path: root/include
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Diffstat (limited to 'include')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 8563 deletions
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm925t/sizes.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-arm925t/sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7319bd9227..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm925t/sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* DO NOT EDIT!! - this file automatically generated
- * from .s file by awk -f s2h.awk
- */
-/* Size defintions
- * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 1998. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __sizes_h
-#define __sizes_h 1
-/* handy sizes */
-#define SZ_1K 0x00000400
-#define SZ_4K 0x00001000
-#define SZ_8K 0x00002000
-#define SZ_16K 0x00004000
-#define SZ_64K 0x00010000
-#define SZ_128K 0x00020000
-#define SZ_256K 0x00040000
-#define SZ_512K 0x00080000
-#define SZ_1M 0x00100000
-#define SZ_2M 0x00200000
-#define SZ_4M 0x00400000
-#define SZ_8M 0x00800000
-#define SZ_16M 0x01000000
-#define SZ_32M 0x02000000
-#define SZ_64M 0x04000000
-#define SZ_128M 0x08000000
-#define SZ_256M 0x10000000
-#define SZ_512M 0x20000000
-#define SZ_1G 0x40000000
-#define SZ_2G 0x80000000
-#endif /* __sizes_h */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm926ejs/sizes.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-arm926ejs/sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef0b99b946..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm926ejs/sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA0 2111-1307
- * USA
- */
-/* DO NOT EDIT!! - this file automatically generated
- * from .s file by awk -f s2h.awk
- */
-/* Size defintions
- * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 1998. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __sizes_h
-#define __sizes_h 1
-/* handy sizes */
-#define SZ_1K 0x00000400
-#define SZ_4K 0x00001000
-#define SZ_8K 0x00002000
-#define SZ_16K 0x00004000
-#define SZ_64K 0x00010000
-#define SZ_128K 0x00020000
-#define SZ_256K 0x00040000
-#define SZ_512K 0x00080000
-#define SZ_1M 0x00100000
-#define SZ_2M 0x00200000
-#define SZ_4M 0x00400000
-#define SZ_8M 0x00800000
-#define SZ_16M 0x01000000
-#define SZ_32M 0x02000000
-#define SZ_64M 0x04000000
-#define SZ_128M 0x08000000
-#define SZ_256M 0x10000000
-#define SZ_512M 0x20000000
-#define SZ_1G 0x40000000
-#define SZ_2G 0x80000000
-#endif /* __sizes_h */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-omap/sizes.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-omap/sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d92ca120..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-omap/sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* DO NOT EDIT!! - this file automatically generated
- * from .s file by awk -f s2h.awk
- */
-/* Size defintions
- * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 1998. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __sizes_h
-#define __sizes_h 1
-/* handy sizes */
-#define SZ_1K 0x00000400
-#define SZ_4K 0x00001000
-#define SZ_8K 0x00002000
-#define SZ_16K 0x00004000
-#define SZ_64K 0x00010000
-#define SZ_128K 0x00020000
-#define SZ_256K 0x00040000
-#define SZ_512K 0x00080000
-#define SZ_1M 0x00100000
-#define SZ_2M 0x00200000
-#define SZ_4M 0x00400000
-#define SZ_8M 0x00800000
-#define SZ_16M 0x01000000
-#define SZ_32M 0x02000000
-#define SZ_64M 0x04000000
-#define SZ_128M 0x08000000
-#define SZ_256M 0x10000000
-#define SZ_512M 0x20000000
-#define SZ_1G 0x40000000
-#define SZ_2G 0x80000000
-/* END */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-omap24xx/sizes.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-omap24xx/sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aaba18f150..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-omap24xx/sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* Size defintions
- * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 1998. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __sizes_h
-#define __sizes_h 1
-/* handy sizes */
-#define SZ_1K 0x00000400
-#define SZ_4K 0x00001000
-#define SZ_8K 0x00002000
-#define SZ_16K 0x00004000
-#define SZ_32K 0x00008000
-#define SZ_64K 0x00010000
-#define SZ_128K 0x00020000
-#define SZ_256K 0x00040000
-#define SZ_512K 0x00080000
-#define SZ_1M 0x00100000
-#define SZ_2M 0x00200000
-#define SZ_4M 0x00400000
-#define SZ_8M 0x00800000
-#define SZ_16M 0x01000000
-#define SZ_31M 0x01F00000
-#define SZ_32M 0x02000000
-#define SZ_64M 0x04000000
-#define SZ_128M 0x08000000
-#define SZ_256M 0x10000000
-#define SZ_512M 0x20000000
-#define SZ_1G 0x40000000
-#define SZ_2G 0x80000000
-#endif /* __sizes_h */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/sizes.h b/include/asm-arm/sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d92ca120..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* DO NOT EDIT!! - this file automatically generated
- * from .s file by awk -f s2h.awk
- */
-/* Size defintions
- * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 1998. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __sizes_h
-#define __sizes_h 1
-/* handy sizes */
-#define SZ_1K 0x00000400
-#define SZ_4K 0x00001000
-#define SZ_8K 0x00002000
-#define SZ_16K 0x00004000
-#define SZ_64K 0x00010000
-#define SZ_128K 0x00020000
-#define SZ_256K 0x00040000
-#define SZ_512K 0x00080000
-#define SZ_1M 0x00100000
-#define SZ_2M 0x00200000
-#define SZ_4M 0x00400000
-#define SZ_8M 0x00800000
-#define SZ_16M 0x01000000
-#define SZ_32M 0x02000000
-#define SZ_64M 0x04000000
-#define SZ_128M 0x08000000
-#define SZ_256M 0x10000000
-#define SZ_512M 0x20000000
-#define SZ_1G 0x40000000
-#define SZ_2G 0x80000000
-/* END */
diff --git a/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h b/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e787a1dee6..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2441 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2002, Infineon Technologies. All rights reserved.
- No Warranty
- Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for
- the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when
- otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties
- provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
- warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
- entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
- you. should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all
- necessary servicing, repair or correction.
- In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
- will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or
- redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for
- damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential
- damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program
- (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
- inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of
- the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or
- other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-/* Module : WDT register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_WDT (0xB8000000)
-/***Reset Status Register Power On***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_SR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0014))
-/***Reset Request Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_SWBOOT (1 << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_SWCFG (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRPHY (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRHSP (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRFPI (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RREXT (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRDSP (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRCPU (1 << 0)
-/***NMI Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x002C))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIWDT (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIPLL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIEXT (1 << 0)
-/***Manufacturer Identification Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_MANID ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0070))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_MANID_MANUF (value) (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-/***Chip Identification Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0074))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_VERSION (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_PART_NUMBER (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_MANID (value) (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-/***Redesign Tracing Identification Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0078))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID_LC (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID_RIX (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0020))
-/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1_WDTDR (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1_WDTIR (1 << 2)
-/***Watchdog Timer Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0028))
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTTIM (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTPR (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTTO (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTDS (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTIS (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTOE (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTAE (1 << 0)
-/* Module : CGU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_CGU (0xBF107000)
-/***CGU PLL1 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_SWRST (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_EN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_NDIV (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_MDIV (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CGU PLL0 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_SWRST (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_EN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_NDIV (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_MDIV (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CGU PLL0 Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_LOCK (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_RCF (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_PLLBYP (1 << 15)
-/***CGU PLL1 Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x000C))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_LOCK (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_RCF (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_PLLBYP (1 << 15)
-/***CGU Divider Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_DIVCR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0010))
-/***CGU Multiplexer Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_SWRST (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_MUXII (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_MUXI (1 << 0)
-/***CGU Fractional Divider Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_FDEN (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_INTEGER (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_FRACTION (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : PMU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_PMU (0xBF102000)
-/***PM Global Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN16 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN15 (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN14 (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN13 (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN12 (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN11 (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN10 (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN9 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN8 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN7 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN6 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN5 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN4 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN3 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN2 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN0 (1 << 0)
-/***PM Power Down Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN16 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN15 (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN14 (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN13 (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN12 (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN11 (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN10 (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN9 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN8 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN7 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN5 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN4 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN3 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN2 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN0 (1 << 0)
-/***PM Wake-Up from Power Down Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP16 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP15 (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP14 (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP13 (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP12 (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP11 (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP10 (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP9 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP8 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP7 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP5 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP4 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP3 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP2 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP0 (1 << 0)
-/***PM Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_AWEN (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_SWRST (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_SWCR (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_CRD (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : BCU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_BCU (0xB8000100)
-/***BCU Control Register (0010H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_SPC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_SPE (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_PSE (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_DBG (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_TOUT (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BCU Error Control Capture Register (0020H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_TAG (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_RDN (1 << 23)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_WRN (1 << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_SVM (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_ACK (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_ABT (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_RDY (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_TOUT (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_ERRCNT (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_OPC (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-/***BCU Error Address Capture Register (0024 H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_EADD ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0024))
-/***BCU Error Data Capture Register (0028H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_EDAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0028))
-/* Module : MBC register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_MBC (0xBF103000)
-/***Mailbox CPU Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0080))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_SWAP (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_RES (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_FWID (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_SIZE (1 << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0084))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B3DA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B2DA (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B1E (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B0E (1 << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_WDT (1 << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_DS260 (value) (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0088))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B3DA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B2DA (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B1E (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B0E (1 << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_WDT (1 << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_DS260 (value) (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask 01 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x008C))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B3DA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B2DA (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B1E (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B0E (1 << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_WDT (1 << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_DS260 (value) (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask 10 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0090))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B3DA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B2DA (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B1E (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B0E (1 << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_WDT (1 << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_DS260 (value) (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Short Command Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CMD ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0094))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CMD_CS270 (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ID0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0000))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ID1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0020))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OD2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0040))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OD3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0060))
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR0_RDYABTFLS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR1_RDYABTFLS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0044))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR2_RDYABTFLS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0064))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR3_RDYABTFLS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0008))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0028))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0048))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0068))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x000C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x002C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x004C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x006C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0010))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0030))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0050))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0070))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0014))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0034))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0054))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0074))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0018))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0038))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0058))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0078))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x001C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x003C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x005C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x007C))
-/***DSP Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A0))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_BA (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_BMOD (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_IDL (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_RES (1 << 15)
-/***DSP Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A4))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA_IDLE (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA_PD (1 << 1)
-/***DSP Test 1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A8))
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_ABORT (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWF32 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWF4M (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWFOP (1 << 3)
-/* Module : Switch register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_Switch (0xBF104000)
-/***Unknown Destination Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_CB (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_LB (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_PB (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_CM (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_LM (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_PM (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_CU (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_LU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_PU (1 << 0)
-/***VLAN Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_SC (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_SL (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_SP (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_TC (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_TL (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_TP (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_VA (1 << 0)
-/***PC VLAN Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN_PRI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LAN VLAN Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x000C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN_PRI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU VLAN Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN_PRI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Priority CoS Mapping Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P7 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P6 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P5 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P4 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P3 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P2 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P1 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P0 (1 << 0)
-/***Spanning Tree Port Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_CPS (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_LPS (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_PPS (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ARL Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CHCC (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CHCL (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CHCP (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CC (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CL (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CP (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CG (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_PS (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_MRO (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_SRC (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_ATS (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_AGE_TICK_SEL (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_MAF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_ENL (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_Res (value) (((( 1 << 19) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
-/***CPU Access Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_RA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_RW (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_Res (value) (((( 1 << 21) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_AVA (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_IDX (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU Access Data Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA1_Data (value) (((( 1 << 24) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU Access Data Register 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0028))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA2_Data
-/***CPU Port Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x002C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_DA_PORTS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_DAC (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_MA_STATE (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_MAM (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_MA_Ports (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_MAC (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_EML (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_EDL (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_Res (value) (((( 1 << 18) - 1) & (value)) << 14)
-/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS1_DSCP
-/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0034))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS2_DSCP
-/***PC WFQ Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0080))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_P1 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_P0 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PC TX Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0084))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL_ELR (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL_EER (1 << 0)
-/***LAN WFQ Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0100))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_P1 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_P0 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LAN TX Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0104))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL_ELR (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL_EER (1 << 0)
-/***CPU WFQ Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0180))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_P1 (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_P0 (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM PC RX Watermark Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0200))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM1 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM2 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM3 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM4 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM LAN RX Watermark Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0204))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM1 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM2 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM3 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM4 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0208))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM1 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM2 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM3 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM4 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x020C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM1 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM2 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM3 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM4 (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0210))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_GDN (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_CDN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_LDN (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_PDN (1 << 0)
-/***PM Header Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0280))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_RL2 (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_RC (1 << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_CM (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_CV (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_TYPE_LEN (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_TAG (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_ADD (1 << 0)
-/***PM Source Address Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0284))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA1_SA_47_32 (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Source Address Register 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0288))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA2_SA_31_0
-/***PM Dest Address Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x028C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA1_DA_47_32 (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Dest Address Register 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0290))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA2_DA_31_0
-/***PM VLAN Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0294))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_PRI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_CFI (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_VLANID (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM TX IPG Counter Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_TX_IPG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0298))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_TX_IPG_IPGCNT (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM RX IPG Counter Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_RX_IPG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x029C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_RX_IPG_IPGCNT (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mirror Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0300))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_MRR (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_EC (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_EL (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_EP (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IC (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IP (1 << 0)
-/***Packet Length Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0304))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN_ADD (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN_MAX_PKT_LEN (value) (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MDIO Access Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0480))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_RA (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_RW (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_PHY_ADDR (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_REG_ADDR (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_PHY_DATA (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Ethernet PHY Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0484))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_SL (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_SP (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_LL (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_LP (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_DL (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_DP (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_PL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_PP (1 << 0)
-/***Pause Write Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0488))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN_PL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN_PP (1 << 0)
-/***MDIO Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x048C))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_MDS (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PHY_LAN_ADDR (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PHY_PC_ADDR (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_UEP (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PS (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PT (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_UMM (1 << 0)
-/***Clock Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0500))
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_ARL_ID (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_CPU_ID (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_LAN_ID (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_PC_ID (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_SE_ID (1 << 5)
-/* Module : SSC1 register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1 (0xB8000500)
-/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_EN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_MS (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_AREN (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_BEN (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_PEN (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_REN (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_TEN (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_LB (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_PO (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_PH (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_HB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_BM (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_EN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_MS (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_BSY (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_BE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_PE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_RE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_TE (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_BC (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0040))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETBE (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETPE (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETRE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETTE (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRBE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRPE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRRE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRTE (1 << 8)
-/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_BR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_BR_BR_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TB ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TB_TB_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RB ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RB_RB_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0034))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_RXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0038))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_RMC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/* Module : SSC2 register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2 (0xB8000600)
-/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_EN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_MS (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_AREN (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_BEN (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_PEN (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_REN (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_TEN (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_LB (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_PO (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_PH (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_HB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_BM (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_EN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_MS (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_BSY (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_BE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_PE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_RE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_TE (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_BC (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0040))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETBE (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETPE (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETRE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETTE (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRBE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRPE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRRE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRTE (1 << 8)
-/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_BR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_BR_BR_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TB ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TB_TB_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RB ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RB_RB_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0034))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_RXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0038))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_RMC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/* Module : EBU register address and bits */
-#if defined(CONFIG_INCA_IP)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU (0xB8000200)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_PURPLE)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU (0xB800D800)
-/***EBU Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Global Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_DTACS (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_DTARW (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_TOUTC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_ARBMODE (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_ARBSYNC (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_1 (1 << 3)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_BASE (value) (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_MASK (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_REGEN (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_BASE (value) (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_MASK (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_REGEN (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0028))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_BASE (value) (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_MASK (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_REGEN (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0060))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WRDIS (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_ALEC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_BCGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_AGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_CMULTR (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WAIT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WAITINV (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_SETUP (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_PORTW (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WAITRDC (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WAITWRC (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_HOLDC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_RECOVC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_CMULT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0064))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WRDIS (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_ALEC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_BCGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_AGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_CMULTR (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WAIT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WAITINV (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_SETUP (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_PORTW (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WAITRDC (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WAITWRC (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_HOLDC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_RECOVC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_CMULT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 2***/
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0068))
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WRDIS (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_ALEC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_BCGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 27)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_AGEN (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_CMULTR (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WAIT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WAITINV (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_SETUP (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_PORTW (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WAITRDC (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WAITWRC (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_HOLDC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_RECOVC (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_CMULT (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : SDRAM register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM (0xBF800000)
-/***MC Access Error Cause Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0100))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_ERR (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_Res (value) (((( 1 << NaN) - 1) & (value)) << NaN)
-/***MC Access Error Address Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRADDR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0108))
-/***MC I/O General Purpose Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR6 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR5 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR4 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR3 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR2 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_CPS (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_CLKDELAY (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_CLKRAT (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_RDDEL (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MC Self Refresh Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0A00))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH_Res (value) (((( 1 << 30) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-/***MC Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1000))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA_ENA (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA_Res (value) (((( 1 << 31) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-/***MC Mode Register Setup Code***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1008))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_UMC (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_CL (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_WT (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_BL (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MC Configuration Data-word Width Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1010))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW_DW (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW_Res (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-/***MC Configuration Physical Bank 0 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1018))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_MCSEN0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_BANKN0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_ROWW0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_COLW0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_Res (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-/***MC Latency Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1038))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TRP (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TRAS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TRCD (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TDPL (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TDAL (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_Res (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-/***MC Refresh Cycle Time Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1040))
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH_TREF (value) (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH_Res (value) (((( 1 << 19) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
-/* Module : GPTU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU (0xB8000300)
-/***GPT Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_RMC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 3 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3RDIR (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3CHDIR (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3EDGE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_BPS1 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3OTL (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3UD (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3R (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3M (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3I (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Write Hardware Modified Timer 3 Control Register
-If set and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x004C))
-/***GPT Timer 2 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxRDIR (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxCHDIR (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxEDGE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxIRDIS (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxRC (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxUD (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxR (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxM (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 4 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxRDIR (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxCHDIR (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxEDGE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxIRDIS (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxRC (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxUD (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxR (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxM (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxI (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 2 Control Register If set
- and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT2CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0048))
-/***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 4 Control Register If set
- and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT4CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0050))
-/***GPT Capture Reload Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CAPREL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CAPREL_CAPREL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0034))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2_TVAL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 3 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0038))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3_TVAL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 4 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x003C))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4_TVAL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 5 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0040))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5_TVAL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 6 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0044))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6_TVAL (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 6 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6SR (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6CLR (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_BPS2 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6OTL (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6UD (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6R (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6M (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6I (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 6 Control Register If set
- and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT6CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0054))
-/***GPT Timer 5 Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5SC (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5CLR (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_CI (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5CC (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_CT3 (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5RC (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5UDE (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5UD (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5R (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5M (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5I (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : IOM register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_IOM (0xBF105000)
-/***Receive FIFO***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RFIFO ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RFIFO_RXD (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Transmit FIFO***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_XFIFO ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_XFIFO_TXD (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Interrupt Status Register HDLC***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0080))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_RME (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_RPF (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_RFO (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XPR (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XMR (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XDU (1 << 2)
-/***Interrupt Mask Register HDLC***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0080))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_RME (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_RPF (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_RFO (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XPR (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XMR (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XDU (1 << 2)
-/***Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0084))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XDOV (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XFW (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_RACI (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XACI (1 << 1)
-/***Command Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0084))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_RMC (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_RRES (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XTF (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XME (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XRES (1 << 0)
-/***Mode Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0088))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_MDS2 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_MDS1 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_MDS0 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_RAC (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM2 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM1 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM0 (1 << 0)
-/***Extended Mode Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x008C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_XFBS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_RFBS (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_SRA (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_XCRC (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_RCRC (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_ITF (1 << 0)
-/***SAPI1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0094))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1_SAPI1 (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1_MHA (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Frame Byte Count Low***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0098))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCL_RBC(value) (1 << value)
-/***SAPI2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0098))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2_SAPI2 (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2_MLA (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Frame Byte Count High***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x009C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_OV (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC11 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC10 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC9 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC8 (1 << 0)
-/***TEI1 Register 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x009C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1_TEI1 (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1_EA (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A0))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_VFR (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_RDO (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_CRC (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_RAB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_SA1 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_SA0 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_TA (1 << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_CR (1 << 1)
-/***TEI2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A0))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2_TEI2 (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2_EA (1 << 0)
-/***Test Mode Register HDLC***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TMH ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A4))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_TMH_TLP (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Receive 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00B8))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CODR0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CIC0 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CIC1 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_SG (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_BAS (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Transmit 0***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00B8))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_CODX0 (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA2 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA1 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA0 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_BAC (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Receive 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00BC))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR1_CODR1 (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-/***Command/Indication Transmit 1***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00BC))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CODX1 (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CICW (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CI1E (1 << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH10)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA10 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0100))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA10_CDA (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH11)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA11 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0104))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA11_CDA (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH20)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA20 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0108))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA20_CDA (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH21)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA21 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x010C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA21_CDA (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0110))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0114))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0118))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x011C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0120))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0124))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0128))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x012C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21_DPS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0138))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_TBM (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_I1 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_I0 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_O1 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_O0 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_SWAP (1 << 0)
-/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x013C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_TBM (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_I1 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_I0 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_O1 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_O0 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_SWAP (1 << 0)
-/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0144))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR_EN_BC2 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR_EN_BC1 (1 << 3)
-/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0148))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR_EN_BC2 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR_EN_BC1 (1 << 3)
-/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x014C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_DPS_CI1 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_EN_CI1 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_EN_D (1 << 5)
-/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x014C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_DPS_CI0 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_EN_CI0 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_DPS_D (1 << 5)
-/***Control Reg. Serial Data Strobe x***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0154))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS_1 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS_3 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_TSS (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Control Register IOM Data***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x015C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_SPU (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_CI_CS (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_TIC_DIS (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_EN_BCL (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_CLKM (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_Res (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_DIS_IOM (1 << 0)
-/***Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0160))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV21 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV20 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV11 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV10 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI21 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI20 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI11 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI10 (1 << 0)
-/***Acknowledge Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0160))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK21 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK20 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK11 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK10 (1 << 0)
-/***Mask Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0164))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV21 (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV20 (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV11 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV10 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI21 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI20 (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI11 (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI10 (1 << 0)
-/***Configuration Register for Serial Data Strobes***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CONF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0168))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CONF_SDS_BCL (1 << 0)
-/***Monitoring CDA Bits***/
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x016C))
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA21 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA20 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA11 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA10 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : ASC register address and bits */
-#if defined(CONFIG_INCA_IP)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC (0xB8000400)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_PURPLE)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC (0xBE500000)
-/***ASC Port Input Select Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PISEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PISEL_RIS (1 << 0)
-/***ASC Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_R (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_LB (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_BRS (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_ODD (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_FDE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_OE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_FE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_PE (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_OEN (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_FEN (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_PENRXDI (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_REN (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_STP (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_M (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0050))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETOE (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETFE (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETPE (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_CLROE (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_CLRFE (1 << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_CLRPE (1 << 8)
-/***ASC Baudrate Timer/Reload Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_BTR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_BTR_BR_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Fractional Divider Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_FDV ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_FDV_FD_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC IrDA Pulse Mode/Width Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW_IRPW (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW_PW_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Transmit Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_TBUF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_TBUF_TD_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Receive Buffer Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_RBUF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_RBUF_RD_VALUE (value) (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Autobaud Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_RXINV (1 << 11)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_TXINV (1 << 10)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_ABEM (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_ABSTEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_AUREN (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_ABEN (1 << 0)
-/***Receive FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0040))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0044))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFITL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXTMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFFLU (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFEN (1 << 0)
-/***FIFO Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0048))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0054))
-/***ASC Autobaud Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0034))
-/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0058))
-/***ASC Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_RMC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/* Module : DMA register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_DMA (0xBF108000)
-/***DMA RX Channel 0 Command Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_LBE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_HPEN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_INIT (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_OFF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_HR (1 << 0)
-/***DMA RX Channel 1 Command Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0804))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_LBE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_HPEN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_INIT (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_OFF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_HR (1 << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0808))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_RDERRx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_CMDCPTx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_EOPx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_CPTx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_HLDx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Interrupt Mask Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x080C))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_RDERRx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_CMDCPTx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_EOPx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_CPTx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_HLDx (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Rx Channel 0
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0810))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA0_RXFRDA (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Rx Channel 1
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0814))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA1_RXFRDA (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Channel Polling Time***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0818))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_BSZ1 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_BSZ0 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_RXPOLLTIME (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 0 Command Register (Voice Port)***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0880))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_LBE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_HPEN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_HR (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_OFF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_INIT (1 << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 1 Command Register (Mangmt Port)***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0884))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_LBE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_HPEN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_HR (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_OFF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_INIT (1 << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 2 Command Register (SSC Port)***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0888))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_LBE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_HPEN (1 << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_HBF (1 << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_HR (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_OFF (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_INIT (1 << 0)
-/***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 0
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A0))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA0_TXFRDA (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 1
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A4))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA1_TXFRDA (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 2
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A8))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA2_TXFRDA (value) (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Channel Arbitration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C0))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX2PR (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX1PRI (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX0PRI (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Channel Polling Time***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C4))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ2 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 30)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ1 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ0 (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_TXPOLLTIME (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C8))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_RDERRx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_HLDx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_CPTx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_EOPx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_CMDCPTx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Mask Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08CC))
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_RDERRx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_HLDx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_CPTx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_EOPx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_CMDCPTx (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : Debug register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_Debug (0xBF106000)
-/***MCD Break Bus Switch Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Debug+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BTP1 (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BTP0 (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BSP1 (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BSP0 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BT5EN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BT4EN (1 << 14)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BT5 (1 << 13)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BT4 (1 << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS5EN (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS4EN (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS5 (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS4 (1 << 4)
-/***MCD Multiplexer Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Debug+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX5 (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX4 (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX1 (1 << 0)
-/* Module : TSF register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_TSF (0xB8000900)
-/***TSF Configuration Register (0000H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_PWMEN (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_LEDEN (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_KEYEN (1 << 0)
-/***Key scan Configuration Register (0004H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_KEY_CONF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_KEY_CONF_SL (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 0 and 1 (0008H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01_RES1x (value) (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01_RES0x (value) (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 2 and 3 (000CH)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x000C))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23_RES3x (value) (((( 1 << 10) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23_RES2x (value) (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 4, 5 and 6 (0010H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES6x (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES5x (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES4x (value) (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 7 to 12 (0014H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES12x (1 << 28)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES11x (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES10x (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES9x (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES8x (value) (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES7x (value) (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LEDMUX Configuration Register (0018H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ETL1 (1 << 25)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESTA1 (1 << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_EDPX1 (1 << 23)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_EACT1 (1 << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESPD1 (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ETL0 (1 << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESTA0 (1 << 19)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_EDPX0 (1 << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_EACT0 (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESPD0 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_INV (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_NCOL (1 << 0)
-/***LED Register (001CH)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LED_REG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_LED_REG_Lxy (value) (((( 1 << 24) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Pulse Width Modulator 1 and 2 Register (0020H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_PWM12 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_PWM12_PW2PW1 (value) (((( 1 << NaN) - 1) & (value)) << NaN)
-/* Module : Ports register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_Ports (0xB8000A00)
-/***Port 1 Data Output Register (0020H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_OUT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_OUT_P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Data Output Register (0040H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OUT ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0040))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OUT_P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Data Input Register (0024H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_IN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_IN_P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Data Input Register (0044H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_IN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0044))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_IN_P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Direction Register (0028H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0028))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR_Port2Pn (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Port 2 Direction Register (0048H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0048))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR_Port2Pn (value) (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Port 0 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (000C H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_ALTSEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x000C))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_ALTSEL_Port0P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (002C H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x002C))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (004C H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x004C))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 0 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0010 H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_STOFF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_STOFF_Port0P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0030 H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0050 H)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0050))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF_Port1P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Open Drain Control Register (0054H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OD ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0054))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OD_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 0 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0018 H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDEN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDEN_Port0P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0058 H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0058))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 0 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (001C H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDSEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDSEL_Port0P(value) (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (005C H)***/
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x005C))
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL_Port2P(value) (1 << value)
-/* Module : DES/3DES register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES (0xB8000800)
-/***DES Input Data High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IHR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IHR_IH(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Input Data Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_ILR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_ILR_IL(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #1 High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1HR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1HR_K1H(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #1 Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1LR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x000C))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1LR_K1L(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #2 High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2HR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2HR_K2H(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #2 Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2LR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2LR_K2L(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #3 High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3HR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3HR_K3H(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #3 Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3LR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x001C))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3LR_K3L(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Initialization Vector High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVHR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVHR_IVH(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Initialization Vector Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVLR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0024))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVLR_IVL(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0028))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_KRE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_DAU (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_F(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_O(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_GO (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_SM (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_E_D (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_M(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Output Data High Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OHR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x002C))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OHR_OH(value) (1 << value)
-/***DES Output Data Low Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OLR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0030))
-#define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OLR_OL(value) (1 << value)
-/* Module : AES register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_AES (0xB8000880)
-/***AES Input Data 3 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID3R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID3R_I(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID2R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID2R_I(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID1R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID1R_I(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 0 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID0R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID0R_I(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 3 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD3R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD3R_O(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD2R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD2R_O(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD1R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD1R_O(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 0 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD0R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD0R_O(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 7 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K7R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K7R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 6 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K6R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K6R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 5 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K5R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K5R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 4 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K4R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K4R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 3 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K3R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K3R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K2R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K2R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K1R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K1R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 0 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K0R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K0R_K(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 3 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV3R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV3R_IV(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 2 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV2R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV2R_IV(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 1 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV1R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV1R_IV(value) (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 0 Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV0R ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV0R_IV (value) (((( 1 << 32) - 1) &(value)) << 0)
-/***AES Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_KRE (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_DAU (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_PNK (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_F(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_O(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_GO (1 << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_STP (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_IEN (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_BUS (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_SM (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_E_D (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_KV (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_K(value) (1 << value)
-/* Module : I²C register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_IIC (0xB8000700)
-/***I²C Port Input Select Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0004))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL_SDAIS(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL_SCLIS(value) (1 << value)
-/***I²C Clock Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_RMC (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_DISS (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_DISR (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_WMEN (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_CI (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_STP (1 << 25)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_IGE (1 << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_TRX (1 << 23)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_INT (1 << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_ACKDIS (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_BUM (1 << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_MOD (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_RSC (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_M10 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_RMEN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_CO (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_IRQE (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_IRQP (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_IRQD (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_BB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_LRB (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_SLA (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_AL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_ADR (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_RM (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_TRX (1 << 23)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_INT (1 << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_ACKDIS (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_BUM (1 << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_MOD (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_RSC (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_M10 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_RMEN (1 << 15)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_CO (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_IRQE (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_IRQP (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_IRQD (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_BB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_LRB (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_SLA (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_AL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_ADR (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_WMEN (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_CI (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_STP (1 << 25)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_IGE (1 << 24)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_TRX (1 << 23)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_INT (1 << 22)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_ACKDIS (1 << 21)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_BUM (1 << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_MOD (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 18)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_RSC (1 << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_M10 (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_WM (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_IRQE (1 << 7)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_IRQP (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_IRQD (1 << 5)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_BB (1 << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_LRB (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_SLA (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_AL (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_ADR (1 << 0)
-/***I²C Write Hardware Modified System Control Register
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_WHBSYSCON ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0020))
-/***I²C Bus Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_BRPMOD (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_PREDIV (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_ICA9_0 (value) (((( 1 << 10) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_BRP (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_SCLEN(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_SDAEN(value) (1 << value)
-/***I²C Bus Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0014))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_BRPMOD (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_PREDIV (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_ICA7_1 (value) (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 17)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_BRP (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_SCLEN(value) (1 << value)
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_SDAEN(value) (1 << value)
-/***I²C Receive Transmit Buffer***/
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_RTB ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_RTB_RTB(value) (1 << value)
-/* Module : FB register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_FB (0xBF880000)
-/***FB Access Error Cause Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0100))
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_ERR (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***FB Access Error Address Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRADDR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0108))
-/***FB Configuration Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_CFG ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_CFG_SVM (1 << 0)
-/* Module : SRAM register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_SRAM (0xBF980000)
-/***SRAM Size Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_SRAM_SRAM_SIZE ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SRAM+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_SRAM_SRAM_SIZE_SIZE (value) (((( 1 << 23) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/* Module : BIU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_BIU (0xBFA80000)
-/***BIU Identification Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_ARCH (1 << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_ID (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_REV (value) (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BIU Access Error Cause Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0100))
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_ERR (1 << 31)
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value) (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value) (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BIU Access Error Address Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRADDR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0108))
-/* Module : ICU register address and bits */
-#define INCA_IP_ICU (0xBF101000)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_ISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0000))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_ISR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_ISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0200))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_ISR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_ISR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0400))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_ISR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IER ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0008))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IER_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IER ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0208))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IER_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Enable Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IER ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0408))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IER_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IOSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0010))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IOSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IOSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0210))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IOSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IOSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0410))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IOSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IRSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0018))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IRSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IRSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0218))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IRSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IRSR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0418))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IRSR_IR(value) (1 << value)
-/***External Interrupt Control Register***/
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0B00))
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII5 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII4 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII3 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII2 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII1 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-#define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII0 (value) (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
diff --git a/include/asm-ppc/4xx_pcie.h b/include/asm-ppc/4xx_pcie.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e88de11d..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-ppc/4xx_pcie.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005 Cisco Systems. All rights reserved.
