path: root/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty
diff options
authorThomas Nagy <>2016-03-26 13:32:11 +0100
committerAndrew Bartlett <>2018-09-05 06:37:22 +0200
commitcbc6534682829b3115147f73ca9a7eb41008374c (patch)
treeed1c7b4902a33b28a0d5c789d954a5968b5cb882 /third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty
parent48cf9ccd2b086f902286668738d07455044f466b (diff)
thirdparty:waf: New files for waf 1.9.10
Signed-off-by: Thomas Nagy <> Reviewed-by: Alexander Bokovoy <> Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 1868 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff580ece27..00000000000
--- a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2007-2010 (ita)
-debugging helpers for parallel compilation, outputs
-a svg file in the build directory
-import os, time, sys, threading
-try: from Queue import Queue
-except: from queue import Queue
-import Runner, Options, Utils, Task, Logs
-from Constants import *
-#import random
-def set_options(opt):
- opt.add_option('--dtitle', action='store', default='Parallel build representation for %r' % ' '.join(sys.argv),
- help='title for the svg diagram', dest='dtitle')
- opt.add_option('--dwidth', action='store', type='int', help='diagram width', default=1000, dest='dwidth')
- opt.add_option('--dtime', action='store', type='float', help='recording interval in seconds', default=0.009, dest='dtime')
- opt.add_option('--dband', action='store', type='int', help='band width', default=22, dest='dband')
- opt.add_option('--dmaxtime', action='store', type='float', help='maximum time, for drawing fair comparisons', default=0, dest='dmaxtime')
-# red #ff4d4d
-# green #4da74d
-# lila #a751ff
-color2code = {
- 'GREEN' : '#4da74d',
- 'YELLOW' : '#fefe44',
- 'PINK' : '#a751ff',
- 'RED' : '#cc1d1d',
- 'BLUE' : '#6687bb',
- 'CYAN' : '#34e2e2',
-mp = {}
-info = [] # list of (text,color)
-def map_to_color(name):
- if name in mp:
- return mp[name]
- try:
- cls = Task.TaskBase.classes[name]
- except KeyError:
- return color2code['RED']
- if cls.color in mp:
- return mp[cls.color]
- if cls.color in color2code:
- return color2code[cls.color]
- return color2code['RED']
-def loop(self):
- while 1:
- tsk=Runner.TaskConsumer.ready.get()
- tsk.master.set_running(1, id(threading.currentThread()), tsk)
- Runner.process_task(tsk)
- tsk.master.set_running(-1, id(threading.currentThread()), tsk)
-Runner.TaskConsumer.loop = loop
-old_start = Runner.Parallel.start
-def do_start(self):
- print Options.options
- try:
- Options.options.dband
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError('use def options(opt): opt.load("parallel_debug")!')
- self.taskinfo = Queue()
- old_start(self)
- process_colors(self)
-Runner.Parallel.start = do_start
-def set_running(self, by, i, tsk):
- self.taskinfo.put( (i, id(tsk), time.time(), tsk.__class__.__name__, self.processed, self.count, by) )
-Runner.Parallel.set_running = set_running
-def name2class(name):
- return name.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_')
-def process_colors(producer):
- # first, cast the parameters
- tmp = []
- try:
- while True:
- tup = producer.taskinfo.get(False)
- tmp.append(list(tup))
- except:
- pass
- try:
- ini = float(tmp[0][2])
- except:
- return
- if not info:
- seen = []
- for x in tmp:
- name = x[3]
- if not name in seen:
- seen.append(name)
- else:
- continue
- info.append((name, map_to_color(name)))
- info.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
- thread_count = 0
- acc = []
- for x in tmp:
- thread_count += x[6]
- acc.append("%d %d %f %r %d %d %d" % (x[0], x[1], x[2] - ini, x[3], x[4], x[5], thread_count))
- f = open('pdebug.dat', 'w')
- #Utils.write('\n'.join(acc))
- f.write('\n'.join(acc))
- tmp = [lst[:2] + [float(lst[2]) - ini] + lst[3:] for lst in tmp]
- st = {}
- for l in tmp:
- if not l[0] in st:
- st[l[0]] = len(st.keys())
- tmp = [ [st[lst[0]]] + lst[1:] for lst in tmp ]
- THREAD_AMOUNT = len(st.keys())
- st = {}
- for l in tmp:
- if not l[1] in st:
- st[l[1]] = len(st.keys())
- tmp = [ [lst[0]] + [st[lst[1]]] + lst[2:] for lst in tmp ]
- BAND = Options.options.dband
- seen = {}
- acc = []
- for x in range(len(tmp)):
- line = tmp[x]
- id = line[1]
- if id in seen:
- continue
- seen[id] = True
- begin = line[2]
- thread_id = line[0]
- for y in range(x + 1, len(tmp)):
- line = tmp[y]
- if line[1] == id:
- end = line[2]
- #print id, thread_id, begin, end
- #acc.append( ( 10*thread_id, 10*(thread_id+1), 10*begin, 10*end ) )
- acc.append( (BAND * begin, BAND*thread_id, BAND*end - BAND*begin, BAND, line[3]) )
- break
- if Options.options.dmaxtime < 0.1:
- gwidth = 1
- for x in tmp:
- m = BAND * x[2]
- if m > gwidth:
- gwidth = m
- else:
- gwidth = BAND * Options.options.dmaxtime
- ratio = float(Options.options.dwidth) / gwidth
- gwidth = Options.options.dwidth
- gheight = BAND * (THREAD_AMOUNT + len(info) + 1.5)
- out = []
- out.append("""<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
-<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\"
-<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.0\"
- x=\"%r\" y=\"%r\" width=\"%r\" height=\"%r\"
- id=\"svg602\" xml:space=\"preserve\">
-<style type='text/css' media='screen'>
- g.over rect { stroke:#FF0000; fill-opacity:0.4 }
-<script type='text/javascript'><![CDATA[
- var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
- var svgNS = svg.getAttribute('xmlns');
- svg.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e){
- var g =;
- var x = document.getElementById('r_';
- if (x) {
- g.setAttribute('class', g.getAttribute('class')+' over');
- x.setAttribute('class', x.getAttribute('class')+' over');
- showInfo(e,;
- }
- },false);
- svg.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e){
- var g =;
- var x = document.getElementById('r_';
- if (x) {
- g.setAttribute('class',g.getAttribute('class').replace(' over',''));
- x.setAttribute('class',x.getAttribute('class').replace(' over',''));
- hideInfo(e);
- }
- },false);
-function showInfo(evt, txt) {
- tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
- var t = document.getElementById('tooltiptext');
- = txt;
- var x = evt.clientX+10;
- if (x > 200) { x -= t.getComputedTextLength() + 16; }
- var y = evt.clientY+30;
- tooltip.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")");
- tooltip.setAttributeNS(null,"visibility","visible");
- var r = document.getElementById('tooltiprect');
- r.setAttribute('width', t.getComputedTextLength()+6)
-function hideInfo(evt) {
- tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
- tooltip.setAttributeNS(null,"visibility","hidden");
-<!-- inkscape requires a big rectangle or it will not export the pictures properly -->
- x='%r' y='%r'
- width='%r' height='%r' z-index='10'
- style=\"font-size:10;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:0.01;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#ffffff;\"
- />\n
