diff options
authorAustin Ziegler <>2018-08-12 01:45:03 -0400
committerAustin Ziegler <>2018-08-12 02:30:03 -0400
commitd5d7c57609d90c2113f4d52d29b7218b42236dcb (patch)
parentca89015739efe42e12c279823190dba9bcaaf6b6 (diff)
Perform some maintenance for v3.2 (renamed from Code-of-Conduct.rdoc)39 (renamed from Contributing.rdoc)117
-rw-r--r--History.rdoc658 (renamed from Licence.rdoc)6
15 files changed, 299 insertions, 773 deletions
diff --git a/Code-of-Conduct.rdoc b/
index d7be506..5b6ac4d 100644
--- a/Code-of-Conduct.rdoc
+++ b/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-== Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age,
-body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of
-experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual
-identity and orientation.
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
+level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
+appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
-=== Our Standards
+## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
-=== Our Responsibilities
+## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
@@ -43,32 +43,31 @@ that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
-=== Scope
+## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
-address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an
-appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a
-project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
-=== Enforcement
+## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
-obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an
-incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
-=== Attribution
+## Attribution
-This Code of Conduct is adapted from the {Contributor
-Covenant}[], version 1.4,
-available at
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at
diff --git a/Contributing.rdoc b/
index 3cdffa7..4914f81 100644
--- a/Contributing.rdoc
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-== Contributing
+## Contributing
I value any contribution to mime-types you can provide: a bug report, a feature
request, or code contributions.
@@ -6,27 +6,25 @@ request, or code contributions.
There are a few guidelines for contributing to mime-types:
* Code changes *will* *not* be accepted without tests. The test suite is
- written with {Minitest}[].
+ written with [minitest][].
* Match my coding style.
* Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your
commits into logical chunks as necessary.
-* Use {quality commit messages}[].
+* Use [quality commit messages][].
* Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release
is made, the version will be updated at that point.
* Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes.
* New or changed behaviours require new or updated documentation.
-=== Adding or Modifying MIME Types
+### Adding or Modifying MIME Types
The mime-types registry is no longer contained in mime-types, but in
-{mime-types-data}[]. Please see
-that project for contributions there.
+[mime-types-data][]. Please see that project for contributions there.
-=== Test Dependencies
+### Test Dependencies
-mime-types uses Ryan Davis’s {Hoe}[] to manage
-the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be
-interested in:
+mime-types uses Ryan Davis’s [Hoe][] to manage the release process, and it adds
+a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be interested in:
$ rake
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ will do.
To assist with the installation of the development dependencies for mime-types,
I have provided the simplest possible Gemfile pointing to the (generated)
-+mime-types.gemspec+ file. This will permit you to do:
+`mime-types.gemspec` file. This will permit you to do:
$ bundle install
@@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ You can run tests with code coverage analysis by running:
$ rake test:coverage
-=== Benchmarks
+### Benchmarks
mime-types offers several benchmark tasks to measure different measures of
@@ -68,63 +66,74 @@ built-in benchmark library.
There are two allocation tracing benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads).
These can only be run on Ruby 2.1 or better and requires the
-{allocation_tracer}[] gem (not
-installed by default).
+[allocation\_tracer][] gem (not installed by default).
$ rake benchmark:allocations
$ rake benchmark:allocations:columnar
There are two loaded object count benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads).
-These use <tt>ObjectSpace.count_objects</tt>.
+These use `ObjectSpace.count_objects`.
$ rake benchmark:objects
$ rake benchmark:objects:columnar
-=== Workflow
+### Workflow
Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project:
* Fork the project.
-* Clone down your fork (<tt>git clone git://<username>/ruby-mime-types.git</tt>).
-* Create a topic branch to contain your change (<tt>git checkout -b my\_awesome\_feature</tt>).
+* Clone down your fork (`git clone git://<username>/ruby-mime-types.git`).
+* Create a topic branch to contain your change (`git checkout -b my_awesome_feature`).
* Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order.
-* Make sure everything still passes by running +rake+.
+* Make sure everything still passes by running `rake`.
* If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors.
-* Push the branch up (<tt>git push origin my\_awesome\_feature</tt>).
+* Push the branch up (`git push origin my_awesome_feature`).
* Create a pull request against mime-types/ruby-mime-types and describe what
your change does and the why you think it should be merged.
-=== Contributors
-* Austin Ziegler created mime-types.
-Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to mime-types:
-* Aaron Patterson
-* Aggelos Avgerinos
-* Andre Pankratz
-* Andy Brody
-* Arnaud Meuret
-* Brandon Galbraith
-* Chris Gat
-* David Genord
-* Eric Marden
-* Garret Alfert
-* Godfrey Chan
-* Greg Brockman
-* Hans de Graaff
-* Henrik Hodne
-* Jeremy Evans
-* Juanito Fatas
-* Łukasz Śliwa
-* Keerthi Siva
-* Ken Ip
-* Martin d'Allens
-* Mauricio Linhares
-* nycvotes-dev
-* Postmodern
-* Richard Hirner
-* Richard Hurt
-* Richard Schneeman
-* Tibor Szolár
-* Todd Carrico
+### Contributors
+* Austin Ziegler created mime-types.
+Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to mime-types over the years:
+* Aaron Patterson
+* Aggelos Avgerinos
+* Andre Pankratz
+* Andy Brody
+* Arnaud Meuret
+* Brandon Galbraith
+* Burke Libbey
+* Chris Gat
+* David Genord
+* Dillon Welch
+* Eric Marden
+* Edward Betts
+* Garret Alfert
+* Godfrey Chan
+* Greg Brockman
+* Hans de Graaff
+* Henrik Hodne
+* Janko Marohnić
+* Jeremy Evans
+* Juanito Fatas
+* Jun Aruga
+* Łukasz Śliwa
+* Keerthi Siva
+* Ken Ip
+* Martin d'Allens
+* Mauricio Linhares
+* Nicolas Leger
+* nycvotes-dev
+* Postmodern
+* Richard Hirner
+* Richard Hurt
+* Richard Schneeman
+* Tibor Szolár
+* Todd Carrico
+[quality commit messages]:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d910fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+## 3.2 / 2018-08-12
+* 2 minor enhancements
+ * Janko Marohnić contributed a change to `MIME::Type#priority_order` that
+ should improve on strict sorting when dealing with MIME types that
+ appear to be in the same family even if strict sorting would cause an
+ unregistered type to be sorted first. [#132][]
+ * Dillon Welch contributed a change that added `frozen_string_literal:
+ true` to files so that modern Rubies can automatically reduce duplicate
+ string allocations. [#135][]
+* 1 bug fix
+ * Burke Libbey fixed a problem with cached data loading. [#126][]
+* Deprecations:
+ * Lazy loading (`$RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD`) has been deprecated.
