diff options
4 files changed, 3 insertions, 1083 deletions
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index e29a375d..f4aaa8f0 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def apply_spec_defaults(s)
s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
s.test_files = `git ls-files -- test/*`.split("\n")
s.add_dependency('coderay', '~> 1.0.5')
+ s.add_dependency('slop', ['>= 2.4.4', '< 3'])
s.add_dependency('method_source','~> 0.7.1')
s.add_development_dependency('bacon', '~> 1.1')
s.add_development_dependency('open4', '~> 1.3')
diff --git a/lib/pry.rb b/lib/pry.rb
index 3d5dc9f9..5da77b09 100644
--- a/lib/pry.rb
+++ b/lib/pry.rb
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ require "readline"
require "stringio"
require "coderay"
require "optparse"
+require "slop"
require "rbconfig"
if Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.jruby?
@@ -190,7 +191,6 @@ if
-require "pry/slop"
require "pry/version"
require "pry/rbx_method"
require "pry/rbx_path"
diff --git a/lib/pry/slop.rb b/lib/pry/slop.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 586c2b8b..00000000
--- a/lib/pry/slop.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1081 +0,0 @@
-# The latest version of slop has broken backward compatibility with version 2.4.4.
-# As Ruby has no mechanism for loading several versions of the same gem, we've included
-# that copy below.
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Lee Jarvis
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-# the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-class Pry
-class Slop
- include Enumerable
- # @return [String] The current version string
- VERSION = '2.4.4'
- # Slops standard Error class. All exception classes should
- # inherit from this class
- class Error < StandardError; end
- # Raised when an option expects an argument and none is given
- class MissingArgumentError < Error; end
- # Raised when an option is required but not given
- class MissingOptionError < Error; end
- # Raised when an option specifies the `:match` attribute and this
- # options argument does not match this regexp
- class InvalidArgumentError < Error; end
- # Raised when the `:strict` option is enabled and an unknown
- # or unspecified option is used
- class InvalidOptionError < Error; end
- # Each option specified in `Slop#opt` creates an instance of this class
- class Option <, :long_flag, :description, :tail, :match, :help, :required, :forced, :count)
- # @param [Slop] slop The Slop object this Option belongs to
- #
- # @param [String, #to_s] short The short flag representing this Option
- # without prefix (ie: `a`)
- #
- # @param [String, #to_s] long The long flag representing this Option
- # without the prefix (ie: `foo`)
- #
- # @param [String] description This options description
- #
- # @param [Boolean] argument True if this option takes an argument
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :optional
- # * When true, this option takes an optional argument, ie an argument
- # does not **have** to be supplied.
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :argument
- # * True if this option takes an argument.
- #
- # @option options [Object] :default
- # * The default value for this option when no argument is given
- #
- # @option options [Proc, #call] :callback
- # * The callback object, used instead of passing a block to this option
- #
- # @option options [String, #to_s] :delimiter (',')
- # * A delimiter string when processing this option as a list
- #
- # @option options [Integer] :limit (0)
- # * A limit, used when processing this option as a list
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :tail (false)
- # * When true, this option will be grouped at the bottom of the help
- # text instead of in order of processing
- #
- # @option options [Regexp] :match
- # * A regular expression this option should match
- #
- # @option options [String, #to_s] :unless
- # * Used by `omit_exec` for omitting execution of this options callback
- # if another option exists
- #
- # @option options [Boolean, String] :help (true)
- # * If this option is a string, it'll be appended to the long flag
- # help text (before the description). When false, no help information
- # will be displayed for this option
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :required (false)
- # * When true, this option is considered mandatory. That is, when not
- # supplied, Slop will raise a `MissingOptionError`
- def initialize(slop, short, long, description, argument, options, &blk)
- @slop = slop
- self.short_flag = short
- self.long_flag = long
- self.description = description
- @argument = argument
- @options = options
- self.tail = @options[:tail]
- self.match = @options[:match]
- = @options.fetch(:help, true)
- self.required = @options[:required]
- @delimiter = @options.fetch(:delimiter, ',')
- @limit = @options.fetch(:limit, 0)
- @argument_type = @options[:as]
- @argument_value = nil
- self.forced = false
- self.count = 0
- @callback = block_given? ? blk : @options[:callback]
- if long_flag && long_flag.size > @slop.longest_flag
- @slop.longest_flag = long_flag.size
- @slop.longest_flag += help.size if help.respond_to?(:to_str)
- end
- end
- # @return [Boolean] true if this option expects an argument
- def expects_argument?