-""" % (0, 0, gwidth + 4, gheight + 4, 0, 0, gwidth + 4, gheight + 4))
- # main title
- if Options.options.dtitle:
- out.append("""<text x="%d" y="%d" style="font-size:15px; text-anchor:middle; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">%s</text>
-""" % (gwidth/2, gheight - 5, Options.options.dtitle))
- # the rectangles
- groups = {}
- for (x, y, w, h, clsname) in acc:
- try:
- groups[clsname].append((x, y, w, h))
- except:
- groups[clsname] = [(x, y, w, h)]
- for cls in groups:
- out.append("<g id='%s'>\n" % name2class(cls))
- for (x, y, w, h) in groups[cls]:
- out.append(""" <rect
- x='%r' y='%r'
- width='%r' height='%r' z-index='11'
- style=\"font-size:10;fill:%s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2px;\"
- />\n""" % (2 + x*ratio, 2 + y, w*ratio, h, map_to_color(cls)))
- out.append("</g>\n")
- # output the caption
- for (text, color) in info:
- # caption box
- b = BAND/2
- out.append("""<g id='r_%s'><rect
- x='%r' y='%r'
- width='%r' height='%r'
- style=\"font-size:10;fill:%s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2px;\"
- />\n""" % (name2class(text), 2 + BAND, 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND, b, b, color))
- # caption text
- out.append("""<text
- style="font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
- x="%r" y="%d">%s</text></g>\n""" % (2 + 2 * BAND, 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND + 10, text))
- cnt += 1
- out.append("""
-<g transform="translate(0,0)" visibility="hidden" id="tooltip">
- <rect id="tooltiprect" y="-15" x="-3" width="1" height="20" style="stroke:black;fill:#edefc2;stroke-width:1"/>
- <text id="tooltiptext" style="font-family:Arial; font-size:12;fill:black;"> </text>
- out.append("\n</svg>")
- #node = producer.bld.path.make_node('pdebug.svg')
- f = open('pdebug.svg', 'w')
- f.write("".join(out))
diff --git a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed569ccb70..00000000000
--- a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2006 (ita)
-Batched builds - compile faster
-instead of compiling object files one by one, c/c++ compilers are often able to compile at once:
-cc -c ../file1.c ../file2.c ../file3.c
-Files are output on the directory where the compiler is called, and dependencies are more difficult
-to track (do not run the command on all source files if only one file changes)
-As such, we do as if the files were compiled one by one, but no command is actually run:
-replace each cc/cpp Task by a TaskSlave
-A new task called TaskMaster collects the signatures from each slave and finds out the command-line
-to run.
-To set this up, the method ccroot::create_task is replaced by a new version, to enable batched builds
-it is only necessary to import this module in the configuration (no other change required)
-EXT_C = ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx']
-import os, threading
-import TaskGen, Task, ccroot, Build, Logs
-from TaskGen import extension, feature, before
-from Constants import *
-cc_fun = Task.compile_fun_noshell('batched_cc', cc_str)[0]
-cxx_fun = Task.compile_fun_noshell('batched_cxx', cxx_str)[0]
-count = 70000
-class batch_task(Task.Task):
- color = 'RED'
- after = 'cc cxx'
- before = 'cc_link cxx_link static_link'
- def __str__(self):
- return '(batch compilation for %d slaves)\n' % len(self.slaves)
- def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
- Task.Task.__init__(self, *k, **kw)
- self.slaves = []
- self.inputs = []
- self.hasrun = 0
- global count
- count += 1
- self.idx = count
- def add_slave(self, slave):
- self.slaves.append(slave)
- self.set_run_after(slave)
- def runnable_status(self):
- for t in self.run_after:
- if not t.hasrun:
- return ASK_LATER
- for t in self.slaves:
- #if t.executed:
- if t.hasrun != SKIPPED:
- return RUN_ME
- return SKIP_ME
- def run(self):
- outputs = []
- self.outputs = []
- srclst = []
- slaves = []
- for t in self.slaves:
- if t.hasrun != SKIPPED:
- slaves.append(t)
- srclst.append(t.inputs[0].abspath(self.env))
- self.env.SRCLST = srclst
- self.cwd = slaves[0].inputs[0].parent.abspath(self.env)
- env = self.env
- app = env.append_unique
- cpppath_st = env['CPPPATH_ST']
- # local flags come first
- # set the user-defined includes paths
- for i in env['INC_PATHS']:
- app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.abspath())
- app('_CXXINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.abspath())
- app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.abspath(env))
- app('_CXXINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.abspath(env))
- # set the library include paths
- for i in env['CPPPATH']:
- app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i)
- app('_CXXINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i)
- if self.slaves[0].__class__.__name__ == 'cc':
- ret = cc_fun(self)
- else:
- ret = cxx_fun(self)
- if ret:
- return ret
- for t in slaves:
- t.old_post_run()
-from TaskGen import extension, feature, after
-import cc, cxx
-def wrap(fun):
- def foo(self, node):
- # we cannot control the extension, this sucks
- self.obj_ext = '.o'
- task = fun(self, node)
- if not getattr(self, 'masters', None):
- self.masters = {}
- self.allmasters = []
- if not in self.masters:
- m = self.masters[] = self.master = self.create_task('batch')
- self.allmasters.append(m)
- else:
- m = self.masters[]
- if len(m.slaves) > MAX_BATCH:
- m = self.masters[] = self.master = self.create_task('batch')
- self.allmasters.append(m)
- m.add_slave(task)
- return task
- return foo
-c_hook = wrap(cc.c_hook)
-cxx_hook = wrap(cxx.cxx_hook)
-@feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cstaticlib')
-def link_after_masters(self):
- if getattr(self, 'allmasters', None):
- for m in self.allmasters:
- self.link_task.set_run_after(m)
-for c in ['cc', 'cxx']:
- t = Task.TaskBase.classes[c]
- def run(self):
- pass
- def post_run(self):
- #self.executed=1
- pass
- def can_retrieve_cache(self):
- if self.old_can_retrieve_cache():
- for m in self.generator.allmasters:
- try:
- m.slaves.remove(self)
- except ValueError:
- pass #this task wasn't included in that master
- return 1
- else:
- return None
- setattr(t, 'oldrun', t.__dict__['run'])
- setattr(t, 'run', run)
- setattr(t, 'old_post_run', t.post_run)
- setattr(t, 'post_run', post_run)
- setattr(t, 'old_can_retrieve_cache', t.can_retrieve_cache)
- setattr(t, 'can_retrieve_cache', can_retrieve_cache)
diff --git a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cbbf7e850d..00000000000
--- a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/3rdparty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# partially based on written by Gernot Vormayr
-# written by Ruediger Sonderfeld <>, 2008
-# modified by Bjoern Michaelsen, 2008
-# modified by Luca Fossati, 2008
-# rewritten for waf 1.5.1, Thomas Nagy, 2008
-#def set_options(opt):
-# opt.tool_options('boost')
-# # ...