+* Documentation Changes:
+ * Supporting files are now Markdown instead of rdoc, except for the
+ * The history file has been modified to remove all history prior to 3.0.
+ This history can be found in previous commits.
+ * A spelling error was corrected by Edward Betts ([#129][]).
+* Administrivia:
+ * CI configuration for more modern versions of Ruby were added by Nicolas
+ Leger ([#130][]) and Jun Aruga ([#125][]).
+ * Fixed test which were asserting equality against nil, which will become
+ an error in Minitest 6.
+## 3.1 / 2016-05-22
+* 1 documentation change:
+ * Tim Smith (@tas50) updated the build badges to be SVGs to improve
+ readability on high-density (retina) screens with pull request
+ [#112][].
+* 3 bug fixes
+ * A test for `MIME::Types::Cache` fails under Ruby 2.3 because of frozen
+ strings, [#118][]. This has been fixed.
+ * The JSON data has been incorrectly encoded since the release of
+ mime-types 3 on the `xrefs` field, because of the switch to using a Set
+ to store cross-reference information. This has been fixed.
+ * A tentative fix for [#117][] has been applied, removing the only
+ circular require dependencies that exist (and for which there was code
+ to prevent, but the current fix is simpler). I have no way to verify
+ this fix and depending on how things are loaded by `delayed_job`, this
+ fix may not be sufficient.
+* 1 governance change
+ * Updated to Contributor Covenant 1.4.
+## 3.0 / 2015-11-21
+* 2 governance changes
+ * This project and the related mime-types-data project are now
+ exclusively MIT licensed. Resolves [#95][].
+ * All projects under the mime-types organization now have a standard code
+ of conduct adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][]. This text can be
+ found in the [][] file.
+* 3 major changes
+ * All methods deprecated in mime-types 2.x have been removed.
+ * mime-types now requires Ruby 2.0 compatibility or later. Resolves
+ [#97][].
+ * The registry data has been removed from mime-types and put into
+ mime-types-data, maintained and released separately. It can be found at
+ [mime-types-data][].
+* 17 minor changes:
+ * `MIME::Type` changes:
+ * Changed the way that simplified types representations are created
+ to reflect the fact that `x-` prefixes are no longer considered
+ special according to IANA. A simplified MIME type is case-folded to
+ lowercase. A new keyword parameter, `remove_x_prefix`, can be
+ provided to remove `x-` prefixes.
+ * Improved initialization with an Array works so that extensions do
+ not need to be wrapped in another array. This means that
+ `%w(text/yaml yaml yml)` works in the same way that
+ `['text/yaml', %w(yaml yml)]` did (and still does).
+ * Changed `priority_compare` to conform with attributes that no
+ longer exist.
+ * Changed the internal implementation of extensions to use a frozen
+ Set.
+ * When extensions are set or modified with `add_extensions`, the
+ primary registry will be informed of a need to reindex extensions.
+ Resolves [#84][].
+ * The preferred extension can be set explicitly. If not set, it will
+ be the first extension. If the preferred extension is not in the
+ extension list, it will be added.
+ * Improved how xref URLs are generated.
+ * Converted `obsolete`, `registered` and `signature` to
+ `attr_accessors`.
+ * `MIME::Types` changes:
+ * Modified `` to track instances of `MIME::Types` so
+ that they can be told to reindex the extensions as necessary.
+ * Removed `data_version` attribute.
+ * Changed `#[]` so that the `complete` and `registered` flags are
+ keywords instead of a generic options parameter.
+ * Extracted the class methods to a separate file.
+ * Changed the container implementation to use a Set instead of an
+ Array to prevent data duplication. Resolves [#79][].
+ * `MIME::Types::Cache` changes:
+ * Caching is now based on the data gem version instead of the
+ mime-types version.
+ * Caching is compatible with columnar registry stores.
+ * `MIME::Types::Loader` changes:
+ * `MIME::Types::Loader::PATH` has been removed and replaced with
+ `MIME::Types::Data::PATH` from the mime-types-data gem. The
+ environment variable `RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA` is still used.
+ * Support for the long-deprecated mime-types v1 format has been
+ removed.
+ * The registry is default loaded from the columnar store by default.
+ The internal format of the columnar store has changed; many of the
+ boolean flags are now loaded from a single file. Resolves [#85][].
+[]: Code-of-Conduct_md.html
+[Contributor Covenant]:
diff --git a/History.rdoc b/History.rdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 22dcf2d..0000000
--- a/History.rdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-== 3.1 / 2016-05-22
-* 1 documentation change:
- * Tim Smith (@tas50) updated the build badges to be SVGs to improve
- readability on high-density (retina) screens with pull request
- {#112}[].
-* 3 bug fixes
- * A test for MIME::Types::Cache fails under Ruby 2.3 because of frozen
- strings, {#118}[].
- This has been fixed.
- * The JSON data has been incorrectly encoded since the release of mime-types
- 3 on the +xrefs+ field, because of the switch to using a Set to store
- cross-reference information. This has been fixed.
- * A tentative fix for
- {#117}[] has been
- applied, removing the only circular require dependencies that exist (and
- for which there was code to prevent, but the current fix is simpler).
- I have no way to verify this fix and depending on how things are loaded by
- +delayed_job+, this fix may not be sufficient.
-* 1 governance change
- * Updated to {Contributor Covenant 1.4}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html].
-== 3.0 / 2015-11-21
-* 2 governance changes
- * This project and the related mime-types-data project are now exclusively
- MIT licensed. Resolves
- {#95}[].
