path: root/source/libsmb/nmblib.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/libsmb/nmblib.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 731 deletions
diff --git a/source/libsmb/nmblib.c b/source/libsmb/nmblib.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bc967bdacb4..00000000000
--- a/source/libsmb/nmblib.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
- Version 1.9.
- NBT netbios library routines
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-1997
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-extern int DEBUGLEVEL;
-int num_good_sends = 0;
-int num_good_receives = 0;
-extern pstring scope;
-extern pstring myname;
-extern struct in_addr ipzero;
-static struct opcode_names {
- const char *nmb_opcode_name;
- int opcode;
-} nmb_header_opcode_names[] = {
- { "Query", 0 },
- {"Registration", 5 },
- {"Release", 6 },
- {"WACK", 7 },
- {"refresh", 8 },
- {0, -1 }
- * Lookup a nmb opcode name.
- ****************************************************************************/
-const char *lookup_opcode_name( int opcode )
- struct opcode_names *op_namep;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; nmb_header_opcode_names[i].nmb_opcode_name != 0; i++) {
- op_namep = &nmb_header_opcode_names[i];
- if(opcode == op_namep->opcode)
- return op_namep->nmb_opcode_name;
- }
- return "<unknown opcode>";
- print out a res_rec structure
- ****************************************************************************/
-static void debug_nmb_res_rec(struct res_rec *res, char *hdr)
- int i, j;
- DEBUG(4,(" %s: nmb_name=%s rr_type=%d rr_class=%d ttl=%d\n",
- hdr,
- namestr(&res->rr_name),
- res->rr_type,
- res->rr_class,
- res->ttl));
- if (res->rdlength == 0 || res->rdata == NULL) return;
- for (i = 0; i < res->rdlength; i+= 16)
- {
- DEBUG(4, (" %s %3x char ", hdr, i));
- for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
- {
- unsigned char x = res->rdata[i+j];
- if (x < 32 || x > 127) x = '.';
- if (i+j >= res->rdlength) break;
- DEBUG(4, ("%c", x));
- }
- DEBUG(4, (" hex ", i));
- for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
- {
- if (i+j >= res->rdlength) break;
- DEBUG(4, ("%02X", (unsigned char)res->rdata[i+j]));
- }
- DEBUG(4, ("\n"));
- }
- process a nmb packet
- ****************************************************************************/
-void debug_nmb_packet(struct packet_struct *p)
- struct nmb_packet *nmb = &p->packet.nmb;
- DEBUG(4,("nmb packet from %s header: id=%d opcode=%s(%d) response=%s\n",
- inet_ntoa(p->ip),
- nmb->header.name_trn_id,
- lookup_opcode_name(nmb->header.opcode),
- nmb->header.opcode,BOOLSTR(nmb->header.response)));
- DEBUG(4,(" header: flags: bcast=%s rec_avail=%s rec_des=%s trunc=%s auth=%s\n",
- BOOLSTR(nmb->header.nm_flags.bcast),
- BOOLSTR(nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_available),
- BOOLSTR(nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_desired),
- BOOLSTR(nmb->header.nm_flags.trunc),
- BOOLSTR(nmb->header.nm_flags.authoritative)));
- DEBUG(4,(" header: rcode=%d qdcount=%d ancount=%d nscount=%d arcount=%d\n",
- nmb->header.rcode,
- nmb->header.qdcount,
- nmb->header.ancount,
- nmb->header.nscount,
- nmb->header.arcount));
- if (nmb->header.qdcount)
- {
- DEBUG(4,(" question: q_name=%s q_type=%d q_class=%d\n",
- namestr(&nmb->question.question_name),
- nmb->question.question_type,
- nmb->question.question_class));
- }
- if (nmb->answers && nmb->header.ancount)
- {
- debug_nmb_res_rec(nmb->answers,"answers");
- }
- if (nmb->nsrecs && nmb->header.nscount)
- {
- debug_nmb_res_rec(nmb->nsrecs,"nsrecs");
- }
- if (nmb->additional && nmb->header.arcount)
- {
- debug_nmb_res_rec(nmb->additional,"additional");
- }
- handle "compressed" name pointers
- ******************************************************************/