- * Roland Dreier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- */
-#ifndef __4XX_PCIE_H
-#define __4XX_PCIE_H
-#include <ppc4xx.h>
-#include <pci.h>
-#define DCRN_SDR0_CFGADDR 0x00e
-#define DCRN_SDR0_CFGDATA 0x00f
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_ADDR_HIGH 0x0000000d
-#define DCRN_PCIE0_BASE 0x100
-#define DCRN_PCIE1_BASE 0x120
-#define DCRN_PCIE2_BASE 0x140
-#define PCIE0_SDR 0x300
-#define PCIE1_SDR 0x340
-#define PCIE2_SDR 0x370
-#if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_ADDR_HIGH 0x0000000d
-#define DCRN_PCIE0_BASE 0x100
-#define DCRN_PCIE1_BASE 0x120
-#define PCIE0_SDR 0x300
-#define PCIE1_SDR 0x340
-#if defined(CONFIG_405EX)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_ADDR_HIGH 0x00000000
-#define DCRN_PCIE0_BASE 0x040
-#define DCRN_PCIE1_BASE 0x060
-#define PCIE0_SDR 0x400
-#define PCIE1_SDR 0x440
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_CFGBAH(base) (base + 0x00)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_CFGBAL(base) (base + 0x01)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_CFGMSK(base) (base + 0x02)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_MSGBAH(base) (base + 0x03)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_MSGBAL(base) (base + 0x04)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_MSGMSK(base) (base + 0x05)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_OMR1BAH(base) (base + 0x06)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_OMR1BAL(base) (base + 0x07)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_OMR1MSKH(base) (base + 0x08)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_OMR1MSKL(base) (base + 0x09)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_REGBAH(base) (base + 0x12)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_REGBAL(base) (base + 0x13)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_REGMSK(base) (base + 0x14)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_SPECIAL(base) (base + 0x15)
-#define DCRN_PEGPL_CFG(base) (base + 0x16)
- * System DCRs (SDRs)
- */
-#define PESDR0_PLLLCT1 0x03a0
-#define PESDR0_PLLLCT2 0x03a1
-#define PESDR0_PLLLCT3 0x03a2
-/* common regs, at for all 4xx with PCIe core */
-#define SDRN_PESDR_UTLSET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x00)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_UTLSET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x01)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_DLPSET(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x02)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_LOOP(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x03)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_RCSSET(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x04)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_RCSSTS(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x05)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL0SET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x06)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL0SET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x07)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL0STS(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x08)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL1SET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x09)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL1SET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0a)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL1STS(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0b)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL2SET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0c)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL2SET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0d)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL2STS(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0e)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL3SET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0f)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL3SET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x10)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_HSSL3STS(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x11)
-#define PESDR0_UTLSET1 0x0300
-#define PESDR0_UTLSET2 0x0301
-#define PESDR0_DLPSET 0x0302
-#define PESDR0_LOOP 0x0303
-#define PESDR0_RCSSET 0x0304
-#define PESDR0_RCSSTS 0x0305
-#define PESDR0_HSSL0SET1 0x0306
-#define PESDR0_HSSL0SET2 0x0307
-#define PESDR0_HSSL0STS 0x0308
-#define PESDR0_HSSL1SET1 0x0309
-#define PESDR0_HSSL1SET2 0x030a
-#define PESDR0_HSSL1STS 0x030b
-#define PESDR0_HSSL2SET1 0x030c
-#define PESDR0_HSSL2SET2 0x030d
-#define PESDR0_HSSL2STS 0x030e
-#define PESDR0_HSSL3SET1 0x030f
-#define PESDR0_HSSL3SET2 0x0310
-#define PESDR0_HSSL3STS 0x0311
-#define PESDR0_HSSL4SET1 0x0312
-#define PESDR0_HSSL4SET2 0x0313
-#define PESDR0_HSSL4STS 0x0314
-#define PESDR0_HSSL5SET1 0x0315
-#define PESDR0_HSSL5SET2 0x0316
-#define PESDR0_HSSL5STS 0x0317
-#define PESDR0_HSSL6SET1 0x0318
-#define PESDR0_HSSL6SET2 0x0319
-#define PESDR0_HSSL6STS 0x031a
-#define PESDR0_HSSL7SET1 0x031b
-#define PESDR0_HSSL7SET2 0x031c
-#define PESDR0_HSSL7STS 0x031d
-#define PESDR0_HSSCTLSET 0x031e
-#define PESDR0_LANE_ABCD 0x031f
-#define PESDR0_LANE_EFGH 0x0320
-#define PESDR1_UTLSET1 0x0340
-#define PESDR1_UTLSET2 0x0341
-#define PESDR1_DLPSET 0x0342
-#define PESDR1_LOOP 0x0343
-#define PESDR1_RCSSET 0x0344
-#define PESDR1_RCSSTS 0x0345
-#define PESDR1_HSSL0SET1 0x0346
-#define PESDR1_HSSL0SET2 0x0347
-#define PESDR1_HSSL0STS 0x0348
-#define PESDR1_HSSL1SET1 0x0349
-#define PESDR1_HSSL1SET2 0x034a
-#define PESDR1_HSSL1STS 0x034b
-#define PESDR1_HSSL2SET1 0x034c
-#define PESDR1_HSSL2SET2 0x034d
-#define PESDR1_HSSL2STS 0x034e
-#define PESDR1_HSSL3SET1 0x034f
-#define PESDR1_HSSL3SET2 0x0350
-#define PESDR1_HSSL3STS 0x0351
-#define PESDR1_HSSCTLSET 0x0352
-#define PESDR1_LANE_ABCD 0x0353
-#define PESDR2_UTLSET1 0x0370
-#define PESDR2_UTLSET2 0x0371
-#define PESDR2_DLPSET 0x0372
-#define PESDR2_LOOP 0x0373
-#define PESDR2_RCSSET 0x0374
-#define PESDR2_RCSSTS 0x0375
-#define PESDR2_HSSL0SET1 0x0376
-#define PESDR2_HSSL0SET2 0x0377
-#define PESDR2_HSSL0STS 0x0378
-#define PESDR2_HSSL1SET1 0x0379
-#define PESDR2_HSSL1SET2 0x037a
-#define PESDR2_HSSL1STS 0x037b
-#define PESDR2_HSSL2SET1 0x037c
-#define PESDR2_HSSL2SET2 0x037d
-#define PESDR2_HSSL2STS 0x037e
-#define PESDR2_HSSL3SET1 0x037f
-#define PESDR2_HSSL3SET2 0x0380
-#define PESDR2_HSSL3STS 0x0381
-#define PESDR2_HSSCTLSET 0x0382
-#define PESDR2_LANE_ABCD 0x0383
-#elif defined(CONFIG_405EX)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_PHYSET1(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x06)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_PHYSET2(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x07)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_BIST(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x08)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_LPB(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0b)
-#define SDRN_PESDR_PHYSTA(n) (sdr_base(n) + 0x0c)
-#define PESDR0_UTLSET1 0x0400
-#define PESDR0_UTLSET2 0x0401
-#define PESDR0_DLPSET 0x0402
-#define PESDR0_LOOP 0x0403
-#define PESDR0_RCSSET 0x0404
-#define PESDR0_RCSSTS 0x0405
-#define PESDR0_PHYSET1 0x0406
-#define PESDR0_PHYSET2 0x0407
-#define PESDR0_BIST 0x0408
-#define PESDR0_LPB 0x040B
-#define PESDR0_PHYSTA 0x040C
-#define PESDR1_UTLSET1 0x0440
-#define PESDR1_UTLSET2 0x0441
-#define PESDR1_DLPSET 0x0442
-#define PESDR1_LOOP 0x0443
-#define PESDR1_RCSSET 0x0444
-#define PESDR1_RCSSTS 0x0445
-#define PESDR1_PHYSET1 0x0446
-#define PESDR1_PHYSET2 0x0447
-#define PESDR1_BIST 0x0448
-#define PESDR1_LPB 0x044B
-#define PESDR1_PHYSTA 0x044C
-#elif defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
-#define PESDR0_L0BIST 0x0308 /* PE0 L0 built in self test */
-#define PESDR0_L0BISTSTS 0x0309 /* PE0 L0 built in self test status */
-#define PESDR0_L0CDRCTL 0x030A /* PE0 L0 CDR control */
-#define PESDR0_L0DRV 0x030B /* PE0 L0 drive */
-#define PESDR0_L0REC 0x030C /* PE0 L0 receiver */
-#define PESDR0_L0LPB 0x030D /* PE0 L0 loopback */
-#define PESDR0_L0CLK 0x030E /* PE0 L0 clocking */
-#define PESDR0_PHY_CTL_RST 0x030F /* PE0 PHY control reset */
-#define PESDR0_RSTSTA 0x0310 /* PE0 reset status */
-#define PESDR0_OBS 0x0311 /* PE0 observation register */
-#define PESDR0_L0ERRC 0x0320 /* PE0 L0 error counter */
-#define PESDR1_L0BIST 0x0348 /* PE1 L0 built in self test */
-#define PESDR1_L1BIST 0x0349 /* PE1 L1 built in self test */
-#define PESDR1_L2BIST 0x034A /* PE1 L2 built in self test */
-#define PESDR1_L3BIST 0x034B /* PE1 L3 built in self test */
-#define PESDR1_L0BISTSTS 0x034C /* PE1 L0 built in self test status */
-#define PESDR1_L1BISTSTS 0x034D /* PE1 L1 built in self test status */
-#define PESDR1_L2BISTSTS 0x034E /* PE1 L2 built in self test status */
-#define PESDR1_L3BISTSTS 0x034F /* PE1 L3 built in self test status */
-#define PESDR1_L0CDRCTL 0x0350 /* PE1 L0 CDR control */
-#define PESDR1_L1CDRCTL 0x0351 /* PE1 L1 CDR control */
-#define PESDR1_L2CDRCTL 0x0352 /* PE1 L2 CDR control */
-#define PESDR1_L3CDRCTL 0x0353 /* PE1 L3 CDR control */
-#define PESDR1_L0DRV 0x0354 /* PE1 L0 drive */
-#define PESDR1_L1DRV 0x0355 /* PE1 L1 drive */
-#define PESDR1_L2DRV 0x0356 /* PE1 L2 drive */
-#define PESDR1_L3DRV 0x0357 /* PE1 L3 drive */
-#define PESDR1_L0REC 0x0358 /* PE1 L0 receiver */
-#define PESDR1_L1REC 0x0359 /* PE1 L1 receiver */
-#define PESDR1_L2REC 0x035A /* PE1 L2 receiver */
-#define PESDR1_L3REC 0x035B /* PE1 L3 receiver */
-#define PESDR1_L0LPB 0x035C /* PE1 L0 loopback */
-#define PESDR1_L1LPB 0x035D /* PE1 L1 loopback */
-#define PESDR1_L2LPB 0x035E /* PE1 L2 loopback */
-#define PESDR1_L3LPB 0x035F /* PE1 L3 loopback */
-#define PESDR1_L0CLK 0x0360 /* PE1 L0 clocking */
-#define PESDR1_L1CLK 0x0361 /* PE1 L1 clocking */
-#define PESDR1_L2CLK 0x0362 /* PE1 L2 clocking */
-#define PESDR1_L3CLK 0x0363 /* PE1 L3 clocking */
-#define PESDR1_PHY_CTL_RST 0x0364 /* PE1 PHY control reset */
-#define PESDR1_RSTSTA 0x0365 /* PE1 reset status */
-#define PESDR1_OBS 0x0366 /* PE1 observation register */
-#define PESDR1_L0ERRC 0x0368 /* PE1 L0 error counter */
-#define PESDR1_L1ERRC 0x0369 /* PE1 L1 error counter */
-#define PESDR1_L2ERRC 0x036A /* PE1 L2 error counter */
-#define PESDR1_L3ERRC 0x036B /* PE1 L3 error counter */
-#define PESDR0_IHS1 0x036C /* PE interrupt handler interfact setting 1 */
-#define PESDR0_IHS2 0x036D /* PE interrupt handler interfact setting 2 */
-/* SDR Bit Mappings */
-#define PESDRx_RCSSET_HLDPLB 0x10000000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSET_RSTGU 0x01000000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSET_RDY 0x00100000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSET_RSTDL 0x00010000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSET_RSTPYN 0x00001000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSTS_PLBIDL 0x10000000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSTS_HRSTRQ 0x01000000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSTS_PGRST 0x00100000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSTS_VC0ACT 0x00010000
-#define PESDRx_RCSSTS_BMEN 0x00000100
- * UTL register offsets
- */
-#define PEUTL_PBCTL 0x00
-#define PEUTL_PBBSZ 0x20
-#define PEUTL_OPDBSZ 0x68
-#define PEUTL_IPHBSZ 0x70
-#define PEUTL_IPDBSZ 0x78
-#define PEUTL_OUTTR 0x90
-#define PEUTL_INTR 0x98
-#define PEUTL_PCTL 0xa0
-#define PEUTL_RCSTA 0xb0
-#define PEUTL_RCIRQEN 0xb8
- * Config space register offsets
- */
-#define PECFG_BAR0LMPA 0x210
-#define PECFG_BAR0HMPA 0x214
-#define PECFG_BAR1MPA 0x218
-#define PECFG_BAR2LMPA 0x220
-#define PECFG_BAR2HMPA 0x224
-#define PECFG_PIMEN 0x33c
-#define PECFG_PIM0LAL 0x340
-#define PECFG_PIM0LAH 0x344
-#define PECFG_PIM1LAL 0x348
-#define PECFG_PIM1LAH 0x34c
-#define PECFG_PIM01SAL 0x350
-#define PECFG_PIM01SAH 0x354
-#define PECFG_POM0LAL 0x380
-#define PECFG_POM0LAH 0x384
-#define SDR_READ(offset) ({\
- mtdcr(DCRN_SDR0_CFGADDR, offset); \
- mfdcr(DCRN_SDR0_CFGDATA);})
-#define SDR_WRITE(offset, data) ({\
- mtdcr(DCRN_SDR0_CFGADDR, offset); \
- mtdcr(DCRN_SDR0_CFGDATA,data);})
-#define GPL_DMER_MASK_DISA 0x02000000
-#define U64_TO_U32_LOW(val) ((u32)((val) & 0x00000000ffffffffULL))
-#define U64_TO_U32_HIGH(val) ((u32)((val) >> 32))
- * Prototypes
- */
-int ppc4xx_init_pcie(void);
-int ppc4xx_init_pcie_rootport(int port);
-int ppc4xx_init_pcie_endport(int port);
-void ppc4xx_setup_pcie_rootpoint(struct pci_controller *hose, int port);
-int ppc4xx_setup_pcie_endpoint(struct pci_controller *hose, int port);
-int pcie_hose_scan(struct pci_controller *hose, int bus);
- * Function to determine root port or endport from env variable.
- */
-static inline int is_end_point(int port)
- char s[10], *tk;
- char *pcie_mode = getenv("pcie_mode");
- if (pcie_mode == NULL)
- return 0;
- strcpy(s, pcie_mode);
- tk = strtok(s, ":");
- switch (port) {
- case 0:
- if (tk != NULL) {
- if (!(strcmp(tk, "ep") && strcmp(tk, "EP")))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- case 1:
- tk = strtok(NULL, ":");
- if (tk != NULL) {
- if (!(strcmp(tk, "ep") && strcmp(tk, "EP")))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- case 2:
- tk = strtok(NULL, ":");
- if (tk != NULL)
- tk = strtok(NULL, ":");
- if (tk != NULL) {
- if (!(strcmp(tk, "ep") && strcmp(tk, "EP")))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-static inline void mdelay(int n)
- u32 ms = n;
- while (ms--)
- udelay(1000);
-#if defined(PCIE0_SDR)
-static inline u32 sdr_base(int port)
- switch (port) {
- default: /* to satisfy compiler */
- case 0:
- return PCIE0_SDR;
- case 1:
- return PCIE1_SDR;
- case 2:
- return PCIE2_SDR;
- }
-#endif /* defined(PCIE0_SDR) */
-#endif /* __4XX_PCIE_H */
diff --git a/include/bedbug/bedbug.h b/include/bedbug/bedbug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 471215ee02..0000000000
--- a/include/bedbug/bedbug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef _BEDBUG_H
-#define _BEDBUG_H
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-#ifndef isblank
-#define isblank(c) isspace((int)(c))
-#ifndef __P
-#if defined(_USE_PROTOTYPES) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
-#define __P(protos) protos /* full-blown ANSI C */
-#define __P(protos) () /* traditional C preprocessor */
-#define assert( condition ) if( (condition) ) _exit(0)
-#endif /* _BEDBUG_H */
- * Copyright (c) 2001 William L. Pitts
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
- * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
- * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
- * such forms.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
- * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
- * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- * purpose.
- */
diff --git a/include/bedbug/ppc.h b/include/bedbug/ppc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46bf8db1a7..0000000000
--- a/include/bedbug/ppc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef _PPC_H
-#define _PPC_H
- *
- *
- *======================================================================*/
-enum OP_FIELD {
- O_AA = 1, O_BD, O_BI, O_BO, O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, O_CRM, O_d, O_frC, O_frD,
- O_frS, O_IMM, O_LI, O_LK, O_MB, O_ME, O_NB, O_OE, O_rA, O_rB, O_Rc, O_rD,
- O_rS, O_SH, O_SIMM, O_SR, O_TO, O_UIMM, O_crfD, O_crfS, O_L, O_spr, O_tbr,
- O_cr2 };
-struct operand {
- enum OP_FIELD field; /* The operand identifier from the
- enum above */
- char * name; /* Symbolic name of this operand */
- unsigned int bits; /* The number of bits used by this
- operand */
- unsigned int shift; /* How far to the right the operand
- should be shifted so that it is
- aligned at the beginning of the
- word */
- unsigned int hint; /* A bitwise-inclusive-OR of the
- values shown below. These are used
- tell the disassembler how to print
- this operand */
-/* Values for operand hint */
-#define OH_SILENT 0x01 /* dont print this operand */
-#define OH_ADDR 0x02 /* this operand is an address */
-#define OH_REG 0x04 /* this operand is a register */
-#define OH_SPR 0x08 /* this operand is an SPR */
-#define OH_TBR 0x10 /* this operand is a TBR */
-#define OH_OFFSET 0x20 /* this operand is an offset */
-#define OH_LITERAL 0x40 /* a literal string */
- *
- *
- *======================================================================*/
-/* From the MPCxxx instruction set documentation, all instructions are
- * 32 bits long and word aligned. Bits 0-5 always specify the primary
- * opcode. Many instructions also have an extended opcode.