- * All projects under the mime-types organization now have a standard code of
- conduct adapted from the {Contributor
- Covenant}[]. This text can be found in the
- {Code-of-Conduct.rdoc}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html] file.
-* 3 major changes
- * All methods deprecated in mime-types 2.x have been removed.
- * mime-types now requires Ruby 2.0 compatibility or later. Resolves
- {#97}[].
- * The registry data has been removed from mime-types and put into
- mime-types-data, maintained and released separately. It can be found at
- {mime-types-data}[].
-* 17 minor changes:
- * MIME::Type changes:
- * Changed the way that simplified types representations are creatd to
- reflect the fact that +x-+ prefixes are no longer considered special
- according to IANA. A simplified MIME type is case-folded to lowercase. A
- new keyword parameter, +remove_x_prefix+, can be provided to remove +x-+
- prefixes.
- * Improved initialization with an Array works so that extensions do not
- need to be wrapped in another array. This means that <tt>%w(text/yaml
- yaml yml)</tt> works in the same way that <tt>['text/yaml', %w(yaml
- yml)]</tt> did (and still does).
- * Changed +priority_compare+ to conform with attributes that no longer
- exist.
- * Changed the internal implementation of extensions to use a frozen Set.
- * When extensions are set or modified with +add_extensions+, the primary
- registry will be informed of a need to reindex extensions. Resolves
- {#84}[].
- * The preferred extension can be set explicitly. If not set, it will be the
- first extension. If the preferred extension is not in the extension list,
- it will be added.
- * Improved how xref URLs are generated.
- * Converted +obsolete+, +registered+ and +signature+ to attr_accessors.
- * MIME::Types changes:
- * Modified to track instances of MIME::Types so that they
- can be told to reindex the extensions as necessary.
- * Removed +data_version+ attribute.
- * Changed #[] so that the +complete+ and +registered+ flags are keywords
- instead of a generic options parameter.
- * Extracted the class methods to a separate file.
- * Changed the container implementation to use a Set instead of an Array to
- prevent data duplication. Resolves
- {#79}[].
- * MIME::Types::Cache changes:
- * Caching is now based on the data gem version instead of the mime-types
- version.
- * Caching is compatible with columnar registry stores.
- * MIME::Types::Loader changes:
- * MIME::Types::Loader::PATH has been removed and replaced with
- MIME::Types::Data::PATH from the mime-types-data gem. The environment
- variable RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA is still used.
- * Support for the long-deprecated mime-types v1 format has been removed.
- * The registry is default loaded from the columnar store by default. The
- internal format of the columnar store has changed; many of the boolean
- flags are now loaded from a single file. Resolves
- {#85}[].
-== 2.6.2 / 2015-09-13
-* Bugs:
- * Emilio Losada (@losadaem) fixed an error where +each_with_object+'s block
- parameters are the inverse of those used by +inject+. Resolves
- {#107}[] with pull
- request {#108}[].
- * Matt Beedle (@mattbeedle) fixed a typo in MIME::Type::Columnar negatively
- affecting people who use the +use_instead+ functionality. Resolved in
- {#109}[].
-* Documentation:
- * Juanito Fatas (@JuanitoFatas) fixed a documentation issue with the README
- not properly linking internally on the generated rdoc source. Resolved with
- {#105}[].
-* Development:
- * Fixed a minor issue in the IANA registry parser that would generate empty
- +text+ xrefs if the +text+ section was empty.
-== 2.6.1 / 2015-05-25
-* Bugs:
- * Make columnar store handle all supported extensions, not just the first.
- Resolved in {#103}[]
- by Jeremy Evans (@jeremyevans).
- * Avoid circular require when using the columnar store. Resolved in
- {#102}[] by
- Jeremy Evans (@jeremyevans).
-== 2.6 / 2015-05-25
-* New Feature:
- * Columnar data storage for the MIME::Types registry, contributed by Jeremy
- Evans (@jeremyevans). Reduces default memory use substantially (the mail
- gem drops from 19 Mib to about 3 Mib). Resolves
- {#96}[],
- {#94}[],
- {#83}[]. Partially
- addresses {#64}[]
- and {#62}[].
-* Development:
- * Removed caching of deprecation messages in preparation for mime-types 3.0.
- Now, deprecated methods will always warn their deprecation instead of only
- warning once.
- * Added a logger for deprecation messages.
- * Renamed <tt>lib/mime.rb</tt> to <tt>lib/mime/deprecations.rb</tt> to not
- conflict with the {mime}[] gem on behalf of
- the maintainers of the {Praxis Framework}[].
- Provided by Josep M. Blanquer (@blanquer),
- {#100}[].
- * Added the columnar data conversion tool, also provided by Jeremy Evans.
-* Documentation:
- * Improved documentation and ensured that all deprecated methods are marked
- as such in the documentation.
-* Development:
- * Added more Ruby variants to Travis CI.
- * Silenced deprecation messages for internal tools. Noisy deprecations are
- noisy, but that's the point.
-== 2.5 / 2015-04-25
-* Bugs:
- * David Genord (@albus522) fixed a bug in loading MIME::Types cache where a
- container loaded from cache did not have the expected +default_proc+,
- {#86}[].
- * Richard Schneeman (@schneems) provided a patch that substantially reduces
- unnecessary allocations.
-* Documentation:
- * Tibor Szolár (@flexik) fixed a typo in the README,
- {#82}[]
- * Fixed {#80}[],
- clarifying the relationship of MIME::Type#content_type and
- MIME::Type#simplified, with Ken Ip (@kenips).
-* Development:
- * Juanito Fatas (@JuanitoFatas) enabled container mode on Travis CI,
- {#87}[].
-* Moved development to a mime-types organization under
- {mime-types/ruby-mime-types}[].
-== 2.4.3 / 2014-10-21
-* Bugs:
- * Restored Ruby 1.9.2 support by using +private_constant+ conditionally.
- Fixes {#77}[] found by
- Kris Leech (@krisleech). The conditional use of +private_constant+ here
- will be removed for mime-types 3.0, when Ruby 1.9.2 support will be
- unconditionally removed.
