diff options
authorArtem Serebriyskiy <>2014-04-15 03:38:45 +0400
committerArtem Serebriyskiy <>2014-04-15 03:38:45 +0400
commit7c8405368e04ada8997cccd8a452c3a29bdd5ff0 (patch)
parent559128e14e733672f80c95b4f492f46ef18cfcbb (diff)
Finish implementation with proxy functions
4 files changed, 285 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/test-suite/cpp_basic.i b/Examples/test-suite/cpp_basic.i
index bd1ec453a..a228af289 100644
--- a/Examples/test-suite/cpp_basic.i
+++ b/Examples/test-suite/cpp_basic.i
@@ -30,6 +30,19 @@ class Foo {
int (Foo::*func_ptr)(int);
+ const char* __str__() const { return "Foo"; }
+class FooSub : public Foo {
+ public:
+ FooSub() :Foo(42) {}
+class FooSubSub : public FooSub {
+ public:
+ FooSubSub() : FooSub() {}
+ const char* __str__() const { return "FooSubSub"; }
diff --git a/Examples/test-suite/lua/cpp_basic_runme.lua b/Examples/test-suite/lua/cpp_basic_runme.lua
index 8a72f1bad..c7e0325c5 100644
--- a/Examples/test-suite/lua/cpp_basic_runme.lua
+++ b/Examples/test-suite/lua/cpp_basic_runme.lua
@@ -76,3 +76,13 @@ assert(cb.test_func_ptr(f,2)==-8)
-- Test that __tostring metamethod produce no internal asserts
f2_name = tostring(f2)
+f3 = cb.FooSub()
+f3_name = tostring(f3)
+f4 = cb.FooSubSub()
+f4_name = tostring(f4)
+assert( f2_name == "Foo" )
+assert( f3_name == "Foo" )
+assert( f4_name == "FooSubSub" )
diff --git a/Examples/test-suite/lua/operator_overload_runme.lua b/Examples/test-suite/lua/operator_overload_runme.lua
index 983daa1e5..f3753749b 100644
--- a/Examples/test-suite/lua/operator_overload_runme.lua
+++ b/Examples/test-suite/lua/operator_overload_runme.lua
@@ -78,6 +78,38 @@ assert(i(1,2)==6)
+-- check that operator overloads is correctly propogated accross hierarchy
+-- test equality
+-- test <
+-- test + inheritance
+-- plus add some code to check the __str__ fn inheritance
/* Sample test code in C++
diff --git a/Lib/lua/luarun.swg b/Lib/lua/luarun.swg
index 49d5848eb..b9e2d409a 100644
--- a/Lib/lua/luarun.swg
+++ b/Lib/lua/luarun.swg
@@ -1163,8 +1163,10 @@ SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_static_details(lua_State *L, swig_lua_class *
SWIG_Lua_add_namespace_details(L, clss->cls_static);
+SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethods(lua_State *L, swig_lua_class *clss); /* forward declaration */
/* helper to recursively add class details (attributes & operations) */
-SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_instance_details(lua_State *L,swig_lua_class *clss)
+SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_instance_details(lua_State *L, swig_lua_class *clss)
int i;
/* Add bases to .bases table */
@@ -1201,6 +1203,232 @@ SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_instance_details(lua_State *L,swig_lua_class
+#if !defined(SWIG_LUA_SQUASH_BASES)
+ /* Adding metamethods that are defined in base classes. If bases were squashed
+ * then it is obviously unnecessary
+ */
+ SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethods(L, clss);
+/* helpers to add user defined class metamedhods - __add, __sub etc. Necessity for those helpers
+ arise from the following issue: Lua runtime checks for metamethod existence with rawget function
+ ignoring our SWIG-provided __index and __newindex functions. Thus our inheritance-aware method
+ search algorithm doesn't work in such case. (Not to say that Lua runtime queries metamethod directly
+ in metatable and not in object).
+ Current solution is this: if somewhere in hierarchy metamethod __x is defined, then all descendants
+ are automatically given a special proxy __x that calls the real __x method.
+ Obvious idea - to copy __x instead of creating __x-proxy is wrong because if someone changes __x in runtime,
+ those changes must be reflected in all descendants.
+SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod(lua_State *L); /*forward declaration*/
+/* The real function that resolveds metamethod.
+ * Function searches given class and all it's bases(recursively) for first instance of something that is
+ * not equal to SWIG_Lua_resolve_metatmethod. (Almost always this 'something' is actuall metamethod implementation
+ * and it is a SWIG-generated C function.). It returns value on the top of the L and there is no garbage below the
+ * answer.
+ * Returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise.
