path: root/docs/class-simplejson.JSONDecoder.html
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- <HEAD><META CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8" HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type">
- <TITLE>simplejson.JSONDecoder -- Simple JSON &amp;lt;&lt;a class="reference" href="">;/a>&amp;gt; decoder</TITLE>
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- <H1 ID="doc-title"><A HREF="index.html" REL="index">simplejson 1.9</A></H1>
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- <A HREF="module-simplejson.html" TITLE="simplejson reference">
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- <DIV ID="main-content">
- <H1 CLASS="pudge-member-page-heading">
- <TT>JSONDecoder</TT>
- </H1>
- <H4 CLASS="pudge-member-page-subheading">
- Simple JSON &lt;<A HREF="" CLASS="reference"></A>> decoder
- </H4>
- <P CLASS="pudge-member-parent-link">
- The JSONDecoder class is accessible via the
- <A HREF="module-simplejson.html">
- <TT>simplejson</TT>
- </A> module.
- </SMALL>
- </P>
- <DIV ID="pudge-section-nav">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <SPAN CLASS="pudge-missing-section-link">
- Attributes
- </SPAN>
- </LI><LI>
- <A HREF="#methods" CLASS="pudge-section-link">
- Methods (3)
- </A>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="simplejson/;l=340#244" CLASS="pudge-section-link">
- Source
- </A>
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </DIV>
- <DIV STYLE="clear: left"></DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="rst pudge-module-doc">
- <P>Performs the following translations in decoding by default:</P>
-<TABLE BORDER="1" CLASS="docutils">
-<COL WIDTH="44%">
-<COL WIDTH="56%">
-<THEAD VALIGN="bottom">
-<TR><TH CLASS="head">JSON</TH>
-<TH CLASS="head">Python</TH>
-<TR><TD>number (int)</TD>
-<TD>int, long</TD>
-<TR><TD>number (real)</TD>
-<P>It also understands <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">NaN</SPAN></TT>, <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">Infinity</SPAN></TT>, and <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">-Infinity</SPAN></TT> as
-their corresponding <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">float</SPAN></TT> values, which is outside the JSON spec.</P>
- </DIV>
- <HR>
- <A NAME="methods"></A>
- <H2>Methods</H2>
- <DIV CLASS="pudge-member routine alias">
- <A NAME="__init__"></A>
- <H4 CLASS="pudge-member-name"><SPAN CLASS="prefix">f</SPAN>
- <TT><A HREF="class-simplejson.JSONDecoder.html#__init__" CLASS="pudge-obj-link">__init__</A>(self, encoding=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, strict=True)</TT>
- <A HREF="simplejson/;l=313#277" TITLE="View Source">...</A>
- </H4>
- <DIV CLASS="pudge-section rst">
- <P CLASS="pudge-member-blurb">
- <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">encoding</SPAN></TT> determines the encoding used to interpret any <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">str</SPAN></TT>
-objects decoded by this instance (utf-8 by default). It has no
-effect when decoding <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">unicode</SPAN></TT> objects.
- </P>
- <P>Note that currently only encodings that are a superset of ASCII work,
-strings of other encodings should be passed in as <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">unicode</SPAN></TT>.</P>
-<P><TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">object_hook</SPAN></TT>, if specified, will be called with the result
-of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in
-place of the given <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">dict</SPAN></TT>. This can be used to provide custom
-deserializations (e.g. to support JSON-RPC class hinting).</P>
-<P><TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">parse_float</SPAN></TT>, if specified, will be called with the string
-of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to
-float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser
-for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal).</P>
-<P><TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">parse_int</SPAN></TT>, if specified, will be called with the string
-of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to
-int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser
-for JSON integers (e.g. float).</P>
-<P><TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">parse_constant</SPAN></TT>, if specified, will be called with one of the
-following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN, null, true, false.
-This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers
-are encountered.</P>
- </DIV>
- </DIV><DIV CLASS="pudge-member routine alias">
- <A NAME="decode"></A>
- <H4 CLASS="pudge-member-name"><SPAN CLASS="prefix">f</SPAN>
- <TT><A HREF="class-simplejson.JSONDecoder.html#decode" CLASS="pudge-obj-link">decode</A>(self, s, _w=&lt;built-in method match of _sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x15a46e0>)</TT>
- <A HREF="simplejson/;l=324#314" TITLE="View Source">...</A>
- </H4>
- <DIV CLASS="pudge-section rst">
- <P CLASS="pudge-member-blurb">
- Return the Python representation of <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">s</SPAN></TT> (a <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">str</SPAN></TT> or <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">unicode</SPAN></TT>
-instance containing a JSON document)
- </P>
- </DIV>
- </DIV><DIV CLASS="pudge-member routine alias">
- <A NAME="raw_decode"></A>
- <H4 CLASS="pudge-member-name"><SPAN CLASS="prefix">f</SPAN>
- <TT><A HREF="class-simplejson.JSONDecoder.html#raw_decode" CLASS="pudge-obj-link">raw_decode</A>(self, s, **kw)</TT>
- <A HREF="simplejson/;l=340#325" TITLE="View Source">...</A>
- </H4>
- <DIV CLASS="pudge-section rst">
- <P CLASS="pudge-member-blurb">
- Decode a JSON document from <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">s</SPAN></TT> (a <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">str</SPAN></TT> or <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">unicode</SPAN></TT> beginning
-with a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
-representation and the index in <TT CLASS="docutils literal"><SPAN CLASS="pre">s</SPAN></TT> where the document ended.
- </P>
- <P>This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
-have extraneous data at the end.</P>
- </DIV>
- </DIV>
- <P>
- See
- <A HREF="simplejson/;l=340#244" TITLE="simplejson/">the source</A>
- for more information.
- </SMALL>
- </P>
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