-#def configure(conf):
-# # ... (e.g. conf.check_tool('g++'))
-# conf.check_tool('boost')
-# conf.check_boost(lib='signals filesystem', static='onlystatic', score_version=(-1000, 1000), tag_minscore=1000)
-#def build(bld):
-# bld(source='main.c', target='bar', uselib="BOOST BOOST_SYSTEM")
-# * find_includes should be called only once!
-# * support mandatory
-######## boost update ###########
-## ITA: * the method get_boost_version_number does work
-## * the rest of the code has not really been tried
-# * make certain a demo is provided (in demos/adv for example)
-# TODO: bad and underdocumented code -> will be removed in waf 1.6 to be rewritten later
-import os.path, glob, types, re, sys
-import Configure, config_c, Options, Utils, Logs
-from Logs import warn, debug
-from Configure import conf
-boost_code = '''
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-int main() { std::cout << BOOST_VERSION << std::endl; }
-boost_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/local/lib', '/sw/lib', '/lib']
-boost_cpppath = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include', '/opt/local/include', '/sw/include']
-STATIC_NOSTATIC = 'nostatic'
-STATIC_BOTH = 'both'
-STATIC_ONLYSTATIC = 'onlystatic'
-is_versiontag = re.compile('^\d+_\d+_?\d*$')
-is_threadingtag = re.compile('^mt$')
-is_abitag = re.compile('^[sgydpn]+$')
-is_toolsettag = re.compile('^(acc|borland|como|cw|dmc|darwin|gcc|hp_cxx|intel|kylix|vc|mgw|qcc|sun|vacpp)\d*$')
-def set_options(opt):
- opt.add_option('--boost-includes', type='string', default='', dest='boostincludes', help='path to the boost directory where the includes are e.g. /usr/local/include/boost-1_35')
- opt.add_option('--boost-libs', type='string', default='', dest='boostlibs', help='path to the directory where the boost libs are e.g. /usr/local/lib')
-def string_to_version(s):
- version = s.split('.')
- if len(version) < 3: return 0
- return int(version[0])*100000 + int(version[1])*100 + int(version[2])
-def version_string(version):
- major = version / 100000
- minor = version / 100 % 1000
- minor_minor = version % 100
- if minor_minor == 0:
- return "%d_%d" % (major, minor)
- else:
- return "%d_%d_%d" % (major, minor, minor_minor)
-def libfiles(lib, pattern, lib_paths):
- result = []
- for lib_path in lib_paths:
- libname = pattern % ('boost_%s[!_]*' % lib)
- result += glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_path, libname))
- return result
-def get_boost_version_number(self, dir):
- """silently retrieve the boost version number"""
- try:
- return self.run_c_code(compiler='cxx', code=boost_code, includes=dir, execute=1, env=self.env.copy(), type='cprogram', compile_mode='cxx', compile_filename='test.cpp')
- except Configure.ConfigurationError, e:
- return -1
-def set_default(kw, var, val):
- if not var in kw:
- kw[var] = val
-def tags_score(tags, kw):
- """
- checks library tags
- see 6.1
- """
- score = 0
- needed_tags = {
- 'threading': kw['tag_threading'],
- 'abi': kw['tag_abi'],
- 'toolset': kw['tag_toolset'],
- 'version': kw['tag_version'],
- 'python': kw['tag_python']
- }
- if kw['tag_toolset'] is None:
- v = kw['env']
- toolset = v['CXX_NAME']
- if v['CXX_VERSION']:
- version_no = v['CXX_VERSION'].split('.')
- toolset += version_no[0]
- if len(version_no) > 1:
- toolset += version_no[1]
- needed_tags['toolset'] = toolset
- found_tags = {}
- for tag in tags:
- if is_versiontag.match(tag): found_tags['version'] = tag
- if is_threadingtag.match(tag): found_tags['threading'] = tag
- if is_abitag.match(tag): found_tags['abi'] = tag
- if is_toolsettag.match(tag): found_tags['toolset'] = tag
- if is_pythontag.match(tag): found_tags['python'] = tag
- for tagname in needed_tags.iterkeys():
- if needed_tags[tagname] is not None and tagname in found_tags:
- if re.compile(needed_tags[tagname]).match(found_tags[tagname]):
- score += kw['score_' + tagname][0]
- else:
- score += kw['score_' + tagname][1]
- return score
-def validate_boost(self, kw):
- ver = kw.get('version', '')
- for x in 'min_version max_version version'.split():
- set_default(kw, x, ver)
- set_default(kw, 'lib', '')
- kw['lib'] = Utils.to_list(kw['lib'])
- set_default(kw, 'env', self.env)
- set_default(kw, 'libpath', boost_libpath)
- set_default(kw, 'cpppath', boost_cpppath)
- for x in 'tag_threading tag_version tag_toolset'.split():
- set_default(kw, x, None)
- set_default(kw, 'tag_abi', '^[^d]*$')
- set_default(kw, 'python', str(sys.version_info[0]) + str(sys.version_info[1]) )
- set_default(kw, 'tag_python', '^py' + kw['python'] + '$')
- set_default(kw, 'score_threading', (10, -10))
- set_default(kw, 'score_abi', (10, -10))
- set_default(kw, 'score_python', (10,-10))
- set_default(kw, 'score_toolset', (1, -1))
- set_default(kw, 'score_version', (100, -100))
- set_default(kw, 'score_min', 0)
- set_default(kw, 'static', STATIC_NOSTATIC)
- set_default(kw, 'found_includes', False)
- set_default(kw, 'min_score', 0)
- set_default(kw, 'errmsg', 'not found')
- set_default(kw, 'okmsg', 'ok')
-def find_boost_includes(self, kw):
- """
- check every path in kw['cpppath'] for subdir
- that either starts with boost- or is named boost.
- Then the version is checked and selected accordingly to
- min_version/max_version. The highest possible version number is
- selected!
- If no versiontag is set the versiontag is set accordingly to the
- selected library and CPPPATH_BOOST is set.
