path: root/src/gm_qc.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gm_qc.erl')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gm_qc.erl b/src/gm_qc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..394cbcbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gm_qc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-define(GROUP, test_group).
+-define(MAX_SIZE, 5).
+-define(MSG_TIMEOUT, 1000000). %% micros
+-export([initial_state/0, command/1, precondition/2, postcondition/3,
+ next_state/3]).
+-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, terminate/2]).
+%% Helpers
+-export([do_join/0, do_leave/1, do_send/1, do_proceed1/1, do_proceed2/2]).
+%% For insertion into gm
+-export([call/3, cast/2, monitor/1, demonitor/1, execute_mnesia_transaction/1]).
+-record(state, {seq, %% symbolic and dynamic
+ instrumented, %% dynamic only
+ outstanding, %% dynamic only
+ monitors, %% dynamic only
+ all_join, %% for symbolic
+ to_join, %% dynamic only
+ to_leave %% for symbolic
+ }).
+prop_gm_test() ->
+ case ?INSTR_MOD of
+ ?MODULE -> ok;
+ _ -> exit(compile_with_INSTRUMENT_FOR_QC)
+ end,
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ erlang:register(?MODULE, self()),
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE), gm_test(Cmds)).
+gm_test(Cmds) ->
+ {_H, State, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ cleanup(State),
+ io:format("Result: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res =:= ok)).
+cleanup(S) ->
+ S2 = ensure_joiners_joined_and_msgs_received(S),
+ All = gms_joined(S2),
+ All = gms(S2), %% assertion - none to join
+ check_stale_members(All),
+ [gm:leave(GM) || GM <- All],
+ drain_and_proceed_gms(S2),
+ [await_death(GM) || GM <- All],
+ gm:forget_group(?GROUP),
+ ok.
+check_stale_members(All) ->
+ GMs = [P || P <- processes(), is_gm_process(?GROUP, P)],
+ case GMs -- All of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Rest -> exit({forgot, Rest})
+ end.
+is_gm_process(Group, P) ->
+ case process_info(P, dictionary) of
+ undefined -> false;
+ {dictionary, D} -> {gm, Group} =:= proplists:get_value(process_name, D)
+ end.
+await_death(P) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, P),
+ await_death(MRef, P).
+await_death(MRef, P) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, P, _} -> ok;
+ {'DOWN', _, _, _, _} -> await_death(MRef, P);
+ {'EXIT', _, normal} -> await_death(MRef, P);
+ {'EXIT', _, Reason} -> exit(Reason);
+ {joined, _GM} -> await_death(MRef, P);
+ {left, _GM} -> await_death(MRef, P);
+ Anything -> exit({stray_msg, Anything})
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% proper_statem
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+initial_state() -> #state{seq = 1,
+ outstanding = dict:new(),
+ instrumented = dict:new(),
+ monitors = dict:new(),
+ all_join = sets:new(),
+ to_join = sets:new(),
+ to_leave = sets:new()}.
+command(S) ->
+ case {length(gms_symb_not_left(S)), length(gms_symb(S))} of
+ {0, 0} -> qc_join(S);
+ {0, _} -> frequency([{1, qc_join(S)},
+ {3, qc_proceed1(S)},
+ {5, qc_proceed2(S)}]);
+ _ -> frequency([{1, qc_join(S)},
+ {1, qc_leave(S)},
+ {10, qc_send(S)},
+ {5, qc_proceed1(S)},
+ {15, qc_proceed2(S)}])
+ end.
+qc_join(_S) -> {call,?MODULE,do_join, []}.
+qc_leave(S) -> {call,?MODULE,do_leave,[oneof(gms_symb_not_left(S))]}.
+qc_send(S) -> {call,?MODULE,do_send, [oneof(gms_symb_not_left(S))]}.
+qc_proceed1(S) -> {call,?MODULE,do_proceed1, [oneof(gms_symb(S))]}.
+qc_proceed2(S) -> {call,?MODULE,do_proceed2, [oneof(gms_symb(S)),
+ oneof(gms_symb(S))]}.
+precondition(S, {call, ?MODULE, do_join, []}) ->
+ length(gms_symb(S)) < ?MAX_SIZE;
+precondition(_S, {call, ?MODULE, do_leave, [_GM]}) ->
+ true;
+precondition(_S, {call, ?MODULE, do_send, [_GM]}) ->
+ true;
+precondition(_S, {call, ?MODULE, do_proceed1, [_GM]}) ->
+ true;
+precondition(_S, {call, ?MODULE, do_proceed2, [GM1, GM2]}) ->
+ GM1 =/= GM2.
