path: root/third_party/waf/waflib/extras/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/waf/waflib/extras/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 410 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/waf/waflib/extras/ b/third_party/waf/waflib/extras/
deleted file mode 100644
index 802323ddcc7..00000000000
--- a/third_party/waf/waflib/extras/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2006-2010 (ita)
-This tool is totally deprecated
-Try using:
- files for .pc files
- the feature intltool_in - see demos/intltool
- make-like rules
-import shutil, re, os
-from waflib import Node, Task, Utils, Errors
-from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method, before_method
-from waflib.Logs import debug
-def copy_attrs(orig, dest, names, only_if_set=False):
- """
- copy class attributes from an object to another
- """
- for a in Utils.to_list(names):
- u = getattr(orig, a, ())
- if u or not only_if_set:
- setattr(dest, a, u)
-def copy_func(tsk):
- "Make a file copy. This might be used to make other kinds of file processing (even calling a compiler is possible)"
- infile = tsk.inputs[0].abspath()
- outfile = tsk.outputs[0].abspath()
- try:
- shutil.copy2(infile, outfile)
- except EnvironmentError:
- return 1
- else:
- if tsk.chmod: os.chmod(outfile, tsk.chmod)
- return 0
-def action_process_file_func(tsk):
- "Ask the function attached to the task to process it"
- if not raise Errors.WafError('task must have a function attached to it for copy_func to work!')
- return
-def apply_cmd(self):
- "call a command everytime"
- if not raise Errors.WafError('cmdobj needs a function!')
- tsk = Task.TaskBase()
- =
- tsk.env = self.env
- self.tasks.append(tsk)
- tsk.install_path = self.install_path
-def apply_copy(self):
- Utils.def_attrs(self, fun=copy_func)
- self.default_install_path = 0
- lst = self.to_list(self.source)
- self.meths.remove('process_source')
- for filename in lst:
- node = self.path.find_resource(filename)
- if not node: raise Errors.WafError('cannot find input file %s for processing' % filename)
- target =
- if not target or len(lst)>1: target =
- # TODO the file path may be incorrect
- newnode = self.path.find_or_declare(target)
- tsk = self.create_task('copy', node, newnode)
- =
- tsk.chmod = getattr(self, 'chmod', Utils.O644)
- if not tsk.env:
- tsk.debug()
- raise Errors.WafError('task without an environment')
-def subst_func(tsk):
- "Substitutes variables in a .in file"
- m4_re = re.compile('@(\w+)@', re.M)
- code = tsk.inputs[0].read() #Utils.readf(infile)
- # replace all % by %% to prevent errors by % signs in the input file while string formatting
- code = code.replace('%', '%%')
- s = m4_re.sub(r'%(\1)s', code)
- env = tsk.env
- di = getattr(tsk, 'dict', {}) or getattr(tsk.generator, 'dict', {})
- if not di:
- names = m4_re.findall(code)
- for i in names:
- di[i] = env.get_flat(i) or env.get_flat(i.upper())
- tsk.outputs[0].write(s % di)
-def apply_subst(self):
- Utils.def_attrs(self, fun=subst_func)
- lst = self.to_list(self.source)
- self.meths.remove('process_source')
- self.dict = getattr(self, 'dict', {})
- for filename in lst:
- node = self.path.find_resource(filename)
- if not node: raise Errors.WafError('cannot find input file %s for processing' % filename)
- if
- newnode = self.path.find_or_declare(
- else:
- newnode = node.change_ext('')
- try:
- self.dict = self.dict.get_merged_dict()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if self.dict and not self.env['DICT_HASH']:
- self.env = self.env.derive()
- keys = list(self.dict.keys())
- keys.sort()
- lst = [self.dict[x] for x in keys]
- self.env['DICT_HASH'] = str(Utils.h_list(lst))
- tsk = self.create_task('copy', node, newnode)
- =
- tsk.dict = self.dict
- tsk.dep_vars = ['DICT_HASH']