- """
- boostPath = getattr(Options.options, 'boostincludes', '')
- if boostPath:
- boostPath = [os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(boostPath)))]
- else:
- boostPath = Utils.to_list(kw['cpppath'])
- min_version = string_to_version(kw.get('min_version', ''))
- max_version = string_to_version(kw.get('max_version', '')) or (sys.maxint - 1)
- version = 0
- for include_path in boostPath:
- boost_paths = [p for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(include_path, 'boost*')) if os.path.isdir(p)]
- debug('BOOST Paths: %r' % boost_paths)
- for path in boost_paths:
- pathname = os.path.split(path)[-1]
- ret = -1
- if pathname == 'boost':
- path = include_path
- ret = self.get_boost_version_number(path)
- elif pathname.startswith('boost-'):
- ret = self.get_boost_version_number(path)
- ret = int(ret)
- if ret != -1 and ret >= min_version and ret <= max_version and ret > version:
- boost_path = path
- version = ret
- if not version:
- self.fatal('boost headers not found! (required version min: %s max: %s)'
- % (kw['min_version'], kw['max_version']))
- return False
- found_version = version_string(version)
- versiontag = '^' + found_version + '$'
- if kw['tag_version'] is None:
- kw['tag_version'] = versiontag
- elif kw['tag_version'] != versiontag:
- warn('boost header version %r and tag_version %r do not match!' % (versiontag, kw['tag_version']))
- env = self.env
- env['CPPPATH_BOOST'] = boost_path
- env['BOOST_VERSION'] = found_version
- self.found_includes = 1
- ret = 'Version %s (%s)' % (found_version, boost_path)
- return ret
-def find_boost_library(self, lib, kw):
- def find_library_from_list(lib, files):
- lib_pattern = re.compile('.*boost_(.*?)\..*')
- result = (None, None)
- resultscore = kw['min_score'] - 1
- for file in files:
- m =, 1)
- if m:
- libname =
- libtags = libname.split('-')[1:]
- currentscore = tags_score(libtags, kw)
- if currentscore > resultscore:
- result = (libname, file)
- resultscore = currentscore
- return result
- lib_paths = getattr(Options.options, 'boostlibs', '')
- if lib_paths:
- lib_paths = [os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(lib_paths)))]
- else:
- lib_paths = Utils.to_list(kw['libpath'])
- v = kw.get('env', self.env)
- (libname, file) = (None, None)
- if kw['static'] in [STATIC_NOSTATIC, STATIC_BOTH]:
- st_env_prefix = 'LIB'
- files = libfiles(lib, v['shlib_PATTERN'], lib_paths)
- (libname, file) = find_library_from_list(lib, files)
- if libname is None and kw['static'] in [STATIC_ONLYSTATIC, STATIC_BOTH]:
- st_env_prefix = 'STATICLIB'
- staticLibPattern = v['staticlib_PATTERN']
- if self.env['CC_NAME'] == 'msvc':
- staticLibPattern = 'lib' + staticLibPattern
- files = libfiles(lib, staticLibPattern, lib_paths)
- (libname, file) = find_library_from_list(lib, files)
- if libname is not None:
- v['LIBPATH_BOOST_' + lib.upper()] = [os.path.split(file)[0]]
- if self.env['CC_NAME'] == 'msvc' and os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.lib':
- v[st_env_prefix + '_BOOST_' + lib.upper()] = ['libboost_'+libname]
- else:
- v[st_env_prefix + '_BOOST_' + lib.upper()] = ['boost_'+libname]
- return
- self.fatal('lib boost_' + lib + ' not found!')
-def check_boost(self, *k, **kw):
- """
- This should be the main entry point
-- min_version
-- max_version
-- version
-- include_path
-- lib_path
-- lib
-- toolsettag - None or a regexp
-- threadingtag - None or a regexp
-- abitag - None or a regexp
-- versiontag - WARNING: you should rather use version or min_version/max_version
-- static - look for static libs (values:
- 'nostatic' or STATIC_NOSTATIC - ignore static libs (default)
- 'both' or STATIC_BOTH - find static libs, too
- 'onlystatic' or STATIC_ONLYSTATIC - find only static libs
-- score_version
-- score_abi
-- scores_threading
-- score_toolset
- * the scores are tuples (match_score, nomatch_score)
- match_score is the added to the score if the tag is matched
- nomatch_score is added when a tag is found and does not match
-- min_score
- """
- if not self.env['CXX']:
- self.fatal('load a c++ compiler tool first, for example conf.check_tool("g++")')
- self.validate_boost(kw)
- ret = None
- try:
- if not kw.get('found_includes', None):
- self.check_message_1(kw.get('msg_includes', 'boost headers'))
- ret = self.find_boost_includes(kw)
- except Configure.ConfigurationError, e:
- if 'errmsg' in kw:
- self.check_message_2(kw['errmsg'], 'YELLOW')
- if 'mandatory' in kw:
- if Logs.verbose > 1:
- raise
- else:
- self.fatal('the configuration failed (see %r)' %
- else:
- if 'okmsg' in kw:
- self.check_message_2(kw.get('okmsg_includes', ret))
- for lib in kw['lib']:
- self.check_message_1('library boost_'+lib)
- try:
- self.find_boost_library(lib, kw)
- except Configure.ConfigurationError, e:
- ret = False
- if 'errmsg' in kw:
- self.check_message_2(kw['errmsg'], 'YELLOW')
- if 'mandatory' in kw:
- if Logs.verbose > 1:
- raise
- else:
- self.fatal('the configuration failed (see %r)' %
- else:
- if 'okmsg' in kw:
- self.check_message_2(kw['okmsg'])
- return ret
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2015
-Force tasks to use file timestamps to force partial rebuilds when touch-ing build files
-touch out/libfoo.a
-... rebuild what depends on libfoo.a
-to use::
- def options(opt):
- opt.tool_options('build_file_tracker')
-import os
-import Task, Utils
-def signature(self):
- try: return self.cache_sig[0]
- except AttributeError: pass
- self.m = Utils.md5()
- # explicit deps
- exp_sig = self.sig_explicit_deps()
- # env vars
- var_sig = self.sig_vars()
- # implicit deps
- imp_sig = Task.SIG_NIL
- if self.scan:
- try:
- imp_sig = self.sig_implicit_deps()
- except ValueError:
- return self.signature()
- # timestamp dependency on build files only (source files are hashed)
- buf = []
- for k in self.inputs + getattr(self, 'dep_nodes', []) + self.generator.bld.node_deps.get(self.unique_id(), []):
- if & 3 == 3:
- t = os.stat(k.abspath(self.env)).st_mtime
- buf.append(t)
- self.m.update(str(buf))
- # we now have the signature (first element) and the details (for debugging)
- ret = self.m.digest()
- self.cache_sig = (ret, exp_sig, imp_sig, var_sig)
- return ret
-Task.Task.signature_bak = Task.Task.signature # unused, kept just in case
-Task.Task.signature = signature # overridden
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Grygoriy Fuchedzhy 2009
-Compile fluid files (fltk graphic library). Use the 'fluid' feature in conjuction with the 'cxx' feature.