-static BOOL handle_name_ptrs(unsigned char *ubuf,int *offset,int length,
- BOOL *got_pointer,int *ret)
- int loop_count=0;
- while ((ubuf[*offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
- if (!*got_pointer) (*ret) += 2;
- (*got_pointer)=True;
- (*offset) = ((ubuf[*offset] & ~0xC0)<<8) | ubuf[(*offset)+1];
- if (loop_count++ == 10 || (*offset) < 0 || (*offset)>(length-2)) {
- return(False);
- }
- }
- return(True);
- parse a nmb name from "compressed" format to something readable
- return the space taken by the name, or 0 if the name is invalid
- ******************************************************************/
-static int parse_nmb_name(char *inbuf,int offset,int length, struct nmb_name *name)
- int m,n=0;
- unsigned char *ubuf = (unsigned char *)inbuf;
- int ret = 0;
- BOOL got_pointer=False;
- if (length - offset < 2) return(0);
- /* handle initial name pointers */
- if (!handle_name_ptrs(ubuf,&offset,length,&got_pointer,&ret)) return(0);
- m = ubuf[offset];
- if (!m) return(0);
- if ((m & 0xC0) || offset+m+2 > length) return(0);
- bzero((char *)name,sizeof(*name));
- /* the "compressed" part */
- if (!got_pointer) ret += m + 2;
- offset++;
- while (m) {
- unsigned char c1,c2;
- c1 = ubuf[offset++]-'A';
- c2 = ubuf[offset++]-'A';
- if ((c1 & 0xF0) || (c2 & 0xF0)) return(0);
- name->name[n++] = (c1<<4) | c2;
- m -= 2;
- }
- name->name[n] = 0;
- if (n==16) {
- /* parse out the name type,
- its always in the 16th byte of the name */
- name->name_type = name->name[15];
- /* remove trailing spaces */
- name->name[15] = 0;
- n = 14;
- while (n && name->name[n]==' ') name->name[n--] = 0;
- }
- /* now the domain parts (if any) */
- n = 0;
- while ((m=ubuf[offset])) {
- /* we can have pointers within the domain part as well */
- if (!handle_name_ptrs(ubuf,&offset,length,&got_pointer,&ret)) return(0);
- if (!got_pointer) ret += m+1;
- if (n) name->scope[n++] = '.';
- if (m+2+offset>length || n+m+1>sizeof(name->scope)) return(0);
- offset++;
- while (m--) name->scope[n++] = (char)ubuf[offset++];
- }
- name->scope[n++] = 0;
- return(ret);
- put a compressed nmb name into a buffer. return the length of the
- compressed name
- compressed names are really weird. The "compression" doubles the
- size. The idea is that it also means that compressed names conform
- to the doman name system. See RFC1002.
- ******************************************************************/
-static int put_nmb_name(char *buf,int offset,struct nmb_name *name)
- int ret,m;
- fstring buf1;
- char *p;
- if (name->name[0] == '*') {
- /* special case for wildcard name */
- bzero(buf1,20);
- buf1[0] = '*';
- } else {
- sprintf(buf1,"%-15.15s%c",name->name,name->name_type);
- }
- buf[offset] = 0x20;
- ret = 34;
- for (m=0;m<16;m++) {
- buf[offset+1+2*m] = 'A' + ((buf1[m]>>4)&0xF);
- buf[offset+2+2*m] = 'A' + (buf1[m]&0xF);
- }
- offset += 33;
- buf[offset] = 0;
- if (name->scope[0]) {
- /* XXXX this scope handling needs testing */
- ret += strlen(name->scope) + 1;
- strcpy(&buf[offset+1],name->scope);
- p = &buf[offset+1];
- while ((p = strchr(p,'.'))) {
- buf[offset] = PTR_DIFF(p,&buf[offset]);
- offset += buf[offset];
- p = &buf[offset+1];
- }
- buf[offset] = strlen(&buf[offset+1]);
- }
- return(ret);
- useful for debugging messages
- ******************************************************************/
-char *namestr(struct nmb_name *n)
- static int i=0;
- static fstring ret[4];
- char *p = ret[i];
- if (!n->scope[0])
- sprintf(p,"%s(%x)",n->name,n->name_type);
- else
- sprintf(p,"%s(%x).%s",n->name,n->name_type,n->scope);
- i = (i+1)%4;
- return(p);
- allocate and parse some resource records
- ******************************************************************/
-static BOOL parse_alloc_res_rec(char *inbuf,int *offset,int length,
- struct res_rec **recs, int count)