- @argument || @options[:argument] || @options[:optional] == false
- end
- # @return [Boolean] true if this option accepts an optional argument
- def accepts_optional_argument?
- @options[:optional] || @options[:optional_argument]
- end
- # @return [String] either the long or short flag for this option
- def key
- long_flag || short_flag
- end
- # Set this options argument value.
- #
- # If this options argument type is expected to be an Array, this
- # method will split the value and concat elements into the original
- # argument value
- #
- # @param [Object] value The value to set this options argument to
- def argument_value=(value)
- if @argument_type.to_s.downcase == 'array'
- @argument_value ||= []
- if value.respond_to?(:to_str)
- @argument_value.concat value.split(@delimiter, @limit)
- end
- else
- @argument_value = value
- end
- end
- # @return [Object] the argument value after it's been cast
- # according to the `:as` option
- def argument_value
- return @argument_value if forced
- type = @argument_type.to_s.downcase
- # Check for count first to prefer 0 over nil
- return count if type == 'count'
- value = @argument_value || @options[:default]
- return if value.nil?
- if @argument_type.respond_to?(:call)
- else
- case type
- when 'array'
- arg_value(@argument_value)
- when 'range'
- arg_value(value_to_range(value))
- when 'float'
- arg_value(value.to_s.to_f)
- when 'string', 'str'
- arg_value(value.to_s)
- when 'symbol', 'sym'
- arg_value(value.to_s.to_sym)
- when 'integer', 'int'
- arg_value(value.to_s.to_i)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- end
- # Force an argument value, used when the desired argument value
- # is negative (false or nil)
- #
- # @param [Object] value
- def force_argument_value(value)
- @argument_value = value
- self.forced = true
- end
- # Execute the block or callback object associated with this Option
- #
- # @param [Object] The object to be sent to `:call`
- def call(obj=nil)
- if @callback.respond_to?(:call)
- end
- # @param [Array] items The original array of objects passed to ``
- # @return [Boolean] true if this options `:unless` argument exists
- # inside *items*
- def omit_exec?(items)
- items.any? do |item|
- item.to_s.sub(/\A--?/, '') == @options[:unless].to_s.sub(/\A--?/, '')
- end
- end
- # This option in a nice pretty string, including a short flag, long
- # flag, and description (if they exist).
- #
- # @see Slop#help
- # @return [String]
- def to_s
- out = " "
- out += short_flag ? "-#{short_flag}, " : ' ' * 4
- if long_flag
- out += "--#{long_flag}"
- if help.respond_to? :to_str
- out += " #{help}"
- size = long_flag.size + help.size + 1
- else
- size = long_flag.size
- end
- diff = @slop.longest_flag - size
- out += " " * (diff + 6)
- else
- out += " " * (@slop.longest_flag + 8)
- end
- "#{out}#{description}"
- end
- # @return [String]
- def inspect
- "#<Slop::Option short_flag=#{short_flag.inspect} " +
- "long_flag=#{long_flag.inspect} argument=#{@argument.inspect} " +
- "description=#{description.inspect}>"
- end
- private
- def arg_value(value)
- value if accepts_optional_argument? || expects_argument?
- end
- def value_to_range(value)
- case value.to_s
- when /\A(-?\d+?)(\.\.\.?|-|,)(-?\d+)\z/
-$1.to_i, $3.to_i, $2 == '...')
- when /\A-?\d+\z/
-, value.to_i)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- end
- # Used to hold a list of Option objects. This class inherits from Array
- # and overwrites `Array#[]` so we can fetch Option objects via their
- # short or long flags
- class Options < Array
- # Fetch an Option object. This method overrides Array#[] to provide
- # a nicer interface for fetching options via their short or long flag.
- # The reason we don't use a Hash here is because an option cannot be
- # identified by a single label. Instead this method tests against
- # a short flag first, followed by a long flag. When passing this
- # method an Integer, it will work as an Array usually would, fetching
- # the Slop::Option at this index.