+ * clss is class which metatable we will search for method
+ * metamethod_name_idx is index in L where metamethod name (as string) lies
+ * skip_check allows to skip searching metamethod in givel clss and immideatelly go to searching in bases. skip_check
+ * is not caried to subsequent recursive calls - false is always passed. It is set to true only at first call from
+ * SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod
+ * */
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_do_resolve_metamethod(lua_State *L, const swig_lua_class *clss, int metamethod_name_idx,
+ int skip_check)
+ const int beginIdx = lua_gettop(L); // TODO: REMOVE
+ /* This function is called recursively */
+ if (!skip_check) {
+ SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(L, clss->fqname);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, metamethod_name_idx);
+ assert(!lua_isnil(L,-1)); // TODO: REMOVE
+ assert(lua_type(L,-1) == LUA_TSTRING); // TODO: REMOVE
+ lua_rawget(L,-2);
+ /* If this is cfunction and it is equal to SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod then
+ * this isn't the function we are looking for :)
+ * lua_tocfunction will return NULL if not cfunction
+ */
+ if (!lua_isnil(L,-1) && lua_tocfunction(L,-1) != SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod ) {
+ lua_remove(L,-2); /* removing class metatable */
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == beginIdx + 1); // TODO: REMOVE
+ return 1;
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,2); /* remove class metatable and query result */
+ }
+ /* Forwarding calls to bases */
+ int result = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(i=0;clss->bases[i];i++)
+ {
+ result = SWIG_Lua_do_resolve_metamethod(L, clss->bases[i], metamethod_name_idx, 0);
+ if (result)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* TODO: REMOVE */
+ if (result)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == beginIdx + 1);
+ else
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == beginIdx );
+ return result;
+/* The proxy function for metamethod. All parameters are passed as cclosure. Searches for actual method
+ * and calls it */
+SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod(lua_State *L)
+ lua_checkstack(L,5);
+ const int numargs = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments to pass to actuall metamethod */
+ /* Get upvalues from closure */
+ lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); /*Get function name*/
+ assert( !lua_isnil(L,-1) ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ assert( lua_type(L,-1) == LUA_TSTRING ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ const int metamethod_name_idx = lua_gettop(L);
+ assert(metamethod_name_idx == numargs + 1); // TODO: REMOVE
+ lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(2));
+ assert( !lua_isnil(L,-1) ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ assert( lua_islightuserdata(L,-1) ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ const swig_lua_class* clss = (const swig_lua_class*)(lua_touserdata(L,-1));
+ lua_pop(L,1); /* remove lightuserdata with clss from stack */
+ const int precall_idx = lua_gettop(L); // TODO: REMOVE
+ assert( precall_idx == metamethod_name_idx ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ /* Actuall work */
+ const int result = SWIG_Lua_do_resolve_metamethod(L, clss, metamethod_name_idx, 1);
+ if (!result) {
+ SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"The metamethod proxy is set, but it failed to find actuall metamethod. Memory corruption is most likely explanation.");
+ lua_error(L);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == precall_idx + 1 ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ lua_remove(L,-2); /* remove metamethod key */
+ assert(lua_iscfunction(L,-1)); // TODO: REMOVE
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == numargs + 1); // TODO: REMOVE
+ lua_insert(L,1); /* move function to correct position */
+ lua_call(L, numargs, LUA_MULTRET);
+ return lua_gettop(L); /* return all results */
+/* If given metamethod must be present in given class, then creates appropriate proxy
+ * Returns 1 if successfully added, 0 if not added because no base class has it, -1
+ * if method is defined in the class metatable itself
+ */
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethod(lua_State *L, swig_lua_class *clss)
+ const int begin = lua_gettop(L); // TODO:REMOVE
+ /* Class metatable must be one below the top of the stack */
+ assert(lua_istable(L,-2));
+ /* and metamethod name - on the top of the stack */
+ assert(lua_isstring(L,-1));
+ const int metatable_index = lua_gettop(L) - 1;
+ const int key_index = lua_gettop(L);
+ /* Check whether method is already defined in metatable */
+ lua_pushvalue(L,-1); /* copy of the key */
+ lua_gettable(L,metatable_index);
+ if( !lua_isnil(L,-1) ) {
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ /* Iterating over immediate bases */
+ int success = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(i=0;clss->bases[i];i++)
+ {
+ const swig_lua_class *base = clss->bases[i];
+ SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(L, base->fqname);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, key_index);
+ lua_rawget(L, -2);
+ if( !lua_isnil(L,-1) ) {
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin + 2); // TODO: REMOVE
+ lua_pushvalue(L, key_index);
+ /* Add proxy function */
+ lua_pushvalue(L, key_index); /* first closure value is function name */
+ lua_pushlightuserdata(L, clss); /* second closure value is swig_lua_class structure */
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod, 2);
+ lua_rawset(L, metatable_index);
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin + 2 ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ success = 1;
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,1); /* remove function or nil */
+ lua_pop(L,1); /* remove base class metatable */
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ if( success )
+ break;
+ }
+ assert( lua_gettop(L) == begin ); // TODO: REMOVE
+ return success;
+#define SWIG_ADD_CLASS_METAMETHOD( name ) \
+ lua_pushstring(L,name);\
+ SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethod(L,clss);\
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethods(lua_State *L, swig_lua_class *clss)
+ const int begin = lua_gettop(L); // TODO:REMOVE
+ /* TODO: This place desperately needs for optimization:
+ * 1. Hardcoded names of all metamethods is bad idea
+ * 2. We create a N lua strings for every class instead of creating those N strings
+ * only once
+ */
+ SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(L, clss->fqname);
+ const int metatable_index = lua_gettop(L);
+ /* Special handling for __tostring method */
+ lua_pushstring(L, "__tostring");
+ const int tostring_result = SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethod(L,clss);
+ if (tostring_result == 0) {
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, SWIG_Lua_class_tostring);
+ lua_rawset(L, metatable_index);
+ } else {
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ }
+ /* Warning: __index and __newindex are SWIG-defined. For user-defined operator[]
+ * a __getitem/__setitem method should be defined
+ */
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == begin ); // TODO: REMOVE
/* Register class static methods,attributes etc as well as constructor proxy */
@@ -1303,7 +1531,7 @@ SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_class_register_instance(lua_State *L,swig_lua_class *c
/* add tostring method for better output */
- SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__tostring",SWIG_Lua_class_tostring);
+ //SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__tostring",SWIG_Lua_class_tostring); // TODO: REMEVO after ensuring that add_class_user_metamethods works correctly
/* add it */
lua_rawset(L,-3); /* metatable into registry */
lua_pop(L,1); /* tidy stack (remove registry) */