path: root/Source/Modules/r.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Modules/r.cxx')
1 files changed, 2745 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Modules/r.cxx b/Source/Modules/r.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966feb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Modules/r.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2745 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
+ * of SWIG, and the README file for authors -
+ *
+ * r.cxx
+ *
+ * R language module for SWIG.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+char cvsroot_r_cxx[] = "$Id: r.cxx 11454 2009-07-26 21:21:26Z wsfulton $";
+#include "swigmod.h"
+#define UNUSED(a) (void)a
+static const double DEFAULT_NUMBER = .0000123456712312312323;
+static const int MAX_OVERLOAD_ARGS = 5;
+static String* replaceInitialDash(const String *name)
+ String *retval;
+ if (!Strncmp(name, "_", 1)) {
+ retval = Copy(name);
+ Insert(retval, 0, "s");
+ } else {
+ retval = Copy(name);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static String * getRTypeName(SwigType *t, int *outCount = NULL) {
+ String *b = SwigType_base(t);
+ List *els = SwigType_split(t);
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ if(Strncmp(b, "struct ", 7) == 0)
+ Replace(b, "struct ", "", DOH_REPLACE_FIRST);
+ /* Printf(stderr, "<getRTypeName> %s,base = %s\n", t, b);
+ for(i = 0; i < Len(els); i++)
+ Printf(stderr, "%d) %s, ", i, Getitem(els,i));
+ Printf(stderr, "\n"); */
+ for(i = 0; i < Len(els); i++) {
+ String *el = Getitem(els, i);
+ if(Strcmp(el, "p.") == 0 || Strncmp(el, "a(", 2) == 0) {
+ count++;
+ Append(b, "Ref");
+ }
+ }
+ if(outCount)
+ *outCount = count;
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+ char *retName = Char(SwigType_manglestr(t));
+ Insert(tmp, 0, retName);
+ return tmp;
+ /*
+ if(count)
+ return(b);
+ Delete(b);
+ return(NewString(""));
+ */
+#if 0
+static String * getRType(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *elType = Getattr(n, "type");
+ SwigType *elDecl = Getattr(n, "decl");
+ //XXX How can we tell if this is already done.
+ SwigType_push(elType, elDecl);
+ String *ans;
+ String *rtype = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", n, "", 0);
+ String *i = getRTypeName(elType);
+ if(Len(i) == 0) {
+ SwigType *td = SwigType_typedef_resolve(elType);
+ if(td) {
+ // Printf(stderr, "Resolving typedef %s -> %s\n", elType, td);
+ i = getRTypeName(td);
+ }
+ }
+ // Printf(stderr, "<getRType> i = %s, rtype = %s (for %s)\n",
+ // i, rtype, elType);
+ if(rtype) {
+ ans = NewString("");
+ Printf(ans, "%s", rtype);
+ Replaceall(ans, "$R_class", Char(i));
+ // Printf(stderr, "Found r type in typemap for %s (for %s) => %s (%s) => %s\n",
+ // SwigType_str(elType, 0), Getattr(n, "name"), rtype, i, ans);
+ } else {
+ ans = i;
+ }
+ return(ans);
+ Tries to get the name of the R class corresponding to the given type
+ e.g. struct A * is ARef, struct A** is ARefRef.
+ Now handles arrays, i.e. struct A[2]
+static String *getRClassName(String *retType, int /*addRef*/ = 1, int upRef=0) {
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+ SwigType *resolved = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(retType);
+ char *retName = Char(SwigType_manglestr(resolved));
+ if (upRef) {
+ Printf(tmp, "_p%s", retName);
+ } else{
+ Insert(tmp, 0, retName);
+ }
+ return tmp;
+#if 1
+ List *l = SwigType_split(retType);
+ int n = Len(l);
+ if(!l || n == 0) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "SwigType_split return an empty list for %s\n",
+ retType);
+ return(tmp);
+ }
+ String *el = Getitem(l, n-1);
+ char *ptr = Char(el);
+ if(strncmp(ptr, "struct ", 7) == 0)
+ ptr += 7;
+ Printf(tmp, "%s", ptr);
+ if(addRef) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if(Strcmp(Getitem(l, i), "p.") == 0 ||
+ Strncmp(Getitem(l, i), "a(", 2) == 0)
+ Printf(tmp, "Ref");
+ }
+ }
+ char *retName = Char(SwigType_manglestr(retType));
+ if(!retName)
+ return(tmp);
+ if(addRef) {
+ while(retName && strlen(retName) > 1 && strncmp(retName, "_p", 2) == 0) {
+ retName += 2;
+ Printf(tmp, "Ref");
+ }
+ }
+ if(retName[0] == '_')
+ retName ++;
+ Insert(tmp, 0, retName);
+ return tmp;
+ Tries to get the name of the R class corresponding to the given type
+ e.g. struct A * is ARef, struct A** is ARefRef.
+ Now handles arrays, i.e. struct A[2]
+static String * getRClassNameCopyStruct(String *retType, int addRef) {
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+#if 1
+ List *l = SwigType_split(retType);
+ int n = Len(l);
+ if(!l || n == 0) {
+ Printf(stderr, "SwigType_split return an empty list for %s\n", retType);
+ return(tmp);
+ }
+ String *el = Getitem(l, n-1);
+ char *ptr = Char(el);
+ if(strncmp(ptr, "struct ", 7) == 0)
+ ptr += 7;
+ Printf(tmp, "%s", ptr);
+ if(addRef) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if(Strcmp(Getitem(l, i), "p.") == 0 ||
+ Strncmp(Getitem(l, i), "a(", 2) == 0)
+ Printf(tmp, "Ref");
+ }
+ }
+ char *retName = Char(SwigType_manglestr(retType));
+ if(!retName)
+ return(tmp);
+ if(addRef) {
+ while(retName && strlen(retName) > 1 &&
+ strncmp(retName, "_p", 2) == 0) {
+ retName += 2;
+ Printf(tmp, "Ref");
+ }
+ }
+ if(retName[0] == '_')
+ retName ++;
+ Insert(tmp, 0, retName);
+ return tmp;
+ Write the elements of a list to the File*, one element per line.
+ If quote is true, surround the element with "element".
+ This takes care of inserting a tab in front of each line and also
+ a comma after each element, except the last one.
+static void writeListByLine(List *l, File *out, bool quote = 0) {
+ int i, n = Len(l);
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ Printf(out, "%s%s%s%s%s\n", tab8,
+ quote ? "\"" :"",
+ Getitem(l, i),
+ quote ? "\"" :"", i < n-1 ? "," : "");
+static const char *usage = (char *)"\
+R Options (available with -r)\n\
+ -copystruct - Emit R code to copy C structs (on by default)\n\
+ -cppcast - Enable C++ casting operators (default) \n\
+ -debug - Output debug\n\
+ -dll <name> - Name of the DLL (without the .dll or .so suffix). Default is the module name.\n\
+ -gc - Aggressive garbage collection\n\
+ -memoryprof - Add memory profile\n\
+ -namespace - Output NAMESPACE file\n\
+ -no-init-code - Turn off the generation of the R_init_<pkgname> code (registration information still generated)\n\
+ -package <name> - Package name for the PACKAGE argument of the R .Call() invocations. Default is the module name.\n\
+ Display the help for this module on the screen/console.
+static void showUsage() {
+ fputs(usage, stdout);
+static bool expandTypedef(SwigType *t) {
+ if (SwigType_isenum(t)) return false;
+ String *prefix = SwigType_prefix(t);
+ if (Strncmp(prefix, "f", 1)) return false;
+ if (Strncmp(prefix, "p.f", 3)) return false;
+ return true;
+ Determine whether we should add a .copy argument to the S function
+ that wraps/interfaces to the routine that returns the given type.
+static int addCopyParameter(SwigType *type) {
+ int ok = 0;
+ ok = Strncmp(type, "struct ", 7) == 0 || Strncmp(type, "p.struct ", 9) == 0;
+ if(!ok) {
+ ok = Strncmp(type, "p.", 2);
+ }
+ return(ok);
+static void replaceRClass(String *tm, SwigType *type) {
+ String *tmp = getRClassName(type);
+ String *tmp_base = getRClassName(type, 0);
+ String *tmp_ref = getRClassName(type, 1, 1);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$R_class", tmp);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$*R_class", tmp_base);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$&R_class", tmp_ref);
+ Delete(tmp); Delete(tmp_base); Delete(tmp_ref);
+static double getNumber(String *value, String *type) {
+ UNUSED(type);
+ double d = DEFAULT_NUMBER;
+ if(Char(value)) {
+ // Printf(stderr, "getNumber %s %s\n", Char(value), type);
+ if(sscanf(Char(value), "%lf", &d) != 1)
+ }
+ return(d);
+class R : public Language {
+ R();
+ void registerClass(Node *n);
+ void main(int argc, char *argv[]);
+ int top(Node *n);
+ void dispatchFunction(Node *n);
+ int functionWrapper(Node *n);
+ int variableWrapper(Node *n);
+ int classDeclaration(Node *n);
+ int enumDeclaration(Node *n);
+ int membervariableHandler(Node *n);
+ int typedefHandler(Node *n);
+ int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<memberfunctionHandler> %s %s\n",
+ Getattr(n, "name"),
+ Getattr(n, "type"));
+ member_name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ processing_class_member_function = 1;
+ int status = Language::memberfunctionHandler(n);
+ processing_class_member_function = 0;
+ return status;
+ }
+ /* Grab the name of the current class being processed so that we can
+ deal with members of that class. */
+ int classHandler(Node *n){
+ if(!ClassMemberTable)
+ ClassMemberTable = NewHash();
+ class_name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ int status = Language::classHandler(n);
+ class_name = NULL;
+ return status;
+ }
+ // Not used:
+ String *runtimeCode();
+ int addRegistrationRoutine(String *rname, int nargs);
+ int outputRegistrationRoutines(File *out);
+ int outputCommandLineArguments(File *out);
+ int generateCopyRoutines(Node *n);
+ int DumpCode(Node *n);
+ int OutputMemberReferenceMethod(String *className, int isSet, List *el, File *out);
+ int OutputArrayMethod(String *className, List *el, File *out);
+ int OutputClassMemberTable(Hash *tb, File *out);
+ int OutputClassMethodsTable(File *out);
+ int OutputClassAccessInfo(Hash *tb, File *out);
+ int defineArrayAccessors(SwigType *type);
+ void addNamespaceFunction(String *name) {
+ if(!namespaceFunctions)
+ namespaceFunctions = NewList();
+ Append(namespaceFunctions, name);
+ }
+ void addNamespaceMethod(String *name) {
+ if(!namespaceMethods)
+ namespaceMethods = NewList();
+ Append(namespaceMethods, name);
+ }
+ String* processType(SwigType *t, Node *n, int *nargs = NULL);
+ String *createFunctionPointerHandler(SwigType *t, Node *n, int *nargs);
+ int addFunctionPointerProxy(String *name, Node *n, SwigType *t, String *s_paramTypes) {
+ /*XXX Do we need to put the t in there to get the return type later. */
+ if(!functionPointerProxyTable)
+ functionPointerProxyTable = NewHash();
+ Setattr(functionPointerProxyTable, name, n);
+ Setattr(SClassDefs, name, name);
+ Printv(s_classes, "setClass('",
+ name,
+ "',\n", tab8,
+ "prototype = list(parameterTypes = c(", s_paramTypes, "),\n",
+ tab8, tab8, tab8,
+ "returnType = '", SwigType_manglestr(t), "'),\n", tab8,
+ "contains = 'CRoutinePointer')\n\n##\n", NIL);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ void addSMethodInfo(String *name,
+ String *argType, int nargs);
+ // Simple initialization such as constant strings that can be reused.