-== 2.4.2 / 2014-10-15
-* Bugs:
- * Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) found a loading bug and provided a fix that
- nearly doubled registry load performance
- ({#74}[]).
- * Godfrey Chan (@chancancode) provided a prophylactic security fix to use
- <tt>JSON.parse</tt> instead of <tt>JSON.load</tt> in
- {#75}[]. This provides a
- 20% improvement over the already improved result, resulting in a total 55%
- performance boost.
-== 2.4.1 / 2014-10-07
-mime-types 2.4 was pulled.
-* Bugs:
- * Restored the extension sort order from mime-types 1.25.1 and modified
- MIME::Type#extensions= to no longer sort extensions when set. This resolves
- {#71}[] and should fix
- Paperclip.
-* API Changes:
- * Added MIME::Type#preferred_extension to return the preferred extension for
- the MIME type. This should be used in preference to the current mechanism
- used by many clients, <tt>type.extensions.first</tt>. This will allow the
- implementation to change over time.
- * Added MIME::Type#friendly based on the concept presented by Łukasz Śliwa’s
- {friendly_mime}[] gem. The
- initial English data for this is pulled from +friendly_mime+.
- * Added MIME::Type#i18n_key and MIME::Type.i18n_key to represent and convert
- MIME content types as translation keys for the I18n library.
-* MIME Type Development Tools:
- * Adding documentation to conversion methods.
- * Adding some robustness to missing Nokogiri support.
- * Extending coverage to fully cover new code. Tests now cover all of
- mime-types.
-== 2.3 / 2014-05-23
-* Bugs:
- * Fixed a bug in <tt>MIME::Types#type_for</tt> where type specifications that
- did not match a MIME::Type would be returned as +nil+ inside the returned
- array. This was incorrect behaviour as those values should not have been
- returned, resulting in an empty array.
-* MIME Type Development Tools:
- * As always, there are bugs in the IANA registry because it's manually
- maintained. Some robustness has been added to properly writing file
- template references where the file template reference is not a full media
- type specification (e.g., 'amr-wb\+' instead of 'audio/amr-wb\+').
- * Both the IANA and Apache import tools were unnecessarily case-sensitive in
- matching against already-existing MIME types, resulting in extra work to
- weed out duplicates that differed only in the case of the canonical content
- type. This has been fixed.
-== 2.2 / 2014-03-14
-* Clarified contribution guidelines for MIME types. Resolves
- {#57}[].
-* Fixed a small bug where deprecated methods would warn of deprecation when
- called by internal methods. Resolves
- {#60}[].
-* Dropped Code Climate; added Coveralls for test coverage reports.
-* Removing external references to RubyForge, as it is shutting down. Resolves
- {#59}[].
-== 2.1 / 2014-01-25
-* API Changes (MIME::Type):
- * Added MIME::Type#xrefs and MIME::Type#xref_urls that have better handling
- of types of reference information. MIME::Type#references= has been
- deprecated. In a future release, both MIME::Type#references will be turned
- into a short-hand view on MIME::Type#xrefs, MIME::Type#urls will be an
- alias for MIME::Type#xref_urls, and MIME::Type#references= will be removed.
-* New or Updated MIME Types:
- * This information is now tracked in History-Types.rdoc.
-* MIME Type Development Tools:
- * The IANA registry format changed, breaking the IANA registry tool
- previously used. Rewrote IANADownloader and IANADownloader::Parser as
- IANARegistryParser using the XML form.
- * The LTSW list has been dropped as it has not been updated since 2002.
- * The default Apache MIME types configuration list is now used to enrich MIME
- type data with additional extension information.
-== 2.0 / 2013-10-27
-* API Changes (General):
- * mime-types is no longer compatible with Ruby 1.8. Additionally, for its
- YAML operations (normally development and test), it requires a YAML parser
- that conforms to the Psych parser, not the Syck parser. This would only be
- a problem with an alternative Ruby 1.9.2 interpreter that does not
- implement the Psych parser conventions by requiring +psych+.
- * MIME::InvalidContentType has been renamed to
- MIME::Type::InvalidContentType.
-* API Changes (MIME::Type):
- * Construction of a MIME::Type can be with any of the following objects:
- * An array containing a valid content type identifier and an optional array
- of extensions. This allows to be used instead of
- MIME::Type.from_array for the most common use-case. Fixes
- {#43}[].
- * A Hash containing the output of MIME::Type#to_h, as would be deserialized
- from the JSON representation of a MIME::Type. This replaces
- MIME::Type.from_hash using a different parameter set.
- * Another MIME::Type.
- * A content type identifier string.
- * Assignment of an invalid encoding to MIME::Type#encoding= will raise a
- MIME::Type::InvalidEncoding exception rather than a plain ArgumentError.
- * MIME::Type#url has been renamed to MIME::Type#references.
- * MIME::Type#use_instead is now tracked as its own attribute, not as part of
- MIME::Type#docs.
- * MIME::Type#system, MIME::Type#system?, MIME::Type#platform?,
- MIME::Type#to_a, MIME::Type#to_hash, MIME::Type.from_array,
- MIME::Type.from_hash, and MIME::Type.from_mime_type have been deprecated
- for removal.
- * Implemented YAML object encoding and decoding methods,
- MIME::Type#encode_with and MIME::Type#init_with.
- * Implemented JSON hash encoding methods.
- * Added MIME::Type#add_extensions to easily add extensions to a MIME::Type.
- Fixes {#44}[].
-* API Changes (MIME::Types):
- * MIME type caching has been extracted to its own class. It is structurally
- similar to what was introduced with mime-types 1.25, but is no longer
- considered an experimental interface.
- * MIME type loading has been extracted to its own class. Loading has changed
- substantially.
- * MIME::Types#[] accepts a new filter flag, :registered. The :platform flag
- has been deprecated.
- * The MIME::Types#type_for platform parameter has been deprecated.
- * Added the ability for MIME::Types#type_for produce results for multiple
- filenames or extensions by providing an array as the first parameter. Fixes
- {#42}[].
- * MIME::Types#add_type_variant and MIME::Types#index_extensions have been
- deprecated as public methods. They will be private in a future version.
