path: root/third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt
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authorStefan Metzmacher <>2022-01-19 13:15:45 +0100
committerJoseph Sutton <>2022-01-19 21:41:59 +0000
commit7055827b8ffd3823c1240ba3f0b619dd6068cd51 (patch)
treeabb14aa7455bde7b1b33b706123c57ccfc28fcaa /third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt
parent1954e50f266256c9e153c9613f49f9d9f5dbf67b (diff)
HEIMDAL: move code from source4/heimdal* to third_party/heimdal*
This makes it clearer that we always want to do heimdal changes via the lorikeet-heimdal repository. Signed-off-by: Stefan Metzmacher <> Reviewed-by: Joseph Sutton <> Autobuild-User(master): Joseph Sutton <> Autobuild-Date(master): Wed Jan 19 21:41:59 UTC 2022 on sn-devel-184
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt')
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+INTERNET-DRAFT Clifford Neuman
+draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt Brian Tung
+Updates: RFC 1510 ISI
+expires September 3, 1995 John Wray
+ Digital Equipment Corporation
+ Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
+0. Status Of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
+ documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+ and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+ working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
+ months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other docu-
+ ments at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
+ reference material or to cite them other than as ``work in pro-
+ gress.''
+ To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
+ ``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Sha-
+ dow Directories on (US East Coast),
+ (Europe), (US West Coast), or (Pacific
+ Rim).
+ The distribution of this memo is unlimited. It is filed as
+ draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt, and expires August 6, 1995.
+ Please send comments to the authors.
+1. Abstract
+ This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol specifi-
+ cation (RFC 1510, "The Kerberos Network Authentication Service
+ (V5)", September 1993) to provide a method for using public key
+ cryptography during initial authentication. The method defined
+ specifies the way in which preauthentication data fields and error
+ data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport public
+ key data.
+2. Motivation
+ Public key cryptography provides a means by which a principal may
+ demonstrate possession of a key, without ever having divulged this
+ key to anyone else. In conventional cryptography, the encryption key
+ and decryption key are either identical or can easily be derived from
+ each other. In public key cryptography, however, neither key can be
+ derived easily from the other; hence, the ability to encrypt a message
+ does not imply the ability to decrypt it in turn. Additionally, each
+ key is a full inverse of the other, so that either key can be used
+ for encryption or decryption.
+ The advantages provided by public key cryptography have produced a
+ demand for its integration into the Kerberos authentication protocol.
+ There are two important areas where public key cryptography will have
+ immediate use: in the initial authentication of users registered with
+ the KDC or using public key certificates from outside authorities,
+ and to establish inter-realm keys for cross-realm authentication.
+ This memo describes a method by which the first of these can be done.
+ The second case will be the topic for a separate proposal.
+ Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
+ discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the
+ IETF-CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of
+ Kerberos and SPX. Some ideas are drawn from the DASS system, and
+ similar extensions have been discussed for use in DCE. These changes
+ are by no means endorsed by these groups. This is an attempt to
+ revive some of the goals of that group, and the proposal approaches
+ those goals primarily from the Kerberos perspective.
+ This proposal will allow users with keys already registered for use
+ with X.509, PEM, or PGP, to use those keys to obtain Kerberos
+ credentials which can then be used for authentication with application
+ servers supporting Kerberos.
+ Use of public-key will not be a requirement for Kerberos, but if one's
+ organization runs a KDC supporting public key, then users may choose
+ to be registered with public keys instead of the current secret key.
+ The application request and response, between Kerberos clients and
+ application servers, will continue to be based on conventional
+ cryptography, and the application servers will continue to be
+ registered with conventional keys.
+3. Initial authentication of users with public keys
+ This section proposes extensions to Version 5 of the Kerberos
+ protocol that will support the use of public key cryptography
+ by users in the initial request for a ticket granting ticket.
+ The advantage of registering public keys with the KDC lies in the
+ ease of recovery in case the KDC is compromised. With Kerberos as it
+ currently stands, compromise of the security KDC is disastrous. All
+ keys become known by the attacker and all keys must be changed.
+ If users register public keys, compromise of the KDC does not divulge
+ their private key. Compromise of security on the KDC is still
+ disastrous, since the attacker can impersonate any user. An
+ attacker with the private key of the KDC can use it to certify a
+ bogus nonce key, and impersonate a user. Changing this key
+ invalidates all bogus certifications. Legitimate users must
+ re-certify their keys with the new KDC key, but users' public
+ keys do not have to be changed. (Users who store their private
+ keys in an encrypted form on the KDC do have to change their
+ keys, since the encryption key is a symmetric key derived from
+ a password (as described below) and hence vulnerable to dictionary
+ attacks. The difference is that, assuming good password policy,
+ site policy may allow the use of the old password only for the
+ purpose of key change for a time after the compromise, which means
+ that users can change their own passwords, rather than forcing the
+ administrator to re-key everyone.)
