path: root/Doc/Devel
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authorDave Beazley <>2006-12-19 03:49:17 +0000
committerDave Beazley <>2006-12-19 03:49:17 +0000
commit79451aa1a708b0bd3bf4ec0f11ea7a1052a5f0a1 (patch)
treeae6bec25fabda132bce1bb2e9e5b2764aff8ddeb /Doc/Devel
parent4b31a3ee50f2fa9dead26ba00a58fa73e12f576f (diff)
File management cleanup. Split API into separate header. Removed unused functions. Added documentation
git-svn-id: 626c5289-ae23-0410-ae9c-e8d60b6d4f22
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/Devel')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/Devel/file.html b/Doc/Devel/file.html
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index 000000000..86dcbb52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/Devel/file.html
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+<title>SWIG File Handling</title>
+<h1>SWIG File Handling</h1>
+David M. Beazley <br><br>
+This document describes the functions related to file and filename handling in the SWIG core. These functions are
+defined in the header file <tt>Source/Swig/swigfile.h</tt>. This API is considered to be stable.
+<h2>File Search Path</h2>
+These functions manipulate the search path for locating files.
+<b><tt>List *Swig_add_directory(const String_or_char *dirname)</tt></b>
+Adds a new directory to the system search path. The directory is appended to
+the end of the search path. Returns a list containing the current
+system search path.
+<b><tt>void Swig_push_directory(const String_or_char *dirname)</tt></b>
+Pushs a temporary directory onto the search path. This directory is searched before
+directories added with <tt>Swig_add_directory()</tt> except when including a system
+file explicitly (either using #include &lt;file&gt; or calling <tt>Swig_include_sys()</tt>).
+This function is normally used by the preprocessor to add temporary directories when
+processing #include statements.
+<b><tt>void Swig_pop_directory()</tt></b>
+Pops off the last pushed directory with <tt>Swig_push_directory()</tt>
+<b><tt>int Swig_get_push_dir()</tt></b>
+Returns a flag that indicates whether directory pushing is enabled or not.
+<b><tt>void Swig_set_push_dir(int dopush)</tt></b>
+Enables or disables directory pushing. By default, it is turned on. However, the <tt>-I-</tt> command line
+option to SWIG disables it.
+<b><tt>List *Swig_search_path()</tt></b>
+Returns the current search path.
+<h2>File access functions</h2>
+<b><tt>FILE *Swig_open(const String_or_char *name)</tt></b>
+Opens a file, using the applicable search paths, and returns an open <tt>FILE *</tt> object if found. Returns NULL if the file is not found.
+<b><tt>String *Swig_read_file(FILE *f)</tt></b>
+Reads all of the data from an open file into a string which is returned.
+<b><tt>String *Swig_include(const String_or_char *name)</tt></b>
+Searches for an include file <tt>name</tt> and returns its contents as
+a string if found. Returns NULL if not found. All of the applicable
+search paths are searched when trying to locate the file.
+<b><tt>String *Swig_include_sys(const String_or_char *name)</tt></b>
+Searches for an include file <tt>name</tt> and returns its contents as
+a string if found. Returns NULL if not found. All of the applicable
+search paths are searched when trying to locate the file, but
+preference is given to system paths first. This mimics the behavior
+of <tt>#include &lt;file&gt;</tt> in the preprocessor.
+<b><tt>int Swig_insert_file(const String_or_char *name, File *outfile)</tt></b>
+Searches for a file <tt>name</tt> and dumps its contents to <tt>outfile</tt> if found.
+Returns 0 on sucesss, -1 if the file couldn't be found.
+<h2>Query functions</h2>
+<b><tt>String *Swig_last_file()</tt></b>
+Returns the full pathname of the file last opened or included.
+<h2>Named files</h2>
+<b><tt>void *Swig_register_filebyname(const String_or_char *filename, File *outfile)</tt></b>
+Registers a file object <tt>outfile</tt> with a specific name <tt>filename</tt>. This function is
+used to implement the SWIG %insert directive and to manage different sections of the output
+file such as "runtime","header","wrapper","init", etc. Different language modules may add their own
+sections for generating Python code, Perl code, etc.
+<b><tt>File *Swig_filebyname(const String_or_char *filename)</tt></b>
+This looks up a file object previously registered using <tt>Swig_register_filebyname()</tt>. This
+is used to implement the %insert directive.
+<h2>Filename utilities</h2>
+<b><tt>char *Swig_file_suffix(const String_or_char *filename)</tt></b>
+Returns the suffix of a filename. For instance, if the filename is "foo.txt", it returns ".txt".
+<b><tt>char *Swig_file_basename(const String_or_char *filename)</tt></b>
+Returns the filename without the suffix attached to it. For instance, if the filename is "foo.txt", it returns
+"foo". The result is stored in a static variable. If you need to save it, make your own copy.
+<b><tt>char *Swig_file_filename(const String_or_char *filename)</tt></b>
+Returns the filename without any leading directories. For instance, if the filename is "/bar/spam/foo.txt", it
+returns "foo.txt". This function is aware of local naming conventions on the machine (e.g., forward versus back slashes on Unix and Windows). The result is stored in a static variable. If you need to save the value, make a copy.
+<b><tt>char *Swig_file_dirname(const String_or_char *filename)</tt></b>
+Returns the directory name (if any). For instance, if the filename is "/bar/spam/foo.txt", it
+returns "/bar/spam/". This function is aware of local naming conventions on the machine (e.g., forward versus back slashes on Unix and Windows). The result is stored in a static variable. If you need to save the value, make a copy.
+This macro contains the file delimeter string for the local machine. On unix it is "/", on Windows it is "\\".