- #
- # @param [Object] flag The short/long flag representing the option
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse { on :v, "Verbose mode" }
- # opts.options[:v] #=> Option
- # opts.options[:v].description #=> "Verbose mode"
- # @return [Option] the option assoiated with this flag
- def [](flag)
- if flag.is_a? Integer
- super
- else
- find do |option|
- [option.short_flag, option.long_flag].include? flag.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Parses the items from a CLI format into a friendly object
- #
- # @param [Array] items Items to parse into options.
- # @example Specifying three options to parse:
- # opts = Slops.parse do
- # on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- # on :n, :name, 'Your name'
- # on :a, :age, 'Your age'
- # end
- # @return [Slop] Returns an instance of Slop
- def self.parse(items=ARGV, options={}, &block)
- initialize_and_parse items, false, options, &block
- end
- # Identical to {Slop.parse}, but removes parsed options from the
- # original Array
- #
- # @return [Slop] Returns an instance of Slop
- def self.parse!(items=ARGV, options={}, &block)
- initialize_and_parse items, true, options, &block
- end
- # Build options from an optspec string
- #
- # @param [String] optspec The option spec string
- # @param [Array] options A list of options to forward to
- # @return [Slop] A new instance of Slop
- def self.optspec(optspec, *options)
- if optspec[/^--+$/]
- banner, optspec = optspec.split(/^--+$/, 2)
- end
- lines = optspec.split("\n").reject(&:empty?)
- opts =, *options)
- lines.each do |line|
- opt, description = line.split(' ', 2)
- short, long = opt.split(',').map { |s| s.sub(/\A--?/, '') }
- argument = long && long[-1] == ?$
- long.sub!(/\=$/, '') if argument
- opts.on short, long, description, argument
- end
- opts
- end
- # @return [Options]
- attr_reader :options
- # @return [Hash]
- attr_reader :commands
- # @overload banner=(string)
- # Set the banner
- # @param [String] string The text to set the banner to
- attr_writer :banner
- # @overload summary=(string)
- # Set the summary
- # @param [String] string The text to set the summary to
- attr_writer :summary
- # @overload description=(string)
- # Set the description
- # @param [String] string The text to set the description to
- attr_writer :description
- # @return [Integer] The length of the longest flag slop knows of
- attr_accessor :longest_flag
- # @return [Array] A list of aliases this command uses
- attr_accessor :aliases
- # @option opts [Boolean] :help
- # * Automatically add the `help` option
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :strict
- # * Raises when a non listed option is found, false by default
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :multiple_switches
- # * Allows `-abc` to be processed as the options 'a', 'b', 'c' and will
- # force their argument values to true. By default Slop with parse this
- # as 'a' with the argument 'bc'
- #
- # @option opts [String] :banner
- # * The banner text used for the help
- #
- # @option opts [Proc, #call] :on_empty
- # * Any object that respondes to `call` which is executed when Slop has
- # no items to parse
- #
- # @option opts [IO, #puts] :io ($stderr)
- # * An IO object for writing to when :help => true is used
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :exit_on_help (true)
- # * When false and coupled with the :help option, Slop will not exit
- # inside of the `help` option
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :ignore_case (false)
- # * Ignore options case
- #
- # @option opts [Proc, #call] :on_noopts
- # * Trigger an event when no options are found
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :autocreate (false)
- # * Autocreate options depending on the Array passed to {#parse}
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :arguments (false)
- # * Set to true to enable all specified options to accept arguments
- # by default
- #
- # @option opts [Array] :aliases ([])
- # * Primary uses by commands to implement command aliases
- #
- # @option opts [Boolean] :completion (true)
- # * When true, commands will be auto completed. Ie `foobar` will be
- # executed simply when `foo` `fo` or `foob` are used
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :all_accept_arguments (false)
- # * When true, every option added will take an argument, this saves
- # having to enable it for every option
- def initialize(*opts, &block)
- sloptions = opts.last.is_a?(Hash) ? opts.pop : {}
- sloptions[:banner] = opts.shift if opts[0].respond_to?(:to_str)
- opts.each { |o| sloptions[o] = true }
- @options =
- @commands = {}
- @execution_block = nil
- @longest_flag = 0
- @invalid_options = []
- @banner = sloptions[:banner]
- @strict = sloptions[:strict]
- @ignore_case = sloptions[:ignore_case]
- @multiple_switches = sloptions.fetch(:multiple_switches, true)
- @autocreate = sloptions[:autocreate]
- @completion = sloptions.fetch(:completion, true)
- @arguments = sloptions[:arguments]
- @on_empty = sloptions[:on_empty]
- @io = sloptions.fetch(:io, $stderr)
- @on_noopts = sloptions[:on_noopts] || sloptions[:on_optionless]
- @sloptions = sloptions
- if block_given?
