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diff --git a/python/samba/tests/ b/python/samba/tests/
index 33cfcc12271..f1d0557743e 100644
--- a/python/samba/tests/
+++ b/python/samba/tests/
@@ -50,13 +50,316 @@ class DsdbTests(TestCase):
base_dn = self.samdb.domain_dn()
- self.account_dn = "cn=" + user_name + ",cn=Users," + base_dn
+ self.account_dn = "CN=" + user_name + ",CN=Users," + base_dn
# Cleanup (teardown)
self.addCleanup(delete_force, self.samdb, self.account_dn)
+ # Get server reference DN
+ res =,
+ self.samdb.get_serverName()),
+ scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
+ attrs=["serverReference"])
+ # Get server reference
+ self.server_ref_dn = ldb.Dn(
+ self.samdb, res[0]["serverReference"][0].decode("utf-8"))
+ # Get RID Set DN
+ res =,
+ scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
+ attrs=["rIDSetReferences"])
+ rid_set_refs = res[0]
+ self.assertIn("rIDSetReferences", rid_set_refs)
+ rid_set_str = rid_set_refs["rIDSetReferences"][0].decode("utf-8")
+ self.rid_set_dn = ldb.Dn(self.samdb, rid_set_str)
+ def get_rid_set(self, rid_set_dn):
+ res =,
+ scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
+ attrs=["rIDAllocationPool",
+ "rIDPreviousAllocationPool",
+ "rIDUsedPool",
+ "rIDNextRID"])
+ return res[0]
+ def test_ridalloc_next_free_rid(self):
+ # Test RID allocation. We assume that RID
+ # pools allocated to us are continguous.
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ orig_rid_set = self.get_rid_set(self.rid_set_dn)
+ self.assertIn("rIDAllocationPool", orig_rid_set)
+ self.assertIn("rIDPreviousAllocationPool", orig_rid_set)
+ self.assertIn("rIDUsedPool", orig_rid_set)
+ self.assertIn("rIDNextRID", orig_rid_set)
+ # Get rIDNextRID value from RID set.
+ next_rid = int(orig_rid_set["rIDNextRID"][0])
+ # Check the result of next_free_rid().
+ next_free_rid = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_rid + 1, next_free_rid)
+ # Check calling it twice in succession gives the same result.
+ next_free_rid2 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_free_rid, next_free_rid2)
+ # Ensure that the RID set attributes have not changed.
+ rid_set2 = self.get_rid_set(self.rid_set_dn)
+ self.assertEqual(orig_rid_set, rid_set2)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_no_ridnextrid(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Delete the rIDNextRID attribute of the RID set,
+ # and set up previous and next pools.
+ prev_lo = 1000
+ prev_hi = 1999
+ next_lo = 3000
+ next_hi = 3999
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.rid_set_dn
+ msg["rIDNextRID"] = ldb.MessageElement([],
+ "rIDNextRID")
+ msg["rIDPreviousAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((prev_hi << 32) | prev_lo),
+ "rIDPreviousAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((next_hi << 32) | next_lo),
+ "rIDAllocationPool"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure that next_free_rid() returns the start of the next pool
+ # plus one.
+ next_free_rid3 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_lo + 1, next_free_rid3)
+ # Check the result of allocate_rid() matches.
+ rid = self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_free_rid3, rid)
+ # Check that the result of next_free_rid() has now changed.
+ next_free_rid4 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(rid + 1, next_free_rid4)
+ # Check the range of available RIDs.
+ free_lo, free_hi = self.samdb.free_rid_bounds()
+ self.assertEqual(rid + 1, free_lo)
+ self.assertEqual(next_hi, free_hi)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_no_free_rids(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Exhaust our current pool of RIDs.
+ pool_lo = 2000
+ pool_hi = 2999
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.rid_set_dn
+ msg["rIDPreviousAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((pool_hi << 32) | pool_lo),
+ "rIDPreviousAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((pool_hi << 32) | pool_lo),
+ "rIDAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDNextRID"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str(pool_hi),
+ "rIDNextRID"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure that calculating the next free RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual("RID pools out of RIDs", err.exception.args[1])
+ # Ensure we can still allocate a new RID.
+ self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_new_ridset(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Test what happens with RID Set values set to zero (similar to
+ # when a RID Set is first created, except we also set
+ # rIDAllocationPool to zero).