- int i;
- *recs = (struct res_rec *)malloc(sizeof(**recs)*count);
- if (!*recs) return(False);
- bzero(*recs,sizeof(**recs)*count);
- for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
- int l = parse_nmb_name(inbuf,*offset,length,&(*recs)[i].rr_name);
- (*offset) += l;
- if (!l || (*offset)+10 > length) {
- free(*recs);
- return(False);
- }
- (*recs)[i].rr_type = RSVAL(inbuf,(*offset));
- (*recs)[i].rr_class = RSVAL(inbuf,(*offset)+2);
- (*recs)[i].ttl = RIVAL(inbuf,(*offset)+4);
- (*recs)[i].rdlength = RSVAL(inbuf,(*offset)+8);
- (*offset) += 10;
- if ((*recs)[i].rdlength>sizeof((*recs)[i].rdata) ||
- (*offset)+(*recs)[i].rdlength > length) {
- free(*recs);
- return(False);
- }
- memcpy((*recs)[i].rdata,inbuf+(*offset),(*recs)[i].rdlength);
- (*offset) += (*recs)[i].rdlength;
- }
- return(True);
- put a resource record into a packet
- ******************************************************************/
-static int put_res_rec(char *buf,int offset,struct res_rec *recs,int count)
- int ret=0;
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
- int l = put_nmb_name(buf,offset,&recs[i].rr_name);
- offset += l;
- ret += l;
- RSSVAL(buf,offset,recs[i].rr_type);
- RSSVAL(buf,offset+2,recs[i].rr_class);
- RSIVAL(buf,offset+4,recs[i].ttl);
- RSSVAL(buf,offset+8,recs[i].rdlength);
- memcpy(buf+offset+10,recs[i].rdata,recs[i].rdlength);
- offset += 10+recs[i].rdlength;
- ret += 10+recs[i].rdlength;
- }
- return(ret);
- parse a dgram packet. Return False if the packet can't be parsed
- or is invalid for some reason, True otherwise
- this is documented in section 4.4.1 of RFC1002
- ******************************************************************/
-static BOOL parse_dgram(char *inbuf,int length,struct dgram_packet *dgram)
- int offset;
- int flags;
- bzero((char *)dgram,sizeof(*dgram));
- if (length < 14) return(False);
- dgram->header.msg_type = CVAL(inbuf,0);
- flags = CVAL(inbuf,1);
- dgram->header.flags.node_type = (enum node_type)((flags>>2)&3);
- if (flags & 1) dgram->header.flags.more = True;
- if (flags & 2) dgram->header.flags.first = True;
- dgram->header.dgm_id = RSVAL(inbuf,2);
- putip((char *)&dgram->header.source_ip,inbuf+4);
- dgram->header.source_port = RSVAL(inbuf,8);
- dgram->header.dgm_length = RSVAL(inbuf,10);
- dgram->header.packet_offset = RSVAL(inbuf,12);
- offset = 14;
- if (dgram->header.msg_type == 0x10 ||
- dgram->header.msg_type == 0x11 ||
- dgram->header.msg_type == 0x12) {
- offset += parse_nmb_name(inbuf,offset,length,&dgram->source_name);
- offset += parse_nmb_name(inbuf,offset,length,&dgram->dest_name);
- }
- if (offset >= length || (length-offset > sizeof(dgram->data)))
- return(False);
- dgram->datasize = length-offset;
- memcpy(dgram->data,inbuf+offset,dgram->datasize);
- return(True);
- parse a nmb packet. Return False if the packet can't be parsed
- or is invalid for some reason, True otherwise
- ******************************************************************/
-static BOOL parse_nmb(char *inbuf,int length,struct nmb_packet *nmb)
- int nm_flags,offset;
- bzero((char *)nmb,sizeof(*nmb));
- if (length < 12) return(False);
- /* parse the header */
- nmb->header.name_trn_id = RSVAL(inbuf,0);
- DEBUG(10,("parse_nmb: packet id = %d\n", nmb->header.name_trn_id));
- nmb->header.opcode = (CVAL(inbuf,2) >> 3) & 0xF;
- nmb->header.response = ((CVAL(inbuf,2)>>7)&1)?True:False;
- nm_flags = ((CVAL(inbuf,2) & 0x7) << 4) + (CVAL(inbuf,3)>>4);
- nmb->header.nm_flags.bcast = (nm_flags&1)?True:False;
- nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_available = (nm_flags&8)?True:False;
- nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_desired = (nm_flags&0x10)?True:False;
- nmb->header.nm_flags.trunc = (nm_flags&0x20)?True:False;
- nmb->header.nm_flags.authoritative = (nm_flags&0x40)?True:False;