- */
-#define GET_OPCD(i) (((unsigned long)(i) >> 26) & 0x3f)
-#define MAKE_OPCODE(i) ((((unsigned long)(i)) & 0x3f) << 26)
-/* The MPC860 User's Manual, Appendix D.4 contains the definitions of the
- * instruction forms
- */
- * I-Form Instructions:
- * bX
- *-------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | LI |AA|LK
- *-------------------------------------------------*/
-#define I_OPCODE(i,aa,lk) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((aa) & 0x1) << 1) | ((lk) & 0x1))
-#define I_MASK I_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1,0x1)
- * B-Form Instructions:
- * bcX
- *-------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | BO | BI | BD |AA|LK
- *-------------------------------------------------*/
-#define B_OPCODE(i,aa,lk) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((aa) & 0x1) << 1) | ((lk) & 0x1))
-#define B_MASK B_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1,0x1)
- * SC-Form Instructions:
- * sc
- *-------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | 00000 | 00000 | 00000000000000 |1|0
- *-------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SC_OPCODE(i) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | 0x2)
-#define SC_MASK SC_OPCODE(0x3f)
- * D-Form Instructions:
- * addi addic addic. addis andi. andis. cmpi cmpli
- * lbz lbzu lha lhau lhz lhzu lmw lwz lwzu mulli
- * ori oris stb stbu sth sthu stmw stw stwu subfic
- * twi xori xoris
- *-------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | A | d
- * OPCD | D | A | SIMM
- * OPCD | S | A | d
- * OPCD | S | A | UIMM
- * OPCD |crfD|0|L| A | SIMM
- * OPCD |crfD|0|L| A | UIMM
- * OPCD | TO | A | SIMM
- *-------------------------------------------------*/
-#define D_OPCODE(i) MAKE_OPCODE(i)
-#define D_MASK MAKE_OPCODE(0x3f)
- * DS-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *-------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | A | ds |XO
- * OPCD | S | A | ds |XO
- *-------------------------------------------------*/
-#define DS_OPCODE(i,xo) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | ((xo) & 0x3))
-#define DS_MASK DS_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1)
- * X-Form Instructions:
- * andX andcX cmp cmpl cntlzwX dcbf dcbi dcbst dcbt
- * dcbtst dcbz eciwx ecowx eieio eqvX extsbX extshX
- * icbi lbzux lbxz lhaux lhax lhbrx lhzux lhxz lswi
- * lswx lwarx lwbrx lwzux lwxz mcrfs mcrxr mfcr
- * mfmsr mfsr mfsrin mtmsr mtsr mtsrin nandX norX
- * orX orcX slwX srawX srawiX srwX stbux stbx
- * sthbrx sthuxsthx stswi stswx stwbrx stwcx. stwux
- * stwx sync tlbie tlbld tlbli tlbsync tw xorX
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | A | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | D | A | NB | XO |0
- * OPCD | D | 00000 | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | D | 00000 | 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD | D |0| SR | 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD | S | A | B | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | S | A | B | XO |1
- * OPCD | S | A | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | S | A | NB | XO |0
- * OPCD | S | A | 00000 | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | S | 00000 | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | S | 00000 | 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD | S |0| SR | 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD | S | A | SH | XO |Rc
- * OPCD |crfD|0|L| A | SH | XO |0
- * OPCD |crfD |00| A | B | XO |0
- * OPCD |crfD |00|crfS |00| 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD |crfD |00| 00000 | 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD |crfD |00| 00000 | IMM |0| XO |Rc
- * OPCD | TO | A | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | D | 00000 | B | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | 00000 | 00000 | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | crbD | 00000 | 00000 | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | 00000 | A | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | 00000 | 00000 | B | XO |0
- * OPCD | 00000 | 00000 | 00000 | XO |0
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define X_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x3ff) << 1) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define X_MASK X_OPCODE(0x3f,0x3ff,0x1)
- * XL-Form Instructions:
- * bcctrX bclrX crand crandc creqv crnand crnor cror
- * croc crxorisync mcrf rfi
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | BO | BI | 00000 | XO |LK
- * OPCD | crbD | crbA | crbB | XO |0
- * OPCD |crfD |00|crfS |00| 00000 | XO |0
- * OPCD | 00000 | 00000 | 00000 | XO |0
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define XL_OPCODE(i,xo,lk) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x3ff) << 1) | \
- ((lk) & 0x1))
-#define XL_MASK XL_OPCODE(0x3f,0x3ff,0x1)
- * XFX-Form Instructions:
- * mfspr mftb mtcrf mtspr
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | spr | XO |0
- * OPCD | D |0| CRM |0| XO |0
- * OPCD | S | spr | XO |0
- * OPCD | D | tbr | XO |0
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define XFX_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x3ff) << 1) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define XFX_MASK XFX_OPCODE(0x3f,0x3ff,0x1)
- * XFL-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD |0| FM |0| B | XO |0
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define XFL_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x3ff) << 1) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define XFL_MASK XFL_OPCODE(0x3f,0x3ff,0x1)
- * XS-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | S | A | sh | XO |sh|LK
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define XS_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x1ff) << 2) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define XS_MASK XS_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1ff,0x1)
- * XO-Form Instructions:
- * addX addcXaddeX addmeX addzeX divwX divwuX mulhwX
- * mulhwuX mullwX negX subfX subfcX subfeX subfmeX
- * subfzeX
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | A | B |OE| XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | A | B |0 | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | A | 00000 |OE| XO |Rc
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define XO_OPCODE(i,xo,oe,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((oe) & 0x1) << 10) | \
- (((xo) & 0x1ff) << 1) | ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define XO_MASK XO_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1ff,0x1,0x1)
- * A-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | D | A | B |00000| XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | A | B | C | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | A | 00000 | C | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | D | 00000 | B |00000| XO |Rc
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define A_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x1f) << 1) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define A_MASK A_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1f,0x1)
- * M-Form Instructions:
- * rlwimiX rlwinmX rlwnmX
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | S | A | SH | MB | ME |Rc
- * OPCD | S | A | B | MB | ME |Rc
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define M_OPCODE(i,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define M_MASK M_OPCODE(0x3f,0x1)
- * MD-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | S | A | sh | mb | XO |sh|Rc
- * OPCD | S | A | sh | me | XO |sh|Rc
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define MD_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0x7) << 2) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define MD_MASK MD_OPCODE(0x3f,0x7,0x1)
- * MDS-Form Instructions:
- * (none supported by MPC860)
- *---------------------------------------------------
- * OPCD | S | A | B | mb | XO |Rc
- * OPCD | S | A | B | me | XO |Rc
- *---------------------------------------------------*/
-#define MDS_OPCODE(i,xo,rc) (MAKE_OPCODE(i) | (((xo) & 0xf) << 1) | \
- ((rc) & 0x1))
-#define MDS_MASK MDS_OPCODE(0x3f,0xf,0x1)
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE (!FALSE)
-#define INSTRUCTION( memaddr ) ntohl(*(unsigned long *)(memaddr))
-#define MAX_OPERANDS 8
-struct ppc_ctx;
-struct opcode {
- unsigned long opcode; /* The complete opcode as produced by
- one of the XXX_OPCODE macros above */
- unsigned long mask; /* The mask to use on an instruction
- before comparing with the opcode
- field to see if it matches */
- enum OP_FIELD fields[MAX_OPERANDS];
- /* An array defining the operands for
- this opcode. The values of the
- array are the operand identifiers */
- int (*hfunc)(struct ppc_ctx *);
- /* Address of a function to handle the given
- mnemonic */
- char * name; /* The symbolic name of this opcode */
- unsigned int hint; /* A bitwise-inclusive-OR of the
- values shown below. These are used
- tell the disassembler how to print
- some operands for this opcode */
-/* values for opcode hints */
-#define H_RELATIVE 0x1 /* The address operand is relative */
-#define H_IMM_HIGH 0x2 /* [U|S]IMM field shifted high */
-#define H_RA0_IS_0 0x4 /* If rA = 0 then treat as literal 0 */
-struct ppc_ctx {
- struct opcode * op;
- unsigned long instr;
- unsigned int flags;
- int datalen;
- char data[ 256 ];
- char radix_fmt[ 8 ];
- unsigned char * virtual;
- *
- *
- *======================================================================*/
-/* Values for flags as passed to various ppc routines */
-#define F_RADOCTAL 0x1 /* output radix = unsigned octal */
-#define F_RADUDECIMAL 0x2 /* output radix = unsigned decimal */
-#define F_RADSDECIMAL 0x4 /* output radix = signed decimal */
-#define F_RADHEX 0x8 /* output radix = unsigned hex */
-#define F_SIMPLE 0x10 /* use simplified mnemonics */
-#define F_SYMBOL 0x20 /* use symbol lookups for addresses */
-#define F_INSTR 0x40 /* output the raw instruction */
-#define F_LOCALMEM 0x80 /* retrieve opcodes from local memory
- rather than from the HMI */
-#define F_LINENO 0x100 /* show line number info if available */
-#define F_VALIDONLY 0x200 /* cache: valid entries only */
-/* Values for assembler error codes */
-#define E_ASM_BAD_OPCODE 1
-#define E_ASM_BAD_SPR 4
-#define E_ASM_BAD_TBR 5
-extern int disppc __P((unsigned char *,unsigned char *,int,
- int (*)(const char *), unsigned long));
-extern int print_source_line __P((char *,char *,int,
- int (*pfunc)(const char *)));
-extern int find_next_address __P((unsigned char *,int,struct pt_regs *));
-extern int handle_bc __P((struct ppc_ctx *));
-extern unsigned long asmppc __P((unsigned long,char*,int*));
-extern char *asm_error_str __P((int));
- *
- *
- *======================================================================*/
-extern struct operand operands[];
-extern const unsigned int n_operands;
-extern struct opcode opcodes[];
-extern const unsigned int n_opcodes;
-#endif /* _PPC_H */
- * Copyright (c) 2000 William L. Pitts and W. Gerald Hicks
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
- * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
- * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
- * such forms.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
- * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
- * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- * purpose.
- */
diff --git a/include/bedbug/regs.h b/include/bedbug/regs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 938e435c55..0000000000
--- a/include/bedbug/regs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef _REGS_H
-#define _REGS_H
-/* Special Purpose Registers */
-#define SPR_CR -1
-#define SPR_MSR -2
-#define SPR_XER 1
-#define SPR_LR 8
-#define SPR_CTR 9
-#define SPR_DSISR 18
-#define SPR_DAR 19
-#define SPR_DEC 22
-#define SPR_SRR0 26
-#define SPR_SRR1 27
-#define SPR_EIE 80
-#define SPR_EID 81
-#define SPR_CMPA 144
-#define SPR_CMPB 145
-#define SPR_CMPC 146
-#define SPR_CMPD 147
-#define SPR_ICR 148
-#define SPR_DER 149
-#define SPR_COUNTA 150
-#define SPR_COUNTB 151
-#define SPR_CMPE 152
-#define SPR_CMPF 153
-#define SPR_CMPG 154
-#define SPR_CMPH 155
-#define SPR_LCTRL1 156
-#define SPR_LCTRL2 157
-#define SPR_ICTRL 158
-#define SPR_BAR 159
-#define SPR_USPRG0 256
-#define SPR_SPRG4_RO 260
-#define SPR_SPRG5_RO 261
-#define SPR_SPRG6_RO 262
-#define SPR_SPRG7_RO 263
-#define SPR_SPRG0 272
-#define SPR_SPRG1 273
-#define SPR_SPRG2 274
-#define SPR_SPRG3 275
-#define SPR_SPRG4 276
-#define SPR_SPRG5 277
-#define SPR_SPRG6 278
-#define SPR_SPRG7 279
-#define SPR_EAR 282 /* MPC603e core */
-#define SPR_TBL 284
-#define SPR_TBU 285
-#define SPR_PVR 287
-#define SPR_IC_CST 560
-#define SPR_IC_ADR 561
-#define SPR_IC_DAT 562
-#define SPR_DC_CST 568
-#define SPR_DC_ADR 569
-#define SPR_DC_DAT 570
-#define SPR_DPDR 630
-#define SPR_IMMR 638
-#define SPR_MI_CTR 784
-#define SPR_MI_AP 786
-#define SPR_MI_EPN 787
-#define SPR_MI_TWC 789
-#define SPR_MI_RPN 790
-#define SPR_MD_CTR 792
-#define SPR_M_CASID 793
-#define SPR_MD_AP 794
-#define SPR_MD_EPN 795
-#define SPR_M_TWB 796
-#define SPR_MD_TWC 797
-#define SPR_MD_RPN 798
-#define SPR_M_TW 799
-#define SPR_MI_DBCAM 816
-#define SPR_MI_DBRAM0 817
-#define SPR_MI_DBRAM1 818
-#define SPR_MD_DBCAM 824
-#define SPR_MD_DBRAM0 825
-#define SPR_MD_DBRAM1 826
-#define SPR_ZPR 944
-#define SPR_PID 945
-#define SPR_CCR0 947
-#define SPR_IAC3 948
-#define SPR_IAC4 949
-#define SPR_DVC1 950
-#define SPR_DVC2 951
-#define SPR_SGR 953
-#define SPR_DCWR 954
-#define SPR_SLER 955
-#define SPR_SU0R 956
-#define SPR_DBCR1 957
-#define SPR_ICDBDR 979
-#define SPR_ESR 980
-#define SPR_DEAR 981
-#define SPR_EVPR 982
-#define SPR_TSR 984
-#define SPR_TCR 986
-#define SPR_PIT 987
-#define SPR_SRR2 990
-#define SPR_SRR3 991
-#define SPR_DBSR 1008
-#define SPR_DBCR0 1010
-#define SPR_IABR 1010 /* MPC603e core */
-#define SPR_IAC1 1012
-#define SPR_IAC2 1013
-#define SPR_DAC1 1014
-#define SPR_DAC2 1015
-#define SPR_DCCR 1018
-#define SPR_ICCR 1019
-/* Bits for the DBCR0 register */
-#define DBCR0_EDM 0x80000000
-#define DBCR0_IDM 0x40000000
-#define DBCR0_RST 0x30000000
-#define DBCR0_IC 0x08000000
-#define DBCR0_BT 0x04000000
-#define DBCR0_EDE 0x02000000
-#define DBCR0_TDE 0x01000000
-#define DBCR0_IA1 0x00800000
-#define DBCR0_IA2 0x00400000
-#define DBCR0_IA12 0x00200000
-#define DBCR0_IA12X 0x00100000
-#define DBCR0_IA3 0x00080000
-#define DBCR0_IA4 0x00040000
-#define DBCR0_IA34 0x00020000
-#define DBCR0_IA34X 0x00010000
-#define DBCR0_IA12T 0x00008000
-#define DBCR0_IA34T 0x00004000
-#define DBCR0_FT 0x00000001
-/* Bits for the DBCR1 register */
-#define DBCR1_D1R 0x80000000
-#define DBCR1_D2R 0x40000000
-#define DBCR1_D1W 0x20000000
-#define DBCR1_D2W 0x10000000
-#define DBCR1_D1S 0x0C000000
-#define DBCR1_D2S 0x03000000
-#define DBCR1_DA12 0x00800000
-#define DBCR1_DA12X 0x00400000
-#define DBCR1_DV1M 0x000C0000
-#define DBCR1_DV2M 0x00030000
-#define DBCR1_DV1BE 0x0000F000
-#define DBCR1_DV2BE 0x00000F00
-/* Bits for the DBSR register */
-#define DBSR_IC 0x80000000
-#define DBSR_BT 0x40000000
-#define DBSR_EDE 0x20000000
-#define DBSR_TIE 0x10000000
-#define DBSR_UDE 0x08000000
-#define DBSR_IA1 0x04000000
-#define DBSR_IA2 0x02000000
-#define DBSR_DR1 0x01000000
-#define DBSR_DW1 0x00800000
-#define DBSR_DR2 0x00400000
-#define DBSR_DW2 0x00200000
-#define DBSR_IDE 0x00100000
-#define DBSR_IA3 0x00080000
-#define DBSR_IA4 0x00040000
-#define DBSR_MRR 0x00000300
-struct spr_info {
- int spr_val;
- char spr_name[ 10 ];
-extern struct spr_info spr_map[];
-extern const unsigned int n_sprs;
-#define SET_REGISTER( str, val ) \
-({ unsigned long __value = (val); \
- asm volatile( str : : "r" (__value)); \
- __value; })
-#define GET_REGISTER( str ) \
-({ unsigned long __value; \
- asm volatile( str : "=r" (__value) : ); \
- __value; })
-#define GET_CR() GET_REGISTER( "mfcr %0" )
-#define SET_CR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtcr %0", val )
-#define GET_MSR() GET_REGISTER( "mfmsr %0" )
-#define SET_MSR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtmsr %0", val )
-#define GET_XER() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1" )
-#define SET_XER(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1,%0", val )
-#define GET_LR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,8" )
-#define SET_LR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 8,%0", val )
-#define GET_CTR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,9" )
-#define SET_CTR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 9,%0", val )
-#define GET_DSISR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,18" )
-#define SET_DSISR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 18,%0", val )
-#define GET_DAR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,19" )
-#define SET_DAR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 19,%0", val )
-#define GET_DEC() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,22" )
-#define SET_DEC(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 22,%0", val )
-#define GET_SRR0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,26" )
-#define SET_SRR0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 26,%0", val )
-#define GET_SRR1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,27" )
-#define SET_SRR1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 27,%0", val )
-#define GET_EIE() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,80" )
-#define SET_EIE(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 80,%0", val )
-#define GET_EID() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,81" )
-#define SET_EID(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 81,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPA() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,144" )
-#define SET_CMPA(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 144,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPB() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,145" )
-#define SET_CMPB(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 145,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPC() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,146" )
-#define SET_CMPC(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 146,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPD() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,147" )
-#define SET_CMPD(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 147,%0", val )
-#define GET_ICR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,148" )
-#define SET_ICR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 148,%0", val )
-#define GET_DER() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,149" )
-#define SET_DER(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 149,%0", val )
-#define GET_COUNTA() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,150" )
-#define SET_COUNTA(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 150,%0", val )
-#define GET_COUNTB() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,151" )
-#define SET_COUNTB(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 151,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPE() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,152" )
-#define SET_CMPE(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 152,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPF() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,153" )
-#define SET_CMPF(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 153,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPG() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,154" )
-#define SET_CMPG(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 154,%0", val )
-#define GET_CMPH() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,155" )
-#define SET_CMPH(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 155,%0", val )
-#define GET_LCTRL1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,156" )
-#define SET_LCTRL1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 156,%0", val )
-#define GET_LCTRL2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,157" )
-#define SET_LCTRL2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 157,%0", val )
-#define GET_ICTRL() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,158" )
-#define SET_ICTRL(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 158,%0", val )
-#define GET_BAR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,159" )
-#define SET_BAR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 159,%0", val )
-#define GET_USPRG0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,256" )
-#define SET_USPRG0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 256,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG4_RO() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,260" )
-#define SET_SPRG4_RO(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 260,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG5_RO() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,261" )
-#define SET_SPRG5_RO(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 261,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG6_RO() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,262" )
-#define SET_SPRG6_RO(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 262,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG7_RO() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,263" )
-#define SET_SPRG7_RO(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 263,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,272" )
-#define SET_SPRG0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 272,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,273" )
-#define SET_SPRG1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 273,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,274" )
-#define SET_SPRG2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 274,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG3() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,275" )
-#define SET_SPRG3(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 275,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG4() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,276" )
-#define SET_SPRG4(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 276,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG5() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,277" )
-#define SET_SPRG5(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 277,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG6() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,278" )
-#define SET_SPRG6(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 278,%0", val )
-#define GET_SPRG7() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,279" )
-#define SET_SPRG7(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 279,%0", val )
-#define GET_EAR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,282" )
-#define SET_EAR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 282,%0", val )
-#define GET_TBL() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,284" )
-#define SET_TBL(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 284,%0", val )
-#define GET_TBU() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,285" )
-#define SET_TBU(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 285,%0", val )
-#define GET_PVR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,287" )
-#define SET_PVR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 287,%0", val )
-#define GET_IC_CST() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,560" )
-#define SET_IC_CST(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 560,%0", val )
-#define GET_IC_ADR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,561" )
-#define SET_IC_ADR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 561,%0", val )
-#define GET_IC_DAT() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,562" )
-#define SET_IC_DAT(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 562,%0", val )
-#define GET_DC_CST() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,568" )
-#define SET_DC_CST(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 568,%0", val )
-#define GET_DC_ADR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,569" )
-#define SET_DC_ADR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 569,%0", val )
-#define GET_DC_DAT() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,570" )
-#define SET_DC_DAT(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 570,%0", val )
-#define GET_DPDR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,630" )
-#define SET_DPDR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 630,%0", val )
-#define GET_IMMR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,638" )
-#define SET_IMMR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 638,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_CTR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,784" )
-#define SET_MI_CTR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 784,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_AP() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,786" )
-#define SET_MI_AP(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 786,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_EPN() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,787" )
-#define SET_MI_EPN(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 787,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_TWC() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,789" )
-#define SET_MI_TWC(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 789,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_RPN() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,790" )
-#define SET_MI_RPN(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 790,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_CTR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,792" )
-#define SET_MD_CTR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 792,%0", val )
-#define GET_M_CASID() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,793" )
-#define SET_M_CASID(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 793,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_AP() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,794" )
-#define SET_MD_AP(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr ,794%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_EPN() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,795" )
-#define SET_MD_EPN(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 795,%0", val )
-#define GET_M_TWB() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,796" )
-#define SET_M_TWB(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 796,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_TWC() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,797" )
-#define SET_MD_TWC(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 797,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_RPN() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,798" )
-#define SET_MD_RPN(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 798,%0", val )
-#define GET_M_TW() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,799" )
-#define SET_M_TW(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 799,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_DBCAM() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,816" )
-#define SET_MI_DBCAM(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 816,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_DBRAM0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,817" )
-#define SET_MI_DBRAM0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 817,%0", val )
-#define GET_MI_DBRAM1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,818" )
-#define SET_MI_DBRAM1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 818,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_DBCAM() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,824" )
-#define SET_MD_DBCA(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 824,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_DBRAM0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,825" )
-#define SET_MD_DBRAM0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 825,%0", val )
-#define GET_MD_DBRAM1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,826" )
-#define SET_MD_DBRAM1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 826,%0", val )
-#define GET_ZPR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,944" )
-#define SET_ZPR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 944,%0", val )
-#define GET_PID() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,945" )
-#define SET_PID(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 945,%0", val )
-#define GET_CCR0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,947" )
-#define SET_CCR0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 947,%0", val )
-#define GET_IAC3() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,948" )
-#define SET_IAC3(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 948,%0", val )
-#define GET_IAC4() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,949" )
-#define SET_IAC4(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 949,%0", val )
-#define GET_DVC1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,950" )
-#define SET_DVC1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 950,%0", val )
-#define GET_DVC2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,951" )
-#define SET_DVC2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 951,%0", val )
-#define GET_SGR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,953" )
-#define SET_SGR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 953,%0", val )
-#define GET_DCWR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,954" )
-#define SET_DCWR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 954,%0", val )
-#define GET_SLER() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,955" )
-#define SET_SLER(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 955,%0", val )
-#define GET_SU0R() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,956" )
-#define SET_SU0R(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 956,%0", val )
-#define GET_DBCR1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,957" )
-#define SET_DBCR1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 957,%0", val )
-#define GET_ICDBDR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,979" )
-#define SET_ICDBDR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 979,%0", val )
-#define GET_ESR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,980" )
-#define SET_ESR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 980,%0", val )
-#define GET_DEAR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,981" )
-#define SET_DEAR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 981,%0", val )
-#define GET_EVPR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,982" )
-#define SET_EVPR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 982,%0", val )
-#define GET_TSR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,984" )
-#define SET_TSR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 984,%0", val )
-#define GET_TCR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,986" )
-#define SET_TCR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 986,%0", val )
-#define GET_PIT() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,987" )
-#define SET_PIT(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 987,%0", val )
-#define GET_SRR2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,990" )
-#define SET_SRR2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 990,%0", val )
-#define GET_SRR3() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,991" )
-#define SET_SRR3(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 991,%0", val )
-#define GET_DBSR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1008" )
-#define SET_DBSR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1008,%0", val )
-#define GET_DBCR0() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1010" )
-#define SET_DBCR0(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1010,%0", val )
-#define GET_IABR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1010" )
-#define SET_IABR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1010,%0", val )
-#define GET_IAC1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1012" )
-#define SET_IAC1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1012,%0", val )
-#define GET_IAC2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1013" )
-#define SET_IAC2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1013,%0", val )
-#define GET_DAC1() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1014" )
-#define SET_DAC1(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1014,%0", val )
-#define GET_DAC2() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1015" )
-#define SET_DAC2(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1015,%0", val )
-#define GET_DCCR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1018" )
-#define SET_DCCR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1018,%0", val )
-#define GET_ICCR() GET_REGISTER( "mfspr %0,1019" )
-#define SET_ICCR(val) SET_REGISTER( "mtspr 1019,%0", val )
-#endif /* _REGS_H */
- * Copyright (c) 2000 William L. Pitts and W. Gerald Hicks
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
- * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
- * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
- * such forms.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
- * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
- * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- * purpose.
- */
diff --git a/include/bedbug/tables.h b/include/bedbug/tables.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e675de3209..0000000000
--- a/include/bedbug/tables.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef TABLES_H
-#define TABLES_H
-/* This is only included by common/bedbug.c, and depends on the following
- * files to already be included
- * common.h
- * bedbug/bedbug.h
- * bedbug/ppc.h
- * bedbug/regs.h
- */
-struct operand operands[] = {
- /*Field Name Bits Shift Hint Position */
- /*----- ------ ----- ----- ---- ------------ */
- { O_AA, "O_AA", 1, 1, OH_SILENT }, /* 30 */
- { O_BD, "O_BD", 14, 2, OH_ADDR }, /* 16-29 */
- { O_BI, "O_BI", 5, 16, 0 }, /* 11-15 */
- { O_BO, "O_BO", 5, 21, 0 }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_crbD, "O_crbD", 5, 21, 0 }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_crbA, "O_crbA", 5, 16, 0 }, /* 11-15 */
- { O_crbB, "O_crbB", 5, 11, 0 }, /* 16-20 */
- { O_CRM, "O_CRM", 8, 12, 0 }, /* 12-19 */
- { O_d, "O_d", 15, 0, OH_OFFSET }, /* 16-31 */
- { O_frC, "O_frC", 5, 6, 0 }, /* 21-25 */
- { O_frD, "O_frD", 5, 21, 0 }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_frS, "O_frS", 5, 21, 0 }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_IMM, "O_IMM", 4, 12, 0 }, /* 16-19 */
- { O_LI, "O_LI", 24, 2, OH_ADDR }, /* 6-29 */
- { O_LK, "O_LK", 1, 0, OH_SILENT }, /* 31 */
- { O_MB, "O_MB", 5, 6, 0 }, /* 21-25 */
- { O_ME, "O_ME", 5, 1, 0 }, /* 26-30 */
- { O_NB, "O_NB", 5, 11, 0 }, /* 16-20 */
- { O_OE, "O_OE", 1, 10, OH_SILENT }, /* 21 */
- { O_rA, "O_rA", 5, 16, OH_REG }, /* 11-15 */
- { O_rB, "O_rB", 5, 11, OH_REG }, /* 16-20 */
- { O_Rc, "O_Rc", 1, 0, OH_SILENT }, /* 31 */
- { O_rD, "O_rD", 5, 21, OH_REG }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_rS, "O_rS", 5, 21, OH_REG }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_SH, "O_SH", 5, 11, 0 }, /* 16-20 */
- { O_SIMM, "O_SIMM", 16, 0, 0 }, /* 16-31 */
- { O_SR, "O_SR", 4, 16, 0 }, /* 12-15 */
- { O_TO, "O_TO", 5, 21, 0 }, /* 6-10 */
- { O_UIMM, "O_UIMM", 16, 0, 0 }, /* 16-31 */
- { O_crfD, "O_crfD", 3, 23, 0 }, /* 6- 8 */
- { O_crfS, "O_crfS", 3, 18, 0 }, /* 11-13 */
- { O_L, "O_L", 1, 21, 0 }, /* 10 */
- { O_spr, "O_spr", 10, 11, OH_SPR }, /* 11-20 */
- { O_tbr, "O_tbr", 10, 11, OH_TBR }, /* 11-20 */
- { O_cr2, "O_cr2", 0, 0, OH_LITERAL }, /* "cr2" */
-const unsigned int n_operands = sizeof(operands) / sizeof(operands[0]);
-/* A note about the fields array in the opcodes structure:
- The operands are listed in the order they appear in the output.
