path: root/src/remote/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/remote/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/src/remote/ b/src/remote/
deleted file mode 100644
index 873cb80..0000000
--- a/src/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-//! The main service handler
-//! Parses incoming messages and delegates them to the appropriate individual message handlers,
-//! passing on the results to the [`main_loop`](../main_loop/index.html)
-use std::ops::Deref;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
-use std::thread;
-use std::thread::sleep_ms;
-use rustc_serialize::{json, Decodable};
-use time;
-use event::{Event, UpdateId};
-use event::inbound::InboundEvent;
-use event::outbound::{UpdateReport, InstalledSoftware};
-use super::parm::{NotifyParams, StartParams, ChunkParams, ChunkReceived, FinishParams};
-use super::parm::{ReportParams, AbortParams, ParamHandler};
-use super::dw::Transfers;
-use super::jsonrpc;
-use super::jsonrpc::{OkResponse, ErrResponse};
-use super::rvi;
-use configuration::ClientConfiguration;
-/// Encodes the list of service URLs the client registered.
-/// Needs to be extended to introduce new services.
-#[derive(RustcEncodable, Clone)]
-pub struct LocalServices {
- /// "Start Download" URL.
- pub start: String,
- /// "Chunk" URL.
- pub chunk: String,
- /// "Abort Download" URL.
- pub abort: String,
- /// "Finish Download" URL.
- pub finish: String,
- /// "Get All Packages" URL.
- pub getpackages: String,
-impl LocalServices {
- /// Returns the VIN of this device.
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- /// * `vin_match`: The index, where to look for the VIN in the service URL.
- pub fn get_vin(&self, vin_match: i32) -> String {
- self.start.split("/").nth(vin_match as usize).unwrap().to_string()
- }
-/// Encodes the service URLs, that the server provides.
-#[derive(RustcDecodable, Clone)]
-pub struct BackendServices {
- /// URL for the "Start Download" call.
- pub start: String,
- /// URL for the "Chunk Received" call.
- pub ack: String,
- /// URL for the "Installation Report" call.
- pub report: String,
- /// URL for the "Get All Packages" call.
- pub packages: String
-#[derive(RustcEncodable, Clone)]
-struct StartDownload {
- vin: String,
- update_id: UpdateId,
- services: LocalServices,
-#[derive(RustcEncodable, Clone)]
-struct UpdateResult {
- vin: String,
- update_report: UpdateReport
-#[derive(RustcEncodable, Clone)]
-struct InstalledSoftwareResult {
- vin: String,
- installed_software: InstalledSoftware
-pub struct RemoteServices {
- pub vin: String,
- url: String,
- local_svcs: Option<LocalServices>,
- svcs: Option<BackendServices>
-impl RemoteServices {
- pub fn new(url: String) -> RemoteServices {
- RemoteServices {
- vin: String::new(),
- url: url,
- local_svcs: None,
- svcs: None
- }
- }
- pub fn set_remote(&mut self, vin: String, svcs: LocalServices) {
- = vin;
- self.local_svcs = Some(svcs);
- }
- pub fn set(&mut self, svcs: BackendServices) {
- self.svcs = Some(svcs);
- }
- pub fn send_chunk_received(&self, m: ChunkReceived) -> Result<String, String> {
- self.svcs.iter().next().ok_or(format!("RemoteServices not set"))
- .and_then(|ref svcs| rvi::send_message(&self.url, m, &svcs.ack))
- }
- fn make_start_download(&self, id: UpdateId) -> StartDownload {
- StartDownload {
- vin:,
- services: self.local_svcs.iter().next().cloned().unwrap(),
- update_id: id
- }
- }
- pub fn send_start_download(&self, id: UpdateId) -> Result<String, String> {
- self.svcs.iter().next().ok_or(format!("RemoteServices not set"))
- .and_then(|ref svcs| rvi::send_message(
- &self.url,
- self.make_start_download(id),
- &svcs.start))
- }
- pub fn send_update_report(&self, m: UpdateReport) -> Result<String, String> {
- self.svcs.iter().next().ok_or(format!("RemoteServices not set"))
- .and_then(|ref svcs| rvi::send_message(
- &self.url,
- UpdateResult {
- vin:,
- update_report: m },
- &
- }
- pub fn send_installed_software(&self, m: InstalledSoftware) -> Result<String, String> {
- self.svcs.iter().next().ok_or(format!("RemoteServices not set"))
- .and_then(|ref svcs| rvi::send_message(
- &self.url,
- InstalledSoftwareResult {
- vin:,
- installed_software: m },
- &svcs.packages))
- }
-/// Type that encodes a single service handler.