- block.arity == 1 ? yield(self) : instance_eval(&block)
- end
- if sloptions[:help]
- on :h, :help, 'Print this help message', :tail => true do
- @io.puts help
- exit unless sloptions[:exit_on_help] == false
- end
- end
- end
- # Set or return banner text
- #
- # @param [String] text Displayed banner text
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse do
- # banner "Usage - ruby foo.rb [arguments]"
- # end
- # @return [String] The current banner
- def banner(text=nil)
- @banner = text if text
- @banner
- end
- # Set or return the summary
- #
- # @param [String] text Displayed summary text
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse do
- # summary "do stuff with more stuff"
- # end
- # @return [String] The current summary
- def summary(text=nil)
- @summary = text if text
- @summary
- end
- # Set or return the description
- #
- # @param [String] text Displayed description text
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse do
- # description "This command does a lot of stuff with other stuff."
- # end
- # @return [String] The current description
- def description(text=nil)
- @description = text if text
- @description
- end
- # Parse a list of options, leaving the original Array unchanged
- #
- # @param [Array] items A list of items to parse
- def parse(items=ARGV, &block)
- parse_items items, &block
- end
- # Parse a list of options, removing parsed options from the original Array
- #
- # @param [Array] items A list of items to parse
- def parse!(items=ARGV, &block)
- parse_items items, true, &block
- end
- # Enumerable interface
- def each(&block)
- @options.each(&block)
- end
- # @param [Symbol] key Option symbol
- # @example
- # opts[:name] #=> "Emily"
- # opts.get(:name) #=> "Emily"
- # @return [Object] Returns the value associated with that option. If an
- # option doesn't exist, a command will instead be searched for
- def [](key)
- option = @options[key]
- option ? option.argument_value : @commands[key]
- end
- alias get []
- # Specify an option with a short or long version, description and type
- #
- # @param [*] args Option configuration.
- # @option args [Symbol, String] :short_flag Short option name.
- # @option args [Symbol, String] :long_flag Full option name.
- # @option args [String] :description Option description for use in Slop#help
- # @option args [Boolean] :argument Specifies whether this option requires
- # an argument
- # @option args [Hash] :options Optional option configurations.
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse do
- # on :n, :name, 'Your username', true # Required argument
- # on :a, :age, 'Your age (optional)', :optional => true
- # on :g, :gender, 'Your gender', :optional => false
- # on :V, :verbose, 'Run in verbose mode', :default => true
- # on :P, :people, 'Your friends', true, :as => Array
- # on :h, :help, 'Print this help screen' do
- # puts help
- # end
- # end
- # @return [Slop::Option]
- def option(*args, &block)
- options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
- short, long, desc, arg, extras = clean_options(args)
- options.merge!(extras)
- options[:argument] = true if @sloptions[:all_accept_arguments]
- option =, short, long, desc, arg, options, &block)
- @options << option
- option
- end
- alias opt option
- alias on option
- # Namespace options depending on what command is executed
- #
- # @param [Symbol, String] label
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @example
- # opts = do
- # command :create do
- # on :v, :verbose
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # ARGV is `create -v`
- # opts.commands[:create].verbose? #=> true
- # @since 1.5.0
- # @raise [ArgumentError] When this command already exists
- # @return [Slop] a new instance of Slop namespaced to +label+
- def command(label, options={}, &block)
- if @commands.key?(label)
- raise ArgumentError, "command `#{label}` already exists"
- end
- slop = @sloptions.merge(options)
- slop.aliases = Array(options.delete(:aliases) || options.delete(:alias))
- @commands[label] = slop
- slop.aliases.each { |a| @commands[a] = @commands[label] }
- if block_given?