- tsk.chmod = getattr(self, 'chmod', Utils.O644)
- if not tsk.env:
- tsk.debug()
- raise Errors.WafError('task without an environment')
-## command-output ####
-class cmd_arg(object):
- """command-output arguments for representing files or folders"""
- def __init__(self, name, template='%s'):
- = name
- self.template = template
- self.node = None
-class input_file(cmd_arg):
- def find_node(self, base_path):
- assert isinstance(base_path, Node.Node)
- self.node = base_path.find_resource(
- if self.node is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("Input file %s not found in " % (, base_path))
- def get_path(self, env, absolute):
- if absolute:
- return self.template % self.node.abspath()
- else:
- return self.template % self.node.srcpath()
-class output_file(cmd_arg):
- def find_node(self, base_path):
- assert isinstance(base_path, Node.Node)
- self.node = base_path.find_or_declare(
- if self.node is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("Output file %s not found in " % (, base_path))
- def get_path(self, env, absolute):
- if absolute:
- return self.template % self.node.abspath()
- else:
- return self.template % self.node.bldpath()
-class cmd_dir_arg(cmd_arg):
- def find_node(self, base_path):
- assert isinstance(base_path, Node.Node)
- self.node = base_path.find_dir(
- if self.node is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("Directory %s not found in " % (, base_path))
-class input_dir(cmd_dir_arg):
- def get_path(self, dummy_env, dummy_absolute):
- return self.template % self.node.abspath()
-class output_dir(cmd_dir_arg):
- def get_path(self, env, dummy_absolute):
- return self.template % self.node.abspath()
-class command_output(Task.Task):
- color = "BLUE"
- def __init__(self, env, command, command_node, command_args, stdin, stdout, cwd, os_env, stderr):
- Task.Task.__init__(self, env=env)
- assert isinstance(command, (str, Node.Node))
- self.command = command
- self.command_args = command_args
- self.stdin = stdin
- self.stdout = stdout
- self.cwd = cwd
- self.os_env = os_env
- self.stderr = stderr
- if command_node is not None: self.dep_nodes = [command_node]
- self.dep_vars = [] # additional environment variables to look
- def run(self):
- task = self
- #assert len(task.inputs) > 0
- def input_path(node, template):
- if task.cwd is None:
- return template % node.bldpath()
- else:
- return template % node.abspath()
- def output_path(node, template):
- fun = node.abspath
- if task.cwd is None: fun = node.bldpath
- return template % fun()
- if isinstance(task.command, Node.Node):
- argv = [input_path(task.command, '%s')]
- else:
- argv = [task.command]
- for arg in task.command_args:
- if isinstance(arg, str):
- argv.append(arg)
- else:
- assert isinstance(arg, cmd_arg)
- argv.append(arg.get_path(task.env, (task.cwd is not None)))
- if task.stdin:
- stdin = open(input_path(task.stdin, '%s'))
- else:
- stdin = None
- if task.stdout:
- stdout = open(output_path(task.stdout, '%s'), "w")
- else:
- stdout = None
- if task.stderr:
- stderr = open(output_path(task.stderr, '%s'), "w")
- else:
- stderr = None
- if task.cwd is None:
- cwd = ('None (actually %r)' % os.getcwd())
- else:
- cwd = repr(task.cwd)
- debug("command-output: cwd=%s, stdin=%r, stdout=%r, argv=%r" %
- (cwd, stdin, stdout, argv))
- if task.os_env is None:
- os_env = os.environ
- else:
- os_env = task.os_env
- command = Utils.subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=task.cwd, env=os_env)
- return command.wait()
-def init_cmd_output(self):
- Utils.def_attrs(self,
- stdin = None,
- stdout = None,
- stderr = None,
- # the command to execute
- command = None,
- # whether it is an external command; otherwise it is assumed
- # to be an executable binary or script that lives in the
- # source or build tree.
