path: root/third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/rfc6112.txt
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authorStefan Metzmacher <>2022-01-19 13:15:45 +0100
committerJoseph Sutton <>2022-01-19 21:41:59 +0000
commit7055827b8ffd3823c1240ba3f0b619dd6068cd51 (patch)
treeabb14aa7455bde7b1b33b706123c57ccfc28fcaa /third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/rfc6112.txt
parent1954e50f266256c9e153c9613f49f9d9f5dbf67b (diff)
HEIMDAL: move code from source4/heimdal* to third_party/heimdal*
This makes it clearer that we always want to do heimdal changes via the lorikeet-heimdal repository. Signed-off-by: Stefan Metzmacher <> Reviewed-by: Joseph Sutton <> Autobuild-User(master): Joseph Sutton <> Autobuild-Date(master): Wed Jan 19 21:41:59 UTC 2022 on sn-devel-184
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1 files changed, 899 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) L. Zhu
+Request for Comments: 6112 P. Leach
+Updates: 4120, 4121, 4556 Microsoft Corporation
+Category: Standards Track S. Hartman
+ISSN: 2070-1721 Painless Security
+ April 2011
+ Anonymity Support for Kerberos
+ This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol to allow a
+ Kerberos client to securely communicate with a Kerberos application
+ service without revealing its identity, or without revealing more
+ than its Kerberos realm. It also defines extensions that allow a
+ Kerberos client to obtain anonymous credentials without revealing its
+ identity to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC). This
+ document updates RFCs 4120, 4121, and 4556.
+Status of This Memo
+ This is an Internet Standards Track document.
+ This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
+ (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has
+ received public review and has been approved for publication by the
+ Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on
+ Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.
+ Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
+ and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
+ document authors. All rights reserved.
+ This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
+ Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
+ ( in effect on the date of
+ publication of this document. Please review these documents
+ carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
+ to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
+ include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
+ the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
+ described in the Simplified BSD License.
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 1]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
+ Contributions published or made publicly available before November
+ 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
+ material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
+ modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
+ Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
+ the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
+ outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
+ not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
+ it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
+ than English.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 2. Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 3. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 4. Protocol Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
+ 4.1. Anonymity Support in AS Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
+ 4.1.1. Anonymous PKINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
+ 4.2. Anonymity Support in TGS Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
+ 4.3. Subsequent Exchanges and Protocol Actions Common to AS
+ and TGS for Anonymity Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
+ 5. Interoperability Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
+ 6. GSS-API Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
+ 7. PKINIT Client Contribution to the Ticket Session Key . . . . . 11
+ 7.1. Combining Two Protocol Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
+ 8. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
+ 9. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
+ 10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 11.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 11.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 2]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+1. Introduction
+ In certain situations, the Kerberos [RFC4120] client may wish to
+ authenticate a server and/or protect communications without revealing
+ the client's own identity. For example, consider an application that
+ provides read access to a research database and that permits queries
+ by arbitrary requesters. A client of such a service might wish to
+ authenticate the service, to establish trust in the information
+ received from it, but might not wish to disclose the client's
+ identity to the service for privacy reasons.
+ Extensions to Kerberos are specified in this document by which a
+ client can authenticate the Key Distribution Center (KDC) and request
+ an anonymous ticket. The client can use the anonymous ticket to
+ authenticate the server and protect subsequent client-server
+ communications.
+ By using the extensions defined in this specification, the client can
+ request an anonymous ticket where the client may reveal the client's
+ identity to the client's own KDC, or the client can hide the client's
+ identity completely by using anonymous Public Key Cryptography for
+ Initial Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT) as defined in
+ Section 4.1. Using the returned anonymous ticket, the client remains
+ anonymous in subsequent Kerberos exchanges thereafter to KDCs on the
+ cross-realm authentication path and to the server with which it
+ communicates.
+ In this specification, the client realm in the anonymous ticket is
+ the anonymous realm name when anonymous PKINIT is used to obtain the
+ ticket. The client realm is the client's real realm name if the
+ client is authenticated using the client's long-term keys. Note that
+ the membership of a realm can imply a member of the community
+ represented by the realm.
+ The interaction with Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface (GSS-API) is described after the protocol description.
+2. Conventions Used in This Document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+3. Definitions
+ The anonymous Kerberos realm name is defined as a well-known realm
+ name based on [RFC6111], and the value of this well-known realm name
+ is the literal "WELLKNOWN:ANONYMOUS".
