path: root/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/ b/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14424cf2604..00000000000
--- a/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Samba4 parser generator for swig wrappers
-# Copyright 2004,2005
-# Copyright 2006
-# released under the GNU GPL
-package Parse::Pidl::Samba4::SWIG;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-use Parse::Pidl::Samba4 qw(DeclLong);
-use Parse::Pidl::Typelist qw(mapTypeName);
-use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(has_property);
-$VERSION = '0.01';
-use strict;
-my $ret = "";
-my $tabs = "";
-sub pidl($)
- my $p = shift;
- $ret .= $tabs. $p . "\n";
-sub indent() { $tabs.=" "; }
-sub deindent() { $tabs = substr($tabs,0,-2); }
-sub IgnoreInterface($$)
- my ($basename,$if) = @_;
- foreach (@{$if->{TYPES}}) {
- next unless (has_property($_, "public"));
- pidl "\%types($_->{NAME});";
- }
-sub GenerateResultTypemap($)
- my $name = shift;
- pidl "%typemap(in,numinputs=0) $name*result ($name tmp) {";
- indent;
- pidl "\$1 = &tmp;";
- deindent;
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- pidl "%typemap(argout) $name*result {";
- indent;
- pidl "\$result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(*\$1, \$1_descriptor, 0);";
- deindent;
- pidl "}";
-sub ParseInterface($$)
- my ($basename,$if) = @_;
- pidl "\%inline {";
- pidl "typedef struct $if->{NAME} { struct dcerpc_pipe *pipe; } $if->{NAME};";
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- pidl "%talloctype($if->{NAME});";
- pidl "";
- pidl "\%extend $if->{NAME} {";
- indent();
- pidl "$if->{NAME} () {";
- indent;
- pidl "return talloc(NULL, struct $if->{NAME});";
- deindent;
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- pidl "NTSTATUS connect (const char *binding, struct cli_credentials *cred, struct event_context *event)";
- pidl "{";
- indent;
- pidl "return dcerpc_pipe_connect(\$self, &\$self->pipe, binding, &ndr_table_$if->{NAME}, cred, event);";
- deindent;
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- foreach my $fn (@{$if->{FUNCTIONS}}) {
- pidl "/* $fn->{NAME} */";
- my $args = "";
- foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
- $args .= DeclLong($_) . ", ";
- }
- my $name = $fn->{NAME};
- $name =~ s/^$if->{NAME}_//g;
- $name =~ s/^$basename\_//g;
- $args .= "TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, " . mapTypeName($fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) . " *result";
- pidl "NTSTATUS $name($args)";
- pidl "{";
- indent;
- pidl "struct $fn->{NAME} r;";
- pidl "NTSTATUS status;";
- pidl "";
- pidl "/* Fill r structure */";
- foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
- if (grep(/in/, @{$_->{DIRECTION}})) {
- pidl "$_->{NAME} = $_->{NAME};";
- }
- }
- pidl "";
- pidl "status = dcerpc_$fn->{NAME}(\$self->pipe, mem_ctx, &r);";
- pidl "if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) {";
- indent; pidl "return status;"; deindent;
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- pidl "/* Set out arguments */";
- foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
- next unless (grep(/out/, @{$_->{DIRECTION}}));
- pidl ("/* FIXME: $_->{NAME} [out] argument is not a pointer */") if ($_->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} ne "POINTER");
- pidl "*$_->{NAME} = *r.out.$_->{NAME};";
- }
- if (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE})) {
- pidl "*result = r.out.result;";
- }
- pidl "return NT_STATUS_OK;";
- deindent;
- pidl "}";
- pidl "";
- }
- deindent();
- pidl "};";
- pidl "";
- foreach (@{$if->{TYPES}}) {
- pidl "/* $_->{NAME} */";
- }
- pidl "";
-sub Parse($$$$)
- my($ndr,$basename,$header,$gen_header) = @_;
- $ret = "";
- pidl "/* This file is autogenerated by pidl. DO NOT EDIT */";
- pidl "\%module $basename";
- pidl "";
- pidl "\%{";
- pidl "#include \"includes.h\"";
- pidl "#include \"$header\"";
- pidl "#include \"$gen_header\"";
- pidl "%}";
- pidl "\%import \"../rpc/dcerpc.i\"";
- pidl "\%import \"../../libcli/util/errors.i\"";
- pidl "\%import \"../../lib/talloc/talloc.i\"";
- pidl "";
- foreach (@$ndr) {
- IgnoreInterface($basename, $_) if ($_->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE");
- }
- pidl "";
- pidl "";
- foreach (@$ndr) {
- ParseInterface($basename, $_) if ($_->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE");
- }
- #FIXME: Foreach ref pointer, set NONNULL
- #FIXME: Foreach unique/full pointer, set MAYBENULL
- #FIXME: Foreach [out] parameter, set OUTPARAM
- return $ret;