- nmb->header.rcode = CVAL(inbuf,3) & 0xF;
- nmb->header.qdcount = RSVAL(inbuf,4);
- nmb->header.ancount = RSVAL(inbuf,6);
- nmb->header.nscount = RSVAL(inbuf,8);
- nmb->header.arcount = RSVAL(inbuf,10);
- if (nmb->header.qdcount) {
- offset = parse_nmb_name(inbuf,12,length,&nmb->question.question_name);
- if (!offset) return(False);
- if (length - (12+offset) < 4) return(False);
- nmb->question.question_type = RSVAL(inbuf,12+offset);
- nmb->question.question_class = RSVAL(inbuf,12+offset+2);
- offset += 12+4;
- } else {
- offset = 12;
- }
- /* and any resource records */
- if (nmb->header.ancount &&
- !parse_alloc_res_rec(inbuf,&offset,length,&nmb->answers,
- nmb->header.ancount))
- return(False);
- if (nmb->header.nscount &&
- !parse_alloc_res_rec(inbuf,&offset,length,&nmb->nsrecs,
- nmb->header.nscount))
- return(False);
- if (nmb->header.arcount &&
- !parse_alloc_res_rec(inbuf,&offset,length,&nmb->additional,
- nmb->header.arcount))
- return(False);
- return(True);
- free up any resources associated with an nmb packet
- ******************************************************************/
-void free_nmb_packet(struct nmb_packet *nmb)
- if (nmb->answers) free(nmb->answers);
- if (nmb->nsrecs) free(nmb->nsrecs);
- if (nmb->additional) free(nmb->additional);
- free up any resources associated with a packet
- ******************************************************************/
-void free_packet(struct packet_struct *packet)
- if (packet->packet_type == NMB_PACKET)
- free_nmb_packet(&packet->packet.nmb);
- free(packet);
- read a packet from a socket and parse it, returning a packet ready
- to be used or put on the queue. This assumes a UDP socket
- ******************************************************************/
-struct packet_struct *read_packet(int fd,enum packet_type packet_type)
- extern struct in_addr lastip;
- extern int lastport;
- struct packet_struct *packet;
- char buf[MAX_DGRAM_SIZE];
- int length;
- BOOL ok=False;
- length = read_udp_socket(fd,buf,sizeof(buf));
- if (length < MIN_DGRAM_SIZE) return(NULL);
- packet = (struct packet_struct *)malloc(sizeof(*packet));
- if (!packet) return(NULL);
- packet->next = NULL;
- packet->prev = NULL;
- packet->ip = lastip;
- packet->port = lastport;
- packet->fd = fd;
- packet->timestamp = time(NULL);
- packet->packet_type = packet_type;
- switch (packet_type)
- {
- case NMB_PACKET:
- ok = parse_nmb(buf,length,&packet->packet.nmb);
- break;
- ok = parse_dgram(buf,length,&packet->packet.dgram);
- break;
- }
- if (!ok) {
- DEBUG(10,("parse_nmb: discarding packet id = %d\n",
- packet->packet.nmb.header.name_trn_id));
- free(packet);
- return(NULL);
- }
- num_good_receives++;
- DEBUG(5,("%s received a packet of len %d from (%s) port %d\n",
- timestring(),length,inet_ntoa(packet->ip),packet->port));
- return(packet);
- send a udp packet on a already open socket
- ******************************************************************/
-static BOOL send_udp(int fd,char *buf,int len,struct in_addr ip,int port)
- BOOL ret;
- struct sockaddr_in sock_out;
- /* set the address and port */
- bzero((char *)&sock_out,sizeof(sock_out));
- putip((char *)&sock_out.sin_addr,(char *)&ip);
- sock_out.sin_port = htons( port );
- sock_out.sin_family = AF_INET;
- DEBUG(5,("%s sending a packet of len %d to (%s) on port %d\n",
- timestring(),len,inet_ntoa(ip),port));
- ret = (sendto(fd,buf,len,0,(struct sockaddr *)&sock_out,
- sizeof(sock_out)) >= 0);
- if (!ret)
- DEBUG(0,("Packet send failed to %s(%d) ERRNO=%s\n",
- inet_ntoa(ip),port,strerror(errno)));
- if (ret)
- num_good_sends++;
- return(ret);
- build a dgram packet ready for sending
- XXXX This currently doesn't handle packets too big for one
- datagram. It should split them and use the packet_offset, more and
- first flags to handle the fragmentation. Yuck.