- This table is arranged in numeric order of the opcode. Note that some
- opcodes have defined bits in odd places so not all forms of a command
- will be in the same place. This is done so that a binary search can be
- done to find the opcodes. Note that table D.2 in the MPC860 User's
- Manual "Instructions Sorted by Opcode" does not account for these
- bit locations */
-struct opcode opcodes[] = {
- { D_OPCODE(3), D_MASK, {O_TO, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "twi", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(7), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "mulli", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(8), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "subfic", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(10), D_MASK, {O_crfD, O_L, O_rA, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "cmpli", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(11), D_MASK, {O_crfD, O_L, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "cmpi", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(12), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "addic", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(13), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "addic.", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(14), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "addi", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(15), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_SIMM, 0},
- 0, "addis", H_RA0_IS_0|H_IMM_HIGH },
- { B_OPCODE(16,0,0), B_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_BD, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- handle_bc, "bc", H_RELATIVE },
- { B_OPCODE(16,0,1), B_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_BD, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bcl", H_RELATIVE },
- { B_OPCODE(16,1,0), B_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_BD, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bca", 0 },
- { B_OPCODE(16,1,1), B_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_BD, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bcla", 0 },
- { SC_OPCODE(17), SC_MASK, {0},
- 0, "sc", 0 },
- { I_OPCODE(18,0,0), I_MASK, {O_LI, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "b", H_RELATIVE },
- { I_OPCODE(18,0,1), I_MASK, {O_LI, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bl", H_RELATIVE },
- { I_OPCODE(18,1,0), I_MASK, {O_LI, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "ba", 0 },
- { I_OPCODE(18,1,1), I_MASK, {O_LI, O_AA, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bla", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,0,0), XL_MASK, {O_crfD, O_crfS},
- 0, "mcrf", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,16,0), XL_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bclr", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,16,1), XL_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bclrl", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,33,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crnor", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,50,0), XL_MASK, {0},
- 0, "rfi", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,129,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crandc", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,150,0), XL_MASK, {0},
- 0, "isync", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,193,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crxor", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,225,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crnand", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,257,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crand", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,289,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "creqv", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,417,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "crorc", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,449,0), XL_MASK, {O_crbD, O_crbA, O_crbB, 0},
- 0, "cror", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,528,0), XL_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bcctr", 0 },
- { XL_OPCODE(19,528,1), XL_MASK, {O_BO, O_BI, O_LK, 0},
- 0, "bcctrl", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(20,0), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwimi", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(20,1), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwimi.", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(21,0), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwinm", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(21,1), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwinm.", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(23,0), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwnm", 0 },
- { M_OPCODE(23,1), M_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_MB, O_ME, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "rlwnm.", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(24), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "ori", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(25), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "oris", H_IMM_HIGH },
- { D_OPCODE(26), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "xori", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(27), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "xoris", H_IMM_HIGH },
- { D_OPCODE(28), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "andi.", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(29), D_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_UIMM, 0},
- 0, "andis.", H_IMM_HIGH },
- { X_OPCODE(31,0,0), X_MASK, {O_crfD, O_L, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "cmp", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,4,0), X_MASK, {O_TO, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "tw", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,8,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfc", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,8,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfc.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,10,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addc", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,10,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addc.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,11,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mulhwu", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,11,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mulhwu.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,19,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, 0},
- 0, "mfcr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,20,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lwarx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,23,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lwzx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,24,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "slw", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,24,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "slw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,26,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0 },
- 0, "cntlzw", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,26,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "cntlzw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,28,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "and", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,28,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "and.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,32,0), X_MASK, {O_crfD, O_L, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "cmpl", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,40,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subf", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,40,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subf.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,54,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbst", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,55,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lwzux", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,60,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "andc", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,60,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "andc.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,75,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mulhw", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,75,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mulhw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,83,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, 0},
- 0, "mfmsr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,86,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbf", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,87,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lbzx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,104,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "neg", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,104,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "neg.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,119,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lbzux", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,124,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "nor", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,124,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "nor.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,136,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfe", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,136,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfe.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,138,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "adde", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,138,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "adde.", 0 },
- { XFX_OPCODE(31,144,0), XFX_MASK, {O_CRM, O_rS, 0},
- 0, "mtcrf", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,146,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, 0},
- 0, "mtmsr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,150,1), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stwcx.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,151,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stwx", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,183,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stwux", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,200,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfze", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,200,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfze.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,202,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addze", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,202,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addze.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,210,0), X_MASK, {O_SR, O_rS, 0},
- 0, "mtsr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,215,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stbx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,232,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfme", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,232,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfme.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,234,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addme", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,234,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addme.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,235,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mullw", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,235,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mullw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,242,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "mtsrin", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,246,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbtst", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,247,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stbux", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,266,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "add", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,266,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "add.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,278,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbt", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,279,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lhzx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,284,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "eqv", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,284,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "eqv.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,306,0), X_MASK, {O_rB, 0},
- 0, "tlbie", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,310,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "eciwx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,311,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lhzux", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,316,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "xor", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,316,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "xor.", 0 },
- { XFX_OPCODE(31,339,0), XFX_MASK, {O_rD, O_spr, 0},
- 0, "mfspr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,343,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lhax", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,370,0), X_MASK, {0},
- 0, "tlbia", 0 },
- { XFX_OPCODE(31,371,0), XFX_MASK, {O_rD, O_tbr, 0},
- 0, "mftb", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,375,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lhaux", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,407,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "sthx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,412,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "orc", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,412,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "orc.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,438,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "ecowx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,439,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "sthux", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,444,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "or", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,444,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "or.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,459,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwu", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,459,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwu.", 0 },
- { XFX_OPCODE(31,467,0), XFX_MASK, {O_spr, O_rS, 0},
- 0, "mtspr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,470,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbi", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,476,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "nand", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,476,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc,0},
- 0, "nand.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,491,0,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divw", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,491,0,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,512,0), X_MASK, {O_crfD, 0},
- 0, "mcrxr", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,8,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfco", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,8,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfco.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,10,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addco", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,10,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addco.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,533,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lswx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,534,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lwbrx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,536,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "srw", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,536,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "srw.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,40,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,40,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,566,0), X_MASK, {0},
- 0, "tlbsync", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,595,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_SR, 0},
- 0, "mfsr", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,597,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_NB, 0},
- 0, "lswi", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,598,0), X_MASK, {0},
- 0, "sync", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,104,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "nego", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,104,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "nego.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,136,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,136,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfeo.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,138,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,138,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addeo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,659,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "mfsrin", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,661,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stswx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,662,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "stwbrx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,200,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfzeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,200,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfzeo.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,202,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addzeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,202,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addzeo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,725,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_NB, 0},
- 0, "stswi", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,232,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfmeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,232,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "subfmeo.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,234,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addmeo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,234,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addmeo.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,235,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mullwo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,235,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "mullwo.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,266,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,266,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "addo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,790,0), X_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "lhbrx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,792,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "sraw", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,792,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_rB, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "sraw.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,824,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "srawi", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,824,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_SH, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "srawi.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,854,0), X_MASK, {0},
- 0, "eieio", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,918,0), X_MASK, {O_rS, O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "sthbrx", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,922,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "extsh", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,922,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "extsh.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,954,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "extsb", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,954,1), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rS, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "extsb.", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,459,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwuo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,459,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwuo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,978,0), X_MASK, {O_rB, 0},
- 0, "tlbld", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,982,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "icbi", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,491,1,0), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwo", 0 },
- { XO_OPCODE(31,491,1,1), XO_MASK, {O_rD, O_rA, O_rB, O_OE, O_Rc, 0},
- 0, "divwo.", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,1010,0), X_MASK, {O_rB, 0},
- 0, "tlbli", 0 },
- { X_OPCODE(31,1014,0), X_MASK, {O_rA, O_rB, 0},
- 0, "dcbz", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(32), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lwz", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(33), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lwzu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(34), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lbz", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(35), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lbzu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(36), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "stw", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(37), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "stwu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(38), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "stb", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(39), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "stbu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(40), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lhz", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(41), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lhzu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(42), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lha", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(43), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lhau", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(44), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "sth", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(45), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "sthu", 0 },
- { D_OPCODE(46), D_MASK, {O_rD, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "lmw", H_RA0_IS_0 },
- { D_OPCODE(47), D_MASK, {O_rS, O_d, O_rA, 0},
- 0, "stmw", H_RA0_IS_0 },
-const unsigned int n_opcodes = sizeof(opcodes) / sizeof(opcodes[0]);
-struct spr_info spr_map[] = {
- { SPR_XER, "XER" },
- { SPR_LR, "LR" },
- { SPR_CTR, "CTR" },
- { SPR_DAR, "DAR" },
- { SPR_DEC, "DEC" },
- { SPR_SRR0, "SRR0" },
- { SPR_SRR1, "SRR1" },
- { SPR_EIE, "EIE" },
- { SPR_EID, "EID" },
- { SPR_CMPA, "CMPA" },
- { SPR_CMPB, "CMPB" },
- { SPR_CMPC, "CMPC" },
- { SPR_CMPD, "CMPD" },
- { SPR_ICR, "ICR" },
- { SPR_DER, "DER" },
- { SPR_CMPE, "CMPE" },
- { SPR_CMPF, "CMPF" },
- { SPR_CMPG, "CMPG" },
- { SPR_CMPH, "CMPH" },
- { SPR_LCTRL1, "LCTRL1" },
- { SPR_LCTRL2, "LCTRL2" },
- { SPR_BAR, "BAR" },
- { SPR_USPRG0, "USPRG0" },
- { SPR_SPRG4_RO, "SPRG4_RO" },
- { SPR_SPRG5_RO, "SPRG5_RO" },
- { SPR_SPRG6_RO, "SPRG6_RO" },
- { SPR_SPRG7_RO, "SPRG7_RO" },
- { SPR_SPRG0, "SPRG0" },
- { SPR_SPRG1, "SPRG1" },
- { SPR_SPRG2, "SPRG2" },
- { SPR_SPRG3, "SPRG3" },
- { SPR_SPRG4, "SPRG4" },
- { SPR_SPRG5, "SPRG5" },
- { SPR_SPRG6, "SPRG6" },
- { SPR_SPRG7, "SPRG7" },
- { SPR_EAR, "EAR" },
- { SPR_TBL, "TBL" },
- { SPR_TBU, "TBU" },
- { SPR_IC_CST, "IC_CST" },
- { SPR_IC_ADR, "IC_ADR" },
- { SPR_IC_DAT, "IC_DAT" },
- { SPR_DC_CST, "DC_CST" },
- { SPR_DC_ADR, "DC_ADR" },
- { SPR_DC_DAT, "DC_DAT" },
- { SPR_DPDR, "DPDR" },
- { SPR_IMMR, "IMMR" },
- { SPR_MI_CTR, "MI_CTR" },
- { SPR_MI_AP, "MI_AP" },
- { SPR_MI_EPN, "MI_EPN" },
- { SPR_MI_TWC, "MI_TWC" },
- { SPR_MI_RPN, "MI_RPN" },
- { SPR_MD_CTR, "MD_CTR" },
- { SPR_MD_AP, "MD_AP" },
- { SPR_MD_EPN, "MD_EPN" },
- { SPR_M_TWB, "M_TWB" },
- { SPR_MD_TWC, "MD_TWC" },
- { SPR_MD_RPN, "MD_RPN" },
- { SPR_M_TW, "M_TW" },
- { SPR_ZPR, "ZPR" },
- { SPR_PID, "PID" },
- { SPR_CCR0, "CCR0" },
- { SPR_IAC3, "IAC3" },
- { SPR_IAC4, "IAC4" },
- { SPR_DVC1, "DVC1" },
- { SPR_DVC2, "DVC2" },
- { SPR_SGR, "SGR" },
- { SPR_DCWR, "DCWR" },
- { SPR_SLER, "SLER" },
- { SPR_SU0R, "SU0R" },
- { SPR_DBCR1, "DBCR1" },
- { SPR_ESR, "ESR" },
- { SPR_DEAR, "DEAR" },
- { SPR_EVPR, "EVPR" },
- { SPR_TSR, "TSR" },
- { SPR_TCR, "TCR" },
- { SPR_PIT, "PIT" },
- { SPR_SRR2, "SRR2" },
- { SPR_SRR3, "SRR3" },
- { SPR_DBSR, "DBSR" },
- { SPR_DBCR0, "DBCR0" },
- { SPR_IAC1, "IAC1" },
- { SPR_IAC2, "IAC2" },
- { SPR_DAC1, "DAC1" },
- { SPR_DAC2, "DAC2" },
- { SPR_DCCR, "DCCR" },
- { SPR_ICCR, "ICCR" },
-const unsigned int n_sprs = sizeof(spr_map) / sizeof(spr_map[0]);
- * Copyright (c) 2000 William L. Pitts and W. Gerald Hicks
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
- * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
- * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
- * such forms.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
- * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
- * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- * purpose.
- */
diff --git a/include/configs/ml300.h b/include/configs/ml300.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d0c85e1a..0000000000
--- a/include/configs/ml300.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- * ML300.h: ML300 specific config options
- *
- *
- *
- * Derived from : ML2.h
- *
- * Author: Xilinx, Inc.
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support appliances,
- * devices, or systems. Use in such applications is expressly prohibited.
- *
- *
- * (c) Copyright 2002 Xilinx Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef __CONFIG_H
-#define __CONFIG_H
-/* #define DEBUG */
-/* #define ET_DEBUG 1 */
- * High Level Configuration Options
- * (easy to change)
- */
-#define CONFIG_405 1 /* This is a PPC405 CPU */
-#define CONFIG_4xx 1 /* ...member of PPC4xx family */
-#define CONFIG_XILINX_405 1
-#define CONFIG_XILINX_ML300 1 /* ...on a Xilinx ML300 board */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_EEPROM 1 /* environment is in EEPROM */
-/* following are used only if env is in EEPROM */
-#define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R 1 /* used to call out convert_env() */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE 1 /* allow users to update ethaddr and serial# */
-#include "../board/xilinx/ml300/xparameters.h"
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH 1 /* no flash */
-#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 9600
-#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY 3 /* autoboot after 3 seconds */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "bootp" /* autoboot command */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "console=ttyS0,9600 ip=off " \
- "root=/dev/xsysace/disc0/part3 rw"
-#define CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO 1 /* echo on for serial download */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LOADS_BAUD_CHANGE 1 /* allow baudrate change */
- * BOOTP options
- */
- * Command line configuration.
- */
-#include <config_cmd_default.h>
-/* 300000000 */
- * Miscellaneous configurable options
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP /* undef to save memory */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT "=> " /* Monitor Command Prompt */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 256 /* Console I/O Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE+sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS 16 /* max number of command args */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BARGSIZE CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE /* Boot Argument Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START 0x0400000 /* memtest works on */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END 0x0C00000 /* 4 ... 12 MB in DRAM */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE -4
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550 1
-/* The following table includes the supported baudrates */
- {300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400}
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR 0x400000 /* default load address */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_EXTBDINFO 1 /* To use extended board_into (bd_t) */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_HZ 1000 /* decrementer freq: 1 ms ticks */
- * Start addresses for the final memory configuration
- * (Set up by the startup code)
- * Please note that CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE _must_ start at 0
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x00000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE 0x04000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN (192 * 1024) /* Reserve 196 kB for Monitor */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (128 * 1024) /* Reserve 128 kB for malloc() */
- * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
- * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
- * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ (8 << 20) /* Initial Memory map for Linux */
- * Definitions for initial stack pointer and data area (in DPRAM)
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x800000 /* inside of SDRAM */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_END 0x2000 /* End of used area in RAM */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE 128 /* size in bytes reserved for initial data */
- * Internal Definitions
- *
- * Boot Flags
- */
-#define BOOTFLAG_COLD 0x01 /* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH */
-#define BOOTFLAG_WARM 0x02 /* Software reboot */
-#endif /* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/configs/ns9750dev.h b/include/configs/ns9750dev.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 79dcd647c2..0000000000
--- a/include/configs/ns9750dev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- * Markus Pietrek <>
- *
- * Configuation settings for the NetSilicon NS9750 DevBoard
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifndef __CONFIG_H
-#define __CONFIG_H
- * High Level Configuration Options
- * (easy to change)
- */
-#define CONFIG_ARM926EJS 1 /* This is an ARM926EJS Core */
-#define CONFIG_NS9750 1 /* in an NetSilicon NS9750 SoC */
-#define CONFIG_NS9750DEV 1 /* on an NetSilicon NS9750 DevBoard */
-/* input clock of PLL */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ 324403200 /* Don't use PLL. SW11-4 off */
-#undef CONFIG_USE_IRQ /* we don't need IRQ/FIQ stuff */
- * Size of malloc() pool
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE 128 /* size in bytes reserved for initial
- * data */
- * Hardware drivers
- */
-#define CONFIG_NS9750_UART 1 /* use on-chip UART */
-#define CONFIG_DRIVER_NS9750_ETHERNET 1 /* use on-chip ethernet */
- * select serial console configuration
- */
-#define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX 1 /* Port B */
-/* allow to overwrite serial and ethaddr */
-#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 38400
- * BOOTP options
- */
- * Command line configuration.
- */
-/*#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "root=ramfs devfs=mount console=ttySA0,9600" */
-#define CONFIG_ETHADDR 00:04:f3:ff:ff:fb /*@TODO unset */
-/*#define CONFIG_BOOTFILE "elinos-lart" */
-/*#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "tftp; bootm" */
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_KGDB)
-#define CONFIG_KGDB_BAUDRATE 115200 /* speed to run kgdb serial port */
-/* what's this ? it's not used anywhere */
-#define CONFIG_KGDB_SER_INDEX 1 /* which serial port to use */
- * Miscellaneous configurable options
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP /* undef to save memory */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT "NS9750DEV # " /* Monitor Command Prompt */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 256 /* Console I/O Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE+sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS 16 /* max number of command args */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BARGSIZE CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE /* Boot Argument Buffer Size */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START 0x00000000 /* memtest works on */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END 0x00780000 /* 7,5 MB in DRAM */ /* @TODO */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR 0x00600000 /* default load address */ /* @TODO */
-/* valid baudrates */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE { 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
-#define NS9750_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS (0x0000)
- * Stack sizes
- *
- * The stack sizes are set up in start.S using the settings below
- */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE (128*1024) /* regular stack */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_IRQ (4*1024) /* IRQ stack */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_FIQ (4*1024) /* FIQ stack */
- * Physical Memory Map
- */
-/* TODO */
-#define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS 2 /* we have 1 bank of DRAM */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1 0x00000000 /* SDRAM Bank #1 */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE 0x00800000 /* 8 MB */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_2 0x10000000 /* SDRAM Bank #1 */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE 0x00800000 /* 8 MB */
-#define PHYS_FLASH_1 0x50000000 /* Flash Bank #1 */
- * FLASH and environment organization
- */
-/* @TODO*/
-#define CONFIG_AMD_LV400 1 /* uncomment this if you have a LV400 flash */
-#if 0
-#define CONFIG_AMD_LV800 1 /* uncomment this if you have a LV800 flash */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS 1 /* max number of memory banks */
-#ifdef CONFIG_AMD_LV800
-#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE 0x00100000 /* 1MB */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT (19) /* max number of sectors on one chip */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + 0x0F0000) /* addr of environment */
-#ifdef CONFIG_AMD_LV400
-#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE 0x00080000 /* 512KB */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT (11) /* max number of sectors on one chip */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + 0x070000) /* addr of environment */
