path: root/Examples/lua
diff options
authorMark Gossage <>2007-12-04 09:25:58 +0000
committerMark Gossage <>2007-12-04 09:25:58 +0000
commit89c3acea19f51b3ef8a7059ae803465cf0c9b4d3 (patch)
tree5ae17a4aa05274eeb0ba634b77c5a1edd6ef4ed1 /Examples/lua
parent575efcdd53c6375c497f43dce2bb5f74fe9e4e40 (diff)
[lua] Fix a bug in the class hierachy code, where the methods were not propagated,
if the name ordering was in a certain order. Added new example programs (dual, embed) and runtime tests for test-suite. git-svn-id: 626c5289-ae23-0410-ae9c-e8d60b6d4f22
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/lua')
10 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/lua/check.list b/Examples/lua/check.list
index b5343ce16..f61e2544f 100644
--- a/Examples/lua/check.list
+++ b/Examples/lua/check.list
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# see top-level
diff --git a/Examples/lua/dual/Makefile b/Examples/lua/dual/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ceae37936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/dual/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+TOP = ../..
+SWIG = $(TOP)/../preinst-swig
+TARGET = dual
+CXXSRCS = example2_wrap.cxx
+INTERFACE = dual.i
+LUA_INTERP = dual.cpp
+# this is a little different ot normal as we need to static link two modules and a custom intepreter
+# we need the external runtime, then swig examples2, and build the module as normal
+ $(SWIG) -lua -external-runtime
+ $(SWIG) -c++ -lua $(SWIGOPT) example2.i
+ $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile $(SWIGLIB) CXXSRCS='$(CXXSRCS)' SWIG='$(SWIG)' \
+ $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile lua_clean
+check: all
diff --git a/Examples/lua/dual/dual.cpp b/Examples/lua/dual/dual.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..055ea03af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/dual/dual.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+dual.cpp a test for multiple modules and multiple intrepreters staticly linked together.
+Earlier version of lua bindings for SWIG would fail if staticly linked.
+What is happening is as follows:
+example.i declares a type Foo
+examples2.i declares Bar
+The first lua state will load example.i
+and check to see if types Foo and Bar are registered with it
+(Foo should be & Bar should not)
+The second lua state will load example2.i
+and check to see if types Foo and Bar are registered with it
+(Bar should be & Foo should not)
+Note: Though both the modules exist and are loaded, they are not linked together,
+as they are connected to seperate lua interpreters.
+When the third lua state loads both example.i and example2.i,
+the two modules are now linked together, and all can now find
+both Foo and Bar.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "swigluarun.h" // the swig runtimes
+// the 2 libraries which are wrappered via SWIG
+extern "C" int luaopen_example(lua_State*L);
+extern "C" int luaopen_example2(lua_State*L);
+#define DEBUG(X) {printf(X);fflush(stdout);}
+#define DEBUG2(X,Y) {printf(X,Y);fflush(stdout);}
+#define DEBUG3(X,Y,Z) {printf(X,Y,Z);fflush(stdout);}
+void testModule(lua_State *L)
+ swig_type_info *pTypeInfo=0,*pTypeInfo2=0;
+ swig_module_info *pModule=0;
+ pModule=SWIG_GetModule(L);
+ DEBUG2(" SWIG_GetModule() returns %p\n",pModule)
+ if(pModule==0) return;
+ pTypeInfo = SWIG_TypeQuery(L,"Foo *");
+ DEBUG2(" Type (Foo*) is %s\n",pTypeInfo==0?"unknown":"known");
+ DEBUG3(" Module %p typeinfo(Foo*) %p\n",pModule,pTypeInfo);
+ pTypeInfo2 = SWIG_TypeQuery(L,"Bar *");
+ DEBUG2(" Type (Bar*) is %s\n",pTypeInfo2==0?"unknown":"known");
+ DEBUG3(" Module %p typeinfo(Bar*) %p\n",pModule,pTypeInfo2);