- * MIME::Types#defined_types, MIME::Types.cache_file,
- MIME::Types.add_type_variant, and MIME::Types.index_extensions have been
- deprecated for removal.
-* Default Registry Changes:
- * The default registry is now a file in the directory data/, located via
- MIME::Types::Loader::PATH. +PATH+ is defined in the file
- lib/mime/types/path.rb so that system packagers only have to modify one
- file in order to put the registry in a location that is not where a gem
- version of mime-types would expect it. This resolves issue
- {#36}[], reported by
- @postmodern.
- * The default registry is now a single file in JSON format. This resolves
- issue {#28}[] reported
- by @jasonlor (an error with mime-types in MacRuby).
- * The default registry is compiled from YAML files in type-lists/, resolving
- issue {#37}[]
- reported by @postmodern requesting an easier-to-edit format.
-* New or Updated MIME Types:
- * Major updates to the registered MIME type list from IANA using the improved
- developer tools.
- * Added:
- * application/xhtml\+xml (HTML5)
- * multipart/x-mixed-replace (HTML5)
- * application/ (Apple PassBook) with extension pkpass.
- * Modified:
- * application/gzip (RFC6713) added extension (gz) and encoding.
- * application/epub\+zip is not a registered MIME type.
- * application/rss\+xml is not a registered MIME type.
- * application/x-director reported incorrect extensions.
- * application/x-gzip marked as obsolete (use application/gzip instead).
- * application/x-maker marked as obsolete (use application/vnd.framemaker
- instead).
- * image/webp is not a registered MIME type; added a URL to Google's
- proposed standard document.
- * text/html added URL to the HTML5 specification.
- * text/cache-manifest added URL to the HTML5 specification.
- * text/plain (VMS .doc files) marked as non-standard. This type will be
- merged with the standard text/plain type in a future release.
- * Added md, markdown, rst, and textile extensions to text/plain.
-* MIME Type Development Tools:
- * The benchmarking task has been moved mostly to support/benchmarker.rb.
- * A task for SimpleCov coverage has been added (<tt>rake test:coverage</tt>).
- * IANA type registry downloading has been substantially improved and the
- implementation no longer resides in the Rakefile; it has instead been moved
- to support/iana_downloader.rb. This takes advantage of the new YAML
- encoding functionality to update added or modified MIME types
- non-destructively in <tt>type-lists/</tt> by default.
- * Rake tasks <tt>convert:yaml:json</tt> and <tt>convert:json:yaml</tt>
- provide functionality to convert the human-editable YAML format in
- <tt>type-lists/</tt> to the JSON format in <tt>data/</tt> and vice-versa.
- This is powered by support/convert.rb.
-== 1.25 / 2013-08-30
-* New Features:
- * Adding lazy loading and caching functionality to the default data based on
- work done by Greg Brockman (gdb).
-* Bugs:
- * Force the default internal application encoding to be used when reading the
- MIME types database. Based on a change by briangamble, found in the rapid7
- fork.
-* New extensions:
- * mjpeg (video/x-motion-jpeg) based on a change by punkrats, found in the
- vidibus fork.
-* Modernized Minitest configuration.
-== 1.24 / 2013-08-14
-* Code Climate:
- * Working on improving the quality of the mime-types codebase through the use
- of Code Climate.
- * Simplified MIME::Type.from_array to make more assumptions about assignment.
-* Documentation:
- * LeoYoung <> pointed out that the README.rdoc contained
- examples that could never possibly work because MIME::Types#[] returns (for
- all the versions I have handy) an array, not a single type. I have updated
- README.rdoc to reflect this.
-* Removed Nokogiri as a declared development dependency. It is still required
- if you're going to use the IANA parser functionality, but it is not necessary
- for most development purposes. This has been removed to ensure that Travis CI
- passes on Ruby 1.8.7.
-* New MIME Types:
- * 7zip (application/x-7z-compressed). Fixes a request by @kodram.
- {#32}[]
- * application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Fixes a request by @alexkwolfe.
- {#39}[]
- * Various new MIME types from IANA:
- * application/mbms-schedule\+xml from 3GPP and Turcotte.
- * application/provenance\+xml from W3C and Herman.
- * application/session-info from 3GPP and Firmin.
- * application/urc-grpsheet\+xml, application/urc-targetdesc\+xml,
- application/uisocketdesc\+xml from Zimmermann.
- * application/api\+json from Klabnik.
- * application/vnd.etsi.pstn\+xml from Han and Belling.
- * application/ from Tashiro.
- * application/ from Dandawate.
- * video/vnd.radgamettools.bink and video/vnd.radgamettools.smacker from
- Andersson.
-* Updated MIME Types:
- * RFC 6960 was adopted (application/ocsp-request and application/ocsp-response).
-== 1.23 / 2013-04-20
-* New Feature:
- * Arnaud Meuret (@ameuret) suggested that it could be useful if the MIME type
- collection was enumerable, so he implemented it in
- {#30}[]. Thanks for
- the contribution!
-* Updated MIME Types:
- * RFC6910 was adopted (application/call-completion).
- * RFC6902 was adopted (application/json-patch\+json).
- * RFC6917 was adopted (application/mrb-consumer\+xml,
- application/mrb-publish\+xml).
- * RFC6922 was adopted (application/sql).
- * RFC2560 is being
- {updated}[].
-* Administrivia:
- * The gemspec now includes information about the licenses under which the
- mime-types gem is available.
- * Using hoe-gemspec2 instead of hoe-gemspec.
-== 1.22 / 2013-03-30
-* New MIME Types:
- * Added support for 3FR (Hasselblad raw images) files. MIME-Type was obtained
- by looking at exif data with exiftool. Thanks to cgat for these changes.
- {#27}[]
-* Updated MIME Types:
- * Pulled the latest updates from the IANA MIME-Type registry.
-* Added support for Ruby 2.0 with Travis CI.
-== 1.21 / 2013-02-09
-* New MIME Types:
- * Various new or updated MIME types by Garret Alfert:
- application/, .eot; application/x-chrome-extension, .crx;
- application/x-web-app-manifest\+json, .webapp; application/x-xpinstall,
- .xpi; image/svg\+xml, .svg, .svgz; image/webp, .webp; text/cache-manifest,
- .appcache, .manifest.
