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- <span style="float:right">systemd 221</span><hr><div class="refentry"><a name="libudev"></a><div class="titlepage"></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>libudev — API for enumerating and introspecting local devices</p></div><div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>Synopsis</h2><div class="funcsynopsis"><pre class="funcsynopsisinfo">#include &lt;libudev.h&gt;</pre></div><div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">pkg-config --cflags --libs libudev</code> </p></div></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm47096071400064"></a><h2 id="Description">Description<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Description">¶</a></h2><p><code class="filename">libudev.h</code> provides APIs to introspect
- and enumerate devices on the local system.</p><p>All functions require a libudev context to operate. This
- context can be create via
- <a href="udev_new.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_new</span>(3)</span></a>.
- It is used to track library state and link objects together. No
- global state is used by libudev, everything is always linked to
- a udev context. Furthermore, multiple different udev contexts can
- be used in parallel by multiple threads. However, a single context
- must not be accessed by multiple threads in parallel. The caller
- is responsible of providing suitable locking if they intend to use
- it from multiple threads.</p><p>To introspect a local device on a system, a udev device
- object can be created via
- <a href="udev_device_new_from_syspath.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_device_new_from_syspath</span>(3)</span></a>
- and friends. The device object allows to query current state,
- read and write attributes and lookup properties of the device in
- question.</p><p>To enumerate local devices on the system, an enumeration
- object can be created via
- <a href="udev_enumerate_new.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_enumerate_new</span>(3)</span></a>.</p><p>To monitor the local system for hotplugged or unplugged
- devices, a monitor can be created via
- <a href="udev_monitor_new_from_netlink.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_monitor_new_from_netlink</span>(3)</span></a>.</p><p>Whenever libudev returns a list of objects, the
- <a href="udev_list_entry.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_list_entry</span>(3)</span></a>
- API should be used to iterate, access and modify those lists.</p><p>Furthermore, libudev also exports legacy APIs that should
- not be used by new software (and as such are not documented as
- part of this manual). This includes the hardware-database known
- as <code class="constant">udev_hwdb</code> (please use the new
- <a href="sd-hwdb.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">sd-hwdb</span>(3)</span></a>
- API instead) and the <code class="constant">udev_queue</code> object to
- query the udev-daemon (which should not be used by new software
- at all).</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm47096070603040"></a><h2 id="See Also">See Also<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#See%20Also">¶</a></h2><p>
- <a href="udev_new.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_new</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="udev_device_new_from_syspath.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_device_new_from_syspath</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="udev_enumerate_new.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_enumerate_new</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="udev_monitor_new_from_netlink.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_monitor_new_from_netlink</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="udev_list_entry.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">udev_list_entry</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="systemd.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd</span>(1)</span></a>,
- <a href="sd-device.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">sd-device</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href="sd-hwdb.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">sd-hwdb</span>(3)</span></a>,
- <a href=""><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">pkg-config</span>(1)</span></a>
- </p></div></div></body></html>