path: root/src/rabbit_vm.erl
diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2012-10-02 16:53:06 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2012-10-02 16:53:06 +0100
commit959c2cdbd1622e0cfdd95866af0f1344d48eb3b0 (patch)
tree6e092513e4694e22fb7f22e8266d2a3c4bfb21f5 /src/rabbit_vm.erl
parentc176dd0e4febbfe0ac24469a5a462652ebdb7039 (diff)
Various tweaks.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_vm.erl')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_vm.erl b/src/rabbit_vm.erl
index 9f9b9fbe..1323512b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_vm.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_vm.erl
@@ -16,25 +16,24 @@
--export([memory/0, interval_operation/3]).
--define(MAGIC_PLUGINS, [mochiweb, webmachine, cowboy, sockjs, rfc4627_jsonrpc]).
+-define(MAGIC_PLUGINS, ["mochiweb", "webmachine", "cowboy", "sockjs",
+ "rfc4627_jsonrpc"]).
-spec(memory/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()).
--spec(interval_operation/3 ::
- (fun (() -> any()), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer())
- -> {any(), non_neg_integer()}).
%% Like erlang:memory(), but with awareness of rabbit-y things
memory() ->
- ConnChs = sup_memory(rabbit_tcp_client_sup) +
+ Conns = sup_memory(rabbit_tcp_client_sup) +
sup_memory(ssl_connection_sup) + sup_memory(amqp_sup),
Qs = sup_memory(rabbit_amqqueue_sup) +
@@ -53,37 +52,26 @@ memory() ->
{code, Code},
{system, System}] =
erlang:memory([total, processes, ets, atom, binary, code, system]),
- OtherProc = Processes - ConnChs - Qs - MsgIndexProc - MgmtDbProc - Plugins,
- [{total, Total},
- {connection_channel_procs, ConnChs},
- {queue_procs, Qs},
- {plugins, Plugins},
- {other_proc, lists:max([0, OtherProc])}, %% [1]
- {mnesia, Mnesia},
- {mgmt_db, MgmtDbETS + MgmtDbProc},
- {msg_index, MsgIndexETS + MsgIndexProc},
- {other_ets, ETS - Mnesia - MsgIndexETS - MgmtDbETS},
- {binary, Bin},
- {code, Code},
- {atom, Atom},
- {other_system, System - ETS - Atom - Bin - Code}].
+ OtherProc = Processes - Conns - Qs - MsgIndexProc - MgmtDbProc - Plugins,
+ [{total, Total},
+ {connection_procs, Conns},
+ {queue_procs, Qs},
+ {plugins, Plugins},
+ {other_proc, lists:max([0, OtherProc])}, %% [1]
+ {mnesia, Mnesia},
+ {mgmt_db, MgmtDbETS + MgmtDbProc},
+ {msg_index, MsgIndexETS + MsgIndexProc},
+ {other_ets, ETS - Mnesia - MsgIndexETS - MgmtDbETS},
+ {binary, Bin},
+ {code, Code},
+ {atom, Atom},
+ {other_system, System - ETS - Atom - Bin - Code}].
%% [1] - erlang:memory(processes) can be less than the sum of its
%% parts. Rather than display something nonsensical, just silence any
%% claims about negative memory. See
-%% Ideally, you'd want Fun to run every IdealInterval. but you don't
-%% want it to take more than MaxTime per IdealInterval. So if it takes
-%% more then you want to run it less often. So we time how long it
-%% takes to run, and then suggest how long you should wait before
-%% running it again. Times are in millis.
-interval_operation(Fun, MaxTime, IdealInterval) ->
- {Micros, Res} = timer:tc(Fun),
- Ratio = lists:max([1, Micros / MaxTime / 1000]),
- {Res, round(IdealInterval * Ratio)}.
sup_memory(Sup) ->
@@ -121,7 +109,7 @@ bytes(Words) -> Words * erlang:system_info(wordsize).
plugins_memory() ->
lists:sum([plugin_memory(App) ||
{App, _, _} <- application:which_applications(),
- is_plugin(App)]).
+ is_plugin(atom_to_list(App))]).
plugin_memory(App) ->
case catch application_master:get_child(
@@ -130,6 +118,5 @@ plugin_memory(App) ->
_ -> 0
-is_plugin(App) ->
- lists:member(App, ?MAGIC_PLUGINS) orelse
- string:left(atom_to_list(App), 9) =:= "rabbitmq_".
+is_plugin("rabbitmq_" ++ _) -> true;
+is_plugin(App) -> lists:member(App, ?MAGIC_PLUGINS).