- #{24}[]
-* Fixed some Manifest.txt related madness on Travis.
-== 1.20.1 / 2013-01-26
-* New MIME Types:
- * Apple iWork document types added by Hans de Graaff
- (application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey, .key;
- application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages, .pages;
- application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers, .numbers).
- {#20}[]
- * epub, ibooks, mobi, and DMG content types by Mauricio
- Linhares (mac:application/x-apple-diskimage, .dmg; application/epub\+zip,
- .epub; application/x-ibooks\+zip, .ibooks; application/x-mobipocket-ebook,
- .mobi). {#22}[]
- * rss content type by Garret Alfert (application/rss\+xml, .rss).
- {#23}[]
- * Added or updated MIME types from the latest IANA list.
-* Fixed MIME Types:
- * Excel macro-enabled spreadsheets had an incorrect extension. Thanks to
- Rafael Belvederese for reporting this issue.
- {#21}[]
-* Enabled for use with travis.
-* Enabled gem signing.
-* Fixed an error related to MIME type downloads.
-* This was previously published as 1.20, but I had forgotten some attributions.
-== 1.19 / 2012-06-20
-* New MIME Types:
- * XCF Gnome Images (image/x-xcf, image/x-compressed-xcf; .xcf).
- {#17}[]
- * Types reported in
- {#12}[]:
- * DV (video/x-dv; .dv)
- * IVF (video/x-ivf; .ivf)
- * Matroska (video/x-matroska; .mkv)
- * Motion JPEG (video/x-motion-jpeg; .mjpg)
- * RealMedia (official; application/vnd.rn-realmedia; .rm)
-* New extensions:
- * dcm (application/dicom);
- {#16}[].
- * Types reported in
- {#12}[]:
- * 3g2, 3gpp2 (video/3gpp2)
- * mpeg (video/mpeg)
- * mxf (application/mxf)
- * ts (video/MP2T)
- * ogg (video/ogg)
-* Fixed MIME Types:
- * Adobe AIR application installer packages was missing a hyphen.
- {#13}[]
- * Types reported in
- {#12}[]:
- * audio/x-pn-realaudio extension is .ra, not .rm.
-* Resolved {#8}[].
- Apparently some people run the tests on Linux. Imagine that.
-== 1.18 / 2012-03-20
-* New MIME Types:
- * Types reported in
- #{6}[]:
- * CoffeeScript (text/x-coffeescript; .coffee; 8bit).
- * AIR (application/vnd.adobe.air-applicationinstaller-package\+zip, .air; base64).
- * WOFF (application/font-woff; .woff; base64).
- * TrueType (application/x-font-truetype; .ttf; base64).
- * OpenType (application/x-font-opentype; .otf; base64).
- * WebM (audio/webm, video/webm; .webm).
- {#11}[]
-* New extensions:
- * f4v/f4p (video/mp4, used by Adobe); f4a/fb4 (audio/mp4, used by Adobe).
-* Bug Fixes:
- * It was pointed out that Licence.txt was incorrectly named. Fixed by
- renaming to Licence.rdoc (from Issue/Pull Request
- {#8}[]).
- * It was pointed out that a plan to have the test output generated
- automatically never went through.
- {#10}[]
-== 1.17.2 / 2011-10-25
-* Bug Fixes:
- * Fixed an issue with Ruby 1.9 and file encoding.
-== 1.17.1 / 2011-10-23
-* Minor Enhancements:
- * Implemented modern 'hoe' semantics.
- * Switched to minitest instead of test/unit.
- * Converted documentation from .txt to .rdoc.
- * Removed setup.rb.
- {#3}[]
- * Should no longer complain about missing RubyGems keys
- {#2}[]
- * Added .mp4 and .mpg4 as recognized extensions for
- (application|audio|video)/mp4 per RFC4337.
- {#1}[]
- * Added audio/x-aac and .aac per RubyForge issue #28054.
- * Made it much easier to update MIME types from this point forward.
- * Updated MIME types from IANA.
-== 1.16
-* Made compatible with Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7, and 1.9.1.
-* Switched to the 'hoe' gem system and added a lot of build-time tools.
-* Updated the MIME types to the list based on the values in the Perl library
- version 1.27. Also updated based on external source information and bug
- reports.
-* This is the last planned version of MIME::Types 1.x. Work will be
- starting soon on MIME::Types 2.x with richer data querying mechanisms
- and support for external data sources.
-== 1.15
-* Removed lib/mime/type.rb to form a single MIME::Types database source. It
- is unlikely that one will ever need MIME::Type without MIME::Types.
-* Re-synchronized the MIME type list with the sources, focusing primarily on
- the IANA list.
-* Added more detailed source information for MIME::Type objects.
-* Changed MIME::Types from a module to a class with a default instance. There
- should be no difference in usage.
-* Removed MIME::Types::DATA_VERSION; it is now an attribute on the
- MIME::Types instance.
-* NOTE: Synchronization with the Perl version of MIME::Types is no longer a
- priority as of this release. The data format and information has changed.
-* Removed MIME::Types.by_suffix and MIME::Types.by_mediatype.
-== 1.13.1
-* Fixed a problem with the installer running tests. This now works.
-* Improved the implementation of MIME::Type.signature?
-* Moved code around to use the class << self idiom instead of always
- prepending the module/class name.
-* Added two new best-guess implementations of functions found in Perl's
- MIME::Types implementation (1.13). Do not rely on these until the purpose
- and implementation is stabilised.
-* Updated the MIME list to reflect changes noted by
- Ville Skyttä <>.
-* Added a new constant to MIME::Types, DATA_VERSION. This will allow the Ruby
- version number to be updated separately from the Perl version while keeping
- the MIME Type list version in sync.
-== 1.13
- ! WARNING: This version changes the API of MIME::Types !
- ! WARNING: This version is compatible with Ruby 1.8 and higher ONLY !
-* Removed dependency on InstallPackage; offering 1.13 as either .tar.gz or
- .gem.
-* Split into two files, mime/type.rb and mime/types.rb. This will make
- maintaining the list of changes easier.