-/* timeout values are in ticks */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT (5*CONFIG_SYS_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT (5*CONFIG_SYS_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */
-/* @TODO */
-/*#define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1*/
-#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x10000 /* Total Size of Environment Sector */
-extern void __led_init(led_id_t mask, int state);
-extern void __led_toggle(led_id_t mask);
-extern void __led_set(led_id_t mask, int state);
-#endif /* CONFIG_STATUS_LED */
-#endif /* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/elf.h b/include/elf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f276d3f0..0000000000
--- a/include/elf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 2001, 2002
- * Erik Theisen. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission
- *
- */
- * This is the ELF ABI header file
- * formerly known as "elf_abi.h".
- */
-#ifndef _ELF_H
-#define _ELF_H
-#include "compiler.h"
- * This version doesn't work for 64-bit ABIs - Erik.
- */
- * These typedefs need to be handled better.
- */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr; /* Unsigned program address */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off; /* Unsigned file offset */
-typedef int32_t Elf32_Sword; /* Signed large integer */
-typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word; /* Unsigned large integer */
-typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half; /* Unsigned medium integer */
-/* e_ident[] identification indexes */
-#define EI_MAG0 0 /* file ID */
-#define EI_MAG1 1 /* file ID */
-#define EI_MAG2 2 /* file ID */
-#define EI_MAG3 3 /* file ID */
-#define EI_CLASS 4 /* file class */
-#define EI_DATA 5 /* data encoding */
-#define EI_VERSION 6 /* ELF header version */
-#define EI_OSABI 7 /* OS/ABI specific ELF extensions */
-#define EI_ABIVERSION 8 /* ABI target version */
-#define EI_PAD 9 /* start of pad bytes */
-#define EI_NIDENT 16 /* Size of e_ident[] */
-/* e_ident[] magic number */
-#define ELFMAG0 0x7f /* e_ident[EI_MAG0] */
-#define ELFMAG1 'E' /* e_ident[EI_MAG1] */
-#define ELFMAG2 'L' /* e_ident[EI_MAG2] */
-#define ELFMAG3 'F' /* e_ident[EI_MAG3] */
-#define ELFMAG "\177ELF" /* magic */
-#define SELFMAG 4 /* size of magic */
-/* e_ident[] file class */
-#define ELFCLASSNONE 0 /* invalid */
-#define ELFCLASS32 1 /* 32-bit objs */
-#define ELFCLASS64 2 /* 64-bit objs */
-#define ELFCLASSNUM 3 /* number of classes */
-/* e_ident[] data encoding */
-#define ELFDATANONE 0 /* invalid */
-#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 /* Little-Endian */
-#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 /* Big-Endian */
-#define ELFDATANUM 3 /* number of data encode defines */
-/* e_ident[] OS/ABI specific ELF extensions */
-#define ELFOSABI_NONE 0 /* No extension specified */
-#define ELFOSABI_HPUX 1 /* Hewlett-Packard HP-UX */
-#define ELFOSABI_NETBSD 2 /* NetBSD */
-#define ELFOSABI_LINUX 3 /* Linux */
-#define ELFOSABI_SOLARIS 6 /* Sun Solaris */
-#define ELFOSABI_AIX 7 /* AIX */
-#define ELFOSABI_IRIX 8 /* IRIX */
-#define ELFOSABI_FREEBSD 9 /* FreeBSD */
-#define ELFOSABI_TRU64 10 /* Compaq TRU64 UNIX */
-#define ELFOSABI_MODESTO 11 /* Novell Modesto */
-#define ELFOSABI_OPENBSD 12 /* OpenBSD */
-/* 64-255 Architecture-specific value range */
-/* e_ident[] ABI Version */
-/* e_ident */
-#define IS_ELF(ehdr) ((ehdr).e_ident[EI_MAG0] == ELFMAG0 && \
- (ehdr).e_ident[EI_MAG1] == ELFMAG1 && \
- (ehdr).e_ident[EI_MAG2] == ELFMAG2 && \
- (ehdr).e_ident[EI_MAG3] == ELFMAG3)
-/* ELF Header */
-typedef struct elfhdr{
- unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* ELF Identification */
- Elf32_Half e_type; /* object file type */
- Elf32_Half e_machine; /* machine */
- Elf32_Word e_version; /* object file version */
- Elf32_Addr e_entry; /* virtual entry point */
- Elf32_Off e_phoff; /* program header table offset */
- Elf32_Off e_shoff; /* section header table offset */
- Elf32_Word e_flags; /* processor-specific flags */
- Elf32_Half e_ehsize; /* ELF header size */
- Elf32_Half e_phentsize; /* program header entry size */
- Elf32_Half e_phnum; /* number of program header entries */
- Elf32_Half e_shentsize; /* section header entry size */
- Elf32_Half e_shnum; /* number of section header entries */
- Elf32_Half e_shstrndx; /* section header table's "section
- header string table" entry offset */
-} Elf32_Ehdr;
-/* e_type */
-#define ET_NONE 0 /* No file type */
-#define ET_REL 1 /* relocatable file */
-#define ET_EXEC 2 /* executable file */
-#define ET_DYN 3 /* shared object file */
-#define ET_CORE 4 /* core file */
-#define ET_NUM 5 /* number of types */
-#define ET_LOOS 0xfe00 /* reserved range for operating */
-#define ET_HIOS 0xfeff /* system specific e_type */
-#define ET_LOPROC 0xff00 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define ET_HIPROC 0xffff /* specific e_type */
-/* e_machine */
-#define EM_NONE 0 /* No Machine */
-#define EM_M32 1 /* AT&T WE 32100 */
-#define EM_SPARC 2 /* SPARC */
-#define EM_386 3 /* Intel 80386 */
-#define EM_68K 4 /* Motorola 68000 */
-#define EM_88K 5 /* Motorola 88000 */
-#if 0
-#define EM_486 6 /* RESERVED - was Intel 80486 */
-#define EM_860 7 /* Intel 80860 */
-#define EM_MIPS 8 /* MIPS R3000 Big-Endian only */
-#define EM_S370 9 /* IBM System/370 Processor */
-#define EM_MIPS_RS4_BE 10 /* MIPS R4000 Big-Endian */
-#if 0
-#define EM_SPARC64 11 /* RESERVED - was SPARC v9
- 64-bit unoffical */
-/* RESERVED 11-14 for future use */
-#define EM_PARISC 15 /* HPPA */
-/* RESERVED 16 for future use */
-#define EM_VPP500 17 /* Fujitsu VPP500 */
-#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 /* Enhanced instruction set SPARC */
-#define EM_960 19 /* Intel 80960 */
-#define EM_PPC 20 /* PowerPC */
-#define EM_PPC64 21 /* 64-bit PowerPC */
-#define EM_S390 22 /* IBM System/390 Processor */
-/* RESERVED 23-35 for future use */
-#define EM_V800 36 /* NEC V800 */
-#define EM_FR20 37 /* Fujitsu FR20 */
-#define EM_RH32 38 /* TRW RH-32 */
-#define EM_RCE 39 /* Motorola RCE */
-#define EM_ARM 40 /* Advanced Risc Machines ARM */
-#define EM_ALPHA 41 /* Digital Alpha */
-#define EM_SH 42 /* Hitachi SH */
-#define EM_SPARCV9 43 /* SPARC Version 9 */
-#define EM_TRICORE 44 /* Siemens TriCore embedded processor */
-#define EM_ARC 45 /* Argonaut RISC Core */
-#define EM_H8_300 46 /* Hitachi H8/300 */
-#define EM_H8_300H 47 /* Hitachi H8/300H */
-#define EM_H8S 48 /* Hitachi H8S */
-#define EM_H8_500 49 /* Hitachi H8/500 */
-#define EM_IA_64 50 /* Intel Merced */
-#define EM_MIPS_X 51 /* Stanford MIPS-X */
-#define EM_COLDFIRE 52 /* Motorola Coldfire */
-#define EM_68HC12 53 /* Motorola M68HC12 */
-#define EM_MMA 54 /* Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator*/
-#define EM_PCP 55 /* Siemens PCP */
-#define EM_NCPU 56 /* Sony nCPU embeeded RISC */
-#define EM_NDR1 57 /* Denso NDR1 microprocessor */
-#define EM_STARCORE 58 /* Motorola Start*Core processor */
-#define EM_ME16 59 /* Toyota ME16 processor */
-#define EM_ST100 60 /* STMicroelectronic ST100 processor */
-#define EM_TINYJ 61 /* Advanced Logic Corp. Tinyj emb.fam*/
-#define EM_X86_64 62 /* AMD x86-64 */
-#define EM_PDSP 63 /* Sony DSP Processor */
-/* RESERVED 64,65 for future use */
-#define EM_FX66 66 /* Siemens FX66 microcontroller */
-#define EM_ST9PLUS 67 /* STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 mc */
-#define EM_ST7 68 /* STmicroelectronics ST7 8 bit mc */
-#define EM_68HC16 69 /* Motorola MC68HC16 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC11 70 /* Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC08 71 /* Motorola MC68HC08 microcontroller */
-#define EM_68HC05 72 /* Motorola MC68HC05 microcontroller */
-#define EM_SVX 73 /* Silicon Graphics SVx */
-#define EM_ST19 74 /* STMicroelectronics ST19 8 bit mc */
-#define EM_VAX 75 /* Digital VAX */
-#define EM_CHRIS 76 /* Axis Communications embedded proc. */
-#define EM_JAVELIN 77 /* Infineon Technologies emb. proc. */
-#define EM_FIREPATH 78 /* Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor */
-#define EM_ZSP 79 /* LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor */
-#define EM_MMIX 80 /* Donald Knuth's edu 64-bit proc. */
-#define EM_HUANY 81 /* Harvard University mach-indep objs */
-#define EM_PRISM 82 /* SiTera Prism */
-#define EM_AVR 83 /* Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller */
-#define EM_FR30 84 /* Fujitsu FR30 */
-#define EM_D10V 85 /* Mitsubishi DV10V */
-#define EM_D30V 86 /* Mitsubishi DV30V */
-#define EM_V850 87 /* NEC v850 */
-#define EM_M32R 88 /* Mitsubishi M32R */
-#define EM_MN10300 89 /* Matsushita MN10200 */
-#define EM_MN10200 90 /* Matsushita MN10200 */
-#define EM_PJ 91 /* picoJava */
-#define EM_NUM 92 /* number of machine types */
-/* Version */
-#define EV_NONE 0 /* Invalid */
-#define EV_CURRENT 1 /* Current */
-#define EV_NUM 2 /* number of versions */
-/* Section Header */
-typedef struct {
- Elf32_Word sh_name; /* name - index into section header
- string table section */
- Elf32_Word sh_type; /* type */
- Elf32_Word sh_flags; /* flags */
- Elf32_Addr sh_addr; /* address */
- Elf32_Off sh_offset; /* file offset */
- Elf32_Word sh_size; /* section size */
- Elf32_Word sh_link; /* section header table index link */
- Elf32_Word sh_info; /* extra information */
- Elf32_Word sh_addralign; /* address alignment */
- Elf32_Word sh_entsize; /* section entry size */
-} Elf32_Shdr;
-/* Special Section Indexes */
-#define SHN_UNDEF 0 /* undefined */
-#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xff00 /* lower bounds of reserved indexes */
-#define SHN_LOPROC 0xff00 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define SHN_HIPROC 0xff1f /* specific section indexes */
-#define SHN_LOOS 0xff20 /* reserved range for operating */
-#define SHN_HIOS 0xff3f /* specific semantics */
-#define SHN_ABS 0xfff1 /* absolute value */
-#define SHN_COMMON 0xfff2 /* common symbol */
-#define SHN_XINDEX 0xffff /* Index is an extra table */
-#define SHN_HIRESERVE 0xffff /* upper bounds of reserved indexes */
-/* sh_type */
-#define SHT_NULL 0 /* inactive */
-#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 /* program defined information */
-#define SHT_SYMTAB 2 /* symbol table section */
-#define SHT_STRTAB 3 /* string table section */
-#define SHT_RELA 4 /* relocation section with addends*/
-#define SHT_HASH 5 /* symbol hash table section */
-#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6 /* dynamic section */
-#define SHT_NOTE 7 /* note section */
-#define SHT_NOBITS 8 /* no space section */
-#define SHT_REL 9 /* relation section without addends */
-#define SHT_SHLIB 10 /* reserved - purpose unknown */
-#define SHT_DYNSYM 11 /* dynamic symbol table section */
-#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY 14 /* Array of constructors */
-#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY 15 /* Array of destructors */
-#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16 /* Array of pre-constructors */
-#define SHT_GROUP 17 /* Section group */
-#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX 18 /* Extended section indeces */
-#define SHT_NUM 19 /* number of section types */
-#define SHT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* Start OS-specific */
-#define SHT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* End OS-specific */
-#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* specific section header types */
-#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 /* reserved range for application */
-#define SHT_HIUSER 0xffffffff /* specific indexes */
-/* Section names */
-#define ELF_BSS ".bss" /* uninitialized data */
-#define ELF_COMMENT ".comment" /* version control information */
-#define ELF_DATA ".data" /* initialized data */
-#define ELF_DATA1 ".data1" /* initialized data */
-#define ELF_DEBUG ".debug" /* debug */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC ".dynamic" /* dynamic linking information */
-#define ELF_DYNSTR ".dynstr" /* dynamic string table */
-#define ELF_DYNSYM ".dynsym" /* dynamic symbol table */
-#define ELF_FINI ".fini" /* termination code */
-#define ELF_FINI_ARRAY ".fini_array" /* Array of destructors */
-#define ELF_GOT ".got" /* global offset table */
-#define ELF_HASH ".hash" /* symbol hash table */
-#define ELF_INIT ".init" /* initialization code */
-#define ELF_INIT_ARRAY ".init_array" /* Array of constuctors */
-#define ELF_INTERP ".interp" /* Pathname of program interpreter */
-#define ELF_LINE ".line" /* Symbolic line numnber information */
-#define ELF_NOTE ".note" /* Contains note section */
-#define ELF_PLT ".plt" /* Procedure linkage table */
-#define ELF_PREINIT_ARRAY ".preinit_array" /* Array of pre-constructors */
-#define ELF_REL_DATA "" /* relocation data */
-#define ELF_REL_FINI ".rel.fini" /* relocation termination code */
-#define ELF_REL_INIT ".rel.init" /* relocation initialization code */
-#define ELF_REL_DYN ".rel.dyn" /* relocaltion dynamic link info */
-#define ELF_REL_RODATA ".rel.rodata" /* relocation read-only data */
-#define ELF_REL_TEXT ".rel.text" /* relocation code */
-#define ELF_RODATA ".rodata" /* read-only data */
-#define ELF_RODATA1 ".rodata1" /* read-only data */
-#define ELF_SHSTRTAB ".shstrtab" /* section header string table */
-#define ELF_STRTAB ".strtab" /* string table */
-#define ELF_SYMTAB ".symtab" /* symbol table */
-#define ELF_SYMTAB_SHNDX ".symtab_shndx"/* symbol table section index */
-#define ELF_TBSS ".tbss" /* thread local uninit data */
-#define ELF_TDATA ".tdata" /* thread local init data */
-#define ELF_TDATA1 ".tdata1" /* thread local init data */
-#define ELF_TEXT ".text" /* code */
-/* Section Attribute Flags - sh_flags */
-#define SHF_WRITE 0x1 /* Writable */
-#define SHF_ALLOC 0x2 /* occupies memory */
-#define SHF_EXECINSTR 0x4 /* executable */
-#define SHF_MERGE 0x10 /* Might be merged */
-#define SHF_STRINGS 0x20 /* Contains NULL terminated strings */
-#define SHF_INFO_LINK 0x40 /* sh_info contains SHT index */
-#define SHF_LINK_ORDER 0x80 /* Preserve order after combining*/
-#define SHF_OS_NONCONFORMING 0x100 /* Non-standard OS specific handling */
-#define SHF_GROUP 0x200 /* Member of section group */
-#define SHF_TLS 0x400 /* Thread local storage */
-#define SHF_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 /* OS specific */
-#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* reserved bits for processor */
- /* specific section attributes */
-/* Section Group Flags */
-#define GRP_COMDAT 0x1 /* COMDAT group */
-#define GRP_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 /* Mask OS specific flags */
-#define GRP_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* Mask processor specific flags */
-/* Symbol Table Entry */
-typedef struct elf32_sym {
- Elf32_Word st_name; /* name - index into string table */
- Elf32_Addr st_value; /* symbol value */
- Elf32_Word st_size; /* symbol size */
- unsigned char st_info; /* type and binding */
- unsigned char st_other; /* 0 - no defined meaning */
- Elf32_Half st_shndx; /* section header index */
-} Elf32_Sym;
-/* Symbol table index */
-#define STN_UNDEF 0 /* undefined */
-/* Extract symbol info - st_info */
-#define ELF32_ST_BIND(x) ((x) >> 4)
-#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(x) (((unsigned int) x) & 0xf)
-#define ELF32_ST_INFO(b,t) (((b) << 4) + ((t) & 0xf))
-#define ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY(x) ((x) & 0x3)
-/* Symbol Binding - ELF32_ST_BIND - st_info */
-#define STB_LOCAL 0 /* Local symbol */
-#define STB_GLOBAL 1 /* Global symbol */
-#define STB_WEAK 2 /* like global - lower precedence */
-#define STB_NUM 3 /* number of symbol bindings */
-#define STB_LOOS 10 /* reserved range for operating */
-#define STB_HIOS 12 /* system specific symbol bindings */
-#define STB_LOPROC 13 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define STB_HIPROC 15 /* specific symbol bindings */
-/* Symbol type - ELF32_ST_TYPE - st_info */
-#define STT_NOTYPE 0 /* not specified */
-#define STT_OBJECT 1 /* data object */
-#define STT_FUNC 2 /* function */
-#define STT_SECTION 3 /* section */
-#define STT_FILE 4 /* file */
-#define STT_NUM 5 /* number of symbol types */
-#define STT_TLS 6 /* Thread local storage symbol */
-#define STT_LOOS 10 /* reserved range for operating */
-#define STT_HIOS 12 /* system specific symbol types */
-#define STT_LOPROC 13 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define STT_HIPROC 15 /* specific symbol types */
-/* Symbol visibility - ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY - st_other */
-#define STV_DEFAULT 0 /* Normal visibility rules */
-#define STV_INTERNAL 1 /* Processor specific hidden class */
-#define STV_HIDDEN 2 /* Symbol unavailable in other mods */
-#define STV_PROTECTED 3 /* Not preemptible, not exported */
-/* Relocation entry with implicit addend */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Addr r_offset; /* offset of relocation */
- Elf32_Word r_info; /* symbol table index and type */
-} Elf32_Rel;
-/* Relocation entry with explicit addend */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Addr r_offset; /* offset of relocation */
- Elf32_Word r_info; /* symbol table index and type */
- Elf32_Sword r_addend;
-} Elf32_Rela;
-/* Extract relocation info - r_info */
-#define ELF32_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 8)
-#define ELF32_R_TYPE(i) ((unsigned char) (i))
-#define ELF32_R_INFO(s,t) (((s) << 8) + (unsigned char)(t))
-/* Program Header */
-typedef struct {
- Elf32_Word p_type; /* segment type */
- Elf32_Off p_offset; /* segment offset */
- Elf32_Addr p_vaddr; /* virtual address of segment */
- Elf32_Addr p_paddr; /* physical address - ignored? */
- Elf32_Word p_filesz; /* number of bytes in file for seg. */
- Elf32_Word p_memsz; /* number of bytes in mem. for seg. */
- Elf32_Word p_flags; /* flags */
- Elf32_Word p_align; /* memory alignment */
-} Elf32_Phdr;
-/* Segment types - p_type */
-#define PT_NULL 0 /* unused */
-#define PT_LOAD 1 /* loadable segment */
-#define PT_DYNAMIC 2 /* dynamic linking section */
-#define PT_INTERP 3 /* the RTLD */
-#define PT_NOTE 4 /* auxiliary information */
-#define PT_SHLIB 5 /* reserved - purpose undefined */
-#define PT_PHDR 6 /* program header */
-#define PT_TLS 7 /* Thread local storage template */
-#define PT_NUM 8 /* Number of segment types */
-#define PT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* reserved range for operating */
-#define PT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* system specific segment types */
-#define PT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define PT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* specific segment types */
-/* Segment flags - p_flags */
-#define PF_X 0x1 /* Executable */
-#define PF_W 0x2 /* Writable */
-#define PF_R 0x4 /* Readable */
-#define PF_MASKOS 0x0ff00000 /* OS specific segment flags */
-#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 /* reserved bits for processor */
- /* specific segment flags */
-/* Dynamic structure */
-typedef struct
- Elf32_Sword d_tag; /* controls meaning of d_val */
- union
- {
- Elf32_Word d_val; /* Multiple meanings - see d_tag */
- Elf32_Addr d_ptr; /* program virtual address */
- } d_un;
-} Elf32_Dyn;
-extern Elf32_Dyn _DYNAMIC[];
-/* Dynamic Array Tags - d_tag */
-#define DT_NULL 0 /* marks end of _DYNAMIC array */
-#define DT_NEEDED 1 /* string table offset of needed lib */
-#define DT_PLTRELSZ 2 /* size of relocation entries in PLT */
-#define DT_PLTGOT 3 /* address PLT/GOT */
-#define DT_HASH 4 /* address of symbol hash table */
-#define DT_STRTAB 5 /* address of string table */
-#define DT_SYMTAB 6 /* address of symbol table */
-#define DT_RELA 7 /* address of relocation table */
-#define DT_RELASZ 8 /* size of relocation table */
-#define DT_RELAENT 9 /* size of relocation entry */
-#define DT_STRSZ 10 /* size of string table */
-#define DT_SYMENT 11 /* size of symbol table entry */
-#define DT_INIT 12 /* address of initialization func. */
-#define DT_FINI 13 /* address of termination function */
-#define DT_SONAME 14 /* string table offset of shared obj */
-#define DT_RPATH 15 /* string table offset of library
- search path */
-#define DT_SYMBOLIC 16 /* start sym search in shared obj. */
-#define DT_REL 17 /* address of rel. tbl. w addends */
-#define DT_RELSZ 18 /* size of DT_REL relocation table */
-#define DT_RELENT 19 /* size of DT_REL relocation entry */
-#define DT_PLTREL 20 /* PLT referenced relocation entry */
-#define DT_DEBUG 21 /* bugger */
-#define DT_TEXTREL 22 /* Allow rel. mod. to unwritable seg */
-#define DT_JMPREL 23 /* add. of PLT's relocation entries */
-#define DT_BIND_NOW 24 /* Process relocations of object */
-#define DT_INIT_ARRAY 25 /* Array with addresses of init fct */
-#define DT_FINI_ARRAY 26 /* Array with addresses of fini fct */
-#define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ 27 /* Size in bytes of DT_INIT_ARRAY */
-#define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ 28 /* Size in bytes of DT_FINI_ARRAY */
-#define DT_RUNPATH 29 /* Library search path */
-#define DT_FLAGS 30 /* Flags for the object being loaded */
-#define DT_ENCODING 32 /* Start of encoded range */
-#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAY 32 /* Array with addresses of preinit fct*/
-#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ 33 /* size in bytes of DT_PREINIT_ARRAY */
-#define DT_NUM 34 /* Number used. */
-#define DT_LOOS 0x60000000 /* reserved range for OS */
-#define DT_HIOS 0x6fffffff /* specific dynamic array tags */
-#define DT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* reserved range for processor */
-#define DT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff /* specific dynamic array tags */
-/* Dynamic Tag Flags - d_un.d_val */
-#define DF_ORIGIN 0x01 /* Object may use DF_ORIGIN */
-#define DF_SYMBOLIC 0x02 /* Symbol resolutions starts here */
-#define DF_TEXTREL 0x04 /* Object contains text relocations */
-#define DF_BIND_NOW 0x08 /* No lazy binding for this object */
-#define DF_STATIC_TLS 0x10 /* Static thread local storage */
-/* Standard ELF hashing function */
-unsigned long elf_hash(const unsigned char *name);
-#define ELF_TARG_VER 1 /* The ver for which this code is intended */
- * XXX - PowerPC defines really don't belong in here,
- * but we'll put them in for simplicity.
- */
-/* Values for Elf32/64_Ehdr.e_flags. */
-#define EF_PPC_EMB 0x80000000 /* PowerPC embedded flag */
-/* Cygnus local bits below */
-#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE 0x00010000 /* PowerPC -mrelocatable flag*/
-#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB 0x00008000 /* PowerPC -mrelocatable-lib
- flag */
-/* PowerPC relocations defined by the ABIs */
-#define R_PPC_NONE 0
-#define R_PPC_ADDR32 1 /* 32bit absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR24 2 /* 26bit address, 2 bits ignored. */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16 3 /* 16bit absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_LO 4 /* lower 16bit of absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HI 5 /* high 16bit of absolute address */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR16_HA 6 /* adjusted high 16bit */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14 7 /* 16bit address, 2 bits ignored */
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN 8
-#define R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN 9
-#define R_PPC_REL24 10 /* PC relative 26 bit */
-#define R_PPC_REL14 11 /* PC relative 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN 12
-#define R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN 13
-#define R_PPC_GOT16 14
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_LO 15
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_HI 16
-#define R_PPC_GOT16_HA 17
-#define R_PPC_PLTREL24 18
-#define R_PPC_COPY 19
-#define R_PPC_GLOB_DAT 20
-#define R_PPC_JMP_SLOT 21
-#define R_PPC_RELATIVE 22
-#define R_PPC_LOCAL24PC 23
-#define R_PPC_UADDR32 24
-#define R_PPC_UADDR16 25
-#define R_PPC_REL32 26
-#define R_PPC_PLT32 27
-#define R_PPC_PLTREL32 28
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_LO 29
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_HI 30
-#define R_PPC_PLT16_HA 31
-#define R_PPC_SDAREL16 32
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF 33
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO 34
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI 35
-#define R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA 36
-/* Keep this the last entry. */
-#define R_PPC_NUM 37
-/* The remaining relocs are from the Embedded ELF ABI, and are not
- in the SVR4 ELF ABI. */
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32 101
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16 102
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO 103
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI 104
-#define R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA 105
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16 106
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16 107
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL 108
-#define R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 109 /* 16 bit offset in SDA */
-#define R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF 110
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 111
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO 112
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI 113
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA 114
-#define R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD 115
-#define R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA 116 /* 16 bit relative offset in SDA */
-/* Diab tool relocations. */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_LO 180 /* like EMB_SDA21, but lower 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HI 181 /* like EMB_SDA21, but high 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_SDA21_HA 182 /* like EMB_SDA21, adjusted high 16 */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_LO 183 /* like EMB_RELSDA, but lower 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HI 184 /* like EMB_RELSDA, but high 16 bit */
-#define R_PPC_DIAB_RELSDA_HA 185 /* like EMB_RELSDA, adjusted high 16 */
-/* This is a phony reloc to handle any old fashioned TOC16 references
- that may still be in object files. */
-#define R_PPC_TOC16 255
-#endif /* _ELF_H */
diff --git a/include/libata.h b/include/libata.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a17609a8..0000000000
--- a/include/libata.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2003-2004 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Copyright 2003-2004 Jeff Garzik
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
- * Dave Liu <>
- * port from libata of linux kernel
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef __LIBATA_H__
-#define __LIBATA_H__
-#include <common.h>
-enum {
- /* various global constants */
- ATA_MAX_DEVICES = 2, /* per bus/port */
- ATA_MAX_PRD = 256, /* we could make these 256/256 */
- ATA_SECT_SIZE = 512,
- ATA_MAX_SECTORS_128 = 128,
- ATA_MAX_SECTORS_LBA48 = 65535,
- ATA_ID_WORDS = 256,
- ATA_ID_SERNO = 10,
- ATA_ID_FW_REV = 23,
- ATA_ID_PROD = 27,
- ATA_ID_PIO4 = (1 << 1),
- ATA_PIO0 = (1 << 0),
- ATA_PIO1 = ATA_PIO0 | (1 << 1),
- ATA_PIO2 = ATA_PIO1 | (1 << 2),
- ATA_PIO3 = ATA_PIO2 | (1 << 3),
- ATA_PIO4 = ATA_PIO3 | (1 << 4),
- ATA_PIO5 = ATA_PIO4 | (1 << 5),
- ATA_PIO6 = ATA_PIO5 | (1 << 6),
- ATA_SWDMA0 = (1 << 0),
- ATA_SWDMA1 = ATA_SWDMA0 | (1 << 1),
- ATA_SWDMA2 = ATA_SWDMA1 | (1 << 2),
- ATA_SWDMA2_ONLY = (1 << 2),
- ATA_MWDMA0 = (1 << 0),
- ATA_MWDMA1 = ATA_MWDMA0 | (1 << 1),
- ATA_MWDMA2 = ATA_MWDMA1 | (1 << 2),
- ATA_MWDMA12_ONLY = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2),
- ATA_MWDMA2_ONLY = (1 << 2),
- ATA_UDMA0 = (1 << 0),
- ATA_UDMA1 = ATA_UDMA0 | (1 << 1),
- ATA_UDMA2 = ATA_UDMA1 | (1 << 2),
- ATA_UDMA3 = ATA_UDMA2 | (1 << 3),
- ATA_UDMA4 = ATA_UDMA3 | (1 << 4),
- ATA_UDMA5 = ATA_UDMA4 | (1 << 5),
- ATA_UDMA6 = ATA_UDMA5 | (1 << 6),
- ATA_UDMA7 = ATA_UDMA6 | (1 << 7),
- /* ATA_UDMA7 is just for completeness... doesn't exist (yet?). */
- ATA_UDMA_MASK_40C = ATA_UDMA2, /* udma0-2 */
- /* DMA-related */
- ATA_PRD_SZ = 8,
- ATA_PRD_EOT = (1 << 31), /* end-of-table flag */
- ATA_DMA_CMD = 0,
- ATA_DMA_WR = (1 << 3),
- ATA_DMA_START = (1 << 0),
- ATA_DMA_INTR = (1 << 2),
- ATA_DMA_ERR = (1 << 1),
- ATA_DMA_ACTIVE = (1 << 0),
- /* bits in ATA command block registers */
- ATA_HOB = (1 << 7), /* LBA48 selector */
- ATA_NIEN = (1 << 1), /* disable-irq flag */
- ATA_LBA = (1 << 6), /* LBA28 selector */
- ATA_DEV1 = (1 << 4), /* Select Device 1 (slave) */
- ATA_DEVICE_OBS = (1 << 7) | (1 << 5), /* obs bits in dev reg */
- ATA_DEVCTL_OBS = (1 << 3), /* obsolete bit in devctl reg */
- ATA_BUSY = (1 << 7), /* BSY status bit */
- ATA_DRDY = (1 << 6), /* device ready */
- ATA_DF = (1 << 5), /* device fault */
- ATA_DRQ = (1 << 3), /* data request i/o */
- ATA_ERR = (1 << 0), /* have an error */
- ATA_SRST = (1 << 2), /* software reset */
- ATA_ICRC = (1 << 7), /* interface CRC error */
- ATA_UNC = (1 << 6), /* uncorrectable media error */
- ATA_IDNF = (1 << 4), /* ID not found */
- ATA_ABORTED = (1 << 2), /* command aborted */
- /* ATA command block registers */
- ATA_REG_DATA = 0x00,
- ATA_REG_ERR = 0x01,
- ATA_REG_NSECT = 0x02,
- ATA_REG_LBAL = 0x03,
- ATA_REG_LBAM = 0x04,
- ATA_REG_LBAH = 0x05,
- ATA_REG_DEVICE = 0x06,
- ATA_REG_STATUS = 0x07,
- ATA_REG_FEATURE = ATA_REG_ERR, /* and their aliases */
- /* ATA device commands */
- ATA_CMD_DEV_RESET = 0x08, /* ATAPI device reset */
- ATA_CMD_CHK_POWER = 0xE5, /* check power mode */
- ATA_CMD_STANDBY = 0xE2, /* place in standby power mode */
- ATA_CMD_IDLE = 0xE3, /* place in idle power mode */
- ATA_CMD_EDD = 0x90, /* execute device diagnostic */
- ATA_CMD_READ = 0xC8,
- ATA_CMD_READ_EXT = 0x25,
- ATA_CMD_PIO_READ = 0x20,
- ATA_CMD_VERIFY = 0x40,
- /* READ_LOG_EXT pages */
- ATA_LOG_SATA_NCQ = 0x10,
- /* READ/WRITE LONG (obsolete) */
- /* SETFEATURES stuff */
- XFER_UDMA_7 = 0x47,
- XFER_UDMA_6 = 0x46,
- XFER_UDMA_5 = 0x45,
- XFER_UDMA_4 = 0x44,
- XFER_UDMA_3 = 0x43,
- XFER_UDMA_2 = 0x42,
- XFER_UDMA_1 = 0x41,
- XFER_UDMA_0 = 0x40,
- XFER_MW_DMA_4 = 0x24, /* CFA only */
- XFER_MW_DMA_3 = 0x23, /* CFA only */
- XFER_MW_DMA_2 = 0x22,
- XFER_MW_DMA_1 = 0x21,
- XFER_MW_DMA_0 = 0x20,
- XFER_SW_DMA_2 = 0x12,
- XFER_SW_DMA_1 = 0x11,
- XFER_SW_DMA_0 = 0x10,
- XFER_PIO_6 = 0x0E, /* CFA only */
- XFER_PIO_5 = 0x0D, /* CFA only */
- XFER_PIO_4 = 0x0C,
- XFER_PIO_3 = 0x0B,
- XFER_PIO_2 = 0x0A,
- XFER_PIO_1 = 0x09,
- XFER_PIO_0 = 0x08,
- XFER_PIO_SLOW = 0x00,
- SETFEATURES_WC_ON = 0x02, /* Enable write cache */
- SETFEATURES_WC_OFF = 0x82, /* Disable write cache */
- SETFEATURES_SPINUP = 0x07, /* Spin-up drive */
- SETFEATURES_SATA_ENABLE = 0x10, /* Enable use of SATA feature */
- SETFEATURES_SATA_DISABLE = 0x90, /* Disable use of SATA feature */
- /* SETFEATURE Sector counts for SATA features */
- SATA_AN = 0x05, /* Asynchronous Notification */
- SATA_DIPM = 0x03, /* Device Initiated Power Management */
- /* feature values for SET_MAX */
- ATA_SET_MAX_ADDR = 0x00,
- ATA_SET_MAX_LOCK = 0x02,
- /* feature values for DEVICE CONFIGURATION OVERLAY */
- ATA_DCO_SET = 0xC3,
- /* ATAPI stuff */
- ATAPI_PKT_DMA = (1 << 0),
- ATAPI_DMADIR = (1 << 2), /* ATAPI data dir:
- 0=to device, 1=to host */
- /* PMP stuff */
- SATA_PMP_FEAT_BIST = (1 << 0),
- SATA_PMP_FEAT_PMREQ = (1 << 1),
- SATA_PMP_FEAT_DYNSSC = (1 << 2),
- SATA_PMP_FEAT_NOTIFY = (1 << 3),
- /* cable types */
- ATA_CBL_PATA40 = 1,
- ATA_CBL_PATA80 = 2,
- ATA_CBL_PATA40_SHORT = 3, /* 40 wire cable to high UDMA spec */
- ATA_CBL_PATA_UNK = 4, /* don't know, maybe 80c? */
- ATA_CBL_PATA_IGN = 5, /* don't know, ignore cable handling */
- /* SATA Status and Control Registers */
- SCR_ERROR = 1,
- /* SError bits */
- SERR_DATA_RECOVERED = (1 << 0), /* recovered data error */
- SERR_COMM_RECOVERED = (1 << 1), /* recovered comm failure */
- SERR_DATA = (1 << 8), /* unrecovered data error */
- SERR_PERSISTENT = (1 << 9), /* persistent data/comm error */
- SERR_PROTOCOL = (1 << 10), /* protocol violation */
- SERR_INTERNAL = (1 << 11), /* host internal error */
- SERR_PHYRDY_CHG = (1 << 16), /* PHY RDY changed */
- SERR_PHY_INT_ERR = (1 << 17), /* PHY internal error */
- SERR_COMM_WAKE = (1 << 18), /* Comm wake */
- SERR_10B_8B_ERR = (1 << 19), /* 10b to 8b decode error */
- SERR_DISPARITY = (1 << 20), /* Disparity */
- SERR_CRC = (1 << 21), /* CRC error */
- SERR_HANDSHAKE = (1 << 22), /* Handshake error */
- SERR_LINK_SEQ_ERR = (1 << 23), /* Link sequence error */
- SERR_TRANS_ST_ERROR = (1 << 24), /* Transport state trans. error */
- SERR_UNRECOG_FIS = (1 << 25), /* Unrecognized FIS */
- SERR_DEV_XCHG = (1 << 26), /* device exchanged */
- /* struct ata_taskfile flags */
- ATA_TFLAG_LBA48 = (1 << 0), /* enable 48-bit LBA and "HOB" */
- ATA_TFLAG_ISADDR = (1 << 1), /* enable r/w to nsect/lba regs */
- ATA_TFLAG_DEVICE = (1 << 2), /* enable r/w to device reg */
- ATA_TFLAG_WRITE = (1 << 3), /* data dir: host->dev==1 (write) */
- ATA_TFLAG_LBA = (1 << 4), /* enable LBA */
- ATA_TFLAG_FUA = (1 << 5), /* enable FUA */
- ATA_TFLAG_POLLING = (1 << 6), /* set nIEN to 1 and use polling */
- /* protocol flags */
- ATA_PROT_FLAG_PIO = (1 << 0), /* is PIO */
- ATA_PROT_FLAG_DMA = (1 << 1), /* is DMA */
- ATA_PROT_FLAG_NCQ = (1 << 2), /* is NCQ */
- ATA_PROT_FLAG_ATAPI = (1 << 3), /* is ATAPI */
-enum ata_tf_protocols {
- /* ATA taskfile protocols */
- ATA_PROT_UNKNOWN, /* unknown/invalid */
- ATA_PROT_NODATA, /* no data */
- ATA_PROT_PIO, /* PIO data xfer */
- ATAPI_PROT_NODATA, /* packet command, no data */
- ATAPI_PROT_PIO, /* packet command, PIO data xfer*/
- ATAPI_PROT_DMA, /* packet command with special DMA sauce */
-enum ata_ioctls {
- ATA_IOC_GET_IO32 = 0x309,
- ATA_IOC_SET_IO32 = 0x324,
-enum ata_dev_typed {
- ATA_DEV_ATA, /* ATA device */
- ATA_DEV_ATAPI, /* ATAPI device */
- ATA_DEV_PMP, /* Port Multiplier Port */
- ATA_DEV_UNKNOWN, /* unknown */
-struct ata_taskfile {
- unsigned long flags; /* ATA_TFLAG_xxx */
- u8 protocol; /* ATA_PROT_xxx */
- u8 ctl; /* control reg */
- u8 hob_feature; /* additional data */
- u8 hob_nsect; /* to support LBA48 */
- u8 hob_lbal;
- u8 hob_lbam;
- u8 hob_lbah;
- u8 feature;
- u8 nsect;
- u8 lbal;
- u8 lbam;
- u8 lbah;
- u8 device;
- u8 command; /* IO operation */
- * protocol tests
- */
-static inline unsigned int ata_prot_flags(u8 prot)
- switch (prot) {
- return 0;
- case ATA_PROT_PIO:
- case ATA_PROT_DMA:
- case ATA_PROT_NCQ:
- }
- return 0;
-static inline int ata_is_atapi(u8 prot)
- return ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_ATAPI;
-static inline int ata_is_nodata(u8 prot)
- return !(ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_DATA);
-static inline int ata_is_pio(u8 prot)
- return ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_PIO;
-static inline int ata_is_dma(u8 prot)
- return ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_DMA;
-static inline int ata_is_ncq(u8 prot)
- return ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_NCQ;
-static inline int ata_is_data(u8 prot)
- return ata_prot_flags(prot) & ATA_PROT_FLAG_DATA;
- * id tests
- */
-#define ata_id_is_ata(id) (((id)[0] & (1 << 15)) == 0)
-#define ata_id_has_lba(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 9))
-#define ata_id_has_dma(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 8))
-#define ata_id_has_ncq(id) ((id)[76] & (1 << 8))
-#define ata_id_queue_depth(id) (((id)[75] & 0x1f) + 1)
-#define ata_id_removeable(id) ((id)[0] & (1 << 7))
-#define ata_id_iordy_disable(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 10))
-#define ata_id_has_iordy(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 11))
-#define ata_id_u32(id,n) \