-import Task
-from TaskGen import extension
-Task.simple_task_type('fluid', '${FLUID} -c -o ${TGT[0].abspath(env)} -h ${TGT[1].abspath(env)} ${SRC}', 'BLUE', shell=False, ext_out='.cxx')
-def fluid(self, node):
- """add the .fl to the source list; the cxx file generated will be compiled when possible"""
- cpp = node.change_ext('.cpp')
- hpp = node.change_ext('.hpp')
- self.create_task('fluid', node, [cpp, hpp])
- if 'cxx' in self.features:
- self.allnodes.append(cpp)
-def detect(conf):
- fluid = conf.find_program('fluid', var='FLUID', mandatory=True)
- conf.check_cfg(path='fltk-config', package='', args='--cxxflags --ldflags', uselib_store='FLTK', mandatory=True)
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2008-2010 (ita)
-Execute the tasks with gcc -MD, read the dependencies from the .d file
-and prepare the dependency calculation for the next run
-import os, re, threading
-import Task, Logs, Utils, preproc
-from TaskGen import before, after, feature
-lock = threading.Lock()
-preprocessor_flag = '-MD'
-@feature('cc', 'c')
-def add_mmd_cc(self):
- if self.env.get_flat('CCFLAGS').find(preprocessor_flag) < 0:
- self.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', preprocessor_flag)
-def add_mmd_cxx(self):
- if self.env.get_flat('CXXFLAGS').find(preprocessor_flag) < 0:
- self.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', preprocessor_flag)
-def scan(self):
- "the scanner does not do anything initially"
- nodes = self.generator.bld.node_deps.get(self.unique_id(), [])
- names = []
- return (nodes, names)
-re_o = re.compile("\.o$")
-re_src = re.compile("^(\.\.)[\\/](.*)$")
-def post_run(self):
- # The following code is executed by threads, it is not safe, so a lock is needed...
- if getattr(self, 'cached', None):
- return Task.Task.post_run(self)
- name = self.outputs[0].abspath(self.env)
- name = re_o.sub('.d', name)
- txt = Utils.readf(name)
- #os.unlink(name)
- txt = txt.replace('\\\n', '')
- lst = txt.strip().split(':')
- val = ":".join(lst[1:])
- val = val.split()
- nodes = []
- bld = self.generator.bld
- f = re.compile("^("+self.env.variant()+"|\.\.)[\\/](.*)$")
- for x in val:
- if os.path.isabs(x):
- if not preproc.go_absolute:
- continue
- lock.acquire()
- try:
- node = bld.root.find_resource(x)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- else:
- g =, x)
- if g:
- x =
- lock.acquire()
- try:
- node = bld.bldnode.parent.find_resource(x)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- else:
- g =, x)
- if g:
- x =
- lock.acquire()
- try:
- node = bld.srcnode.find_resource(x)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- if id(node) == id(self.inputs[0]):
- # ignore the source file, it is already in the dependencies
- # this way, successful config tests may be retrieved from the cache
- continue
- if not node:
- raise ValueError('could not find %r for %r' % (x, self))
- else:
- nodes.append(node)
- Logs.debug('deps: real scanner for %s returned %s' % (str(self), str(nodes)))
- bld.node_deps[self.unique_id()] = nodes
- bld.raw_deps[self.unique_id()] = []
- try:
- del self.cache_sig
- except:
- pass
- Task.Task.post_run(self)
-import Constants, Utils
-def sig_implicit_deps(self):
- try:
- return Task.Task.sig_implicit_deps(self)
- except Utils.WafError:
- return Constants.SIG_NIL
-for name in 'cc cxx'.split():
- try:
- cls = Task.TaskBase.classes[name]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- cls.post_run = post_run
- cls.scan = scan
- cls.sig_implicit_deps = sig_implicit_deps
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# - Waf tool for the Go programming language
-# By: Tom Wambold <>
-import platform, os
-import Task
-import Utils
-from TaskGen import feature, extension, after
-Task.simple_task_type('gocompile', '${GOC} ${GOCFLAGS} -o ${TGT} ${SRC}', shell=False)
-Task.simple_task_type('gopack', '${GOP} grc ${TGT} ${SRC}', shell=False)
-Task.simple_task_type('golink', '${GOL} ${GOLFLAGS} -o ${TGT} ${SRC}', shell=False)
-def detect(conf):
- def set_def(var, val):
- if not conf.env[var]:
- conf.env[var] = val
- goarch = os.getenv("GOARCH")
- if goarch == '386':
- set_def('GO_PLATFORM', 'i386')
- elif goarch == 'amd64':
- set_def('GO_PLATFORM', 'x86_64')
- elif goarch == 'arm':
- set_def('GO_PLATFORM', 'arm')
- else:
- set_def('GO_PLATFORM', platform.machine())
- if conf.env.GO_PLATFORM == 'x86_64':
- set_def('GO_COMPILER', '6g')
- set_def('GO_LINKER', '6l')
- set_def('GO_EXTENSION', '.6')
- elif conf.env.GO_PLATFORM in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']:
- set_def('GO_COMPILER', '8g')
- set_def('GO_LINKER', '8l')
- set_def('GO_EXTENSION', '.8')
- elif conf.env.GO_PLATFORM == 'arm':
- set_def('GO_COMPILER', '5g')
- set_def('GO_LINKER', '5l')
- set_def('GO_EXTENSION', '.5')
- if not (conf.env.GO_COMPILER or conf.env.GO_LINKER or conf.env.GO_EXTENSION):
- raise conf.fatal('Unsupported platform ' + platform.machine())
- set_def('GO_PACK', 'gopack')
- set_def('GO_PACK_EXTENSION', '.a')
- conf.find_program(conf.env.GO_COMPILER, var='GOC', mandatory=True)
- conf.find_program(conf.env.GO_LINKER, var='GOL', mandatory=True)
- conf.find_program(conf.env.GO_PACK, var='GOP', mandatory=True)
- conf.find_program('cgo', var='CGO', mandatory=True)
-def compile_go(self, node):
- try:
- self.go_nodes.append(node)
- except AttributeError:
- self.go_nodes = [node]
-def apply_compile_go(self):
- try:
- nodes = self.go_nodes
- except AttributeError:
- self.go_compile_task = None
- else:
- self.go_compile_task = self.create_task('gocompile',
- nodes,
- [self.path.find_or_declare( + self.env.GO_EXTENSION)])
-@feature('gopackage', 'goprogram')
-def apply_goinc(self):
- if not getattr(self, 'go_compile_task', None):
- return
- names = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'uselib_local', []))
- for name in names:
- obj = self.name_to_obj(name)
- if not obj:
- raise Utils.WafError('object %r was not found in uselib_local '
- '(required by %r)' % (lib_name,
- self.go_compile_task.set_run_after(obj.go_package_task)
- self.go_compile_task.dep_nodes.extend(obj.go_package_task.outputs)
- self.env.append_unique('GOCFLAGS', '-I' + obj.path.abspath(obj.env))
- self.env.append_unique('GOLFLAGS', '-L' + obj.path.abspath(obj.env))
-def apply_gopackage(self):
- self.go_package_task = self.create_task('gopack',
- self.go_compile_task.outputs[0],
- self.path.find_or_declare( + self.env.GO_PACK_EXTENSION))
- self.go_package_task.set_run_after(self.go_compile_task)
- self.go_package_task.dep_nodes.extend(self.go_compile_task.outputs)
-def apply_golink(self):
- self.go_link_task = self.create_task('golink',
- self.go_compile_task.outputs[0],
- self.path.find_or_declare(
- self.go_link_task.set_run_after(self.go_compile_task)
- self.go_link_task.dep_nodes.extend(self.go_compile_task.outputs)
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index 96f0e6cf109..00000000000
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@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy 2011
-import os, shutil, re
-import Options, Build, Logs
-Apply a least recently used policy to the Waf cache.
