diff options
authorJean-Sebastien Pedron <>2014-12-03 15:43:57 +0100
committerJean-Sebastien Pedron <>2014-12-03 15:43:57 +0100
commitbca1e2ea0903c8ce1c130a08a16f86eff5fb0e44 (patch)
parent6205faa415846869ccabe016da6940dd2c966f2e (diff)
Throw an error if at least one plugin's module can't be loadedbug26446
This prevents a plugin from being enabled if it won't be able to actually run later. A use case for this is a plugin built with Erlang version N, but executed on Erlang version M, where M isn't capable of running the bytecode from N. This was the case with Eralng R14B vs. R15B. The "rabbitmq-plugins enable <plugin>" command reports the error and the plugin remains disabled. A node reports the error too and refuses to start, exactly as if the plugin was missing.
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
index dfde5289..55f7359b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
@@ -208,7 +208,27 @@ clean_plugin(Plugin, ExpandDir) ->
delete_recursively(rabbit_misc:format("~s/~s", [ExpandDir, Plugin])).
prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescPath) ->
- code:add_patha(filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath)).
+ PluginEbinDir = filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath),
+ Plugin = filename:basename(PluginAppDescPath, ".app"),
+ code:add_patha(PluginEbinDir),
+ case filelib:wildcard(PluginEbinDir++ "/*.beam") of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [BeamPath | _] ->
+ Module = list_to_atom(filename:basename(BeamPath, ".beam")),
+ case code:ensure_loaded(Module) of
+ {module, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, badfile} ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Failed to enable plugin \"~s\": "
+ "it may have been built with an "
+ "incompatible (more recent?) "
+ "version of Erlang~n", [Plugin]),
+ throw({plugin_built_with_incompatible_erlang, Plugin});
+ Error ->
+ throw({plugin_module_unloadable, Plugin, Error})
+ end
+ end.