path: root/src/rabbit.erl
diff options
authorTim Watson <>2014-03-13 22:49:16 +0000
committerTim Watson <>2014-03-13 22:49:16 +0000
commit5f8d433a545c7ec150fc69c9f94be67ed6219325 (patch)
tree6ff91868c3aaaf67661bef96e5ccc20377c490a4 /src/rabbit.erl
parentaea7d7763d89bd3395147f2c0d056d4301ef9cc0 (diff)
Refactor: Simplify boot/cleanup step handling and unify modules
Isolate boot steps to a set of applications and avoid using ets to track which have run. This also simplifies cleanup step execution. The force_reload code isn't needed, since the real issue preventing updated versions of modules from being found lay in the proper expansion of (the correct set of) .ez archives, which was fixed in revision 1918e77. Unify all the boot handling code under rabbit.erl once again and now completely remove rabbit_boot, since it's no longer needed. Remove unused exports and tidy.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit.erl')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 46838364..c703fedb 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-export([run_boot_steps/0, load_steps/1, run_step/3]).
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
--export([handle_app_error/1, start_apps/1]).
+-export([start_apps/1, stop_apps/1]).
-export([log_location/1]). %% for testing
@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@
-spec(maybe_insert_default_data/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(boot_delegate/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(recover/0 :: () -> 'ok').
--spec(handle_app_error/1 :: (term()) -> fun((atom(), term()) -> no_return())).
@@ -343,10 +342,10 @@ handle_app_error(Term) ->
start_apps(Apps) ->
- rabbit_boot:force_reload(Apps),
+ app_utils:load_applications(Apps),
StartupApps = app_utils:app_dependency_order(Apps, false),
case whereis(rabbit_boot) of
- undefined -> rabbit:run_boot_steps();
+ undefined -> run_boot_steps(Apps);
_ -> ok
ok = app_utils:start_applications(StartupApps,
@@ -393,6 +392,29 @@ stop_and_halt() ->
+stop_apps(Apps) ->
+ try
+ ok = app_utils:stop_applications(
+ Apps, handle_app_error(error_during_shutdown))
+ after
+ run_cleanup_steps(Apps),
+ [begin
+ {ok, Mods} = application:get_key(App, modules),
+ [begin
+ code:soft_purge(Mod),
+ code:delete(Mod),
+ false = code:is_loaded(Mod)
+ end || Mod <- Mods],
+ application:unload(App)
+ end || App <- Apps]
+ end.
+run_cleanup_steps(Apps) ->
+ [run_step(Name, Attributes, cleanup) ||
+ {App, Name, Attributes} <- load_steps(Apps),
+ lists:member(App, Apps)],
+ ok.
await_startup() ->
@@ -463,7 +485,6 @@ start(normal, []) ->
true = register(rabbit, self()),
- rabbit_boot:prepare_boot_table(),
{ok, SupPid};
Error ->
@@ -493,16 +514,12 @@ app_shutdown_order() ->
%% boot step logic
run_boot_steps() ->
- Steps = load_steps(boot),
- [ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- Steps],
- ok.
+ run_boot_steps([App || {App, _, _} <- application:loaded_applications()]).
-run_boot_step({_, StepName, Attributes}) ->
- case catch rabbit_boot:already_run(StepName) of
- false -> ok = run_step(StepName, Attributes, mfa),
- rabbit_boot:mark_complete(StepName);
- _ -> ok
- end,
+run_boot_steps(Apps) ->
+ Steps = load_steps(Apps),
+ [ok = run_step(StepName, Attributes, mfa) ||
+ {_, StepName, Attributes} <- Steps],
run_step(StepName, Attributes, AttributeName) ->
@@ -524,45 +541,71 @@ run_step(StepName, Attributes, AttributeName) ->
-load_steps(Type) ->
+load_steps(BaseApps) ->
+ Apps = BaseApps -- app_utils:which_applications(), %% exclude running apps
StepAttrs = rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes_with_app(rabbit_boot_step),
- sort_boot_steps(
- Type,
- lists:usort(
- [{Mod, {AppName, Steps}} || {AppName, Mod, Steps} <- StepAttrs])).