+ In the event of compromise of the KDC, recovery is simple since only
+ the KDC's key, keys for application servers, and users' private keys
+ stored in the KDC (as described above) must be changed.
+ Since there are usually fewer servers than users, and since an
+ organization usually has better procedures for updating servers,
+ changing these keys is much easier than having to individually
+ contact every user.
+ This proposed extension will not require users to register with
+ public keys. It is intended to allow them to do so, but we recognize
+ that there are many reasons, including licensing terms, that users or
+ an organization as a whole will choose not to use the public key
+ option. Users registered will public keys will only be able to
+ perform initial authentication from a client that support public key,
+ and must be registered in a realm that supports public key. But they
+ will be able to use services registered in realms that support only
+ conventional Kerberos. Further, users registered with conventional
+ Kerberos keys will be able to use all clients.
+ This proposal specifically does not address the registration of
+ public keys for services. The application request and response,
+ between Kerberos clients and application servers, will continue to be
+ based on conventional cryptography, and the application servers will
+ continue to be registered with conventional keys. There are
+ performance issues and other reasons that servers may be better off
+ using conventional cryptography. There are also reasons that they
+ may want to use public key. For this proposal, however, we feel that
+ 80 percent of the benefits of integrating public key with Kerberos
+ can be attained for 20 percent of the effort, by addressing only
+ initial authentication. This proposal does not preclude separate
+ extensions.
+ This proposal address two ways in which users may use public key
+ cryptography for initial authentication with Kerberos. In both
+ cases, the end result is that the user obtains a conventional ticket
+ granting ticket, or conventional server ticket, that may be used for
+ subsequent authentication, with such subsequent authentication using
+ only conventional cryptography.
+ Users may register keys directly with the KDC, or they may present
+ certificates by outside certification authorities (or certifications
+ by other users) attesting to the association of the public key with
+ the named user. We first consider the case where the user's key is
+ registered with the KDC.
+3.1 Initial request for user registered with public key on KDC
+ In this scenario it is assumed that the user is registered with a public
+ key on the KDC. The user's private key may be known to the user, or
+ may be stored on the KDC, encrypted so that it can not be used by the KDC.
+ We consider first the case where the user knows the private key, then
+ add support for retrieving the private key from the KDC.
+ The initial request to the KDC for a ticket granting ticket proceeds
+ according to RFC 1510. Typically, preauthentication using a secret
+ key would not be included, but if included it may be ignored by the
+ KDC. (This may introduce a problem: even if the KDC should ignore
+ the preauthentication, an attacker may not, and use an
+ intercepted message to guess the password off-line.)
+ If the private key is known to the client in advance, the
+ response from the KDC would be identical to the response in RFC1510,
+ except that instead of being encrypted in the secret key shared by the
+ client and the KDC, it is encrypted in a random key freshly generated
+ by the KDC. A preauthentication field (specified below)
+ accompanies the response, containing a certificate with the public
+ key for the KDC, and a package containing the secret key in which the
+ rest of the response is encrypted, itself encrypted in the private key
+ of the KDC, and the public key of the user. This package also contains
+ the same nonce used in the rest of the response, in order to prevent
+ replays of this part of the message, accompanied by a reconstructed
+ response.
+ encryptPack EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsRepPart
+ }
+ EncPaPkAsRepPart ::= SEQUENCE {
+ enc-sess-key INTEGER,
+ nonce INTEGER
+ }
+ Upon receipt of the response from the KDC, the client will verify the
+ public key for the KDC from PA-PK-AS-REP preauthentication data field,
+ The certificate must certify the key as belonging to a principal whose
+ name can be derived from the realm name. We solicit discussion on the
+ form of the kdc-cert. If client systems are expected to know (by
+ being hard-coded, for example) at least one public key, and to verify
+ certificates from that key, then there should be at least some policy
+ about which key that is, or alternatively some way to inform the KDC
+ which key the client possesses.
+ If the certificate checks
+ out, the client then extracts the message key for the rest of the
+ response by decrypting the field in the PA-PK-AS-REP with the public
+ key of the KDC and the private key of the user. The client then uses
+ the message key to decrypt the rest of the response, and continues as
+ per RFC1510[1].
+3.1.1. Private key held by KDC
+ When the user's private key is not carried with the user, the user may
+ encrypt the private key using conventional cryptography, and register
+ the encrypted private key with the KDC.