-/// Holds the necessary state, like in-progress transfers, that are needed for handling incoming
-/// messages and sending replies to RVI. Needs to be thread safe as
-/// [`hyper`](../../../hyper/index.html) handles requests asynchronously.
-pub struct ServiceHandler {
- /// A `Sender` that connects the handlers with the `main_loop`.
- sender: Mutex<Sender<Event>>,
- /// The currently in-progress `Transfer`s.
- transfers: Arc<Mutex<Transfers>>,
- /// The service URLs that the SOTA server advertised.
- remote_services: Arc<Mutex<RemoteServices>>,
- /// The full `Configuration` of sota_client.
- conf: ClientConfiguration
-impl ServiceHandler {
- /// Create a new `ServiceHandler`.
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- /// * `transfers`: A `Transfers` object to store the in-progress `Transfer`s.
- /// * `sender`: A `Sender` to call back into the `main_loop`.
- /// * `url`: The full URL, where RVI can be reached.
- /// * `c`: The full `Configuration` of sota_client.
- pub fn new(sender: Sender<Event>,
- r: Arc<Mutex<RemoteServices>>,
- c: ClientConfiguration) -> ServiceHandler {
- let transfers = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Transfers::new(c.storage_dir.clone())));
- let tc = transfers.clone();
- c.timeout
- .map(|t| {
- let _ = thread::spawn(move || ServiceHandler::start_timer(tc.deref(), t));
- info!("Transfers timeout after {}", t)})
- .unwrap_or(info!("No timeout configured, transfers will never time out."));
- ServiceHandler {
- sender: Mutex::new(sender),
- transfers: transfers,
- remote_services: r,
- conf: c
- }
- }
- /// Starts a infinite loop to expire timed out transfers. Checks once a second for timed out
- /// transfers.
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- /// * `transfers`: Pointer to a `Transfers` object, that stores the transfers to be checked for
- /// expired timeouts.
- /// * `timeout`: The timeout in seconds.
- pub fn start_timer(transfers: &Mutex<Transfers>,
- timeout: i64) {
- loop {
- sleep_ms(1000);
- let mut transfers = transfers.lock().unwrap();
- transfers.prune(time::get_time().sec, timeout);
- }
- }
- /// Helper function to send a `Event` to the `main_loop`.
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- /// * `e`: `Event` to send.
- fn push_notify(&self, e: InboundEvent) {
- try_or!(self.sender.lock().unwrap().send(Event::Inbound(e)), return);
- }
- /// Create a message handler `D`, and let it process the `message`. If it returns a
- /// Event, forward it to the `main_loop`. Returns a `jsonrpc` response indicating
- /// success or failure.
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- /// * `message`: The message, that should be handled.
- fn handle_message_params<D>(&self, id: u64, message: &str)
- -> Result<OkResponse<i32>, ErrResponse>
- where D: Decodable + ParamHandler {
- json::decode::<jsonrpc::Request<rvi::Message<D>>>(&message)
- .map_err(|_| ErrResponse::invalid_params(id))
- .and_then(|p| {
- let handler = &p.params.parameters[0];
- handler.handle(&self.remote_services, &self.transfers)
- .map_err(|_| ErrResponse::unspecified(
- .map(|r| {
-|m| self.push_notify(m));
- OkResponse::new(, None) })
- })
- }
-impl rvi::ServiceHandler for ServiceHandler {
- fn handle_service(&self, id: u64, service: &str, message: &str)
- -> Result<OkResponse<i32>, ErrResponse> {
- match service {
- "/sota/notify" => self.handle_message_params::<NotifyParams>(id, message),
- "/sota/start" => self.handle_message_params::<StartParams>(id, message),
- "/sota/chunk" => self.handle_message_params::<ChunkParams>(id, message),
- "/sota/finish" => self.handle_message_params::<FinishParams>(id, message),
- "/sota/abort" => self.handle_message_params::<AbortParams>(id, message),
- "/sota/getpackages" => self.handle_message_params::<ReportParams>(id, message),
- _ => Err(ErrResponse::invalid_request(id))
- }
- }
- fn register_services<F: Fn(&str) -> String>(&self, reg: F) {
- reg("/sota/notify");
- let mut remote_svcs = self.remote_services.lock().unwrap();
- let svcs = LocalServices {
- start: reg("/sota/start"),
- chunk: reg("/sota/chunk"),
- abort: reg("/sota/abort"),
- finish: reg("/sota/finish"),
- getpackages: reg("/sota/getpackages")
- };
- remote_svcs.set_remote(svcs.get_vin(self.conf.vin_match), svcs);
- }