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 3]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ The anonymous Kerberos principal name is defined as a well-known
+ Kerberos principal name based on [RFC6111]. The value of the name-
+ type field is KRB_NT_WELLKNOWN [RFC6111], and the value of the name-
+ string field is a sequence of two KerberosString components:
+ The anonymous ticket flag is defined as bit 16 (with the first bit
+ being bit 0) in the TicketFlags:
+ TicketFlags ::= KerberosFlags
+ -- anonymous(16)
+ -- TicketFlags and KerberosFlags are defined in [RFC4120]
+ This is a new ticket flag that is used to indicate that a ticket is
+ an anonymous one.
+ An anonymous ticket is a ticket that has all of the following
+ properties:
+ o The cname field contains the anonymous Kerberos principal name.
+ o The crealm field contains the client's realm name or the anonymous
+ realm name.
+ o The anonymous ticket contains no information that can reveal the
+ client's identity. However, the ticket may contain the client
+ realm, intermediate realms on the client's authentication path,
+ and authorization data that may provide information related to the
+ client's identity. For example, an anonymous principal that is
+ identifiable only within a particular group of users can be
+ implemented using authorization data and such authorization data,
+ if included in the anonymous ticket, would disclose the client's
+ membership of that group.
+ o The anonymous ticket flag is set.
+ The anonymous KDC option is defined as bit 16 (with the first bit
+ being bit 0) in the KDCOptions:
+ KDCOptions ::= KerberosFlags
+ -- anonymous(16)
+ -- KDCOptions and KerberosFlags are defined in [RFC4120]
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 4]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ As described in Section 4, the anonymous KDC option is set to request
+ an anonymous ticket in an Authentication Service (AS) request or a
+ Ticket Granting Service (TGS) request.
+4. Protocol Description
+ In order to request an anonymous ticket, the client sets the
+ anonymous KDC option in an AS request or a TGS request.
+ The rest of this section is organized as follows: it first describes
+ protocol actions specific to AS exchanges, then it describes those of
+ TGS exchanges. These are then followed by the description of
+ protocol actions common to both AS and TGS and those in subsequent
+ exchanges.
+4.1. Anonymity Support in AS Exchange
+ The client requests an anonymous ticket by setting the anonymous KDC
+ option in an AS exchange.
+ The Kerberos client can use the client's long-term keys, the client's
+ X.509 certificates [RFC4556], or any other pre-authentication data,
+ to authenticate to the KDC and requests an anonymous ticket in an AS
+ exchange where the client's identity is known to the KDC.
+ If the client in the AS request is anonymous, the anonymous KDC
+ option MUST be set in the request. Otherwise, the KDC MUST return a
+ KRB-ERROR message with the code KDC_ERR_BADOPTION.
+ If the client is anonymous and the KDC does not have a key to encrypt
+ the reply (this can happen when, for example, the KDC does not
+ support PKINIT [RFC4556]), the KDC MUST return an error message with
+ the code KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY [RFC4120].
+ When policy allows, the KDC issues an anonymous ticket. If the
+ client name in the request is the anonymous principal, the client
+ realm (crealm) in the reply is the anonymous realm, otherwise, the
+ client realm is the realm of the AS. According to [RFC4120], the
+ client name and the client realm in the EncTicketPart of the reply
+ MUST match with the corresponding client name and the client realm of
+ the KDC reply; the client MUST use the client name and the client
+ realm returned in the KDC-REP in subsequent message exchanges when
+ using the obtained anonymous ticket.
+ Care MUST be taken by the KDC not to reveal the client's identity in
+ the authorization data of the returned ticket when populating the
+ authorization data in a returned anonymous ticket.
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 5]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ The AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS authorization data, as defined in
+ [RFC4556], contains the issuer name of the client certificate. This
+ authorization is not applicable and MUST NOT be present in the
+ returned anonymous ticket when anonymous PKINIT is used. When the
+ client is authenticated (i.e., anonymous PKINIT is not used), if it
+ is undesirable to disclose such information about the client's
+ identity, the AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS authorization data SHOULD be
+ removed from the returned anonymous ticket.