+ When the user's private key is registered with the KDC, the KDC record
+ will also indicate whether preauthentication is required before
+ returning the record (we recommend that it be required). If such
+ preauthentication is required, when the initial request is received
+ the KDC will respond with a KRB_ERROR message of type
+ KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED and with an error data field set to:
+ kdc-cert OCTET STRING}
+ }
+ The kdc-cert field is identical to that in the PA-PK-AS-REP
+ preauthentication data field returned with the KDC response, and must
+ be validated as belonging to the KDC in the same manner.
+ Upon receipt of the KRB_ERROR message with a PA-PK-AS-INFO field, the
+ client will prompt the user for the password that will be used to
+ decrypt the private key when returned, calculate a one way hash H1 of the
+ key, and send a request to the KDC, including a timestamp and a
+ client-generated nonce secret key that will be used to super-encrypt
+ the encrypted private key before it is returned to the client. This
+ information is sent to the KDC in a subsequent AS_REQ message in a
+ preauthentication data field:
+ enc-part EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsReqPart
+ }
+ EncPaPkAsReqPart ::= SEQUENCE {
+ tstamp KerberosTime,
+ noncekey INTEGER
+ }
+ encrypted first with the hash H1, then the public key of the KDC from
+ the certificate in the PA-PK-AS-INFO field of the error response.
+ Upon receipt of the authentication request with the PA-PK-AS-REQ the
+ KDC verifies the hash of the user's DES encryption key by comparing it
+ to the hash stored in the users database record. If valid, it
+ generates the AS response as defined in RFC1510, but additionally
+ includes a preauthentication field of type PA-PK-USER KEY. This
+ response will also be included in response to the initial request
+ without preauthentication if preauthentication is not required for the
+ user and the user's encrypted private key is stored on the KDC. The
+ KDC generates a preauthentication data field of type PA-PK-USER-KEY
+ which will be returned with the KDC reply (together with the
+ PA-PK-AS-REP that is already returned).
+ }
+ This message contains the encrypted private key that has been
+ registered with the KDC by the user, as encrypted by the user,
+ super-encrypted with the noncekey from the PA-PK-AS-REQ message if
+ preauthentication using that method was provided. Note that since
+ H1 is a one-way hash, it is not possible for one to decrypt the
+ message if one possesses H1 but not the noncekey that H1 is derived
+ from.
+3.2. Clients with a public key certified by an outside authority
+ In the case where the client is not registered with the current KDC,
+ the client is responsible for obtaining the private key on its own.
+ The client will request initial tickets from the KDC using the TGS
+ exchange, but instead of performing pre-authentication using a
+ Kerberos ticket granting ticket, or with the PA-PK-AS-REQ that is used
+ when the public key is known to the KDC, the client performs
+ preauthentication using the preauthentication data field of type
+ authent EncryptedData -- PKAuthenticator
+ }
+ PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
+ cksum Checksum OPTIONAL,
+ cusec INTEGER,
+ ctime KerberosTime,
+ }
+ The fields in the encrypted authenticator are the same as those
+ in the Kerberos authenticator. The structure is itself signed using
+ the user's private key corresponding to the public key in the
+ certificate.
+ The KDC will verify the preauthentication authenticator, and check the
+ certification path against its own policy of legitimate certifiers.
+ This may be based on a certification hierarchy, or simply a list of
+ recognized certifiers in a system like PGP.
+ If all checks out, the KDC will issue Kerberos credentials, as in 3.1,
+ but with the names of all the certifiers in the certification path
+ added to the transited field of the ticket, with a principal name
+ taken from the certificate (this might be a long path for X.509, or a
+ string like "John Q. Public <>" if the certificate
+ was a PGP certificate. The realm will identify the kind of
+ certificate and the final certifier (e.g. PGP:<>)[2].
+4. Compatibility with One-Time Passcodes
+ We solicit discussion on how the use of public key crytpgraphy for
+ intial authentication will interact with the proposed use of one time
+ passwords discussed in Internet Draft
+ draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-passwords-00.txt
+5. Expiration
+ This Internet-Draft expires on August 6, 1995.
+6. Authors' Addresses
+ B. Clifford Neuman
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute
+ 4676 Admiralty Way #1001
+ Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
+ Phone: 310-822-1511
+ EMail:
+ Brian Tung
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute
+ 4676 Admiralty Way #1001
+ Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
+ Phone: 310-822-1511
+ EMail:
+ John Wray
+ Digital Equipment Corporation
+ 550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
+ Littleton, MA 01460
+ Phone: 508-486-5210
+ EMail:
+[1] Note: We have not yet defined the public key encryption method for
+encrypting the enc-sess-key field in the PA-PK-AS-REP.
+[2] Note: We are soliciting input on the form of the name. We believe the
+name part must be taken without modification from the certificate, but the
+realm part is open for discussion.