+ void init();
+ void addAccessor(String *memberName, Wrapper *f,
+ String *name, int isSet = -1);
+ static int getFunctionPointerNumArgs(Node *n, SwigType *tt);
+ bool copyStruct;
+ bool memoryProfile;
+ bool aggressiveGc;
+ // Strings into which we cumulate the generated code that is to be written
+ //vto the files.
+ String *sfile;
+ String *f_init;
+ String *s_classes;
+ String *f_begin;
+ String *f_runtime;
+ String *f_wrapper;
+ String *s_header;
+ String *f_wrappers;
+ String *s_init;
+ String *s_init_routine;
+ String *s_namespace;
+ // State variables that carry information across calls to functionWrapper()
+ // from member accessors and class declarations.
+ String *opaqueClassDeclaration;
+ int processing_variable;
+ int processing_member_access_function;
+ String *member_name;
+ String *class_name;
+ int processing_class_member_function;
+ List *class_member_functions;
+ List *class_member_set_functions;
+ /* */
+ Hash *ClassMemberTable;
+ Hash *ClassMethodsTable;
+ Hash *SClassDefs;
+ Hash *SMethodInfo;
+ // Information about routines that are generated and to be registered with
+ // R for dynamic lookup.
+ Hash *registrationTable;
+ Hash *functionPointerProxyTable;
+ List *namespaceFunctions;
+ List *namespaceMethods;
+ List *namespaceClasses; // Probably can do this from ClassMemberTable.
+ // Store a copy of the command line.
+ // Need only keep a string that has it formatted.
+ char **Argv;
+ int Argc;
+ bool inCPlusMode;
+ // State variables that we remember from the command line settings
+ // potentially that govern the code we generate.
+ String *DllName;
+ String *Rpackage;
+ bool noInitializationCode;
+ bool outputNamespaceInfo;
+ String *UnProtectWrapupCode;
+ // Static members
+ static bool debugMode;
+R::R() :
+ copyStruct(false),
+ memoryProfile(false),
+ aggressiveGc(false),
+ sfile(0),
+ f_init(0),
+ s_classes(0),
+ f_begin(0),
+ f_runtime(0),
+ f_wrapper(0),
+ s_header(0),
+ f_wrappers(0),
+ s_init(0),
+ s_init_routine(0),
+ s_namespace(0),
+ opaqueClassDeclaration(0),
+ processing_variable(0),
+ processing_member_access_function(0),
+ member_name(0),
+ class_name(0),
+ processing_class_member_function(0),
+ class_member_functions(0),
+ class_member_set_functions(0),
+ ClassMemberTable(0),
+ ClassMethodsTable(0),
+ SClassDefs(0),
+ SMethodInfo(0),
+ registrationTable(0),
+ functionPointerProxyTable(0),
+ namespaceFunctions(0),
+ namespaceMethods(0),
+ namespaceClasses(0),
+ Argv(0),
+ Argc(0),
+ inCPlusMode(false),
+ DllName(0),
+ Rpackage(0),
+ noInitializationCode(false),
+ outputNamespaceInfo(false),
+ UnProtectWrapupCode(0) {
+bool R::debugMode = false;
+int R::getFunctionPointerNumArgs(Node *n, SwigType *tt) {
+ (void) tt;
+ n = Getattr(n, "type");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "type: %s\n", n);
+#if 0
+ SwigType *tmp = SwigType_typedef_resolve(tt);
+ n = SwigType_typedef_resolve(tt);
+ ParmList *parms = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "parms = %p\n", parms);
+ return ParmList_len(parms);
+void R::addSMethodInfo(String *name, String *argType, int nargs) {
+ (void) argType;
+ if(!SMethodInfo)
+ SMethodInfo = NewHash();
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "[addMethodInfo] %s\n", name);
+ Hash *tb = Getattr(SMethodInfo, name);
+ if(!tb) {
+ tb = NewHash();
+ Setattr(SMethodInfo, name, tb);
+ }
+ String *str = Getattr(tb, "max");
+ int max = -1;
+ if(str)
+ max = atoi(Char(str));
+ if(max < nargs) {
+ if(str) Delete(str);
+ str = NewStringf("%d", max);
+ Setattr(tb, "max", str);
+ }
+Returns the name of the new routine.
+String * R::createFunctionPointerHandler(SwigType *t, Node *n, int *numArgs) {
+ String *funName = SwigType_manglestr(t);
+ /* See if we have already processed this one. */
+ if(functionPointerProxyTable && Getattr(functionPointerProxyTable, funName))
+ return funName;
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<createFunctionPointerHandler> Defining %s\n", t);
+ SwigType *rettype = Copy(Getattr(n, "type"));
+ SwigType *funcparams = SwigType_functionpointer_decompose(rettype);
+ String *rtype = SwigType_str(rettype, 0);
+ // ParmList *parms = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ // memory leak
+ ParmList *parms = SwigType_function_parms(SwigType_del_pointer(Copy(t)));
+ // if (debugMode) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Type: %s\n", t);
+ Printf(stderr, "Return type: %s\n", SwigType_base(t));
+ //}
+ bool isVoidType = Strcmp(rettype, "void") == 0;
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "%s is void ? %s (%s)\n", funName, isVoidType ? "yes" : "no", rettype);
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
+ /* Go through argument list, attach lnames for arguments */
+ int i = 0;
+ Parm *p = parms;
+ for (i = 0; p; p = nextSibling(p), ++i) {
+ String *arg = Getattr(p, "name");
+ String *lname = NewString("");
+ if (!arg && Cmp(Getattr(p, "type"), "void")) {
+ lname = NewStringf("s_arg%d", i+1);
+ Setattr(p, "name", lname);
+ } else
+ lname = arg;
+ Setattr(p, "lname", lname);
+ }
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("out", parms, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("scoerceout", parms, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("scheck", parms, f);
+ Printf(f->def, "%s %s(", rtype, funName);
+ emit_parameter_variables(parms, f);
+ emit_return_variable(n, rettype, f);
+// emit_attach_parmmaps(parms,f);
+ /* Using weird name and struct to avoid potential conflicts. */
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "r_swig_cb_data", "RCallbackFunctionData *r_swig_cb_data = R_SWIG_getCallbackFunctionData()");
+ String *lvar = NewString("r_swig_cb_data");
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "r_tmp", "SEXP r_tmp"); // for use in converting arguments to R objects for call.
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "r_nprotect", "int r_nprotect = 0"); // for use in converting arguments to R objects for call.
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "r_vmax", "char * r_vmax= 0"); // for use in converting arguments to R objects for call.
+ // Add local for error code in return value. This is not in emit_return_variable because that assumes an out typemap
+ // whereas the type makes are reverse
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "ecode", "int ecode = 0");
+ p = parms;
+ int nargs = ParmList_len(parms);
+ if(numArgs) {
+ *numArgs = nargs;
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "Setting number of parameters to %d\n", *numArgs);
+ }
+ String *setExprElements = NewString("");
+ String *s_paramTypes = NewString("");
+ for(i = 0; p; i++) {
+ SwigType *tt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ SwigType *name = Getattr(p, "name");
+ // String *lname = Getattr(p,"lname");
+ Printf(f->def, "%s %s", SwigType_str(tt, 0), name);
+ String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:out");
+ if(tm) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "$1", name);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$result", "r_tmp");
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(p,"type"));
+ Replaceall(tm,"$owner", "R_SWIG_EXTERNAL");
+ }
+ Printf(setExprElements, "%s\n", tm);
+ Printf(setExprElements, "SETCAR(r_swig_cb_data->el, %s);\n", "r_tmp");
+ Printf(setExprElements, "r_swig_cb_data->el = CDR(r_swig_cb_data->el);\n\n");
+ Printf(s_paramTypes, "'%s'", SwigType_manglestr(tt));
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ if(p) {
+ Printf(f->def, ", ");
+ Printf(s_paramTypes, ", ");
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(f->def, ") {\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "Rf_protect(%s->expr = Rf_allocVector(LANGSXP, %d));\n", lvar, nargs + 1);
+ Printf(f->code, "r_nprotect++;\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "r_swig_cb_data->el = r_swig_cb_data->expr;\n\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "SETCAR(r_swig_cb_data->el, r_swig_cb_data->fun);\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "r_swig_cb_data->el = CDR(r_swig_cb_data->el);\n\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "%s\n\n", setExprElements);
+ Printv(f->code, "r_swig_cb_data->retValue = R_tryEval(",
+ "r_swig_cb_data->expr,",
+ " R_GlobalEnv,",
+ " &r_swig_cb_data->errorOccurred",
+ ");\n",
+ NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, "\n",
+ "if(r_swig_cb_data->errorOccurred) {\n",
+ "R_SWIG_popCallbackFunctionData(1);\n",
+ "Rf_error(\"error in calling R function as a function pointer (",
+ funName,
+ ")\");\n",
+ "}\n",
+ NIL);
+ if(!isVoidType) {
+ /* Need to deal with the return type of the function pointer, not the function pointer itself.