-For performance reasons, it is called after the build is complete.
-We assume that the the folders are written atomically
-Do export WAFCACHE=/tmp/foo-xyz where xyz represents the cache size in megabytes
-If missing, the default cache size will be set to 10GB
-re_num = re.compile('[a-zA-Z_]+(\d+)')
-CACHESIZE = 10*1024*1024*1024 # in bytes
-DIRSIZE = 4096
-def compile(self):
- if Options.cache_global and not Options.options.nocache:
- try:
- os.makedirs(Options.cache_global)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- self.raw_compile()
- finally:
- if Options.cache_global and not Options.options.nocache:
- self.sweep()
-def sweep(self):
- global CACHESIZE
- CACHEDIR = Options.cache_global
- # get the cache max size from the WAFCACHE filename
- re_num = re.compile('[a-zA-Z_]+(\d+)')
- val = re_num.sub('\\1', os.path.basename(Options.cache_global))
- try:
- CACHESIZE = int(val)
- except:
- pass
- # map folder names to timestamps
- flist = {}
- for x in os.listdir(CACHEDIR):
- j = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, x)
- if os.path.isdir(j) and len(x) == 32: # dir names are md5 hexdigests
- flist[x] = [os.stat(j).st_mtime, 0]
- for (x, v) in flist.items():
- cnt = DIRSIZE # each entry takes 4kB
- d = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, x)
- for k in os.listdir(d):
- cnt += os.stat(os.path.join(d, k)).st_size
- flist[x][1] = cnt
- total = sum([x[1] for x in flist.values()])
- Logs.debug('lru: Cache size is %r' % total)
- if total >= CACHESIZE:
- Logs.debug('lru: Trimming the cache since %r > %r' % (total, CACHESIZE))
- # make a list to sort the folders by timestamp
- lst = [(p, v[0], v[1]) for (p, v) in flist.items()]
- lst.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by timestamp
- lst.reverse()
- while total >= CACHESIZE * CLEANRATIO:
- (k, t, s) = lst.pop()
- p = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, k)
- v = p + '.del'
- try:
- os.rename(p, v)
- except:
- # someone already did it
- pass
- else:
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(v)
- except:
- # this should not happen, but who knows?
- Logs.warn('If you ever see this message, report it (%r)' % v)
- total -= s
- del flist[k]
- Logs.debug('lru: Total at the end %r' % total)
-Build.BuildContext.raw_compile = Build.BuildContext.compile
-Build.BuildContext.compile = compile
-Build.BuildContext.sweep = sweep
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# ita 2010
-import Logs, Utils, Build, Task
-def say(txt):
- Logs.warn("^o^: %s" % txt)
- ret = Utils.cmd_output('which cowsay 2> /dev/null').strip()
-except Exception, e:
- pass
- def say(txt):
- f = Utils.cmd_output([ret, txt])
- Utils.pprint('PINK', f)
-say('you make the errors, we detect them')
-def check_task_classes(self):
- for x in Task.TaskBase.classes:
- if isinstance(x, Task.Task):
- if not getattr(x, 'ext_in', None) or getattr(x, 'before', None):
- say('class %s has no precedence constraints (ext_in/before)')
- if not getattr(x, 'ext_out', None) or getattr(x, 'after', None):
- say('class %s has no precedence constraints (ext_out/after)')
-comp = Build.BuildContext.compile
-def compile(self):
- if not getattr(self, 'magic', None):
- check_task_classes(self)
- return comp(self)
-Build.BuildContext.compile = compile
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deleted file mode 100755
index 88fb4e40619..00000000000
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@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Thomas Nagy, 2015 (ita)
-# prefer the waf 1.8 version
-The full samba build can be faster by ~10%, but there are a few limitations:
-* only one build process should be run at a time as the servers would use the same ports
-* only one build command is going to be called ("waf build configure build" would not work)
-def build(bld):
- mod = Utils.load_tool('prefork')
- ...