+ The client can use the client keys to mutually authenticate with the
+ KDC and request an anonymous Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in the AS
+ request. In that case, the reply key is selected as normal,
+ according to Section 3.1.3 of [RFC4120].
+4.1.1. Anonymous PKINIT
+ This sub-section defines anonymous PKINIT.
+ As described earlier in this section, the client can request an
+ anonymous ticket by authenticating to the KDC using the client's
+ identity; alternatively, without revealing the client's identity to
+ the KDC, the Kerberos client can request an anonymous ticket as
+ follows: the client sets the client name as the anonymous principal
+ in the AS exchange and provides PA_PK_AS_REQ pre-authentication data
+ [RFC4556] where the signerInfos field of the SignedData [RFC5652] of
+ the PA_PK_AS_REQ is empty, and the certificates field is absent.
+ Because the anonymous client does not have an associated asymmetric
+ key pair, the client MUST choose the Diffie-Hellman key agreement
+ method by filling in the Diffie-Hellman domain parameters in the
+ clientPublicValue [RFC4556]. This use of the anonymous client name
+ in conjunction with PKINIT is referred to as anonymous PKINIT. If
+ anonymous PKINIT is used, the realm name in the returned anonymous
+ ticket MUST be the anonymous realm.
+ Upon receiving the anonymous PKINIT request from the client, the KDC
+ processes the request, according to Section 3.1.2 of [RFC4120]. The
+ KDC skips the checks for the client's signature and the client's
+ public key (such as the verification of the binding between the
+ client's public key and the client name), but performs otherwise
+ applicable checks, and proceeds as normal, according to [RFC4556].
+ For example, the AS MUST check if the client's Diffie-Hellman domain
+ parameters are acceptable. The Diffie-Hellman key agreement method
+ MUST be used and the reply key is derived according to Section
+ of [RFC4556]. If the clientPublicValue is not present in the
+ request, the KDC MUST return a KRB-ERROR with the code
+ well, an anonymous ticket is generated, according to Section 3.1.3 of
+ [RFC4120], and PA_PK_AS_REP [RFC4556] pre-authentication data is
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 6]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ included in the KDC reply, according to [RFC4556]. If the KDC does
+ not have an asymmetric key pair, it MAY reply anonymously or reject
+ the authentication attempt. If the KDC replies anonymously, the
+ signerInfos field of the SignedData [RFC5652] of PA_PK_AS_REP in the
+ reply is empty, and the certificates field is absent. The server
+ name in the anonymous KDC reply contains the name of the TGS.
+ Upon receipt of the KDC reply that contains an anonymous ticket and
+ PA_PK_AS_REP [RFC4556] pre-authentication data, the client can then
+ authenticate the KDC based on the KDC's signature in the
+ PA_PK_AS_REP. If the KDC's signature is missing in the KDC reply
+ (the reply is anonymous), the client MUST reject the returned ticket
+ if it cannot authenticate the KDC otherwise.
+ A KDC that supports anonymous PKINIT MUST indicate the support of
+ PKINIT, according to Section 3.4 of [RFC4556]. In addition, such a
+ KDC MUST indicate support for anonymous PKINIT by including a padata
+ element of padata-type PA_PKINIT_KX and empty padata-value when
+ including PA-PK-AS-REQ in an error reply.
+ When included in a KDC error, PA_PKINIT_KX indicates support for
+ anonymous PKINIT. As discussed in Section 7, when included in an AS-
+ REP, PA_PKINIT_KX proves that the KDC and client both contributed to
+ the session key for any use of Diffie-Hellman key agreement with
+ Note that in order to obtain an anonymous ticket with the anonymous
+ realm name, the client MUST set the client name as the anonymous
+ principal in the request when requesting an anonymous ticket in an AS
+ exchange. Anonymity PKINIT is the only way via which an anonymous
+ ticket with the anonymous realm as the client realm can be generated
+ in this specification.
+4.2. Anonymity Support in TGS Exchange
+ The client requests an anonymous ticket by setting the anonymous KDC
+ option in a TGS exchange, and in that request the client can use a
+ normal Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) with the client's identity, or an
+ anonymous TGT, or an anonymous cross-realm TGT. If the client uses a
+ normal TGT, the client's identity is known to the TGS.
+ Note that the client can completely hide the client's identity in an
+ AS exchange using anonymous PKINIT, as described in the previous
+ section.