-* Changed the MIME::Type construction API. Accepts only a single String
- argument (but does no named type-checking) and yields self.
-* Removed private methods #init_extensions, #init_encoding, and #init_system
- and replaced with #extensions=, #encoding=, and #system=.
-* Added #default_encoding to return 'quoted-printable' or 'base64' depending
- on the media type of the MIME type.
-* Added #raw_media_type and #raw_sub_type to provide the non-simplified
- versions of the media type and subtype.
-* Alternative constructors MIME::Type.from_array, MIME::Type.from_hash, and
- MIME::Type.from_mime_type added to compensate for the removal of named type
- checking in the original constructor.
-* Added #to_str, #to_a, and #to_hash methods. The latter two will provide
- output suitable for use in #from_array and #from_hash.
-* Removed "binary" encoding and enforced the use of a valid encoding string.
-* Added #system? returning true if the MIME::Type is an OS-specific
- MIME::Type.
-* Added #platform? returning true if the MIME::Type is an OS-specific
- MIME::Type for the current RUBY_PLATFORM.
-* Added #like? returning true if the simplified type matches the other value
- provided. #<'application/x-excel'>.like?('application/excel') is true.
-* Added #complete? returning true if the MIME::Type specifies an extension
- list.
-* Updated the MIME type list to reflect additions by Mark Overmeer for Perl's
- MIME::Types 1.12 and the official IANA list as of 2004.04.06. A number of
- formerly "registered" MIME types are now no longer registered (e.g.,
- application/excel is now application/x-excel). This ensures that the
- simplified type still works with applications, but does not report an
- unregistered type as registered.
-* Restored MIME type list to Mark Overmeer's format to facilitate easy
- exchange between the two projects.
-* Added additional unit tests from Mark Overmeer's 1.12 version.
-== 1.07
-* Changed version numbering to match Perl MIME::Types 1.07.
-* Re-synchronized with Mark Overmeer's list in Perl PMIME::Types 1.07.
-* [NN Poster] updated the attributes for the PGP types.
-== 1.005
-* Changed to Phil Thomson's InstallPackage.
-* Added several types from Perl MIME::Types 1.005.
-* Cleaned up data format; some data formats will show up with proper data now.
-== 1.004
-* Updated to match Perl MIME::Types 1.004, links credited to Dan Puro. Adds
- new reference list to
-* Removed InvalidType and replaced with TypeError.
-* Changed instances of #type to #class.
-* Cleaned up how simplified versions are created.
-== 1.003
-* Initial release based on Perl MIME::Types 1.003.
diff --git a/Licence.rdoc b/
index 3dfa292..318575c 100644
--- a/Licence.rdoc
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-== Licence
+## Licence
-* Copyright 2003–2015 Austin Ziegler and contributors.
+* Copyright 2003–2018 Austin Ziegler and contributors.
The software in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
-=== MIT License
+### MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
diff --git a/Manifest.txt b/Manifest.txt
index 8324a52..9462df0 100644
--- a/Manifest.txt
+++ b/Manifest.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
index ae5ee2e..10f8e97 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@ mime-types 1.x is no longer supported as of 2015-10-27.
=== mime-types 2.x End of Life
-mime-types 2.x is supported as 2.99.x receiving quarterly updates of the IANA
-registry and security updates for two years. It will reach full end of life on
+mime-types 2.x is no longer supported as of 2017-11-21.
=== mime-types 3.x
@@ -195,8 +193,8 @@ features because of the existence of the [mime-types-data][] gem, and if
features are marked deprecated in the course of mime-types 3.x, they will not
be removed until mime-types 4.x or possibly later.
-:include: Code-of-Conduct.rdoc
+{Code of Conduct}[Code-of-Conduct_md.html]
-:include: Contributing.rdoc
-:include: Licence.rdoc
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 47326e1..ef27284 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ spec = Hoe.spec 'mime-types' do
require_ruby_version '>= 2.0'
- self.history_file = 'History.rdoc'
+ self.history_file = ''
self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc'
license 'MIT'
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ spec = Hoe.spec 'mime-types' do
extra_dev_deps << ['minitest', '~> 5.4']
extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-autotest', '~> 1.0']
extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-focus', '~> 1.0']
- extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-bonus-assertions', '~> 2.0']
+ extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-bonus-assertions', '~> 3.0']
extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-hooks', '~> 1.4']
- extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '~> 10.0']
+ extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '>= 10.0', '< 13.0']
extra_dev_deps << ['fivemat', '~> 1.3' ]
extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-rg', '~> 5.2']
diff --git a/lib/mime/type.rb b/lib/mime/type.rb
index 64b14cc..49a4217 100644
--- a/lib/mime/type.rb
+++ b/lib/mime/type.rb
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class MIME::Type
# The released version of the mime-types library.
- VERSION = '3.1'
+ VERSION = '3.2'
include Comparable
diff --git a/lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb b/lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb
index 9edb801..e0e6573 100644
--- a/lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb
+++ b/lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ module MIME
- MIME::Types.logger.warn <<-warning.chomp
+ MIME::Types.logger.warn <<-WARNING.chomp
#{caller[1]}: #{klass}#{level}#{sym} is deprecated #{message}.
- warning
+ WARNING if block
diff --git a/lib/mime/types/loader.rb b/lib/mime/types/loader.rb
index 6570e61..a38ba48 100644
--- a/lib/mime/types/loader.rb
+++ b/lib/mime/types/loader.rb
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ class MIME::Types::Loader
path = path || ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA'] || MIME::Types::Data::PATH
@container = container ||
@path = File.expand_path(path)
- # begin
- # require 'mime/lazy_types'
- # @container.extend(MIME::LazyTypes)
- # end
# Loads a MIME::Types registry from YAML files (<tt>*.yml</tt> or
diff --git a/lib/mime/types/registry.rb b/lib/mime/types/registry.rb
index 7cbd791..fa58618 100644
--- a/lib/mime/types/registry.rb
+++ b/lib/mime/types/registry.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,13 @@ class << MIME::Types
def lazy_load?
- (lazy = ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD']) && (lazy != 'false')
+ MIME::Types.logger.warn <<-WARNING.chomp
+Lazy loading ($RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD) is deprecated and will be removed.