- block.arity == 1 ? yield(slop) : slop.instance_eval(&block)
- end
- slop
- end
- # Trigger an event when Slop has no values to parse
- #
- # @param [Object, #call] obj The object (which can be anything
- # responding to `call`)
- # @example
- # Slop.parse do
- # on_empty { puts 'No argument given!' }
- # end
- # @since 1.5.0
- def on_empty(obj=nil, &block)
- @on_empty ||= (obj || block)
- end
- alias on_empty= on_empty
- # Trigger an event when the arguments contain no options
- #
- # @param [Object, #call] obj The object to be triggered (anything
- # responding to `call`)
- # @example
- # Slop.parse do
- # on_noopts { puts 'No options here!' }
- # end
- # @since 1.6.0
- def on_noopts(obj=nil, &block)
- @on_noopts ||= (obj || block)
- end
- alias on_optionless on_noopts
- # Add an execution block (for commands)
- #
- # @example
- # opts = do
- # command :foo do
- # on :v, :verbose
- #
- # execute { |o| p o.verbose? }
- # end
- # end
- # opts.parse %w[foo --verbose] #=> true
- #
- # @param [Array] args The list of arguments to send to this command
- # is invoked
- # @since 1.8.0
- # @yield [Slop] an instance of Slop for this command
- def execute(args=[], &block)
- if block_given?
- @execution_block = block
- elsif @execution_block.respond_to?(:call)
-, args)
- end
- end
- # Returns the parsed list into a option/value hash
- #
- # @example
- # opts.to_hash #=> { :name => 'Emily' }
- #
- # # strings!
- # opts.to_hash(false) #=> { 'name' => 'Emily' }
- # @return [Hash]
- def to_hash(symbols=true)
- @options.reduce({}) do |hsh, option|
- key = option.key
- key = key.to_sym if symbols
- hsh[key] = option.argument_value
- hsh
- end
- end
- alias to_h to_hash
- # Return parsed items as a new Class
- #
- # @example
- # opts = do
- # on :n, :name, 'Persons name', true
- # on :a, :age, 'Persons age', true, :as => :int
- # on :s, :sex, 'Persons sex m/f', true, :match => /^[mf]$/
- # on :A, :admin, 'Enable admin mode'
- # end
- #
- # opts.parse %w[ --name Lee --age 22 -s m --admin ]
- #
- # person = opts.to_struct("Person")
- # person.class #=> Struct::Person
- # #=> 'Lee'
- # person.age #=> 22
- # #=> m
- # person.admin #=> true
- #
- # @param [String] name The name of this class
- # @return [Class] The new class, or nil if there are no options
- # @since 2.0.0
- def to_struct(name=nil)
- hash = to_hash
-, *hash.keys).new(*hash.values) unless hash.empty?
- end
- # Fetch a list of options which were missing from the parsed list
- #
- # @example
- # opts = do
- # on :n, :name, 'Your name', true
- # on :p, :password, 'Your password', true
- # on :A, 'Use auth?'
- # end
- #
- # opts.parse %w[ --name Lee ]
- # opts.missing #=> ['password', 'a']
- #
- # @return [Array] A list of options missing from the parsed string
- # @since 2.1.0
- def missing
- { |opt| not present?(opt.key) }.map(&:key)
- end
- # Allows you to check whether an option was specified in the parsed list
- #
- # Merely sugar for `present?`
- #
- # @example
- # #== ruby foo.rb -v
- # opts.verbose? #=> true
- # #=> false
- # @see Slop#present?
- # @return [Boolean] true if this option is present, false otherwise
- def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
- meth = meth.to_s
- if meth[-1] == ??
- present?(meth.chop)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # Override this method so we can check if an option? method exists
- def respond_to?(method)
- method = method.to_s
- if method[-1] == ?? and @options.any? { |o| o.key == method.chop }
- true
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # Check if an option is specified in the parsed list
- #
- # Does the same as Slop#option? but a convenience method for unacceptable
- # method names
- #
- # @param [Object] The object name(s) to check
- # @since 1.5.0
- # @return [Boolean] true if these options are present, false otherwise
- def present?(*option_names)
- option_names.all? { |opt| @options[opt] && @options[opt].count > 0 }
- end
- # Returns the banner followed by available options listed on the next line
- #
- # @example
- # opts = Slop.parse do
- # banner "Usage - ruby foo.rb [arguments]"
- # on :v, :verbose, "Enable verbose mode"
- # end
- # puts opts
- # @return [String] Help text.
