diff options
5 files changed, 182 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 0e81c5b8..0ae785b7 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Changes in 1.52:
has also been changed for code consistency reasons, but I'm
pretty sure the changes are don't care on SYSLINUX.)
* Documentation updates.
+ * PXELINUX: Add "ipappend" option to generate an ip= option to
+ the kernel.
Changes in 1.51:
* PXELINUX: Not all PXE stacks fill in the IP address for a
diff --git a/ldlinux.asm b/ldlinux.asm
index e01b9ce6..9617e25b 100644
--- a/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/ldlinux.asm
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ VKernelBuf: resb vk_size ; "Current" vkernel
AppendBuf resb max_cmd_len+1 ; append=
KbdMap resb 256 ; Keyboard map
FKeyName resb 10*16 ; File names for F-key help
-NumBuf resb 16 ; Buffer to load number
-NumBufEnd equ NumBuf+15 ; Pointer to last byte in NumBuf
+NumBuf resb 15 ; Buffer to load number
+NumBufEnd resb 1 ; Last byte in NumBuf
alignb 4
PartInfo resb 16 ; Partition table entry
E820Buf resd 5 ; INT 15:E820 data buffer
diff --git a/pxelinux.asm b/pxelinux.asm
index ae5bacf4..0ac52903 100644
--- a/pxelinux.asm
+++ b/pxelinux.asm
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ CAN_USE_HEAP equ 80h ; Boot loader reports heap size
struc vkernel
vk_vname: resb FILENAME_MAX ; Virtual name **MUST BE FIRST!**
vk_rname: resb FILENAME_MAX ; Real name
+vk_ipappend: resb 1 ; "IPAPPEND" flag
+ resb 1 ; Pad
vk_appendlen: resw 1
alignb 4
vk_append: resb max_cmd_len+1 ; Command line
@@ -194,10 +196,8 @@ bootp:
.macaddr resb 16 ; Client MAC address
.sname resb 64 ; Server name (optional)
.bootfile resb 128 ; Boot file name
-.v_magic resd 1 ; DHCP magic cookie
-.v_flags resd 1 ; DHCP flags
-.v_pad resb 56 ; Vendor options padding
- endstruc
+.options resb 1264 ; Vendor options
+ endstruc
; TFTP connection data structure. Each one of these corresponds to a local
@@ -314,8 +314,10 @@ AppendBuf resb max_cmd_len+1 ; append=
KbdMap resb 256 ; Keyboard map
PathPrefix resb 128 ; 128 bytes (comes from BOOTP size)
FKeyName resb 10*FILENAME_MAX ; File names for F-key help
-NumBuf resb 16 ; Buffer to load number
-NumBufEnd equ NumBuf+15 ; Pointer to last byte in NumBuf
+NumBuf resb 15 ; Buffer to load number
+NumBufEnd resb 1 ; Last byte in NumBuf
+DotQuadBuf resb 16 ; Buffer for dotted-quad IP address
+IPOption resb 64 ; ip= option buffer
alignb 32
BootFile resb 128 ; Boot file name from DHCP query
KernelName resb FILENAME_MAX ; Mangled name for kernel
@@ -353,6 +355,7 @@ ServerPort resw 1 ; TFTP server port
ConfigFile resw 1 ; Socket for config file
PktTimeout resw 1 ; Timeout for current packet
KernelExtPtr resw 1 ; During search, final null pointer
+IPOptionLen resw 1 ; Length of IPOption
TextAttrBX equ $
TextAttribute resb 1 ; Text attribute for message file
TextPage resb 1 ; Active display page
@@ -550,6 +553,7 @@ query_bootp:
mov eax,[trackbuf+bootp.yip] ; "Your" IP address
mov [MyIP],eax
+ call genipopt
; Now, get the boot file and other info. This lives in the CACHED_REPLY
@@ -575,8 +579,6 @@ query_bootp:
; If packet 2 didn't contain a valid IP address, guess that it's in this
; packet instead
- mov si,myipaddr_msg
- call writestr
mov eax,[MyIP]
cmp eax, byte 0 ; bad
je .badip
@@ -585,17 +587,25 @@ query_bootp:
mov eax,[trackbuf+bootp.yip] ; Hope this is better...