+int main(int argc,char* argv[])
+ lua_State *L1=0,*L2=0,*L3=0;
+ printf("This is a test of having two SWIG'ed modules and three lua states\n"
+ "statically linked together.\n"
+ "Its mainly to check that all the types are correctly managed\n\n");
+ DEBUG("creating lua states(L1,L2,L3)");
+ L1=lua_open();
+ L2=lua_open();
+ L3=lua_open();
+ DEBUG("ok\n\n");
+ DEBUG("luaopen_example(L1)..");
+ luaopen_example(L1);
+ DEBUG("ok\n");
+ DEBUG("Testing Module L1\n");
+ DEBUG("This module should know about Foo* but not Bar*\n");
+ testModule(L1);
+ DEBUG("End Testing Module L1\n\n");
+ DEBUG("luaopen_example2(L2)..");
+ luaopen_example2(L2);
+ DEBUG("ok\n");
+ DEBUG("Testing Module L2\n");
+ DEBUG("This module should know about Bar* but not Foo*\n");
+ testModule(L2);
+ DEBUG("End Testing Module L2\n\n");
+ DEBUG("luaopen_example(L3)..");
+ luaopen_example(L3);
+ DEBUG("ok\n");
+ DEBUG("luaopen_example2(L3)..");
+ luaopen_example2(L3);
+ DEBUG("ok\n");
+ DEBUG("Testing Module L3\n");
+ DEBUG("This module should know about Foo* and Bar*\n");
+ testModule(L3);
+ DEBUG("End Testing Module L3\n\n");
+ DEBUG("Testing Module L1 again\n");
+ DEBUG("It now should know about Foo* and Bar*\n");
+ testModule(L1);
+ DEBUG("End Testing Module L1 again\n\n");
+ DEBUG("close all..");
+ lua_close(L1);
+ lua_close(L2);
+ lua_close(L3);
+ DEBUG("ok, exiting\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/Examples/lua/dual/example.i b/Examples/lua/dual/example.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e573ddb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/dual/example.i
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* File : example.i */
+%module example
+%inline %{
+struct Foo{
+ int i;
diff --git a/Examples/lua/dual/example2.i b/Examples/lua/dual/example2.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94496647f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/dual/example2.i
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* File : example2.i */
+%module example2
+%inline %{
+struct Bar{
+ int i;
diff --git a/Examples/lua/embed/Makefile b/Examples/lua/embed/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51d0e6180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/embed/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+TOP = ../..
+SWIG = $(TOP)/../preinst-swig
+TARGET = embed
+SRCS = example.c
+INTERFACE = example.i
+LUA_INTERP = embed.c
+# this is a little different to normal as we have our own special interpreter
+# which we want to static link
+ $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile $(SWIGLIB) SRCS='$(SRCS)' SWIG='$(SWIG)' \
+ $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile lua_clean
+check: all
diff --git a/Examples/lua/embed/embed.c b/Examples/lua/embed/embed.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec304c5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/embed/embed.c
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* embed.c a simple test for an embeded interpreter
+The idea is that we wrapper a few simple function (example.c)
+and write our own app to call it.
+What it will do is load the wrappered lib, load runme.lua and then call some functions.
+To make life easier, all the printf's have either [C] or [Lua] at the start
+so you can see where they are coming from.
+We will be using the luaL_dostring()/lua_dostring() function to call into lua
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <lua.h>
+#include <lauxlib.h>
+#include <lualib.h>
+/* the SWIG wrappered library */
+extern int luaopen_example(lua_State*L);
+/* a really simple way of calling lua from C
+ just give it a lua state & a string to execute
+Unfortunately lua keeps changing its API's.
