diff options
authorBen Hood <>2009-01-22 00:01:58 +0000
committerBen Hood <>2009-01-22 00:01:58 +0000
commitd99424d4dec619c6541cdf5d282fc64b0f055d55 (patch)
parent1ae672401da23f9a4252f361293766cddcc0179e (diff)
Implemented test for bogus intentsbug20149
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_capability.erl b/src/rabbit_capability.erl
index 1dc07d71..cae713f9 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_capability.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_capability.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
--record('delegate.create', {capability,
- command, content}).
+-record('delegate.create', {capability, command, content}).
-record('delegate.create_ok', {forwarding_facet, revoking_facet}).
-record('delegate.revoke', {capability}).
-record('delegate.revoke_ok', {}).
@@ -17,8 +16,17 @@
%% generated capability
-record('secure.ok', {capability}).
+%% This is a new version of the basic.publish command that carries a
+%% capability in the command - NB you *could* put this into the message
+%% arguments but it makes the usage cmplicated and ambiguous
+-record('basic.publish2', {capability}).
-record(state, {caps = dict:new()}).
+test() ->
+ ok = exchange_declare_test(),
+ ok = bogus_intent_test().
%% This is a test case to for creating and revoking forwarding capabilites,
%% which follows the following steps:
@@ -86,21 +94,35 @@ exchange_declare_test() ->
= run_command(BobsExchangeDeclare, State7),
-bind_test() ->
+%% This is a test case to for creating and forwarding capabilites on the
+%% same exchange entity. This demonstrates how different delegates
+%% encapsulate different intents in a way that is specified by the owner
+%% of the underlying entity:
+%% 1. There is a root capability to create exchanges and bindings
+%% as well as to publish messages;
+%% 2. Root creates a delegate to these functionalities and gives
+%% the forwarding facets to Alice;
+%% 3. Alice creates an exchange that she would like to protect;
+%% 4. Alice creates a delegate to allow Bob to bind queues to her exchange
+%% and a delegate to allow Carol to publish messages to her exchange
+%% 5. After this has been verified, Bob and Carol try to be sneaky with
+%% the delegates they have been given. Each one of them tries to misuse
+%% the capability to perform a different action to the delegate they
+%% possess, i.e. Bob tries to send a message whilst Carol tries to bind
+%% a queue to the exchange - they both find out that their respective
+%% capabilities have been bound by intent :-)
+bogus_intent_test() ->
%% Create the root state
RootState = root_state(),
%% Assert that root can issue bind and publish commands
RootsBind = #'queue.bind'{arguments = [bind_root]},
{#'secure.ok'{}, State0}
= run_command(RootsBind, RootState),
- RootsPublish = #'basic.publish'{},
- Cont = #content{class_id = 60, %% Hardcoded :-)
- properties = #'P_basic'{headers = [publish_root]},
- properties_bin = none,
- %% Define as undefined to make a distinction
- payload_fragments_rev = undefined},
- {noreply, State0} = run_command(RootsPublish, Cont, RootState),
+ RootsPublish = #'basic.publish2'{capability = publish_root},
+ {noreply, State0} = run_command(RootsPublish, #content{}, RootState),
%% Create a delegate to create exchanges
RootExchangeDeclare = #'exchange.declare'{arguments = [exchange_root]},
@@ -162,16 +184,30 @@ bind_test() ->
%% Create a delegate to give to Carol so that she can send messages
- ContentDelegate
- = #content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = [AlicesPublishForward]}},
+ CarolsPublishDelegate
+ = #'basic.publish2'{capability = AlicesPublishForward},
{#'delegate.create_ok'{forwarding_facet = CarolsPublishForward,
revoking_facet = AlicesPublishRevoke}, State8}
= run_command(#'delegate.create'{capability = delegate_create_root,
- command = #'basic.publish'{}
- },
- ContentDelegate,
+ command = CarolsPublishDelegate},
+ %% Then have Carol publish a message
+ CarolsPublish = #'basic.publish2'{capability = CarolsPublishForward},
+ {noreply, _} = run_command(CarolsPublish, #content{}, State8),
+ %% Carol then tries to bind a queue to the exchange that she *knows* about
+ CarolsBind = #'queue.bind'{queue = <<"untrusted">>,
+ routing_key = <<"also untrusted">>,
+ arguments = [CarolsPublishForward]},
+ {access_denied, _} = run_command(CarolsBind, State8),
+ %% Alternatively let Bob try to publish a message to
+ %% the exchange that he *knows* about
+ BobsPublish = #'basic.publish2'{capability = BobsBindForward},
+ {access_denied, _} = run_command(BobsPublish, #content{}, State8),
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -190,14 +226,8 @@ run_command(Command = #'delegate.create'{capability = Cap}, State) ->
run_command(Command = #'delegate.revoke'{capability = Cap}, State) ->
execute_delegate(Command, Cap, State).
