path: root/core/pxelinux.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/pxelinux.asm')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/core/pxelinux.asm b/core/pxelinux.asm
index d990553f..aa11702d 100644
--- a/core/pxelinux.asm
+++ b/core/pxelinux.asm
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ LocalBootType resw 1 ; Local boot return code
DHCPMagic resb 1 ; PXELINUX magic flags
section .text16
+ global StackBuf
StackBuf equ STACK_TOP-44 ; Base of stack if we use our own
StackHome equ StackBuf
@@ -154,54 +155,6 @@ _start1:
lss esp,[BaseStack]
sti ; Stack set up and ready
-; Move the hardwired DHCP options (if present) to a safe place...
- mov cx,[bdhcp_len]
- mov ax,trackbufsize/2
- jcxz .none
- cmp cx,ax
- jbe .oksize
- mov cx,ax
- mov [bdhcp_len],ax
- mov eax,[bdhcp_offset]
- add eax,_start
- mov si,ax
- and si,000Fh
- shr eax,4
- push ds
- mov ds,ax
- mov di,trackbuf
- add cx,3
- shr cx,2
- rep movsd
- pop ds
- mov cx,[adhcp_len]
- mov ax,trackbufsize/2
- jcxz .none
- cmp cx,ax
- jbe .oksize
- mov cx,ax
- mov [adhcp_len],ax
- mov eax,[adhcp_offset]
- add eax,_start
- mov si,ax
- and si,000Fh
- shr eax,4
- push ds
- mov ds,ax
- mov di,trackbuf+trackbufsize/2
- add cx,3
- shr cx,2
- rep movsd
- pop ds
; Initialize screen (if we're using one)
@@ -223,7 +176,6 @@ adhcp_copy:
mov eax,ROOT_FS_OPS
xor ebp,ebp
pm_call pm_fs_init
- pm_call load_env32
section .rodata
alignz 4
@@ -265,15 +217,124 @@ ROOT_FS_OPS:
+; Open configuration file. ldlinux.c32 needs ConfigName to be set - so we need
+; to call open_config() before loading it.
+; Note: We don't need to check return value of open_config() function. It will
+; call kaboom() on failure.
+ extern open_config
+ pm_call open_config
; Jump to 32-bit ELF space
pm_call load_env32
+ jmp kaboom ; load_env32() shouldn't return. If it does, then kaboom!
+ pm_call hello
+; Save hardwired DHCP options. This is done before the C environment
+; is initialized, so it has to be done in assembly.
+%define MAX_DHCP_OPTS 4096
+ bits 32
+ section .savedata
+ global bdhcp_data, adhcp_data
+bdhcp_data: resb MAX_DHCP_OPTS
+adhcp_data: resb MAX_DHCP_OPTS
+ section .textnr
+ mov eax,MAX_DHCP_OPTS
+ movzx ecx,word [bdhcp_len]
+ cmp ecx,eax
+ jna .oksize
+ mov ecx,eax
+ mov [bdhcp_len],ax
+ mov esi,[bdhcp_offset]
+ add esi,_start
+ mov edi,bdhcp_data
+ add ecx,3
+ shr ecx,2
+ rep movsd
+ movzx ecx,word [adhcp_len]
+ cmp ecx,eax
+ jna .oksize
+ mov ecx,eax
+ mov [adhcp_len],ax
+ mov esi,[adhcp_offset]
+ add esi,_start
+ mov edi,adhcp_data
+ add ecx,3
+ shr ecx,2
+ rep movsd
+ ret
+ bits 16
+; As core/ used to be included here in core/pxelinux.asm, and it's no
+; longer used, its global variables that were previously used by
+; core/pxelinux.asm are now declared here.
+ section .bss16
+ alignb 4
+Kernel_EAX resd 1
+Kernel_SI resw 1
+ section .bss16
+ global CmdOptPtr, KbdMap
+ alignb 4
+ThisKbdTo resd 1 ; Temporary holder for KbdTimeout
+ThisTotalTo resd 1 ; Temporary holder for TotalTimeout
+KernelExtPtr resw 1 ; During search, final null pointer
+CmdOptPtrj resw 1 ; Pointer to first option on cmd line
+KbdFlags resb 1 ; Check for keyboard escapes
+FuncFlag resb 1 ; Escape sequences received from keyboard
+KernelType resb 1 ; Kernel type, from vkernel, if known
+KbdMap resb 256 ; Keyboard map
+ global KernelName
+KernelName resb FILENAME_MAX ; Mangled name for kernel
+ section .config
+ global PXERetry
+PXERetry dw 0 ; Extra PXE retries
+ section .data16
+ global SerialNotice
+SerialNotice db 1 ; Only print this once
+ extern IPOption
+ global IPAppends, numIPAppends
+ alignz 2
+IPAppends dw IPOption
+numIPAppends equ ($-IPAppends)/2
+ section .text16
+; COMBOOT-loading code
+%include ""
+%include ""
+; Boot sector loading code
-; Now we have the config file open. Parse the config file and
-; run the user interface.
+; Abort loading code
-%include ""
+; Hardware cleanup common code
+%include ""
; kaboom: write a message and bail out. Wait for quite a while,
@@ -317,7 +378,6 @@ kaboom:
mov word [BIOS_magic],0 ; Cold reboot
jmp 0F000h:0FFF0h ; Reset vector address
; pxenv
@@ -335,9 +395,9 @@ pxenv:
; We may be removing ourselves from memory
- cmp bx,0073h ; PXENV_RESTART_TFTP
jz .disable_timer
- cmp bx,00E5h ; gPXE PXENV_FILE_EXEC
jnz .store_stack
@@ -372,9 +432,9 @@ pxenv:
; If the call failed, it could return.
- cmp bx,0073h
jz .enable_timer
- cmp bx,00E5h
jnz .pop_flags