+ So build a new node that has the relevant pieces.
+ XXX Have to be a little more clever so that we can deal with struct A * - the * is getting lost.
+ Is this still true? If so, will a SwigType_push() solve things?
+ */
+ Node *bbase = NewHash();
+ Setattr(bbase, "type", rettype);
+ Setattr(bbase, "name", NewString("result"));
+ String *returnTM = Swig_typemap_lookup("in", bbase, "result", f);
+ if(returnTM) {
+ String *tm = returnTM;
+ Replaceall(tm,"$input", "r_swig_cb_data->retValue");
+ Replaceall(tm,"$target", "result");
+ replaceRClass(tm, rettype);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$owner", "R_SWIG_EXTERNAL");
+ Replaceall(tm,"$disown","0");
+ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ }
+ Delete(bbase);
+ }
+ Printv(f->code, "R_SWIG_popCallbackFunctionData(1);\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, "\n", UnProtectWrapupCode, NIL);
+ if(!isVoidType)
+ Printv(f->code, "return result;\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, "\n}\n", NIL);
+ /* To coerce correctly in S, we really want to have an extra/intermediate
+ function that handles the scoerceout.
+ We need to check if any of the argument types have an entry in
+ that map. If none do, the ignore and call the function straight.
+ Otherwise, generate the a marshalling function.
+ Need to be able to find it in S. Or use an entirely generic one
+ that evaluates the expressions.
+ Handle errors in the evaluation of the function by restoring
+ the stack, if there is one in use for this function (i.e. no
+ userData).
+ */
+ Wrapper_print(f, f_wrapper);
+ addFunctionPointerProxy(funName, n, t, s_paramTypes);
+ Delete(s_paramTypes);
+ Delete(rtype);
+ Delete(rettype);
+ Delete(funcparams);
+ return funName;
+void R::init() {
+ UnProtectWrapupCode =
+ NewStringf("%s", "vmaxset(r_vmax);\nif(r_nprotect) Rf_unprotect(r_nprotect);\n\n");
+ SClassDefs = NewHash();
+ sfile = NewString("");
+ f_init = NewString("");
+ s_header = NewString("");
+ f_begin = NewString("");
+ f_runtime = NewString("");
+ f_wrapper = NewString("");
+ s_classes = NewString("");
+ s_init = NewString("");
+ s_init_routine = NewString("");
+#if 0
+int R::cDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ SwigType *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "cDeclaration (%s): %s\n", name, SwigType_lstr(t, 0));
+ return Language::cDeclaration(n);
+ Method from Language that is called to start the entire
+ processing off, i.e. the generation of the code.
+ It is called after the input has been read and parsed.
+ Here we open the output streams and generate the code.
+int R::top(Node *n) {
+ String *module = Getattr(n, "name");
+ if(!Rpackage)
+ Rpackage = Copy(module);
+ if(!DllName)
+ DllName = Copy(module);
+ if(outputNamespaceInfo) {
+ s_namespace = NewString("");
+ Swig_register_filebyname("snamespace", s_namespace);
+ Printf(s_namespace, "useDynLib(%s)\n", DllName);
+ }
+ /* Associate the different streams with names so that they can be used in %insert directives by the
+ typemap code. */
+ Swig_register_filebyname("sinit", s_init);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("sinitroutine", s_init_routine);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_begin);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_runtime);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("init", f_init);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("header", s_header);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_wrapper);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("s", sfile);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("sclasses", s_classes);
+ Swig_banner(f_begin);
+ Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIGR\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
+ Swig_banner_target_lang(s_init, "#");
+ outputCommandLineArguments(s_init);
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "extern \"C\" {\n");
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "#endif\n\n");
+ Language::top(n);
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "}\n");
+ Printf(f_wrapper, "#endif\n");
+ String *type_table = NewString("");
+ SwigType_emit_type_table(f_runtime,f_wrapper);
+ Delete(type_table);
+ if(ClassMemberTable) {
+ //XXX OutputClassAccessInfo(ClassMemberTable, sfile);
+ Delete(ClassMemberTable);
+ ClassMemberTable = NULL;
+ }
+ Printf(f_init,"}\n");
+ if(registrationTable)
+ outputRegistrationRoutines(f_init);
+ /* Now arrange to write the 2 files - .S and .c. */
+ DumpCode(n);
+ Delete(sfile);
+ Delete(s_classes);
+ Delete(s_init);
+ Delete(f_wrapper);
+ Delete(f_init);
+ Delete(s_header);
+ Close(f_begin);
+ Delete(f_runtime);
+ Delete(f_begin);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Write the generated code to the .S and the .c files.
+int R::DumpCode(Node *n) {
+ String *output_filename = NewString("");
+ /* The name of the file in which we will generate the S code. */
+ Printf(output_filename, "%s%s.R", SWIG_output_directory(), Rpackage);
+ Printf(stderr, "Writing S code to %s\n", output_filename);
+ File *scode = NewFile(output_filename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!scode) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(output_filename);
+ }
+ Delete(output_filename);
+ Printf(scode, "%s\n\n", s_init);
+ Printf(scode, "%s\n\n", s_classes);
+ Printf(scode, "%s\n", sfile);
+ Close(scode);
+ // Delete(scode);
+ String *outfile = Getattr(n,"outfile");
+ File *runtime = NewFile(outfile,"w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!runtime) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(outfile);
+ }
+ Printf(runtime, "%s", f_begin);
+ Printf(runtime, "%s\n", f_runtime);
+ Printf(runtime, "%s\n", s_header);
+ Printf(runtime, "%s\n", f_wrapper);
+ Printf(runtime, "%s\n", f_init);
+ Close(runtime);
+ Delete(runtime);
+ if(outputNamespaceInfo) {
+ output_filename = NewString("");
+ Printf(output_filename, "%sNAMESPACE", SWIG_output_directory());
+ File *ns = NewFile(output_filename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!ns) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(output_filename);
+ }
+ Delete(output_filename);
+ Printf(ns, "%s\n", s_namespace);
+ Printf(ns, "\nexport(\n");
+ writeListByLine(namespaceFunctions, ns);
+ Printf(ns, ")\n");
+ Printf(ns, "\nexportMethods(\n");
+ writeListByLine(namespaceFunctions, ns, 1);
+ Printf(ns, ")\n");
+ Close(ns);
+ Delete(ns);
+ Delete(s_namespace);
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ We may need to do more.... so this is left as a
+ stub for the moment.
+int R::OutputClassAccessInfo(Hash *tb, File *out) {
+ int n = OutputClassMemberTable(tb, out);
+ OutputClassMethodsTable(out);
+ return n;
+ Currently this just writes the information collected about the
+ different methods of the C++ classes that have been processed
+ to the console.
+ This will be used later to define S4 generics and methods.
+int R::OutputClassMethodsTable(File *) {
+ Hash *tb = ClassMethodsTable;
+ if(!tb)
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ List *keys = Keys(tb);
+ String *key;
+ int i, n = Len(keys);
+ if (debugMode) {
+ for(i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) {
+ key = Getitem(keys, i);
+ Printf(stderr, "%d) %s\n", i, key);
+ List *els = Getattr(tb, key);
+ int nels = Len(els);
+ Printf(stderr, "\t");
+ for(int j = 0; j < nels; j+=2) {
+ Printf(stderr, "%s%s", Getitem(els, j), j < nels - 1 ? ", " : "");
+ Printf(stderr, "%s\n", Getitem(els, j+1));
+ }
+ Printf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Iterate over the <class name>_set and <>_get
+ elements and generate the $ and $<- functions
+ that provide constrained access to the member
+ fields in these elements.
+ tb - a hash table that is built up in functionWrapper
+ as we process each membervalueHandler.
+ The entries are indexed by <class name>_set and
+ <class_name>_get. Each entry is a List *.
+ out - the stram where the code is to be written. This is the S
+ code stream as we generate only S code here..
+int R::OutputClassMemberTable(Hash *tb, File *out) {
+ List *keys = Keys(tb), *el;
+ String *key;
+ int i, n = Len(keys);
+ /* Loop over all the <Class>_set and <Class>_get entries in the table. */
+ if(n && outputNamespaceInfo) {
+ Printf(s_namespace, "exportClasses(");
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ key = Getitem(keys, i);
+ el = Getattr(tb, key);
+ String *className = Getitem(el, 0);
+ char *ptr = Char(key);
+ ptr = &ptr[Len(key) - 3];
+ int isSet = strcmp(ptr, "set") == 0;
+ // OutputArrayMethod(className, el, out);
+ OutputMemberReferenceMethod(className, isSet, el, out);
+ if(outputNamespaceInfo)
+ Printf(s_namespace, "\"%s\"%s", className, i < n-1 ? "," : "");
+ }
+ if(n && outputNamespaceInfo) {
+ Printf(s_namespace, ")\n");
+ }
+ return n;
+ Write the methods for $ or $<- for accessing a member field in an
+ struct or union (or class).