- (build declarations after)
-import os, re, socket, threading, sys, subprocess, time, atexit, traceback
- import SocketServer
-except ImportError:
- import socketserver as SocketServer
- from queue import Queue
-except ImportError:
- from Queue import Queue
- import cPickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle as cPickle
-REQ = 'REQ'
-RES = 'RES'
-BYE = 'BYE'
-def make_header(params):
- header = ','.join(params)
- if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000:
- header = header.encode('iso8859-1')
- header = header.ljust(HEADER_SIZE)
- assert(len(header) == HEADER_SIZE)
- return header
-re_valid_query = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+$')
-class req(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
- def handle(self):
- while 1:
- try:
- self.process_command()
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- break
- def process_command(self):
- query =
- if not query:
- return
- #print(len(query))
- assert(len(query) == HEADER_SIZE)
- if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000:
- query = query.decode('iso8859-1')
- #print "%r" % query
- if not re_valid_query.match(query):
- raise ValueError('Invalid query %r' % query)
- query = query.strip().split(',')
- if query[0] == REQ:
- self.run_command(query[1:])
- elif query[0] == BYE:
- raise ValueError('Exit')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Invalid query %r' % query)
- def run_command(self, query):
- size = int(query[0])
- data =
- assert(len(data) == size)
- kw = cPickle.loads(data)
- # run command
- ret = out = err = exc = None
- cmd = kw['cmd']
- del kw['cmd']
- #print(cmd)
- try:
- if kw['stdout'] or kw['stderr']:
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kw)
- (out, err) = p.communicate()
- ret = p.returncode
- else:
- ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kw).wait()
- except Exception as e:
- ret = -1
- exc = str(e) + traceback.format_exc()
- # write the results
- if out or err or exc:
- data = (out, err, exc)
- data = cPickle.dumps(data, -1)
- else:
- data = ''
- params = [RES, str(ret), str(len(data))]
- self.wfile.write(make_header(params))
- if data:
- self.wfile.write(data)
-def create_server(conn, cls):
- #SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
- #server = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer(conn, req)
- SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
- server = SocketServer.TCPServer(conn, req)
- #server.timeout = 6000 # seconds
- server.serve_forever(poll_interval=0.001)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- port = int(sys.argv[1])
- else:
- #conn = (socket.gethostname(), port)
- conn = ("", port)
- #print("listening - %r %r\n" % conn)
- create_server(conn, req)
- import Runner, Utils
- def init_task_pool(self):
- # lazy creation, and set a common pool for all task consumers
- pool = self.pool = []
- for i in range(self.numjobs):
- consumer = Runner.get_pool()
- pool.append(consumer)
- consumer.idx = i
- self.ready = Queue(0)
- def setq(consumer):
- consumer.ready = self.ready
- try:
- threading.current_thread().idx = consumer.idx
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- for x in pool:
- x.ready.put(setq)
- return pool
- Runner.Parallel.init_task_pool = init_task_pool
- PORT = 51200
- def make_server(idx):
- port = PORT + idx
- cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.abspath(__file__), str(port)]
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
- proc.port = port
- return proc
- def make_conn(srv):
- #port = PORT + idx
- port = srv.port
- conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- conn.connect(('', port))
- return conn
- SERVERS = []
- CONNS = []
- def close_all():
- while CONNS:
- conn = CONNS.pop()
- try:
- conn.close()
- except:
- pass
- while SERVERS:
- srv = SERVERS.pop()
- try:
- srv.kill()
- except:
- pass
- atexit.register(close_all)
- def put_data(conn, data):
- conn.send(data)
- def read_data(conn, siz):
- ret = conn.recv(siz)
- if not ret:
- print("closed connection?")
- assert(len(ret) == siz)
- return ret
- def exec_command(cmd, **kw):
- if 'log' in kw:
- log = kw['log']
- kw['stdout'] = kw['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
- del(kw['log'])
- else:
- kw['stdout'] = kw['stderr'] = None
- kw['shell'] = isinstance(cmd, str)
- idx = threading.current_thread().idx
- kw['cmd'] = cmd
- data = cPickle.dumps(kw, -1)
- params = [REQ, str(len(data))]
- header = make_header(params)
- conn = CONNS[idx]
- put_data(conn, header)
- put_data(conn, data)
- data = read_data(conn, HEADER_SIZE)
- if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000:
- data = data.decode('iso8859-1')
- lst = data.split(',')
- ret = int(lst[1])
- dlen = int(lst[2])
- out = err = None
- if dlen:
- data = read_data(conn, dlen)
- (out, err, exc) = cPickle.loads(data)
- if exc:
- raise Utils.WafError('Execution failure: %s' % exc)
- if out:
- log.write(out)
- if err:
- log.write(err)
- return ret
- def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- # identifier of the current thread
- self.idx = len(SERVERS)
- # create a server and wait for the connection
- srv = make_server(self.idx)
- SERVERS.append(srv)
- conn = None
- for x in range(30):
- try:
- conn = make_conn(srv)
- break
- except socket.error:
- time.sleep(0.01)
- if not conn:
- raise ValueError('Could not start the server!')
- CONNS.append(conn)
- self.setDaemon(1)
- self.start()
- Runner.TaskConsumer.__init__ = __init__
- def build(bld):
- # dangerous, there is no other command hopefully
- Utils.exec_command = exec_command
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-In this case, print the commands being executed as strings
-(the commands are usually lists, so this can be misleading)
-import Build, Utils, Logs
-def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw):
- txt = cmd
- if isinstance(cmd, list):
- txt = ' '.join(cmd)
- Logs.debug('runner: %s' % txt)
- if self.log:
- self.log.write('%s\n' % cmd)
- kw['log'] = self.log
- try:
- if not kw.get('cwd', None):
- kw['cwd'] = self.cwd
- except AttributeError:
- self.cwd = kw['cwd'] = self.bldnode.abspath()
- return Utils.exec_command(cmd, **kw)
-Build.BuildContext.exec_command = exec_command
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@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: UTF-8
-# Petar Forai
-# Thomas Nagy 2008
-import re
-import Task, Utils, Logs
-from TaskGen import extension
-from Configure import conf
-import preproc
-Welcome in the hell of adding tasks dynamically
-swig interface files may be created at runtime, the module name may be unknown in advance
-rev 5859 is much more simple
-SWIG_EXTS = ['.swig', '.i']
-cls = Task.simple_task_type('swig', swig_str, color='BLUE', ext_in='.i .h', ext_out='.o .c .cxx', shell=False)
-def runnable_status(self):
- for t in self.run_after:
- if not t.hasrun:
- return ASK_LATER
- if not getattr(self, 'init_outputs', None):
- self.init_outputs = True
- if not getattr(self, 'module', None):
- # search the module name
- txt = self.inputs[0].read(self.env)
- m =
- if not m:
- raise ValueError("could not find the swig module name")
- self.module =
- swig_c(self)
- # add the language-specific output files as nodes
- # call funs in the dict swig_langs
- for x in self.env['SWIGFLAGS']:
- # obtain the language
