path: root/Lib/python/std_map.i
diff options
authorMarcelo Matus <>2004-10-10 06:42:15 +0000
committerMarcelo Matus <>2004-10-10 06:42:15 +0000
commitdc4409a1f1e5fd9a8614acfc7fdda8ec1b384176 (patch)
tree984002c696fff07a77474f0917ecf970b1df39cb /Lib/python/std_map.i
parent0f6ae6977d2b0c84dc8c55e5f2e44a7ea35aa06e (diff)
isolate language independent STD/STL/C++ code + more documentation + cleaning
git-svn-id: 626c5289-ae23-0410-ae9c-e8d60b6d4f22
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/python/std_map.i')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/python/std_map.i b/Lib/python/std_map.i
index d2b18a9b5..bfc4fb201 100644
--- a/Lib/python/std_map.i
+++ b/Lib/python/std_map.i
@@ -1,89 +1,10 @@
-// std::map
-// Python implementation
-%include <std_pair.i>
-%include <std_container.i>
-%define %std_map_methods_common(map)
- %std_container_methods(SWIG_arg(map));
- size_type erase(const key_type& x);
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x);
- void erase(iterator position);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- iterator find(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const;
- #endif
-%define %std_map_methods(...)
- %std_map_methods_common(SWIG_arg(__VA_ARGS__));
- iterator insert(const value_type& x);
- #endif
-// **** Note ****
-// If you are going to use a map, you need to instantiate both the
-// map and the pair class:
-// %template(pair_ii) std::pair<int, int>;
-// %template(map_ii) std::map<int, int>;
-// or
-// %template() std::pair<int, int>;
-// %template(map_ii) std::map<int, int>;
-// **** Note ****
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// std::map
-// The aim of all that follows would be to integrate std::map with
-// Python as much as possible, namely, to allow the user to pass and
-// be returned Python tuples or maps.
-// const declarations are used to guess the intent of the function being
-// exported; therefore, the following rationale is applied:
-// -- f(std::map<T>), f(const std::map<T>&):
-// the parameter being read-only, either a Python sequence or a
-// previously wrapped std::map<T> can be passed.
-// -- f(std::map<T>&), f(std::map<T>*):
-// the parameter may be modified; therefore, only a wrapped std::map
-// can be passed.
-// -- std::map<T> f(), const std::map<T>& f():
-// the map is returned by copy; therefore, a Python sequence of T:s
-// is returned which is most easily used in other Python functions
-// -- std::map<T>& f(), std::map<T>* f():
-// the map is returned by reference; therefore, a wrapped std::map
-// is returned
-// -- const std::map<T>* f(), f(const std::map<T>*):
-// for consistency, they expect and return a plain map pointer.
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <map>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <stdexcept>
-// exported class
+ Maps
- namespace swigpy {
+ namespace swig {
template <class PySeq, class K, class T >
inline void
assign(const PySeq& pyseq, std::map<K,T > *map) {
@@ -128,8 +49,8 @@
PyObject *obj = PyDict_New();
for (const_iterator i= map.begin(); i!= map.end(); ++i) {
- swigpy::from(i->first),
- swigpy::from(i->second));
+ swig::from(i->first),
+ swig::from(i->second));
return obj;
@@ -137,50 +58,115 @@
-namespace std {
- template<class K, class T> class map {
- public:
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef K key_type;
- typedef T mapped_type;
- typedef std::pair<const K, T> value_type;
+%define %swig_map_methods(Map...)
+ %swig_container_methods(Map)
- typedef value_type* pointer;
- typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
- typedef value_type& reference;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- %traits_swigtype(K);
- %traits_swigtype(T);
- %fragment(SWIG_Traits_frag(std::map<K, T >), "header",
- fragment=SWIG_Traits_frag(std::pair<K, T >),
- fragment="StdMapTraits") {
- namespace swigpy {
- template <> struct traits<std::map<K, T > > {
- typedef pointer_category category;
- static const char* type_name() {
- return "std::map<" #K "," #T " >";
- }
- };
+ %extend {
+ mapped_type __getitem__(const key_type& key) const {
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->find(key);
+ if (i != self->end())
+ return i->second;
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("key not found");
+ }
+ void __setitem__(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& x) {
+ self->insert(Map::value_type(key,x));
+ }
+ void __delitem__(const key_type& key) {
+ Map::iterator i = self->find(key);
+ if (i != self->end())
+ self->erase(i);
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("key not found");
+ }
+ bool has_key(const key_type& key) const {
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->find(key);
+ return i != self->end();
+ }
+ PyObject* keys() {
+ Map::size_type size = self->size();
+ int pysize = size <= INT_MAX ? (int) size : 0;
+ if (!pysize) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+ "map size not valid in python");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ PyObject* keyList = PyList_New(pysize);
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+ for (int j = 0; j < pysize; ++i, ++j) {
+ PyList_SetItem(keyList, j, swig::from(i->first));
+ return keyList;
+ }
+ PyObject* values() {
+ Map::size_type size = self->size();
+ int pysize = size <= INT_MAX ? (int) size : 0;
+ if (!pysize) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+ "map size not valid in python");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ PyObject* valList = PyTuple_New(pysize);
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+ for (int j = 0; j < pysize; ++i, ++j) {
+ PyTuple_SetItem(valList, j, swig::from(i->second));
+ }
+ return valList;
+ }
+ PyObject* items() {
+ Map::size_type size = self->size();
+ int pysize = size <= INT_MAX ? (int) size : 0;
+ if (!pysize) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+ "map size not valid in python");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ PyObject* itemList = PyTuple_New(pysize);
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+ for (int j = 0; j < pysize; ++i, ++j) {
+ PyTuple_SetItem(itemList, j, swig::from(*i));
+ }
+ return itemList;
+ }
+ // Python 2.2 methods
+ bool __contains__(const key_type& key) {
+ return self->find(key) != self->end();
- %typemap_traits_ptr(SWIG_CCode(MAP), std::map<K, T >);
- %std_map_methods(map);
- %pydict_methods(SWIG_arg(std::map<K, T >));
- };
-%define %std_map_ptypen(...)
- %std_extcomp_2(map, __VA_ARGS__);
- %std_definst_2(map, __VA_ARGS__);
+ PyObject* __iter__() {
+ Map::size_type size = self->size();
+ int pysize = size <= INT_MAX ? (int) size : 0;
+ if (!pysize) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+ "map size not valid in python");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ PyObject* keyTuple = PyTuple_New(pysize);
+ Map::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+ for (int j = 0; j < pysize; ++i, ++j) {
+ PyTuple_SetItem(keyTuple, j, swig::from(i->first));
+ }
+%#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
+ PyObject* iter = PyObject_GetIter(keyTuple);
+ Py_DECREF(keyTuple);
+ return iter;
+ return keyTuple;
+ }
+ }
+%include <std/std_map.i>