diff options
authorMarcelo Matus <>2006-01-05 19:34:51 +0000
committerMarcelo Matus <>2006-01-05 19:34:51 +0000
commitb25ff5cb44d7d0d6b5c408334d01a5842ddf9a41 (patch)
parenteb04de02afa1960d2e9a46cd63857bd28a65ce49 (diff)
delete the perl5 typemaps, ignored here
git-svn-id: 626c5289-ae23-0410-ae9c-e8d60b6d4f22
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 471 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/xml/typemaps.i b/Lib/xml/typemaps.i
index e604e97ca..297361355 100644
--- a/Lib/xml/typemaps.i
+++ b/Lib/xml/typemaps.i
@@ -1,473 +1,3 @@
-// SWIG Typemap library
-// Dave Beazley
-// May 5, 1997
-// Perl5 implementation
-// This library provides standard typemaps for modifying SWIG's behavior.
-// With enough entries in this file, I hope that very few people actually
-// ever need to write a typemap.
-#ifdef AUTODOC
-%section "Typemap Library (Perl 5)",info,after,pre,nosort,skip=1,chop_left=3,chop_right=0,chop_top=0,chop_bottom=0
-%text %{
-%include <typemaps.i>
-The SWIG typemap library provides a language independent mechanism for
-supporting output arguments, input values, and other C function
-calling mechanisms. The primary use of the library is to provide a
-better interface to certain C function--especially those involving
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Pointer handling
-// These mappings provide support for input/output arguments and common
-// uses for C/C++ pointers.
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// INPUT typemaps.
-// These remap a C pointer to be an "INPUT" value which is passed by value
-// instead of reference.
-#ifdef AUTODOC
-%subsection "Input Methods"
-%text %{
-The following methods can be applied to turn a pointer into a simple
-"input" value. That is, instead of passing a pointer to an object,
-you would use a real value instead.
- int *INPUT
- short *INPUT
- long *INPUT
- unsigned int *INPUT
- unsigned short *INPUT
- unsigned long *INPUT
- unsigned char *INPUT
- float *INPUT
- double *INPUT
-To use these, suppose you had a C function like this :
- double fadd(double *a, double *b) {
- return *a+*b;
- }
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- double fadd(double *INPUT, double *INPUT);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *INPUT { double *a, double *b };
- double fadd(double *a, double *b);
-%typemap(perl5,in) double *INPUT(double temp)
- temp = (double) SvNV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) float *INPUT(float temp)
- temp = (float) SvNV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) int *INPUT(int temp)
- temp = (int) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) short *INPUT(short temp)
- temp = (short) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) long *INPUT(long temp)
- temp = (long) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned int *INPUT(unsigned int temp)
- temp = (unsigned int) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned short *INPUT(unsigned short temp)
- temp = (unsigned short) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned long *INPUT(unsigned long temp)
- temp = (unsigned long) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned char *INPUT(unsigned char temp)
- temp = (unsigned char) SvIV($source);
- $target = &temp;
-// OUTPUT typemaps. These typemaps are used for parameters that
-// are output only. The output value is appended to the result as
-// a list element.
-#ifdef AUTODOC
-%subsection "Output Methods"
-%text %{
-The following methods can be applied to turn a pointer into an "output"
-value. When calling a function, no input value would be given for
-a parameter, but an output value would be returned. In the case of
-multiple output values, functions will return a Perl array.
- int *OUTPUT
- short *OUTPUT
- long *OUTPUT
- unsigned int *OUTPUT
- unsigned short *OUTPUT
- unsigned long *OUTPUT
- unsigned char *OUTPUT
- float *OUTPUT
- double *OUTPUT
-For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the modf() function in the
-C math library which splits x into integral and fractional parts (and
-returns the integer part in one of its parameters).K:
- double modf(double x, double *ip);
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- double modf(double x, double *OUTPUT);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *OUTPUT { double *ip };
- double modf(double x, double *ip);
-The Perl output of the function would be an array containing both
-output values.
-// Force the argument to be ignored.