mov [MyIP],eax
+ call genipopt
xchg ah,al ; Host byte order
- ror eax,16
+ ror eax,16 ; (BSWAP doesn't work on 386)
xchg ah,al
- call writehex8
- call crlf
-; Normalize ES = DS
+; Print IP address
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax
+ mov si,myipaddr_msg
+ call writestr
+ call writehex8
+ mov di,DotQuadBuf
+ mov si,di
+ call gendotquad
+ mov al,' '
+ call writechr
+ call writestr
+ call crlf
; Save away the server IP and port number
@@ -837,13 +847,15 @@ parse_config:
cmp ax,'la' ; LAbel
je near pc_label
cmp ax,'ke' ; KErnel
- je pc_kernel
+ je near pc_kernel
cmp ax,'im' ; IMplicit
je near pc_implicit
cmp ax,'se' ; SErial
je near pc_serial
cmp ax,'sa' ; SAy
je near pc_say
+ cmp ax,'ip' ; IPappend
+ je pc_ipappend
cmp al,'f' ; F-key
jne parse_config
jmp pc_fkey
@@ -873,6 +885,17 @@ pc_append_vk: mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_append ; "append" command (vkernel)
pc_app2: mov [VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen],di
jmp short parse_config_2
+pc_ipappend: call getint ; "ipappend" command
+ jc parse_config_2
+ and bx,bx
+ setnz al
+ cmp word [VKernelCtr], byte 0
+ je .vk
+ mov [IPAppend],al
+ jmp short parse_config_2
+.vk: mov [VKernelBuf+vk_ipappend],al
+ jmp short parse_config_2
pc_kernel: cmp word [VKernelCtr],byte 0 ; "kernel" command
je near parse_config ; ("label" section only)
mov di,trackbuf
@@ -990,6 +1013,8 @@ pc_label: call commit_vk ; Commit any current vkernel
mov cx,[AppendLen]
mov [VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen],cx
rep movsb
+ mov al,[IPAppend] ; Default ipappend==global ipappend
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_ipappend],al
jmp near parse_config_3
pc_font: call pc_getfile ; "font" command
@@ -1320,6 +1345,8 @@ vk_found: popa
mov cx,FILENAME_MAX ; We need ECX == CX later
rep movsb
pop di
+ mov al,[VKernelBuf+vk_ipappend]
+ mov [IPAppend],al
xor bx,bx ; Try only one version
jmp get_kernel
@@ -1519,6 +1546,7 @@ got_highmem:
; Construct the command line (append options have already been copied)
mov di,[CmdLinePtr]
mov si,boot_image ; BOOT_IMAGE=
mov cx,boot_image_len
@@ -1528,6 +1556,16 @@ got_highmem:
rep movsb
mov al,' ' ; Space
+ mov al,[IPAppend] ; ip=
+ and al,al
+ jz .noipappend
+ mov si,IPOption
+ mov cx,[IPOptionLen]
+ rep movsb
+ mov al,' '
+ stosb
mov si,[CmdOptPtr] ; Options from user input
mov cx,(kern_cmd_len+3) >> 2
rep movsd
@@ -1936,7 +1974,7 @@ load_old_kernel:
and dx,dx
- jnz short comboot_too_large
+ jnz near comboot_too_large
cmp ax,0ff00h ; Max size in bytes
jae comboot_too_large
@@ -3808,6 +3846,99 @@ unload_pxe:
call far [PXENVEntry]
+; gendotquad
+; Take an IP address in EAX and output a dotted quad string to ES:DI.
+; DI points to terminal null at end of string on exit.
+; CX is destroyed.
+ mov cx,4
+ rol eax,8 ; Move next char into LSB
+ aam 100
+ ; Now AH = 100-digit; AL = remainder
+ cmp ah, 0
+ je .lt100
+ add ah,'0'
+ mov [es:di],ah
+ inc di
+ aam 10
+ ; Now AH = 100-digit; AL = remainder
+ cmp ah, 0
+ je .lt10
+ add ah,'0'
+ mov [es:di],ah
+ inc di
+ add al,'0'
+ mov ah,'.'
+ stosw
+ loop .genchar
+ dec di
+ mov [es:di], byte 0
+ ret
+; genipopt
+; Generate an ip=<client-ip>::<gw-ip>:<netmask> option into IPOption
+; based on a DHCP packet in trackbuf. Assumes CS == DS == ES.
+ pushad
+ mov di,IPOption
+ mov eax,'ip='
+ stosd
+ dec di
+ mov eax,[trackbuf+bootp.yip]
+ call gendotquad
+ mov al,':'
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ mov si,trackbuf+bootp.options
+ xor ebx,ebx ; Unknown netmask
+ xor edx,edx ; Unknown router
+ lodsb
+ cmp al,0 ; PAD option
+ je .parseopt
+ cmp al,255 ; END option
+ je .parse_done
+ cmp al,1 ; SUBNET MASK option
+ jne .not_subnet
+ inc si ; Skip length (always 4)
+ lodsd ; Read subnet mask
+ xchg ebx,eax ; Netmask: save in EBX
+ jmp short .parseopt
+ cmp al,3 ; ROUTER option
+ jne .not_router
+ inc si ; Skip length (always 4)
+ lodsd ; Read gateway address
+ xchg edx,eax ; Router: save in EDX
+ jmp short .parseopt
+ ; Unknown option. Read the length and skip ahead.