- ******************************************************************/
-static int build_dgram(char *buf,struct packet_struct *p)
- struct dgram_packet *dgram = &p->packet.dgram;
- unsigned char *ubuf = (unsigned char *)buf;
- int offset=0;
- /* put in the header */
- ubuf[0] = dgram->header.msg_type;
- ubuf[1] = (((int)dgram->header.flags.node_type)<<2);
- if (dgram->header.flags.more) ubuf[1] |= 1;
- if (dgram->header.flags.first) ubuf[1] |= 2;
- RSSVAL(ubuf,2,dgram->header.dgm_id);
- putip(ubuf+4,(char *)&dgram->header.source_ip);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,8,dgram->header.source_port);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,12,dgram->header.packet_offset);
- offset = 14;
- if (dgram->header.msg_type == 0x10 ||
- dgram->header.msg_type == 0x11 ||
- dgram->header.msg_type == 0x12) {
- offset += put_nmb_name((char *)ubuf,offset,&dgram->source_name);
- offset += put_nmb_name((char *)ubuf,offset,&dgram->dest_name);
- }
- memcpy(ubuf+offset,dgram->data,dgram->datasize);
- offset += dgram->datasize;
- /* automatically set the dgm_length */
- dgram->header.dgm_length = offset;
- RSSVAL(ubuf,10,dgram->header.dgm_length);
- return(offset);
- build a nmb name
- ******************************************************************/
-void make_nmb_name(struct nmb_name *n,char *name,int type,char *this_scope)
- strcpy(n->name,name);
- strupper(n->name);
- n->name_type = type;
- strcpy(n->scope,this_scope);
- build a nmb packet ready for sending
- XXXX this currently relies on not being passed something that expands
- to a packet too big for the buffer. Eventually this should be
- changed to set the trunc bit so the receiver can request the rest
- via tcp (when that becomes supported)
- ******************************************************************/
-static int build_nmb(char *buf,struct packet_struct *p)
- struct nmb_packet *nmb = &p->packet.nmb;
- unsigned char *ubuf = (unsigned char *)buf;
- int offset=0;
- /* put in the header */
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset,nmb->header.name_trn_id);
- ubuf[offset+2] = (nmb->header.opcode & 0xF) << 3;
- if (nmb->header.response) ubuf[offset+2] |= (1<<7);
- if (nmb->header.nm_flags.authoritative &&
- nmb->header.response) ubuf[offset+2] |= 0x4;
- if (nmb->header.nm_flags.trunc) ubuf[offset+2] |= 0x2;
- if (nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_desired) ubuf[offset+2] |= 0x1;
- if (nmb->header.nm_flags.recursion_available &&
- nmb->header.response) ubuf[offset+3] |= 0x80;
- if (nmb->header.nm_flags.bcast) ubuf[offset+3] |= 0x10;
- ubuf[offset+3] |= (nmb->header.rcode & 0xF);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset+4,nmb->header.qdcount);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset+6,nmb->header.ancount);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset+8,nmb->header.nscount);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset+10,nmb->header.arcount);
- offset += 12;
- if (nmb->header.qdcount) {
- /* XXXX this doesn't handle a qdcount of > 1 */
- offset += put_nmb_name((char *)ubuf,offset,&nmb->question.question_name);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset,nmb->question.question_type);
- RSSVAL(ubuf,offset+2,nmb->question.question_class);
- offset += 4;
- }
- if (nmb->header.ancount)
- offset += put_res_rec((char *)ubuf,offset,nmb->answers,
- nmb->header.ancount);
- if (nmb->header.nscount)
- offset += put_res_rec((char *)ubuf,offset,nmb->nsrecs,
- nmb->header.nscount);
- if (nmb->header.arcount)
- offset += put_res_rec((char *)ubuf,offset,nmb->additional,
- nmb->header.arcount);
- return(offset);
- send a packet_struct
- ******************************************************************/
-BOOL send_packet(struct packet_struct *p)
- char buf[1024];
- int len=0;
- bzero(buf,sizeof(buf));
- switch (p->packet_type)
- {
- case NMB_PACKET:
- len = build_nmb(buf,p);
- break;
- len = build_dgram(buf,p);
- break;
- }
- if (!len) return(False);
- return(send_udp(p->fd,buf,len,p->ip,p->port));
- receive a packet with timeout on a open UDP filedescriptor
- The timeout is in milliseconds
- ***************************************************************************/
-struct packet_struct *receive_packet(int fd,enum packet_type type,int t)
- fd_set fds;
- struct timeval timeout;
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- FD_SET(fd,&fds);
- timeout.tv_sec = t/1000;
- timeout.tv_usec = 1000*(t%1000);
- sys_select(&fds,&timeout);
- if (FD_ISSET(fd,&fds))
- return(read_packet(fd,type));
- return(NULL);