- (((u32) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | ((u32) (id)[(n)]))
-#define ata_id_u64(id,n) \
- ( ((u64) (id)[(n) + 3] << 48) | \
- ((u64) (id)[(n) + 2] << 32) | \
- ((u64) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | \
- ((u64) (id)[(n) + 0]) )
-#define ata_id_cdb_intr(id) (((id)[0] & 0x60) == 0x20)
-static inline int ata_id_has_fua(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[84] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[84] & (1 << 6);
-static inline int ata_id_has_flush(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[83] & (1 << 12);
-static inline int ata_id_has_flush_ext(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[83] & (1 << 13);
-static inline int ata_id_has_lba48(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- if (!ata_id_u64(id, 100))
- return 0;
- return id[83] & (1 << 10);
-static inline int ata_id_hpa_enabled(const u16 *id)
- /* Yes children, word 83 valid bits cover word 82 data */
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- /* And 87 covers 85-87 */
- if ((id[87] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- /* Check command sets enabled as well as supported */
- if ((id[85] & ( 1 << 10)) == 0)
- return 0;
- return id[82] & (1 << 10);
-static inline int ata_id_has_wcache(const u16 *id)
- /* Yes children, word 83 valid bits cover word 82 data */
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[82] & (1 << 5);
-static inline int ata_id_has_pm(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[83] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[82] & (1 << 3);
-static inline int ata_id_rahead_enabled(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[87] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[85] & (1 << 6);
-static inline int ata_id_wcache_enabled(const u16 *id)
- if ((id[87] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[85] & (1 << 5);
-static inline unsigned int ata_id_major_version(const u16 *id)
- unsigned int mver;
- if (id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER] == 0xFFFF)
- return 0;
- for (mver = 14; mver >= 1; mver--)
- if (id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER] & (1 << mver))
- break;
- return mver;
-static inline int ata_id_is_sata(const u16 *id)
- return ata_id_major_version(id) >= 5 && id[93] == 0;
-static inline int ata_id_has_tpm(const u16 *id)
- /* The TPM bits are only valid on ATA8 */
- if (ata_id_major_version(id) < 8)
- return 0;
- if ((id[48] & 0xC000) != 0x4000)
- return 0;
- return id[48] & (1 << 0);
-static inline int ata_id_has_dword_io(const u16 *id)
- /* ATA 8 reuses this flag for "trusted" computing */
- if (ata_id_major_version(id) > 7)
- return 0;
- if (id[48] & (1 << 0))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static inline int ata_id_current_chs_valid(const u16 *id)
- /* For ATA-1 devices, if the INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command
- has not been issued to the device then the values of
- id[54] to id[56] are vendor specific. */
- return (id[53] & 0x01) && /* Current translation valid */
- id[54] && /* cylinders in current translation */
- id[55] && /* heads in current translation */
- id[55] <= 16 &&
- id[56]; /* sectors in current translation */
-static inline int ata_id_is_cfa(const u16 *id)
- u16 v = id[0];
- if (v == 0x848A) /* Standard CF */
- return 1;
- /* Could be CF hiding as standard ATA */
- if (ata_id_major_version(id) >= 3 && id[82] != 0xFFFF &&
- (id[82] & ( 1 << 2)))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static inline int ata_drive_40wire(const u16 *dev_id)
- if (ata_id_is_sata(dev_id))
- return 0; /* SATA */
- if ((dev_id[93] & 0xE000) == 0x6000)
- return 0; /* 80 wire */
- return 1;
-static inline int ata_drive_40wire_relaxed(const u16 *dev_id)
- if ((dev_id[93] & 0x2000) == 0x2000)
- return 0; /* 80 wire */
- return 1;
-static inline int atapi_cdb_len(const u16 *dev_id)
- u16 tmp = dev_id[0] & 0x3;
- switch (tmp) {
- case 0: return 12;
- case 1: return 16;
- default: return -1;
- }
-static inline int atapi_command_packet_set(const u16 *dev_id)
- return (dev_id[0] >> 8) & 0x1f;
-static inline int atapi_id_dmadir(const u16 *dev_id)
- return ata_id_major_version(dev_id) >= 7 && (dev_id[62] & 0x8000);
-static inline int is_multi_taskfile(struct ata_taskfile *tf)
- return (tf->command == ATA_CMD_READ_MULTI) ||
- (tf->command == ATA_CMD_WRITE_MULTI) ||
- (tf->command == ATA_CMD_READ_MULTI_EXT) ||
- (tf->command == ATA_CMD_WRITE_MULTI_EXT) ||
- (tf->command == ATA_CMD_WRITE_MULTI_FUA_EXT);
-static inline int ata_ok(u8 status)
- return ((status & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRDY | ATA_DF | ATA_DRQ | ATA_ERR))
- == ATA_DRDY);
-static inline int lba_28_ok(u64 block, u32 n_block)
- /* check the ending block number */
- return ((block + n_block - 1) < ((u64)1 << 28)) && (n_block <= 256);
-static inline int lba_48_ok(u64 block, u32 n_block)
- /* check the ending block number */
- return ((block + n_block - 1) < ((u64)1 << 48)) && (n_block <= 65536);
-#define sata_pmp_gscr_vendor(gscr) ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PROD_ID] & 0xffff)
-#define sata_pmp_gscr_devid(gscr) ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PROD_ID] >> 16)
-#define sata_pmp_gscr_rev(gscr) (((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_REV] >> 8) & 0xff)
-#define sata_pmp_gscr_ports(gscr) ((gscr)[SATA_PMP_GSCR_PORT_INFO] & 0xf)
-u64 ata_id_n_sectors(u16 *id);
-u32 ata_dev_classify(u32 sig);
-void ata_id_c_string(const u16 *id, unsigned char *s,
- unsigned int ofs, unsigned int len);
-void ata_dump_id(u16 *id);
-void ata_swap_buf_le16(u16 *buf, unsigned int buf_words);
-#endif /* __LIBATA_H__ */
diff --git a/include/lxt971a.h b/include/lxt971a.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72145e0aa3..0000000000
--- a/include/lxt971a.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_eth.h,v 1.2 2004/02/24 13:25:39 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference, December 2003
- * [2] Intel LXT971 Datasheet #249414 Rev. 02
- * [3] NS7520 Linux Ethernet Driver
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef __LXT971A_H__
-#define __LXT971A_H__
-/* PHY definitions (LXT971A) [2] */
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG (0x10)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2 (0x11)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE (0x12)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS (0x13)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG (0x14)
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG (0x1A)
-#define PHY_LXT971_TX_CTRL (0x1E)
-/* PORT_CFG Port Configuration Register Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_RES1 (0x8000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_FORCE_LNK (0x4000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_TX_DISABLE (0x2000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_BYPASS_SCR (0x1000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_RES2 (0x0800)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_JABBER (0x0400)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SQE (0x0200)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_TP_LOOPBACK (0x0100)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_CRS_SEL (0x0080)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SLEEP_MODE (0x0040)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_PRE_EN (0x0020)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SLEEP_T_MA (0x0018)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SLEEP_T_104 (0x0010)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SLEEP_T_200 (0x0001)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_SLEEP_T_304 (0x0000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_FLT_CODE_EN (0x0004)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_ALT_NP (0x0002)
-#define PHY_LXT971_PORT_CFG_FIBER_SEL (0x0001)
-/* STAT2 Status Register #2 Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_RES1 (0x8000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_100BTX (0x4000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_TX_STATUS (0x2000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_RX_STATUS (0x1000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_COL_STATUS (0x0800)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_LINK (0x0400)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_DUPLEX_MODE (0x0200)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_AUTO_NEG (0x0100)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_AUTO_NEG_COMP (0x0080)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_RES2 (0x0040)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_POLARITY (0x0020)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_PAUSE (0x0010)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_ERROR (0x0008)
-#define PHY_LXT971_STAT2_RES3 (0x0007)
-/* INT_ENABLE Interrupt Enable Register Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_RES1 (0xFF00)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_ANMSK (0x0080)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_SPEEDMSK (0x0040)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_DUPLEXMSK (0x0020)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_LINKMSK (0x0010)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_RES2 (0x000C)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_INTEN (0x0002)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_ENABLE_TINT (0x0001)
-/* INT_STATUS Interrupt Status Register Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_RES1 (0xFF00)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_ANDONE (0x0080)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_SPEEDCHG (0x0040)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_DUPLEXCHG (0x0020)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_LINKCHG (0x0010)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_RES2 (0x0008)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_MDINT (0x0004)
-#define PHY_LXT971_INT_STATUS_RES3 (0x0003)
-/* LED_CFG Interrupt LED Configuration Register Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_SHIFT_LED1 (0x000C)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_SHIFT_LED2 (0x0008)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_SHIFT_LED3 (0x0004)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LEDFREQ_MA (0x000C)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LEDFREQ_RES (0x000C)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LEDFREQ_100 (0x0008)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LEDFREQ_60 (0x0004)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LEDFREQ_30 (0x0000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_PULSE_STR (0x0002)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_RES1 (0x0001)
-/* only one of these values must be shifted for each SHIFT_LED? */
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_UNUSED1 (0x000F)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_DUPLEX_COL (0x000E)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LINK_ACT (0x000D)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LINK_RX (0x000C)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_TEST_BLK_SLW (0x000B)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_TEST_BLK_FST (0x000A)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_TEST_OFF (0x0009)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_TEST_ON (0x0008)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_RX_OR_TX (0x0007)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_UNUSED2 (0x0006)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_DUPLEX (0x0005)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_LINK (0x0004)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_COLLISION (0x0003)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_RECEIVE (0x0002)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_TRANSMIT (0x0001)
-#define PHY_LXT971_LED_CFG_SPEED (0x0000)
-/* DIG_CFG Digitial Configuration Register Bit Fields */
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG_RES1 (0xF000)
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG_MII_DRIVE (0x0800)
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG_RES2 (0x0400)
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG_SHOW_SYMBOL (0x0200)
-#define PHY_LXT971_DIG_CFG_RES3 (0x01FF)
-#define PHY_LXT971_MDIO_MAX_CLK (8000000)
-#define PHY_MDIO_MAX_CLK (2500000)
-/* TX_CTRL Transmit Control Register Bit Fields
- documentation is buggy for this register, therefore setting not included */
-typedef enum
- PHY_NONE = 0x0000, /* no PHY detected yet */
- PHY_LXT971A = 0x0013
-} PhyType;
-#endif /* __LXT971A_H__ */
diff --git a/include/ns7520_eth.h b/include/ns7520_eth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b509697c2f..0000000000
--- a/include/ns7520_eth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2003 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id$
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @Descr: Defines the NS7520 ethernet registers.
- * Stick with the old ETH prefix names instead going to the
- * new EFE names in the manual.
- * NS7520_ETH_* refer to NS7520 Hardware
- * Reference/January 2003 [1]
- * PHY_LXT971_* refer to Intel LXT971 Datasheet
- * #249414 Rev. 02 [2]
- * Partly derived from netarm_eth_module.h
- *
- * Modified by Arthur Shipkowski <> from the
- * Linux version to be properly formatted for U-Boot (i.e. no C++ comments)
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS7520_ETH_H
-#define FS_NS7520_ETH_H
-#include <miiphy.h>
-#include "lxt971a.h"
-/* The port addresses */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MODULE_BASE (0xFF800000)
-#define get_eth_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int*) ( NS7520_ETH_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR (0x0000) /* Ethernet Gen Control */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR (0x0004) /* Ethernet Gen Status */
-#define NS7520_ETH_FIFO (0x0008) /* FIFO Data */
-#define NS7520_ETH_FIFOL (0x000C) /* FIFO Data Last */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR (0x0010) /* Ethernet Transmit Status */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR (0x0014) /* Ethernet Receive Status */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1 (0x0400) /* MAC Config 1 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2 (0x0404) /* MAC Config 2 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGT (0x0408) /* Back2Back InterPacket Gap */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGR (0x040C) /* non back2back InterPacket Gap */
-#define NS7520_ETH_CLRT (0x0410) /* Collision Window/Retry */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAXF (0x0414) /* Maximum Frame Register */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP (0x0418) /* PHY Support */
-#define NS7520_ETH_TEST (0x041C) /* Test Register */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG (0x0420) /* MII Management Configuration */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCMD (0x0424) /* MII Management Command */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MADR (0x0428) /* MII Management Address */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MWTD (0x042C) /* MII Management Write Data */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MRDD (0x0430) /* MII Management Read Data */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MIND (0x0434) /* MII Management Indicators */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII (0x0438) /* SMII Status Register */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA1 (0x0440) /* Station Address 1 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA2 (0x0444) /* Station Address 2 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA3 (0x0448) /* Station Address 3 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR (0x05C0) /* Station Address Filter */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT1 (0x05D0) /* Hash Table 1 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT2 (0x05D4) /* Hash Table 2 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT3 (0x05D8) /* Hash Table 3 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT4 (0x05DC) /* Hash Table 4 */
-/* EGCR Ethernet General Control Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERX (0x80000000) /* Enable Receive FIFO */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXDMA (0x40000000) /* Enable Receive DMA */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXLNG (0x20000000) /* Accept Long packets */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXSHT (0x10000000) /* Accept Short packets */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXREG (0x08000000) /* Enable Receive Data Interrupt */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERFIFOH (0x04000000) /* Enable Receive Half-Full Int */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXBR (0x02000000) /* Enable Receive buffer ready */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ERXBAD (0x01000000) /* Accept bad receive packets */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETX (0x00800000) /* Enable Transmit FIFO */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXDMA (0x00400000) /* Enable Transmit DMA */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXWM_R (0x00300000) /* Enable Transmit FIFO mark Reserv */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXWM_75 (0x00200000) /* Enable Transmit FIFO mark 75% */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXWM_50 (0x00100000) /* Enable Transmit FIFO mark 50% */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXWM_25 (0x00000000) /* Enable Transmit FIFO mark 25% */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXREG (0x00080000) /* Enable Transmit Data Read Int */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETFIFOH (0x00040000) /* Enable Transmit Fifo Half Int */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ETXBC (0x00020000) /* Enable Transmit Buffer Compl Int */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EFULLD (0x00010000) /* Enable Full Duplex Operation */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_MODE_MA (0x0000C000) /* Mask */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_MODE_SEE (0x0000C000) /* 10 Mbps SEEQ ENDEC PHY */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_MODE_LEV (0x00008000) /* 10 Mbps Level1 ENDEC PHY */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_RES1 (0x00002000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_RXCINV (0x00001000) /* Invert the receive clock input */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_TXCINV (0x00000800) /* Invert the transmit clock input */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_PNA (0x00000400) /* pSOS pNA buffer */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_MAC_RES (0x00000200) /* MAC Software reset */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ITXA (0x00000100) /* Insert Transmit Source Address */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_ENDEC_MA (0x000000FC) /* ENDEC media control bits */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EXINT_MA (0x00000003) /* Mask */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EXINT_RE (0x00000003) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EXINT_TP (0x00000002) /* TP-PMD Mode */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EXINT_10 (0x00000001) /* 10-MBit Mode */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_EXINT_NO (0x00000000) /* MII normal operation */
-/* EGSR Ethernet General Status Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RES1 (0xC0000000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXFDB_MA (0x30000000) /* Receive FIFO mask */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXFDB_3 (0x30000000) /* Receive FIFO 3 bytes available */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXFDB_2 (0x20000000) /* Receive FIFO 2 bytes available */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_RXFDB_1 (0x10000000) /* Receive FIFO 1 Bytes available */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGCR_RXFDB_4 (0x00000000) /* Receive FIFO 4 Bytes available */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXREGR (0x08000000) /* Receive Register Ready */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXFIFOH (0x04000000) /* Receive FIFO Half Full */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXBR (0x02000000) /* Receive Buffer Ready */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXSKIP (0x01000000) /* Receive Buffer Skip */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RES2 (0x00F00000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_TXREGE (0x00080000) /* Transmit Register Empty */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_TXFIFOH (0x00040000) /* Transmit FIFO half empty */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_TXBC (0x00020000) /* Transmit buffer complete */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_TXFIFOE (0x00010000) /* Transmit FIFO empty */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RXPINS (0x0000FC00) /* ENDEC Phy Status */
-#define NS7520_ETH_EGSR_RES3 (0x000003FF) /* Reserved */
-/* ETSR Ethernet Transmit Status Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXOK (0x00008000) /* Packet transmitted OK */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXBR (0x00004000) /* Broadcast packet transmitted */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXMC (0x00002000) /* Multicast packet transmitted */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXAL (0x00001000) /* Transmit abort - late collision */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXAED (0x00000800) /* Transmit abort - deferral */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXAEC (0x00000400) /* Transmit abort - exc collisions */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXAUR (0x00000200) /* Transmit abort - underrun */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXAJ (0x00000100) /* Transmit abort - jumbo */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_RES2 (0x00000080) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXDEF (0x00000040) /* Transmit Packet Deferred */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXCRC (0x00000020) /* Transmit CRC error */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_RES3 (0x00000010) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ETSR_TXCOLC (0x0000000F) /* Transmit Collision Count */
-/* ERSR Ethernet Receive Status Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXSIZE (0xFFFF0000) /* Receive Buffer Size */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXCE (0x00008000) /* Receive Carrier Event */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXDV (0x00004000) /* Receive Data Violation Event */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXOK (0x00002000) /* Receive Packet OK */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXBR (0x00001000) /* Receive Broadcast Packet */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXMC (0x00000800) /* Receive Multicast Packet */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXCRC (0x00000400) /* Receive Packet has CRC error */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXDR (0x00000200) /* Receive Packet has dribble error */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXCV (0x00000100) /* Receive Packet code violation */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXLNG (0x00000080) /* Receive Packet too long */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RXSHT (0x00000040) /* Receive Packet too short */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_ROVER (0x00000020) /* Recive overflow */
-#define NS7520_ETH_ERSR_RES (0x0000001F) /* Reserved */
-/* MAC1 MAC Configuration Register 1 Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_SRST (0x00008000) /* Soft Reset */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_SIMMRST (0x00004000) /* Simulation Reset */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RES2 (0x00003000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RPEMCSR (0x00000800) /* Reset PEMCS/RX */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RPERFUN (0x00000400) /* Reset PERFUN */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RPEMCST (0x00000200) /* Reset PEMCS/TX */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RPETFUN (0x00000100) /* Reset PETFUN */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RES3 (0x000000E0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_LOOPBK (0x00000010) /* Internal Loopback */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_TXFLOW (0x00000008) /* TX flow control */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RXFLOW (0x00000004) /* RX flow control */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_PALLRX (0x00000002) /* Pass ALL receive frames */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC1_RXEN (0x00000001) /* Receive enable */
-/* MAC Configuration Register 2 Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_RES1 (0xFFFF8000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_EDEFER (0x00004000) /* Excess Deferral */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_BACKP (0x00002000) /* Backpressure/NO back off */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_NOBO (0x00001000) /* No back off */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_RES2 (0x00000C00) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_LONGP (0x00000200) /* Long Preable enforcement */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_PUREP (0x00000100) /* Pure preamble enforcement */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_AUTOP (0x00000080) /* Auto detect PAD enable */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_VLANP (0x00000040) /* VLAN pad enable */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_PADEN (0x00000020) /* PAD/CRC enable */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_CRCEN (0x00000010) /* CRC enable */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_DELCRC (0x00000008) /* Delayed CRC */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_HUGE (0x00000004) /* Huge frame enable */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_FLENC (0x00000002) /* Frame length checking */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAC2_FULLD (0x00000001) /* Full duplex */
-/* IPGT Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGT_RES (0xFFFFFF80) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGT_IPGT (0x0000007F) /* Back-to-Back Interpacket Gap */
-/* IPGR Non Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGR_RES1 (0xFFFF8000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGR_IPGR1 (0x00007F00) /* Non Back-to-back Interpacket Gap */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGR_RES2 (0x00000080) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_IPGR_IPGR2 (0x0000007F) /* Non back-to-back Interpacket Gap */
-/* CLRT Collision Windows/Collision Retry Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_CLRT_RES1 (0xFFFFC000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_CLRT_CWIN (0x00003F00) /* Collision Windows */
-#define NS7520_ETH_CLRT_RES2 (0x000000F0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_CLRT_RETX (0x0000000F) /* Retransmission maximum */
-/* MAXF Maximum Frame Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAXF_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MAXF_MAXF (0x0000FFFF) /* Maximum frame length */
-/* SUPP PHY Support Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_RES1 (0xFFFFFF00) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_RPE100X (0x00000080) /* Reset PE100X module */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_FORCEQ (0x00000040) /* Force Quit */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_NOCIPH (0x00000020) /* No Cipher */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_DLINKF (0x00000010) /* Disable link fail */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_RPE10T (0x00000008) /* Reset PE10T module */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_RES2 (0x00000004) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_JABBER (0x00000002) /* Enable Jabber protection */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SUPP_BITMODE (0x00000001) /* Bit Mode */
-/* TEST Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_TEST_RES1 (0xFFFFFFF8) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_TEST_TBACK (0x00000004) /* Test backpressure */
-#define NS7520_ETH_TEST_TPAUSE (0x00000002) /* Test Pause */
-#define NS7520_ETH_TEST_SPQ (0x00000001) /* Shortcut pause quanta */
-/* MCFG MII Management Configuration Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_RMIIM (0x00008000) /* Reset MII management */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_RES2 (0x00007FE0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_MA (0x0000001C) /* Clock Select */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_4 (0x00000004) /* Sysclk / 4 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_6 (0x00000008) /* Sysclk / 6 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_8 (0x0000000C) /* Sysclk / 8 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_10 (0x00000010) /* Sysclk / 10 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_14 (0x00000014) /* Sysclk / 14 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_20 (0x00000018) /* Sysclk / 20 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_28 (0x0000001C) /* Sysclk / 28 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_SPRE (0x00000002) /* Suppress preamble */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCFG_SCANI (0x00000001) /* Scan increment */
-/* MCMD MII Management Command Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCMD_RES1 (0xFFFFFFFC) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCMD_SCAN (0x00000002) /* Automatically Scan for Read Data */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MCMD_READ (0x00000001) /* Single scan for Read Data */
-/* MCMD MII Management Address Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MADR_RES1 (0xFFFFE000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MADR_DADR (0x00001F00) /* MII PHY device address */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MADR_RES2 (0x000000E0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MADR_RADR (0x0000001F) /* MII PHY register address */
-/* MWTD MII Management Write Data Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MWTD_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MWTD_MWTD (0x0000FFFF) /* MII Write Data */
-/* MRRD MII Management Read Data Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MRRD_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MRRD_MRDD (0x0000FFFF) /* MII Read Data */
-/* MIND MII Management Indicators Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_MIND_RES1 (0xFFFFFFF8) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MIND_NVALID (0x00000004) /* Read Data not valid */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MIND_SCAN (0x00000002) /* Automatically scan for read data */
-#define NS7520_ETH_MIND_BUSY (0x00000001) /* MII interface busy */
-/* SMII Status Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_RES1 (0xFFFFFFE0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_CLASH (0x00000010) /* MAC-to-MAC with PHY */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_JABBER (0x00000008) /* Jabber condition present */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_LINK (0x00000004) /* Link OK */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_DUPLEX (0x00000002) /* Full-duplex operation */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SMII_SPEED (0x00000001) /* 100 Mbps */
-/* SA1 Station Address 1 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA1_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA1_OCTET1 (0x0000FF00) /* Station Address octet 1 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA1_OCTET2 (0x000000FF) /* Station Address octet 2 */
-/* SA2 Station Address 2 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA2_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA2_OCTET3 (0x0000FF00) /* Station Address octet 3 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA2_OCTET4 (0x000000FF) /* Station Address octet 4 */
-/* SA3 Station Address 3 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA3_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA3_OCTET5 (0x0000FF00) /* Station Address octet 5 */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SA3_OCTET6 (0x000000FF) /* Station Address octet 6 */
-/* SAFR Station Address Filter Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR_RES1 (0xFFFFFFF0) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR_PRO (0x00000008) /* Enable Promiscuous mode */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR_PRM (0x00000004) /* Accept ALL multicast packets */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR_PRA (0x00000002) /* Accept multicast packets table */
-#define NS7520_ETH_SAFR_BROAD (0x00000001) /* Accept ALL Broadcast packets */
-/* HT1 Hash Table 1 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT1_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT1_HT1 (0x0000FFFF) /* CRC value 15-0 */
-/* HT2 Hash Table 2 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT2_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT2_HT2 (0x0000FFFF) /* CRC value 31-16 */
-/* HT3 Hash Table 3 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT3_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT3_HT3 (0x0000FFFF) /* CRC value 47-32 */
-/* HT4 Hash Table 4 Register Bit Fields*/
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT4_RES1 (0xFFFF0000) /* Reserved */
-#define NS7520_ETH_HT4_HT4 (0x0000FFFF) /* CRC value 63-48 */
-#endif /* FS_NS7520_ETH_H */
diff --git a/include/ns9750_bbus.h b/include/ns9750_bbus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9485338f73..0000000000
--- a/include/ns9750_bbus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_bbus.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 10:37:20 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @Descr: Definitions for BBus usage
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference Manual/December 2003 Chap. 10
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS9750_BBUS_H
-#define FS_NS9750_BBUS_H
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MODULE_BASE (0x90600000)
-#define get_bbus_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int *)(NS9750_BBUS_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-/* We have support for 50 GPIO pins */
-#define get_gpio_cfg_reg_addr(pin) \
- get_bbus_reg_addr( NS9750_BBUS_GPIO_CFG_BASE + (((pin) >> 3) * 4) )
-/* To Read/Modify/Write a pin configuration register, use it like
- set_gpio_cfg_reg_val( 12, NS9750_GPIO_CFG_FUNC_GPIO|NS9750_GPIO_CFG_OUTPUT );
- They should be wrapped by cli()/sti() */
-#define set_gpio_cfg_reg_val(pin,cfg) \
- *get_gpio_cfg_reg_addr(pin)=(*get_gpio_cfg_reg_addr((pin)) & \
- ~NS9750_GPIO_CFG_MASK((pin))) |\
- NS9750_GPIO_CFG_VAL((pin),(cfg));
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_MASK(pin) (NS9750_GPIO_CFG_VAL(pin, \
- NS9750_GPIO_CFG_MA))
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_VAL(pin,cfg) ((cfg) << (((pin) % 8) * 4))
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_MA (0x0F)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_INPUT (0x00)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_OUTPUT (0x08)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_FUNC_GPIO (0x03)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_FUNC_2 (0x02)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_FUNC_1 (0x01)
-#define NS9750_GPIO_CFG_FUNC_0 (0x00)
-/* the register addresses */