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 7]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ If the ticket in the PA-TGS-REQ of the TGS request is an anonymous
+ one, the anonymous KDC option MUST be set in the request. Otherwise,
+ the KDC MUST return a KRB-ERROR message with the code
+ When policy allows, the KDC issues an anonymous ticket. If the
+ ticket in the TGS request is an anonymous one, the client name and
+ the client realm are copied from that ticket; otherwise, the ticket
+ in the TGS request is a normal ticket, the returned anonymous ticket
+ contains the client name as the anonymous principal and the client
+ realm as the true realm of the client. In all cases, according to
+ [RFC4120] the client name and the client realm in the EncTicketPart
+ of the reply MUST match with the corresponding client name and the
+ client realm of the anonymous ticket in the reply; the client MUST
+ use the client name and the client realm returned in the KDC-REP in
+ subsequent message exchanges when using the obtained anonymous
+ ticket.
+ Care MUST be taken by the TGS not to reveal the client's identity in
+ the authorization data of the returned ticket. When propagating
+ authorization data in the ticket or in the enc-authorization-data
+ field of the request, the TGS MUST ensure that the client
+ confidentiality is not violated in the returned anonymous ticket.
+ The TGS MUST process the authorization data recursively, according to
+ Section 5.2.6 of [RFC4120], beyond the container levels such that all
+ embedded authorization elements are interpreted. The TGS SHOULD NOT
+ populate identity-based authorization data into an anonymous ticket
+ in that such authorization data typically reveals the client's
+ identity. The specification of a new authorization data type MUST
+ specify the processing rules of the authorization data when an
+ anonymous ticket is returned. If there is no processing rule defined
+ for an authorization data element or the authorization data element
+ is unknown, the TGS MUST process it when an anonymous ticket is
+ returned as follows:
+ o If the authorization data element may reveal the client's
+ identity, it MUST be removed unless otherwise specified.
+ o If the authorization data element, that could reveal the client's
+ identity, is intended to restrict the use of the ticket or limit
+ the rights otherwise conveyed in the ticket, it cannot be removed
+ in order to hide the client's identity. In this case, the
+ authentication attempt MUST be rejected, and the TGS MUST return
+ an error message with the code KDC_ERR_POLICY. Note this is
+ applicable to both critical and optional authorization data.
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 8]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ o If the authorization data element is unknown, the TGS MAY remove
+ it, or transfer it into the returned anonymous ticket, or reject
+ the authentication attempt, based on local policy for that
+ authorization data type unless otherwise specified. If there is
+ no policy defined for a given unknown authorization data type, the
+ authentication MUST be rejected. The error code is KDC_ERR_POLICY
+ when the authentication is rejected.
+ The AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS authorization data, as defined in
+ [RFC4556], contains the issuer name of the client certificate. If it
+ is undesirable to disclose such information about the client's
+ identity, the AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS authorization data SHOULD be
+ removed from an anonymous ticket.
+ The TGS encodes the name of the previous realm into the transited
+ field, according to Section of [RFC4120]. Based on local
+ policy, the TGS MAY omit the previous realm, if the cross realm TGT
+ is an anonymous one, in order to hide the authentication path of the
+ client. The unordered set of realms in the transited field, if
+ present, can reveal which realm may potentially be the realm of the
+ client or the realm that issued the anonymous TGT. The anonymous
+ Kerberos realm name MUST NOT be present in the transited field of a
+ ticket. The true name of the realm that issued the anonymous ticket
+ MAY be present in the transited field of a ticket.
+4.3. Subsequent Exchanges and Protocol Actions Common to AS and TGS for
+ Anonymity Support
+ In both AS and TGS exchanges, the realm field in the KDC request is
+ always the realm of the target KDC, not the anonymous realm when the
+ client requests an anonymous ticket.
+ Absent other information, the KDC MUST NOT include any identifier in
+ the returned anonymous ticket that could reveal the client's identity
+ to the server.
+ Unless anonymous PKINIT is used, if a client requires anonymous
+ communication, then the client MUST check to make sure that the
+ ticket in the reply is actually anonymous by checking the presence of
+ the anonymous ticket flag in the flags field of the EncKDCRepPart.
+ This is because KDCs ignore unknown KDC options. A KDC that does not
+ understand the anonymous KDC option will not return an error, but
+ will instead return a normal ticket.