-run_command(Command = #'delegate.create'{capability = Cap},
- Content, State) ->
- execute_delegate(Command, Content, Cap, State);
-run_command(Command = #'basic.publish'{},
- Content = #content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = [Cap|_]}},
- State) ->
+run_command(Command = #'basic.publish2'{capability = Cap}, Content, State) ->
execute_delegate(Command, Content, Cap, State).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -205,13 +235,21 @@ run_command(Command = #'basic.publish'{},
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
execute_delegate(Command, Cap, State) ->
case resolve_capability(Cap, State) of
- {ok, Fun} -> Fun(Command, State);
+ {ok, Fun} -> case catch Fun(Command, State) of
+ %% Put this in case an f/3 delegate is resolved
+ {'EXIT', _} -> {access_denied, State};
+ X -> X
+ end;
error -> {access_denied, State}
execute_delegate(Command, Content, Cap, State) ->
case resolve_capability(Cap, State) of
- {ok, Fun} -> Fun(Command, Content, State);
+ {ok, Fun} -> case catch Fun(Command, Content, State) of
+ %% Put this in case an f/2 delegate is resolved
+ {'EXIT', _} -> {access_denied, State};
+ X -> X
+ end;
error -> {access_denied, State}
@@ -253,7 +291,7 @@ root_state() ->
end, State2),
%% The root capability to create publish messages
State4 = add_capability(publish_root,
- fun(Command = #'basic.publish'{},
+ fun(Command = #'basic.publish2'{},
Content, State) ->
handle_method(Command, Content, State)
end, State3),
@@ -265,48 +303,36 @@ root_state() ->
%% This is roughly analogous the current channel API in Rabbit.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-handle_method(Delegate = #'delegate.create'{}, State) ->
- handle_method(Delegate, none, State);
-handle_method(Command = #'exchange.declare'{}, State) ->
- Cap = uuid(),
- %% TODO Do something with this
- {#'secure.ok'{capability = Cap}, State};
-handle_method(Command = #'queue.bind'{queue = Q,
- exchange = X,
- routing_key = K}, State) ->
- Cap = uuid(),
- %% TODO Do something with this
- {#'secure.ok'{capability = Cap}, State}.
handle_method(#'delegate.create'{capability = Cap,
- command = Command}, Content, State) ->
+ command = Command}, State) ->
true = is_valid(Command),
ForwardCapability = uuid(),
RevokeCapability = uuid(),
- %% If the command types do not match up, then throw an error
- Check = fun(X) ->
+ ForwardingFacet =
+ case contains_content(Command) of
+ false ->
+ fun(_Command, _State) ->
+ %% If the command types do not match up, then throw an error
+ if
+ element(1, _Command) =:= element(1, Command) ->
+ run_command(Command, _State);
+ true ->
+ exit(command_mismatch)
+ end
+ end;
+ %% This is copy and paste, could be better factored :-(
+ true ->
+ fun(_Command, _Content, _State) ->
+ %% If the command types do not match up, then throw an error
- element(1, X) =:= element(1, Command) -> ok;
- true -> exit(command_mismatch)
+ element(1, _Command) =:= element(1, Command) ->
+ run_command(Command, _Content, _State);
+ true ->
+ exit(command_mismatch)
- end,
- ForwardingFacet
- = case Content of
- none -> fun(_Command, _State) ->
- Check(_Command),
- run_command(Command, _State)
- end;
- _ ->
- fun(_Command, _Content, _State) ->
- Check(_Command),
- run_command(Command, _Content, _State)
- end
- end,
+ end
+ end,
RevokingFacet = fun(_Command, _State) ->
NewState = remove_capability(ForwardCapability,
@@ -319,10 +345,21 @@ handle_method(#'delegate.create'{capability = Cap,
{#'delegate.create_ok'{forwarding_facet = ForwardCapability,
revoking_facet = RevokeCapability}, NewState2};
-handle_method(Command = #'basic.publish'{}, Content, State) ->
+handle_method(Command = #'exchange.declare'{}, State) ->
+ Cap = uuid(), %% TODO Do something with this
+ {#'secure.ok'{capability = Cap}, State};
+handle_method(Command = #'queue.bind'{queue = Q,
+ exchange = X,
+ routing_key = K}, State) ->
+ Cap = uuid(), %% TODO Do something with this
+ {#'secure.ok'{capability = Cap}, State}.
+handle_method(Command = #'basic.publish2'{}, Content, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
+contains_content(#'basic.publish2'{}) -> true;
+contains_content(_) -> false.
-is_valid(_Command) ->
- true.
+is_valid(_Command) -> true.