+ className - the name of the struct or union (e.g. Bar for struct Bar)
+ isSet - a logical value indicating whether the method is for
+ modifying ($<-) or accessing ($) the member field.
+ el - a list of length 2 * # accessible member elements + 1.
+ The first element is the name of the class.
+ The other pairs are member name and the name of the R function to access it.
+ out - the stream where we write the code.
+int R::OutputMemberReferenceMethod(String *className, int isSet,
+ List *el, File *out) {
+ int numMems = Len(el), j;
+ int has_getitem = 0, has_setitem = 0, has_str = 0;
+ int varaccessor = 0;
+ if (numMems == 0)
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper(), *attr = NewWrapper();
+ Printf(f->def, "function(x, name%s)", isSet ? ", value" : "");
+ Printf(attr->def, "function(x, i, j, ...%s)", isSet ? ", value" : "");
+ Printf(f->code, "{\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "%saccessorFuns = list(", tab8);
+ Node *itemList = NewHash();
+ bool has_prev = false;
+ for(j = 0; j < numMems; j+=3) {
+ String *item = Getitem(el, j);
+ if (Getattr(itemList, item))
+ continue;
+ Setattr(itemList, item, "1");
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "__getitem__")) has_getitem = 1;
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "__setitem__")) has_setitem = 1;
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "__str__")) has_str = 1;
+ String *dup = Getitem(el, j + 1);
+ char *ptr = Char(dup);
+ ptr = &ptr[Len(dup) - 3];
+ if (!strcmp(ptr, "get"))
+ varaccessor++;
+ String *pitem;
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "operator ()")) {
+ pitem = NewString("call");
+ } else if (!Strcmp(item, "operator ->")) {
+ pitem = NewString("deref");
+ } else if (!Strcmp(item, "operator +")) {
+ pitem = NewString("add");
+ } else if (!Strcmp(item, "operator -")) {
+ pitem = NewString("sub");
+ } else {
+ pitem = Copy(item);
+ }
+ if (has_prev)
+ Printf(f->code, ", ");
+ Printf(f->code, "'%s' = %s", pitem, dup);
+ has_prev = true;
+ Delete(pitem);
+ }
+ Delete(itemList);
+ Printf(f->code, ")\n");
+ if (!isSet && varaccessor > 0) {
+ Printf(f->code, "%svaccessors = c(", tab8);
+ int vcount = 0;
+ for(j = 0; j < numMems; j+=3) {
+ String *item = Getitem(el, j);
+ String *dup = Getitem(el, j + 1);
+ char *ptr = Char(dup);
+ ptr = &ptr[Len(dup) - 3];
+ if (!strcmp(ptr, "get")) {
+ vcount++;
+ Printf(f->code, "'%s'%s", item, vcount < varaccessor ? ", " : "");
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(f->code, ")\n");
+ }
+ /* Printv(f->code, tab8,
+ "idx = pmatch(name, names(accessorFuns))\n",
+ tab8,
+ "if( {\n",
+ tab8, tab4,
+ "stop(\"No ", (isSet ? "modifiable" : "accessible"), " field named \", name, \" in ", className,
+ ": fields are \", paste(names(accessorFuns), sep = \", \")",
+ ")", "\n}\n", NIL); */
+ Printv(f->code, tab8,
+ "idx = pmatch(name, names(accessorFuns))\n",
+ tab8,
+ "if( \n",
+ tab8, tab4, NIL);
+ Printf(f->code, "return(callNextMethod(x, name%s))\n",
+ isSet ? ", value" : "");
+ Printv(f->code, tab8, "f = accessorFuns[[idx]]\n", NIL);
+ if(isSet) {
+ Printv(f->code, tab8, "f(x, value)\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, tab8, "x\n", NIL); // make certain to return the S value.
+ } else {
+ Printv(f->code, tab8, "formals(f)[[1]] = x\n", NIL);
+ if (varaccessor) {
+ Printv(f->code, tab8,
+ "if (, vaccessors))) f else f(x)\n", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printv(f->code, tab8, "f\n", NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(f->code, "}\n");
+ Printf(out, "# Start of accessor method for %s\n", className);
+ Printf(out, "setMethod('$%s', '_p%s', ",
+ isSet ? "<-" : "",
+ getRClassName(className));
+ Wrapper_print(f, out);
+ Printf(out, ")\n");
+ if(isSet) {
+ Printf(out, "setMethod('[[<-', c('_p%s', 'character'),",
+ getRClassName(className));
+ Insert(f->code, 2, "name = i\n");
+ Printf(attr->code, "%s", f->code);
+ Wrapper_print(attr, out);
+ Printf(out, ")\n");
+ }
+ DelWrapper(attr);
+ DelWrapper(f);
+ Printf(out, "# end of accessor method for %s\n", className);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Write the methods for [ or [<- for accessing a member field in an
+ struct or union (or class).
+ className - the name of the struct or union (e.g. Bar for struct Bar)
+ el - a list of length 2 * # accessible member elements + 1.
+ The first element is the name of the class.
+ The other pairs are member name and the name of the R function to access it.
+ out - the stream where we write the code.
+int R::OutputArrayMethod(String *className, List *el, File *out) {
+ int numMems = Len(el), j;
+ if(!el || numMems == 0)
+ return(0);
+ Printf(out, "# start of array methods for %s\n", className);
+ for(j = 0; j < numMems; j+=3) {
+ String *item = Getitem(el, j);
+ String *dup = Getitem(el, j + 1);
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "__getitem__")) {
+ Printf(out,
+ "setMethod('[', '_p%s', function(x, i, j, ..., drop =TRUE) ",
+ getRClassName(className));
+ Printf(out, " sapply(i, function (n) %s(x, as.integer(n-1))))\n\n", dup);
+ }
+ if (!Strcmp(item, "__setitem__")) {
+ Printf(out, "setMethod('[<-', '_p%s', function(x, i, j, ..., value)",
+ getRClassName(className));
+ Printf(out, " sapply(1:length(i), function(n) %s(x, as.integer(i[n]-1), value[n])))\n\n", dup);
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(out, "# end of array methods for %s\n", className);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Called when a enumeration is to be processed.
+ We want to call the R function defineEnumeration().
+ tdname is the typedef of the enumeration, i.e. giving its name.
+int R::enumDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *tdname = Getattr(n, "tdname");
+ /* Using name if tdname is empty. */
+ if(Len(tdname) == 0)
+ tdname = name;
+ if(!tdname || Strcmp(tdname, "") == 0) {
+ Language::enumDeclaration(n);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ String *mangled_tdname = SwigType_manglestr(tdname);
+ String *scode = NewString("");
+ Printv(scode, "defineEnumeration('", mangled_tdname, "'",
+ ",\n", tab8, tab8, tab4, ".values = c(\n", NIL);
+ Node *c;
+ int value = -1; // First number is zero
+ for (c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) {
+ // const char *tag = Char(nodeType(c));
+ // if (Strcmp(tag,"cdecl") == 0) {
+ name = Getattr(c, "name");
+ String *type = Getattr(c, "type");
+ String *val = Getattr(c, "enumvalue");
+ if(val && Char(val)) {
+ int inval = (int) getNumber(val, type);
+ if(inval == DEFAULT_NUMBER)
+ value++;
+ else
+ value = inval;
+ } else
+ value++;
+ Printf(scode, "%s%s%s'%s' = %d%s\n", tab8, tab8, tab8, name, value,
+ nextSibling(c) ? ", " : "");
+ // }
+ }
+ Printv(scode, "))", NIL);
+ Printf(sfile, "%s\n", scode);
+ Delete(scode);
+ Delete(mangled_tdname);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+int R::variableWrapper(Node *n) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ processing_variable = 1;
+ Language::variableWrapper(n); // Force the emission of the _set and _get function wrappers.