+ The subsequent client and server communications then proceed as
+ described in [RFC4120].
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 9]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ Note that the anonymous principal name and realm are only applicable
+ to the client in Kerberos messages, the server cannot be anonymous in
+ any Kerberos message per this specification.
+ A server accepting an anonymous service ticket may assume that
+ subsequent requests using the same ticket originate from the same
+ client. Requests with different tickets are likely to originate from
+ different clients.
+ Upon receipt of an anonymous ticket, the transited policy check is
+ performed in the same way as that of a normal ticket if the client's
+ realm is not the anonymous realm; if the client realm is the
+ anonymous realm, absent other information any realm in the
+ authentication path is allowed by the cross-realm policy check.
+5. Interoperability Requirements
+ Conforming implementations MUST support the anonymous principal with
+ a non-anonymous realm, and they MAY support the anonymous principal
+ with the anonymous realm using anonymous PKINIT.
+6. GSS-API Implementation Notes
+ GSS-API defines the name_type GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS [RFC2743] to
+ represent the anonymous identity. In addition, Section 2.1.1 of
+ [RFC1964] defines the single string representation of a Kerberos
+ principal name with the name_type GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME. The
+ anonymous principal with the anonymous realm corresponds to the GSS-
+ API anonymous principal. A principal with the anonymous principal
+ name and a non-anonymous realm is an authenticated principal; hence,
+ such a principal does not correspond to the anonymous principal in
+ GSS-API with the GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS name type. The [RFC1964] name
+ syntax for GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME MUST be used for importing the
+ anonymous principal name with a non-anonymous realm name and for
+ displaying and exporting these names. In addition, this syntax must
+ be used along with the name type GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS for displaying
+ and exporting the anonymous principal with the anonymous realm.
+ At the GSS-API [RFC2743] level, an initiator/client requests the use
+ of an anonymous principal with the anonymous realm by asserting the
+ "anonymous" flag when calling GSS_Init_Sec_Context(). The GSS-API
+ implementation MAY provide implementation-specific means for
+ requesting the use of an anonymous principal with a non-anonymous
+ realm.
+ GSS-API does not know or define "anonymous credentials", so the
+ (printable) name of the anonymous principal will rarely be used by or
+ relevant for the initiator/client. The printable name is relevant
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 10]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ for the acceptor/server when performing an authorization decision
+ based on the initiator name that is returned from the acceptor side
+ upon the successful security context establishment.
+ A GSS-API initiator MUST carefully check the resulting context
+ attributes from the initial call to GSS_Init_Sec_Context() when
+ requesting anonymity, because (as in the GSS-API tradition and for
+ backwards compatibility) anonymity is just another optional context
+ attribute. It could be that the mechanism doesn't recognize the
+ attribute at all or that anonymity is not available for some other
+ reasons -- and in that case the initiator MUST NOT send the initial
+ security context token to the acceptor, because it will likely reveal
+ the initiators identity to the acceptor, something that can rarely be
+ "un-done".
+ Portable initiators are RECOMMENDED to use default credentials
+ whenever possible, and request anonymity only through the input
+ anon_req_flag [RFC2743] to GSS_Init_Sec_Context().
+7. PKINIT Client Contribution to the Ticket Session Key
+ The definition in this section was motivated by protocol analysis of
+ anonymous PKINIT (defined in this document) in building tunneling
+ channels [RFC6113] and subsequent channel bindings. In order to
+ enable applications of anonymous PKINIT to form channels, all
+ implementations of anonymous PKINIT need to meet the requirements of
+ this section. There is otherwise no connection to the rest of this
+ document.
+ PKINIT is useful for constructing tunneling channels. To ensure that
+ an attacker cannot create a channel with a given name, it is
+ desirable that neither the KDC nor the client unilaterally determine
+ the ticket session key. To achieve that end, a KDC conforming to
+ this definition MUST encrypt a randomly generated key, called the KDC
+ contribution key, in the PA_PKINIT_KX padata (defined next in this
+ section). The KDC contribution key is then combined with the reply
+ key to form the ticket session key of the returned ticket. These two
+ keys are then combined using the KRB-FX-CF2 operation defined in
+ Section 7.1, where K1 is the KDC contribution key, K2 is the reply
+ key, the input pepper1 is American Standard Code for Information
+ Interchange (ASCII) [ASAX34] string "PKINIT", and the input pepper2
+ is ASCII string "KeyExchange".