+ (lazy = ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD']) && (lazy != 'false')
+ end
def __types__
diff --git a/mime-types.gemspec b/mime-types.gemspec
index 298dbbc..bdd909d 100644
--- a/mime-types.gemspec
+++ b/mime-types.gemspec
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# stub: mime-types 3.1 ruby lib
+# stub: mime-types 3.2 ruby lib do |s| = "mime-types".freeze
- s.version = "3.1"
+ s.version = "3.2"
s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze]
s.authors = ["Austin Ziegler".freeze]
- = "2018-08-10"
+ = "2018-08-12"
s.description = "The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about\nMIME content type definitions. It can be used to determine defined filename\nextensions for MIME types, or to use filename extensions to look up the likely\nMIME type definitions.\n\nVersion 3.0 is a major release that requires Ruby 2.0 compatibility and removes\ndeprecated functions. The columnar registry format introduced in 2.6 has been\nmade the primary format; the registry data has been extracted from this library\nand put into {mime-types-data}[].\nAdditionally, mime-types is now licensed exclusively under the MIT licence and\nthere is a code of conduct in effect. There are a number of other smaller\nchanges described in the History file.".freeze = ["".freeze]
- s.extra_rdoc_files = ["Code-of-Conduct.rdoc".freeze, "Contributing.rdoc".freeze, "History.rdoc".freeze, "Licence.rdoc".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze]
- s.files = ["Code-of-Conduct.rdoc".freeze, "Contributing.rdoc".freeze, "History.rdoc".freeze, "Licence.rdoc".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze, "Rakefile".freeze, "lib/mime-types.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/type.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/type/columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/_columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/cache.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/container.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/full.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/loader.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/logger.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/registry.rb".freeze, "test/bad-fixtures/malformed".freeze, "test/fixture/json.json".freeze, "test/fixture/old-data".freeze, "test/fixture/yaml.yaml".freeze, "test/minitest_helper.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_type.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_cache.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_class.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_loader.rb".freeze]
+ s.extra_rdoc_files = ["".freeze, "".freeze, "".freeze, "".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze]
+ s.files = ["".freeze, "".freeze, "".freeze, "".freeze, "Manifest.txt".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze, "Rakefile".freeze, "lib/mime-types.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/type.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/type/columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/_columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/cache.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/columnar.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/container.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/deprecations.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/full.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/loader.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/logger.rb".freeze, "lib/mime/types/registry.rb".freeze, "test/bad-fixtures/malformed".freeze, "test/fixture/json.json".freeze, "test/fixture/old-data".freeze, "test/fixture/yaml.yaml".freeze, "test/minitest_helper.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_type.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_cache.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_class.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb".freeze, "test/test_mime_types_loader.rb".freeze]
s.homepage = "".freeze
s.licenses = ["MIT".freeze]
s.rdoc_options = ["--main".freeze, "README.rdoc".freeze]
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ do |s|
s.add_development_dependency(%q<hoe-travis>.freeze, ["~> 1.2"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-autotest>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-focus>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
- s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"])
+ s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 3.0"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-hooks>.freeze, ["~> 1.4"])
- s.add_development_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["~> 10.0"])
+ s.add_development_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["< 13.0", ">= 10.0"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<fivemat>.freeze, ["~> 1.3"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<minitest-rg>.freeze, ["~> 5.2"])
s.add_development_dependency(%q<simplecov>.freeze, ["~> 0.7"])
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ do |s|
s.add_dependency(%q<hoe-travis>.freeze, ["~> 1.2"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-autotest>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-focus>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
- s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"])
+ s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 3.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-hooks>.freeze, ["~> 1.4"])
- s.add_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["~> 10.0"])
+ s.add_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["< 13.0", ">= 10.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<fivemat>.freeze, ["~> 1.3"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-rg>.freeze, ["~> 5.2"])
s.add_dependency(%q<simplecov>.freeze, ["~> 0.7"])
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ do |s|
s.add_dependency(%q<hoe-travis>.freeze, ["~> 1.2"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-autotest>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-focus>.freeze, ["~> 1.0"])
- s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 2.0"])
+ s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-bonus-assertions>.freeze, ["~> 3.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-hooks>.freeze, ["~> 1.4"])
- s.add_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["~> 10.0"])
+ s.add_dependency(%q<rake>.freeze, ["< 13.0", ">= 10.0"])
s.add_dependency(%q<fivemat>.freeze, ["~> 1.3"])
s.add_dependency(%q<minitest-rg>.freeze, ["~> 5.2"])
s.add_dependency(%q<simplecov>.freeze, ["~> 0.7"])
diff --git a/test/test_mime_types_cache.rb b/test/test_mime_types_cache.rb
index 7bbb894..d8cfb3a 100644
--- a/test/test_mime_types_cache.rb
+++ b/test/test_mime_types_cache.rb
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ describe MIME::Types::Cache do
describe '.load' do
it 'does not use cache when RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE is unset' do
- assert_equal(nil, MIME::Types::Cache.load)
+ assert_nil MIME::Types::Cache.load
it 'does not use cache when missing' do
- assert_equal(nil, MIME::Types::Cache.load)
+ assert_nil MIME::Types::Cache.load
it 'registers the data to be updated by #add_extensions' do
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ describe MIME::Types::Cache do
describe '.save' do
it 'does not create cache when RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE is unset' do
- assert_equal(nil,
+ assert_nil
it 'creates the cache ' do
diff --git a/test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb b/test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb
index 75e8dc7..e730ba1 100644
--- a/test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb
+++ b/test/test_mime_types_lazy.rb
@@ -22,17 +22,23 @@ describe MIME::Types, 'lazy loading' do
describe '.lazy_load?' do
it 'is true when RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD is set' do
- assert_equal true, MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ assert_output '', /RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD/ do
+ assert_equal true, MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ end
it 'is nil when RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD is unset' do
- assert_equal nil, MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ assert_output '', '' do
+ assert_nil MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ end
it 'is false when RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD is false' do
- assert_equal false, MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ assert_output '', /RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD/ do
+ assert_equal false, MIME::Types.send(:lazy_load?)
+ end