+ processing_variable = 0;
+ SwigType *ty = Getattr(n, "type");
+ int addCopyParam = addCopyParameter(ty);
+ //XXX
+ processType(ty, n);
+ if(!SwigType_isconst(ty)) {
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
+ Printf(f->def, "%s = \nfunction(value%s)\n{\n",
+ name, addCopyParam ? ", .copy = FALSE" : "");
+ Printv(f->code, "if(missing(value)) {\n",
+ name, "_get(", addCopyParam ? ".copy" : "", ")\n}", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, " else {\n",
+ name, "_set(value)\n}\n}", NIL);
+ Wrapper_print(f, sfile);
+ DelWrapper(f);
+ } else {
+ Printf(sfile, "%s = %s_get\n", name, name);
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+void R::addAccessor(String *memberName, Wrapper *wrapper, String *name,
+ int isSet) {
+ if(isSet < 0) {
+ int n = Len(name);
+ char *ptr = Char(name);
+ isSet = Strcmp(NewString(&ptr[n-3]), "set") == 0;
+ }
+ List *l = isSet ? class_member_set_functions : class_member_functions;
+ if(!l) {
+ l = NewList();
+ if(isSet)
+ class_member_set_functions = l;
+ else
+ class_member_functions = l;
+ }
+ Append(l, memberName);
+ Append(l, name);
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+ Wrapper_print(wrapper, tmp);
+ Append(l, tmp);
+ // if we could put the wrapper in directly: Append(l, Copy(sfun));
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "Adding accessor: %s (%s) => %s\n", memberName, name, tmp);
+#define MAX_OVERLOAD 256
+struct Overloaded {
+ Node *n; /* Node */
+ int argc; /* Argument count */
+ ParmList *parms; /* Parameters used for overload check */
+ int error; /* Ambiguity error */
+static List * Swig_overload_rank(Node *n,
+ bool script_lang_wrapping) {
+ Overloaded nodes[MAX_OVERLOAD];
+ int nnodes = 0;
+ Node *o = Getattr(n,"sym:overloaded");
+ if (!o) return 0;
+ Node *c = o;
+ while (c) {
+ if (Getattr(c,"error")) {
+ c = Getattr(c,"sym:nextSibling");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if (SmartPointer && Getattr(c,"cplus:staticbase")) {
+ c = Getattr(c,"sym:nextSibling");
+ continue;
+ } */
+ /* Make a list of all the declarations (methods) that are overloaded with
+ * this one particular method name */
+ if (Getattr(c,"wrap:name")) {
+ nodes[nnodes].n = c;
+ nodes[nnodes].parms = Getattr(c,"wrap:parms");
+ nodes[nnodes].argc = emit_num_required(nodes[nnodes].parms);
+ nodes[nnodes].error = 0;
+ nnodes++;
+ }
+ c = Getattr(c,"sym:nextSibling");
+ }
+ /* Sort the declarations by required argument count */
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
+ for (j = i+1; j < nnodes; j++) {
+ if (nodes[i].argc > nodes[j].argc) {
+ Overloaded t = nodes[i];
+ nodes[i] = nodes[j];
+ nodes[j] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Sort the declarations by argument types */
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ for (i = 0; i < nnodes-1; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i].argc == nodes[i+1].argc) {
+ for (j = i+1; (j < nnodes) && (nodes[j].argc == nodes[i].argc); j++) {
+ Parm *p1 = nodes[i].parms;
+ Parm *p2 = nodes[j].parms;
+ int differ = 0;
+ int num_checked = 0;
+ while (p1 && p2 && (num_checked < nodes[i].argc)) {
+ // Printf(stdout,"p1 = '%s', p2 = '%s'\n", Getattr(p1,"type"), Getattr(p2,"type"));
+ if (checkAttribute(p1,"tmap:in:numinputs","0")) {
+ p1 = Getattr(p1,"tmap:in:next");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (checkAttribute(p2,"tmap:in:numinputs","0")) {
+ p2 = Getattr(p2,"tmap:in:next");
+ continue;
+ }
+ String *t1 = Getattr(p1,"tmap:typecheck:precedence");
+ String *t2 = Getattr(p2,"tmap:typecheck:precedence");
+ if ((!t1) && (!nodes[i].error)) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_TYPECHECK, Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n),
+ "Overloaded method %s not supported (no type checking rule for '%s').\n",
+ Swig_name_decl(nodes[i].n), SwigType_str(Getattr(p1, "type"), 0));
+ nodes[i].error = 1;
+ } else if ((!t2) && (!nodes[j].error)) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_TYPECHECK, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "xx Overloaded method %s not supported (no type checking rule for '%s').\n",
+ Swig_name_decl(nodes[j].n), SwigType_str(Getattr(p2, "type"), 0));
+ nodes[j].error = 1;
+ }
+ if (t1 && t2) {
+ int t1v, t2v;
+ t1v = atoi(Char(t1));
+ t2v = atoi(Char(t2));
+ differ = t1v-t2v;
+ }
+ else if (!t1 && t2) differ = 1;
+ else if (t1 && !t2) differ = -1;
+ else if (!t1 && !t2) differ = -1;
+ num_checked++;
+ if (differ > 0) {
+ Overloaded t = nodes[i];
+ nodes[i] = nodes[j];
+ nodes[j] = t;
+ break;
+ } else if ((differ == 0) && (Strcmp(t1,"0") == 0)) {
+ t1 = Getattr(p1,"ltype");
+ if (!t1) {
+ t1 = SwigType_ltype(Getattr(p1,"type"));
+ if (Getattr(p1,"tmap:typecheck:SWIGTYPE")) {
+ SwigType_add_pointer(t1);
+ }
+ Setattr(p1,"ltype",t1);
+ }
+ t2 = Getattr(p2,"ltype");
+ if (!t2) {
+ t2 = SwigType_ltype(Getattr(p2,"type"));
+ if (Getattr(p2,"tmap:typecheck:SWIGTYPE")) {
+ SwigType_add_pointer(t2);
+ }
+ Setattr(p2,"ltype",t2);
+ }
+ /* Need subtype check here. If t2 is a subtype of t1, then we need to change the
+ order */
+ if (SwigType_issubtype(t2,t1)) {
+ Overloaded t = nodes[i];
+ nodes[i] = nodes[j];
+ nodes[j] = t;
+ }
+ if (Strcmp(t1,t2) != 0) {
+ differ = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (differ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Getattr(p1,"tmap:in:next")) {
+ p1 = Getattr(p1,"tmap:in:next");
+ } else {
+ p1 = nextSibling(p1);
+ }
+ if (Getattr(p2,"tmap:in:next")) {
+ p2 = Getattr(p2,"tmap:in:next");
+ } else {
+ p2 = nextSibling(p2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!differ) {
+ /* See if declarations differ by const only */
+ String *d1 = Getattr(nodes[i].n,"decl");
+ String *d2 = Getattr(nodes[j].n,"decl");
+ if (d1 && d2) {
+ String *dq1 = Copy(d1);
+ String *dq2 = Copy(d2);
+ if (SwigType_isconst(d1)) {
+ Delete(SwigType_pop(dq1));
+ }
+ if (SwigType_isconst(d2)) {
+ Delete(SwigType_pop(dq2));
+ }
+ if (Strcmp(dq1,dq2) == 0) {
+ if (SwigType_isconst(d1) && !SwigType_isconst(d2)) {
+ if (script_lang_wrapping) {
+ // Swap nodes so that the const method gets ignored (shadowed by the non-const method)
+ Overloaded t = nodes[i];
+ nodes[i] = nodes[j];
+ nodes[j] = t;
+ }
+ differ = 1;
+ if (!nodes[j].error) {
+ if (script_lang_wrapping) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_CONST, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded %s(%s) const ignored. Non-const method at %s:%d used.\n",
+ Getattr(nodes[j].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[j].parms),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ } else {
+ if (!Getattr(nodes[j].n, "overload:ignore"))
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_IGNORED, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded method %s(%s) ignored. Method %s(%s) const at %s:%d used.\n",
+ Getattr(nodes[j].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[j].parms),
+ Getattr(nodes[i].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[i].parms),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ }
+ }
+ nodes[j].error = 1;
+ } else if (!SwigType_isconst(d1) && SwigType_isconst(d2)) {
+ differ = 1;
+ if (!nodes[j].error) {
+ if (script_lang_wrapping) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_CONST, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded %s(%s) const ignored. Non-const method at %s:%d used.\n",
+ Getattr(nodes[j].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[j].parms),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ } else {
+ if (!Getattr(nodes[j].n, "overload:ignore"))
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_IGNORED, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded method %s(%s) const ignored. Method %s(%s) at %s:%d used.\n",
+ Getattr(nodes[j].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[j].parms),
+ Getattr(nodes[i].n,"name"), ParmList_errorstr(nodes[i].parms),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ }
+ }
+ nodes[j].error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(dq1);
+ Delete(dq2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!differ) {
+ if (!nodes[j].error) {
+ if (script_lang_wrapping) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_SHADOW, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded method %s is shadowed by %s at %s:%d.\n",
+ Swig_name_decl(nodes[j].n), Swig_name_decl(nodes[i].n),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ } else {
+ if (!Getattr(nodes[j].n, "overload:ignore"))
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_IGNORED, Getfile(nodes[j].n), Getline(nodes[j].n),
+ "Overloaded method %s ignored. Method %s at %s:%d used.\n",
+ Swig_name_decl(nodes[j].n), Swig_name_decl(nodes[i].n),
+ Getfile(nodes[i].n), Getline(nodes[i].n));
+ }
+ nodes[j].error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List *result = NewList();
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i].error)
+ Setattr(nodes[i].n, "overload:ignore", "1");
+ Append(result,nodes[i].n);
+ // Printf(stdout,"[ %d ] %s\n", i, ParmList_errorstr(nodes[i].parms));
+ // Swig_print_node(nodes[i].n);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void R::dispatchFunction(Node *n) {
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ String *nodeType = Getattr(n, "nodeType");
+ bool constructor = (!Cmp(nodeType, "constructor"));
+ String *sfname = NewString(symname);
+ if (constructor)
+ Replace(sfname, "new_", "", DOH_REPLACE_FIRST);
+ Printf(f->def,
+ "`%s` <- function(...) {", sfname);
+ List *dispatch = Swig_overload_rank(n, true);
+ int nfunc = Len(dispatch);
+ Printv(f->code,
+ "argtypes <- mapply(class, list(...))\n",
+ "argv <- list(...)\n",
+ "argc <- length(argtypes)\n", NIL );
+ Printf(f->code, "# dispatch functions %d\n", nfunc);
+ int cur_args = -1;
+ bool first_compare = true;
+ for (int i=0; i < nfunc; i++) {
+ Node *ni = Getitem(dispatch,i);
+ Parm *pi = Getattr(ni,"wrap:parms");
+ int num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(pi);
+ String *overname = Getattr(ni,"sym:overname");
+ if (cur_args != num_arguments) {
+ if (cur_args != -1) {
+ Printv(f->code, "} else ", NIL);
+ }
+ Printf(f->code, "if (argc == %d) {", num_arguments);
+ cur_args = num_arguments;
+ first_compare = true;
+ }
+ Parm *p;
+ int j;
+ if (num_arguments > 0) {
+ if (!first_compare) {
+ Printv(f->code, " else ", NIL);
+ } else {
+ first_compare = false;
+ }
+ Printv(f->code, "if (", NIL);
+ for (p =pi, j = 0 ; j < num_arguments ; j++) {
+ String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", p, "", 0);
+ if(tm) {
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(p, "type"));
+ }
+ if (DohStrcmp(tm,"numeric")==0) {
+ Printf(f->code, "%sis.numeric(argv[[%d]])",
+ j == 0 ? "" : " && ",
+ j+1);
+ }
+ else {
+ Printf(f->code, "%sextends(argtypes[%d], '%s')",
+ j == 0 ? "" : " && ",
+ j+1,
+ tm);
+ }
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ Printf(f->code, ") { f <- %s%s }\n", sfname, overname);
+ } else {
+ Printf(f->code, "f <- %s%s", sfname, overname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cur_args != -1) {
+ Printv(f->code, "}", NIL);
+ }
+ Printv(f->code, "\nf(...)", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, "\n}", NIL);
+ Wrapper_print(f, sfile);
+ Printv(sfile, "# Dispatch function\n", NIL);
+ DelWrapper(f);
+int R::functionWrapper(Node *n) {
+ String *fname = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ String *type = Getattr(n, "type");
+ if (debugMode) {
+ Printf(stderr,
+ "<functionWrapper> %s %s %s\n", fname, iname, type);
+ }
+ String *overname = 0;
+ String *nodeType = Getattr(n, "nodeType");
+ bool constructor = (!Cmp(nodeType, "constructor"));
+ bool destructor = (!Cmp(nodeType, "destructor"));
+ String *sfname = NewString(iname);
+ if (constructor)
+ Replace(sfname, "new_", "", DOH_REPLACE_FIRST);
+ if (Getattr(n,"sym:overloaded")) {
+ overname = Getattr(n,"sym:overname");
+ Append(sfname, overname);
+ }
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr,
+ "<functionWrapper> processing parameters\n");
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ Parm *p;
+ String *tm;
+ p = l;
+ while(p) {
+ SwigType *resultType = Getattr(p, "type");
+ if (expandTypedef(resultType) &&
+ SwigType_istypedef(resultType)) {
+ SwigType *resolved =
+ SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(resultType);
+ if (expandTypedef(resolved)) {
+ Setattr(p, "type", Copy(resolved));
+ }
+ }
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ String *unresolved_return_type =
+ Copy(type);
+ if (expandTypedef(type) &&
+ SwigType_istypedef(type)) {
+ SwigType *resolved =
+ SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(type);
+ if (expandTypedef(resolved)) {
+ type = Copy(resolved);
+ Setattr(n, "type", type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<functionWrapper> unresolved_return_type %s\n",
+ unresolved_return_type);
+ if(processing_member_access_function) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<functionWrapper memberAccess> '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'\n",
+ fname, iname, member_name, class_name);
+ if(opaqueClassDeclaration)
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ /* Add the name of this member to a list for this class_name.