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 11]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ -- padata for PKINIT that contains an encrypted
+ -- KDC contribution key.
+ PA-PKINIT-KX ::= EncryptedData -- EncryptionKey
+ -- Contains an encrypted key randomly
+ -- generated by the KDC (known as the KDC contribution key).
+ -- Both EncryptedData and EncryptionKey are defined in [RFC4120]
+ The PA_PKINIT_KX padata MUST be included in the KDC reply when
+ anonymous PKINIT is used; it SHOULD be included if PKINIT is used
+ with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange but the client is not anonymous;
+ it MUST NOT be included otherwise (e.g., when PKINIT is used with the
+ public key encryption as the key exchange).
+ The padata-value field of the PA-PKINIT-KX type padata contains the
+ DER [X.680] [X.690] encoding of the Abstract Syntax Notation One
+ (ASN.1) type PA-PKINIT-KX. The PA-PKINIT-KX structure is an
+ EncryptedData. The cleartext data being encrypted is the DER-encoded
+ KDC contribution key randomly generated by the KDC. The encryption
+ key is the reply key and the key usage number is
+ The client then decrypts the KDC contribution key and verifies the
+ ticket session key in the returned ticket is the combined key of the
+ KDC contribution key and the reply key as described above. A
+ conforming client MUST reject anonymous PKINIT authentication if the
+ PA_PKINIT_KX padata is not present in the KDC reply or if the ticket
+ session key of the returned ticket is not the combined key of the KDC
+ contribution key and the reply key when PA-PKINIT-KX is present in
+ the KDC reply.
+7.1. Combining Two Protocol Keys
+ KRB-FX-CF2() combines two protocol keys based on the pseudo-random()
+ function defined in [RFC3961].
+ Given two input keys, K1 and K2, where K1 and K2 can be of two
+ different enctypes, the output key of KRB-FX-CF2(), K3, is derived as
+ follows:
+ KRB-FX-CF2(protocol key, protocol key, octet string,
+ octet string) -> (protocol key)
+ PRF+(K1, pepper1) -> octet-string-1
+ PRF+(K2, pepper2) -> octet-string-2
+ KRB-FX-CF2(K1, K2, pepper1, pepper2) ->
+ random-to-key(octet-string-1 ^ octet-string-2)
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+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ Where ^ denotes the exclusive-OR operation. PRF+() is defined as
+ follows:
+ PRF+(protocol key, octet string) -> (octet string)
+ PRF+(key, shared-info) -> pseudo-random( key, 1 || shared-info ) ||
+ pseudo-random( key, 2 || shared-info ) ||
+ pseudo-random( key, 3 || shared-info ) || ...
+ Here the counter value 1, 2, 3, and so on are encoded as a one-octet
+ integer. The pseudo-random() operation is specified by the enctype
+ of the protocol key. PRF+() uses the counter to generate enough bits
+ as needed by the random-to-key() [RFC3961] function for the
+ encryption type specified for the resulting key; unneeded bits are
+ removed from the tail.
+8. Security Considerations
+ Since KDCs ignore unknown options, a client requiring anonymous
+ communication needs to make sure that the returned ticket is actually
+ anonymous. This is because a KDC that does not understand the
+ anonymous option would not return an anonymous ticket.
+ By using the mechanism defined in this specification, the client does
+ not reveal the client's identity to the server but the client
+ identity may be revealed to the KDC of the server principal (when the
+ server principal is in a different realm than that of the client),
+ and any KDC on the cross-realm authentication path. The Kerberos
+ client MUST verify the ticket being used is indeed anonymous before
+ communicating with the server, otherwise, the client's identity may
+ be revealed unintentionally.
+ In cases where specific server principals must not have access to the
+ client's identity (for example, an anonymous poll service), the KDC
+ can define server-principal-specific policy that ensures any normal
+ service ticket can NEVER be issued to any of these server principals.
