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- <span style="float:right">systemd 221</span><hr><div class="refentry"><a name="systemd.device"></a><div class="titlepage"></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>systemd.device — Device unit configuration</p></div><div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>Synopsis</h2><p><code class="filename"><em class="replaceable"><code>device</code></em>.device</code></p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm47009491051952"></a><h2 id="Description">Description<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Description">¶</a></h2><p>A unit configuration file whose name ends in
- "<code class="literal">.device</code>" encodes information about a device unit
- as exposed in the
- sysfs/<a href="udev.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev</span>(7)</span></a>
- device tree.</p><p>This unit type has no specific options. See
- <a href="systemd.unit.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.unit</span>(5)</span></a>
- for the common options of all unit configuration files. The common
- configuration items are configured in the generic
- "<code class="literal">[Unit]</code>" and "<code class="literal">[Install]</code>"
- sections. A separate "<code class="literal">[Device]</code>" section does not
- exist, since no device-specific options may be configured.</p><p>systemd will dynamically create device units for all kernel
- devices that are marked with the "systemd" udev tag (by default
- all block and network devices, and a few others). This may be used
- to define dependencies between devices and other units. To tag a
- udev device, use "<code class="literal">TAG+="systemd"</code>" in the udev
- rules file, see
- <a href="udev.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev</span>(7)</span></a>
- for details.</p><p>Device units are named after the <code class="filename">/sys</code>
- and <code class="filename">/dev</code> paths they control. Example: the
- device <code class="filename">/dev/sda5</code> is exposed in
- systemd as <code class="filename">dev-sda5.device</code>. For details about
- the escaping logic used to convert a file system path to a unit
- name see
- <a href="systemd.unit.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.unit</span>(5)</span></a>.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm47009486139808"></a><h2 id="The udev Database">The udev Database<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#The%20udev%20Database">¶</a></h2><p>The settings of device units may either be configured via
- unit files, or directly from the udev database (which is
- recommended). The following udev device properties are understood
- by systemd:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt id="SYSTEMD_WANTS="><span class="term"><code class="varname">SYSTEMD_WANTS=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">SYSTEMD_USER_WANTS=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#SYSTEMD_WANTS=">¶</a></dt><dd><p>Adds dependencies of type
- <code class="varname">Wants</code> from the device unit to all listed
- units. The first form is used by the system systemd instance,
- the second by user systemd instances. Those settings may be
- used to activate arbitrary units when a specific device
- becomes available.</p><p>Note that this and the other tags are not taken into
- account unless the device is tagged with the
- "<code class="literal">systemd</code>" string in the udev database,
- because otherwise the device is not exposed as a systemd unit
- (see above).</p><p>Note that systemd will only act on
- <code class="varname">Wants</code> dependencies when a device first
- becomes active. It will not act on them if they are added to
- devices that are already active. Use
- <code class="varname">SYSTEMD_READY=</code> (see below) to influence on
- which udev event to trigger the dependencies.
- </p></dd><dt id="SYSTEMD_ALIAS="><span class="term"><code class="varname">SYSTEMD_ALIAS=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#SYSTEMD_ALIAS=">¶</a></dt><dd><p>Adds an additional alias name to the device
- unit. This must be an absolute path that is automatically
- transformed into a unit name. (See above.)</p></dd><dt id="SYSTEMD_READY="><span class="term"><code class="varname">SYSTEMD_READY=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#SYSTEMD_READY=">¶</a></dt><dd><p>If set to 0, systemd will consider this device
- unplugged even if it shows up in the udev tree. If this
- property is unset or set to 1, the device will be considered
- plugged if it is visible in the udev tree. This property has
- no influence on the behavior when a device disappears from the
- udev tree.</p><p>This option is useful to support devices that initially
- show up in an uninitialized state in the tree, and for which a
- "<code class="literal">changed</code>" event is generated the moment they
- are fully set up. Note that <code class="varname">SYSTEMD_WANTS=</code>
- (see above) is not acted on as long as
- <code class="varname">SYSTEMD_READY=0</code> is set for a
- device.</p></dd><dt id="ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE="><span class="term"><code class="varname">ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">ID_MODEL=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=">¶</a></dt><dd><p>If set, this property is used as description
- string for the device unit.</p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm47009486125216"></a><h2 id="See Also">See Also<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#See%20Also">¶</a></h2><p>
- <a href="systemd.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd</span>(1)</span></a>,
- <a href="systemctl.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemctl</span>(1)</span></a>,
- <a href="systemd.unit.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.unit</span>(5)</span></a>,
- <a href="udev.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev</span>(7)</span></a>,
- <a href="systemd.directives.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.directives</span>(7)</span></a>
- </p></div></div></body></html>