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET (0x00)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_GPIO_CFG_BASE (0x10)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_GPIO_CTRL_BASE (0x30)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_GPIO_STAT_BASE (0x40)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MONITOR (0x50)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_STAT (0x60)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_ENABLE (0x64)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG (0x70)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG (0x80)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ARM_WAKE_UP (0x90)
-/* register bit fields */
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_UTIL (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_I2C (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_1284 (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_SER4 (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_SER3 (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_SER2 (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_SER1 (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_USB (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_MASTER_RESET_DMA (0x00000001)
-/* BS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT* are valid for *DMA_INT_STAT and *DMA_INT_ENABLE */
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT16 (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT15 (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT14 (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT13 (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT12 (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT11 (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT10 (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT9 (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT8 (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT7 (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT6 (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT5 (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT4 (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT3 (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT2 (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT1 (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_DMA_INT_BINT0 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_OUTEN (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_SPEED (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_CFG_MA (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_CFG_HOST_SOFT (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_CFG_DEVICE (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_CFG_HOST (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_USB_CFG_CFG_DIS (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_AHBM (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_I2C (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_IEEE1284 (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_SER4 (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_SER3 (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_SER2 (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_SER1 (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_USB (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_BBUS_ENDIAN_CFG_DMA (0x00000001)
-#endif /* FS_NS9750_BBUS_H */
diff --git a/include/ns9750_eth.h b/include/ns9750_eth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c721b900..0000000000
--- a/include/ns9750_eth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_eth.h,v 1.2 2004/02/24 13:25:39 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference, December 2003
- * [2] Intel LXT971 Datasheet #249414 Rev. 02
- * [3] NS7520 Linux Ethernet Driver
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS9750_ETH_H
-#define FS_NS9750_ETH_H
-#include <miiphy.h>
-#include "lxt971a.h"
-#define NS9750_ETH_MODULE_BASE (0xA0600000)
-#define get_eth_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int*) ( NS9750_ETH_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1 (0x0000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2 (0x0004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGSR (0x0008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFORX (0x000C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTX (0x0010)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS (0x0014)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR (0x0018)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR (0x001C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1 (0x0400)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2 (0x0404)
-#define NS9750_ETH_IPGT (0x0408)
-#define NS9750_ETH_IPGR (0x040C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_CLRT (0x0410)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAXF (0x0414)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SUPP (0x0418)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TEST (0x041C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG (0x0420)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCMD (0x0424)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MADR (0x0428)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MWTD (0x042C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MRDD (0x0430)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MIND (0x0434)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA1 (0x0440)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA2 (0x0444)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA3 (0x0448)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SAFR (0x0500)
-#define NS9750_ETH_HT1 (0x0504)
-#define NS9750_ETH_HT2 (0x0508)
-#define NS9750_ETH_STAT_BASE (0x0680)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXAPTR (0x0A00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXBPTR (0x0A04)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXCPTR (0x0A08)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXDPTR (0x0A0C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR (0x0A10)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTREN (0x0A14)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXPTR (0x0A18)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXRPTR (0x0A1C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXERBD (0x0A20)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXSPTR (0x0A24)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXAOFF (0x0A28)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXBOFF (0x0A2C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXCOFF (0x0A30)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXDOFF (0x0A34)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXOFF (0x0A38)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXFREE (0x0A3C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXBD (0x1000)
-/* register bit fields */
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERX (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXDMA (0x40000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXSHT (0x10000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXSIZ (0x08000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ETXSIZ (0x04000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ETXDIAG (0x02000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXBAD (0x01000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ETX (0x00800000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ETXDMA (0x00400000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ETXWM (0x00200000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXADV (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ERXINIT (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_PHY_MODE_MA (0x0000C000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_PHY_MODE_MII (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_PHY_MODE_RMII (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_RXCINV (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_TXCINV (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_RXALIGN (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_MAC_HRST (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR1_ITXA (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_TPTV_MA (0xFFFF0000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_TPCF (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_THPDF (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_TCLER (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_AUTOZ (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_CLRCNT (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGCR2_STEN (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGSR_RXINIT (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGSR_TXFIFONF (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGSR_TXFIFOH (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EGSR_TXFIFOE (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS_ALL (0x00000055)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS_3 (0x000000d5)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS_2 (0x00000035)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS_1 (0x0000000D)
-#define NS9750_ETH_FIFOTXS_0 (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXOK (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXBR (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXMC (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXAL (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXAED (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXAEC (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXAUR (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXAJ (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXDEF (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXCRC (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ETSR_TXCOLC (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXSIZE_MA (0x0FFF0000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXCE (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXDV (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXOK (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXBR (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXMC (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXCRC (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXDR (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXCV (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_ETH_ERSR_RXSHT (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_SRST (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_SIMMRST (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RPEMCSR (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RPERFUN (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RPEMCST (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RPETFUN (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_LOOPBK (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_TXFLOW (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RXFLOW (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_PALLRX (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC1_RXEN (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_EDEFER (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_BACKP (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_NOBO (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_LONGP (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_PUREP (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_AUTOP (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_VLANP (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_PADEN (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_CRCEN (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_DELCRC (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_HUGE (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_FLENC (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAC2_FULLD (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_IPGT_MA (0x0000007F)
-#define NS9750_ETH_IPGR_IPGR1 (0x00007F00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_IPGR_IPGR2 (0x0000007F)
-#define NS9750_ETH_CLRT_CWIN (0x00003F00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_CLRT_RETX (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MAXF_MAXF (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SUPP_RPERMII (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SUPP_SPEED (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TEST_TBACK (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TEST_TPAUSE (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TEST_SPQ (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_RMIIM (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_MA (0x0000001C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_4 (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_6 (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_8 (0x0000000C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_10 (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_20 (0x00000014)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_30 (0x00000018)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_CLKS_40 (0x0000001C)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_SPRE (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCFG_SCANI (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCMD_SCAN (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MCMD_READ (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MADR_DADR_MA (0x00001F00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MADR_RADR_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MWTD_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MRRD_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MIND_MIILF (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MIND_NVALID (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MIND_SCAN (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_MIND_BUSY (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA1_OCTET1_MA (0x0000FF00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA1_OCTET2_MA (0x000000FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA2_OCTET3_MA (0x0000FF00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA2_OCTET4_MA (0x000000FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA3_OCTET5_MA (0x0000FF00)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SA3_OCTET6_MA (0x000000FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SAFR_PRO (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SAFR_PRM (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SAFR_PRA (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_SAFR_BROAD (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_HT1_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_HT2_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-/* also valid for EINTREN */
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXOVL_DATA (0x02000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXOVL_STAT (0x01000000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXBUFC (0x00800000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXDONEA (0x00400000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXDONEB (0x00200000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXDONEC (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXDONED (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXNOBUF (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXBUFFUL (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RXBR (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_STOVFL (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXPAUSE (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXBUFC (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXBUFNR (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXDONE (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXERR (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TXIDLE (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_RX_MA \
-#define NS9750_ETH_EINTR_TX_MA \
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXPTR_MA (0x000000FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXOFF_MA (0x000007FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_TXOFF_MA (0x000003FF)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXFREE_D (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXFREE_C (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXFREE_B (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_ETH_RXFREE_A (0x00000001)
-#ifndef NS9750_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS
-# define NS9750_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS (0x0001) /* suitable for UNC20 */
-#endif /* FS_NS9750_ETH_H */
diff --git a/include/ns9750_mem.h b/include/ns9750_mem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 666e4127c8..0000000000
--- a/include/ns9750_mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_mem.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 10:37:20 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @Descr: Definitions for Memory Control Module
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference Manual/December 2003 Chap. 5
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS9750_MEM_H
-#define FS_NS9750_SYS_H
-#define NS9750_MEM_MODULE_BASE (0xA0700000)
-#define get_mem_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int *)(NS9750_MEM_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-/* the register addresses */
-#define NS9750_MEM_CTRL (0x0000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STATUS (0x0004)
-#define NS9750_MEM_CFG (0x0008)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL (0x0020)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_REFRESH (0x0024)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_READ_CFG (0x0028)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRP (0x0030)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRAS (0x0034)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TSREX (0x0038)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TAPR (0x003C)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TDAL (0x0040)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TWR (0x0044)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRC (0x0048)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRFC (0x004C)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TXSR (0x0050)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRRD (0x0054)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TMRD (0x0058)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_EXT_WAIT (0x0080)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_BASE (0x0100)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_BASE (0x0104)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_BASE (0x0200)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WEN_BASE (0x0204)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_OEN_BASE (0x0208)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_RD_BASE (0x020C)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_PAGE_BASE (0x0210)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIR_WR_BASE (0x0214)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_TURN_BASE (0x0218)
-/* the vectored register addresses */
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG(c) (NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_BASE + (c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS(c) (NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_BASE + (c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_BASE + (c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WEN(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WEN_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_OEN(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_OEN_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_RD(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_RD_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_PAGE(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_PAGE_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WR(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WR_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_TURN(c) (NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_TURN_BASE+(c)*0x20)
-/* register bit fields */
-#define NS9750_MEM_CTRL_L (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_MEM_CTRL_M (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_CTRL_E (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_SA (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_S (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_B (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_CFG_CLK (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_MEM_CFG_N (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_NRP (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_DP (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_I_MA (0x00000180)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_I_NORMAL (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_I_MODE (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_I_PALL (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_I_NOP (0x00000180)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_SR (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CTRL_CE (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_REFRESH_MA (0x000007FF)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_READ_CFG_MA (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_READ_CFG_DELAY0 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_READ_CFG_DELAY1 (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_READ_CFG_DELAY2 (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRP_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRAS_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TSREX_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TAPR_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TDAL_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TWR_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRC_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRFC_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TXSR_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TRRD_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_TMRD_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_EXTW_WAIT_MA (0x0000003F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_P (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_BDMC (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_AM (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_AM_MA (0x00001F80)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_CFG_MD (0x00000018)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_CAS_MA (0x00000300)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_CAS_1 (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_CAS_2 (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_CAS_3 (0x00000300)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_RAS_MA (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_RAS_1 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_RAS_2 (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_DYN_RAS_CAS_RAS_3 (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_PSMC (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_BSMC (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_EW (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_PB (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_PC (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_PM (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_MW_MA (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_MW_8 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_MW_16 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_CFG_MW_32 (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WEN_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_OEN_MA (0x0000000F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_RD_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_PAGE_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_WR_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_MEM_STAT_WAIT_TURN_MA (0x0000000F)
-#endif /* FS_NS9750_MEM_H */
diff --git a/include/ns9750_ser.h b/include/ns9750_ser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c297e436..0000000000
--- a/include/ns9750_ser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_ser.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 10:37:20 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference, December 2003
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS9750_SER_H
-#define FS_NS9750_SER_H
-#define NS9750_SER_MODULE_BASE (0x90200000)
-#define get_ser_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int *)(NS9750_SER_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-#define get_ser_reg_addr_channel(reg,chan) \
- get_ser_reg_addr((reg)+(((chan)<2)?0:0x00100000)+(((chan)&1)?0x40:0))
-/* the register addresses */
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A (0x00)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B (0x04)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A (0x08)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE (0x0C)
-#define NS9750_SER_FIFO (0x10)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_BUF_TIMER (0x14)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_CHAR_TIMER (0x18)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH (0x1C)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_MASK (0x20)
-#define NS9750_SER_FLOW_CTRL (0x34)
-#define NS9750_SER_FLOW_CTRL_FORCE (0x38)
-/* register bit fields */
-/* control A register */
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_CE (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_BRK (0x40000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_STICKP (0x20000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_EPS (0x10000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_PE (0x08000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_STOP (0x04000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_WLS_MA (0x03000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_WLS_5 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_WLS_6 (0x01000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_WLS_7 (0x02000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_WLS_8 (0x03000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_CTSTX (0x00800000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RTSRX (0x00400000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RL (0x00200000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_LL (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RES (0x000CF000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_DTR (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RTS (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RIE_MA (0x00000E00)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_ERXDMA (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_RIC_MA (0x000000E0)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_TIC_MA (0x0000001E)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_A_ETXDMA (0x00000001)
-/* control B register */
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RDM1 (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RDM2 (0x40000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RDM3 (0x20000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RDM4 (0x10000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RBGT (0x08000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RCGT (0x04000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_MODE_MA (0x00300000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_MODE_UART (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_MODE_HDLC (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_MODE_SPI_M (0x00200000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_MODE_SPI_S (0x00300000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_BITORDR (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RES (0x0007703F)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_RTSTX (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SER_CTRL_B_ENDEC_MA (0x00000FC0)
-/* status A register */
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_MATCH1 (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_MATCH2 (0x40000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_MATCH3 (0x20000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_MATCH4 (0x10000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_BGAP (0x08000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_CGAP (0x04000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RXFDB_MA (0x00300000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RXFDB_FULL (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RXFDB_1 (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RXFDB_2 (0x00200000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RXFDB_3 (0x00300000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DCD (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RI (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DSR (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_CTS (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RBRK (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RFE (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RPE (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_ROVER (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RRDY (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RHALF (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RBC (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RFULL (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DCDI (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RII (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DSRI (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_CTSI (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TRDY (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_THALF (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TBC (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TEMPTY (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RX_COND_ERR ( NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RFE | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RBRK | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RRDY | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RBC | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DCDI | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_RII | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_DSRI | \
-#define NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TX_COND_ALL ( NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TRDY | \
- NS9750_SER_STAT_A_TBC | \
-/* bit rate register */
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_EBIT (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TMODE (0x40000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RXSRC (0x20000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TXSRC (0x10000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RXEXT (0x08000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TXEXT (0x04000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_CLKMUX_MA (0x03000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_CLKMUX_XTAL (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_CLKMUX_BCLK (0x01000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_CLKMUX_OUT1 (0x02000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_CLKMUX_OUT2 (0x03000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TXCINV (0x00800000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RXCINV (0x00400000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TCDR_MA (0x00180000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TCDR_1 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TCDR_8 (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TCDR_16 (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TCDR_32 (0x00180000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RCDR_MA (0x00070000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RCDR_1 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RCDR_8 (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RCDR_16 (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RCDR_32 (0x00060000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_TICS (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_RICS (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SER_BITRATE_N_MA (0x00007FFF)
-/* receive buffer gap timer */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_BUF_TIMER_TRUN (0x80000000) /* UART and SPI */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_BUF_TIMER_BT_MA (0x0000FFFF) /* UART and SPI */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_BUF_TIMER_MAXLEN_MA (0x0000FFFF) /* HDLC only */
-/* receive character gap timer */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_CHAR_TIMER_TRUN (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_CHAR_TIMER_CT_MA (0x000FFFFF)
-/* receive match */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_RDMB1_MA (0xFF000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_RDMB2_MA (0x00FF0000)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_RDMB3_MA (0x0000FF00)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_RDMB4_MA (0x000000FF)
-/* receive match mask */
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_MASK_RDMB1_MA (0xFF000000)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_MASK_RDMB2_MA (0x00FF0000)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_MASK_RDMB3_MA (0x0000FF00)
-#define NS9750_SER_RX_MATCH_MASK_RDMB4_MA (0x000000FF)
-#endif /* FS_NS9750_SER_H */
diff --git a/include/ns9750_sys.h b/include/ns9750_sys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f1dc2b2382..0000000000
--- a/include/ns9750_sys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 by FS Forth-Systeme GmbH.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: ns9750_sys.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 10:37:20 mpietrek Exp $
- * @Author: Markus Pietrek
- * @Descr: Definitions for SYS Control Module
- * @References: [1] NS9750 Hardware Reference Manual/December 2003 Chap. 4
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-#ifndef FS_NS9750_SYS_H
-#define FS_NS9750_SYS_H
-#define NS9750_SYS_MODULE_BASE (0xA0900000)
-#define get_sys_reg_addr(c) \
- ((volatile unsigned int *)(NS9750_SYS_MODULE_BASE+(unsigned int) (c)))
-/* the register addresses */
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_GEN (0x0000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BASE (0x0004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_TIMEOUT (0x0014)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR1 (0x0018)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2 (0x001C)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON (0x0020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_COUNT_BASE (0x0044)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_READ_BASE (0x0084)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_VEC_ADR_BASE (0x00C4)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_CFG_BASE (0x0144)
-#define NS9750_SYS_ISRADDR (0x0164)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_STAT_ACTIVE (0x0168)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_STAT_RAW (0x016C)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_INT_STAT (0x0170)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG (0x0174)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_TIMER (0x0178)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK (0x017C)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET (0x0180)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC (0x0184)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL (0x0188)
