path: root/.github
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3Katsuhiko YOSHIDA2023-01-141-1/+1
* Add Ruby 3.2 and head to ubuntu-latest executionsAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2023-01-011-1/+6
* Makes rubocop run on another jobAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2023-01-011-5/+15
* Add pull_request event to GH ActionsAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2022-06-111-1/+1
* Pin build on jruby-é Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2022-04-021-2/+2
* Use actions/checkout@v3André Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2022-03-301-1/+1
* Add ruby 3.0 to the windows test matrixAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2022-03-091-2/+0
* Setup windows testsAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2022-03-051-6/+20
* jruby-head is failing a few specsAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2021-12-271-1/+1
* Skip head tests for now, because of an incompatibility with Ruby 3.2.0-devAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2021-12-271-1/+1
* Add Ruby 3.1 to CIAndré Luis Leal Cardoso Junior2021-12-271-0/+1
* .github/workflows/test: disable bundler cacheKyrylo Silin2021-07-091-1/+5
* Fix failing build on 2.4 & 2.5Kyrylo Silin2021-07-091-2/+15
* .github/workflows/test: fix Rubocop lintingKyrylo Silin2021-07-041-1/+5
* .github/workflows/test: fix YARD lintingKyrylo Silin2021-07-041-1/+1
* Add DependabotKyrylo Silin2021-07-021-0/+8
* Test using Github ActionsKyrylo Silin2021-07-021-0/+38