+ We will dump all these at the end. */
+ int n = Len(iname);
+ char *ptr = Char(iname);
+ bool isSet(Strcmp(NewString(&ptr[n-3]), "set") == 0);
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+ Printf(tmp, "%s_%s", class_name, isSet ? "set" : "get");
+ List *memList = Getattr(ClassMemberTable, tmp);
+ if(!memList) {
+ memList = NewList();
+ Append(memList, class_name);
+ Setattr(ClassMemberTable, tmp, memList);
+ }
+ Delete(tmp);
+ Append(memList, member_name);
+ Append(memList, iname);
+ }
+ int i;
+ int nargs, num_required, varargs;
+ UNUSED(varargs);
+ String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
+ Replace(wname, "_wrap", "R_swig", DOH_REPLACE_FIRST);
+ if(overname)
+ Append(wname, overname);
+ Setattr(n,"wrap:name", wname);
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
+ Wrapper *sfun = NewWrapper();
+ int isVoidReturnType = (Strcmp(type, "void") == 0);
+ // Need to use the unresolved return type since
+ // typedef resolution removes the const which causes a
+ // mismatch with the function action
+ emit_return_variable(n, unresolved_return_type, f);
+ SwigType *rtype = Getattr(n, "type");
+ int addCopyParam = 0;
+ if(!isVoidReturnType)
+ addCopyParam = addCopyParameter(rtype);
+ // Can we get the nodeType() of the type node! and see if it is a struct.
+ // int addCopyParam = SwigType_isclass(rtype);
+ // if(addCopyParam)
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "Adding a .copy argument to %s for %s = %s\n",
+ iname, type, addCopyParam ? "yes" : "no");
+ Printv(f->def, "SWIGEXPORT SEXP\n", wname, " ( ", NIL);
+ Printf(sfun->def, "# Start of %s\n", iname);
+ Printv(sfun->def, "\n`", sfname, "` = function(", NIL);
+ if(outputNamespaceInfo) //XXX Need to be a little more discriminating
+ addNamespaceFunction(iname);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("scoercein", l, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("scoerceout", l, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("scheck", l, f);
+ emit_parameter_variables(l, f);
+ emit_attach_parmmaps(l,f);
+ Setattr(n,"wrap:parms",l);
+ nargs = emit_num_arguments(l);
+ num_required = emit_num_required(l);
+ varargs = emit_isvarargs(l);
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "r_nprotect", "unsigned int r_nprotect = 0");
+ Wrapper_add_localv(f, "r_ans", "SEXP", "r_ans = R_NilValue", NIL);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(f, "r_vmax", "VMAXTYPE", "r_vmax = vmaxget()", NIL);
+ String *sargs = NewString("");
+ String *s_inputTypes = NewString("");
+ String *s_inputMap = NewString("");
+ bool inFirstArg = true;
+ bool inFirstType = true;
+ Parm *curP;
+ for (p =l, i = 0 ; i < nargs ; i++) {
+ while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ SwigType *tt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ int nargs = -1;
+ String *funcptr_name = processType(tt, p, &nargs);
+ // SwigType *tp = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *name = Getattr(p,"name");
+ String *lname = Getattr(p,"lname");
+ // R keyword renaming
+ if (name && Swig_name_warning(p, 0, name, 0))
+ name = 0;
+ /* If we have a :: in the parameter name because we are accessing a static member of a class, say, then
+ we need to remove that prefix. */
+ while (Strstr(name, "::")) {
+ //XXX need to free.
+ name = NewStringf("%s", Strchr(name, ':') + 2);
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "+++ parameter name with :: in it %s\n", name);
+ }
+ if (Len(name) == 0)
+ name = NewStringf("s_arg%d", i+1);
+ name = replaceInitialDash(name);
+ if (!Strncmp(name, "arg", 3)) {
+ name = Copy(name);
+ Insert(name, 0, "s_");
+ }
+ if(processing_variable) {
+ name = Copy(name);
+ Insert(name, 0, "s_");
+ }
+ if(!Strcmp(name, fname)) {
+ name = Copy(name);
+ Insert(name, 0, "s_");
+ }
+ Printf(sargs, "%s, ", name);
+ String *tm;
+ if((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:scoercein"))) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", name);
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(p, "type"));
+ if(funcptr_name) {
+ //XXX need to get this to return non-zero
+ if(nargs == -1)
+ nargs = getFunctionPointerNumArgs(p, tt);
+ String *snargs = NewStringf("%d", nargs);
+ Printv(sfun->code, "if(is.function(", name, ")) {", "\n",
+ "assert('...' %in% names(formals(", name,
+ ")) || length(formals(", name, ")) >= ", snargs, ")\n} ", NIL);
+ Delete(snargs);
+ Printv(sfun->code, "else {\n",
+ "if(is.character(", name, ")) {\n",
+ name, " = getNativeSymbolInfo(", name, ")",
+ "\n}\n",
+ "if(is(", name, ", \"NativeSymbolInfo\")) {\n",
+ name, " = ", name, "$address", "\n}\n",
+ "}\n",
+ NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printf(sfun->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ }
+ }
+ Printv(sfun->def, inFirstArg ? "" : ", ", name, NIL);
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p,"tmap:scheck"))) {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$target", lname);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$source", name);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$input", name);
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(p, "type"));
+ Printf(sfun->code,"%s\n",tm);
+ }
+ curP = p;
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p,"tmap:in"))) {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$target", lname);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$source", name);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$input", name);
+ if (Getattr(p,"wrap:disown") || (Getattr(p,"tmap:in:disown"))) {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$disown","SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN");
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$disown","0");
+ }
+ if(funcptr_name) {
+ /* have us a function pointer */
+ Printf(f->code, "if(TYPEOF(%s) != CLOSXP) {\n", name);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$R_class", "");
+ } else {
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(p, "type"));
+ }
+ Printf(f->code,"%s\n",tm);
+ if(funcptr_name)
+ Printf(f->code, "} else {\n%s = %s;\nR_SWIG_pushCallbackFunctionData(%s, NULL);\n}\n",
+ lname, funcptr_name, name);
+ Printv(f->def, inFirstArg ? "" : ", ", "SEXP ", name, NIL);
+ if (Len(name) != 0)
+ inFirstArg = false;
+ p = Getattr(p,"tmap:in:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", curP, "", 0);
+ if(tm) {
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(curP, "type"));
+ }
+ Printf(s_inputTypes, "%s'%s'", inFirstType ? "" : ", ", tm);
+ Printf(s_inputMap, "%s%s='%s'", inFirstType ? "" : ", ", name, tm);
+ inFirstType = false;
+ if(funcptr_name)
+ Delete(funcptr_name);
+ } /* end of looping over parameters. */
+ if(addCopyParam) {
+ Printf(sfun->def, "%s.copy = FALSE", nargs > 0 ? ", " : "");
+ Printf(f->def, "%sSEXP s_swig_copy", nargs > 0 ? ", " : "");
+ Printf(sargs, "as.logical(.copy), ");
+ }
+ Printv(f->def, ")\n{\n", NIL);
+ Printv(sfun->def, ")\n{\n", NIL);
+ /* Insert cleanup code */
+ String *cleanup = NewString("");
+ for (p = l; p;) {
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg"))) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
+ Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ }
+ String *outargs = NewString("");
+ int numOutArgs = isVoidReturnType ? -1 : 0;
+ for(p = l, i = 0; p; i++) {
+ if((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout"))) {
+ // String *lname = Getattr(p, "lname");
+ numOutArgs++;
+ String *pos = NewStringf("%d", numOutArgs);
+ Replaceall(tm,"$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
+ Replaceall(tm,"$result", "r_ans");
+ Replaceall(tm,"$n", pos); // The position into which to store the answer.