+ If the KDC that issued an anonymous ticket were to maintain records
+ of the association of identities to an anonymous ticket, then someone
+ obtaining such records could breach the anonymity. Additionally, the
+ implementations of most (for now all) KDC's respond to requests at
+ the time that they are received. Traffic analysis on the connection
+ to the KDC will allow an attacker to match client identities to
+ anonymous tickets issued. Because there are plaintext parts of the
+ tickets that are exposed on the wire, such matching by a third-party
+ observer is relatively straightforward. A service that is
+ authenticated by the anonymous principals may be able to infer the
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 13]
+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+ identity of the client by examining and linking quasi-static protocol
+ information such as the IP address from which a request is received,
+ or by linking multiple uses of the same anonymous ticket.
+ Two mechanisms, the FAST facility with the hide-client-names option
+ in [RFC6113] and the Kerberos5 starttls option [STARTTLS], protect
+ the client identity so that an attacker would never be able to
+ observe the client identity sent to the KDC. Transport or network
+ layer security between the client and the server will help prevent
+ tracking of a particular ticket to link a ticket to a user. In
+ addition, clients can limit how often a ticket is reused to minimize
+ ticket linking.
+ The client's real identity is not revealed when the client is
+ authenticated as the anonymous principal. Application servers MAY
+ reject the authentication in order to, for example, prevent
+ information disclosure or as part of Denial of Service (DoS)
+ prevention. Application servers MUST avoid accepting anonymous
+ credentials in situations where they must record the client's
+ identity; for example, when there must be an audit trail.
+9. Acknowledgements
+ JK Jaganathan helped editing early revisions of this document.
+ Clifford Neuman contributed the core notions of this document.
+ Ken Raeburn reviewed the document and provided suggestions for
+ improvements.
+ Martin Rex wrote the text for GSS-API considerations.
+ Nicolas Williams reviewed the GSS-API considerations section and
+ suggested ideas for improvements.
+ Sam Hartman and Nicolas Williams were great champions of this work.
+ Miguel Garcia and Phillip Hallam-Baker reviewed the document and
+ provided helpful suggestions.
+ In addition, the following individuals made significant
+ contributions: Jeffrey Altman, Tom Yu, Chaskiel M Grundman, Love
+ Hornquist Astrand, Jeffrey Hutzelman, and Olga Kornievskaia.
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+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+10. IANA Considerations
+ This document defines a new 'anonymous' Kerberos well-known name and
+ a new 'anonymous' Kerberos well-known realm based on [RFC6111]. IANA
+ has added these two values to the Kerberos naming registries that are
+ created in [RFC6111].
+11. References
+11.1. Normative References
+ [ASAX34] American Standards Institute, "American Standard Code for
+ Information Interchange", ASA X3.4-1963, June 1963.
+ [RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",
+ RFC 1964, June 1996.
+ [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
+ [RFC3961] Raeburn, K., "Encryption and Checksum Specifications for
+ Kerberos 5", RFC 3961, February 2005.
+ [RFC4120] Neuman, C., Yu, T., Hartman, S., and K. Raeburn, "The
+ Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 4120,
+ July 2005.
+ [RFC4556] Zhu, L. and B. Tung, "Public Key Cryptography for Initial
+ Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT)", RFC 4556,
+ June 2006.
+ [RFC5652] Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)",
+ STD 70, RFC 5652, September 2009.
+ [RFC6111] Zhu, L., "Additional Kerberos Naming Constraints",
+ RFC 6111, April 2011.
+ [X.680] "Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of
+ Basic Notation", ITU-T Recommendation X.680: ISO/IEC
+ International Standard 8824-1:1998, 1997.
+ [X.690] "ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding
+ Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and
+ Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)", ITU-T Recommendation
+ X.690 ISO/IEC International Standard 8825-1:1998, 1997.
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+RFC 6112 Kerberos Anonymity Support April 2011
+11.2. Informative References
+ [RFC6113] Hartman, S. and L. Zhu, "A Generalized Framework for
+ Kerberos Pre-Authentication", RFC 6113, April 2011.
+ [STARTTLS] Josefsson, S., "Using Kerberos V5 over the Transport
+ Layer Security (TLS) protocol", Work in Progress,
+ August 2010.
+Authors' Addresses
+ Larry Zhu
+ Microsoft Corporation
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052
+ US
+ EMail:
+ Paul Leach
+ Microsoft Corporation
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052
+ US
+ EMail:
+ Sam Hartman
+ Painless Security
+ EMail:
+Zhu, et al. Standards Track [Page 16]