path: root/Examples/php/overloading/runme.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/php/overloading/runme.php')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/php/overloading/runme.php b/Examples/php/overloading/runme.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5aa69048d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/php/overloading/runme.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This file illustrates the low-level C++ interface
+# created by SWIG. In this case, all of our C++ classes
+# get converted into function calls.
+# ----- Object creation -----
+print "Creating some objects:\n";
+$c = new Circle(10);
+print " Created circle $c\n";
+$s = new Square(10);
+print " Created square $s\n";
+# ----- Access a static member -----
+print "\nA total of " . Shape::nshapes() . " shapes were created\n";
+# ----- Member data access -----
+# Set the location of the object.
+# Note: methods in the base class Shape are used since
+# x and y are defined there.
+$c->x = 20;
+$c->y = 30;
+$s->x = -10;
+$s->y = 5;
+print "\nHere is their current position:\n";
+print " Circle = (" . $c->x . "," . $c->y . ")\n";
+print " Square = (" . $s->x . "," . $s->y . ")\n";
+# ----- Call some methods -----
+print "\nHere are some properties of the shapes:\n";
+foreach (array(1, 2.1, "quick brown fox", $c, $s) as $o) {
+ print " ".get_class($o)." $o\n";
+ print " overloaded = " . overloaded($o) . "\n";
+ }
+# Need to unset($o) or else we hang on to a reference to the Square object.
+# ----- Delete everything -----
+print "\nGuess I'll clean up now\n";
+# Note: this invokes the virtual destructor
+$s = 42;
+print Shape::nshapes() . " shapes remain\n";
+print "Goodbye\n";