- x = x[1:]
- try:
- fun = swig_langs[x]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- fun(self)
- return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
-setattr(cls, 'runnable_status', runnable_status)
-re_module = re.compile('%module(?:\s*\(.*\))?\s+(.+)', re.M)
-re_1 = re.compile(r'^%module.*?\s+([\w]+)\s*?$', re.M)
-re_2 = re.compile('%include "(.*)"', re.M)
-re_3 = re.compile('#include "(.*)"', re.M)
-def scan(self):
- "scan for swig dependencies, climb the .i files"
- env = self.env
- lst_src = []
- seen = []
- to_see = [self.inputs[0]]
- while to_see:
- node = to_see.pop(0)
- if in seen:
- continue
- seen.append(
- lst_src.append(node)
- # read the file
- code =
- code = preproc.re_nl.sub('', code)
- code = preproc.re_cpp.sub(preproc.repl, code)
- # find .i files and project headers
- names = re_2.findall(code) + re_3.findall(code)
- for n in names:
- for d in self.generator.env.INC_PATHS + [node.parent]:
- u = d.find_resource(n)
- if u:
- to_see.append(u)
- break
- else:
- Logs.warn('could not find %r' % n)
- # list of nodes this one depends on, and module name if present
- if Logs.verbose:
- Logs.debug('deps: deps for %s: %s' % (str(self), str(lst_src)))
- return (lst_src, [])
-cls.scan = scan
-# provide additional language processing
-swig_langs = {}
-def swig(fun):
- swig_langs[fun.__name__.replace('swig_', '')] = fun
-def swig_c(self):
- ext = '.swigwrap_%d.c' % self.generator.idx
- flags = self.env['SWIGFLAGS']
- if '-c++' in flags:
- ext += 'xx'
- out_node = self.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(self.module + ext)
- try:
- if '-c++' in flags:
- fun = self.generator.cxx_hook
- else:
- fun = self.generator.c_hook
- except AttributeError:
- raise Utils.WafError('No c%s compiler was found to process swig files' % ('-c++' in flags and '++' or ''))
- task = fun(out_node)
- task.set_run_after(self)
- ge = self.generator.bld.generator
- ge.outstanding.insert(0, task)
- += 1
- try:
- ltask = self.generator.link_task
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- ltask.inputs.append(task.outputs[0])
- self.outputs.append(out_node)
- if not '-o' in self.env['SWIGFLAGS']:
- self.env.append_value('SWIGFLAGS', '-o')
- self.env.append_value('SWIGFLAGS', self.outputs[0].abspath(self.env))
-def swig_python(tsk):
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.py'))
-def swig_ocaml(tsk):
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.ml'))
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.mli'))
-def i_file(self, node):
- # the task instance
- tsk = self.create_task('swig')
- tsk.set_inputs(node)
- tsk.module = getattr(self, 'swig_module', None)
- flags = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'swig_flags', []))
- self.env.append_value('SWIGFLAGS', flags)
- if not '-outdir' in flags:
- flags.append('-outdir')
- flags.append(node.parent.abspath(self.env))
-def check_swig_version(conf, minver=None):
- """Check for a minimum swig version like conf.check_swig_version('1.3.28')
- or conf.check_swig_version((1,3,28)) """
- reg_swig = re.compile(r'SWIG Version\s(.*)', re.M)
- swig_out = Utils.cmd_output('%s -version' % conf.env['SWIG'])
- swigver = [int(s) for s in reg_swig.findall(swig_out)[0].split('.')]
- if isinstance(minver, basestring):
- minver = [int(s) for s in minver.split(".")]
- if isinstance(minver, tuple):
- minver = [int(s) for s in minver]
- result = (minver is None) or (minver[:3] <= swigver[:3])
- swigver_full = '.'.join(map(str, swigver))
- if result:
- conf.env['SWIG_VERSION'] = swigver_full
- minver_str = '.'.join(map(str, minver))
- if minver is None:
- conf.check_message_custom('swig version', '', swigver_full)
- else:
- conf.check_message('swig version', '>= %s' % (minver_str,), result, option=swigver_full)
- return result
-def detect(conf):
- swig = conf.find_program('swig', var='SWIG', mandatory=True)
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index bdb0c6bd5b8..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: UTF-8
-# Nicolas Joseph 2009
-from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
-import os, os.path, re, stat
-import Task, Utils, Node, Constants
-from TaskGen import feature, extension, after
-from Logs import debug, warn, error
-class valadoc_task(Task.Task):
- color = 'BLUE'
- after = 'cxx_link cc_link'
- quiet = True
- output_dir = ''
- doclet = ''
- package_name = ''
- package_version = ''
- files = []
- protected = True
- private = False
- inherit = False
- deps = False
- enable_non_null_experimental = False
- force = False
- def runnable_status(self):
- return True
- def run(self):
- if self.env['VALADOC']:
- if not self.env['VALADOCFLAGS']:
- self.env['VALADOCFLAGS'] = ''
- cmd = [Utils.subst_vars(VALADOC_STR, self.env)]
- cmd.append ('-o %s' % self.output_dir)
- if getattr(self, 'doclet', None):
- cmd.append ('--doclet %s' % self.doclet)
- cmd.append ('--package-name %s' % self.package_name)
- if getattr(self, 'version', None):
- cmd.append ('--package-version %s' % self.package_version)
- if getattr(self, 'packages', None):
- for package in self.packages:
- cmd.append ('--pkg %s' % package)
- if getattr(self, 'vapi_dirs', None):
- for vapi_dir in self.vapi_dirs:
- cmd.append ('--vapidir %s' % vapi_dir)
- if not getattr(self, 'protected', None):
- cmd.append ('--no-protected')
- if getattr(self, 'private', None):
- cmd.append ('--private')
- if getattr(self, 'inherit', None):
- cmd.append ('--inherit')
- if getattr(self, 'deps', None):
- cmd.append ('--deps')
- if getattr(self, 'enable_non_null_experimental', None):
- cmd.append ('--enable-non-null-experimental')
- if getattr(self, 'force', None):
- cmd.append ('--force')
- cmd.append (' '.join ([x.relpath_gen (self.generator.bld.bldnode) for x in self.files]))
- return self.generator.bld.exec_command(' '.join(cmd))
- else:
- error ('You must install valadoc <> for generate the API documentation')
- return -1
-def process_valadoc(self):
- task = getattr(self, 'task', None)
- if not task:
- task = self.create_task('valadoc')
- self.task = task
- if getattr(self, 'output_dir', None):
- task.output_dir = self.output_dir
- else:
- Utils.WafError('no output directory')
- if getattr(self, 'doclet', None):
- task.doclet = self.doclet
- else:
- Utils.WafError('no doclet directory')
- if getattr(self, 'package_name', None):
- task.package_name = self.package_name
- else:
- Utils.WafError('no package name')
- if getattr(self, 'package_version', None):
- task.package_version = self.package_version
- if getattr(self, 'packages', None):
- task.packages = Utils.to_list(self.packages)
- if getattr(self, 'vapi_dirs', None):
- task.vapi_dirs = Utils.to_list(self.vapi_dirs)
- if getattr(self, 'files', None):
- task.files = self.files
- else:
- Utils.WafError('no input file')
- if getattr(self, 'protected', None):
- task.protected = self.protected
- if getattr(self, 'private', None):
- task.private = self.private
- if getattr(self, 'inherit', None):
- task.inherit = self.inherit
- if getattr(self, 'deps', None):
- task.deps = self.deps
- if getattr(self, 'enable_non_null_experimental', None):
- task.enable_non_null_experimental = self.enable_non_null_experimental
- if getattr(self, 'force', None):
- task.force = self.force
-def detect(conf):
- conf.find_program('valadoc', var='VALADOC', mandatory=False)