- command_is_external = False,
- # extra parameters (argv) to pass to the command (excluding
- # the command itself)
- argv = [],
- # dependencies to other objects -> this is probably not what you want (ita)
- # values must be 'task_gen' instances (not names!)
- dependencies = [],
- # dependencies on env variable contents
- dep_vars = [],
- # input files that are implicit, i.e. they are not
- # stdin, nor are they mentioned explicitly in argv
- hidden_inputs = [],
- # output files that are implicit, i.e. they are not
- # stdout, nor are they mentioned explicitly in argv
- hidden_outputs = [],
- # change the subprocess to this cwd (must use obj.input_dir() or output_dir() here)
- cwd = None,
- # OS environment variables to pass to the subprocess
- # if None, use the default environment variables unchanged
- os_env = None)
-def apply_cmd_output(self):
- if self.command is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("command-output missing command")
- if self.command_is_external:
- cmd = self.command
- cmd_node = None
- else:
- cmd_node = self.path.find_resource(self.command)
- assert cmd_node is not None, ('''Could not find command '%s' in source tree.
-Hint: if this is an external command,
-use command_is_external=True''') % (self.command,)
- cmd = cmd_node
- if self.cwd is None:
- cwd = None
- inputs = []
- outputs = []
- for arg in self.argv:
- if isinstance(arg, cmd_arg):
- arg.find_node(self.path)
- if isinstance(arg, input_file):
- inputs.append(arg.node)
- if isinstance(arg, output_file):
- outputs.append(arg.node)
- if self.stdout is None:
- stdout = None
- else:
- assert isinstance(self.stdout, str)
- stdout = self.path.find_or_declare(self.stdout)
- if stdout is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("File %s not found" % (self.stdout,))
- outputs.append(stdout)
- if self.stderr is None:
- stderr = None
- else:
- assert isinstance(self.stderr, str)
- stderr = self.path.find_or_declare(self.stderr)
- if stderr is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("File %s not found" % (self.stderr,))
- outputs.append(stderr)
- if self.stdin is None:
- stdin = None
- else:
- assert isinstance(self.stdin, str)
- stdin = self.path.find_resource(self.stdin)
- if stdin is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("File %s not found" % (self.stdin,))
- inputs.append(stdin)
- for hidden_input in self.to_list(self.hidden_inputs):
- node = self.path.find_resource(hidden_input)
- if node is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("File %s not found in dir %s" % (hidden_input, self.path))
- inputs.append(node)
- for hidden_output in self.to_list(self.hidden_outputs):
- node = self.path.find_or_declare(hidden_output)
- if node is None:
- raise Errors.WafError("File %s not found in dir %s" % (hidden_output, self.path))
- outputs.append(node)
- if not (inputs or getattr(self, 'no_inputs', None)):
- raise Errors.WafError('command-output objects must have at least one input file or give self.no_inputs')
- if not (outputs or getattr(self, 'no_outputs', None)):
- raise Errors.WafError('command-output objects must have at least one output file or give self.no_outputs')
- cwd = self.bld.variant_dir
- task = command_output(self.env, cmd, cmd_node, self.argv, stdin, stdout, cwd, self.os_env, stderr)
- task.generator = self
- copy_attrs(self, task, 'before after ext_in ext_out', only_if_set=True)
- self.tasks.append(task)
- task.inputs = inputs
- task.outputs = outputs
- task.dep_vars = self.to_list(self.dep_vars)
- for dep in self.dependencies:
- assert dep is not self
- for dep_task in dep.tasks:
- task.set_run_after(dep_task)
- if not task.inputs:
- # the case for svnversion, always run, and update the output nodes
- task.runnable_status = type(, task, task.__class__) # always run
- task.post_run = type(, task, task.__class__)
- # TODO the case with no outputs?
-def post_run(self):
- for x in self.outputs:
- x.sig = Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
-def runnable_status(self):
- return self.RUN_ME
-Task.task_factory('copy', vars=[], func=action_process_file_func)