- def to_s
- parts = []
- parts << banner if banner
- parts << summary if summary
- parts << wrap_and_indent(description, 80, 4) if description
- if options.size > 0
- parts << "options:"
- heads = @options.reject(&:tail)
- tails =
- all = (heads + tails).select(&:help)
- parts <<"\n")
- end
- parts.join("\n\n")
- end
- alias help to_s
- # @return [String] This Slop object will options and configuration
- # settings revealed
- def inspect
- "#<Slop config_options=#{@sloptions.inspect}\n " +
-"\n ") + "\n>"
- end
- private
- class << self
- private
- def initialize_and_parse(items, delete, options, &block)
- if items.is_a?(Hash) && options.empty?
- options = items
- items = ARGV
- end
- slop = new(options, &block)
- delete ? slop.parse!(items) : slop.parse(items)
- slop
- end
- end
- # traverse through the list of items sent to parse() or parse!() and
- # attempt to do the following:
- #
- # * Find an option object
- # * Assign an argument to this option
- # * Validate an option and/or argument depending on configuration options
- # * Remove non-parsed items if `delete` is true
- # * Yield any non-options to the block (if one is given)
- def parse_items(items, delete=false, &block)
- if items.empty? and @on_empty.respond_to?(:call)
- self
- return items
- elsif not items.any? {|i| i.to_s[/\A--?/] } and @on_noopts.respond_to?(:call)
- self
- return items
- elsif execute_command(items, delete)
- return items
- end
- trash = []
- items.each_with_index do |item, index|
- item = item.to_s
- flag = item.sub(/\A--?/, '')
- if item == '--'
- trash << index
- break
- end
- autocreate(flag, index, items) if @autocreate
- option, argument = extract_option(item, flag)
- if @multiple_switches and item[/\A-[^-][A-Za-z]/] and not option
- trash << index
- next
- end
- if option
- option.count += 1 unless item[/\A--no-/]
- trash << index
- next if option.forced
- option.argument_value = true
- if option.expects_argument? or option.accepts_optional_argument?
- argument ||= + 1)
- trash << index + 1
- if not option.accepts_optional_argument? and argument =~ /\A--?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\z/
- raise MissingArgumentError, "'#{option.key}' expects an argument, none given"
- end
- if argument && argument !~ /^--?[a-zA-Z_-]+/
- if option.match and not argument.match(option.match)
- raise InvalidArgumentError, "'#{argument}' does not match #{option.match.inspect}"
- end
- option.argument_value = argument
- option.argument_value unless option.omit_exec?(items)
- else
- option.argument_value = nil
- check_optional_argument!(option, flag)
- end
- else
- unless option.omit_exec?(items)
- end
- else
- @invalid_options << flag if item[/\A--?/] and @strict
- if block_given? and not trash.include?(index)
- end
- end
- items.reject!.with_index { |o, i| trash.include?(i) } if delete
- raise_if_invalid_options!
- raise_if_missing_required_options!(items)
- items
- end
- def check_optional_argument!(option, flag)
- if option.accepts_optional_argument?
- else
- raise MissingArgumentError, "'#{flag}' expects an argument, none given"
- end
- end
- def raise_if_invalid_options!
- return if not @strict or @invalid_options.empty?
- message = "Unknown option#{'s' if @invalid_options.size > 1}"
- message << ' -- ' << { |o| "'#{o}'" }.join(', ')
- raise InvalidOptionError, message
- end
- def raise_if_missing_required_options!(items)
- do |o|
- if o.argument_value.nil?
- raise MissingOptionError, "Expected option `#{o.key}` is required"
- end
- end
- end
- # if multiple_switches is enabled, this method filters through an items
- # characters and attempts to find an Option object for each flag.
- #
- # Raises if a flag expects an argument or strict mode is enabled and a
- # flag was not found
- def enable_multiple_switches(item)
- item[1..-1].each_char do |switch|
- option = @options[switch]
- if option
- if option.expects_argument?