+postcondition(_S, {call, _M, _F, _A}, _Res) ->
+ true.
+next_state(S = #state{to_join = ToSet,
+ all_join = AllSet}, GM, {call, ?MODULE, do_join, []}) ->
+ S#state{to_join = sets:add_element(GM, ToSet),
+ all_join = sets:add_element(GM, AllSet)};
+next_state(S = #state{to_leave = Set}, _Res, {call, ?MODULE, do_leave, [GM]}) ->
+ S#state{to_leave = sets:add_element(GM, Set)};
+next_state(S = #state{seq = Seq,
+ outstanding = Outstanding}, _Res,
+ {call, ?MODULE, do_send, [GM]}) ->
+ case is_pid(GM) andalso lists:member(GM, gms_joined(S)) of
+ true ->
+ %% Dynamic state, i.e. runtime
+ Msg = [{sequence, Seq},
+ {sent_to, GM},
+ {dests, gms_joined(S)}],
+ gm:broadcast(GM, Msg),
+ Outstanding1 = dict:map(
+ fun (_GM, Set) ->
+ gb_sets:add_element(Msg, Set)
+ end, Outstanding),
+ drain(S#state{seq = Seq + 1,
+ outstanding = Outstanding1});
+ false ->
+ S
+ end;
+next_state(S, _Res, {call, ?MODULE, do_proceed1, [Pid]}) ->
+ proceed(Pid, S);
+next_state(S, _Res, {call, ?MODULE, do_proceed2, [From, To]}) ->
+ proceed({From, To}, S).
+proceed(K, S = #state{instrumented = Msgs}) ->
+ case dict:find(K, Msgs) of
+ {ok, Q} -> case queue:out(Q) of
+ {{value, Thing}, Q2} ->
+ S2 = proceed(K, Thing, S),
+ S2#state{instrumented = dict:store(K, Q2, Msgs)};
+ {empty, _} ->
+ S
+ end;
+ error -> S
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% GM
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+joined(Pid, _Members) -> Pid ! {joined, self()},
+ ok.
+members_changed(_Pid, _Bs, _Ds) -> ok.
+handle_msg(Pid, _From, Msg) -> Pid ! {gm, self(), Msg}, ok.
+terminate(Pid, _Reason) -> Pid ! {left, self()}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Helpers
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_join() ->
+ {ok, GM} = gm:start_link(?GROUP, ?MODULE, self(),
+ fun execute_mnesia_transaction/1),
+ GM.
+do_leave(GM) ->
+ gm:leave(GM),
+ GM.
+%% We need to update the state, so do the work in next_state
+do_send( _GM) -> ok.
+do_proceed1(_Pid) -> ok.
+do_proceed2(_From, _To) -> ok.
+%% All GMs, joined and to join
+gms(#state{outstanding = Outstanding,
+ to_join = ToJoin}) ->
+ dict:fetch_keys(Outstanding) ++ sets:to_list(ToJoin).
+%% All GMs, joined and to join
+gms_joined(#state{outstanding = Outstanding}) ->
+ dict:fetch_keys(Outstanding).
+%% All GMs including those that have left (symbolic)
+gms_symb(#state{all_join = AllJoin}) ->
+ sets:to_list(AllJoin).
+%% All GMs not including those that have left (symbolic)
+gms_symb_not_left(#state{all_join = AllJoin,
+ to_leave = ToLeave}) ->
+ sets:to_list(sets:subtract(AllJoin, ToLeave)).
+drain(S) ->
+ receive
+ Msg -> drain(handle_msg(Msg, S))
+ after 10 -> S
+ end.
+drain_and_proceed_gms(S0) ->
+ S = #state{instrumented = Msgs} = drain(S0),
+ case dict:size(Msgs) of
+ 0 -> S;
+ _ -> S1 = dict:fold(
+ fun (Key, Q, Si) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Msg, Sij) ->
+ proceed(Key, Msg, Sij)
+ end, Si, queue:to_list(Q))
+ end, S, Msgs),
+ drain_and_proceed_gms(S1#state{instrumented = dict:new()})
+ end.
+handle_msg({gm, GM, Msg}, S = #state{outstanding = Outstanding}) ->
+ case dict:find(GM, Outstanding) of
+ {ok, Set} ->
+ Set2 = gb_sets:del_element(Msg, Set),
+ S#state{outstanding = dict:store(GM, Set2, Outstanding)};
+ error ->
+ %% Message from GM that has already died. OK.
