diff options
4 files changed, 1749 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc32da4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rubocop.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
diff --git a/.rubocop_todo.yml b/.rubocop_todo.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd3229ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rubocop_todo.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1739 @@
+# This configuration was generated by
+# `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
+# on 2018-10-06 19:38:37 +0800 using RuboCop version 0.59.2.
+# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
+# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
+# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
+# versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: Include.
+# Include: **/*.gemfile, **/Gemfile, **/gems.rb
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/fixtures/Gemfile'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: Include, TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators.
+# Include: **/*.gemfile, **/Gemfile, **/gems.rb
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Gemfile'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: Include.
+# Include: **/*.gemspec
+ Exclude:
+ - 'pry.gemspec'
+# Offense count: 8
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: outdent, indent
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/change_inspector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_search.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/list_prompts.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedHashRocketStyle, EnforcedColonStyle, EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle.
+# SupportedHashRocketStyles: key, separator, table
+# SupportedColonStyles: key, separator, table
+# SupportedLastArgumentHashStyles: always_inspect, always_ignore, ignore_implicit, ignore_explicit
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 23
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: with_first_parameter, with_fixed_indentation
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_search.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/cd_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/save_file_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 10
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleAlignWith.
+# SupportedStylesAlignWith: either, start_of_block, start_of_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/indent_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/prompt_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentOneStep, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: case, end
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/easter_eggs.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/fixtures/example_nesting.rb'
+# Offense count: 47
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: leading, trailing
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_integration_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/whereami_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method/patcher_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowBorderComment, AllowMarginComment.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 57
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+ - 'pry.gemspec'
+# Offense count: 44
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowAdjacentOneLineDefs, NumberOfEmptyLines.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 24
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 16
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/change_inspector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_search.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/list_prompts.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/default.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/history_array.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rbx_path.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 53
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, no_empty_lines
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 47
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, empty_lines_except_namespace, empty_lines_special, no_empty_lines, beginning_only, ending_only
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_lock.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/patcher.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+# Offense count: 16
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, empty_lines_except_namespace, empty_lines_special, no_empty_lines
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/interrogatable.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/methods_helper.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_doc_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleAlignWith, AutoCorrect, Severity.
+# SupportedStylesAlignWith: keyword, variable, start_of_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 53
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment, ForceEqualSignAlignment.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: consistent, consistent_relative_to_receiver, special_for_inner_method_call, special_for_inner_method_call_in_parentheses
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/ls_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: special_inside_parentheses, consistent, align_brackets
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/convenience.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IndentationWidth.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/text.rb'
+# Offense count: 7
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: special_inside_parentheses, consistent, align_braces
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/default.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/prompt.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+# Offense count: 23
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: auto_detection, squiggly, active_support, powerpack, unindent
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'spec/helpers/table_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/indent_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_repl_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: normal, rails
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/indent_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 15
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: Width, IgnoredPatterns.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/helper.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/fixtures/show_source_doc_examples.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/exceptions.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/ls_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/reload_code_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 10
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: aligned, indented, indented_relative_to_receiver
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 16
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IndentationWidth.
+# SupportedStyles: aligned, indented
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'spec/helper.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+# Offense count: 35
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_list.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/memoization.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/play_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/raise_up_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/hooks_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/help_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_doc_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/whereami_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 73
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 38
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 117
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
+# SupportedStylesForEmptyBraces: space, no_space
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 8
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/text.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 12
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_repl_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/show_doc_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBrackets.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space, compact
+# SupportedStylesForEmptyBrackets: space, no_space
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/repl.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/helpers/table_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 80
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SpaceBeforeBlockParameters.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
+# SupportedStylesForEmptyBraces: space, no_space
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 44
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space, compact
+# SupportedStylesForEmptyBraces: space, no_space
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/default.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/gist_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/config/memoization_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/config_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 25
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/code/code_file.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/code/loc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_install.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/install_command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/self_methods.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/stat.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: final_newline, final_blank_line
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/exception_whitelist_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 14
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowInHeredoc.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/color_printer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable/variables.rb'
+ - 'spec/color_printer_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/indent_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 13
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/object_path.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_doc_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/config_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/helper.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_output_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 15
+# Configuration parameters: AllowSafeAssignment.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/output.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/commands.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/play_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: runtime_error, standard_error
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_lock.rb'
+# Offense count: 16
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/command_integration_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/amend_line_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/object_path.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/color_printer.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/patcher.rb'
+# Offense count: 36
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_lock.rb'
+ - 'spec/spec_helpers/repl_tester.rb'
+# Offense count: 46
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IgnoreEmptyBlocks, AllowUnusedKeywordArguments.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 22
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments, IgnoreEmptyMethods.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: CheckForMethodsWithNoSideEffects.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+# Offense count: 101
+ Max: 130
+# Offense count: 177
+# Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
+# ExcludedMethods: refine
+ Max: 716
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: CountBlocks.