+ xor ah,ah
+ lodsb
+ add si,ax
+ jmp short .parseopt
+ mov eax,edx ; Router
+ call gendotquad
+ mov al,':'
+ stosb
+ mov eax,ebx ; Netmask
+ call gendotquad ; Zero-terminates output!
+ sub di,IPOption
+ mov [IPOptionLen],di
+ popad
+ ret
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Begin data section
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3894,6 +4025,7 @@ initrd_cmd_len equ 7
align 2, db 0
keywd_table db 'ap' ; append
+ db 'ip' ; ipappend
db 'de' ; default
db 'ti' ; timeout
db 'fo' ; font
@@ -3999,7 +4131,6 @@ MySocket dw 32768 ; Local UDP socket counter
A20List dw a20_dunno, a20_none, a20_bios, a20_kbc, a20_fast
A20DList dw a20d_dunno, a20d_none, a20d_bios, a20d_kbc, a20d_fast
A20Type dw A20_DUNNO ; A20 type unknown
; TFTP commands
@@ -4012,6 +4143,7 @@ tftp_opt_err dw TFTP_ERROR ; ERROR packet
db 'tsize option required', 0 ; Error message
tftp_opt_err_len equ ($-tftp_opt_err)
+ alignb 2
ack_packet_buf: dw TFTP_ACK, 0 ; TFTP ACK packet
@@ -4027,6 +4159,7 @@ ClustPerMoby dw 65536/TFTP_BLOCKSIZE ; Clusters per 64K
%if ( trackbufsize % TFTP_BLOCKSIZE ) != 0
%error trackbufsize must be a multiple of TFTP_BLOCKSIZE
+IPAppend db 0 ; Default IPAPPEND option
; Stuff for the command line; we do some trickery here with equ to avoid
diff --git a/pxelinux.doc b/pxelinux.doc
index f9384b96..63b975de 100644
--- a/pxelinux.doc
+++ b/pxelinux.doc
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ following files to it:
any kernel or initrd images you want to boot
Finally, create the directory "/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg". The
-configuration file (equivalent of syslinux.cfg) will live in this
-directory. Because more than one system may be booted from the same
-server, the configuration file name depends on the IP address of the
-booting machine. PXELINUX will search for its config file on the boot
-server in the following way:
+configuration file (equivalent of syslinux.cfg -- see syslinux.doc for
+the options here) will live in this directory. Because more than one
+system may be booted from the same server, the configuration file name
+depends on the IP address of the booting machine. PXELINUX will
+search for its config file on the boot server in the following way:
First, it will search for the config file using its own IP address
in upper case hexadecimal, e.g. -> C000025B.
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ server in the following way:
It should be noted that all filename references are relative to the
directory pxelinux.bin lives in (usually /tftpboot). PXELINUX
-generally requires that filenames are 31 characters or shorter in
+generally requires that filenames (including any relative path) are 31
+characters or shorter in length.
PXELINUX does not support MTFTP, and I have no immediate plans of
doing so. It is of course possible to use MTFTP for the initial boot,
diff --git a/syslinux.doc b/syslinux.doc
index 3baefcef..7b2e69ab 100644
--- a/syslinux.doc
+++ b/syslinux.doc
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ is a text file in either UNIX or DOS format, containing one or more of
the following items (case is insensitive for keywords; upper case is used
here to indicate that a word should be typed verbatim):
+All options here applies to PXELINUX as well as SYSLINUX unless
+otherwise noted. See pxelinux.doc for additional information on
DEFAULT kernel options...
Sets the default command line. If SYSLINUX boots automatically,
it will act just as if the entries after DEFAULT had been typed
@@ -107,16 +112,26 @@ APPEND options...
usually permitting explicitly entered kernel options to override
them. This is the equivalent of the LILO "append" option.
+IPAPPEND flag_val
+ The IPAPPEND option is available only on PXELINUX, and
+ indicates (if the flag value is 1) that an option of the
+ following format should be generated and added:
+ ip=<client-ip>::<gw-ip>:<netmask>
+ ... based on the input from the DHCP server.
LABEL label
KERNEL image
APPEND options...
- Indicates that if "label" is entered as the kernel to boot,
+ IPAPPEND flag_val
+ Indicates that if "label" is entered as the kernel to boot,
SYSLINUX should instead boot "image", and the specified APPEND
- options should be used instead of the ones specified in the
- global section of the file (before the first LABEL command.)
- The default for "image" is the same as "label", and if no
- APPEND is given the default is to use the global entry (if any).
- Up to 128 LABEL entries are permitted.
+ and IPAPPEND options should be used instead of the ones
+ specified in the global section of the file (before the first
+ LABEL command.) The default for "image" is the same as
+ "label", and if no APPEND is given the default is to use the
+ global entry (if any). Up to 128 LABEL entries are permitted.
Note that LILO uses the syntax:
image = mykernel