-%typemap(perl5,ignore) int *OUTPUT(int temp),
- short *OUTPUT(short temp),
- long *OUTPUT(long temp),
- unsigned int *OUTPUT(unsigned int temp),
- unsigned short *OUTPUT(unsigned short temp),
- unsigned long *OUTPUT(unsigned long temp),
- unsigned char *OUTPUT(unsigned char temp),
- float *OUTPUT(float temp),
- double *OUTPUT(double temp)
- $target = &temp;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) int *OUTPUT,
- short *OUTPUT,
- long *OUTPUT,
- unsigned int *OUTPUT,
- unsigned short *OUTPUT,
- unsigned long *OUTPUT,
- unsigned char *OUTPUT
- if (argvi >= items) {
- EXTEND(sp,1);
- }
- $target = sv_newmortal();
- sv_setiv($target,(IV) *($source));
- argvi++;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) float *OUTPUT,
- double *OUTPUT
- if (argvi >= items) {
- EXTEND(sp,1);
- }
- $target = sv_newmortal();
- sv_setnv($target,(double) *($source));
- argvi++;
-// BOTH
-// Mappings for an argument that is both an input and output
-// parameter
-#ifdef AUTODOC
-%subsection "Input/Output Methods"
-%text %{
-The following methods can be applied to make a function parameter both
-an input and output value. This combines the behavior of both the
-"INPUT" and "OUTPUT" methods described earlier. Output values are
-returned in the form of a Tcl list.
- int *BOTH
- short *BOTH
- long *BOTH
- unsigned int *BOTH
- unsigned short *BOTH
- unsigned long *BOTH
- unsigned char *BOTH
- float *BOTH
- double *BOTH
-For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the following function :
- void neg(double *x) {
- *x = -(*x);
- }
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- void neg(double *BOTH);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *BOTH { double *x };
- void neg(double *x);
-Unlike C, this mapping does not directly modify the input value.
-Rather, the modified input value shows up as the return value of the
-function. Thus, to apply this function to a Perl variable you might
-do this :
- $x = neg($x);
-%typemap(perl5,in) int *BOTH = int *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) short *BOTH = short *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) long *BOTH = long *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned *BOTH = unsigned *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned short *BOTH = unsigned short *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned long *BOTH = unsigned long *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned char *BOTH = unsigned char *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) float *BOTH = float *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,in) double *BOTH = double *INPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) int *BOTH = int *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) short *BOTH = short *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) long *BOTH = long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) unsigned *BOTH = unsigned *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) unsigned short *BOTH = unsigned short *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) unsigned long *BOTH = unsigned long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) unsigned char *BOTH = unsigned char *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) float *BOTH = float *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) double *BOTH = double *OUTPUT;
-// Accept Perl references as pointers
-#ifdef AUTODOC
-%subsection "Reference Methods"
-%text %{
-The following methods make Perl references work like simple C
-pointers. References can only be used for simple input/output
-values, not C arrays however. It should also be noted that
-REFERENCES are specific to Perl and not supported in other
-scripting languages at this time.
- short *REFERENCE
- unsigned int *REFERENCE
- unsigned short *REFERENCE
- unsigned long *REFERENCE
- unsigned char *REFERENCE
- float *REFERENCE
- double *REFERENCE
-For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the following function :
- void neg(double *x) {
- *x = -(*x);
- }
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- void neg(double *REFERENCE);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *REFERENCE { double *x };
- void neg(double *x);
-Unlike the BOTH mapping described previous, this approach directly
-modifies the value of a Perl reference. Thus, you could use it
-as follows :
- $x = 3;
- neg(\$x);
- print "$x\n"; # Should print out -3.
-%typemap(perl5,in) double *REFERENCE (double dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if ((!SvNOK(tempsv)) && (!SvIOK(tempsv))) {
- printf("Received %d\n", SvTYPE(tempsv));
- croak("Expected a double reference.");
- }
- dvalue = SvNV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) float *REFERENCE (float dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if ((!SvNOK(tempsv)) && (!SvIOK(tempsv))) {
- croak("expected a double reference");
- }
- dvalue = (float) SvNV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) int *REFERENCE (int dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) short *REFERENCE (short dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = (short) SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) long *REFERENCE (long dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = (long) SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned int *REFERENCE (unsigned int dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = (unsigned int) SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned short *REFERENCE (unsigned short dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = (unsigned short) SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,in) unsigned long *REFERENCE (unsigned long dvalue)
- SV *tempsv;
- if (!SvROK($source)) {
- croak("expected a reference");
- }
- tempsv = SvRV($source);
- if (!SvIOK(tempsv)) {
- croak("expected a integer reference");
- }
- dvalue = (unsigned long) SvIV(tempsv);
- $target = &dvalue;
-%typemap(perl5,argout) double *REFERENCE,
- float *REFERENCE
- SV *tempsv;
- tempsv = SvRV($arg);
- sv_setnv(tempsv, (double) *$source);
-%typemap(perl5,argout) int *REFERENCE,
- short *REFERENCE,
- long *REFERENCE,
- unsigned int *REFERENCE,
- unsigned short *REFERENCE,
- unsigned long *REFERENCE
- SV *tempsv;
- tempsv = SvRV($arg);
- sv_setiv(tempsv, (int) *$source);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Special types
+// Empty file for %include to work
// --------------------------------------------------------------------