+ Replaceall(tm,"$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
+ Replaceall(tm,"$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
+ Replaceall(tm,"$owner", "R_SWIG_EXTERNAL");
+ Printf(outargs, "%s\n", tm);
+ p = Getattr(p,"tmap:argout:next");
+ } else
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ String *actioncode = emit_action(n);
+ /* Deal with the explicit return value. */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", n, "result", f, actioncode))) {
+ SwigType *retType = Getattr(n, "type");
+ //Printf(stderr, "Return Value for %s, array? %s\n", retType, SwigType_isarray(retType) ? "yes" : "no");
+ /* if(SwigType_isarray(retType)) {
+ defineArrayAccessors(retType);
+ } */
+ Replaceall(tm,"$1", "result");
+ Replaceall(tm,"$result", "r_ans");
+ replaceRClass(tm, retType);
+ if (GetFlag(n,"feature:new")) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "R_SWIG_OWNER");
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$owner", "R_SWIG_EXTERNAL");
+ }
+#if 0
+ if(addCopyParam) {
+ Printf(f->code, "if(LOGICAL(s_swig_copy)[0]) {\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "/* Deal with returning a reference. */\nr_ans = R_NilValue;\n");
+ Printf(f->code, "}\n else {\n");
+ }
+ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
+#if 0
+ if(addCopyParam)
+ Printf(f->code, "}\n"); /* end of if(s_swig_copy) ... else { ... } */
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(type, 0), fname);
+ }
+ if(Len(outargs)) {
+ Wrapper_add_local(f, "R_OutputValues", "SEXP R_OutputValues");
+ String *tmp = NewString("");
+ if(!isVoidReturnType)
+ Printf(tmp, "Rf_protect(r_ans);\n");
+ Printf(tmp, "Rf_protect(R_OutputValues = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP,%d));\nr_nprotect += %d;\n",
+ numOutArgs + !isVoidReturnType,
+ isVoidReturnType ? 1 : 2);
+ if(!isVoidReturnType)
+ Printf(tmp, "SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_OutputValues, 0, r_ans);\n");
+ Printf(tmp, "r_ans = R_OutputValues;\n");
+ Insert(outargs, 0, tmp);
+ Delete(tmp);
+ Printv(f->code, outargs, NIL);
+ Delete(outargs);
+ }
+ /* Output cleanup code */
+ Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL);
+ Delete(cleanup);
+ Printv(f->code, UnProtectWrapupCode, NIL);
+ /*If the user gave us something to convert the result in */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("scoerceout", n,
+ "result", sfun))) {
+ Replaceall(tm,"$source","ans");
+ Replaceall(tm,"$result","ans");
+ replaceRClass(tm, Getattr(n, "type"));
+ Chop(tm);
+ }
+ Printv(sfun->code, (Len(tm) ? "ans = " : ""), ".Call('", wname,
+ "', ", sargs, "PACKAGE='", Rpackage, "')\n", NIL);
+ if(Len(tm))
+ Printf(sfun->code, "%s\n\nans\n", tm);
+ if (destructor)
+ Printv(f->code, "R_ClearExternalPtr(self);\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, "return r_ans;\n}\n", NIL);
+ Printv(sfun->code, "\n}", NIL);
+ /* Substitute the function name */
+ Replaceall(f->code,"$symname",iname);
+ Wrapper_print(f, f_wrapper);
+ Wrapper_print(sfun, sfile);
+ Printf(sfun->code, "\n# End of %s\n", iname);
+ tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", n, "", 0);
+ if(tm) {
+ SwigType *retType = Getattr(n, "type");
+ replaceRClass(tm, retType);
+ }
+ Printv(sfile, "attr(`", sfname, "`, 'returnType') = '",
+ isVoidReturnType ? "void" : (tm ? tm : ""),
+ "'\n", NIL);
+ if(nargs > 0)
+ Printv(sfile, "attr(`", sfname, "`, \"inputTypes\") = c(",
+ s_inputTypes, ")\n", NIL);
+ Printv(sfile, "class(`", sfname, "`) = c(\"SWIGFunction\", class('",
+ sfname, "'))\n\n", NIL);
+ if (memoryProfile) {
+ Printv(sfile, "memory.profile()\n", NIL);
+ }
+ if (aggressiveGc) {
+ Printv(sfile, "gc()\n", NIL);
+ }
+ // Printv(sfile, "setMethod('", name, "', '", name, "', ", iname, ")\n\n\n");
+ /* If we are dealing with a method in an C++ class, then
+ add the name of the R function and its definition.
+ XXX need to figure out how to store the Wrapper if possible in the hash/list.
+ Would like to be able to do this so that we can potentialy insert
+ */
+ if(processing_member_access_function || processing_class_member_function) {
+ String *tmp;
+ if(member_name)
+ tmp = member_name;
+ else
+ tmp = Getattr(n, "memberfunctionHandler:name");
+ addAccessor(member_name, sfun, iname);
+ }
+ if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded") &&
+ !Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
+ dispatchFunction(n);
+ }
+ addRegistrationRoutine(wname, addCopyParam ? nargs +1 : nargs);
+ DelWrapper(f);
+ DelWrapper(sfun);
+ Delete(sargs);
+ Delete(sfname);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Add the specified routine name to the collection of
+ generated routines that are called from R functions.
+ This is used to register the routines with R for
+ resolving symbols.
+ rname - the name of the routine
+ nargs - the number of arguments it expects.
+int R::addRegistrationRoutine(String *rname, int nargs) {
+ if(!registrationTable)
+ registrationTable = NewHash();
+ String *el =
+ NewStringf("{\"%s\", (DL_FUNC) &%s, %d}", rname, rname, nargs);
+ Setattr(registrationTable, rname, el);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Write the registration information to an array and
+ create the initialization routine for registering
+ these.
+int R::outputRegistrationRoutines(File *out) {
+ int i, n;
+ if(!registrationTable)
+ return(0);
+ if(inCPlusMode)
+ Printf(out, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n");
+ Printf(out, "#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>\n\n");
+ if(inCPlusMode)
+ Printf(out, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n\n");
+ Printf(out, "SWIGINTERN R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {\n");
+ List *keys = Keys(registrationTable);
+ n = Len(keys);
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ Printf(out, " %s,\n", Getattr(registrationTable, Getitem(keys, i)));
+ Printf(out, " {NULL, NULL, 0}\n};\n\n");
+ if(!noInitializationCode) {
+ if (inCPlusMode)
+ Printv(out, "extern \"C\" ", NIL);
+ Printf(out, "SWIGEXPORT void R_init_%s(DllInfo *dll) {\n", Rpackage);
+ Printf(out, "%sR_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);\n", tab4);
+ if(Len(s_init_routine)) {
+ Printf(out, "\n%s\n", s_init_routine);
+ }
+ Printf(out, "}\n");
+ }
+ return n;
+ Process a struct, union or class declaration in the source code,
+ or an anonymous typedef struct
+//XXX What do we need to do here -
+// Define an S4 class to refer to this.
+void R::registerClass(Node *n) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Swig_print_node(n);
+ String *sname = NewStringf("_p%s", SwigType_manglestr(name));
+ if(!Getattr(SClassDefs, sname)) {
+ Setattr(SClassDefs, sname, sname);
+ String *base;
+ if(Strcmp(kind, "class") == 0) {
+ base = NewString("");
+ List *l = Getattr(n, "bases");
+ if(Len(l)) {
+ Printf(base, "c(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < Len(l); i++) {
+ registerClass(Getitem(l, i));
+ Printf(base, "'_p%s'%s",
+ SwigType_manglestr(Getattr(Getitem(l, i), "name")),
+ i < Len(l)-1 ? ", " : "");
+ }
+ Printf(base, ")");
+ } else {
+ base = NewString("'C++Reference'");
+ }
+ } else
+ base = NewString("'ExternalReference'");
+ Printf(s_classes, "setClass('%s', contains = %s)\n", sname, base);
+ Delete(base);
+ }
+int R::classDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Swig_print_node(n);
+ registerClass(n);
+ /* If we have a typedef union { ... } U, then we never get to see the typedef
+ via a regular call to typedefHandler. Instead, */
+ if(Getattr(n, "unnamed") && Strcmp(Getattr(n, "storage"), "typedef") == 0
+ && Getattr(n, "tdname") && Strcmp(Getattr(n, "tdname"), name) == 0) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "Typedef in the class declaration for %s\n", name);
+ // typedefHandler(n);
+ }
+ bool opaque = GetFlag(n, "feature:opaque") ? true : false;
+ if(opaque)
+ opaqueClassDeclaration = name;
+ int status = Language::classDeclaration(n);
+ opaqueClassDeclaration = NULL;
+ // OutputArrayMethod(name, class_member_functions, sfile);
+ if (class_member_functions)
+ OutputMemberReferenceMethod(name, 0, class_member_functions, sfile);
+ if (class_member_set_functions)
+ OutputMemberReferenceMethod(name, 1, class_member_set_functions, sfile);
+ if(class_member_functions) {
+ Delete(class_member_functions);
+ class_member_functions = NULL;
+ }
+ if(class_member_set_functions) {
+ Delete(class_member_set_functions);
+ class_member_set_functions = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Getattr(n, "has_destructor")) {
+ Printf(sfile, "setMethod('delete', '_p%s', function(obj) {delete%s(obj)})\n",
+ getRClassName(Getattr(n, "name")),
+ getRClassName(Getattr(n, "name")));
+ }
+ if(!opaque && !Strcmp(kind, "struct") && copyStruct) {
+ String *def =
+ NewStringf("setClass(\"%s\",\n%srepresentation(\n", name, tab4);
+ bool firstItem = true;
+ for(Node *c = firstChild(n); c; ) {
+ String *elName;
+ String *tp;
+ elName = Getattr(c, "name");
+ String *elKind = Getattr(c, "kind");
+ if (Strcmp(elKind, "variable") != 0) {
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!Len(elName)) {
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+#if 0
+ tp = getRType(c);
+ tp = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", c, "", 0);
+ if(!tp) {
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tp, "R_class")) {
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Strcmp(tp, "character") &&
+ Strstr(Getattr(c, "decl"), "p.")) {
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!firstItem) {
+ Printf(def, ",\n");
+ }
+ // else
+ //XXX How can we tell if this is already done.