-#define NS9750_SYS_ACT_INT_STAT (0x018C)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_BASE (0x0190)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_BASE_BASE (0x01D0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_MASK_BASE (0x01D4)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_BASE_BASE (0x01F0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_MASK_BASE (0x01F4)
-#define NS9750_SYS_GEN_ID (0x0210)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL_BASE (0x0214)
-/* the vectored register addresses */
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_COUNT(c) (NS9750_SYS_TIMER_COUNT_BASE + (c))
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_READ(c) (NS9750_SYS_TIMER_READ_BASE + (c))
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_VEC_ADR(c) (NS9750_SYS_INT_VEC_ADR_BASE + (c))
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL(c) (NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_BASE + (c))
-/* CS_DYN start with 4 */
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_BASE(c) (NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_BASE_BASE + ((c)-4)*2)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_MASK(c) (NS9750_SYS_CS_DYN_MASK_BASE + ((c)-4)*2)
-/* CS_STATIC start with 0 */
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_BASE(c) (NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_BASE_BASE + (c)*2)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_MASK(c) (NS9750_SYS_CS_STATIC_MASK_BASE + (c)*2)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL(c) (NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL + (c))
-/* register bit fields */
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_GEN_EXMAM (0x00000001)
-/* need to be n*8bit to BRC channel */
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_CEB (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BRF_MA (0x00000030)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BRF_100 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BRF_75 (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BRF_50 (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_BRC_BRF_25 (0x00000030)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_TIMEOUT_BAT_MA (0xFFFF0000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_TIMEOUT_BMT_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_ABL (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_AER (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_ABM (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_ABA (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_HWRT (0x00004000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_HMID_MA (0x00003C00)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_HTPC_MA (0x000003C0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_HSZ_MA (0x00000038)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_ERROR2_RR_MA (0x00000007)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_EIC (0x00800000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_MBII (0x00400000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_MBL_MA (0x003FFFC0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_MBLDC (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_SERDC (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BMTC_MA (0x0000000C)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BMTC_RECORD (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BMTC_GEN_IRQ (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BMTC_GEN_RES (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BATC_MA (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BATC_RECORD (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BATC_GEN_IRQ (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_AHB_MON_BATC_GEN_RES (0x00000002)
-/* need to be n*8bit to Int Level */
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_CFG_IE (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_CFG_IT (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_INT_CFG_IAD_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_INT_STAT_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWWE (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWWI (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWWIC (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_MA (0x00000007)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_2 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_4 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_8 (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_16 (0x00000003)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_32 (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_SW_WDOG_CFG_SWTCS_64 (0x00000005)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_MA (0x00000380)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_1 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_2 (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_4 (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_8 (0x00000180)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LPCS_EXT (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_BBC (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_LCC (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_MCC (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_PARBC (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_PC (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_CLOCK_MACC (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_SR (0x80000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_I2CW (0x00100000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_CSE (0x00080000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_SMWE (0x00040000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_EWE (0x00020000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_PI3WE (0x00010000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_BBT (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_LCDC (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_MEMC (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_PCIAR (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_PCIM (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_RESET_MACM (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_REV_MA (0xFF000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_PCIA (0x00002000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_VDIS (0x00001000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_BMM (0x00000800)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_CS1DB (0x00000400)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_CS1DW_MA (0x00000300)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_MCCM (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_PMSS (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_CS1P (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_ENDM (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_MBAR (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_MISC_IRAM0 (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLBS (0x02000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLFS_MA (0x01800000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLIS_MA (0x00600000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLND_MA (0x001F0000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLSW (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_PLLBSSW (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_FSEL_MA (0x00000180)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_CPCC_MA (0x00000060)
-#define NS9750_SYS_PLL_NDSW_MA (0x0000001F)
-#define NS9750_SYS_ACT_INT_STAT_MA (0x0000FFFF)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TEN (0x00008000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_INTC (0x00000200)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_MA (0x000001C0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_1 (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_2 (0x00000040)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_4 (0x00000080)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_8 (0x000000C0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_16 (0x00000100)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_32 (0x00000140)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_64 (0x00000180)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TLCS_EXT (0x000001C0)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TM_MA (0x00000030)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TM_INT (0x00000000)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TM_LOW (0x00000010)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TM_HIGH (0x00000020)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_INTS (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_UDS (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_TSZ (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_SYS_TIMER_CTRL_REN (0x00000001)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL_STS (0x00000008)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL_CLR (0x00000004)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL_PLTY (0x00000002)
-#define NS9750_SYS_EXT_INT_CTRL_LVEDG (0x00000001)
-#endif /* FS_NS9750_SYS_H */
diff --git a/include/pcmcia/cirrus.h b/include/pcmcia/cirrus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd34dd8560..0000000000
--- a/include/pcmcia/cirrus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
- * cirrus.h 1.4 1999/10/25 20:03:34
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
- * case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
- * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
- * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
- * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the
- * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- * under either the MPL or the GPL.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_CIRRUS_H
-#define _LINUX_CIRRUS_H
-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_CIRRUS 0x1013
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_CIRRUS_6729
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_CIRRUS_6729 0x1100
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_CIRRUS_6832
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_CIRRUS_6832 0x1110
-#define PD67_MISC_CTL_1 0x16 /* Misc control 1 */
-#define PD67_FIFO_CTL 0x17 /* FIFO control */
-#define PD67_MISC_CTL_2 0x1E /* Misc control 2 */
-#define PD67_CHIP_INFO 0x1f /* Chip information */
-#define PD67_ATA_CTL 0x026 /* 6730: ATA control */
-#define PD67_EXT_INDEX 0x2e /* Extension index */
-#define PD67_EXT_DATA 0x2f /* Extension data */
-/* PD6722 extension registers -- indexed in PD67_EXT_INDEX */
-#define PD67_DATA_MASK0 0x01 /* Data mask 0 */
-#define PD67_DATA_MASK1 0x02 /* Data mask 1 */
-#define PD67_DMA_CTL 0x03 /* DMA control */
-/* PD6730 extension registers -- indexed in PD67_EXT_INDEX */
-#define PD67_EXT_CTL_1 0x03 /* Extension control 1 */
-#define PD67_MEM_PAGE(n) ((n)+5) /* PCI window bits 31:24 */
-#define PD67_EXTERN_DATA 0x0a
-#define PD67_MISC_CTL_3 0x25
-#define PD67_SMB_PWR_CTL 0x26
-/* I/O window address offset */
-#define PD67_IO_OFF(w) (0x36+((w)<<1))
-/* Timing register sets */
-#define PD67_TIME_SETUP(n) (0x3a + 3*(n))
-#define PD67_TIME_CMD(n) (0x3b + 3*(n))
-#define PD67_TIME_RECOV(n) (0x3c + 3*(n))
-/* Flags for PD67_MISC_CTL_1 */
-#define PD67_MC1_5V_DET 0x01 /* 5v detect */
-#define PD67_MC1_MEDIA_ENA 0x01 /* 6730: Multimedia enable */
-#define PD67_MC1_VCC_3V 0x02 /* 3.3v Vcc */
-#define PD67_MC1_PULSE_MGMT 0x04
-#define PD67_MC1_PULSE_IRQ 0x08
-#define PD67_MC1_SPKR_ENA 0x10
-#define PD67_MC1_INPACK_ENA 0x80
-/* Flags for PD67_FIFO_CTL */
-#define PD67_FIFO_EMPTY 0x80
-/* Flags for PD67_MISC_CTL_2 */
-#define PD67_MC2_FREQ_BYPASS 0x01
-#define PD67_MC2_DYNAMIC_MODE 0x02
-#define PD67_MC2_SUSPEND 0x04
-#define PD67_MC2_5V_CORE 0x08
-#define PD67_MC2_LED_ENA 0x10 /* IRQ 12 is LED enable */
-#define PD67_MC2_FAST_PCI 0x10 /* 6729: PCI bus > 25 MHz */
-#define PD67_MC2_3STATE_BIT7 0x20 /* Floppy change bit */
-#define PD67_MC2_DMA_MODE 0x40
-#define PD67_MC2_IRQ15_RI 0x80 /* IRQ 15 is ring enable */
-/* Flags for PD67_CHIP_INFO */
-#define PD67_INFO_SLOTS 0x20 /* 0 = 1 slot, 1 = 2 slots */
-#define PD67_INFO_CHIP_ID 0xc0
-#define PD67_INFO_REV 0x1c
-/* Fields in PD67_TIME_* registers */
-#define PD67_TIME_SCALE 0xc0
-#define PD67_TIME_SCALE_1 0x00
-#define PD67_TIME_SCALE_16 0x40
-#define PD67_TIME_SCALE_256 0x80
-#define PD67_TIME_SCALE_4096 0xc0
-#define PD67_TIME_MULT 0x3f
-/* Fields in PD67_DMA_CTL */
-#define PD67_DMA_MODE 0xc0
-#define PD67_DMA_OFF 0x00
-#define PD67_DMA_DREQ_INPACK 0x40
-#define PD67_DMA_DREQ_WP 0x80
-#define PD67_DMA_DREQ_BVD2 0xc0
-#define PD67_DMA_PULLUP 0x20 /* Disable socket pullups? */
-/* Fields in PD67_EXT_CTL_1 */
-#define PD67_EC1_VCC_PWR_LOCK 0x01
-#define PD67_EC1_AUTO_PWR_CLEAR 0x02
-#define PD67_EC1_LED_ENA 0x04
-#define PD67_EC1_INV_CARD_IRQ 0x08
-#define PD67_EC1_INV_MGMT_IRQ 0x10
-#define PD67_EC1_PULLUP_CTL 0x20
-/* Fields in PD67_MISC_CTL_3 */
-#define PD67_MC3_IRQ_MASK 0x03
-#define PD67_MC3_IRQ_PCPCI 0x00
-#define PD67_MC3_IRQ_EXTERN 0x01
-#define PD67_MC3_IRQ_PCIWAY 0x02
-#define PD67_MC3_IRQ_PCI 0x03
-#define PD67_MC3_PWR_MASK 0x0c
-#define PD67_MC3_PWR_SERIAL 0x00
-#define PD67_MC3_PWR_TI2202 0x08
-#define PD67_MC3_PWR_SMB 0x0c
-/* Register definitions for Cirrus PD6832 PCI-to-CardBus bridge */
-/* PD6832 extension registers -- indexed in PD67_EXT_INDEX */
-#define PD68_EXT_CTL_2 0x0b
-#define PD68_PCI_SPACE 0x22
-#define PD68_PCCARD_SPACE 0x23
-#define PD68_WINDOW_TYPE 0x24
-#define PD68_EXT_CSC 0x2e
-#define PD68_MISC_CTL_4 0x2f
-#define PD68_MISC_CTL_5 0x30
-#define PD68_MISC_CTL_6 0x31
-/* Extra flags in PD67_MISC_CTL_3 */
-#define PD68_MC3_HW_SUSP 0x10
-#define PD68_MC3_MM_EXPAND 0x40
-#define PD68_MC3_MM_ARM 0x80
-/* Bridge Control Register */
-#define PD6832_BCR_MGMT_IRQ_ENA 0x0800
-/* Socket Number Register */
-#define PD6832_SOCKET_NUMBER 0x004c /* 8 bit */
-typedef struct cirrus_state_t {
- u_char misc1, misc2;
- u_char timer[6];
-} cirrus_state_t;
-/* Cirrus options */
-static int has_dma = -1;
-static int has_led = -1;
-static int has_ring = -1;
-static int dynamic_mode = 0;
-static int freq_bypass = -1;
-#ifdef CONFIG_CPC45
-static int setup_time = 2;
-static int cmd_time = 6;
-static int recov_time = 1;
-static int setup_time = -1;
-static int cmd_time = -1;
-static int recov_time = -1;
-#endif /* _LINUX_CIRRUS_H */
diff --git a/include/pcmcia/i82365.h b/include/pcmcia/i82365.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b432a80ba..0000000000
--- a/include/pcmcia/i82365.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * i82365.h 1.21 2001/08/24 12:15:33
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in
- * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
- * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
- * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
- * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the
- * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- * under either the MPL or the GPL.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_I82365_H
-#define _LINUX_I82365_H
-/* register definitions for the Intel 82365SL PCMCIA controller */
-/* Offsets for PCIC registers */
-#define I365_IDENT 0x00 /* Identification and revision */
-#define I365_STATUS 0x01 /* Interface status */
-#define I365_POWER 0x02 /* Power and RESETDRV control */
-#define I365_INTCTL 0x03 /* Interrupt and general control */
-#define I365_CSC 0x04 /* Card status change */
-#define I365_CSCINT 0x05 /* Card status change interrupt control */
-#define I365_ADDRWIN 0x06 /* Address window enable */
-#define I365_IOCTL 0x07 /* I/O control */
-#define I365_GENCTL 0x16 /* Card detect and general control */
-#define I365_GBLCTL 0x1E /* Global control register */
-/* Offsets for I/O and memory window registers */
-#define I365_IO(map) (0x08+((map)<<2))
-#define I365_MEM(map) (0x10+((map)<<3))
-#define I365_W_START 0
-#define I365_W_STOP 2
-#define I365_W_OFF 4
-/* Flags for I365_STATUS */
-#define I365_CS_BVD1 0x01
-#define I365_CS_STSCHG 0x01
-#define I365_CS_BVD2 0x02
-#define I365_CS_SPKR 0x02
-#define I365_CS_DETECT 0x0C
-#define I365_CS_WRPROT 0x10
-#define I365_CS_READY 0x20 /* Inverted */
-#define I365_CS_POWERON 0x40
-#define I365_CS_GPI 0x80
-/* Flags for I365_POWER */
-#define I365_PWR_OFF 0x00 /* Turn off the socket */
-#define I365_PWR_OUT 0x80 /* Output enable */
-#define I365_PWR_NORESET 0x40 /* Disable RESETDRV on resume */
-#define I365_PWR_AUTO 0x20 /* Auto pwr switch enable */
-#define I365_VCC_MASK 0x18 /* Mask for turning off Vcc */
-/* There are different layouts for B-step and DF-step chips: the B
- step has independent Vpp1/Vpp2 control, and the DF step has only
- Vpp1 control, plus 3V control */
-#define I365_VCC_5V 0x10 /* Vcc = 5.0v */
-#define I365_VCC_3V 0x18 /* Vcc = 3.3v */
-#define I365_VPP2_MASK 0x0c /* Mask for turning off Vpp2 */
-#define I365_VPP2_5V 0x04 /* Vpp2 = 5.0v */
-#define I365_VPP2_12V 0x08 /* Vpp2 = 12.0v */
-#define I365_VPP1_MASK 0x03 /* Mask for turning off Vpp1 */
-#define I365_VPP1_5V 0x01 /* Vpp2 = 5.0v */
-#define I365_VPP1_12V 0x02 /* Vpp2 = 12.0v */
-/* Flags for I365_INTCTL */
-#define I365_RING_ENA 0x80
-#define I365_PC_RESET 0x40
-#define I365_PC_IOCARD 0x20
-#define I365_INTR_ENA 0x10
-#define I365_IRQ_MASK 0x0F
-/* Flags for I365_CSC and I365_CSCINT*/
-#define I365_CSC_BVD1 0x01
-#define I365_CSC_STSCHG 0x01
-#define I365_CSC_BVD2 0x02
-#define I365_CSC_READY 0x04
-#define I365_CSC_DETECT 0x08
-#define I365_CSC_ANY 0x0F
-#define I365_CSC_GPI 0x10
-/* Flags for I365_ADDRWIN */
-#define I365_ADDR_MEMCS16 0x20
-#define I365_ENA_IO(map) (0x40 << (map))
-#define I365_ENA_MEM(map) (0x01 << (map))
-/* Flags for I365_IOCTL */
-#define I365_IOCTL_MASK(map) (0x0F << (map<<2))
-#define I365_IOCTL_WAIT(map) (0x08 << (map<<2))
-#define I365_IOCTL_0WS(map) (0x04 << (map<<2))
-#define I365_IOCTL_IOCS16(map) (0x02 << (map<<2))
-#define I365_IOCTL_16BIT(map) (0x01 << (map<<2))
-/* Flags for I365_GENCTL */
-#define I365_CTL_16DELAY 0x01
-#define I365_CTL_RESET 0x02
-#define I365_CTL_GPI_ENA 0x04
-#define I365_CTL_GPI_CTL 0x08
-#define I365_CTL_RESUME 0x10
-#define I365_CTL_SW_IRQ 0x20
-/* Flags for I365_GBLCTL */
-#define I365_GBL_PWRDOWN 0x01
-#define I365_GBL_CSC_LEV 0x02
-#define I365_GBL_WRBACK 0x04
-#define I365_GBL_IRQ_0_LEV 0x08
-#define I365_GBL_IRQ_1_LEV 0x10
-/* Flags for memory window registers */
-#define I365_MEM_16BIT 0x8000 /* In memory start high byte */
-#define I365_MEM_0WS 0x4000
-#define I365_MEM_WS1 0x8000 /* In memory stop high byte */
-#define I365_MEM_WS0 0x4000
-#define I365_MEM_WRPROT 0x8000 /* In offset high byte */
-#define I365_MEM_REG 0x4000
-#define I365_REG(slot, reg) (((slot) << 6) | (reg))
-/* Default ISA interrupt mask */
-#define I365_ISA_IRQ_MASK 0xdeb8 /* irq's 3-5,7,9-12,14,15 */
-/* Device ID's for PCI-to-PCMCIA bridges */
-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL 0x8086
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82092AA_0
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82092AA_0 0x1221
-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_OMEGA 0x119b
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_OMEGA_82C092G
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_OMEGA_82C092G 0x1221
-#endif /* _LINUX_I82365_H */
diff --git a/include/pcmcia/ss.h b/include/pcmcia/ss.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aafae8a547..0000000000
--- a/include/pcmcia/ss.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- * ss.h 1.31 2001/08/24 12:16:13
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in
- * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
- * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
- * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
- * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the
- * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- * under either the MPL or the GPL.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_SS_H
-#define _LINUX_SS_H
-/* For RegisterCallback */
-typedef struct ss_callback_t {
- void (*handler)(void *info, u_int events);
- void *info;
-} ss_callback_t;
-/* Definitions for card status flags for GetStatus */
-#define SS_WRPROT 0x0001
-#define SS_CARDLOCK 0x0002
-#define SS_EJECTION 0x0004
-#define SS_INSERTION 0x0008
-#define SS_BATDEAD 0x0010
-#define SS_BATWARN 0x0020
-#define SS_READY 0x0040
-#define SS_DETECT 0x0080
-#define SS_POWERON 0x0100
-#define SS_GPI 0x0200
-#define SS_STSCHG 0x0400
-#define SS_CARDBUS 0x0800
-#define SS_3VCARD 0x1000
-#define SS_XVCARD 0x2000
-#define SS_PENDING 0x4000
-/* for InquireSocket */
-typedef struct socket_cap_t {
- u_int features;
- u_int irq_mask;
- u_int map_size;
- u_char pci_irq;
- u_char cardbus;
- struct pci_bus *cb_bus;
- struct bus_operations *bus;
-} socket_cap_t;
-/* InquireSocket capabilities */
-#define SS_CAP_PAGE_REGS 0x0001
-#define SS_CAP_VIRTUAL_BUS 0x0002
-#define SS_CAP_MEM_ALIGN 0x0004
-#define SS_CAP_STATIC_MAP 0x0008
-#define SS_CAP_PCCARD 0x4000
-#define SS_CAP_CARDBUS 0x8000
-/* for GetSocket, SetSocket */
-typedef struct socket_state_t {
- u_int flags;
- u_int csc_mask;
- u_char Vcc, Vpp;
- u_char io_irq;
-} socket_state_t;
-/* Socket configuration flags */
-#define SS_PWR_AUTO 0x0010
-#define SS_IOCARD 0x0020
-#define SS_RESET 0x0040
-#define SS_DMA_MODE 0x0080
-#define SS_SPKR_ENA 0x0100
-#define SS_OUTPUT_ENA 0x0200
-#define SS_ZVCARD 0x0400
-/* Flags for I/O port and memory windows */
-#define MAP_ACTIVE 0x01
-#define MAP_16BIT 0x02
-#define MAP_AUTOSZ 0x04
-#define MAP_0WS 0x08
-#define MAP_WRPROT 0x10
-#define MAP_ATTRIB 0x20
-#define MAP_USE_WAIT 0x40
-#define MAP_PREFETCH 0x80
-/* Use this just for bridge windows */
-#define MAP_IOSPACE 0x20
-typedef struct pccard_io_map {
- u_char map;
- u_char flags;
- u_short speed;
- u_short start, stop;
-} pccard_io_map;
-typedef struct pccard_mem_map {
- u_char map;
- u_char flags;
- u_short speed;
- u_long sys_start, sys_stop;
- u_int card_start;
-} pccard_mem_map;
-typedef struct cb_bridge_map {
- u_char map;
- u_char flags;
- u_int start, stop;
-} cb_bridge_map;
-enum ss_service {
- SS_RegisterCallback, SS_InquireSocket,
- SS_GetStatus, SS_GetSocket, SS_SetSocket,
- SS_GetIOMap, SS_SetIOMap, SS_GetMemMap, SS_SetMemMap,
- SS_GetBridge, SS_SetBridge, SS_ProcSetup
-#endif /* _LINUX_SS_H */
diff --git a/include/pcmcia/ti113x.h b/include/pcmcia/ti113x.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5453588d0c..0000000000
--- a/include/pcmcia/ti113x.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
- * ti113x.h 1.31 2002/05/12 18:19:47
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in
- * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
- * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
- * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
- * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the
- * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- * under either the MPL or the GPL.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_TI113X_H
-#define _LINUX_TI113X_H
-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_TI 0x104c
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1130
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1130 0xac12
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1031
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1031 0xac13
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1131
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1131 0xac15
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1210
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1210 0xac1a
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1211
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1211 0xac1e
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1220
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1220 0xac17
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1221
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1221 0xac19
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1250A
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1250A 0xac16
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1225
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1225 0xac1c
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1251A
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1251A 0xac1d
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1251B
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1251B 0xac1f
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1410
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1410 0xac50
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1420
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1420 0xac51
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1450
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1450 0xac1b
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1451
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1451 0xac52
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1510
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_1510 0xac56
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4410
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4410 0xac41
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4450
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4450 0xac40
-#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4451
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TI_4451 0xac42
-/* Register definitions for TI 113X PCI-to-CardBus bridges */
-/* System Control Register */
-#define TI113X_SYSTEM_CONTROL 0x80 /* 32 bit */
-#define TI113X_SCR_SMIROUTE 0x04000000
-#define TI113X_SCR_SMISTATUS 0x02000000
-#define TI113X_SCR_SMIENB 0x01000000
-#define TI113X_SCR_VCCPROT 0x00200000
-#define TI113X_SCR_REDUCEZV 0x00100000
-#define TI113X_SCR_CDREQEN 0x00080000
-#define TI113X_SCR_CDMACHAN 0x00070000
-#define TI113X_SCR_SOCACTIVE 0x00002000
-#define TI113X_SCR_PWRSTREAM 0x00000800
-#define TI113X_SCR_DELAYUP 0x00000400
-#define TI113X_SCR_DELAYDOWN 0x00000200
-#define TI113X_SCR_INTERROGATE 0x00000100
-#define TI113X_SCR_CLKRUN_SEL 0x00000080
-#define TI113X_SCR_PWRSAVINGS 0x00000040
-#define TI113X_SCR_SUBSYSRW 0x00000020
-#define TI113X_SCR_CB_DPAR 0x00000010
-#define TI113X_SCR_CDMA_EN 0x00000008
-#define TI113X_SCR_ASYNC_IRQ 0x00000004
-#define TI113X_SCR_KEEPCLK 0x00000002
-#define TI113X_SCR_CLKRUN_ENA 0x00000001
-#define TI122X_SCR_SER_STEP 0xc0000000
-#define TI122X_SCR_INTRTIE 0x20000000
-#define TI122X_SCR_P2CCLK 0x08000000
-#define TI122X_SCR_CBRSVD 0x00400000
-#define TI122X_SCR_MRBURSTDN 0x00008000
-#define TI122X_SCR_MRBURSTUP 0x00004000
-#define TI122X_SCR_RIMUX 0x00000001
-/* Multimedia Control Register */
-#define TI1250_MULTIMEDIA_CTL 0x84 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_MMC_ZVOUTEN 0x80
-#define TI1250_MMC_PORTSEL 0x40
-#define TI1250_MMC_ZVEN1 0x02
-#define TI1250_MMC_ZVEN0 0x01
-#define TI1250_GENERAL_STATUS 0x85 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_GPIO0_CONTROL 0x88 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_GPIO1_CONTROL 0x89 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_GPIO2_CONTROL 0x8a /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_GPIO3_CONTROL 0x8b /* 8 bit */
-#define TI12XX_IRQMUX 0x8c /* 32 bit */
-/* Retry Status Register */
-#define TI113X_RETRY_STATUS 0x90 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI113X_RSR_PCIRETRY 0x80
-#define TI113X_RSR_CBRETRY 0x40
-#define TI113X_RSR_TEXP_CBB 0x20
-#define TI113X_RSR_MEXP_CBB 0x10
-#define TI113X_RSR_TEXP_CBA 0x08
-#define TI113X_RSR_MEXP_CBA 0x04
-#define TI113X_RSR_TEXP_PCI 0x02
-#define TI113X_RSR_MEXP_PCI 0x01
-/* Card Control Register */
-#define TI113X_CARD_CONTROL 0x91 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI113X_CCR_RIENB 0x80
-#define TI113X_CCR_ZVENABLE 0x40
-#define TI113X_CCR_PCI_IRQ_ENA 0x20
-#define TI113X_CCR_PCI_IREQ 0x10
-#define TI113X_CCR_PCI_CSC 0x08
-#define TI113X_CCR_SPKROUTEN 0x02
-#define TI113X_CCR_IFG 0x01
-#define TI1220_CCR_PORT_SEL 0x20
-#define TI122X_CCR_AUD2MUX 0x04
-/* Device Control Register */
-#define TI113X_DEVICE_CONTROL 0x92 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI113X_DCR_5V_FORCE 0x40
-#define TI113X_DCR_3V_FORCE 0x20
-#define TI113X_DCR_IMODE_MASK 0x06
-#define TI113X_DCR_IMODE_ISA 0x02
-#define TI113X_DCR_IMODE_SERIAL 0x04
-#define TI12XX_DCR_IMODE_PCI_ONLY 0x00
-/* Buffer Control Register */
-#define TI113X_BUFFER_CONTROL 0x93 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI113X_BCR_CB_READ_DEPTH 0x08
-#define TI113X_BCR_CB_WRITE_DEPTH 0x04
-#define TI113X_BCR_PCI_READ_DEPTH 0x02
-#define TI113X_BCR_PCI_WRITE_DEPTH 0x01
-/* Diagnostic Register */
-#define TI1250_DIAGNOSTIC 0x93 /* 8 bit */
-#define TI1250_DIAG_TRUE_VALUE 0x80
-#define TI1250_DIAG_PCI_IREQ 0x40
-#define TI1250_DIAG_PCI_CSC 0x20
-#define TI1250_DIAG_ASYNC_CSC 0x01
-/* DMA Registers */
-#define TI113X_DMA_0 0x94 /* 32 bit */
-#define TI113X_DMA_1 0x98 /* 32 bit */
-/* ExCA IO offset registers */
-#define TI113X_IO_OFFSET(map) (0x36+((map)<<1))
-/* Data structure for tracking vendor-specific state */
-typedef struct ti113x_state_t {
- u32 sysctl; /* TI113X_SYSTEM_CONTROL */
- u8 cardctl; /* TI113X_CARD_CONTROL */
- u8 devctl; /* TI113X_DEVICE_CONTROL */
- u8 diag; /* TI1250_DIAGNOSTIC */
- u32 irqmux; /* TI12XX_IRQMUX */
-} ti113x_state_t;
-#define TI_PCIC_ID \
- IS_TI1130, IS_TI1131, IS_TI1031, IS_TI1210, IS_TI1211, \
- IS_TI1220, IS_TI1221, IS_TI1225, IS_TI1250A, IS_TI1251A, \
- IS_TI1251B, IS_TI1410, IS_TI1420, IS_TI1450, IS_TI1451, \
- IS_TI1510, IS_TI4410, IS_TI4450, IS_TI4451
-#define TI_PCIC_INFO \
- { "TI 1130", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1130) }, \
- { "TI 1131", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1131) }, \
- { "TI 1031", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1031) }, \
- { "TI 1210", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1210) }, \
- { "TI 1211", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1211) }, \
- { "TI 1220", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1220) }, \
- { "TI 1221", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1221) }, \
- { "TI 1225", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1225) }, \
- { "TI 1250A", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1250A) }, \
- { "TI 1251A", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1251A) }, \
- { "TI 1251B", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1251B) }, \
- { "TI 1410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1410) }, \
- { "TI 1420", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1420) }, \
- { "TI 1450", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1450) }, \
- { "TI 1451", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1451) }, \
- { "TI 1510", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1510) }, \
- { "TI 4410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4410) }, \
- { "TI 4450", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4450) }, \
- { "TI 4451", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4451) }
-#endif /* _LINUX_TI113X_H */
diff --git a/include/pcmcia/yenta.h b/include/pcmcia/yenta.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd58a7da3..0000000000
--- a/include/pcmcia/yenta.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * yenta.h 1.20 2001/08/24 12:15:34
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in
- * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
- * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
- * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
- * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the
- * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- * under either the MPL or the GPL.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_YENTA_H
-#define _LINUX_YENTA_H
-/* PCI Configuration Registers */
-#define PCI_STATUS_CAPLIST 0x10
-#define PCI_CB_CAPABILITY_POINTER 0x14 /* 8 bit */
-#define PCI_CAPABILITY_ID 0x00 /* 8 bit */
-#define PCI_CAPABILITY_PM 0x01
-#define PCI_NEXT_CAPABILITY 0x01 /* 8 bit */
-#define PCI_PM_CAPABILITIES 0x02 /* 16 bit */
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PME_D3COLD 0x8000
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PME_D3HOT 0x4000
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PME_D2 0x2000
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PME_D1 0x1000
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PME_D0 0x0800
-#define PCI_PMCAP_D2_CAP 0x0400
-#define PCI_PMCAP_D1_CAP 0x0200
-#define PCI_PMCAP_DYN_DATA 0x0100
-#define PCI_PMCAP_DSI 0x0020
-#define PCI_PMCAP_AUX_PWR 0x0010
-#define PCI_PMCAP_PMECLK 0x0008
-#define PCI_PMCAP_VERSION_MASK 0x0007
-#define PCI_PM_CONTROL_STATUS 0x04 /* 16 bit */
-#define PCI_PMCS_PME_STATUS 0x8000
-#define PCI_PMCS_DATASEL_MASK 0x1e00
-#define PCI_PMCS_PME_ENABLE 0x0100
-#define PCI_PMCS_PWR_STATE_MASK 0x0003
-#define PCI_PMCS_PWR_STATE_D0 0x0000
-#define PCI_PMCS_PWR_STATE_D1 0x0001
-#define PCI_PMCS_PWR_STATE_D2 0x0002
-#define PCI_PMCS_PWR_STATE_D3 0x0003
-#define PCI_PM_BRIDGE_EXT 0x06 /* 8 bit */
-#define PCI_PM_DATA 0x07 /* 8 bit */
-#define CB_PRIMARY_BUS 0x18 /* 8 bit */
-#define CB_CARDBUS_BUS 0x19 /* 8 bit */
-#define CB_SUBORD_BUS 0x1a /* 8 bit */
-#define CB_LATENCY_TIMER 0x1b /* 8 bit */
-#define CB_MEM_BASE(m) (0x1c + 8*(m))
-#define CB_MEM_LIMIT(m) (0x20 + 8*(m))
-#define CB_IO_BASE(m) (0x2c + 8*(m))
-#define CB_IO_LIMIT(m) (0x30 + 8*(m))
-#define CB_BRIDGE_CONTROL 0x3e /* 16 bit */
-#define CB_BCR_PARITY_ENA 0x0001
-#define CB_BCR_SERR_ENA 0x0002
-#define CB_BCR_ISA_ENA 0x0004
-#define CB_BCR_VGA_ENA 0x0008
-#define CB_BCR_MABORT 0x0020
-#define CB_BCR_CB_RESET 0x0040
-#define CB_BCR_ISA_IRQ 0x0080
-#define CB_BCR_PREFETCH(m) (0x0100 << (m))
-#define CB_BCR_WRITE_POST 0x0400
-#define CB_LEGACY_MODE_BASE 0x44
-/* Memory mapped registers */
-#define CB_SOCKET_EVENT 0x0000
-#define CB_SE_CSTSCHG 0x00000001
-#define CB_SE_CCD 0x00000006
-#define CB_SE_CCD1 0x00000002
-#define CB_SE_CCD2 0x00000004
-#define CB_SE_PWRCYCLE 0x00000008
-#define CB_SOCKET_MASK 0x0004
-#define CB_SM_CSTSCHG 0x00000001
-#define CB_SM_CCD 0x00000006
-#define CB_SM_PWRCYCLE 0x00000008
-#define CB_SOCKET_STATE 0x0008
-#define CB_SS_CSTSCHG 0x00000001
-#define CB_SS_CCD 0x00000006
-#define CB_SS_CCD1 0x00000002
-#define CB_SS_CCD2 0x00000004
-#define CB_SS_PWRCYCLE 0x00000008
-#define CB_SS_16BIT 0x00000010
-#define CB_SS_32BIT 0x00000020
-#define CB_SS_CINT 0x00000040
-#define CB_SS_BADCARD 0x00000080
-#define CB_SS_DATALOST 0x00000100
-#define CB_SS_BADVCC 0x00000200
-#define CB_SS_5VCARD 0x00000400
-#define CB_SS_3VCARD 0x00000800
-#define CB_SS_XVCARD 0x00001000
-#define CB_SS_YVCARD 0x00002000
-#define CB_SS_VSENSE 0x00003c86
-#define CB_SS_5VSOCKET 0x10000000
-#define CB_SS_3VSOCKET 0x20000000
-#define CB_SS_XVSOCKET 0x40000000
-#define CB_SS_YVSOCKET 0x80000000
-#define CB_SOCKET_FORCE 0x000c
-#define CB_SF_CVSTEST 0x00004000
-#define CB_SOCKET_CONTROL 0x0010
-#define CB_SC_VPP_MASK 0x00000007
-#define CB_SC_VPP_OFF 0x00000000
-#define CB_SC_VPP_12V 0x00000001
-#define CB_SC_VPP_5V 0x00000002
-#define CB_SC_VPP_3V 0x00000003
-#define CB_SC_VPP_XV 0x00000004
-#define CB_SC_VPP_YV 0x00000005
-#define CB_SC_VCC_MASK 0x00000070
-#define CB_SC_VCC_OFF 0x00000000
-#define CB_SC_VCC_5V 0x00000020
-#define CB_SC_VCC_3V 0x00000030
-#define CB_SC_VCC_XV 0x00000040
-#define CB_SC_VCC_YV 0x00000050
-#define CB_SC_CCLK_STOP 0x00000080
-#define CB_SOCKET_POWER 0x0020
-#define CB_SP_CLK_CTRL 0x00000001
-#define CB_SP_CLK_CTRL_ENA 0x00010000
-#define CB_SP_CLK_MODE 0x01000000
-#define CB_SP_ACCESS 0x02000000
-/* Address bits 31..24 for memory windows for 16-bit cards,
- accessable only by memory mapping the 16-bit register set */
-#define CB_MEM_PAGE(map) (0x40 + (map))
-#endif /* _LINUX_YENTA_H */