+ }
+ public void add_stdout(string text) {
+ add_message(SYSTEM_OUT_TAG, text);
+ }