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.rid_set_dn
+ msg["rIDPreviousAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement("0",
+ "rIDPreviousAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement("0",
+ "rIDAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDNextRID"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement("0",
+ "rIDNextRID"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure that calculating the next free RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual("RID pools out of RIDs", err.exception.args[1])
+ # Set values for the next pool.
+ pool_lo = 2000
+ pool_hi = 2999
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.rid_set_dn
+ msg["rIDAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((pool_hi << 32) | pool_lo),
+ "rIDAllocationPool"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure the next free RID value is equal to the next pool's lower
+ # bound.
+ next_free_rid5 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(pool_lo, next_free_rid5)
+ # Check the range of available RIDs.
+ free_lo, free_hi = self.samdb.free_rid_bounds()
+ self.assertEqual(pool_lo, free_lo)
+ self.assertEqual(pool_hi, free_hi)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_move_to_new_pool(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Test moving to a new pool from the previous pool.
+ pool_lo = 2000
+ pool_hi = 2999
+ new_pool_lo = 4500
+ new_pool_hi = 4599
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.rid_set_dn
+ msg["rIDPreviousAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((pool_hi << 32) | pool_lo),
+ "rIDPreviousAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDAllocationPool"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str((new_pool_hi << 32) | new_pool_lo),
+ "rIDAllocationPool"))
+ msg["rIDNextRID"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(str(pool_hi - 1),
+ "rIDNextRID"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # We should have remained in the previous pool.
+ next_free_rid6 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(pool_hi, next_free_rid6)
+ # Check the range of available RIDs.
+ free_lo, free_hi = self.samdb.free_rid_bounds()
+ self.assertEqual(pool_hi, free_lo)
+ self.assertEqual(pool_hi, free_hi)
+ # Allocate a new RID.
+ rid2 = self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_free_rid6, rid2)
+ # We should now move to the next pool.
+ next_free_rid7 = self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(new_pool_lo, next_free_rid7)
+ # Check the new range of available RIDs.
+ free_lo2, free_hi2 = self.samdb.free_rid_bounds()
+ self.assertEqual(new_pool_lo, free_lo2)
+ self.assertEqual(new_pool_hi, free_hi2)
+ # Ensure that allocate_rid() matches.
+ rid3 = self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ self.assertEqual(next_free_rid7, rid3)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_no_ridsetreferences(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Delete the rIDSetReferences attribute.
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.server_ref_dn
+ msg["rIDSetReferences"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement([],
+ "rIDSetReferences"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure calculating the next free RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ enum, estr = err.exception.args
+ self.assertEqual(ldb.ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, enum)
+ self.assertIn("No RID Set DN - "
+ "Cannot find attribute rIDSetReferences of %s "
+ "to calculate reference dn" % self.server_ref_dn,
+ estr)
+ # Ensure allocating a new RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ enum, estr = err.exception.args
+ self.assertEqual(ldb.ERR_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS, enum)
+ self.assertIn("No RID Set DN - "
+ "Failed to add RID Set %s - "
+ "Entry %s already exists" %
+ (self.rid_set_dn, self.rid_set_dn),
+ estr)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
+ def test_ridalloc_no_rid_set(self):
+ self.samdb.transaction_start()
+ try:
+ # Set the rIDSetReferences attribute to not point to a RID Set.
+ fake_rid_set_str = self.account_dn
+ msg = ldb.Message()
+ msg.dn = self.server_ref_dn
+ msg["rIDSetReferences"] = (
+ ldb.MessageElement(fake_rid_set_str,
+ "rIDSetReferences"))
+ self.samdb.modify(msg)
+ # Ensure calculating the next free RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.next_free_rid()
+ enum, estr = err.exception.args
+ self.assertEqual(ldb.ERR_OPERATIONS_ERROR, enum)
+ self.assertIn("Bad RID Set " + fake_rid_set_str, estr)
+ # Ensure allocating a new RID fails.
+ with self.assertRaises(ldb.LdbError) as err:
+ self.samdb.allocate_rid()
+ enum, estr = err.exception.args
+ self.assertEqual(ldb.ERR_OPERATIONS_ERROR, enum)
+ self.assertIn("Bad RID Set " + fake_rid_set_str, estr)
+ finally:
+ self.samdb.transaction_cancel()
def test_get_oid_from_attrid(self):
oid = self.samdb.get_oid_from_attid(591614)
self.assertEqual(oid, "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1790")