- raise MissingArgumentError, "'-#{switch}' expects an argument, used in multiple_switch context"
- end
- option.argument_value = true
- option.count += 1
- else
- raise InvalidOptionError, "Unknown option '-#{switch}'" if @strict
- end
- end
- end
- def wrap_and_indent(string, width, indentation)
- do |paragraph|
- lines = []
- line = ''
- paragraph.split(/\s/).each do |word|
- if (line + ' ' + word).length >= width
- lines << line
- line = ''
- end
- line << (line == '' ? '' : ' ' ) + word
- end
- lines << line
- { |l| ' ' * indentation + l }.join("\n")
- end.join("\n")
- end
- # attempt to extract an option from an argument, this method allows us
- # to parse things like 'foo=bar' and '--no-value' for negative values
- # returns an array of the Option object and an argument if one was found
- def extract_option(item, flag)
- if item[0, 1] == '-'
- option = @options[flag]
- option ||= @options[flag.downcase] if @ignore_case
- end
- unless option
- case item
- when /\A-[^-]/
- if @multiple_switches
- enable_multiple_switches(item)
- else
- flag, argument = flag.split('', 2)
- option = @options[flag]
- end
- when /\A--([^=]+)=(.+)\z/
- option, argument = @options[$1], $2
- when /\A--no-(.+)\z/
- option = @options[$1]
- option.force_argument_value(false) if option
- end
- end
- [option, argument]
- end
- # attempt to execute a command if one exists, returns a positive (tru-ish)
- # result if the command was found and executed. If completion is enabled
- # and a flag is found to be ambiguous, this method prints an error message
- # to the @io object informing the user
- def execute_command(items, delete)
- str = items[0]
- if str
- command = @commands.keys.find { |c| c.to_s == str.to_s }
- if @completion and not command
- cmds = { |c| c.to_s[0, str.length] == str }
- if cmds.size > 1
- @io.puts "Command '#{str}' is ambiguous:"
- @io.puts " " +', ')
- else
- command = cmds.shift
- end
- end
- end
- if command
- items.shift
- opts = @commands[command]
- delete ? opts.parse!(items) : opts.parse(items)
- opts.execute(items.reject { |i| i == '--' })
- end
- end
- # If autocreation is enabled this method simply generates an option
- # and add's it to the existing list of options
- def autocreate(flag, index, items)
- return if present? flag
- short, long = clean_options Array(flag)
- arg = (items[index + 1] && items[index + 1] !~ /\A--?/)
- option =, short, long, nil, arg, {})
- option.count = 1
- @options << option
- end
- # Clean up arguments sent to `on` and return a list of 5 elements:
- # * short flag (or nil)
- # * long flag (or nil)
- # * description (or nil)
- # * true/false if this option takes an argument or not
- # * extra options (ie: :as, :optional, and :help)
- def clean_options(args)
- options = []
- extras = {}
- if klass = args.find { |a| a.is_a?(Class) }
- extras[:as] = klass
- args.delete klass
- end
- short = args.first.to_s.sub(/\A--?/, '')
- if short.size == 2 && short[-1, 1] == '='
- extras[:argument] = true
- short.chop!
- end
- if short.size == 1
- options.push short
- args.shift
- else
- options.push nil
- end
- long = args.first
- if long.is_a?(TrueClass) || long.is_a?(FalseClass)
- options.push nil
- else
- case long.to_s
- when /\A(?:--?)?[a-z_-]+\s[A-Z\s\[\]]+\z/
- arg, help = args.shift.split(/ /, 2)
- extras[:optional] = help[0, 1] == '[' && help[-1, 1] == ']'
- extras[:help] = help
- options.push arg.sub(/\A--?/, '')
- when /\A(?:--?)?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\=?\z/
- extras[:argument] = true if long.to_s[-1, 1] == '='
- options.push args.shift.to_s.sub(/\A--?/, '').sub(/\=\z/, '')
- else
- options.push nil
- end
- end
- options.push args.first.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? args.shift : nil
- options.push((@arguments || extras[:argument]) ? true : (args.shift ? true : false))
- options.push extras
- end
diff --git a/test/helper.rb b/test/helper.rb
index 456911d8..2e3ac4c0 100644
--- a/test/helper.rb
+++ b/test/helper.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ unless Object.const_defined? 'Pry'
require 'pry'
-puts "Ruby v#{RUBY_VERSION} (#{defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : "ruby"}), Pry v#{Pry::VERSION}, method_source v#{MethodSource::VERSION}, CodeRay v#{CodeRay::VERSION}"
+puts "Ruby v#{RUBY_VERSION} (#{defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : "ruby"}), Pry v#{Pry::VERSION}, method_source v#{MethodSource::VERSION}, CodeRay v#{CodeRay::VERSION}, Slop v#{Slop::VERSION}"
require 'bacon'
require 'open4'