+In lua 5.0.X its lua_dostring()
+In lua 5.1.X its luaL_dostring()
+so we have a few extra compiles
+int dostring(lua_State *L, char* str)
+ int ok;
+#if (defined(LUA_VERSION_NUM) && (LUA_VERSION_NUM>=501))
+ ok=luaL_dostring(L,str); /* looks like this is lua 5.1.X or later, good */
+ ok=lua_dostring(L,str); /* might be lua 5.0.x, using lua_dostring */
+ if (ok!=0)
+ printf("[C] ERROR in dostring: %s\n",lua_tostring(L,-1));
+ return ok;
+int main(int argc,char* argv[])
+ lua_State *L;
+ int ok;
+ printf("[C] Welcome to the simple embedded lua example\n");
+ printf("[C] We are in C\n");
+ printf("[C] opening a lua state & loading the libraries\n");
+ L=lua_open();
+ luaopen_base(L);
+ luaopen_string(L);
+ luaopen_math(L);
+ printf("[C] now loading the SWIG wrappered library\n");
+ luaopen_example(L);
+ printf("[C] all looks ok\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("[C] lets load the file 'runme.lua'\n");
+ printf("[C] any lua code in this file will be executed\n");
+ if (luaL_loadfile(L, "runme.lua") || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))
+ {
+ printf("[C] ERROR: cannot run lua file: %s",lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ exit(3);
+ }
+ printf("[C] We are now back in C, all looks ok\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("[C] lets call the function 'do_tests()'\n");
+ ok=dostring(L,"do_tests()");
+ printf("[C] We are back in C, the dostring() function returned %d\n",ok);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("[C] Lets call lua again, but create an error\n");
+ ok=dostring(L,"no_such_function()");
+ printf("[C] We are back in C, the dostring() function returned %d\n",ok);
+ printf("[C] it should also have returned 1 and printed an error message\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("[C] Lets call lua again, calling the greeting function\n");
+ ok=dostring(L,"call_greeting()");
+ printf("[C] This was C=>Lua=>C (getting a bit complex)\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("[C] all finished, closing the lua state\n");
+ lua_close(L);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/Examples/lua/embed/example.c b/Examples/lua/embed/example.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d359f6c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/embed/example.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* File : example.c */
+/* A global variable */
+double Foo = 3.0;
+/* Compute the greatest common divisor of positive integers */
+int gcd(int x, int y) {
+ int g;
+ g = y;
+ while (x > 0) {
+ g = x;
+ x = y % x;
+ y = g;
+ }
+ return g;
+void greeting()
+ printf("Hello from the C function 'greeting'\n");
diff --git a/Examples/lua/embed/example.i b/Examples/lua/embed/example.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7784b8e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/embed/example.i
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* File : example.i */
+%module example
+%inline %{
+extern int gcd(int x, int y);
+extern double Foo;
+extern void greeting();
+%} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Examples/lua/embed/runme.lua b/Examples/lua/embed/runme.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e02fd1d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/lua/embed/runme.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+print "[lua] This is runme.lua"
+-- test program for embeded lua
+-- we do not need to load the library, as it was already in the intrepreter
+-- but lets check anyway
+assert(type(example)=='table',"Don't appear to have loaded the example module")
+-- a test function to run the tests
+function do_tests()
+ print("[lua] We are now in Lua, inside the do_tests() function")
+ print("[lua] We will be calling example.gcd() and changing example.Foo")
+ -- Call our gcd() function
+ x = 42
+ y = 105
+ g = example.gcd(x,y)
+ print("[lua] The gcd of",x,"and",y,"is",g)
+ -- Manipulate the Foo global variable
+ -- Output its current value
+ print("[lua] Foo = ", example.Foo)
+ -- Change its value
+ example.Foo = 3.1415926
+ -- See if the change took effect
+ print("[lua] Foo = ", example.Foo)
+ print("[lua] ending the do_tests() function")
+function call_greeting()
+ print("[lua] We are now in Lua, inside the call_greeting() function")
+ example.greeting()
+ print("[lua] ending the call_greeting() function")