diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/ctdb/tests/onnode/README b/ctdb/tests/onnode/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb69524df2..00000000000
--- a/ctdb/tests/onnode/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-onnode unit tests
-* ../ .
- Run all tests, displaying output.
-* ../ -s .
- Run all tests, displaying output and a summary.
-* ../ -sq .
- Run all tests, displaying only a summary.
-* ONNODE=onnode-buggy-001 ../ -s .
- Run against stubs/onnode-buggy-001 instead of default onnode version.
- Add more buggy versions of onnode to this directory as bugs are
- fixed to enable test validation using this feature.
-* ../ ./009*.sh
- Run only the specified tests.
-* ONNODE="stubs/onnode-buggy-001" ../ -X ./
- ../ -X ./
- Debug the specified test or test failure by tracing onnode with
- "bash -x". The test will fail because the bash trace output will be
- included in the test output.
- To see if the test pases, the -X can be dropped...
diff --git a/ctdb/tests/onnode/stubs/onnode-buggy-001 b/ctdb/tests/onnode/stubs/onnode-buggy-001
deleted file mode 100755
index e044ee33a18..00000000000
--- a/ctdb/tests/onnode/stubs/onnode-buggy-001
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-# Run commands on CTDB nodes.
-# See for more information about CTDB.
-# Copyright (C) Martin Schwenke 2008
-# Based on an earlier script by Andrew Tridgell and Ronnie Sahlberg.
-# Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2007
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
-prog=$(basename $0)
-usage ()
- cat >&2 <<EOF
-Usage: onnode [OPTION] ... <NODES> <COMMAND> ...
- options:
- -c Run in current working directory on specified nodes.
- -o <prefix> Save standard output from each node to file <prefix>.<ip>
- -p Run command in parallel on specified nodes.
- -q Do not print node addresses (overrides -v).
- -n Allow nodes to be specified by name.
- -f Specify nodes file, overrides CTDB_NODES_FILE.
- -v Print node address even for a single node.
- <NODES> "all", "any", "ok" (or "healthy"), "con" (or "connected"),
- "rm" (or "recmaster"), "lvs" (or "lvsmaster"),
- "natgw" (or "natgwlist"); or
- a node number (0 base); or
- a hostname (if -n is specified); or
- list (comma separated) of <NODES>; or
- range (hyphen separated) of node numbers.
- exit 1
-invalid_nodespec ()
- echo "Invalid <nodespec>" >&2 ; echo >&2
- usage
-# Defaults.
-parse_options ()
- # $POSIXLY_CORRECT means that the command passed to onnode can
- # take options and getopt won't reorder things to make them
- # options ot onnode.
- local temp
- # Not on the previous line - local returns 0!
- temp=$(POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 getopt -n "$prog" -o "cf:hno:pqv" -l help -- "$@")
- [ $? != 0 ] && usage
- eval set -- "$temp"
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -c) current=true ; shift ;;
- -f) CTDB_NODES_FILE="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
- -n) names_ok=true ; shift ;;
- -o) prefix="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
- -p) parallel=true ; shift ;;
- -q) quiet=true ; shift ;;
- -v) verbose=true ; shift ;;
- --) shift ; break ;;
- -h|--help|*) usage ;; # Shouldn't happen, so this is reasonable.
- esac
- done
- [ $# -lt 2 ] && usage
- nodespec="$1" ; shift
- command="$@"
-echo_nth ()
- local n="$1" ; shift
- shift $n
- local node="$1"
- if [ -n "$node" -a "$node" != "#DEAD" ] ; then
- echo $node
- else
- echo "${prog}: \"node ${n}\" does not exist" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-parse_nodespec ()
- # Subshell avoids hacks to restore $IFS.
- (
- IFS=","
- for i in $1 ; do
- case "$i" in
- *-*) seq "${i%-*}" "${i#*-}" 2>/dev/null || invalid_nodespec ;;
- # Separate lines for readability.
- all|any|ok|healthy|con|connected) echo "$i" ;;
- rm|recmaster|lvs|lvsmaster|natgw|natgwlist) echo "$i" ;;
- *)
- [ $i -gt -1 ] 2>/dev/null || $names_ok || invalid_nodespec
- echo $i
- esac
- done
- )
-ctdb_status_output="" # cache
-get_nodes_with_status ()
- local all_nodes="$1"
- local status="$2"
- local bits
- case "$status" in
- healthy)
- bits="0|0|0|0|0|0"
- ;;
- connected)
- bits="0|[0-1]|[0-1]|[0-1]|[0-1]|[0-1]"
- ;;
- *)
- invalid_nodespec
- esac
- if [ -z "$ctdb_status_output" ] ; then
- # FIXME: need to do something if $CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS is set.
- ctdb_status_output=$(ctdb -X status 2>/dev/null)
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- echo "${prog}: unable to get status of CTDB nodes" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- ctdb_status_output="${ctdb_status_output#* }"
- fi
- local nodes=""
- local i
- for i in $ctdb_status_output ; do
- # Try removing bits from end.
- local t="${i%|${bits}|}"
- if [ "$t" != "$i" ] ; then
- # Succeeded. Get address. NOTE: this is an optimisation.
- # It might be better to get the node number and then get
- # the nth node to get the address. This would make things
- # more consistent if $ctdb_base/nodes actually contained
- # hostnames.