+ Max: 4
+# Offense count: 20
+# Configuration parameters: CountComments.
+ Max: 366
+# Offense count: 29
+ Max: 32
+# Offense count: 107
+# Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
+ Max: 132
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: CountComments.
+ Max: 126
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs.
+ Max: 6
+# Offense count: 26
+ Max: 25
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: lowercase, uppercase
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/helpers/table_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 16
+# Configuration parameters: Blacklist.
+# Blacklist: (?-mix:(^|\s)(EO[A-Z]{1}|END)(\s|$))
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/easter_eggs.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/stat.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/core_extensions.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/cat_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/whereami_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/helpers/table_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_repl_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForLeadingUnderscores.
+# SupportedStylesForLeadingUnderscores: disallowed, required, optional
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Configuration parameters: .
+# SupportedStyles: snake_case, camelCase
+ EnforcedStyle: snake_case
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/code_object_spec.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/code.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist, NameWhitelist, MethodDefinitionMacros.
+# NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_
+# NamePrefixBlacklist: is_, has_, have_
+# NameWhitelist: is_a?
+# MethodDefinitionMacros: define_method, define_singleton_method
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/**/*'
+ - 'lib/pry/rbx_path.rb'
+# Offense count: 26
+# Configuration parameters: MinNameLength, AllowNamesEndingInNumbers, AllowedNames, ForbiddenNames.
+# AllowedNames: io, id, to, by, on, in, at, ip, db
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IncludeActiveSupportAliases.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/rbx_path.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_lock.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: MaxKeyValuePairs.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/commands.rb'
+ - 'spec/config_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/platform.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+# Offense count: 10
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/indent_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/wrapped_module_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_search.rb'
+# Offense count: 12
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: inline, group
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/forwardable.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/editor_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/helper.rb'
+ - 'spec/method/patcher_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 20
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: prefer_alias, prefer_alias_method
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/text.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 47
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: always, conditionals
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 2
+# Configuration parameters: AllowedChars.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+# Offense count: 50
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, ProceduralMethods, FunctionalMethods, IgnoredMethods.
+# SupportedStyles: line_count_based, semantic, braces_for_chaining
+# ProceduralMethods: benchmark, bm, bmbm, create, each_with_object, measure, new, realtime, tap, with_object
+# FunctionalMethods: let, let!, subject, watch
+# IgnoredMethods: lambda, proc, it
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 14
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: braces, no_braces, context_dependent
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/default.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_set_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/config/memoization_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/config_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 34
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 107
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect, EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: nested, compact
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: is_a?, kind_of?
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method/patcher.rb'
+# Offense count: 27
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/fixtures/example_nesting.rb'
+# Offense count: 8
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SingleLineConditionsOnly, IncludeTernaryExpressions.
+# SupportedStyles: assign_to_condition, assign_inside_condition
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/easter_eggs.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable/pry_tester.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 164
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 19
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/platform.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rbx_path.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: empty, nil, both
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 42
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: compact, expanded
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'spec/code_object_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_doc_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/fixtures/candidate_helper1.rb'
+ - 'spec/fixtures/candidate_helper2.rb'
+ - 'spec/fixtures/show_source_doc_examples.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/wrapped_module_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+ - 'pry.gemspec'
+# Offense count: 27
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/core_extensions.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/watch_expression_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands.rb'
+ - 'pry.gemspec'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: format, sprintf, percent
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: annotated, template, unannotated
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Configuration parameters: AllowedVariables.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 37
+# Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 459
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, UseHashRocketsWithSymbolValues, PreferHashRocketsForNonAlnumEndingSymbols.
+# SupportedStyles: ruby19, hash_rockets, no_mixed_keys, ruby19_no_mixed_keys
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 2
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/commands.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/repl.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/commands.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+# Offense count: 77
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: InverseMethods, InverseBlocks.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: line_count_dependent, lambda, literal
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_output_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb'
+# Offense count: 8
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: require_parentheses, require_no_parentheses, require_no_parentheses_except_multiline
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+# Offense count: 7
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/behavior.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/disowned.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/output.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/disowned.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: module_function, extend_self
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/text.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/platform.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable.rb'
+# Offense count: 8
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb'
+ - 'spec/cli_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/history_array.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+# Offense count: 43
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 26
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: both, prefix, postfix
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: Whitelist.