+ {AllSteps, StepsDict} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({AppName, Mod, Steps}, {AccSteps, AccDict}) ->
+ {[{Mod, {AppName, Steps}}|AccSteps],
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({StepName, _}, Acc) ->
+ dict:store(StepName, AppName, Acc)
+ end, AccDict, Steps)}
+ end, {[], dict:new()}, StepAttrs),
+ Steps = lists:foldl(filter_steps(Apps, StepsDict), [], AllSteps),
+ sort_boot_steps(lists:usort(Steps)).
+filter_steps(Apps, Dict) ->
+ fun({Mod, {AppName, Steps}}, Acc) ->
+ Steps2 = [begin
+ Filtered = lists:foldl(filter_attrs(Apps, Dict),
+ [], Attrs),
+ {Step, Filtered}
+ end || {Step, Attrs} <- Steps,
+ filter_app(Apps, Dict, Step)],
+ [{Mod, {AppName, Steps2}}|Acc]
+ end.
+filter_app(Apps, Dict, Step) ->
+ case dict:find(Step, Dict) of
+ {ok, App} -> lists:member(App, Apps);
+ error -> false
+ end.
+filter_attrs(Apps, Dict) ->
+ fun(Attr={Type, Other}, AccAttrs) when Type =:= requires orelse
+ Type =:= enables ->
+ %% If we don't know about a dependency, we allow it through,
+ %% since we don't *know* that it should be ignored. If, on
+ %% the other hand, we recognise a dependency then we _only_
+ %% include it (i.e., the requires/enables attribute itself)
+ %% if the referenced step comes from one of the Apps we're
+ %% actively working with at this point.
+ case dict:find(Other, Dict) of
+ error -> [Attr | AccAttrs];
+ {ok, App} -> case lists:member(App, Apps) of
+ true -> [Attr | AccAttrs];
+ false -> AccAttrs
+ end
+ end;
+ (Attr, AccAttrs) ->
+ [Attr | AccAttrs]
+ end.
vertices(_Module, {AppName, Steps}) ->
[{StepName, {AppName, StepName, Atts}} || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps].
-edges(Type) ->
- %% When running "boot" steps, both hard _and_ soft dependencies are
- %% considered equally. When running "cleanup" steps however, we only
- %% consider /hard/ dependencies (i.e., of the form
- %% {DependencyType, {hard, StepName}}) as dependencies.
- fun (_Module, {_AppName, Steps}) ->
- [case Key of
- requires -> {StepName, strip_type(OtherStep)};
- enables -> {strip_type(OtherStep), StepName}
- end || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps,
- {Key, OtherStep} <- Atts,
- filter_dependent_steps(Key, OtherStep, Type)]
- end.
+edges(_Module, {_AppName, Steps}) ->
+ [case Key of
+ requires -> {StepName, OtherStep};
+ enables -> {OtherStep, StepName}
+ end || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps,
+ {Key, OtherStep} <- Atts,
+ Key =:= requires orelse Key =:= enables].
-filter_dependent_steps(Key, Dependency, Type)
- when Key =:= requires orelse Key =:= enables ->
- case {Dependency, Type} of
- {{hard, _}, cleanup} -> true;
- {_SoftReqs, cleanup} -> false;
- {_, boot} -> true
- end;
-filter_dependent_steps(_, _, _) ->
- false.
-strip_type({hard, Step}) -> Step;
-strip_type(Step) -> Step.
-sort_boot_steps(Type, UnsortedSteps) ->
- case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(fun vertices/2, edges(Type),
+sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(fun vertices/2, fun edges/2,
UnsortedSteps) of
{ok, G} ->
%% Use topological sort to find a consistent ordering (if