- nodes="${nodes} ${t#|*|}"
- fi
- done
- echo $nodes
-ctdb_props="" # cache
-get_node_with_property ()
- local all_nodes="$1"
- local prop="$2"
- local prop_node=""
- if [ "${ctdb_props##:${prop}:}" = "$ctdb_props" ] ; then
- prop_node=$(ctdb "$prop" -X 2>/dev/null)
- # We only want the first line.
- local nl="
- prop_node="${prop_node%%${nl}*}"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- ctdb_props="${ctdb_props}${ctdb_props:+ }:${prop}:${prop_node}"
- else
- prop_node=""
- fi
- else
- prop_node="${ctdb_props##:${prop}:}"
- prop_node="${prop_node%% *}"
- fi
- if [ -n "$prop_node" ] ; then
- echo_nth "$prop_node" $all_nodes
- else
- echo "${prog}: No ${prop} available" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-get_any_available_node ()
- local all_nodes="$1"
- # We do a recursive onnode to find which nodes are up and running.
- local out=$($0 -pq all ctdb pnn 2>&1)
- local line
- while read line ; do
- local pnn="${line#PNN:}"
- if [ "$pnn" != "$line" ] ; then
- echo_nth "$pnn" $all_nodes
- return 0
- fi
- # Else must be an error message from a down node.
- done <<<"$out"
- return 1
-get_nodes ()
- local all_nodes
- if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS" ] ; then
- all_nodes="$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS"
- else
- local f="${ctdb_base}/nodes"
- if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_FILE" ] ; then
- if [ ! -e "$f" -a "${f#/}" = "$f" ] ; then
- # $f is relative, try in $ctdb_base
- f="${ctdb_base}/${f}"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -r "$f" ] ; then
- echo "${prog}: unable to open nodes file \"${f}\"" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- all_nodes=$(sed -e 's@#.*@@g' -e 's@ *@@g' -e 's@^$@#DEAD@' "$f")
- fi
- local nodes=""
- local n
- for n in $(parse_nodespec "$1") ; do
- [ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 # Required to catch exit in above subshell.
- case "$n" in
- all)
- echo "${all_nodes//#DEAD/}"
- ;;
- any)
- get_any_available_node "$all_nodes" || exit 1
- ;;
- ok|healthy)
- get_nodes_with_status "$all_nodes" "healthy" || exit 1
- ;;
- con|connected)
- get_nodes_with_status "$all_nodes" "connected" || exit 1
- ;;
- rm|recmaster)
- get_node_with_property "$all_nodes" "recmaster" || exit 1
- ;;
- lvs|lvsmaster)
- get_node_with_property "$all_nodes" "lvsmaster" || exit 1
- ;;
- natgw|natgwlist)
- get_node_with_property "$all_nodes" "natgwlist" || exit 1
- ;;
- [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9])
- echo_nth $n $all_nodes
- ;;
- *)
- $names_ok || invalid_nodespec
- echo $n
- esac
- done
-fakessh ()
- CTDB_SOCKET="$1" sh -c "$2" 3>/dev/null
-stdout_filter ()
- if [ -n "$prefix" ] ; then
- cat >"${prefix}.${n//\//_}"
- elif $verbose && $parallel ; then
- sed -e "s@^@[$n] @"
- else
- cat
- fi
-stderr_filter ()
- if $verbose && $parallel ; then
- sed -e "s@^@[$n] @"
- else
- cat
- fi
-parse_options "$@"
-$current && command="cd $PWD && $command"
-if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS" ] ; then
- SSH=fakessh
- # Could "2>/dev/null || true" but want to see errors from typos in file.
- [ -r "${ctdb_base}/onnode.conf" ] && . "${ctdb_base}/onnode.conf"
- [ -n "$SSH" ] || SSH=ssh
- if [ "$SSH" = "ssh" ] ; then
- ssh_opts="-n"
- else
- : # rsh? All bets are off!
- fi
-nodes=$(get_nodes "$nodespec")
-[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 # Required to catch exit in above subshell.
-if $quiet ; then
- verbose=false
- # If $nodes contains a space or a newline then assume multiple nodes.
- nl="
- [ "$nodes" != "${nodes%[ ${nl}]*}" ] && verbose=true
-trap 'kill -TERM $pids 2>/dev/null' INT TERM
-# There's a small race here where the kill can fail if no processes
-# have been added to $pids and the script is interrupted. However,
-# the part of the window where it matter is very small.
-for n in $nodes ; do
- set -o pipefail 2>/dev/null
- if $parallel ; then
- { exec 3>&1 ; { $SSH $ssh_opts $EXTRA_SSH_OPTS $n "$command" | stdout_filter >&3 ; } 2>&1 | stderr_filter ; } &
- pids="${pids} $!"
- else
- if $verbose ; then
- echo >&2 ; echo ">> NODE: $n <<" >&2
- fi
- { exec 3>&1 ; { $SSH $ssh_opts $EXTRA_SSH_OPTS $n "$command" | stdout_filter >&3 ; } 2>&1 | stderr_filter ; }
- [ $? = 0 ] || retcode=$?
- fi
-$parallel && {
- for p in $pids; do
- wait $p
- [ $? = 0 ] || retcode=$?
- done
-exit $retcode