Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Prefer `instance_eval` rather than `eval`.rework-builderSamuel Williams2020-02-011-2/+5
* Add documentation to BodyProxy and BuilderJeremy Evans2020-01-302-6/+82
* Update READMEJeremy Evans2020-01-301-10/+54
* Make Cascade use a new response object if initialized with no appsJeremy Evans2020-01-303-4/+23
* Make BodyProxy correctly delegate keyword arguments on Ruby 2.7+Jeremy Evans2020-01-303-0/+9
* Remove BodyProxy#eachJeremy Evans2020-01-303-12/+1
* Make BackProxy#method handle delegated methodsJeremy Evans2020-01-303-1/+10
* Faster Utils.clean_path_infoschneems2020-01-301-3/+3
* Fix `Response` methods (`host`, `port`, etc.) for IPv6Alexander Popov2020-01-302-9/+47
* Add a sleep in spec on !CRubyJeremy Evans2020-01-301-0/+1
* Use temp path when profiling, may work better in CIJeremy Evans2020-01-301-7/+9
* Attempt 2 to satisfy rubocopJeremy Evans2020-01-301-1/+1
* Attempt to satisfy rubocopJeremy Evans2020-01-306-12/+12
* Add remaining covering testsJeremy Evans2020-01-3016-6/+192
* Make Lint check response hijackingJeremy Evans2020-01-303-4/+10
* More covering testsJeremy Evans2020-01-307-10/+117
* Add covering tests for LintJeremy Evans2020-01-301-4/+52
* Add covering tests for abstract session supportJeremy Evans2020-01-304-15/+166
* Add covering tests for Rack::ServerJeremy Evans2020-01-304-3/+241
* Ignore coverage directoryJeremy Evans2020-01-301-0/+1
* Skip coverage testing of rack handlersJeremy Evans2020-01-301-0/+1
* Add test coverage using test_cov rake taskJeremy Evans2020-01-302-0/+20
* Remove dead code in multipart parserJeremy Evans2020-01-291-6/+0
* Fix Response#write calculation of Content-Length if initialized with a bodyJeremy Evans2020-01-293-6/+40
* DRY up Utils using a single module_function callJeremy Evans2020-01-281-29/+2
* Revert moving attributes below `#initialize`.Samuel Williams2020-01-281-6/+6
* Fix documentation type syntax.Samuel Williams2020-01-281-2/+3
* Use require_relative and rely on autoload instead of using requireJeremy Evans2020-01-2744-114/+26
* DRY up tests using the test helperJeremy Evans2020-01-2750-189/+57
* Add a few more autoloadsJeremy Evans2020-01-271-0/+3
* Fix keyword argument separation warning in webrick testJeremy Evans2020-01-271-2/+1
* Only use ::Rack::RegexpExtensions on Ruby 2.3Jeremy Evans2020-01-278-8/+8
* Avoid use of unnecessary refinementJeremy Evans2020-01-271-13/+6
* Add recent changesJeremy Evans2020-01-271-1/+48
* Refactor common logger to avoid string allocationJeremy Evans2020-01-271-6/+3
* Rack::CommonLogger should use SCRIPT_NAME + PATH_INFO when logging request pathsErol Fornoles2020-01-272-1/+21
* Fix handling of parsing empty nested queriesJeremy Evans2020-01-272-6/+11
* Allow rack server command line to support multiple -r optionsJeremy Evans2020-01-271-9/+3
* accept multiple libraries to require at start methodkhotta2020-01-271-1/+7
* Escape URL to render HTMLChayoung You2020-01-272-7/+26
* Support multipart range requestsfatkodima2020-01-272-36/+102
* Require session.to_hash be unfrozenJeremy Evans2020-01-243-5/+10
* Require rack.session entry to respond to to_hash and return Hash instanceJeremy Evans2020-01-243-0/+31
* Do more exact matching of domain and path when deleting cookiesJeremy Evans2020-01-232-5/+89
* Document `Rack::Response#initialize` and `#finish`.Samuel Williams2020-01-241-7/+20
* Require request env not be frozen in SPECJeremy Evans2020-01-243-2/+9
* Update SPEC and Lint to require ASCII-8BIT encoding for CGI values with non-A...Jeremy Evans2020-01-243-0/+22
* Don't add headers when gzipped file returned 304Sergey Chooh2020-01-232-0/+13
* Fix test that expects UTF-8 default_external encodingJeremy Evans2020-01-231-2/+8
* Add back test for etag with no-cacheJeremy Evans2020-01-231-0/+6