+ S
+ end;
+handle_msg({instrumented, Key, Thing}, S = #state{instrumented = Msgs}) ->
+ Q1 = case dict:find(Key, Msgs) of
+ {ok, Q} -> queue:in(Thing, Q);
+ error -> queue:from_list([Thing])
+ end,
+ S#state{instrumented = dict:store(Key, Q1, Msgs)};
+handle_msg({joined, GM}, S = #state{outstanding = Outstanding,
+ to_join = ToJoin}) ->
+ S#state{outstanding = dict:store(GM, gb_sets:empty(), Outstanding),
+ to_join = sets:del_element(GM, ToJoin)};
+handle_msg({left, GM}, S = #state{outstanding = Outstanding,
+ to_join = ToJoin}) ->
+ true = dict:is_key(GM, Outstanding) orelse sets:is_element(GM, ToJoin),
+ S#state{outstanding = dict:erase(GM, Outstanding),
+ to_join = sets:del_element(GM, ToJoin)};
+handle_msg({'DOWN', MRef, _, From, _} = Msg, S = #state{monitors = Mons}) ->
+ To = dict:fetch(MRef, Mons),
+ handle_msg({instrumented, {From, To}, {info, Msg}},
+ S#state{monitors = dict:erase(MRef, Mons)});
+handle_msg({'EXIT', _From, normal}, S) ->
+ S;
+handle_msg({'EXIT', _From, Reason}, _S) ->
+ %% We just trapped exits to get nicer SASL logging.
+ exit(Reason).
+proceed({_From, To}, {cast, Msg}, S) -> gen_server2:cast(To, Msg), S;
+proceed({_From, To}, {info, Msg}, S) -> To ! Msg, S;
+proceed({From, _To}, {wait, Ref}, S) -> From ! {proceed, Ref}, S;
+proceed({From, To}, {mon, Ref}, S) -> add_monitor(From, To, Ref, S);
+proceed(_Pid, {demon, MRef}, S) -> erlang:demonitor(MRef), S;
+proceed(Pid, {wait, Ref}, S) -> Pid ! {proceed, Ref}, S.
+%% NB From here is To in handle_msg/DOWN above, since the msg is going
+%% the other way
+add_monitor(From, To, Ref, S = #state{monitors = Mons}) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, To),
+ From ! {mref, Ref, MRef},
+ S#state{monitors = dict:store(MRef, From, Mons)}.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Assertions
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ensure_joiners_joined_and_msgs_received(S0) ->
+ S = drain_and_proceed_gms(S0),
+ case outstanding_joiners(S) of
+ true -> ensure_joiners_joined_and_msgs_received(S);
+ false -> case outstanding_msgs(S) of
+ [] -> S;
+ Out -> exit({outstanding_msgs, Out})
+ end
+ end.
+outstanding_joiners(#state{to_join = ToJoin}) ->
+ sets:size(ToJoin) > 0.
+outstanding_msgs(#state{outstanding = Outstanding}) ->
+ dict:fold(fun (GM, Set, OS) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Set) of
+ true -> OS;
+ false -> [{GM, gb_sets:to_list(Set)} | OS]
+ end
+ end, [], Outstanding).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% For insertion into GM
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+call(Pid, Msg, infinity) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ whereis(?MODULE) ! {instrumented, {self(), Pid}, {wait, Ref}},
+ receive
+ {proceed, Ref} -> ok
+ end,
+ gen_server2:call(Pid, Msg, infinity).
+cast(Pid, Msg) ->
+ whereis(?MODULE) ! {instrumented, {self(), Pid}, {cast, Msg}},
+ ok.
+monitor(Pid) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ whereis(?MODULE) ! {instrumented, {self(), Pid}, {mon, Ref}},
+ receive
+ {mref, Ref, MRef} -> MRef
+ end.
+demonitor(MRef) ->
+ whereis(?MODULE) ! {instrumented, self(), {demon, MRef}},
+ true.
+execute_mnesia_transaction(Fun) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ whereis(?MODULE) ! {instrumented, self(), {wait, Ref}},
+ receive
+ {proceed, Ref} -> ok
+ end,
+ rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(Fun).
+prop_disabled() ->
+ exit({compiled_without_proper,
+ "PropEr was not present during compilation of the test module. "
+ "Hence all tests are disabled."}).