+ // SwigType_push(elType, elDecl);
+ // returns "" tp = processType(elType, c, NULL);
+ // Printf(stderr, "<classDeclaration> elType %p\n", elType);
+ // tp = getRClassNameCopyStruct(Getattr(c, "type"), 1);
+ String *elNameT = replaceInitialDash(elName);
+ Printf(def, "%s%s = \"%s\"", tab8, elNameT, tp);
+ firstItem = false;
+ Delete(tp);
+ Delete(elNameT);
+ c = nextSibling(c);
+ }
+ Printf(def, "),\n%scontains = \"RSWIGStruct\")\n", tab8);
+ Printf(s_classes, "%s\n\n# End class %s\n\n", def, name);
+ generateCopyRoutines(n);
+ Delete(def);
+ }
+ return status;
+ Create the C routines that copy an S object of the class given
+ by the given struct definition in Node *n to the C value
+ and also the routine that goes from the C routine to an object
+ of this S class.
+ Clean up the toCRef - make certain the names are correct for the types, etc.
+ in all cases.
+int R::generateCopyRoutines(Node *n) {
+ Wrapper *copyToR = NewWrapper();
+ Wrapper *copyToC = NewWrapper();
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *tdname = Getattr(n, "tdname");
+ String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind");
+ String *type;
+ if(Len(tdname)) {
+ type = Copy(tdname);
+ } else {
+ type = NewStringf("%s %s", kind, name);
+ }
+ String *mangledName = SwigType_manglestr(name);
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "generateCopyRoutines: name = %s, %s\n", name, type);
+ Printf(copyToR->def, "CopyToR%s = function(value, obj = new(\"%s\"))\n{\n",
+ mangledName, name);
+ Printf(copyToC->def, "CopyToC%s = function(value, obj)\n{\n",
+ mangledName);
+ Node *c = firstChild(n);
+ for(; c; c = nextSibling(c)) {
+ String *elName = Getattr(c, "name");
+ if (!Len(elName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String *elKind = Getattr(c, "kind");
+ if (Strcmp(elKind, "variable") != 0) {
+ Delete(elKind);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String *tp = Swig_typemap_lookup("rtype", c, "", 0);
+ if(!tp) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tp, "R_class")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Strcmp(tp, "character") &&
+ Strstr(Getattr(c, "decl"), "p.")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* The S functions to get and set the member value. */
+ String *elNameT = replaceInitialDash(elName);
+ Printf(copyToR->code, "obj@%s = value$%s\n", elNameT, elNameT);
+ Printf(copyToC->code, "obj$%s = value@%s\n", elNameT, elNameT);
+ Delete(elNameT);
+ }
+ Printf(copyToR->code, "obj\n}\n\n");
+ String *rclassName = getRClassNameCopyStruct(type, 0); // without the Ref.
+ Printf(sfile, "# Start definition of copy functions & methods for %s\n", rclassName);
+ Wrapper_print(copyToR, sfile);
+ Printf(copyToC->code, "obj\n}\n\n");
+ Wrapper_print(copyToC, sfile);
+ Printf(sfile, "# Start definition of copy methods for %s\n", rclassName);
+ Printf(sfile, "setMethod('copyToR', '_p_%s', CopyToR%s)\n", rclassName,
+ mangledName);
+ Printf(sfile, "setMethod('copyToC', '%s', CopyToC%s)\n\n", rclassName,
+ mangledName);
+ Printf(sfile, "# End definition of copy methods for %s\n", rclassName);
+ Printf(sfile, "# End definition of copy functions & methods for %s\n", rclassName);
+ String *m = NewStringf("%sCopyToR", name);
+ addNamespaceMethod(m);
+ char *tt = Char(m); tt[Len(m)-1] = 'C';
+ addNamespaceMethod(m);
+ Delete(m);
+ Delete(rclassName);
+ Delete(mangledName);
+ DelWrapper(copyToR);
+ DelWrapper(copyToC);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ Called when there is a typedef to be invoked.
+ XXX Needs to be enhanced or split to handle the case where we have a
+ typedef within a classDeclaration emission because the struct/union/etc.
+ is anonymous.
+int R::typedefHandler(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *tp = Getattr(n, "type");
+ String *type = Getattr(n, "type");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<typedefHandler> %s\n", Getattr(n, "name"));
+ processType(tp, n);
+ if(Strncmp(type, "struct ", 7) == 0) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ char *trueName = Char(type);
+ trueName += 7;
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<typedefHandler> Defining S class %s\n", trueName);
+ Printf(s_classes, "setClass('_p%s', contains = 'ExternalReference')\n",
+ SwigType_manglestr(name));
+ }
+ return Language::typedefHandler(n);
+ Called when processing a field in a "class", i.e. struct, union or
+ actual class. We set a state variable so that we can correctly
+ interpret the resulting functionWrapper() call and understand that
+ it is for a field element.
+int R::membervariableHandler(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ processType(t, n, NULL);
+ processing_member_access_function = 1;
+ member_name = Getattr(n,"sym:name");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<membervariableHandler> name = %s, sym:name = %s\n",
+ Getattr(n, "name"), member_name);
+ int status(Language::membervariableHandler(n));
+ if(opaqueClassDeclaration == NULL && debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<membervariableHandler> %s %s\n", Getattr(n, "name"), Getattr(n, "type"));
+ processing_member_access_function = 0;
+ member_name = NULL;
+ return status;
+ This doesn't seem to get used so leave it out for the moment.
+String * R::runtimeCode() {
+ String *s = Swig_include_sys("rrun.swg");
+ if (!s) {
+ Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'rrun.swg'\n");
+ s = NewString("");
+ }
+ return s;
+ Called when SWIG wants to initialize this
+ We initialize anythin we want here.
+ Most importantly, tell SWIG where to find the files (e.g. r.swg) for this module.
+ Use Swig_mark_arg() to tell SWIG that it is understood and not to throw an error.
+void R::main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ bool cppcast = true;
+ init();
+ Preprocessor_define("SWIGR 1", 0);
+ SWIG_library_directory("r");
+ SWIG_config_file("r.swg");
+ debugMode = false;
+ copyStruct = true;
+ memoryProfile = false;
+ aggressiveGc = false;
+ inCPlusMode = false;
+ outputNamespaceInfo = false;
+ noInitializationCode = false;
+ this->Argc = argc;
+ this->Argv = argv;
+ allow_overloading();// can we support this?
+ for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ if(strcmp(argv[i], "-package") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ i++;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Rpackage = argv[i];
+ } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-dll") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ i++;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ DllName = argv[i];
+ } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
+ showUsage();
+ } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-namespace") == 0) {
+ outputNamespaceInfo = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-no-init-code")) {
+ noInitializationCode = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-c++")) {
+ inCPlusMode = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Printf(s_classes, "setClass('C++Reference', contains = 'ExternalReference')\n");
+ } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-debug")) {
+ debugMode = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-cppcast")) {
+ cppcast = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nocppcast")) {
+ cppcast = false;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-copystruct")) {
+ copyStruct = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nocopystruct")) {
+ copyStruct = false;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-memoryprof")) {
+ memoryProfile = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nomemoryprof")) {
+ memoryProfile = false;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-aggressivegc")) {
+ aggressiveGc = true;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-noaggressivegc")) {
+ aggressiveGc = false;
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ }
+ if (cppcast) {
+ Preprocessor_define((DOH *) "SWIG_CPLUSPLUS_CAST", 0);
+ }
+ /// copyToR copyToC functions.
+ }
+ Could make this work for String or File and then just store the resulting string
+ rather than the collection of arguments and argc.
+int R::outputCommandLineArguments(File *out)
+ if(Argc < 1 || !Argv || !Argv[0])
+ return(-1);
+ Printf(out, "\n## Generated via the command line invocation:\n##\t");
+ for(int i = 0; i < Argc ; i++) {
+ Printf(out, " %s", Argv[i]);
+ }
+ Printf(out, "\n\n\n");
+ return Argc;
+/* How SWIG instantiates an object from this module.
+ See swigmain.cxx */
+extern "C"
+Language *swig_r(void) {
+ return new R();
+ Needs to be reworked.
+String * R::processType(SwigType *t, Node *n, int *nargs) {
+ //XXX Need to handle typedefs, e.g.
+ // a type which is a typedef to a function pointer.
+ SwigType *tmp = Getattr(n, "tdname");
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "processType %s (tdname = %s)\n", Getattr(n, "name"), tmp);
+ SwigType *td = t;
+ if (expandTypedef(t) &&
+ SwigType_istypedef(t)) {
+ SwigType *resolved =
+ SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(t);
+ if (expandTypedef(resolved)) {
+ td = Copy(resolved);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!td) {
+ int count = 0;
+ String *b = getRTypeName(t, &count);
+ if(count && b && !Getattr(SClassDefs, b)) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr, "<processType> Defining class %s\n", b);
+ Printf(s_classes, "setClass('%s', contains = 'ExternalReference')\n", b);
+ Setattr(SClassDefs, b, b);
+ }
+ }
+ if(td)
+ t = td;
+ if(SwigType_isfunctionpointer(t)) {
+ if (debugMode)
+ Printf(stderr,
+ "<processType> Defining pointer handler %s\n", t);
+ String *tmp = createFunctionPointerHandler(t, n, nargs);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+#if 0
+ SwigType_isfunction(t) && SwigType_ispointer(t)
+ return NULL;