+# Whitelist: be, be_a, be_an, be_between, be_falsey, be_kind_of, be_instance_of, be_truthy, be_within, eq, eql, end_with, include, match, raise_error, respond_to, start_with
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'spec/code_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/jump_to_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, MinBodyLength.
+# SupportedStyles: skip_modifier_ifs, always
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: predicate, comparison
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/core_extensions.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IncludeSemanticChanges.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/platform.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedOctalStyle.
+# SupportedOctalStyles: zero_with_o, zero_only
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/history.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pryrc_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect, EnforcedStyle, IgnoredMethods.
+# SupportedStyles: predicate, comparison
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/**/*'
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_list.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/nesting.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/history_array.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable/evalable.rb'
+# Offense count: 31
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/hooks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/disowned.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/cd_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/whereami_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/prompt_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 58
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: PreferredDelimiters.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code/code_file.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/easter_eggs.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/helpers/table_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/wrapped_module_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 54
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/last_exception.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop/option.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/terminal.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: compact, exploded
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb'
+# Offense count: 8
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_integration_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/fixtures/example_nesting.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowMultipleReturnValues.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/hist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/core_extensions.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/text.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/hooks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+# Offense count: 28
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, AllowInnerSlashes.
+# SupportedStyles: slashes, percent_r, mixed
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/easter_eggs.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/object_path.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/rubygem.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/sticky_locals_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 13
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/color_printer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/config/default.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/patcher.rb'
+# Offense count: 11
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: implicit, explicit
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/color_printer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/plugins.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/cat_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/ls_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/hooks_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 23
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowAsExpressionSeparator.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/commands/show_source_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: only_raise, only_fail, semantic
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command_set.rb'
+# Offense count: 118
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowIfMethodIsEmpty.
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 9
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: use_perl_names, use_english_names
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/color_printer.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gem_stats.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+ - 'spec/integration/hanami_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/slop.rb'
+# Offense count: 2308
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, ConsistentQuotesInMultiline.
+# SupportedStyles: single_quotes, double_quotes
+ Enabled: false
+# Offense count: 21
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: single_quotes, double_quotes
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/stat.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/toggle_color.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/indent.rb'
+ - 'spec/helper.rb'
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 12
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: MinSize.
+# SupportedStyles: percent, brackets
+ EnforcedStyle: brackets
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
+# IgnoredMethods: respond_to, define_method
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb'
+ - 'spec/completion_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline.
+# SupportedStylesForMultiline: comma, consistent_comma, no_comma
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/exceptions.rb'
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline.
+# SupportedStylesForMultiline: comma, consistent_comma, no_comma
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code/code_file.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/code_object.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowNamedUnderscoreVariables.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb'
+# Offense count: 7
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: ExactNameMatch, AllowPredicates, AllowDSLWriters, IgnoreClassMethods, Whitelist.
+# Whitelist: to_ary, to_a, to_c, to_enum, to_h, to_hash, to_i, to_int, to_io, to_open, to_path, to_proc, to_r, to_regexp, to_str, to_s, to_sym
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/code/code_range.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/hooks.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/last_exception.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pager.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_class.rb'
+# Offense count: 3
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/command.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/stat.rb'
+# Offense count: 5
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/gist.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/editor.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/pry_instance.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_integration_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/syntax_checking_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 17
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/commands/edit_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/editor_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/integration/hanami_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/integration/readline_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/method.rb'
+# Offense count: 12
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, MinSize, WordRegex.
+# SupportedStyles: percent, brackets
+ Exclude:
+ - 'Rakefile'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/input_completer.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_integration_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/command_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/history_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/hooks_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/method_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/pry_defaults_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 2
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: all_comparison_operators, equality_operators_only
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/helpers/table.rb'
+# Offense count: 6
+# Cop supports --auto-correct.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/pry/cli.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/code.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/commands/help.rb'
+ - 'lib/pry/testable/evalable.rb'
+# Offense count: 883
+# Configuration parameters: AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives, IgnoredPatterns.
+# URISchemes: http, https
+ Max: 205
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 3f8273d1..2696d141 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ matrix:
- rvm: ruby-head
- rvm: jruby-head
+ include:
+ - rvm: 2.5
+ name: "Run RuboCop linting"
+ script: ruby -S bundle _1.15.4_ exec rubocop --parallel
irc: ""
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index c5277894..d0109dee 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ group :development do
gem 'yard'
gem 'rb-inotify', :require => false
gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => false
+ # Rubocop supports only >=2.2.0
+ if >='2.2.0')
+ gem 'rubocop', '= 0.59.2', :require => false
+ end
group :test do